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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1896)
iferalft X v - , HEMINGEOHD, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, teaASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 1. 1896. . f .. f 1 1 ' VOL. 2. NO- 10 -, lih s' Ui N The Herald. OFFICIAL PARER OF i BOX BUTTE COUNTY. 1.1l-t....1 . i.1B. .nrl 1tjrMl ftt tha Hpoat-oUico in IlMntwsfon). Nebraska, kn second- IH mall mattr. Til JIsiuld in Unvoted to fohe intoresin ot llcralnsfOnl and llux HutUi Pveonntj. THOS. J. O'KEEFE, Publisher. HuqiCMPTioM jutes: I ONE YCAll ?1W ,WX MONTHS.. 4 w COUNTY OmOKKS. r .11 1 libra .... "Ttm ! ... i .-.. nut. A. M.Miixru i... TrciwaKT. Jab. II. II. Hv.wi.-r. ...., vsa ::'.mW ... V t? .MUM. ' II. r. Guam i.. Attorney. ' Miss A. IS. Nkbiand.... Superi.itendpnt. riUH.Uiusx , Surveyor. l)n. W. K. M.l.t.Mi , ... (oronor. r. i i nn Ki.nLt . .....a. .... jAMniHAimT 'ommiionpr ist oiKt. it. ii. w nun .... ...... - . iu oik !. Jas. Hou.i.vnAKK. '(. W. Duncan . ... t ommtHMouorxna iiist. t'ommumor:irdi)iBU MAin DiimrroiiY. llrMivnrnnn nostnfliprt. On woek lr door ix,ns at 7 a. m., Renin til dolivery oiieua at hn. i 1 ni and closoit at 8 p.'jn. Upon Sundays 0 to t in., m. I nnuNOKouD axd Box Butte etago dally except Sunday. ' Hbmivofobd aud UojtiAr stago, Monday -fe n WKlnewUy ana rr Olruroli t3ireotory. tONGUKOATIOXAU Proaclilnffonch iilter lnstc Sundny, b-'plntiliij: January. 1, IfOJ, at , 11 o'clock ii. m., mid at T p. ni. Siimlav School .ut 10 a. in. i'ruyur Meeting each Wvdneeday at 7 p. m. ''pEltMAX l,UTHEItAN:-Srvlc.-s nt ttio ,7t'outt IIouko. tjov. Wundcrllch, I'mstor. tATHOMU. lloi t'liarloZak I'URtor. MI.TtlODIST.-Uev .l.W. Kendall Pnitof l'rtMichtni; tho ttecond mid iourtU Hunduy in each month ut II a, m .jcl"i."m. TAl'ISCOPAL. Servlci'B In tho Colirretat- Services on the third Til Ht p. m. J'j.onui Cnurc!.. wv. fiiHtor, .rsduy In each month jUmx yiiS New Short Lino to Helena, Butto Spokano, Seattle and Tacoma X. & "W. O. Time C?a,r.L s No. KA8T BOUND. 42. pa4fHnKr arrlvuu ut l.lAa.m, fi.Oop.ra, loaou. to f.ireiclit 48 frulelu nrrlvoA tit WB8T BOUND. No. 41 pnRnKurjirrlve8ftt " 4Sfrolrht 4:1". a. in. ll: p. ni. 3:.u p. ni " 47 (ntiKht firriviis nt All trains onrrr pasnonuors. W. SI. CorKWND, AKn L. y. BOWHAN 1 Phjsicjan and Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEhC Office rooms and residence in Draver block, up sfciirs. ?. Special attention givn to dis eases of children . Having purchased , . of J. M. Trout his Shire stallion, "SAXpN 'KING" and his French conch stallion, QUINAULT, I will stand ihem dufing the season at my farm, six miles west and two north of Hemincford. Terms, So to in 'fiure. These stallions are too well known to need further description. A. S. Exykart. Look tit those Ave cents prima at Wild.'-,. I will buy your county warrants. H. R. GltEEN. BURBANK BUDGET. G. E. Mark was transacting bus iness in Goring Saturday. Roy Whipple will start for the Big Horn Basin in a few' days. Messrs. John Severson and R. S. Green started' for tho woods Monday.1 Jamea Connelly and family will start for (Montana soon where thoy will visit relatives all summer. School in district No. 10 is pro gressing nicely under tho efficient rotinagcment of Miss Iola Devorc. Large quantities of potatoes and other vegetables uro being planted under tho Oasis ditch ifnd ere long tho valley will blossom , as the rose. . G. W. Rngnn, who has been pufferijig from a. complication o disordoa tho pttst few days is rapidly' recovering, ftp aro dad lo note. . ' Quick Said. J. 0. Alexander of Arduioijo is spending tv ' few days in this vicinity. Dr. W. K. Miller, was korjt in Hemingford, all day Tuesday by the rain storm. Misses Gurnet Kendall and Delia Reed gavo a party to a number of tljoir friends Wednes day evening and a very ploa'sant timo is ropqrted. Miss Georgia Miller, our obliging doputy treasurer, is tho proud possessor of a brand How upright piano, a gift from her indulgent f&thor. Operator'' S. U. Wallick has been transferred to Provo, S. D., 'as acent. and is succeeded hero . . . ' . , , , hv .T. S. Chambers, lately of Clearmont, "Wyo. "We are indebted to Messrs. I. E. Tash and C. J. Wildy for valuable asistanco on The Her ald this week, during tho editor's absence at the state convention. There will be a meeting at tho court house Monday evening May 4th. to decide upon plans for exercises on Decoration day, May 80th. Everybody should attend. The heaviest rain which has visited Box Butto county since Juno was that of Tuesday which lasted for 12 hours and will go a long way towards insuring tho bountiful crop which tho Her ald predicted for this season. Wo acknowledge receipt of an invitation to attend tho May party fo bo given at Alliance for the benefit of the band, Fri day evening, May 1st. Elabor ate preparations aro being made and no doubt it will bo an enjoyable- affair. ' -JDr. R. H. Blanchard who has been attending the the Omaha Dental University for feveral months past, returned to Hem ingford last week. Ho passed a very creditable examination beforo tho stato board and was awardod a certificate to practice. Tho democratic convention held at pincoln this week was attended by domocrats from all parts of tho state yiio have tho welfare of tho party at heart. It was a large, enthusiastic and harmonious gathering. Tho pro ceedings of tho convention will given next week. r The Alliance Guido -seems, to have iv great deal lo say about' tho "enormous sum of money" tho Interstate ToAvnsito Com pany is spending ' in behalf of Hemingford. Let's see, Bro. Puradis, didn't you have this sub ject on your mind 'early in tho campaign? Now don't got gay. Mrs. Ernest Kroesiug, of Run ning Water precinct, was brought before the Commissioners of In sanity on Monday, alleged to be of unsound mind but after a full investigation, the commissioners consisting of Cleric Eholps, At torney Gilman and Dr. Miller, refused to sustain the charges, and sho was released from custody. 'From all that has been said about the disappearance or elope ment of Mrs. C. A fBencdict of Box Butte, only theso facts seem to bo clear, that she deserted her husband and two small chil dren and went to Grand Island, Whatever may have been her motive, a mother who will wil fully and heartlessly desert her young children, whether, it bo voluntary or at tho solicitation of a paramour, is deserving of the strongest condemnation and tho man who is responsible fpr desertion, of a horse whipping at tho hands of tho deserved husband. For tho benefit of tho farmers, who are principally the tax layers, of this county wo ' would with great pleasuro point to the fact that Box Butto county is tlio only county in tho groat statu of Neb raska that lias no bonds or any indobte'dnosB of any description hanging over its head Tind can thorforo with pride, sand erect and look over tho drooping heads, of hor heavily bonded, Bister coun ties. Whilo wo do not rejoice over the calamaties bf our bister counties wo would and do con gratulato tho good citizons of our county ' who have so ' ndmlrablv r stood by us by tho welfare df our county in the late county set contest, which is again agitated by the Alliance hankers, politicnbs and lumbermen. Is it not suf ficient evidence, to all tax paying citizens, that any project propqaod by the threo classes of men men tioned abovo is detrimental to the masses of our people. , Tho bank ers in hopes of getting a big Blice out of the sales of bonds; tho politicians in kopos of obtaining tho balance of power and iho lumber man of Alliance grasping at the sale of the lumlior for the proposed now court house tax payor stop think, tramp mon opoly under your feet, f.ud should the abovo mentioned people of Al liance ask you to sign the petition for relocation of tho county seat, rofuse,defy and remonstrate against such actions and give us you aid by signing our remonstrance which is boing circulated all ovor tho county with no othor induce ments whatever save tho wolfaro of Box Butto county nt heart which moots daily with unexpect ed favor and signatures aud at this present writing, Its support ers are nuiubarod far above of a half thousand patriots of Box Butto county. Let tho good work go on, your reward will be reaped by low tax receipts for many years to come. Our court houso here in Jlemingford is a- structure that would be a credit to many a far eastern county, ailiplo room and large enough for many years. Stand by youf rights protect your own interest, by vetoing that ruinous petition of tho Alliance bankers, politicians and lumber men, and prosperity is ours. Died At tho residence of Mr. A. Sherwood, in Hemingford on .Saturday, April 25, 1890, after a lingering illness, Naucsy E. Schlumpf; widow of tho late Wirner Schluinpf, aged 51 years. Mrsf Schlumpf was a Hiighly re spected woman, and though sho. had no relatives in tho state, largo concourse of sorrowing friends- followed her remains to their bust resting placo. Tho funeral services were hold on Monday, Rov. J. "W. Kendall delivering tho funeral sermon, 'l A sister of tho deceased, Mrs. Jenkins of Grinnell, Iowa, arrived in time to attend tho funeral. Rov. Wundorlich visited Alli ance last Sunday. Thoro will be Catholic sorvices at tho church Friday, May 8th. In behalf of my beloved sister Mrs. Ellen Schlump'f, I kindly and sincerly thank 'ill tho frionds who have been so kind to hor during her last illness. Mrs. Lizzie Jenkins. Tho County Sunday school convention is hereby called to meet in tho Methodist church on Saturdry, May 23, 1890, at 10 a. in. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all interested in Sun day school work to bo present. The prbgram will bo arranged and published later. By order ot Committee. Tho H. S. B. G. C. will give their secoriil concert on tho eve of May 8,U8(J0, at tho Congrega tional ehuSsh. An excellent pro gram is being propared. "Como oho, como all, both great and small. Educational Department. Tho Box Butto county Teachers hold tho last session of tho Asso ciation for tho year at Alliance last Saturday. Tho Juj?h school room was filled with teachers and patrons wlib aro interested in the euueatton pi tuo rising generation, and wo welcome such lo all our meetings. Tho Prtnsy tong by tho children, tho solos rendered by Caro Cornoll, Miss Sloso and Mr. BaluugLfc and tho selection by tliri jylandolin Club were chbico ami all approciatod tho rare talent did plnyed. The paper by W. R. Siders and Miss Ina Marshall were very prac tical and every living teacher gain ed many- helpful ideas aud is stronger and more able to preform his worlc from hearing those papors. Miss Mann eloed a very suc cessful term ot school in district No. 2.3LlfatAvoiik. Saturday even ing the 25th inst, a publiq enter tainment was given the school and it was a very rare treat. Tho chil dren one and all displayed markod ability and with the careful train ing they rceofved did credit to themselves teacher worthy of older children. Thoro is talent in Box Butte county and if tho teachers. seek for it, it can bo brought to light to tho bettermont of the people. Tho chief function of oducation is simply to din-ct tho attention along proper lines and boo to it that the attention sustains itself when certain of tho more impor tant and vital facts are brought up for consideration. You readily seo readily see that the great dif ference botweon tho oducated man is found In tho fact that the former has great capacity for close, steady, sustained, concentrated, attention, Tho importance of taining tho attention can scraoely be ovorcsti lffdtod. Dr. N. O. Krohn. Report of school taught in dis trict No. 23, for tho month ending 'April 24, 1890. " Number days taucht 20 Number pupils enrolled. . . .'.'. .11 Averaf o daily attendance 9 Number daily recitations. . . v . . 18 Visitors, Miss Iola Devoro and Mr. J. E.Whaley (modorator.) Those perfect in spelling were, Anna Kennedy, Charles Murphy and Kl bridge Wells. Parents are invited to visit tho school. T. G. Burke, Teacher. Sox Butte Bulletin., Mrs. Bert Sage is :quite ill: Miss Bissull will teach in tho sand hills this spring. ' Mr. Gordon and family loft for Kansas to spend the suramor. ' Schill Bros, moved on their ranch in tho hills this week.' Mrs. "Banks and Mrs. Atkin wero Allianco visitors Tuesday. Mi&s L. A. Blair will commenco a spring term of school at Libby, May 4th. Wo are pleased to note that O, L. Snodeker is ablo to bo out "carting" again. Now Goods, Now Clothing, New Hats, Now Ties, New Every thing V at WILDY'S t, . Calvin J. . 0 Always Leads and i WE SELL YOU GOODS. ) WE SAVE YOU MONEY V WE MAKE YOU HAPPY. 4 s Come and see us and get tho best, tho latest, and tho cheapest. Dry goods, Groceries, Olothing, Boots and Shoes, Glassware, Qucensware, and Provisions. We are nlways pleased to havo'frionds call whether to buy or 6thef- i t , ' , wise, and 'especially invite strangors, transients, and city visitors to x call and if wo have no time to show you goods nor quote you prices,, we will bo pleased to have you admro our floral windows decorated ' ..; , .4 with tropical and foroign plants", all in full 'bloom (but plea6e don't ' ' . . i steal slips) bo whenever at the county scat always db voi'r. trading-with yoln'oLb Yours anxious to please, his -Space is Reserve!' 3E5C- HARDWARE) . .- i .. ANTON UHRIG? , -; PIONEER - - Hardware and Saddlery, Tnn Oldest Estaulwiuient in the Countv , Charter Oak Cook Stoves, Genuine Ronnd.Qak Heating Stoies;; ; - . . . . Paints, Oils, .Glass, etc Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb. Wire the' Best oh Earth' -:i - H. H. Bellwood, M. D. W. S. Bbixwood, M. D. gELLWQOD (gr; PeLLWOOD, Physicians and Surgeons. ' ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. "Room 8-l-5iG, Opera Block. if. H. H. PIERCE, ....., Proprietor of Livery We bftvo first-claBB stock and doable and single rigs, which w furnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating boarder are unexcelled in the oity. Give us a call. Stable Corner Box Butto Wildy. l ? Never Follows ! roljublo firm. C. J. WILDY. - l H JEPOR V 23. 0-2eE3H3ST, MMWCWA- . S Avonuo and Sheridtn Street i r Feed tables rfe - i i W r r& rst-Ttr e jt "igBgg '. r -- BS ,'-