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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1896)
J ;i i H- ) h ( V h i 1 S8W v i: r v , A Mother' I,mo. It is said that tho lion. Samuel Gal loway of I'oltiinbu, 0., wns one of tlio plainest men ever known in tlio state lie told many stories relative to his own personal nplincss of face with great cood humor. One which he often related with much relish was that of the remark made by the little daughter of a friend in ah other city with whom ho was dining. "Mamma," he heard tho child say in an awe-struck whisper, after a pro longed surtcy of the peculiar features of tlio guest, "thatgcntleman'smamma must have loved children mighty well." "Why so, my dear'."' inquired tho un susnecting parent. "Oh," returned tho child in the same audible whisper, "'causo she raised him!" Youth's Companion. Si 00 Itcunnl, si oo. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In nil Its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cur" now known to the medical fraternity. Cntnrrh being a constitutional disease requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, ncllnpr directly upon the blood and mucous surfnees of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the dlscare and giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature !n doing Ub work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers tint they ofCcr One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Adlress F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Fold by druggists: 75c. Hall's Family IMls. i!5c. 'J lie fattest mnn wo err utw Is calico 4 Hearts Delro" by his wife. Knrilcitt Itaditiirs and I'en. The editor urges all readers to grow the earliest vegetables. They pay. Well Salzcr's Seeds aro bred to carllness, thev grow and produce every time. None co early, bo line as Salzcr's. Try his radishes, cabbage, peas, beets, cucum bers, lettuce, corn, etc! Money In it for ou. Salzcr is the largest grower of vegetables, farm seeds, grasses, clovers. potatoes, etc. If nil will cut Mil out nnil eml to the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse. Wis., with 10c postage, you will Kct sample package of Early Bird Rad ish (rnatly in 1C days) and their great catalogue. Catalogue alone Cc postage. w.n. l'rido in piosictity turns to misery in nd cr.itj . COLORADO UI,1 MINKS'. If you arc interested in gold mining or wibh to keep poted regarding the wonderful strides being made in Colo rado, it will pay you to send fifty cents for a year's subscription to The Gold Miner, an illustrated monthly paper published at Denver. You can't Mull somo icojiIo bo much thnt they will le Krati-ful llt'fitth tinrr lmii1i-ril 1 not r it ally rrsnlnci!, jitlVirkc " Ulni; rToiilo hPSHltiiliuMliliosj rBult In tu.mj uoi UikjcI forctorjr uiMkiteMauild itrcis No mother is so wicked but deMies to lime Rood (hildicu. It I mnrr tlinii t omlel fill Iin in'lo tly uplu aiiTi'rwIlli (uri (Ictprncj ami Lviufrt by ivuiuvliie tut iu wltU lIlixli.rcorns. Tho hero does not I reed ipiarro!s, but ho ..defends lilinself liThe llnby is Cuttlng-reem: rmrr and use Uiatotd and veil tried rrmedr, Mrs. W i-fix'f buoTiiiM Btiu r for Children TceUiinc- Six feet of 'nrth makes all men equal. .Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleabantoftorts rightly directed. There is comfort in tlio knowledge that so many forms of sickness aro not due to any actual dis ease, but fdmply to a constipated condl tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial clFects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness, without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore ull important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, thatyou have the genuine article, which is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, nnd sold by all rep utable druggists. If in tho enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, then laxa tives or other remedies are not needed. If alllictcd with any actual disease, one may be commendeil to tho most skillful physicians, hut if in need of a laxative, then one should have tho best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives most general satisfaction. A Fortune for Marliet Gardeners I Tho "OTonflerfrtl Now African Bunch Z&m Early Sweat, Potato, imjcllowaapola ami sweet us Uonejr. earliost and most proWlo known: a txjuani Cor tlio norih, on ixwoutitot its ravld t-rovviu sj1 curly maturity, matures in tbo cstreino tiortli long before frost; enally culthauuf as it jrroun right up with uo vines to bother with: un lmnuiiso ylelder. Xiarffe Txto Catalogue co n tainlngorer fifty new variolic) Heeds, Including mv Hew Home Grown Coffee, with trotlmo-iIcN from patrons all over tho Union who bavo tried it- ft costs onlv S cents lr iouml to ratso t hi codec Po tato seed, post palil, SS -cents per pound by O. . C0ZJ3, Seedsman, Buck&er, Uo. Free eamrlo of Coffeo and Largo Catalogue for is eta. Htainpa Fln Army Duik uIHi '1.1 fci lnk KI.IIO. l.ool llcu l ck nltb lui-Llut fciu irujiililui riv:l wi lr ce r' 1201 iiuiii Mieurt' mi calf t Qi I lll,OlllllU1 A ru 1 lfU!UU3 Morphine Habit Curoil fn 10 toiiOiliiiii. No pa till i'Urnl. DR.J.ETtPHENB.UbaBOn.Ohie. 0PIU1 V'HHftaVHaaBp44, , tvQI n " " T' iTT 1 DEMOCRATIC PAH TY. GOSPEL OF EQUAL RIGHTS STILL ON OUR STANDARD. The ltriiulttlriiu I'lHg-t'cllr Arn 1'roimr lug In III) ii n HxtrnaUo I1imIiici la 1'iit-rrjltiB rimiilor Sjlim I'liiiniit lie HniltMtl) Drfrmlotl. Says a philosopher nftor the order of McKlnloy: "Anciont Tyre, Athens, Home, Damascus and other great seats of anciont science and art heenme such becanso they supplied other nations with their products." Without pausing to Inquire as to tho hlstotlcal accuracy of tho assumption that the cities named "supplied other nations with their products" to any gient extent, oiio'h attention 1b Irresist ibly drawn to the philosophical theorem that they became great seats of science nnd nit because lliey supplied other na tions with their products. One can readily understand how n conimerclnl people trading extensively with other peoples acquire more knowl edge of men and things, and so acquire lnoi ft innterlals of science, if not of art, that Isolated peoples holding little or no communication with others. Hut how the mere bending abroad of their products to supply tho wants of others can advance a people in cither science or art passes understanding utterly. The context of the theorem quoted shows that when Its author used tho word "products" he had In mind chiefly i manufactured products of compara tively unskilled labor. But that does not mako tho general proposition any j more true. Tho mere supplying of for eigners with our products, whether I crude or highly wrought, cannot make us great In science and art. I The context servos only to show how 1 the confusion of thought arises or to expose an artful sophism Intended to I produce confusion of thought In care less minds. First attention is drawn to tho almost self-evident fact that the products of skill In the world's history hao been supplied mostly by nations advanced in science and art. Then tho Inference Is artfully suggested that the supplying of such pioducts has caused the advancement. When the proposition is thus stated It becomes apparent at onco that ad vancement Is not a consequence of sup plying products of skill, but that the supplying of such products Is a conse quence of advancement In the arts nnd sciences. A people must have tho knowledge, art and skill before they can turn out highly wrought and ar tistic products for export. The export of such products Is an evidence and a consequence, not a causo, of greatness In science and art. The McKlnloy philosopher might an -truthfully bavo said that the sun be came the great souico and center of light and hent In our system by supply ing the earth and tho other planets with those forces or modes of motion. It is characteristic of the protectionist to transpose everything, putting ante cedent for consequent and consequent foi antecedent, cause for eftect and effect for cnusc. Tho great system of plunder under the aid of law docs not admit of defense by honest and stiaightfoi ward reasoning. 1 hi) .llnrlilnn anil Morton. Amusement and instruction aro both onveyed to tho political student by tho appearance of tho venerable Levi I'. Morton as a candidate for the repub lican presidential nomination. When the pliable and shifty politicians first suggested his name It was regarded as a joke and a bluff. When he consented to their little game, however, he In formed them that he was in earnest and that there must be no trilling. Tho tricksters and conspirators were baffled by the position which the old man assumed. They had intended to give him a few complimentary votes until they should find out tho drift of sentiment in tho convention, when he was to be dropped and his strength was to join the most available combine. Ho ended this scheme. He declared that if he entered the raco he should be there to stay. Thoy had gono too far to retreat and were compelled to take him nt his word. They have an ele phant of huge proportions on their hands. All this trouble the republican "smart Alecks" brought on themselves by faithlessnoBs nnd trickery at tho re publican national convention in 1892. The gang politicians, Including Clark son, Piatt. Quay and others, attempted to defeat Harrison's renomlnatlon, but failed in their schemes. In the con fusion caused by their overthrow and 1c the demoralization that followed the nomination for vice-president went by default to Whltelaw Reld. Morton was entitled to a renomlnatlon with Harri son, but it was lost in tho tumult and divided counsols of the leaders. If Morton had been nominated for vice-president on tho ticket with Harri son lie would have gono down In the genernl republican wreck. His defeat would have ended his political career. He vsould not have reappeared as a can didate for governor of New York In 1E94 and as a candidate for president In 189ij to embarrass and burden tho ma chine bosses In all their schemes of ag grandizement and spoils. Aluriitro KIhIm OlllolnU. I Pittsburg Post: What a mean howl 1 was set up by tho rabid republican press of Pittsburg because President Cleve land wont off for a fow days tecontly on a duck-hunting trip. We are not going to imitate this display of partisan llttle-net-s, but nevertheless there la some sat isfaction in directing the attontiou of our liigh-mlndod mid patriotic con , tBucraHe to tke fact that with oue exception every active member of tho lepubllcau administration of Pennsjl Minla Is absent from tho state. Gov oi nor Hastings nntl Utorney Genernl McCormlck aro In Arkanni. Secretary Heeder, Auditor General Mylln, Stnto Treasurer Jacknon, Hanking Cominls sloner GilkcHon and Secretary of Inter nal AIYalrs Latta nre Junketing in Flor ida with Senntor Quay. The single ox reptlon Is Mr. Schneffer, supetlntetulont of public Instruction. KeUttn I'mliir Komi' I.c ilrr.lilp. Philadelphia Ilullotln: There nro growing signs of n disposition among the lepublicans in the house to break away from tho leadership of Spoakor Ueed and his committee on rules nnd to raise objections to his methods of map ping out tho business of the house. This is ono of the Inevitable effects of the piosence of nn active candidate for tho presidency In tho speaker's chair. It Is Impossible for Tom lived to take n stand on any vltnl cpicstion in the house without hnvlng his presidential ambi tion taken Into account. It has been tho same wth every speaker that ever kept his dexter eye on the white house. li My ('liilnn No I.iiiikt- rnhrnihnhle. I KaiiBas City Star: Tho lcpubllcansj are again in contiol of congresH, hut j the tenure of their power will depend on the character of their stewardship. , IT they fail to meet the just retiulic ments of all Intelligent and pntrlotlo people the next election will result In their overwhelming defeat and con demnation. Tho chains that bind votorB to party uro no longer stool or Iron, nnd the first exhibition of selfishness In legislation will provoke such a de struction of links and strands as will mnke the future party contests prob lematical. Knxcr for Morn l'ut-1'rj injr. Indianapolis Sentinel: Tho leading republicans do not hesitate to say that as soon as the party gets possession of tho government another high tnrlff ( mcafjuio will bo adopted. The present pioposed one is only a homeopathic dose; simply a tickler to put the mnnu- ( facturers In good humor and prepare them for the old fnt-frymg program that will be Inaugurated as soon ns the republican nomination for presidential candidates is made. Morton N AH Hlcht. Bloomlngton Bulletin: The assertion that Levi P. Morton's advanced ago de bars him ns a presidential candidate Is not a valid argument. Ho is Just as i capable of editing a check book, and in fact a little more so, than ho was twenty j cars ago. Boss Piatt will do all the j presiding In the event of nomination and election. Iliii llnml lx Tiirnml. Topeka Capital: The election ol Governor Briulloy uh governor of Ken- ' tucky has turned that gentleman's head. As yet there aro no other evl-1 donees except the fact tliat he carried Kentucky in a republican jenr that Governor Bradley posse.i&e8 presiden tial qualities. Tryltiii to Mnlto Mutters lVonr. Sherman and McKlnloy legislation is le&ponsible for nearly all the financial ills with which this country has been aflllcled for the past two or three years. Instead of trying to remedy the evils thnt exist Mr. Heed's congress Is en deavoilng to mako them woiee. I'amp Ugii of tlm IN un I Sort. Bloomlngton Bulletin: Matters have already piogrcssed far enough to make It apparent that the Tanner campaign Is to bo ono of explanation and denial Tho republican papers now making ac cusations will bo busy all summer with the whitewash brush. A DUcri'ot Senator. Sioux City Journal: Senator Butler of North Carolina refuses to run for the presidency on tho populist ticket nnd says that "the vote our ticket will poll next November will surprise the coun- j try." He does not want to be a I victim of the surprise. Mrlvlnlpj'n Unreliable ttlographer. St. Paul Pioneer Press: It Is to bo re giutted that William McKinley is to have his biography written by that statistical romancer, Robert P. Porter, foi, If anything like tho last national census, It will be absolutely unreliable. Dearly a llurrrl. Utlca Observer: Governor Morton Is said to be gaining strength in the south. Those southern lepublicans dearly love a barrel. They used to think that MlstT Alger was an awful nice map suie enough." Tim Voter 'I lienim-Wen In llluiiir. St. Louis Globe-Democrat: All the governors and all tho mayors are pro testing against tho growth of municipal extravagance, and all to no purpose if a laigo class of voters in cities continue to neglect their political duties. IIiintiTH Do Not Hunt. Two hunters of Bolee, Idaho, hnd n sonowful experienco lust week. They spent half a day loading hIioIIh, helng dhutatlsiiod with thoBe on bale, and next morning drove twenty-two miles to the hunting grounds. On arriving theio they dUcovercd that they had left their ammunition nt home in Uolse. I ,ive Letter .llmle I'ulillr. The London Telegraph te)l8 of a hoy a smart little hoy who was ain ultloiiH to he n Idter carrier. A short time ago he eocuipjI a bundlo of old love lottera that his mother hud tioas iirwl since her aom tfahlp days and dis tributed thorn fiom home to houa UarouBhout tko nolglihtwhootj. 1 1.I.T Till: liAUTlt IttMDUi: M farmers sing. Willi our now hardy ' grasses, iloers and fodder plants tho! poorest, most worn out, toughest, worst piece of land can he made as fertile at? I the valley of tho Nile, Only takes n ! j (fir or so to do bo! At the mi mo tlmo you will bo gottlng big ciops! Teoalnto, Giant Spurt y, Sacullno, Lathyiun, what I n vnvlnlv (if iininiic! I7iiliilni.un ii.ilu Sva: ou! ' If j-on ulll rut Hilt out nnil ml it to tho John A. Sntacr Seed Co., La Ctosso, Wis., with 10c. postage ou will gut Irco their mnnimoth catalogue and ten grnwi and grain fodder samples (worth f 10.0a to get a start). w.u. Citlllni; ii IIiik lir 'lYloplioiii' An Intelligent hunting dog who had diayed away was found in New Unit fold. Conn., lecenllv, and the Under notified the dog s owner In Mlnsled. The New Hat tfoiil tnun called up the owner by telephone to arrange for re- tnrnlng'the dog, and while talking ' asked the owner the dog's name "Hold 1 hint up to the telephone," was tho re- , ply. 'lho part of tho instt anient was put against the do.j's car, and tho I owner called, 4I)ash." Tho dog rce- ognhred the voice, and setup u barking ...I.I..I. !.. t I.I.. i II... II 1.1 timi;ii aiiuiivu ma Ji. iiumuii iirruni Wo Irn I iiUr.lint Ii) Air ami Water w til n un'v ftiuMim i no licmsm inuiiiriii To :iiiiillilluu these ami uxoiil und rtiiHiiit; rhlll nnil foM'i. lilllliiuw ii'iulttriil in iluinli' ii (.Hit itu.. iiiticlulnttlli Mllfl ,ll.llllll Iv ll.wtitt tet's totuurli lllttei. which ulo lemoitlo ilyspci.lii, liMM trouble, cnnsllpiitliiii, loss if MriMiKth, iicnou-iu'ss. tlieuiuiitlsiu nnil kidney i'oiniliitnt. rictlto unit tdccptnc linpioveil by HiIh iliorotiRh medicinal a;ent, :iiul I lu InllrinltliM ofiiKC inltlciitrd by It A wiia'ulUh-fiil three tlniiH a iliij. When llntliliic tlm llnln. The best kind of apron to use when bathing the baby Is made of two thick nesses of llnnnel, with a pieie of rub ber cloth laid between. The rubber prevents nil possibility of the dress get- j ting wti, ami can easily no reiiiovctt when the apron is Inundried. Walter it Co.. Limited, Dor cheater, Miihm., the u ell-Know h iittiuuftie turers ol Breakfast Cocoa and oilier Coioii and Chocolate prii.iiutiiiUK. have an etni(iidiimi. collection of iiumIhIh and diploma awaided at the pent iutvrna tiiinul and other exhlliHhmx hi Kuiopo nnd America. The Iioum' Ikik had un iiiteriupted piospeiltj for uearl) a cen tury mid a ipmiter and U now not only the oldcht hut the largest oKtulilWlinieiit of the 1,1ml ou this continent. The high desiee of perfection which the company haH attaiin-il in its imtuutiictuicil piod Ucts is the lesult ul long evpotience colil bineil witli an Intelligent use of the mw foi con which are constant! being liitto tlueed to increase the power and impioe llie (pinlity of production, mid i lienpeii Hie tost to the (OliHiMiier. The full strength and the oMpiislte uat- 1 Minor of 'lie law uiaterlsil ale pie- . served unlin.mired in all of Waller Baker A' Company's picpai minus; mi that their J prodiKtK iniiy tiuly be nniil to foi in the HtJindiuil for purity nnd exiellence. In iev of the uiiin. IniltntioiiH of the name, labels and wrappeut on their gonilH coilMimclh sliollld iihK lor n nil be Hiiro that tliey get the genuine at titles nuidu at DouhcMei, Mas". 'I ho ratting of the Oullnw. The wonderful strides of develop ment in Oklahoma and Indian Territor ies during the past thiee ears, and the rapid advancement of civilization and Christianity In thoso territories dining that time, leave the outlaw no longer a listing place on this continent. Beautiful 'Itles, rich valleys and the . rolling prairies of that country now teeming with an industrious and enter- J priFlng class of people take the plac whciu Mull bauds wero teaming .it will , only a few short years ago. Tho peo ple of that territory have as little to fear from any further outrages from such a source as those in the east, and such Is the result of favorable legislation, backed up by the courage, push and en teipiise of the American piople. lion in Ull) u t'iirrliig. The gicat need of tho times is a con dition whereby tho producer and con sumer may deal with each other with out the intervention of the middleman. The common carrier should be the only middle man. The Klkhurt Carriage and Harness Co., of Hlkhart, Ind , deals di lectly with the consumer. Their goods are shipped anywhere for c.v.iininatiou , before sale, livery carriage, every set of harness, every article sold, war ranted Ono hundred stjles of carri ages, ninety styles of harness and forty one styles of riding saddles. Send for their 1 13 page catalogue. This con cern docs an extensive bu-incss throughout the Tinted Mates Wiint tlio fool does in tho cud, tlio Ue mull loes iu the liviuillng T I otl os of J'ImiV. Cute for Consump tion cured nlo of n bud Hiir.' trouli c Mrs. J. Nil hols I'rineetou, Ind , Mar. -"tl, 1 hill Young uiuii. don t lie ulinld to t-oll votir Imiidk at honest toil FITS-AIiriUstopix-iirrribyJlr.KlIni-'HriN'i't Ni'rti JCittlorer. Sorlmalit r tiiritlrkiua'N un lar-uucur. TrriilJfcttnnilS'JtllallniiUi'fi' ti Iiick.. SiuU UiUi.KiiuiV.iJl Aitlihl.,1 i.ila.,1. 'i but Is I ut nn empty uio that is full of other men's money Rattlesnakes, Butterflies, and ... ? Washington Irving .said, lie supposed a certain hill was called 'Rattlesnake Hill" because it abounded -butterlies. The 'rule of contrary" governs other name. Sonic bottler are, sup jxisedly, labeled " Sarsaparilla " because thev are full of . . .well, we don't know what they arc full of, but we know it's not sarsapa nllaj CNCept, perhaps, enough for a flavor. There's only one make of sarsaparill.i tint can be relic J on to be all it claims. It's Aycr's. It has no secret to l.eep. Its formula is open to .ill physicians. This formula was examined by the Medical Com mittee at the World's Tair with the result that while every other make of !uriaparil!a was exiluded from the 1'atr, Ayer's Sarsapa rillu was admitted and honored by awards. It was admitted be cause it was the best .sarsaparilla. It received the medal a, the best. No other siarsaparilla lias been so tested or so honored, (jood motto for the family as well as the Tair: Admit the best, exclude the rest. Anjr ilaubt abot it? SutS tar the " CureUwL." It LUU doubtt a(l curt dauLtcra. AMreMt J.C AerCe., LocU, JliM. llitvi iiiti Kuddeu elinuses of 'he wrnth or tnnso llron. hlnl Tiouble 'Urowns Hruurliiiil 'Jroihr-i'' wUIrIvo ctTcetUn relief A dfioltful woinnu Icavod trncVs that A vioio hor llPRinnn' nntplmr Ira w Hit Cllyrrrlnr, Oun I ImpiH-il IIhiiiH anil Kiwn, TmiiIt or "Viit !, ClillWttlii,nlo. i (I.OIaikl.'o..Ni' llutrn.CU How ii little plrl like to ny to n toy, "Oh. jou'ie R"ing toititeh III" Wlioi'tvr would lonrn liuw to talk well, must lirxt lent n how to Veep still CXOOOOCOOOOOOCOOOOCSOCCOt HNever Out of Work. lh .,:i"S Q inodtfroin PAINS and cmuotwurk. ST. JACOllS Oth f will (Uio and fit them foi work when the chance comes. oooooooooocoocccoooccoc 5-j .-r-bZSS? Srf3 cc Your Battle Ax oryour K Must have ft ! PLUG a. The largest piece of tgood tobacco ever sold for 10 cents and The 5 cent piece is nearly as! rlarge as you get of other 'hi'gh grades for 10 cents' HURRAH, FARMERS! SHOUT FOR JOY! riot, lai'lrUnt )xutnt and rich nodtvt, f ndiicing litmcDilom liiy jMit ( I toO torn rcrc), innoir tntde loislllt oncrcr toll. Innrrr cllut, tuln our J'ltri (J tut r.d ClOTtrMliturti Youvtn't urtd to wait a lIMItae lor good fUrt of rrtuu, tor w hiifrnlilrli,lf oulu pr.l.Mlll prodem k rouiln criin in Jlr. l'smnblttva Orn Cc'turt, etc, Scutf poiUft T WE PAY 84C0 IK COLD PBIZE8 OnOtli IlirUjrundCornl T In b g(cit yltld on Cllicr Mint Cimekil Bftutyi Oitiln tuililWii'a rt. Vsiru Uat that In IbDdand wln;W Our new ttittd UttUy, OaU. C.ri and I'oUUin tlll ratuUllonlM rarmlni1 W mi lh larnfl frnu of farm twdt In tin world' Our ttada produce ai lh editor of tlio llnral hew iorkeraari-aTir aKarlr VIeaifD l'outn ielJed fur ma 7til Imahali iwt-&.- irn WM tarl; tort jrlildi7S6laLel,'K EARLIEST Splendid aorta, fine Tlelda. tlio.IHittiaid lurkfi 1 lower WIiaIUIIVUl 9 MMBt IVlVll(Vt Pltate Cut the Follov.lng Out and Send It W;itlil2cntilni'ainll aod nt our tlr ratalume auU lample ut the Pumpkin Veilow "aUrmclouccmUou' Catali.e alone 6c. toilage, V N i l ! " - ' ) I ' I ! . . . . i , .. .1 l. , . ' ' ' ' ' ' '" ' ' ' ' ''j I . . - , . , - , 1 , 1 J ; W, , 1 ( ' ' .. , - ' ' ' r i i- i ! i i i , ' " t - - ! I. I. 1. I I ill FIELD AND HOG FENCE WIRE. r - EG. OO. 42. OO. or BH lnehe; liHili Nothing on tlio mnrket I') luinruro UNION FENCE COMPANY, DE KALB, ILL. UI2TTER WALK A MILE that fair to get a f-cent packngo of Cut and Slash smoking tobacco if you want to f-njoy a lonl good smoke. Cut and Slauli cheroots nro ns good as many 5-cont cigars, and you got three for 5 rents. Sure to please Tho admirers of it now Atchison ihvtor nay ho enn ritlMi the dead hat wi It late, dor IMaiotaoultlXOperlarrtl. VEQETABLEB IN THE WORLD. Onion 6ed onlr OJc per lb. 3H rkia. drill pk(a. Carlleat Vegetable! 8edi,:Ue. CTcrytklat at bard tlmea prtcu' wnoueaia CJiiuiity mid svordmnnfehlp Ilia best. witli It, write o Tor in II iiiloriiiutluii. ,n. aim. iw v. .v. dceo l,.ilt ths Torld's vrt.iuuiill bira ii twima It bus nilucwl uu ciai vt v:U.d liovet Iu 1 ti .U4i 1 a. It tins manj branch . - lirl I 11.L. e. lit llllinl I au ll.l rmM.- A a..l a uvuw, ' ruwiirs tv l,uuut SHU IVlI9 i ua uwi t n twii nuti uws i urniftii a outr crtiua for lrs nionoj tban oUie.-s. it inaJafo l'umpinc and UtvoxJ, bel, Unlvanixod after wwiuiiotiiHi 11 Hill mil l A IlllUtf 511(1 Uffaiil fjfaual ri-mm Cl ll... aJ.. ! m turn ifBtir, oitrrt uuuaui I'l-imPf Urkul 1 Vurl PiiltAM Ah. I I. a OriuLV'ia. On ttppllcatlmi It will name otto .if lhl. I. .pill ...i k ......a ". " M..-u M.,V .life,. ,. 1,U. IUII1IU Ulllll January 1st at 1-J the usual price It also main Tajiks and lhimiw ut all klccn. Betid (or CitaJujue. . . ii rctiofj. ma. uwi.wcu ana i-tumore Mrttti, t&lcaxo. THE LAND OF THE BIG RED APPLE Ik. Ull Cal la4 la ke kJ la 111 Cars Belt' at Uw rricee. VorlSl-OIUIATIOS ivuar.llm: land la Uurry Co., H. W. SalMHUUltl. wilw to i.xrt. Oca. A. I I'l'Btir I'leivj I It j, Mo. i J. U. UiVJOTr. rurd; U.t T N. I'WWT, tuatllle, Mu., or I- IV ainwaT wU , I m VututlDU, k UIU . CIiIcbo. IU. FENsioNjtyxs,ir?s,-ft ft uhutnur, IJainiidu-atiujjciUata. aitj atuco. W. N. V , OMAHA-7 180U When writing to (advertiser?, kindly mention this pnper. ifrMiaTairaMriHrl hi 1 cuHts WHmf in iisi- faiis. B I UoitCoua-USjrup. TaaicaGwd. Use n iihjb. ttoia D7 aruKKUU. life ! fcyjBTJTWViW' wwOfflJ?-isi