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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1896)
.' A HKM1NOTORI). BOX BUTTE COlfiNY. NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, m 7. 1.5. NO 50 VOL. 1 iranraMi f H ) ff rt J X Facts Correctly Recited. The Excutivo Committee of tlio Alliance Boomerang are out in a circular letter which shows their red-handed cusseduess moro than over. It is presumed that this circular letter was sent to each of their petitioners for the purpose of still carry ing out their hollinh designs, but such slush'as this circular let ter contains, is not whit tho farm era and tax payers want. We take it that you want tho Facts Correctly Becitod. rri. 13.. .i. n.i il. Ali:rnr. Jill) i.MUH's HIO urn uiy ii.iim.iu,: - i: i r:i ;,: ,...,.(. i I into tho hands of every petitioner. OB . . II . I ,-,1 ln lli. 4',i ,iii'C tn nun III! Iiiunu iuju uiunu iniw" "-' sacrifice lis stock of groceries for l,lJ "r . . x, ., . , the County Commissioners to call ; tlu'ir entire benelit. jnow u is u.o uau iiiai biiuu ;i man iv.uuui ho.K'st tax payors who are not in arrears of their taxes to consider this matter. This paper latter on will give you tlio full law; recited word for word; then each of the tax payor will bo able to say who aro resi dent electors of llox Butte county. Now it seems that aiiotlne- of their executivo coiumittoo has gone wrong. One V. 1). Humor who is manager oE the' Chicago store at Alliance, take this goldon op portunity to send out a circular price list of the closing out sale of his grocery department and ho uses overv endeavor to get this circular to ba si:nad bv SI'S resident elec tors of Box Butte county, praying hi electa) i, tj, etc. Now wo ilitningford people had four hours in which to scan the petition,which the Alliance gang had been four months preparing and in that four short hours our committee found 13.' names that were questionable at least, we did not then nor do we n iw protend to s-iy that w.i wore correct in challenging overy man named in this 133 for it, is more thun probable that there are names on the petition that we did not ob ject to that are not resident elec tors, for this reason we asked (ho Board of Honorable County Com missioners to continue the hearing of tho petition to such a time as would give us an opportunity to should get tangled up with such n gang as tins, out wo wager ine statement that he will bo ready to entirely close out if he still per sists in coaching with this crowd. Wo still have another sample of their "facts correctly recited'' and their willingness to stoop so low as to oven blight the name of some of the best citizens which today live in Box Butte county, by casting slurs at our fellow workers, I. E. Tush, John O'Kcefe, L. Sampey and G. C. Alexander and others. Now in the name of all that is good, can it be possible, even in a county seat war. that men will stooji so low as to try and harm WOUlll glVC US III! umjuilliuil.) iw ! r l . .. .., 4i. i i i tho cood name of such men as (ixanuno personally uau uiuim- ... , , , ity of the petitioners. All this, those? e y.ll try, however to lli; All ancj imnir r.'tuse I to ' .""J " . . grant ug and asked tho b morable Board to force us in to an election fnrt hwith. and let it be saul to till m' ttee. knowing that such meth ods are tho only grounds they havo to continue this boomerang. But IOriUWIlll, Hllll 11.1 1L Uf sum iu nil- disgrace of the commissioner from j "J l L E. Jb. i. Julm Alliance, he was hearty in accord ! Keefo, L Ramp.y, G.C Alex- illiuci iiuii i-uuiuiio """ -"a" th.- remonstrance against this pe tition, will appear as taxpayers of ,VO US llll 1MJISUJ IIII11I) IW - plav. Now the papers I Joltl '" 'T v v 17' I ar urging the petition- U ' Iil,to"' W" W(;V' sign any remonstrance ll: roome ho fe.monsons, G. with this proceedure, but all honor to Metals Ilollinrako and Barry, who rose above personal preferen ces and gave us an opportunity to J have fair plav of Alliance era not to sign any or anything else. This is another hhowing oE their dirty work. In trying to so poison the minds of die honest taxpayers and resident electors, so that they will not look to their own interests and tho in terests of the community generally. Now tho Hekald comos to you in tho matter of fairness and fair play and asks you to exercise your judgement in settling the future interests of Box Butte county and jE after you have givau this matter your careful consideration yon conclude it is best to keep this eouuty in a continued county seat fight, then let this iin'ht and others come but if you think it is time vhat!U join hands to keep and hold he bood name of our county nboi uch contentions as juat to suit the elliah designs of a certain corner ,nd click of this county, then let us forever bury this matter and go to work. To show further tho unfairness of this circular letter it stato.s that tho Honorable A. L. Sharrock, who stands at the head of the cit- I this county when timo shall have M. Sullivan, It. C. Nolemati, G W. Clark, II. C. Braver and U. .1 Ellis from the records of our conn ty, and will be known no more for- iever, as "honest, delinquent lux- payers' of Box Butte county. in conclusion, we will say that we are in this tight for our homes and our brother's homes, Box Butte county and tho fullness thereof, and wo expect to lie treat ed as American citizens, and ex tend tho same blessing to every- ono else. Mortgage Record. The following is a statement of mortgages tiled and released in tho clerk's office, Box Butte coun ty, during tho month of Janua'ry. to-Avit: Farm mt'gs tiled SlLl 00 Farm mt'gs rol'sed UiiBS 00 'IWn and fit ml'f'K tiled 12470 7'2 Town and city mt'gs rol'sd 1408 77) Chattel int'gs filed 1702 53 Chnttol mi'gs rel'sed. . . . 800 4B Total filed 5400 7.") Total released 4772 18 Mi&s Maud Huot visited Miss Addio Hood, several days this week. "Walter Osgood of Cnllnwny. Nob., is visiting his sister. Chirk Olds. I . Mrs. J. S. Paradis of Alliance visited friends in Ilomingford tho first of tho week. I Burt Si Davis. Qhio.f- Ghfrif in Norton's Htore at- Alliance, fvis I itticl friends in this city last Sun- ! J as. McLennan sovorod his ' connection with Lewis' store. ' and returned to Ilomingford Saturday. ; Thos. Killeen's family arrived from Nebraska City, this week and will reside in H. R. Green's house on Choyonne avenue. ' Fred. Hucice. E. A. Hull, John Armstrong and I). K. Spaeht de posited money on subscription this week. i I. E. Tnsh orders Tub TlEitALp sent to his father L. Tash and B. J. Wilcox, both of whom re side at Thayer, la. j Miss Ella "Wilcox, sister of Mrs. j I. E. Tash. arrived from Thayer, j la., Tuesday morning and will visit for some time. ' The Box Butte Banking Co.. of Alliance, closed its doors Mon- I day and is m the hands of State j Bank Examiner E. L. Boildur. , Ex-Sheriff E. A. Hall loft Tuesday night for an extended trip through tho south and west. He will be gone several weeks. The high school literary soei cty will give its first entertain- ment this evenmg."rNtr doubt tho program will be an interest ing one. Mrs. Anton Jolinek died at her homo J - miles northeast of Ilomingford "Wednesday night. Funeral will take place today at t o'clock. Mis5 Nellie Goodouough enter tained several of her friends last evening. It is unnecssary to state that a pleasant time was had as Miss Goodonough possess es tho happy faculty of entertaining. The Condition Box Butte Co. Would be in, by County Sent Removal, tliu 1 1 ri'gg sellout he Hails tt ui-c-essiry to f.ill every few days. Is Unit Uiu loul reason for Ins liuunenl calls? Wo have often wondered if the tax payers of Boone c.iuty wero awrreof the fact that during the past ten years, it has cost the county alone for rent, $l2,s"00, and that tho only thing they havo to show for it is a small stack of receipts signed by C. Be Roberts and the First National Bank, as evidence that the county had paid its rent, annual ly Wo have often thought how muoh nicer it would b- if tin county officials could have their offices all on the smne floor and in tho same building, and how much nicer it would be if- the i fifteen hundred dollars paid out annually could be applied on the interest of a bond, for the erec tion or a court house, so in after years the tax payers would have 1 something to look at besides a , lot of old worthloos receipts. ' iKind reader, here is food for ! thought. Think of it. Albion , (Neb.) Argus. I i'' Tho rent vas 750.00 for two years when it was raised to '(1,250.00 per year. Tax payers. ! do you think it would be different in Box Butte county? And from all appearances your rent re ceipts would also bo signed by i the First National Bank. There r.itlier i uiilipfj sll?u fnitiiii luuiKliitf In a m Ht ooiHpleiiiiiw pliiiui on one of tin Maislaiid churches. Two Ihiko bottles hill of sonii'lhinu that Inokcil roil what viiiilals thulr aiu la this world. The people or Miuslanil mid sin" riiiitullmr vicinity will soon bi'fjln what tho financial consequences may be. The Lincoln Land .com pany has a splendid record tn this regard, covering a period Of twenty-five years from its earli est existence, and is a corpora-' tion that the whole west ta.proud of, because of tho fact that it stands solid for right, in every particular. Our friend and follow towns-' work on their iirt.e-.lan wnll. Who , man, A. L. Sharrock, has bfiou prominent for Hennngford, turn! haa worked night and day for tlui past two mouths in tho intercBtn of that town, and to defeat the people of Alliance in an attempt to Btuldlj upon the comity, first, for mU-, CuitIh l'.lssi'H will teach a calling and holding of an election, sprhiK tei in of school south of Alii- second, for tho voting ol knows but what Marshall will yet bn the lianiii!!' 'own itlnni; the It. & M. and why not, when we have two miuli nerni'tlc iinil entorprlselng business men as L. Himw nail It. H. CJick'U'. Boac 33utto Sulltiia. unci'. Miss Ainu Konner or Iloinhnjfonl vlsltcil frlenild la this vicinity over Smiilay. There, Is to be a musical oa'er laiiiMii'iit. on Hex Hutto creek sour. Particular later. Uobt. KiUelinan Is movinir bis fuiully ami household Kuil from the Ohilsoti to the .lacobsun farin. bontlH for tho ptircluiBO ol grounds ami tho building of a court house, a Jargo amount of ii dobtness should they bo sueresH ful in their offartti. Ilomingford haa a court house and a block of ground worth a grunt many thous and dollar which would bo en tirely lost to tho county in easoAl i lianco would get the county went, and in such event it would bo neo- The committee of Alliance "representative business" men, J. E. Bead bid adieu to Alli ance and his creditors and loft for Pacific Junction last night. izens of that flourishing city Edge , .. . , . ,r " ... 7.1. tor laciuc d raont, (.being their .Mayor; imiue Ta.Ta. Alliance Grip. :no suueinoni on iiiwiuiuy iiw, "he could buy th petitioners for tweutv live cents per head.'' Now tho '"facts ciiTeafcly rojited'' are that Mr. Sharrock does not stoop to the use of such uncalled foi Lot's see! This man Head was ono of your "honest resident electors" of Box Butte county, wasn't ho? Seo if his name- is not on tho petition, and see if ho is not ono of the 13;l that wo ob Where President Handier is so popular sis in Homingford it is hardly worth while to quote press notices commendatory of his ability as a platform orator, yet tho following from the Dead wood Pioneer will not bo out of place: "Prof. Handier, at the ATotl-imlisi. nliiivdi Sniidav even- I ing, gave a most enjoyable lee-' i tare on "Your True American.' The people, assembled were only , too sorry when the lecture con- j j eluded, and several of his hearers j declared yesieruay umi uny ; could have listened for an hour ! or two more." President Han j Cher will bo in Homingford next '. Tuosdav ovonimr. Don't miss this opportunity to hear him. Supt. W. K. Siders of Alliance, has our thanks for compliment ary tickets to hear tho world re nowned EH Perkins; (Melville D. Laudon) lecture at the Phelan opera house, Saturday ovening, Feb. 15th. Mr. Perkins subjects who have charged themselves with the Herculean task of re moving the county seat to Alli iwice, - have . been Hooding .tho country with canary-colored cir culars in which they givo a garbled statement of the status of the question and of tho recent action of the county commission ers. Had it been printed on pa per to correspond with the state ment which it contains, there would have been a large demand for tar paper. Referring to tho action of the commissioners in , postponing tho hearing until , Juno, this saffron-hued document contains this quotation from the stump speech of some sand lot agitator, "This was one of tho most high-handed outrages over , perpetuated upon this or any , country, and if this is not re dressed by square actions" (won der what they mean by that?) there would be h -1 to pay, or words to that, offect. This sounds well, don't it, coming from a town which on March 4th, 1890, htuffed the ballot box to the ex tent of over 100 fraudulent votes, : and which would do it again should opportunity otter, thus outraging, tramplhtg under fool this inalienable and dearest right of tho American citizen. A was L'lvt'iuiL the home of . i aim iu yuru uvum n uuiu "" '"-v Mr. Xy's Ti.iis.hy oyiuilmr. the coca- j lho t lo )0 (Uip s,n helm, M.m Alma -lliciUwlllmtisnovv OWIled, free of l' , . debt, bv tho county. And again, Wlilo Mr. and Jin, ji cjoon were ' u "J "" " - Tb , '" " '" K- - r" ",0C"mr" . r... S 1 c coiujiauy nun iv nimi " ....... Site company with Box Butte county is of such u nature that in case Alliance should get the county sent, or iu the event of the non-continunnco, of the prop- erly to ha used for county seat puriiosed, it is to bo forfeited to tho Lincoln Land company and tho Inter State Town Sito. com- Tho county conunisrfiouorn their team broUe looso ami ran away oani-luy ooasitleralilo (liimaito. The Uox Itatte Literary Soulctv rhiwh more InteresUnR an winter ad vances, ami il" Mo.v Untie people ilo not iiiKhTfltaml "Hon silver," "hl'li MirllT" "woin ill's rights" anil oilier important questions, il Is thulr own fault. The Facts in the Case. e,,,. ,i nni! yior. tii Tnf.or-I'DanV. stato Townsito company of Oma- wisely postponed action on the pe- - ... I .... r III ,... II... .nlliiiir fT 1... 1 1,4 I,., II" ",tr.nkjt of m tlllOl Ol i.llllllll'1- UU ' .' "- Lincoln L"ind company in the uu election. Hundreds of farmer townsito of Homingford, with the understanding that tho two com wero present at tho timo of the presentation of tho petition, hhow uiuifinuuiuiiif, nniu inw .. j . l i panics would use every endeavor ) ing by their presence and actiqns . I.t . .1 - ........ ..I l Ihn 111. lungmigo; but tho "Hon." lv. M. ' . o Q Now how tlo you hof. jikiujiuu uu. ....v . '"""M((bi tax payors like to have a man on the 17th day of .January Uko thls (l'icUamg tho policy of 1800". that tho petitioner to the 00unty? Just wait, they number ot more uiau iuu cou Kl OO , ,,.,. 1 T?.1,lc ,i,, Ihio .-.nli. bought for 2 01 per head. "1'' Uon and we wm locato t!l(MU for Or COUIhO llieiuuuil ma vi it 11 lining and wo presume he goes on the plan of judgmg othere by himself. But wo do not want such liiroliugs as lie but we want lo appeal to tho you by the-June term. At co t ovtuCiiuL, heavy suit, Indies' ami t,':-tV Miufntoslies at YyihJjV. are, "The Philosophy of Wit," and "Pun and Facts in Japan and China." The following are somo of thoddiosyncrasies which ap pear Qii tho ticket: 'Kit ByrkiuK. ittJurK." Ailmlt the )vx.ft or wife, m ovu wir, to UU lVrUlni" l.tur. anjrlir In vlio world, for ymm and yrBrn." "Thq lt'lurr will tximmenan hi S o'clock nlnri, mill roathuiM till omlKkly riiuimtH him to fciojj." In eao of n: noclilwit to tli linstHror. or if 1m hliouldtlieur l I.uhk lxrforo tlio in iii4 al Xlm ilUturl nucf , this tioket will admit thuUorer to a front stat Umi funwal. tlnfu b ran bit aud iijr lilmwiif Uw nuw ax at lit lJtjre." "Thw Idukekt priev.1 matA.UiuMiwar-tttlidor,.-vr)rtarved for paitlutijar frtwule cJ the jptakar." "OwilaiiyubniMcaitli Iw I 8lt." rkaeoa'ttmnKitr.' Serati Itoms. The mUsw flaleoa Curtis umi K la Mastruile listed MisK D.ivis' M'hool hibt Tut'Mlay. Miss Lulu Duncan, of aIIIhiiuo was visitliiK will) Mr. anil Mi. V. T. Johnson last Sunday. Mis Duvls iiiirellli'lont schoolinam, iniidu a trij) ti Alliance lust Saturday visiting hor parents who live In that unitf. Ml. -.8 Uiliei Johnson, came down from her aolioul near Diiiilup lust Krlday to visit, bur Tolks rt iirnin on Sunday. Her many fRiunds j-ot up a surprise party lii hot" honor wlillj Imru. Iailn.rsla.iicl Naws. Mr. 'u. hiiow shipped a oar load of wheat to Hauls woek, Mr. White, who takes Mr. (.'larks place n? teacher in tho Marttlninl auhnnl is Klvhuj ww bfitikfactiuii, wbiish pfoi'3 his ability a a twiohor. TIiq man from Nova Suotln Likus sp much iiiteicat In iht imtjuu of to make tho town the county seat of Box Butte county. Tins agree ment was made in spite of tho fact that the Lincoln Land com pany exclusively ownod tho townsito of Alliance, and "that it would bo doubly to the intorost of that company should Alliance beconn the county soat. The ajjraomont made between these two companies was carried out. and Nonpareil, romoto from tho railroad, the then present county seat, was defoated in tho three cornered contest between Alli ance, Hemintrford and Nonpareil, and Homingford secured the prize, notwithstanding 1110 ntut . that Alliance had five hundred j I more votes pollod than it had voters. Tho recent county seat I light, that has been raging in .that county, was instigated by 1 Alliance in an endeavor to wrest the county seat from Iloming ford. It was bosun at a time when tho farmers wero all away from their farms, which is gen erally the case during tho winter months, during which time they are pursuihg other lines of bus iness, making a livelihood in the mines iu the Black Hills, and such other work as they eantind. In this effort of Alliauco, al though, as before stated, it would bo greatly to tho interest of the Lincoln Lund company to havo the county soat at that point, yet they stood uutlinch iugly to their agreement with 1 the Interstate Townsito company, ' and have rendered no assistance or encouragement to Alliance in its efforts. This is in keeping with the established reputation with that company for a consci entious compliance with tho very letter of overy agreement. that thev wore opposed to tho ef fort made by Alliance to add on to the county a debt that would b burdetisoiu in thnto depressed financial timed. It is practically a favorable ending for Jlemingford. The latter town will always re main the county scat of Box Butto county. There can be no question on thut point. It is in the center of the county, accessible to all cit izens, and the force at work to hold it' there is a strong as to be absolutely unassntlable. Alliance spent about $7,000, it w .said, in its efforla the other time. It ii doing the same thing now ami it is likely to impoverish those j who are at the head of the moVe-meut.--Edgemont Express. sz-- i " A.T WILDY'S! First Shot Fired 'PiUL1: CAJYIP' Since the county seat will for all timo remain in lloinimjford, we have now added to our well .stoolcHil store a full and completo lino of Men Hoys and Children's CLOTHING and furnishing Goods, at prices so umn.ingl) low that I want you to know that all wo show is of the latest stylos out and of superior labrics and mater ial. Our Spring hats to suit our spring suits are tho proper shape, at hard time prices. Homo and seo; ak to examine for yourselves as w.i can talk a wholo lot hotter than write. Our prices are for cash or in exchange of produce for which we always pay you the high- jt oat market price. stands by its frionds in what it i thinks to bo right, nonnvttQrj i Your humble servant, OALVIN J. WILBY.