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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1896)
$ 1 . hiT.ra-.. i. iJj;aKirLWVtfrirTYi-"rw'Hrf'aBff','t-J rf IjfL The Herald. riMMcd "jwx. Friday i li raU matter. ...'fur Hr nil rniwd M tl "tJ,V. n t"Wrd AIimi rtiai Tn- Ur f t 11 tIPVOtCU t if" t:irotH of HrmiaHf'td and iw "i Mr o'- """"" TjTos". J. ftfjEefSFB. Publisher. Pt!rcRii,T on juitw $1 to HTK jriiA" OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE- COUNTY. COUNTY 6PF1'K1W. tH. Ptri-rn .....Clerk. A. 11,11. HWWSTT -3 .1, tVBMltT KuorifT fp Oiwilv... ..! Attorney Miss A. B. Nmmand.... 8upr!ntuident 5'ttn,lJti. Sjifrryof. AW nnr.r.J (.Commlrsloncr lot M. Jab. JfOLUjenKB.... ConinUluer t Ujnt. O. W DnxoAjf. Comtnitiiipcr3rol)(i. r !- TliciuitJMirizefltflitltiBiilll, putHnu u lienvy pwnlty upon thoHo who cn gK5 li Dalin contort for money In any - of ttic territories or in the District of ' Coltltfiliiiii KIIVJ i'i comity im exrH- - Joiitioea n Imw ctisly hiuI IioW qui. k Jy Coiij,fr6n3 can ua when so ilisntued. Thls'lUjl wont Mirmwh Hit Uiiiihc and Senate without u dlssontiriK vutu und ws promptly signed by tlio! Prea- , Idcnt'ill wit til ii forty-Hula lioiirs. . . i i I Tim results ofllio hlddinR for those bonds are In tho mUi Hutlfimtory to ,thc iidinlhi.strf.llun, bt.t thero lire good reasons tor the bidlof thut Pn-s Ideiit Cleveland uuil Sueretnry Car jlalo7 very reluctantly awarded am j .jwrtjon of the bonds to the Morgan '.'uyhdlcite; hut. liiHinuch as tin 'nubscrlptioiid in excess of the hid r that syndicate only took about two IbinlH of the issue, there was nothing .plso Itiat coital Ue fairly done hut to uwanl the others to tluti nnillciUc. ' Although ttmre than thiee-l'oiutle- '"iff Uio bonds have ben uwiirdud t Ncw York hidden Unit,, does not mean that so larj; a prcentan of the bnKJs us that will jjo Mine. iJlii hh fruii.'nll ttitfotis of the cou.ntn forwarded their ufds through their .Jinhoejil correspondents in Now, York i Vh'f they go and whatever he tomes of them it is hoped that thev will ho tho last hoods Issued hv the 1J. S. It) u time of peace. "VVlijlo id Allinnco n few days unp, tho writor convereed with a iiuuibcr o tho business men of '.tlnUX'ity and of coufsa tho iuattqrof "eowly aoat, vomovnl cimiu up, timl "Jt wjis ovidtint from tho esptQioiiP ' of 'these men tht tlioy lmvq jjo jiotoes of obtaining and but very 'Jiulode-siro to 'fioouro tho county 'mj. tjyxt plnco. Such vomnrk ns "Alluinuo will be no nearor the :coti!ity seat in live yoaw than 'now;" "its only a Bchotuo of u few '.ellows, who want to ?ot out, lo ."y and creato a boom so they can 'juulond," yero pot uncommon. ThQ (iot3 avo, that' tho clear-head- 'pil, hhi'owd businessmen of Alii- ftuco readly aeo that tho inoroaaod '.taxation will far surpass any po 4U1q nddtiou to thp yaluo of their 'prpevty, and will not consent lo bo u party to a scheme that can but result dJeosterously to our county . ; yhilo'thoy juay havevbeeu prevail -'ed upon to sin a petition asking ov an election, it is their intention 'o vote agahi&t the proposition to Irylocato at AHinuco. rc ,' Itet1nz in n Tine Art. Those who wish to study begging as n flne nrt nrd recommended to visit the museum of tho Mendicity society of London, where they will find n curious collection ot tho varied dodges resorted ."to hy tho begging fraternity of that vast pjty. The collection Includes over 200, 0) bogging letters, many of which aro "iHrnoaeia vj ivKenuity, the work of pro cessors dr'llw art of lett writing; who rmpply the nrttclc to order, and a photo graph album of metropolitan beggars. Tho museum also contains a gallery of Siiotorlal appeals, with suitable inscrip tions adapted to catch tho unwary. It is jfull of curiosities of the most ingenious Jtlnd. , ' , fitpTonnon In Domnnil. First editions of Robert Louis Stev enson are already fetching high prices. M tho recent sale of Philip Gilbert jHamerfiin'ts library, and etchings, which VroujHt only 5J;370, a presentation copy pf "A! Inland Voyage," 1878, was sold 'or $33, and tho first edition ot the J'N'ew Arabian Nights," two. volumes, lbS2, for 5-10. F. Seymour Hndon's ?'KtudB uur l'eau forte" sold for J1G0, Ihs highest price obtained, Hnmcrton'a . awu books and uianuMripts obtaining very low bids. T ' ' "t Luxury In Vloivert. The luxury Implied a the quantity of Jlowcre tweil by oae of the largo pcr futi.rrR of Qanue is almost beyond lp 5Ki.).ition. He u8 yearly 140,000 i ' j.ih .if orar.'" flowers, 12,000 of cas , , l,tlI .l.v . a from which most f '. ' ..i ' pi.', i !- made; 140.004 j -',0fl9 ' . i . dc 9F.r-r f'.tnt -. ae ctjjr t,.m. "r"i!fjH Life on destruction island. Omt.uiV -Tiilniti nocn by n N'ortli I'nciilc I,l(jlillinue'Kroj)pr. Frflm tho Seattle PfBt-IntoUlgonccr: Tho kooppr of tho govcrnmont light houio, which wan established a fe;r yonra ago on Destruction Island, doubt lefts loads a lonoly life, hut ho haa some ospcrlonccs which n lover of tho roman tic and tho advouturoua might well covet. Tho Island Itself Is not with out a certain -frelrd fascination. Thirty five miles south of Cape Flattery it arises abruptly from tho face of tho ocean. It had n plcturosquo, though wild nnd rugged fccauty, and ns It stands facing tho northern blasts that have Bent moro than ono stout ship to tho bottom, It calls up tho namo of Isla de Dolores, which tho early SpanlBh navigator, Quadra, gavo it to commem orato his misfortunes, and tho latter namo of Destruction Island, given to it In 1787 by Captain Berkley on account of tho ead falo of several of his crew who were murdered on Its savage coast. On wild nnd stormy nights, when tho wind is whirling tho sea Into foam Rgalnst tho beetling edges of tho Island, tho Gcono passes tho merely beautiful and becomes majestic and sublime. On such nights the kecpor has visi tors that do not come to tho door of tho ordinary landlubber. Flocks of wld fowl, attracted by tho bright light, Dy blindly toward it, and, with tho force of the wind added to that of their own stout wings, thoy are driven against tho lens with a momentum that oometlmes shatters tho thick glass, but oftencr results in Instant death to tho birds. Sometimes there 1b a posi tlvo volley of birds against the taco of tho light, and ns many as a dozen liavo 1 been known to strike it simultaneously, i After a Etorruy night it Is not uncom ' mon for tho keeper to pick up at the baco of tho tower as many as twenty flvo dend birds. Many of theso aro of the choicest .kinds, and tho keeper's tnblo ccldom lacks a supply such as nn .epicure might cruve. During tho day tho keeper is fre quently greeted by tho thrilling sight of a whale hunt by Indians In tho neigh boring waters, a chnso as hazardous nnd exciting as any on mountain or plrtln. Each canoo goes out with n crow of nix onrsmen, one spcarsman In tho stern. To tho end of tho Bpear an air tight sealskin, inflated liko a. bladder. is attached by a line fifty feet long. A dozon of thoso boats go out together when a whalo Is sighted. Stealthily a single boat moves out from the llttln fleet and approaches tho big gamo, tho oarsmen stoical and calm, the spears mnn erect, rigid nnd statuesque It is a moment of grave peril. A splashing oar, a sudden move, ft rnvcrlng hand or hot heat at the helm, and boat nnd crow would go down be neath n single Btroko from tho great monator now so near. At precisely the right Instant tho spearsman hurls hia spear with unerring aim, nnd tho bnt tle begins. And then ono standing on tho island cliff bccb the little boat dart nway nnd the whale fiercely churning the water. The other boots come up rapidly. Weakened by loss of blood, retarded by tho air-tight skins that float on tho water, and worn out by turning hither and thither in whimsical pursuit of his many foos, the whalo slowly gives over tho unequal contest nnd Is towed at last, Uko a great hulk of n merchant man, to Neah bay, where tho Indians gather far a great foast. How tho ISarth Ixiea Time The explanation of Lord Kelvin's efitlmato, that tho "set-back" of the earth In its daily rotation round its axis amounts to twentytwo eeconds per cen tury, Is reported to bo that such retar dation is owing to tho friction caused by tho tides, the lattor acting as a brake, nnd such action 1b calculated, ac cording to the same authority, to bo equal In weight to some 100,000 tons applied on the equator. Other causes, he says, havo also to be taken Into ac count, as , for example, tho Increase In tho slzo of tho earth, due to tho fallllng on It of meteoric dU3t, which, If depos ited at tho rate ot ono foot In 4,000 years, would produco tho observed re tardation by itself. Further, such a phenomenon aa the annual growth nnd melting of snow nnd Ice nt tno poles, by abs nctlng 'Water from tho other . m.... A.n.. I,.niliirnfl l.amila,. pariB Ol lUC uuiui, muyuuvvii iuvsuibi- Itles Into the problem, tne abstraction accelerating the earth's motion and tho melting, hy restoring tho water, retard Ins JU Boston Journal of Commerce. Th Only nr R Store An authority on such matters says that there is only ono drug store In this country, and that ono Is located on Fifth ovenue, New York. No patent medlclnos or proprietary articles are In stock, for It Is a proscription plant pure and simple, and Is patronized by the leading physicians. All tl Ir ana lysing is douo there, nnd ten clerks are lfffnt busy filling prescriptions. Tho man who runs this genuine drug store , nets ntout $35,000 a year. Some other drug rtores here, however, mako more than that out of the sale of liquors i aloue. I Will l'lfi 8mnkfir. Profossor Kajak of Vienna has de clared that smokers are less liable to diuntberla and other throat diseases than nonsmokers in tho ratio of one to twenty-eight. Tho learned Dr. Schlff alio giv'g us to understand that smok ing Is aUays positively forbidden iu bactet Jologtcal laboratories, because it Is Unawn to hinder the development of the bat !rla. I lower r.rm!nj. The atactics ot flower farming tell us thut tte UrtUth Indies and Europe auwz-t :.ilijr, t the vpry lowest ftimty, IW.V." Uoi of poumed apfrits. twr wv. -:. , - Notice of Publication of Sunr rnons. JnlInCMtiK. It Talm.i lliimlmi. Sptdl m. Inrln II. WilllAtnK, Ira Bra M Tush hi wifa, and W. J. l"iB SI. William and W.J. Portlm dofnl nnta. will tiilct iiutlcn that 011 the JMh ilij of liiUjof njln.nb if . lf( UeWuP laij-. i"m. .nsim . . jjisjwmj. niRinnn utinj .1 I. it iWtlion in Dip diKtriet court (if DnttorunnLy. Mclrrnnkn. niminKt cnlit de (iii1. tlic (float ntiil t)rnor i,f 7'li!oh nro Id ftirt.- c.iw n certain morlavp nxcoulfnl Iy the de ' mlrtiit lwlo M Ytjliiltziq to llie AmmlcniJ nvoitiuent lo, nvn nm ' tawest tiniru!f f hi ot iwottoti lour ( towueliin teutrinK e -n HI of iMVtloti lour (4) tonbsliili ttteutri .ttiThtwefortv cialit (k. west of (Itli 1'. l. (.(iThtwe. forty cialit (k.) west of (!tli 1'. M.iti Itl i ilox lliiltnoottnt), KobtAnkn. to wviiiro thu fy mentof ACvttstnmmtKoi hood, ilalcit MnMSjjI. IW, fortliemimof$B'J.ntilli,')iiI"nil)terWt lmt tlierrto nttnchnt of oven dit thormrltli, of Sli Si t-irli. Hi" flint fulling (lii Jnuiil. 1H1, Ami onn(r..rv aix imjullii tiurpift'.r nut tit I 'JSt. P.. I 1 ton inters! ronpou JiotiM ltruvided for In tho Mt,ljMtjniinu,irient, (ntretl Into lift -trf'ti the (lorMnlaiit I. IS. Twdi Mid tfn kIi! American Invikl-ncnt ("iiniliiuir or ?1L'.2Ti rn-li. tli tnl fRllIni? duo DwcmtxT t, ivn, mid oiu' every u tnonthn tliercnftor, wliioli aid liuml, coupon ' iiil'Ti-fct not'-e. niul mort?BBn awwi wan on ueio-1 ikt 10, lny. Bold. ni1orB"(lt niilneil nnd dli- l rut to Huh plnlntilT; tlmt tliero In uow duo uu oil fftiil notCB nnd inortcntp the Bni'i tif flJo. with tliterretat tho intvoi 10 l'r int lor ati- ir.m from tic ' day " 'n'f 1K,' for whtcn ("nm i with iiitrwt fMnforiwlri. lilmntlff iiruys for a, il"rrmtli;a (1 fpinlantu Iw r"(itilrl to pay tho , emnp, or tur.t fald pri'miics may Ij nold to nat iefy tlionmoant found lii". ( loaari. rwinirfu to nnswer nam "uiion on or lieforotlie lith day of February, lH'JU. DalcdJnn. M. irftl. . . JUIilAC. iNQKKSOIi. Plaintiff. 1-10 lly 11 1'. Oilman, Iut attorr.oy In tho MntfT of tlin Kutsto of ) Jnnu!i Mel iiltouKh, dcroiuAl. J In Iho district oonrt of Uox lititto comity: order at tho Hon V.U W('Rtivcr, Ju.lne ot th OiBlrlctt'niir1 ntllox Hnlin co'inly KctnAtkn, ! mini" on tho loth day of Felirlmity. IStW. for the ' 11 1,1 n. I, lii'.i-iri kiti'II .iir.b .u i.u.niii. in.. ... n.i i (al" of tho real fflnto Imrrluattcr ileaj'ri lxxl , t.icrovvlll tx oid nt tho wpnt frontdoor of the to itthoupoln Ileiiilnsfore.ltos Htittoconnty,Ho hrankn. on thu lltli dttv of -Marrtli. Iltd. :it 10 i o'cliK'kn. tn., at public venrluo to tho hiclictt liddcr for cabIi. tho NorthwrBt quarter of H'-c-tion it'l, in Townnliip 2 north, Iiam: l wcr t of tho Bizlh prinrlpal Meridian, ill Ilox Untie puiuity, Neliraska. Ksld talo will remain op-n ono hour. Joii.n II. Kihuk. .- dnilnlBtrator of the CBtato of Jame JIcCul lonilli, (IncrAHPd. Uabil t'obruary lith, 1800. Notice. 4TATK OF NKU11A8KA. ).. Ilox Hurra CorNTY, JBn It. It. Ilnllartl, you aro horeliy notified tliat on tlio Klthdny of April MM. ThomaB Mollis pur fhasnd at tax calo tho H W 54 flection 10, town nnii2x, r47, l!ox lluttoconnty, Hta! of Ko 'uaika That BAld 'and n taxed In tho :iaum of It. a. I'a'lard, and tho Bald piircham of tnx salo was nindn for tho lasi'B of the year ltfW. That tho time for tho redemption of tlin nfoie aid land will expire ou tho l:th day of Apiil, I IH) Dntnl at Itadollffo, Iowa, this rlr.y of Jan uary lh'J.1. THOri HOIjMK, Hy It. 11. Ilallard, his atty. in fact. First publication 1-UI-U5. Notloo. iTATIJ OP NKHRABICA, ( liOX lllirrE foUKTT, ) " 11. II. Ilallard, you arohcrehj notified lhat on tlio l:itli day of April 1-itl. Tluunuu ItoliiB pur 'hapiHlat tux Ble thnN W "4 BrctiMi 15, town shlp ii. tatw" 47, Ilox tutto county, Btatoof Scbracka. That said land YtiB taxed in tl.n namo of It. U i:ntlard, and tho a'd purclinioi nf taxalowas made for tho taxes of the ytlir HU.' That tiio timet for the redemption ot Uio aiorepaid land will expiro on the VMh dt,y of ipril lKi. DaUnl at Radcliffo, Iowa, tlda IMh day of Jan. I Yfi. THUS. IIOM.IH. Ily It. II. Ilallard, fact, fp 1-31-W " NOTICE. 'tat" of NchraiUa, ) ounty of Ilox llutto. s " Kollovrlnjf is tho (tlmato of expenses for ilox llutto county Nebranka. for l!i yrar lWl. iado by thp Hoard ot co..nty comtnisBioiiprB at their mo-tln on Ihr second TiUBday In Juu- ary 1W.J, a rcqulrwl hy law rsTntATK or irsrc:;sr.s ron 1890 For c.onnty officers salary Sa.CoWJ " precinct " " 'i.WO.tO ' election purpopes l.'.'Ou.W " support of poor 1,00IM ' bond tax for school districts 2,H0i).itt " district court fee and nxiiente. .. 1,0 H.U) " incideutalB, siipplicc, fuel, etc l.Om.uD " Institute fund fin.00 Total expenses utest: lly Jab. II. il. II vwrrrr, Deputy. L. W. BOWJ1AN Physician and Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB. Office in Norton's Block. Culls utt anded promptly. Charges reasonable. ClTUi'Ol-i Dlroctory. i lONOnr.OA'l'IONAli. Prcuchiimwh ult.-iv 'iialo Sunday, b"KlnnliiK Jniiiinry. 1, 1HII, l II o'clock a. m., Jitid tit " p m. Siitiiln School it 10 a m. Prayer Meeting each Wetliii'Mtny .it 7 p. in. i LEHMAN LUTIIEItAN'i-Scivkiit nt tlio ' ourt Hoiim:. Uov. Wumlerlich, Ptistnr. . tATI10MO;-tlcv. ('liarleB Zak Pastor. ETHOniST:-llov J.W. Kentlull fu'tor .11 l'roHctilnir tlio reennd aiiul lourth Suuthiy in jch inontli itt It a. in., audi p. in. LMMSCOPAlji-Sonlwe In tlio iMomil Church. Iter. Conirrcpnt- I'liHior, -crvit'ca on the tlilid Tli..i'bilny In each mouth ii 7 p. in , MW. A. ItohohiiBli Camp No. '.MI0. Merta Becoiid and foiuth TueBdny nicht of eaith mouth, VisitiiiK NeintilMir oordlnlly initd. W. M. Ioiikm'u. Clerk. K. Hoot. V. O. UAlh DlltKtTOliy. Uviiisaronn poHtotliw. On wook tlays door (HH-iib at 7 a. m., general dulivery opn at K a. iu and clobfth at H p. m. Upon Sundays 0 to 10 a. iu. HiTMiNOFonDANullox Hutte ti'odaily except Sunday. llLMisoior.u anp I)OKLVf Ktatjo, Monday WedueKday and Friday. 1E "OMAHA WORLD -HERALD Kdlted by Ex-Conjrremin W. J- BRYAN Is the greatest ueiespaper west oj the AlUtouri liioer. It advocates FREE SILVER at tho prosunt ratio of aixtoon to ono Its news sorvlco Is tho boat to ho obtaiuoi. Duily, ? 6 00 par yoar; 50 cents per month Weetily, 1 00 per yoar Subscriptions for tho WORLD-HERALD raclvcd at this office W. K. Herncall, the ilerchaiit- Winter hije come, we nre aware. With its wind and drifting snow, And tho place for suph weather to prepar - ' - t Is what wo all want to know. Where we can satisfactorily trade Our produce for coffee and bread, fs; V.W-. . 4& tjr Where did you Why, at the best Place in town, MAXAUUWiiugiyAumuxiflaK&e A Beautiful Woman Attracts Attention Everywhere. Gold -:- Left -T is NOT A AS HANDSOME TO LOOK AT AS BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, BUT After Giving it a Trial szsznra-oszD sxrxHsra- Final Proof"- Notices Ilox. J. W. Wkh.v. .In., lt"Rif tor. IIo.s. I'. M. HitoojlE. Itoeler. Parties having notices in thii column aro ro linrtitrd to read tho Minis carefully aud report to IIiIr iilllcn for corriction any errors that may cxitU. This will proveut poijflihle delay in niaUlUR proof. LandOBicoat AU.'anco, Neb.. Jan. 19, 105. r.ollco in J-troby i;iven that tho following named fOtU-Vliai lilcd uotico ot his iutcntiouto ninlco proof in Mippurt of IiIh claim and t.iLtBAiu pro'.,r will Ik mado liofor? HiBUr or llocener at AU'anco. Neb., on March U, la W), vit FRANK M. HEVAH, r t;emiiiRford,Nili., who tnado HE ho. 2092, for 1110 H E 'i HtC :'0. t) 'Si 11. tn U XT. lie tinniest tint following wltn"SPB to prove hin coiitlnuons residence upon nun culthatiou or naitl land, iz: Henry Micliaoliou, John Miilmelfion, ( hrlst IlnnH. n, IJ. A. I'uul, all of llcmlimford. Nob. J. V. Wtu.v, Jn., RegiNlor. "" Land Office at Alliance, Nb., tfob. 8, lfiW. Notlco Ih hcrcLy giicn tlmt tho follow log named Bctller Iiiib bled notiio of her intention to make final proof iu support of her ciniro and that mul proof will lit) matin boforo County ntiU'oof Daw oft county, at Ohadron, Aeu., on Mar Jilt, lfVO.viz: AHIOAUj PIlll'PS, of DitpJap, Neb., who m.-.dn II E No. 2741 for tho W ',' II '4 HWi 7, lp -II u, r 47 w. Kliorianicn tlin folio a iuir iTltnoaBos to WOVO her contlnuoiiB residoncy upon and cultivation of i-aiil land, viz: Ilarry h. liartlctl, Charles 1j. Wnhlruii. l.rlc Sjodprjtroin, tiUBOne raticr hoii, nil or l)uuU;, No'i. Also IiTJRA E. l'HIPPa. ot Dunlap. Nob., who mail 1 11 E No. 2760 for tho lotB tY -1 & K yt N W t Bto IS, tp i:3 n, re 47 w. riim namct l ho followuw; witnt'HpB to prove her continuous rcpuleii.-o upon n'l cultivation of paid laud, viz: Harry L. Hartletl, Charles 1.. Valdron. ric tfodcrHrom, Huguni Palter un,allof Usi'lnP. Mli. .. , J. W. ehs, Jn., ItPKleter. I and OIHce at Alliance. Neb.. Jan 7. 1PJM. Kotico is hereby Riven that the followlne jjnmwl BCttler hns hied notlco of his intention to mal.e linal proof in support ot lus claim, and that ti&id proof will ! mutlo hefo?3 He'itcr or ltecchor at Alllanco. Neb., on Feb. iM, lbtW, vis: MAKT1N O. LOKUN, of Hemlfifefortl, Neb., who mado h. E. No. 28S3, for thu lots liSiSWflB! coo 3. tp in u, r: U w. Ho JMimrB tho foltoving witnopses to prpvo his .otitiiiiHureitlenc? upon and cultivation of raid laud, viz: Maitiu K. Oloven. Ole J. Moe. AndiewJ. Johnnon, Halvor G. l'nilsaas, all of Uemiucford, Neb. .... J . W. Weiix, Jn., Hcgioter. Laud Oflioo at Allianco, Neb.. Jan. 8. 185G. Nntiooia hereby given that tho follotvinx namfd rcttlor has fl!d notice ot hiB intention to mMco linal proof in support of hia clalm,and that a!d proof will Iw mado bufore tho itegiBtpr orlteceivcrat Alliance, Neb, on Feb. 19, ltUO, viz: ANDHEW 1IESSUM of Dnnlan, Nob., one of tho iielrs of Has Hes Foll, iliM-eased, for tho lot I. SHUN E !i boo 5, Lot 1 A 8, & S V, N W H nee 4. una u, r 4S w. . HitDBiuoflthofollowimc witnoscBto provo l)i contiuuou-i resideucrf upon act! cultivation of Bcid lantl. viz: P.M. Johnson. P. 0. Silr birnr. John A. Johnson, of Uunlap, Neb., John Knutson, ot Horainsford, Neb. . J. W. Wehs, Jn., KteiBtcr. Lend Office at Alliance, Neb., Jan. 21, UW. JiOticeiH heieby iven that tho fp.lowiBR narai d eitler has filcl notice of hia maention U mako final proof in support of IiIb claim, and that i-ald proof will lio mado leforo I. A. jJorriiiKton, 0 S t . C. t i.mraissionor, at Chadrou. Neb , on Fob. 20, Jt-W, viz: COM riOHEW.CASK. of Hnngh, Nob. , who mado II E No. i!50 for the 8 W H boo 17. tp 30 n. r 49 wr. Ho names the following witnesses to provo his dontiiiuous residence upon and cultivation oftaidland, viz: Joseph h. Vandsjcer, W ti Uani W. Tyroo, James W. Tyreo, GriUiu Jorale niou. allot HouKh, Nb. Also ORlFFIN J0RALE.M0N, ot Chadron, Nob., who mado H E No. 1012 for tho a B U wmj Id. tp SO r ' w. HenaniB thq tollowins witno?Be8 to prove hlBcoutluuoiiB regidnooupou and oultivHtion of said land, viz: William W. Tyro". John M. Pclc, HouKh, Nob, btla V. I'scit, Chadron, Neb., Con-udorb W. Cash, of doueh, Nob. J. W. eun, Jtt., HeglBter. I and O llco at All Unco. cb., Feb. 10. 16!. NotUo i herel.J nivcn that the following ,..tMlMttrlinifiW notion of his inteutton i,, u mke final uroof in Buppoct of lua claim and KSXbVJri'ilS'fuSiiuS haid proot will or lleceiver nt ti?.. Kali n 'ATn.rj'ti H. vtttaiiio. c( .... , lS6,iii: HomjuxPlllNuLE of Oniric i. H. I., vuo niatip Timlr rnlturo , entry No. K for tlte N W U K. 0 T n U . ' He namth the fidliiw in wltnojmt. to prove his j cont-nuouBTrfrd-iictt pon ai.d cu.tnaUmiot wtd land, vir. TIloo L. ttojjkiius. John Jel-nUc. W. M. toeket. Urov Fokt,allof HeHilmiford, b 3 WiW,ijB,lln,ftW( Land OIHw t AHUte ,-b.. Jaa . 1M. """ri'.L ': .....l.. .vfl.U lnlutil u-.t. Tr,i,!"f4T.r.;.T,,VrT 3 L aiT od I ami lK.iiWrat-lHw,KtJ..Wi Fljruor.v 15. i,viv QKOflRK acniiiTr f Box Putt. Keb..who mad U.K. No. 1KM f"' o, tl. S W S B-c. P '- n. ru 4.. w. hnicilntin oueicjuoe'lon Mid oulthftttun jUld land. vt J JWJk,oedB ' , ltiUr. SuljcyM-&v Ta Hkcauo. J.r.l..Tl...jlrtt jiuis, caps, mittens, gloves, bilks, Boots, shoes, overshoes and quilts, say? l,XH.WBJUll.''lHI..UMl.IHpp5fl W HERN An Ugly Wonoan Can Make. Better Bread With Qolel - Leqf - Floqi THAN A BKAUTIFUL WOMAN CAN WITh ANY OTHER BRAND. You will wondw now You Ever jE3- X3C. 3E3- G-BSE1T, 'Shell s im Hardware, I This Card is to fBcneji', Cash 'rluyers. (Don'2 Lose It 20 '25 100 100 100 100 1U0 20 25 "20 I 25 H. R. GREEN, 20 or, MOW TO SAVE MONEY Head What This Card ....Says.... 20 I 25 20 25 When you pny C:ih4 lot the Clerk punch out the amount; nnd wlion von havo puid ub Twentv Dollaks in l'ubIi, will give you One 'Dollar In Goods Free of Charge. 20 25 20 25 20 OK J50n all coodB cr.cept Harb -ariro 20 I 2, 50 SO 50 I LQ 50 We will not be undersold. J.iivaysbfixg'tliis Card -with you. Lifer? We have first-class stock and doublo :uidsinslo rigs, which wai furnish at reasonable rates. Our fucilities fos accommodating boarders are unexcelled in the city. Give us a cnll. gar Stable Corner Box Butto Avenue and Sheridan Street. O PIONEER- Hardware and The Oldest Establishment in tiie Cotntt Charter Oak Cook Stores, Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc. Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb wivA Best on Eartli . w Now Short Line to Hdena, Bud Spokunu, Seattle and Tai-onm 1 JU "W. C. Time Cart i KAbT BOUND. iii'"u.'rutrt i h . VI. V lt:2fip. u 6:t l. ii 10;l0ii. in im frttluht t froli.U nrriviiK nt WBKT POlfND , 41 nasiir iifii vw at ulralalit ' 5fll ,l. in ll:i0 p. ih -M P, ll : trkbt vrlw . Ail tn awe WU7 Zua2.x... n M IT It .fr-w. -. ' I vmSwm n .j.i:i.fP-..Mr.ft. v ty .$ ' ,'.' ' ' "'"r ' " " " "! Clothinc and undsrwear, Overshirts andsa'cket3, And all kinds of jaeckwear, Done up in a xce paoket. CALL'S, Got Along without it. c OTEd&.ZLT-sr' w, aiw. "-wiSIEZSi" 100 100 50 50 BardWaTft. And Harass by tho .vt. 50 j 50 50 oo.M.V.VCk. See "Wildy before yon sell your hors, poultry, bulter, eg3, cheeso or potatoes. IPWXm e " f? i; Cavcati. aad 'rt ade-Marli obtained aud eu P entbau .ew co- ducted for hloocRATC Ft to. Oun orrice is Opposite U.o.PATCfiTomoc uiluoHiK 're patent in leu uaio iun renota s. : WJ ..Kton. . . , i 5 Scad foael, drai&i or ptioio., wun u.itni-j; ?ttn, V.o ati , it pitenuuio or nr.i, i-r uii ebitve. Our fee not duo till pttentutBecmrd. i i- A PAMPHLLT. "HowtoObUja rleut," Mltar of: ot Maiilu tho U. S. cad faciei, couotrit? lexai. tsuat tree. AddrtJi, if 2C.A a '". i Op. PATtriT OrriCT. WASMiriGTon. D. C. t 5,rt,WvWv.vwwvwwvw-v--vwv-vtj 7 I t ! 15 1 10 5 15 j 10 j 5 '.lR'TloTn 1 1 15 j 0.6 J 6 wHiy 15 30(5 ih j "iof 5 lTfioT's 15 1 id 1 5 ; i m j 1.5 10 j 5 ...... Proprietor o AAP rccU OLdOItJD. UHRIG, a TfT'ViafPrTri Saddlery. r Bi nv pun ktM m1 WM Bdi HI Arrd rtwuMBMBkr ri4kiBMki': uaefilll r ' ' t ) X I