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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1895)
fir k I : FREE FARE TO TEXAS Go With LinderholnVs Personally Con quoted Excursions to Chestcrville, Texas, Over the Great Hock Island Eoute. Von Will Sco the Fluent Fruit nnd Farm ing Country In the World Now Open for Settlement. Kspecial advantages aro that tho land lies higher than any other similar tract af fording superior drainage, so necessary with rainfall In that district. Land will cost you no troro than tho rent you are now paying. KIch and productlvo soil; no irrl iratlon needed; mild and dollghtlul climate. Land sells on bight. Xwo towns and two railroads on tuo tract; others near by. boll unequalled for tho production of Corn, Cotton. Hugnr Cane, Alfalfa and every hind of fiult and vegetable. Wo havo thousands of acres of land near Houtton, Tczan, In this tract to select from now which will soon bo taltcn up. This means a homo and ccmfortoblo fortuiio to tho reader if bo will investigate. Write tout. Sond us tho name of your frionds who want n homo of their own. Lcavo tho b.lzzards, taxes and high rents of tho north. Locato in tlio choicest district of tho Gulf Coast country and .ou will roroat tho success of jour moro prosperous neighbors. Scud for our pamphlet, entitled "Fer tile Farm Lands," plats, maps, etc. Low price. Easy terms. Low rate excursions constantly running. Don't you want to got When you write give our address in full, Address Southekx Teas Coloniza tion Co., John Ijtiirtcrliolni, Mgr., 110 Hlalto UldK., Chicago. MISSING LINKS. The expenditure of England .for drlnk3 lo estimated at $900,000,000 a year. At Duluwayo a company has been formed to exploro the ancient ruins in Maahonalantl for treasure. The system of canals contemplated by Russia will have a total length o 1,000 miles and will unite tho Baltic and Black seas. A petrified frog found in an Elmira N. Y., stone qunrry in 1883 was two feet eight Inches in length and weighed over 100 pounds. A technical congress at Zurich is try ing to secure agreement In the meth ods of testing building materials throughout Europo and tho United States. Episcopal assistant rectors in New York are to bo called curates hereafter, and in tho largo city churches the tltlo vicar instead of rector is to be permit ted. It is said that 300,000 cubic feet of water plunge 150 feet downward over the Niagara escarpment every second, thus wasting 10,000,000 horse power of energy to tho second. Pins, from their extenslvo use, are important articles of manufacture. It is stated that thcro are made in Eng land, for home use, and exportation, moro than 20,000,000 pins daily. A complete skeleton of a moa or dinornls, the gigantic, ostrich-like, ex tinct bird of tho Nov Zealand and tho Connecticut sandstone, has Just been discovered in a New Zealand cave. GEMS OF THOUGHT. Modesty ,or rather fear, is one of thb first virtues of love Balzac. It many times falls out that we deem ourselves much deceived in others, be cause wo first deceived ourselves. Sir Philip Sidney. Oh, what a curious place tho world 1s, and what a number of things are found out a fresh in it! What faded old facts stand forth in startling colors as wonderful and new when youthful gen ius gets a chanco of sitting still while it passes, and making unnoticed studies of it. Jean Ingelow. There is this difference between those two temporal blessings, health and money: Money is tho most envied, but the least enayod; health Is tho most en Joyed, but tho least envied; and this superiority of the latter is still moro obvious when wo reflect that the poor est man would not part with health for money , but that the richest would glad ly part with all their money for health. Colton. How easily, if fate would suffer it, wo might keep forever these beautiful limits, and adjust ourselves, once for nil, to tho perfect calculation of tho kingdom of known cause and effect. In the street, and in the newspapers, life appears so plain a business, that manly resolution and adherence to the multi plication tablo through all weathers will Insure success. But, ah! presently comes a day, or is it only a halt hour, with Its angel whispering which dis comfits the conclusions of nations and of years. Emerson. RAM'S HORNS. The thing that damns a sinner Is hla love for sin. The only thing about some churches that seems to point toward heaven is the Bteeple. The world needs people who will do right without first stopping to find out what others arc going to do, . The man who lives only for himself is helping to carry on iue devil's busi ness. Knowing tho name of a sin some times opens a door for it. Boil down the religion of some peo ple and you will find that there is noth ing worth having In it. Dreams of wealth dou't come truo as often as work for It does, Tho highest price' paid for a modern painting was $110,600 for Millet's "An gelus." Tho largest bronze statue Is that of Peter tho Great at'St. Petersburg. Weight, 1,000 tons. In India every resldont must, under 'peia'ty of f'nr, have nn name written up at the entranco of his house. Australia has a population of less than 5,000,000, but economists declare it could support 100,000,000 with. ease. The largest bell in Japan, that in the temple at Kioto is twenty-four feet high and sixteen feet" in diameter across the rim. A TEUE GHOST S10EY. OT many years ago peoplo used to sneer at ghosts and ghost stories much moro than thoy do now, and one would con stantly hear peoplo whisper to one an other whllo somo Individual wna re lating his or her experience: "Ah! It is very odd that theso ghost stories should always bo related at second or third hand. Now, I want to seo a per son who personally has seen tho ghost, and then I will bollovol" Yes. Peoplo aro moro accustomed to hearing about ghosts now; and yet, even now, should it bo a wife, daugh ter, or sister who ventures to narrato 6omo supernatural experience, sho is pooh-poohed or laughed at or told to "tnko a pill." Now, I havo seen a ghost, and am pre pared to attest most solemnly to tho fact, as woll as to tho truth of every word hero sot down. I have, of course, avoided names, but nothing else; so, without further preamblo, I will stato my case. Somo years ago I became tho object of tho infatuated adoration of a person of, my own age and sex. and I uso tho word "infatuated" advisedly, becauso I feel now, as I did at tho timo. that neither I nor any mortal that over lived could possibly bo worthy of tho over whelming affection which my poor friend lavished upon me. I on my oldo was not ungrateful to her, for I loved her in return very dearly, but when I explain that I was a wifo and tho moth er of young children, and that Bho was unmarried, it will easily be understood that our devotion to each other must of necessity be rather onesldod, and this fact caused somo dlsquietudo between us at times. For many years my friend held a post at court, which sho resigned soon after cho began to know mo; and although her royal mistress In her gracious kind ness assigned two houses to her, sho gave them both up to bo frco to llvo near mo in B ; Indeed, Bho gavo up relatives, old servants and comforts in order that she might como and llo (and STANDING CLOSE TO A SCREEN, die, alas!) in lodgings over a shop near me. But sho was not happy. Sho "gloomed" over tho Inevitable fact that in consequenco of the differenco in her circumstances and mine, I could not be with her every day and all day long. I think she was naturally of an unhap py disposition, being deeply, passion ately and unjustifiably Jealous, and also painfully incapablo of taking things and peoplo as they were. All this gavo mo often much annoyance; but wo were, all tho same, sometimes very cheerful and happy together, and somo tlmes tho rovorse. Later on, she, poor soul, was taken ill, and during months of fluctuating health I nursed her sometimes In hope, sometimes without and at mo ments during her lllnoss she found strange comfort in foretolllng to me, after the most "uncanny" fashion, things which sho declared would hap pen to mo after her death. They were mostly trivialities little episodes con cerning people and things over whom wo had talked and laughed together, for she was gifted with a keen sense of tho ridiculous. Among other things, sho said to mo one afternoon: "This bazaar for which wo aro work ing sho had been helping me for weeks for a charity bazaar, and I can now see her dainty llttlo hands as sho man ipulated tho dainty muslin and lace. Poor, poor L ! I shall bo dead bo fore it takes placo; and I shall see you at your stall, and on ono of the days of the bazaar an old lady will come up to you and say: Have you any of poor Miss L 's work? mentioning me. And you will answer: 'Yes, here is some!' and you will show her this which I am working; and she'll say, 'Havo you any moro?' and you shall cay, 'Yes' again; and she'll carry it all off and say she buyB it for poor Miss L 's sake And I shall know and sco it all!" I remember repeating, wonderlng ly, "What lady?" She answered, dreamily, "Oh! I don't know but somo old lady! You'll see!" And I am bound to say this is actu ally what occunt'd at tho bazaar, montns after her death; an old lady with whom I was not acquainted did buy all her work, having asked for it and carried it away "for her sako!" An old lady, too, whom I had never seen Ono other curious circumstance which attended her death was that, af ter looking forward with moro than usual pleasure to my coming birthday, which she raid would bo a moro than commonly happy anniversary that was the very day on which she died! I think that ono of the sharpest re grets which I over experienced in my life consisted In tho Jict that I was not with my dearest friend at the moment that sho passed away. Sho had mado me promise that I would be with her at the time, and God knows I had tho fullest intention of fulfilling ber wish, but on that very evening, of all others, I was called away, and she died in my absence. I had been sitting by her bedside all the afternoon, and all that tiri evening I had held her tloar hand and had kept -whispering comforting words in her car; but latterly sho had mado no rcsponso and was seemingly unconscious. Suddenly a messnge came from my i houso (not a hundred yards it wai away) saying my husband wanted mo at once, as one of niy children was ill. I looked at tho nurse, who assured mo there was nothing immcdlato Impend ing, so, stooping over my poor friend, I whispered at tho same timo press ing n kiss on her forehead that half an hour should seo mo at her sldo again. But sho took no notice, and much against my will I hastily and noiselessly loft tho room. Throwing a shawl over my head, I hurried across tho 6quaro, and as I passed tho church tho clock struck 12, and I suddenly remembered that to-day was my birthday! I got back in lcs3 than half an hour and on my return hoard, to my over lasting sorrow, that I had not been gono ten minutes boforo my dear Li became restless and uneasy, then looked hastily round tho room, gavo a cry, Minn ttinpn nomn n n1, rt YilnrM in linr mnilth nrwl nftn,. n fnw rfltnfnl WtrilC- ' gles sho sank back, gasped onco or twlco and never moved again. Of courso 1 thought thon, and do to this day, that sho was looking round tho room for mo and that she had died feeling I had broken my faith with her. A bitter, never-falling regret! I have given this light sketch of the feelings which existed between mo and my poor friend (boforo narrating tho circumstances of her supernatural visit to me) just lo emphasizo tho facts of the alluring fascination, tho lntenso nfCcc tion, which existed between us during her lifetime, and which, I firmly bo liovo, havo lasted beyond her grave. Quito a year and a half after her death my poor L , with what mo tive I know not unless it may havo been, as I sometimes fondly hope, to assuro mo that sho understood and sympathized with my sorrow at having failed her at the moment of her ex tremityappeared to me. Sho camo once, but never again. It occurred thus: I had been suffering all day from brow aguo and had gono early to bod, but not to sleep. All tho ovcnlng I had been kept painfully nwako by that samo church clock which I have mentioned above. 'It scented to mo to strike oftener. louder and moro slowly than any clock I had ever had the mlsfortuno to como across, Of courso my ailmont of tho moment caused tho clock's vagaries to j ,nr- lto was m,u? on Ul Blcps OI a nnnn. ,,ii..i nnii ,,.,,1 t (, pnssenccr coach, when a cow roso up appear peculiarly painful, and I boro 'rom w-, R, hnd becn lcte lnff ln n the annoyanco very restlessly, with my lliu.hnmi comded with tho steps, break face turned pettishly to the wall, but ( iUg them looso from tlio train. Ortman when tho midnight hour began to u as thrown to tho ground with great chime I felt ns though I could bear it violeneo and sustained serious injuries no longer. Muttering an impatient ex- , about the head, in addition to Inning a clamation,.! turned in my bed so as to leg broken, llo was not found for cay- faco tho room, and looking across it I saw my poor L. Btandlng close to n screen between mo and the door, look ing at mo. Sho was in her usual dress, wearing what waB then called a "cross-over," which was tied bohind, while her bon net, which sho was always in tho habit of taking off as she came upstairs, was, as usual, hanging by tho ribbon on her arm. Sho had a smile on her faco, and I distinctly noticed her lovoly llttlo whlto ears, which v.ero always my ad miration and which were only half cov ered by her soft brown hair. Sho stood a mlnuto it seemed look ing at mo, then she gilded toward me, and I, half apprehensivo that sho was about to throw herself on my bed, ex claimed. Jumping up In a sitting pos ture: "Dearest! what brings you hero so late?" With deep roverenco bo it spoken; but as soon as theso words were out of my mouth I was irresistibly reminded of thoso spoken, holy writ tells us, by St. Peter at tho awful moment of tho transfiguration! Awed and dazed at the sight of tho spiritual visitants, wo are told he uttered words "not knowing what ho said." Theso words of mlno also seemed to leap to my lips, with but llttlo meaning in them, if any. As soon, however, aB ray volco had ceased tho apparition disappeared and I remained somo moments- motionless. I was not frightened, but I felt colder than I had felt ln my life, and I havo never felt so cold since, but tho moist ure seemed to pour off my body. I call ed no ono to my assistance. All I real ized was that God had permitted mo to bco her once more, and that perhaps ho might send her to mo again. But ho has not done so, and probably uow ho never will. I lay awake all the night afterward, hoping for and, I think, almost ex pectingher again, and after the day had dawned I fell asleep. Beforo telling my story to anyone and dreading unspeakably all the doubting and sarcastic speeches which such a narrativo would inevitably call forth I sent for my doctor, an old and trusted friend, and after making him talk rationally to mo for some timo I asked him whether I had evor betrayed any hysterical tendencies. He reassured mo heartily on this point and then asked my reasons for such a question. I therefore opened my heart to him and bo neither ridiculed nor disbe lieved, but, on tho contrary, told mo another enso of tho same kind which had lately happened to a friend of his, but he strongly advised me to keep ray own counsel at present, which I did for somo time, and kindly added that ho not only did not look upon me as a lunatic, but simply as a "woman for whom ono corner of the curtuln which guardod the unseen had been lifted. In conclusion, I repeat I am ready to vouch for tho truth of every word hero set down and also, should It bo re quired, to glvo names in private to satisfy thoso who doubt. During tho last two years tho debt of j the dominion has boon increased by tho ; Ottawa administration $11,318,432. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PUE Illio Clileiico I.niiRimKo. Tho teacher said: "Now t will read this from this llttlo book, ami tiny of you who w can repeat it to the class I in your own words. Don't try to say it us I read it, but just as you would sny it." Jimmies eyes prow uip, unit no vns nil nttcntion Tho teacher read this short lehcott from tho first reader: 'Seo tho cow! Is itnotnprctly cow? Can the cow run'.' Yep, tho cow can run? Can the cow run as fust us the horse? No, tho cow cannot run as fust as the horse? ' "Crlminy!" thought Jimmle, "is 'at nil. 'At'a dead easy." Ills band was up in ii u inkling in imitation of sev eral others, ills interested fuco caught tho teacher's eye, ntidahosald: "Well, ; .lames, you may try It, but bo careful ana get it right, xou may stanu up uy your sent." .1 nines v arose. Ordinarily he was not bashful, but now his face was Hushed ns he snid; "Get onto du cow. Ain't she a boaut? C'n she got a move On? Sure. C'n sho hunin herself us fust ns tie horse? Nnw, slid nln't in It wid do horse, see!" Tho teacher wns overcome, but nev erthelcss, 'Mnmcsy" was u favorite from that moment. Chicago Hccord, SlOO Itcnwinl, 9100. Tho renders of this pnpor will be plcnsed to learn that there Is nt least ono dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In nil It3 stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive sura now known to the medical fraternity. Cntnrrh being a constitutional dlseaso requires n con stitutional treat in. nt. Hall's Catarrh Cure Ih taken Internally, nctlnu directly upon tho blood and mucous sin faces of the system, thereby destroying tho foundation of the dlseii?o and rIVIiir tho patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing Its work. The proprlotois have so much faith In Its curative powers thit they offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Ad!ress P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by drunglsts: 7Gc. Hall's Family Pills, 25c. Tlio Co iv Out Up. A young man, who says ho Is Will iam Orttnan of Columbus, ()., mot with a serious arid most rcmarknblo railroad ' accident umilo from thisclty this morn' ui ill jiuurb, uuu mis tmuuiii;iuii. j i not to be doubted that he was beating his way on tho train, us he had no mouey. llo was taken to tho poor farm, and his injuries aro very serious, to bay tho least. St. Louis Itcpuullc. I'rum Now Until fiprlnr; Overcoats and winter wraps will bo In fashion. They can be discarded, tem porarily, while traveling In tho steam heated trains of thu Chicago, Milwau kee & St. Puul Hallway, For solid comfort, for speed and for bafuty, no j other lino can comparo with this great nihvny of tho West. liicijunllty In tlio Vforlil. There is, aud thcro always has been, Inequality in tho world, In spite of tho striving of generoushcarts and enlight ened minds for equality. Although equality has never censed to show it self, and effect itself, within the differ ent orders, and in modern times to characterize nt least superficially that largo composito order which wo call good society, civilization is still cm bruited nnd endangered by inequality. Ono need not allege instances; thoy aro abundant in every one's experience and observation; nnd those who dread or effect to dread the dead level of equal, ity are quite right in saying that even in n political democracy there is as much inequality us anywhere. Hut this does not prove that they arc right in admiring it. that it is not offensive and stupid. Inequality still persists, but so does theft, bo does murder, so docs chastity, so do almost all tho sins nnd shames that ever wero. Inequality is, in fact, the sum of them; in the body ni this death they fester nnd corrupt forever. As long us wo have inequality wc shall havo these sins and shames, which spring from it, and which livo on from inferior to superior. Few vices livo from equal to equal; but the virtues flourish. The Lord likes a man who buys what ho thinks, but tho peoplo don't. A handsotuo female i hotocrnnhcr otieht to do a good business with her winning v ays. tAny sarsaparilla is sarsaparilla. True, So any tea is tea. So any flour is flour. But grades differ. You want the best. It's so with sarsaparilla. There ' are grades. You want the best. If you understood w2 sarsaparilla as well as you do tea and flour it would be easy to determine. But you don't. How tfc should you ? fWhen you are going to buy a commodity whose value you don't know, you pick out an old fig established house to trade with, and trust their y& experience and reputation. Do so when buying f sarsaparilla. Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been on the market (& fifty years. Your grandfather used Ayer's. It is a ?6 reputable medicine. There are many sarsaparillas. tf But only one Ayer's. IT CURES. w Dinner Tituln 1 Incn, Tho linen for all meals should bo Ir reproachable, hhe is u wlso mistress who cconomlrcR the lnbor of house keeping in other ways rather than in tho litumlorlng of tablo linen. Many prefer tho bare table for luncheons nutl tens, using embroidered dollies un-lori every plate and dish; but thin pntotlco ... ., , ...,, . is to tio commended only witcn tno tablo is of flno old mahogony or fcouui other beautiful uood, polished to per fection. Only whito damask Is permitted at dlnncts, and white china Is preferable to tho decorated ware inasmuch as one does not tiro ro soon of tho white us of tho other: also, It permits a greater variety of tablo decorations, and tho needed touch of color cah bo given by delicate embroideries, tinted lights the sheen of silver and cut glass and nrtistie color harmonlcB of ' frultB and ilowers. flood Housekeeping, A Hourly Wolcninn To returning pence by day mid tranquility nt ulKht I extended by tlio rheumatic pu 1 lout t1iO owes there lilossliics to llostottcr's Htomucli llltturs. Don't duluy the use of llils tluo ntiodync for pnlu lumpurltlorof the lilooilun Instant bo.vnml the point when tlicdlHoiitcinuiilfcUftitHulf. Kidney trouble, dyspepsia, liver i-uinplalut, la ffrlppo and Irri'inilurlt v t tint bnwi'U It to rolluxeil and cured by the Hitters. Sotncllilnc Hnd (lot to ,ltn Dour. "What is all that row?" asked the exchange tlciul. "That," explained tho ofilco boy, "Is tho foreman and tho business manager trying to explain to tho secretary of tho I. (). O. T. how tlio notice ho tele phoned to the olllco got into tho paper us tho I. O. D. T. llo says that when a Good Templars' notice gets Into tho paper as tho Independent Order of De lirium .Tremens something has got to be did." Indianapolis lonrnal. Slnlliprs ulia Iiiivp in pel l'tkcir' Olncor Tonla fir jiurtlimuilmt ittiu tl iiiOrolliniiollirmnll tlluuti Of err form at Ulstrv.n and wcnknesi Will to U Tlio 8ninllct U'ntcli. Tho smallest perfect watch oyer mado is owned by n Russian princess. It was first placed in an ex'iulslta gold case, covered with tho most minute, but literally perfect, Watteau scenes in enamel; then, at tho princess' desire, tho works wero removed and placed in sido a splendid diamond scarco two fifths of an inch in diameter. lllntlet'cnrn Inn ilmiile rrmrtly, but It tnk ' nut iliu conn, ami vrlml u convolution It It! Makes walking a pleasure. ISo. at rufi;li. To 1'retent Tiirillni'un. "How do you avoid tardiness?" asked ono first A teacher of another, tho other day. "You only had ono in all last month," observed the questioner. "This .Is my plan, "exclaimed MlssS., and it works woll. Each morning wo glvo mottoes. Now wo havo about fifteen and nt the opening cxerciBo each child recites us many of our mot toes as ho can. Tho children aro in terested, and como early to engage In this part of tho program. All our mot toes aro short. 'Doing nothing is doing 111' is tho longest ono I now think of. My ono tardiness was caused by sick ness. Tho llttlo chap camo in at 10 o'clock. Srlmico In tho I'rltiiurr. "Yes, John, that is a queer bug nnd a very interesting one, too. I'm glad you found It. All bugs aro interesting when wo know Just how to look at them, "Floyd," turning to another llttlo fellow, "did you ever find a bug like this one?" "No, Miss L , but I found a bug last night on my bed." "So do I sometimes," chimes an en thustustiu disciple, und "I" and "1" chimes tho iuevltnblo primary chorus. "Oh," cries one ambitious for high dis tinction, "I find lots of bed bugs every night." This incident being literally truo proves that somo Omaha schools aro not ln nepd of certain collections. Do You 8 pc cut at ' llicn bend for our book, "How to Bpocu late BucceM,lully on Limited Margins iu tirnln nnd Htock Markets, " Mailed tree. I CouiKtoclf, Hughes & Company, ltlatto liuLdlng, Chicago, 111. An n ninn puta tlffm it tnt.',. Mm lrinnnr. to Mnrm up for a good .time und lou8ero COOl Off lU getting over It, Mi i in nm ii tn mm in mi ii 1 1 ii n mini i mini inn MiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiMiiiiiimiiiiMiimmii M Loss of opportunity is life's greatest Iobb. Think of suffering with ''' NbUKALblA Years Years Year: When tlio opportunity lies in a bottlo of ST. JACOBS OIL. It cures. -- r, 1 1 1 M II I H I) I M M I H M M H M I M 1 1 1 1 1 ! ense. i ??es??? CM) Vienna Clincnlatis Mix thrco heaping tablespoon fills of grated chocolato with enouglt water to beat it to a smooth paste, taking1 c.nro that no lumps remain. Put it into a chocolato pot and set it into a hottlt' of boiling water. Pour In ono pint of now mill; it ml ono pint of crcum or a quart of new milk, with tho whites of one or two eggs, well beaten. Htir tho choco lato tmsto into tho scalding tutlU and and let It boll two or thrco minutes, then stir in tho beaten whites anil servo it hot. llrRf m Mtt'd'it iii tihorlrn wllli Mlycrrlnr. Cuit I'lmtimM II nnJ and V nc TiimtiT or Horn Vttt, Chilblain., l'llc.ti . C.U.CInrWOi,Ner lUtttii.CL Jn lH'.l" CniimhTlU colclirttto tho -10'tJi nnniverNnry of tho lauding of Bounstlutt I'nboU n , . .. Tho especial nttcntion of onr reader is rnucu to tno uotico in ui's jajwr, "rroo l'nro to Texas" It offers n. ennui o-ior- la.t.. - - , . V. - iiiimy to f-oruro n noino in mo gunien m projieroiis Texas. Head It lor further In formation ThonveragoimsceuRer trulu weighs two htindi 1 ton. FITS-AllFIUMcwnlfrpi'hyUr.Kllne'inrri Nervu Iteitorrr. IioHtauttir Km lirsiilun's dtp. slurt Houiieiirrt. Trrnl l Arm t'J trial liotl It ttv t j w. no i. Trrn tllCtuo. HeiiUU)t)r.Kllue,93lAuUBt., ,l'LUU.,r. Tlio IMierinnn tho lies hi wait for a trout mid finally KCti It, Is npttollo in weight lot' ninny mooui. I toutd not pot along without I'lso's Cure for Consumption. It always cure. 'Mrs. II. ( Woii.tox, Needhnm, Mai., Oct. '22, TH. Hocioty Is continually surging w lth tho conflict of dollars anil iciuc. It tho Uatiy Is Cuttlnir Tcotn, CUnnro ami u to til at oM and well Ulnl runitvly, llu. ikilows sooTinxa svniir fur CklMnm Totiuing. I'Iftberiucu will drenm offish lying nlout them, but in reality Its tho other way. "Hanson's IHaffio Oosi Salvo," Warrsntnl to mre of money rtfundrj. Ask yodf dni(fjtrurlt. 1'ilco ISetsaU. Uhoro Js one consolation with tho now wouinti crae tho (.outing vhnperou will bo u in u u. Milliard table, second-hand, for salo cheap. 'Apply to or nddross, II. C. Akin, fill H. 12th St., Omaha, Noli. Koninitco litis been olognntly defined ns tho ollspriug of ilctlou nud lovo. SBEr .. TOWLEDGE Brings comfort and Improvement and tonds to personal enjoyment when rightly used. Tho many, who livo bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with, less expenditure, by moro promptly adaptiug tho world's best products to tho needs of physical being, will attest the valuo to health of tho pure liquid laxative principles embraced in tho remedy, Syrup of Figs. Iti excellence Js duo to its presenting in tho form most acceptablo and pleas ant to the taste, tho rof resiling nnd truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing tho system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and mot with tho approval of Uiq medical profession, because it acts on tho Kid noys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for ealo by all drug gists in COc and 51 bottles, but it is man ufactured by tho California Fig Syrup Co, only, whoso namo is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, und being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. AUKERS.vira3DClBlErW BUNTING FLAG csArt yVi NAGS ABB fJAV il5 UAHUFaCTSRY a to oisssiutv er tous aTRtmiTHOfMAURtAtfr IHtUERICA lfalKiUNSHip;-: kst twm U''ocfl' , " nUGIifltflJHN'iv.iOKnxK, 'SitrratBsfullv Pranctniitaa f.'lalma. i latBl'doolpal BAimlnar uTB.Penalon Bureau. i Jyr it lost war, 13auJutlullugcUluM, utiy tlucc , GAVI 5f BSjSiSfflX KlM.1 1.00. 01 Itedlcul Co., M Uwrbora 8tret, CIiIimup. M I M M l I II M I M M M I III H M I M M Hi I) i ii 1 1 1 mm THE LAND OP THE BIG RED APPLE Ik. UU Cd LaU ItktMla Ik, "Con B.U" t Law frltr. For ItTOHMATIOV rowilluir Un. ln ltnrry Co., H. W. MINHOVllI, write to lUrr. Ono. A. linur I'leico city, Mo.i J. 11. lUuorr. forty. Mo., T M Kkokt, taurine, Mo., or U Ii. SIDWiriCo, bOa Jlooulnock Ilklft., Chicago, jij. ZaciiaiyT. Lindsey, wa RUBBER GOODS i Dealers send for t atnlogues, Omaha, Neb. Omaha STOVE REPAIR Works Htno ICcpalm for 40,000 aitTereitt atovea uudraiicra. IXUO Io!i2lualst.,Uiuulin,eI W. N. U., OMAHA, 47, 1805. When writing to advertisers mention this paper. EMrajgragiM;i3ggia B. tUt3 WHtKt Ml u Best Cough Sirup. Ttui tlit JrAltS. ten Use Ccj la ii 8od br druireUtg. Km fw fc-a vffly F w i i iw i i 'Mi .a mv a mmm IV CWn. bjl 1 1 1 1 pyw ,m rM! MM irttMi Atalmnfl uniiir. "mm&