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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1895)
,T. v , .' iiUiaainafcij Itllltgl Vtfatr;:- c'tv.e ; rf Satisfaction guaram'd ,..ATTHtt and retvahy ...... go to the ... City Jewelry Store J City Jewelry Store VOL. 1 -TTT3' HEMINGrEORD. BOX BUTTE COTJIW, NEBMSKA, FUIDAY, NOV. 15, 1895 NO, 38 Jk r ' f ktlftfl ft 1 I wm Cf''' w1 f L&. i j $ uw U OfTloia.1 331xotory. t ounty- , . (Jas. lUrrr.lftDlfit. CommlsslonoriWJai. llalllnrake. and nist. t v, 0,1'VV JJancan.lrdlllst. Jnago D. K, Bpaoht. Clerk-J. K. Neal. HborlfT-E. A. Hall Treat-nror -8. H.Llbby. Attorney D. F.OIlmnn Coroner P. II. Driscoll. Surveyor- J. P. Hazard Bupt of 8choo)s-lI. F. Fillmore. Ohuroh Dlreotory. nt 10 a. m. Prayer Jloetlnc ench Wednesday at 7 p. m. HUMAN LUTIIERAN:Servlons nt tho Court House llov. Wnndorllch, Pastor. nATUOLIC:-lter. Charles Zak Pastor. , niETIlODIBT. Ito J,W. Kendall Pastor 111 Preaching the second and tourtli Sunday in ach month utllu. m and 7 p.m. J J1PISCOPAL' Services In tho Oongrcirat lilonal Church, Rev. Pastor. Services on tho third-Thursday In each month .at 7 p. rn. ' MW. A. Rosebush Camp No. 2810. Menta second and fourt h Tuesday night of each 1 month, Visiting Neighbors cordially invited. W. M. Iodence. Clerk. F. Hoot. V. C. MAIL DIHECT011Y. nxHiKOFOnD postoIHco. On week days door opens at 7 a. m-, general Uollvory opens at 8 a. m. and closes at 8 p. m. Open Bundays 0 to 10 a. in. .IlMiiNoyoBD and Box Born stage dally except Bunday. HrMiNoronD and Dunlap stage, Monday Wednesday and Friday. New Short Lino to Helena, Butte 4, Spokane, Seattle and Taeoma. Q. I. & "WV. O. Tlrno CctrcL EA8T bound. No. 42, pnssnnKor arriv oa at 11:25 p. m. " 4fitrulcht " 6:00 p. in. " 13 freight arrives at loao a. m, WEST BOUND. No, 41 paBBencer arrives at 6:21 a. in. " 45 rolcht " li:59 p. m. " 17 Irelcht nrrivos nt 3:35 p. m. All trains carry passencers. V. W. Whkatlbv, Agent. W. Q. SIMONSON, attorney at Law, Alliance, Nebraska. Practices in all the courts and be iore U. S. Land Office. TTJTTLE & TASJI Attorneys - at - Law, HFMINGFORD. NEBRASKA. Wn. niTCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Alliance, -:- Nebuaska. .JSrOffice in Fletcher Block. E. E. BARR, fl. D. Surgeon -AND- Laryngologist (State Univbusity of Iowa 1887. Chicago Polkclinic 189). suroeuy and tub medical v and Surgical Diseases of the Nose and TnuoAT A Specialty. JUliance, - - - Hebraska The Sioux City Tribune , The Best Market Reports of any .Newspaper iu tho West. NEW :: GOODS ! ! .AT.. THE Millinery Store Come and seo tho Goods, get prices, and bo convinced that they .are the bust and cheapest in tho county. Thanking you for past favors ,and trusting for a continuance of Jthe same. yours respectfully, Jlisa L. Adams. THE CITY. Commissioner Barry was in frOm Lawn Wednesday. F . TTnt.r,na,nVori wa ,, into tho Gorber residence. . . .. - . ..w M. MW T . A.MJAAAU..T Elton Waisnor is teaching scnooi near .aramore, . j. J. T. McGrew is spending, a couplo of weeks at Holdrego. John Logan is a lato subscriber to this groat hows disseminator. The Herald desires corres- ponaenco irom an parts 01 mo county, Rev. Kendall is conducting a series of meetings at tho Collins chapel this week. Mrs. Jtu. w. Aloxandor has VrtT 111 T" piMtnwol tnttri Vl- n i- this writing is improving. Aquilla Triplott. Attv. Nolo- man and Sheriff-elect Sweeney wwiu in uiu uiiy, ouiuruny. -" -w v.. ,,v.v u , Tho M. E. Missionary society terred in tho Hemingford como- Berea Soraplnga. will meet with Mrs. Abloy, for tory' Rov Konda11 conducting B. A. McCarthy and L. S. Mas dinner, on Tuesday tho 19th inst. the sorvices- Mr- and Mrs. Huot frud aro, hauling their huy from M RViinllm. nf tVio T?n.vmnie Homo, is recovering from his re cent illness. Ho has had a ser ious timo of it. I. E. Tash, attorney, editor. bank receiver, poet, and political prognosticator, made a business ' trip to Allianco Monday. j Miss Kate Bassett of Dowigiac, Mich., is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood. Miss Bassott is a cousin of Mr. Sherwood. Mrs. Foster, who now resides at Fostoria, Ohio, desires to keop posted on Box Butto doings and accordingly sends a dollar bill for The Hekald. . W. E. Hall, of Box Butto, was called to Coon Rapids, Iowa, Saturday niffht by a telegram that his sister who resides there was dangerously ill. Misses Susio Frazier and Lona Jay visited relatives near Al lianco Saturday and Alma Fen- nor visitea ner parents near i Dunlap. Tho "happy homo'' was deserted. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Millor of Canton, wero Homingford vis itors Saturday. Thoy made this office a pleasant call and The Herald will visit them regular ly in tho future. Attorney Tuttle mado a trip to Chadron this week. Ho says they aro talking a ro-count oi votes np tnero ana that West-1 overs election is not certain. Tho latest report places his ma jority at 11. Prof. Woodwortji and Undo Sam aro having trouble in Om aha this week over mail matters. Mr. Woodworth is tho "mind reader" who gavo an entertain ment in Homingford sovoral months ago. Mrs. H. J. Schluntz and chil dren and Mrs. O'Donnoll wero passengers on 42 Tuesday night for Cedar Creek, Neb., where Mrs. Schluntz will join her hus band. After a short visit there Mrs. O'Donnell will return to her home in Iowa. Dr. R. H. Blanchard de parted for Omaha Wednesday whero ho will take a course at tho Omaha Dental University. The Doctor already does satisfac tory work and when ho com pletes this course wo may look for something extra. One of our "small girls" on go ing to school the other morning was overtaken by one of our "small boys" who asked: "Say, thero; what are you thinking of when you aro thinking of noth ing?" The answer was; "You, I guesg." Crawford Garotte, James McLennan will go to Allianco Monday whero ho has adopted a position in Dr. Loves' uluaw 1Ui iuouomran nas 21 years experience in the dru . . . f -T . Dusmoss. tno iiise nvu witn jn. ' -" - i reliable ueny .urouiors. no is souor, and obliging, and no doubt will civo his now omtriover the best of satisfaction. -f m, , . ji mH8M,3 rwnrlo Vr tr. sri nttlknnMtUn.1 -.-VL. thafoncing of tho cemetery and , v .u .uuu, tho sarao will be" onclosod at onbo. f This is a plausible undertaking ' and Mr. and Mrs. ShorwoodTto deserving of credit for tho intor- f est they havo shown in tho mat- tor. I A V.irrll4- ToVvir vim1 TTTO Vi j Mr. and Mrs. F.Huot Tuosday morning but tho angel of death claimed tho little ono tho day of ...v. j...i....y ""6" luruiu ui iia'uua m wuu uuxuuvu- i aihiIa i4? f!niln 4-l2a T a m av mont. Rev. A. A. Fries of Alliance called today and left tho follow ing announcement. Rov. J. Wesley pf Allianco will preach at the Methodist church Saturday night and each night next week after Sunday. Rov. A. W. Clark state Supt. of Baptist Missions , will officiate Sunday morning. Several weeks Switzer received, igan a variety 'ago Mrk. from Mich- i of house plants roses, amonir which aro the a i. j. 4 Tk Souvenir do Woutton. rod. fJlnthilrln Rnimorf whttn and Perlo Des Jardine yello ' also other varieties. Thev aro all doing nicely, most of them boing in blossom, and axo tho nicest lot of plants wo havo seen in town If there is anyone who has kindly feelings for and knows how to please mombers of tho "art preservative," it is Mr. and Mrs. Switzer, of tho Metropoli tan. Upon invitation tho writer partook of a sumptuous dinner at this model hostelry last Sun- day and to say that wo satisfied our avaracious appetite and en- joyed ourselves generally is nut- ting it mildly. Tho Metropolitan is just what its namo implies and Mr. and Mrs. Switzer know how to retain its reputation. Agents Exchange Stations. F. W. Wheatley, who has been station agent at this place for tho past two years, was relieved last Saturday by W. M. Copeland who comes from Filley. Gage county. Mr. Copoland is a pleas ant gentleman whom wo believe will givo satisfaction. Mr. Wheatloy has always attended, to tho duties of his office proper i ly and being obliging, has made I many friends who regret to seo him leave. Ho will take charge of tho office at Filley Dec. 1st. Before going ho called and re newed for The Herald to keep posted on Box Butto affairs. Box 33u.tte aulletln.. Jason Sheldon is visiting his brother Joel. M. D. Atkin went to Allianc? Wednesday. Mrs. Taylor expects to rotura from Omaha this week. Miss Beryl Bisscll has been quito sick but is improving. We aro pleased to state that Mrj ; Hiram Wilson is improving. Harry Willson aud Henry HoflH man are spending a week huntint in the hills. Tho suppor givon nt tho "West school hounn" wn . mmm nnninl. ly and financially. Win. Hall was called to Iowa JT il. 1 L 1! 11 1 1 mu ujiny jun or tno weoK as ins oiaiui-wob HunuuBiy in. !i . t. ZT wutgTuw.n Hnv "3nmri-rvrk ttrlll mr-nnn 7T. T . v u""ulw" . 'UKU""BB 1U , WI"K P. ov. iii. I An enjoyable timo AvnB had at SLJSA fc5".' Mossra. Mnnion nnd .TobtiRon -" - ajo moving tho Rumbuugh house to Alliance. It is now the prop erty of Will Hall. Tho Box Butte Literary sooioty hold a meeting in Box Butte Mon day, Nov 11. Officers woro elected fUirl n. ni'nnrrlmmn nrnnnnnl n.lttnl. X O 1 ST I will bo rendorod Saturday, Nov. 10, Wo aro uuahlo to givo list of ofllo- ors or program in this issuo but will noxt eok. Come, everybody - '""1'" ""-l 'o uujo. Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. II. G. J Fuilsaas, a girl baby. All nnrlino reported doing woll and Ilalvor f . n vv . . - ....,w smiles so you can hoar him a half mile. Mrs. O. A. Davig returned from the eastern part of tho Btate whero flho has been sojourning for tho last five months. She claims that Box Butte is far ahead of any thing . she saw there. Tho young peoplo of Boroa and vicinity havo started a Literary, 111. ., coming moir meetings in the 8cl1001 house every Saturduy night tit t nA - Jan,. II.- -I tW . I """ y umuusa mo umoront , 8Ob30cts- Alio lollowinjr ouicers werooloot- ed at last meeting. R. B. Eborly, president; u. o. juastrua, vico- Miss Ortie Johnson, Miss Galena Curtis, Young peoplo all president; secretary; . treasurer. around aro invited to participate. LAWN OLEANINOS. About two straight tioketa woro cast Tuesday. Wo predict a democratic precinct ticket next year. Miss Dora Rokder commenced a five months term of school, Mon- uoy n the Winton district. j O. H. Irion contemplates mov- ,ing his family this week to his ranch on the Runningwator. J. P. Hazard forsook his school duties long enough to servo as clerk of election on Tuesday. Henry Rohder haa gone to Kearney county, with live head of horses which he contemplates soiling. Our new merchant and postmas r' J-J Lutnch, has taken posses 8lon of - " Irion's old stand. Here's success to you, J. J. E. E. Ford has taken possession of tho I. Herring olaoe and is moving his effects as fast as possi- ble now that election is over. Fresh bulk oysters at tho Meat Market. Thev are choice. Record of Mortgages ., , Filed and released in the countv ' clerk's office during October, to-wit: Farm Mlgs filed 4. S3.874 (i u 9 . w 1 ild I' , S2 Town Chattel tt it (i uici u, i,o filed 33,' 6!702 1nJ c t run rels'd 23, 3,258 Total amount wuu. oi'.uoo u it rels'd, 5,119 " Sheriffs and other deeds in foro- closure, thr Highest prices paid for hides at tho meat market. Skates A fino line of ice skutes just received at H. R. Green's Hardware ptore. Wood will bo received on sub Boription at this office. Alliance News Mrs. S. M Smysor has boon i seriously ill for tho past two wool but la nnw finmn Wtm. ... Ladies of tho Baptist church aro getting up a fair for their .- . . onurou to do now next week m , tno u. r. church building. I. E. Tash tho newly appoint ed roceivor for tho defunct bank of nomtagfoK, 1 tho cay -iuonaaj-Qn'-ousinoafr-tM. - Tho sum of 8U9 has boou col lecioa as unos oy mo pouco court slncoMay 1st. Tho marSnal'r salary has amounted to SHOD, Not so very slow. ., n , . , .. . xvuuuiiuisiui.- iiuxii6yro iius nu elegant resldenco ropainted with croam color and groon trim mings. No residonco in town presents a moro handsomo ap pearance. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Roborts loft for Kansas City Monday night. During their stay in Al lianco, thoy added greatly to tho amusomont of those who delight od In attending shows and thea tres. Five residences aro now boing constructed In tho City, and tho two-story brick blook of Boll t j i . n ,j, i DraVOr is about half COmplOfO with work rapidly progressing. A1i. . . i ., AllianCO IS attracting moro attOn- 4! ,. ..i! i , tion aS a HVO and prOgrOSSlvO -isi. i.i . , , , City than any town in Nebraska, , , , , . Deputy postmaster John Keofe iiuuuuuiyu iu urnuiiu, xuuuu,y night on a summons from tho U. ' S. Marshall to appear as a wit- ,,-.., 4. A-r.. l r i.- m .1 uuss iU1 " guvurnimnii ugumsii OnOProf, W. S. Woodwortll WhO is In tho toils for takiuir some unduo privilege's' with tho TJ. S. mails. I Invitations for an evening to party by Mrs. W. E. Couiant woro out for Thursday ovenlng, but owing to unexpected illness of Mrs. Coutant yesterday, tho party had to bo postponed and invitations wero accordingly can- i colled, greatly to tho disapolnt-' mont of tho ladies invited, as a party by Mrs. Coutant is always considered as a most social event. IUoanf i"1"""""! , JudffQ E. S. Rifikfir nf flhnflrnn tj -- v v.votww.. o was down Wodnosday on bus iness before the land office. In tho fall of 1886, Judge Ricker ran for County Judge on the democratic ticket and was elect ed. Ho has novor run for an of flco since until this fall when ho was nominated by the populist convention for Couuty Juigo without his knowledge or con sont, and was elected by a ma jority of 90 votes, all of which is evidence of his personal popu larity in Dawes County. The man in Denver who claims to bo "tho Messiah" is just now the main subject of wonder throughout tho United States as a result of wonderful cures ho is said to havo made on tho sick, lame, and afflicted. People are flocking thero from all parts of Hocking therG from all Darts Of tho country hoping to obtain re- iii it lief Among those who havo , 8n0 from Alliance, are, Mrs. &&& Mrs. Mort Johnson, and . rs-J Mallory- K a11 that is fiimmfirt fnr thn miin h tvno it. "w "- - ' rtainly Is wonderful. Vic. McCarty, tho man who DeaL ana anusea tun iinwRnn family near South Omaha, was recently convicted in tho courts for stomped murder and robbery I on a iarmor named night before ho was Kas. Tho to 4 ' rOCeiVO . his sentence, ho broke jail and escaped. Monday night somo wag went to tho Dawsons and told them that tho Sheriff had been chasing Vic all over town all night. Thoy woro quito sure that Vic broke jail for tho pur- Poso o conl!"S 0 Allianco to muruer mem una as a conse quonco thero woro somo protty badly scared people iti that vi cinity until Mr. Nolonnu ex plained tho mat .tojto thern. Now York Counts, 45cta per cun at the meat market. Take your produce to. .Wildy's "thaUttrBthfidby." n.. Hnl'lU'.lill ivnilfu crvliln litiun.l ' ""- ..-- uw...w ,.M. jioga, x-.j--- . ; ;v Order your stove repaid at Anton uhrljr'a p of ftU kl(1a at . A now t of al0l.,, jllst received w. K. Ilcrncall. by The Oomtlno ltmind Oak Stovo mnde by Hcekwiih, DovvukIuc, Mich., with the mi mo on the legs, Is tliu muxt fucl'snvini; stovo on the market mid Is the only stovo that will burn wood, hard coal, soft conl, and coke, successfully, mid also can bo mnde u solr-ft'O'Hng base burner at the saints tlnm. For buIo by Anton Utmirf Final Proof Notices Ho.v, J, W. Wbhn, Jn., ItegUter. Hon. F, M. nntfoME, rtccoher. Patttea Imvinsr nutlrcR lit title column aro ro- irtli'n l h ted to thU ofUe for correction auy errorn that may ?'fV Tills will prevent ioaihlo delay iu mnufnf tipnnr. SKI rrau me rame rarciuuy ana report U Land Olllc at Allianco, Neb, Oct. 10. 16M. Notlro in hnrcpy eWen that r,hn followln anmctl rttloi linn.fllpd notice of his Intontlon to makillnal proof In support of hla claim and that cald proof will Ixi niidobf'roroK'tflKU'r ami t coivtTt Aiiuu.t Nch.,onDo. 10,1800, " CLEMENT U BPRACKLEN, of MarJand, Nob., who mau h e. No.2. for I K'" " i'. 'L, " o n a o n , o u ,t o H Jiacoi'a, tp39c.rtf SOW. HB names thn foliowintr wltn'mos to provo hi continuous rpfldinc upon and eulthationnt Mid land, vh: l'ranlc Honoyman, Joph Lowo. of Mamland, Nob., John V. John, Wil liam John, of lloinlnsforil Neb. Alo, OATHEniNE BPltACKLEN. 'otMarlnN.b.,iomadBM.l'..No.a3S0for , the H B U po 21, tp 29 n, rj W) vr. . Hh0 j,1' uo foiioTtn witncwe to prove hor contiBupui renhlonco upon and cultivation, ofhald land. t1i, Frank .Honcroan, Joseph Lowe, John I). John, William John, of Uvux lngtord, Nob. J. w Wriw. Jc. RKflUtfr. - - ,, ,, I,,, , - i ii Land Olllcoat Alliance, Nob., Oct. 23, 183T. Notice i a hereby felron that I'M F. JubuMOii. ot Pilffur,. Neb., ha filed nutlco of iittonlluu to males filial proof licforo J. K. Neal. Clork Dllt. Court nf. liNnlTton In lrm(i,Lr,r,l l&0AShS&fflft &&&&&" fa w. j-, reffl?ruV,rIt'0 u' a " J. w. Wwuc. jb., itatrtcr. ifcSSWAQa'aiilSSl'aJSiV ik'ffSEKOT T!fflS! oo.,onnor.80,iw,vizi FHANK WILLIAMS, of Chadron. Neb., who mado IT. E. No. 33V) for 2J n, r M w. .... ,,to ,..,. ,,, 1.I .1. . , t. continuous reairi .it' u.iiqt ,1117 lujiuniug niuiniH. I SfOTS 61 following wiuje.. Brora 6I itlfmcA nnnn ami oultlTAtln nr ;aldJand.TU: William Aai. of Chadron, 111 N"b.t Onorge Hatch, Jut new. of Maraland. Nfti. kten, j una U. Wood, Urant htf J. W. Wbn. Jb., Beglrter. Land Oitlco at Allianoo, Neb., Oct. J6, MM. Notlcn is hereby itlTen that the following nam ed settler ha filtxl notice ot his intention to make dual proof in support of bi claim, and that raid proof will U made oefora IleuUtor or Receiver at Allianoo, Nob., on Nor. 28, 1SJ5, vU: JO HAN TJRUANOVSKX, of Itoxllutto, Kob., who made II. E. jeo. 03S2 for the s V4 e U and Y, a w H seo, 31. tp 2s n, rg w. lie names the following witnesses to prove his contlnnous residence upon and cultivation ot said laud, viz: John Fhuek, Frank Yochout, John Kovarntk, John I'otmeisel. all ot Box Uutte, Neb, Also, JOnN KOVORNIK, ot Dox Dutto, Nob,, who made h. e. no, 2831 for the n w H soo 24, tp 23 n. rg It) w. i lie naraos the following witnessoa to provo hi continuous residonco upon and cultivation ' at said land, viz: John Urbanovsky, John I'otmeisel, John Plasck, Frank Yecliout, all ot liox Dutto, Neb. J. W. WruN, Jb., Register. Land Office at Alliance, Neb., Oct. 7, 1. Notice is hereby given that the fallowing nam ed settler has filed notice ot his intention to make fina' proof in support of his claim, and thai said proof will be made before Register or Rooelver at Alliance, Neb., on Nov. 19. lefts. LEOPOLD HOLLER. of neralngford, Neb., who made H. e. no. 2J70 for the 3 ii Vt seo H to ?3 n. nr i'J w. his continuous residence UDon and otiltitlnn lie name the following witnesses to prove MuVhy'iwnlrdPitz? jhniiaroko! Yu St uemlngford. Nob, Also michael r. mohphy, ?.te!jfsj?,J5S0 - l!B h,""?? - J!fA'?Bwl " Z. - wv vw uiivm diu VHlkl)VtVU K yMiiia1w uvunuuium, neu. aiso .TrtRP JOSEPH MOELLER, ot nemlngford. Neb., who made n.E. so. 2937 for the B W U eeo 25. tp SS n, rg 49 w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous retiuence upon ana cultivation ot saia ianu, viz: uictiaei n. Jdu samuna, viz: uicuaei b. iiurnhv. Lee !rafiitor J, &?&' m SVAkllf.iAhft7IllTM a TAl .T 11 uaiauix, iu ot J. W. Wihn, Jb., Register. Reoolvar'a Notlos. To all whom it may concern, pursuant to an or der of tha IM.fplrf. nnnrtnf llnv flnttjtoAnnf i Si ... - rvT, -:, - OIBU3 UL i.1VUTJk3ItM. Any and all persona having, holding or own- 2&tht,?3S&& K'prootamVto Nbrorrei)deU Receiver otIUnVoIHeminRfsl11; First pubUcaUcaHS.r.us8108511' r-