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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1895)
it iK'.! . ?& fct- vr J WOMAN AND HOME. CURRENTNOTES OFTHE MODES AND HOUSEHOLD AFFAIRS. The Now Fnll nnd Winter Itnt Aro Mnrvclt In KfTrct Wrnpa for Mtllo GlrU Ootrnj for Society Until Three Little Lovo Song. 3 HE now hats for tho season aro mar vels of effect, com bining nsscrtlvo erectne'ss with the most graceful drooping effects. As for Instance a hat of black felt reared up In sharp corners about tho front and with n flaro of cock's feathers on guard over tho top, bends closo to the hair at the back, and tumbles a long spray of drooping rosea down against tho colling locks. There seems hope that long laco scarfs may be used to fasten hats, so that the wom an whoso good looks depends on tho swathing of her neck will bo nblo to wear a low collar without spoiling her self. As in all seasons when fashions are making toward a general change, oddi ties abound, and they aro oven moro I. "TP1 fw RECEPTION COSTUME BACK VIEW. than proportionately plentiful In the ater hats. One of these almost startling bits of hcadwear is pictured herewith, and is In toquo shape, made of black firaldcd hair. It Is trimmed with twisted amethyst mirror velvet, which borders tho edge and forms small rosettes In back. Then several velvot pansjes are placed along tho velvet. In front tho garniture is completed by a pair of fancy wings, with a feather ornament rising In tho center In place of tho aig rette with which we havo become fa miliar. It 13 worn well back on the head and is shaped like a wldo band, with curved edges to fit tho head. Don't be disturbed if the novelties In millinery that aro presented as Louis XVI. styles don't fit your idea of history. Just tako them and say nothing If they suit. To tell the truth, it is not so much that tho actual fashions of that period are being revived as that milllnerB have agreed to call whatever they Invent and select "Louis XVI.," and to make free with the times of that particular gay court and the fashions of beautiful Antoi nette. Thus, hats wired stiff to stand out on one side and droop to tho hair on the other are a novelty, and aB such are, of course, called Louis XVI. The effect has so long been avoided that It brings some lines of tho face into start ling prominence, and whero these lines are good ones the wearer Is distinctly the gainer by tho effect. Wrap for I.lttlo Glrla. Wraps for tho llttlo ones are an Im portant Item for this season. There are 2Ssj a number of pretty fashions shown for the comfort of these little folks, mak ing .them look quite as smart as their ciders. Embroidery in velvet and heavy cut work is the general mode of trim ming for the present, though the longer 3ycs ones, which aro to bo worn all winter, aro heavily trimmed with fur. A stun ning llttlo reefer of navy blue cordu roy hns a border of Iho cut work, In navy blue velvet, set over white satin. Tho coat proper Is extremely short and flaring, coming just over the hips. Tho fronts aro cut narrow, so ns to open broadly over tho blouso waist of the gown, and are fastened by n velvet Btrlp set underneath. Two largo pearl buttons trim tho outside. A deep sailor collar of velvet hns a border of cut work and its edge piped with a cord of white satin. A cord of satin finishes tho flar ing collar, which sets up about tho cars In so pretty a fashion. The sleeves aro bishop in shario and very bouffant. Gorrni for Society Huds. Tho season for tho sprouting of tho young society bud Is fast approaching and mamma is anxiously contriving all sorts of protty costumes for this prospective blossom. It is moro difllcult to gown a young girl becomingly, not too childish, nor yet too womanly, than most people imaglno who hnvo not un dertaken tho task. Even the clever mod istes sometimes mako tho mistake ol fashioning a garment altogether too dignified for a young girl, making her look llko a fussy llttlo old woman. When ono Is old enough to wear all sortB of gowns and wraps tho mat ter is smooth enough, hut for theso fair young things a great deal of consideration must be given to their gowning. Ono of tho sweetest girls who will burst upon society this winter sports ns lovely and girlish a fall cos tume as any girl could possibly have. e& She is a llly-sklnned blonde, with eyes as big and blue aa a cherub's, and smoothly parted yellow hair clinging In Boft, wavy masses over her ears. Her gown Is gray, a soft dove gray of tho softest sort of cheviot, showing a mixt ure of black and white. The skirt is en Paquin, abnormally full and stiffened to a startling degree. The bodice is a perfectly round ono of slate-colored vel vet, smoothly fitted, nnd fastened diag onally with three rows of tiny silver buttons. A silver collar and belt add chic to tho gown. Tho sleeves are of tho cheviot In glgot style, tho tight lower arm buttoned snugly with rows of sil ver buttons. To complete It Is a street coat of cheviot in box fashion, showing jaunty little pockets and huge bishop sleeves. The prettiest feature of the rJg Is the butterfly collar of chinchilla,' whos9 soft grayness harmonizes so ten derly with the gray of the gown. A hugo hat of neutral tinted felt Is facod with black and massed with black plumes. ATIicro Woman Utiles Her Key. Surely woman's Ingenuity Is un equaled. Witness tho way sho takes care of her key at the summer hotel or boarding-house. When a man takes up his abode at such a placo he lugs his keyaround with him or leaves It at the office, and In almost any event he as HUeJy as not loses it. But woman has discovered a new and suro way of dls- VZWMM&y posing of tho nritcle. She doesn't lum ber up her pocketB with it, neither doos sho leavo it nt tho office and rarely, In deed, does sho lose it. Her almost ln varlnblo habit is to thrust It under tho strip of matting or carpet covering tho entry boforo her chamber door, whero It Is supposed to reposo in peace and ' safety. This, too, notwithstanding tho fact that tho llttlo hump It produces in tho carpet Ib by no menus Invisible to tho naked eye. Nor Is it without sig nificance to tho averago understanding. What Is moro, there Is a similar llttlo ' hump beforo each neighboring bedroom i floor, so that n glance down tho entry reveals a whole doublo row of such humps. They spenk volumes of not only tho ingenuity of woman, but of her sublime faith In human nature. Tlirce I.lttlo Lorn Kong". By Emily Louiso Mcintosh. I. SURRENDER. Your weapons wcro wrought at tht forgo of Love, Glowing his fires! And fatal their stroke, as tho lightning above Resistance expires! I firmly receive you shall never know How throbs my heart At the sound of your voice, nt tho touch of your hand, My lcsolves depart. And tho citadel of jny lovo now lies Capturod surrendered to your dear eyes! II. A CADENCE. " I. A bird flow in nt a window And wakened a stormy soul, That lay in troubled dreaming In anguish beyond control. II. The window? Tho way to my heart, dear; Tho bird ? Your lovo for mo. And now that Its song has roused mo, I'll sing 'till eternity! III. ARBUTUS. h I. ' f Wo lay aside tho dainty flower In memory of a hallowed hour, When heart to heart a message brings, That wakes tho soul until it sings Responsive to now joy. II. What matter if the days sped by Till spring breathes on the earth and sky, And very Naturo's voices tell Tho lovo that comes with us to dwell, When earth Is glad and now. III. My heart sings on, of years to be Of nil this means to you and mo; And as Ho keeps us thcro nnd here. And guards our heart's great treasures, dear. I'll pray He'll keep thee, too. What Button Aro Uiril. Shirt waists are worn with stud but tons in enamel. As tho season advances buttons can not be ignored; they aro appearing in plain and elaborate costumes from for eign nnd domestic dressmakers. Tho single and double-breasted pique vesta worn with jacket suits havo a sln glo row of small buttons, or a double row of large or small to tho linen chemisette. Hard nut buttons above "54" are scarce. Four-holo buttons of this ma terial aro In good demand. A tnsty four-holo design is much used. It has in tho middle a narrow polished bor der; then follows a Qull pressed ground and tho outside border, which Is pol ished In two colors. As tho revival began hero in tho spring it follows that pearl buttons arc most in evidence. Tho outing suits of woolen fabrics, pique, duck and such cotton white suits as well all accord with tho largo white and nhaded pearls that may bo found to harmonize with any of tho fashionablo mixtures. To be suro, the sales aro limited to three, four, six, etc., but that is an en couraging beginning,, and tho amount is the Bamo as though two dozen cheap buttons were taken. Mother-of-pearl buttons In natural blnck aro much seen, but vnrlous mother-of-pearl fancies also find buyers. Quito new nro oval buttons, four-hole, mother-of-pearl or in buffalo born, Theso buttons aro beautifully carved, set with steel, etc., and aro worn on tho jacket suits, as three on either sldo of tho front and two at the back of tho walBt line. The tailors often s6t three on each side of the front of a uklrt, open ing the skirt there in place of at the back. On silk or woolen waists buttons are placed as fancy dictates. Threo on a center box plait is, perhaps, tho best known style; Norfolk basques often havo two row3 of ball buttons down tho center plait; then straps over the shoulders aro studied with buttons, and a new trimming shows a silk waist with a vest of Valenciennes laco and Insertion, bordered on either side by a strip of velvet, studded with largo buttons. Klugaley Up to I.Uo. Be good, sweet maid, and let whoever will be clever; Do noble things, not marry them, at least not for long. Don't tie up for life, and death, and that vast forever, For titles now aro going for a song. Ilrvitnt Up to Ditto. So live that when tho obit writer comoa Thou go not with the trite "no (lowers," Doomed to a Jot lost on an Inside page. But with a big spread head and leaded type, Llko one who was a bug of size, Whoso going casts a gloom, likewise a pall. The "New ulrl." A bright specimen of tho "KowGirl" mado her nppenrnnco beforo a. nmuls. trato on Saturday. Thd ton of her head, snyo tho London Dully Tcle tfrnnh, was just on n level with the rail of tho witness box, and Mr. Dickinson avos considerably surprised to hear n smlillf shrill, piping voice I&suo from soino one ho could not &ce, and say: "I'lcnsc, sir, I want a Rutumons for abuse." "WlmfM that'."' ashed the learned gentleman, "Stand up," cried tho usher of tho court. Tho nppllcnut stood on her tip-toes, which enabled tho magistrate to sco her eyes tiutl half her nose, nnd repeated: "I'lcnso, filr, 1 want a summons for abuse." "Cer tainly not," replied Mr. Dickinson, promptly, "If grown up pcoplo aro foolish enough to taho out summonses for mero vtiigur abuse, I 11m not going to encourage children to do tho same. (3o away honm" Tho litigious girl frowned nnd went uwny. Hrgt'innii'p CiimiitiortcvMU 0'ycrlu., Ci--chiii)x'lll!til'tiiU''at'0,Tt,iil'roi8urcKf't1 Clillblaln.,h;o, . so. c u. umi K t;( k w iim en, vu Tim Winter llnnnet. 1'lowors, ns well as feathers, appear ort tho winter bonnet, but in making a. choice Ono must consider what wtuir will be giveu to tho bonnet and wheth er bright-lined blossomo will harmonize with tho hour nnd tho toilet. The style of coiffuro has much to do with tho arrangement of tho bonnet on the head, if tho hair is parted tho bonnet is plnced a llttlo further buck than it is If either a pompadour or bang Is worn. IuioTipo's Curo for Coiuunu.t ion Loth in my family nnd rrnctlco. Dr, G. W. Patteiison, Inkstcr, Mich., Nov. 5, IS'.M. Sntnnla lluanliiitl. "Out, foul ilendl" cried Luther, pant ing heavily. Satan regarded tho black splotch where tho Ink bottle had shivered on the wall, and a cynical btnilo played upon his featured. "I acknowledge," ho said In tho bland manner for which ho is celebrated, that somebody hns made n bases hit, but scarcely comprehend under what rule you thereby render your decision." And while tho bleachers applauded to the skies ho walked serenely to tho bench and Bat down with the rest of 'he nine. New York Recorder, , Tho Value ot Iron. How many farmers and others, too, whose places are destitute ot fruit nfld shade trees. Again, how mnny rontod places are devoid of trees of all kinds. Has tho land-owner over stopped to consider that a small orchard, n fow yard trees around every tcnoment houso will greatly enhnnco tho value, attract and hold a better claBB ot ton ants, mako Hfo more enjoyable and that loo at practically no cost? Wo tell you there Is a great deal of selfishness whea wo look abroad and eeo how stingy nnd solfish many nro with their tenants, and oftentimes prrchnnco somo good farmer rents his farm and moves away nnd is so selfish an to rosorvo all, yes, all tho fruit produced, denying even this to his tenant. Land-owners owo their tenants and tho public gonorally.n duty by planting at least a moderate quantity of trees. This Is n wise pub lic policy. Ornamental Tree Growing. A Tcrrlbln rtiMtllUllty. Tho question of expediency of dis banding tho militia company was being agitated ono town-meeting day in a certuin hamlet not tv thousand miles 1 from lloston. Tho tavern keeper, a most pompous muivmunl, who nau courteously preserved bileneo during several noisy hurangucs, threw u llnnl ( terrible bomb into the cump of tho in conoclusts by tho solemn interroga tory, delivered In his mobt impressive manner: "Gentlemen, let mo n&k you this: What could wo do without militia in case of u resurrection?" From tho "Editor's Druwcr," in liarpcr'ta Maga zine. Necessity reforms tho 1 oor, and satiety tho rich. ;ooco Such ill3 as SORENESS, STIFFNESS, and tho like, soooooooo ""V."1 J M I I 1 IJrw stibIIII'v Remarkable Offer! Free to Jan. i, 1896. New Subscribers who will cut out this coupon ana send it AT ONCB with nmo and addtcu, and $1.73, will receive FREE Our Handsome 4-pace Calendar, litfco craphed in 14 colors. Retail price joe. FREE The Youth'o Companion every week till January 1, tB$6. FRBB The TbaatacitrinE, Christmas end IVcw Year's Double numbers. And The Companion ' S Weeks, A Pull Vear to January, 1897. THE YOUTH'S Stti Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report foA k Bk tk W? ARSOMmEUT PUE5E A tiflllghtfitt Theory. "Tho strangest invention that ever came to my notice,"' until 11 jiatontageiit j to 1. W., "was that recently brought out by an old Herman. Ilia Idea is to build'u massive pillar in tho center of tho Atlantic ocean and nlnco upon it a revolving bridge, one end touching Liv erpool and tho other Now York, ho that people In Hnglnnd desiring to go to Now York coftld got on nt the Liverpool end of tho tlriuge. and vice versa. "Hy a sninl-clrclu turn of tho bridge tho passengers will bo brought to their destination." "When I nsked him how ho could get tho p.lllnr In tho ocean, nnd where tho power would como fiom to turn such n structure, he admitted that ho had overlooked It, nnd when I told hlui fur ther that thcro wan danger of tho lco In tiio Arctic regions bolng an obstruc tion to tho turning of the bridge, ho decided to carry the Idea no further." Pearson's Weekly. II tho Unity Is Cutting Tcotn. Daiiiro omlxt'OtliutoM and vrll-ttlcJ rtmmly, W WutLon ' HooTtiiKa Svitl'r far Children Ttcthlns- rionxuro inn thing ot todny, Borrow holds over from Inst year. "Hanson's UTafflo Corn Salvo." Warrnntril tu luifl or inonor mruiiilcit. Atk JOM druuuUt tor It, 1'ilce 13 cent. A voninn will mnlta ten oxcukox for her boy to 0110 for her lmslnud. 1 1 i 1 1 f 1 Billiard table, oromt.ianJ, for tsn'.o cheap. Applv to or nddrots, H, 0- Akiv, fill S. !.th St., Omaha, Nu'j. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and Improvement nnd tends to porsonnl enjoyment when rightly used. Tho many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by moro promptly adapting the world's best products to tho needs of physical being, will attest the valuo to health of. tho ruro liquid laxativo principles embraced in tho remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its cxccllcnco is duo to its presenting in the form most acceptable nnd pleas ant to tho taste, the ref resiling nnd truly beneficial properties of n jiorfcct lax ativo; eflcctiiiilly cleansing the system, dipelling coldt, headaches and fevers nuu permanently curing constipation. It lias given satisfaction to millions and met with tho approval of the medical profession, because it nets on tho Kiu noys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly f rco from every objcctionablo substance. ;, Syrup of Figs is for salo by all drug gists in GOc and $1 bottles, but it iB man ufactured by tho California Fig Syrup Co. only, whoso name is printed on every package, also the nauio, Syrup of Fig.-, and being woll informed, you will not ucccpt any substitute if oflercd. ST JACOBS OIL WIPES OUT Promptly and Effectually. ooocoooooooooooooo YbVTH s Companion "53 Times a Yenr.' THERE are few famous writers In Great Britain or the United States who have not already contnbuteJ to The Youth's Companion, but some Illustrious recruits have been found, who, collaborating with the old favorites, will enable Its editors 'to make the paper notably brilliant during the coming year. Statesmen, poets, famous scientists and travellers, eminent lawyers and delightful story-writers will provide entertainment and Instruction for our friends and subscribers In a richer measure than ever before. Our Distinguished Contributors. "The Princess Louise. The Dean of Salisbury. The Marquis of Lome. Bishop Cleveland Coxe. The Lord Chief Justice of England. Bishop Doane. Sir Benjamin Ward Richardson. Sir Edwin Arnold. The Secretary of the U. S. Navy. The Secretary of the Interior. The Secretary of Agriculture. Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes. W. H. Russell of The London Times. Admiral Elliot. Frank R. Stockton. Charles Dickens. W. Clark Russell. Archibald Forbes. General Nelson A. Miles. F. D. Millet. Hon. Thomas B. Reed. Andrew Carnegie. And More Than One Hundred Others. COMPANION, aor Columbus Check, Post-OIIIce or Dprcw Orfer, er CcglelercJ Ufler, Baking Powder KfTrrtK of I'nrtlniimkr. The plnlns ot .Tosulln were uplifted. In 17Mi to tho extont of 1,700 feet In a a nglo night by violent crust motions. In 178:i the citrthounku in Calabria' caused immense upheavals and stfb- tleneos, with moiiRtor chasms, iissures, and precipices; in some eases, the 11s Mires wero 000 feet wldo, antl wunt to an unknown depth, . $ Tin- more one turn I'mltrr' dinner Tonle ilit tmiio IIhkxMiuu1Iic rt r ivtmliM In till Miltttf itiUK lmll)(tti,.ii.i)ln!iniitcrjrf klodot vtuu . Tho woman who marries for, the pa ond time has lio right to complain ' "Wnlltlno nnitlil ol'lrn In n plrnMire nero It not for thocu lift. 'Jtiow po'lnrataUIy re nuiviKl with lllmlcrmrrn. 15j nlriTuinl' s h llombnst onco signified tho cotton that was employed to stuff garments, particularly tho enormous trunk hoso worn In tho fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. DROPSY TllEATICD VUBK, Positively Curotl with Vegetable llrmcuic nave emeu MmutMuli or cmot. enrtt rac ro noun-nt iuiele-4 bjr tKt dHi'M"' kr"ni llr-t rio tymtitniiK iifwiiHi'( In tin clay at leant two-tMiila all .jiimtminipiiioveJ. fceml lor five book t.'timo iilalu vt miraculous earen. Tail U&y'a treatment mo by mall. If you oi-iler trial aetnl 10a In atalnpn to iar po.taao. im. H. II. (iikik a Son, AtlnnU, tla. It jou Older trial H-turn tlila iultrtlf ment to u. WELL WftGHINERY IlltirtnUiwl cntilogno ohowlnf? WEIX AITOEBS, IiOOK DIIU.1.H. II YDUAUUU AND JETTING WAUUINKMY, CIC, tix.iT ITniK. IIoto Ucn totted and alt iKirranfcrt, Sioux Oily Knulno ami Iron Work, W, riucii'Mon, tu I'cco lj. uu, Hti& Tncnovr&ixACilMtu Machinery Co Mil Weit Klaveutt Mrrrt, Kri t Uy Jo". Western Fur Co., p DES MOINES, IOWA. C -- Write for illustrated cata- L Ut loguo nnd prlcollst. Goods O E3 sent on upprovnl. WESTERN PUR CO. S Wholesale nnd Retail. acharyT.Lindsey, w5t RUBBER GOODS Dealers Bond for Catalogues, oroahti, Nob. PARkE&'S HAIR BALSAM ' Olontta and, UatHlfiw the but. l'roniuic a iniuiiant growth. Haver Valla to llnators Gray Hair to it Youthful Color. f?ii.-. ra!rt rlil.fc.. Jk li.lf falling. Wc,ndtliiuat Onjfrtt. m M?E0-SJILE$M M Q Ijalaniltravctlnfr. flooUpny rerunineM. lix pollen not necMiwry, Apply Uefc KataJn llslinl orer 49 yearn, I'litsnK Nurr oo . Boa 1S14 UIoctninKto", III. SENS OJOII .V IV.ItlOKKIK, i AViiKlitilirtou. U.C. 'SuccassfulW Prosecutes Claims. ; lAto Principal KJrumluur u B. i'eunlon Dureau. 1 Syr ilat war, ISiulJudieolluaclnUuj, utlj aluco. Omaha STOVE REPAIR Worlfs Ktie rrpnlra IVp 40.or UlOVrrnt atovea unit fimeca. I SOU Ilouslna HI., Oniulni, Acb $60 JInntlily Tor a rood Collector nnd tuictnmn In every town ami enmity In UnlltMl 8tatr. llati or woiiutn. l'i'nn:inclit tmiltlou fr aultabla rfiton. wrllo tor tlio tHxitlon nt once. W. A. URUCC & C0..2S8 B'way, Now York. XJU'A''Any laily Trljlilnc to malto aorno " mony quickly mill tirenllnir awady employ. rr,entljuuwi norl: fornn.ell)nsr medlcateJ wrer. Aildn-u a. 11. Oatt, 11, V,, 313 Columbus uv&. Ikttlua. Hn UUKtS WMtHt Alt tlbt tAltS, Q A lkat Coaeh Bjrop. Vtuiva Uood. Use Q Hrl In time. (V1,1 br dractilatf. Wt W. !V. IJ., niulm-J3, 1M9s7 licn uiifctvcrlnK advertlsemonts klutlly incntlou this paper. Camille Flammarion. Justin McCarthy. Admiral Stevens. Admiral Mafkham. Ave., Boston, Mass. l Oar Rlt. f r&t WA Mm