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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1895)
mimiiwjmaui uro flip Author of "Unntn tnin'n t'nbln." Mrs. Harriot lleecher Stowo colobra led hor 83rd year somo weeks ago amid almost national rejoicings. Tho gen health of tho famous authoress of "Undo Tom'B Tallin is better than it vns on her birthday last yenrj licr np pciite is cxcollene, and her strength puch that nh Is to be teen dally during fine wenther walking- about tho pretty neighborhood or Hartford, Her Connec ticut homo. Mrs Stowo's physical pow er aro remarkable, in view of tier ad vanced years and nodonbthc-r fondness for outdoor life bin done much to keep iter in such good condition. Llko n Vmiinmu Scrpctit Hidden In tho prnss, malaria but waits our nptnonch, to spring at and fatten lto fatigft upon us. There Is, however, ft certain au.ll 1ovo to Its venom which romlcr It power Jpks for evil, llnstottor'tt Momni'h Hitters Ii thin ncltnowlcdsert and world-fnmccl speci fic, n ml It, R Iicldc tidy, a thorough ciiru tlvofor rhonmntltm, ilysnoyfllit, llvt-rcom-plulnt. cofistipat on. la Krltipo and norvous nefcs. In couvalosconco and uso itlory Borvlceablo. ' Tho discussion of tho liquor question is an Important feature of tho North American Review for October, Drs. Wnldo nnd Walsh describing in tho light of English statistics tho Influence of environment in developing tho drinlc habit, and tho l?cv. Dr. F. (A Igdchort, pastor of tho Park Avenuo Methodist Episcopal church in New York city, ad vocating in "Tho Haloon and tho Bab bath," tho enforcement of tho present ixclsa law in Now York. Not tllo ICxpf-ctml Anttrnr. Jbnesnsked his wife. "Why Is a bus band like dough?" Ho expected she would ylro it up, and was going to toll her it was "because a woman needs him," but she said it was becauso ho was hard to pet oir her hands " Then the domestic entente cordialo was milled. Boston Globe. Nerves and Blood Aro Inseparably connected. Tho for mer depend ahuply, solely, solidly .upon the latter. If it b pure they nro properly fed and there is no " nervous ness." It It Is impure they nre fed on rcfuso and tlio horrors of nervous pronntion result. Feed tho norves on pure blood. Jlauo puro blood and keep it puro by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla The One Truo Blood Purlflcr, Hrrri'a fiSIo. thmineixiiiiinr pin anil 11UUU rlllS tuiully cathartic. 25c. fc... ..' . C World' Pair I IIKIHI'ST AU'Ami. 3 IMPERIAL RANUM i Is unquestionably a most I jvaluaMe FOOD t sick rooni,wliere either little lone or adult needs deli- ce nniirfchtasr rifVH? Sold by DRUCMI5TS nVURYWIIP.Rn 1 I e John Carlo & Sons, New York. )wm?&q&&, jgHobb's 'paragus ilWK will euro Kidney Troubles And hlnnri lrmihta T1ilr.1.ti .1U. eae, inflammation ol kidneys, rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, backache, nnithf. cif-..ia. nes, amcmla, U.zrltiess, etc., by ( TAKEAPILL. ya BeUft tilth hm Mis Paul Cilpe. Br. Hobb's Little Liver Pills i will cure Stomach Troubles heartburn, constipation, IiicIIkcs. Won, flatulence, bad breath, palpi tation, loss of appetite, etc. by i ccntly acting on the liver and IkjwcIs. Purelv vcuttuhlr om! the- I only Jlvcr pills that don't gripe IrttUUMliikni, Write r.rrv.lak, HOQB'S MEniPIMF fin CMcno. Sn Fiinciico. :&&&&&&'& i PINEOLA COUGH BALSAM It excellent for nil throat Inllsmwutloim and fur asiiiina. lOniutrin tlvest vrtll invariably derive beneflt from IU iibc, aa ( quietly abalra tlio cough, 1 t-tiuuis expectora tion coy, arhituni; ualnro In restoring waptcd tluoe. Time i I.Mt;e per cental ol tlioee who anpiioK) thilr ce t be cousumption who are only suffer hi-z from a ehronlfi cold or deep (eated couirli, oficn apgravated by catarrli. Foi catarrh ne Kly' tToam Ilalui. Uoiu rctnedtes are ttleanant to ue. Cream Itnlui, 60c pur bottle; PiDeoiaHa'eam.xSc at Dnn glau. Inquau title of J'.'.M n ill (lclH or on receipt of auiounL ELY mtOTlllCIIH, M Warren St., Kew York. wmsBM l Xv ' "- AYER'S SARSAPARILLA "My "sister W3J afflicted Mf. with a severo caao of kcrof- L fc ula. Our doctor rorommeuded - Ayor's Sarsaparilla as being CUTSCS tho host blood-puriflor within his experience. "Wogavohor til6SG tills medicine, nod a complcto euro was tho result." Wa. wn O. JENKINS, Dewcose, Neb. IWUa IT WELL CURE YOU TOO. Slielln for TTall Pocket, "I have often wondered," Raid a fish erman, "that somebody didn't fix up a lot of horseslioo crab shells nnd put them an tho market ns wall pockets. They aro commonly used for that pur pose in ftahcrraona houses for catchalls nnd for slipper holders, and vory pretty they aro, too. Tho horseshoe crab Is in two parts, joined by a hinge across tho back about two-thirds of tho way from the front. Jn makinir a wall nook et tho rear pnrtof the shell iscut away; that leaves tho top of tho shell as it hangs, crescent-shaped. A holo labored in each part of tho crescentfor tho ends of tho cord or ribbon that is to support tho shell, which is backed with paste board. Komo dyo them with utiolino dyes, but oftoner thoy simply vurnlsh them, showing tho natural color of the shell, which is a dark brown.- Now York Hun. noirnro of Otnttuonti for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, As mercury will suroly destroy tho senso of smell and completely derange Uie whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such ar ticles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physi cians, ns the damage tluy will do is ten fold to tho good you can possibly derlvo from them. Hall'B Catarrh Cure, manu factured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, aotlng directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho sys tem, In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure, bo sure you get the genuine. It Is taken In ternally, nnd m.ido In Toledo, Ohio, by V. J. ChPney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists; price, 75c per bot tle. Hall's Family Pills. 2fic. Hutiii Mnimcrd It. A T.lvi'tvinl mrrrli!irl fntiAnllv wnnt to his head clerk and said: "John, I owo about, and all I riOSSCSB is 4.000. whlr.h !r Innltori nr, In tho safe. I have been thinking- that tlllft Is thn vrrh t. fitnA trt rtinlrn rm ne. sljynme nt, but what planslblo pretext i can gtvo my crcauors, i Know not. You havo plenty of brains; think tho mutter over and let mo havo your de cision in tho morning-." , Tho clerk promised to do so. On entering- tho otllco tho next morn ina tho merchant found the safe open, tho money gone, and In its placu a lot tor which read ns follows: "I havo taken tho 1,003 and havo gone to South America. It is tho best excuse you can givo your creditors.' London Tid-lllls. -.FITO-AllI-UBglonpodfrcrbyDr.Kllne'nOreit Jjro Jtcstorer. Jso FlUatter the tiivtoiiy'a umi. 21arvloiucui-c Trratlnonti.l 2irlallottli'frr.ti tUnukt. b.-uaU)lji-,jiiini-,iaiAri.UBt.,l'Ulu.,i'n. A Itusy Slim. Hugh Tudor, of Dawn, Jdo., strives to combino business with humor. On his business envelopes is printed tho fol lowinp; in one corneri "If not called for within ten duys return to Hugh Tudor, Dawn, Mo,, secrotary of tho Farmers Mutual Insurance Co. of Liv ingston County, and secretary of tho Second Congressional Cyclone, Torna do and Wind Storm Co,," and tho fol lowing uddltional statement appears in another corner;. "I sell insurance, n-Tllillst noclrlnnts. fli-iv dnUi vli,t storms, sigh kloans, tornadoes, loss of iicpo, lossor reni, poverty ana -u nus lands, and Issuo bond insurance" A T.nzy IliiMmntl. A country newspaper reports a brief colloquy between u woman and her lazy husband. Sho was busy, and tho baby was crying, and tho man, so far ns uppears, was doing nothing. "John," sho satd, "I wish you would rock tno baby. " "Oh, bother," was the answer, "why should I rock the baby?" "Why, becauso ho isn't very well nnd I have this mending to do. llesides. hnlf of him belongs toyou anyhow, and you ought to bo willing to help tako caro of him." "Well, half of him belongs to you, too, and you can rock your half and lot my half holler." "AMONG THE 0ZAEKS." Tho Land omijj Ilcd Apples, is an nttractlvo nnd Interesting book, handsomely illustr ted with views of South Missouri concry, including tho famous Odea fruit farm of 3,000 ncroi in Hoioll county. It pprtalcs to fruit raising In that great fruit belt of America, tho southern alopo of tho Qznrds, nnd will prove of groat value, not ouly to fruit-grower, but to every fnrinor and homcaoekor looking for a form and a home. Mallod froe. Address, J. E. Locjcwood, Kansas City, Mo. An important papor, "Tho Future in Relation to American Naval Power," is contributed to tho October Harper's by Captnin A. T. Malum, V. S. N who advocates tho maintenance of a strong navy, not only for national defence, but for tlio promotion of tho interests of tho United States in tho interna tional complications which are certain to nrlso in tho near future through tho growing importance of China and Ja pan and tho approaching absorption of ult the unclaimed islands of tho sea by tho great powers of tho world. Tlio Teeth. "Even absolutely clean teeth will de cay," said a dentist, "but constant caro in this respect greatly prolongs tho life of a tooth. Thogenural health usually has a good deal to do with it. PeopYo used to think that it was a useless ex penditure to havo children's teeth tilled before tho arrival of tho second set, but more of them aro being educated to tho fnct that tho longer tho first set is preserved the better tho quality of tho second hot will bo. Every child, as soon as ho is able to handlo a brush, should have ono and bo taught to uso it regularly." Marrinfjo is a failure whenoverit Is a dis nprointmeut. "Afflicted for sovon years, with what appeared to bo a cancer in the face, other trcatmont being of no bent-lit, I tried Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The result is that in ono year, all trnco of canco 1m been removed." Mrs. Jonx IJ. I'.ivr.r.s, Manchester, N. II. IS AU0YE THE WORLD. SOUTHEHN WOMAN WITH A BEAUTIFUL CHARACTEn. ATM. Ltvingaton JUImm, a r.nily of Cul ture nnd llcflnoment, ?mbntcca tlio Now Faith nnd Is Surrounded Iiy in fluential Follower!. RS. LIVINGSTON Mlmms., of Atlan ta, Oa., Is a unique) flgtire.Thc disciples uU of a new faith or a pow art are general ly called, and often aro, fanatics. Thoy Eoldom cbme from tho inner circle of conventional socie ty, for conventional Eocloty is opposed to anything cavo con ventionality. Mrs. Mimmo, however, was some years nco a leading social light In tho best sonso of tho word; a brilliant and boautlful woman, endowod with a rnro and comprehensive Intel lect, which sho cultivated to tho utmoot in every possible lino of litoraturo and art. Sho drew nbout her all tho per sona of cultivation in her social world. In thoso days sho could bo said to havo had tnoro of what tho French term a salon thnn any other woman in the south. Sho was tho high priestess of art and letters. For ten years sho had been an inva lid, but her sufferings left no traco upon her mind, or upon her face. Sho had tried all sorts of remodlcs and all sorts of physicians, spending thousands of dollars with the hopo of restoring her health. At this tlmo bIio becamo inter ested in Christian sclenco through ono of tho disciples of Mrs. Eddy, tho Chris tian scientist of Boston. Through the instruction of this young Christian sci entist Mrs. Mlmms' health began rapld- ly to Improve. Sho is nn extremely ro ceptlvo and sympathetic woman, and sho becamo absorbed with the. idoa of spiritual power. This power sho did not claim as part of her human person ality, but as tho gift of tho Creator. The faith of Christian science, as she expounds it, is a beautiful one. It is tho non-acceptanco of evil either through tho mind or body. Her creed is thnt to the human being whose soul strength Is fully developed thero can be no Bin, no pain, no death. She takes the idea of death as it is taught in tho Bible, lltorally translating it as a transition to immortal life. Sho doe3 not believe In wearing weeds of woo for tho dead; her faith is ono of cheerfulness. She refuses to entertain in her own mind tho idea of evil. Sho says that the mil lennium will come when tho creatures of thlB earth throw off the acknowledge ment of Bin and death; then, nnd only then, will thoy enter into their heritage of immortal life. This Is her creed as nearly as I can expound It, and its verity sho claims to havo tested now f6r ten, years in her own llfo. Ho health has become per fect since she espoused it and sho has seemed to becomo younger over day un der its influence. As soon as she be camo convinced that Christian science was for her tho greatest truth that Ufa held, hor own llfo changed materially. She practically gavo up the world. Sho relinquished social honors and pleas ures. To tho poor and needy sho devo ted her tlmo and money, responding to every call made upon her. Her wholo tlmo is now devoted to humanity. At first Mrs. Mlmms found her faith a difficult matter. When Bho first ox pounded hor hollof thero were many to criticise and scoff. Of this fact she her self says: "I havo borne everything; the disapprobation of friends, tho ridicule of strangers, I am the last one in tho world to have braved such things under ordinary circumstances, but my belief was stronger and greater than it all, I had found the truth and nothing could inako me relinquish it." Gradually followers came to her. Con verts, however, havo come from the ranks of serious reading and thinking people At first she held her meetings every .Friday and Sunday in a small room In the center of the city. Soon MM & MRS. LIVINGSTON MIMMS. that became inadequate for tho crowds which assomblcd to hear her, and so tho quarters woro moved to a handsome building on Peachtreo street Sorno months ago word went forth from Mrs. Kddy th: tho disciples of Christian science were to give no moro talks or sermons, hut wero to read from the book on that faith and expound its meaning. She still occasionally reads at tho rooms nnd has private talks with her friends on Bclencc. Mrs. Mlmms is the wife of Major Liv ingston Mlmms, a southerner of wealth and distinction, whoso daughter is Mrs. Joseph Thompson, president of tho wo man's department of tho Cotton States and International Exposition. Now and then Mrs. Minims will attend a dinner or luncheon, nnd this is consid ered a rnro treat to her old friends. Mrs. Minims' snow white hair makes a sort of halo about her forehead, Her complexion is ns clear as a child's, and her eyes aro almost as babyish. Sho Is always well dressed, blue and lilae be ing tho shades sho chiefly favors. Sho is not old in spirit, for she has lived up to her faith that thoro is no ago or sorrow or death to thoso whose souls have attained the highest strength. MAUDE ANDREWS. WILLIAM C. WHITNEY. Jlrlcf Skotch of n Man Now In the, rubllo Kto. William Collins Whitney was born in North Conway, Mass., July 5, 1841. His father was Scotch, his mother was Irish. They were well-to-do people and their son found no barriers In the way of completing the education begun In a country school house. In his seven teenth year he entered Yalo College and made rapid progress in the depart ment of classics. Ho graduated from that university with honors in July, 18G3. Tho practice of law at that time was considered among tho most hon orable of professions, a3 well -as tho most lucrative, and It did not tako tho young graduate long to decido that it would be tho proper occupation for him to engage in. He accordingly entered tho Harvard law school, from which ho graduated in 18G5. Shortly afterward, to uso an expression common among lawyers nowadays, ho "hung out his shingle'1 in Now York city. He was tolerably successful and won tho good counsel of mon like Samuel J. Tlden, Francis Kernan and others. In 1875 he becamo corporation counsel of New York and served until 1882. That was tho only political post he held previous to his appointment as secretary of tho navy In 1885. Ho served until the end of tho first Cleveland administration, 1889. Ho succeeded in having Cleve land renominated in Chicago in 1892, WILLIAM C. WHITNEY. and is himself a candidate for the presi dential nomination next year. Ho has tho support of Cleveland. Mr. Whitney is worth several millions of dollars. III 1)1 com Hook. "Lot mo congratulate you on the suc cess of your dream book," Bald Mr. Dukane to'a rising young author. "My dream book?" repeated tho au thor in surprise. "Well, I fell asleep while readhirs It and dreamed lots of things before I waked up." Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph. ! WML R'MbS:?S' 7iilllP. DAIRY AND POULTRY. INTERESTING CHAPTERS FOR OUR RURAL READERS. How ncrcsfnt Fnrmera Opcrato TliU I)pinrtment of tho Farm A Few Hints n to tlio Caro of Live Block and ronltry. HERE'S many n Blip twlxt tho cup and tho lip, and many a mls-cuo in breeding up a dairy herd. Granting tho truth of what has been taught as to the value of intel ligent breeding it Is also true that tho laws of heredity do not overpower all other laws. Tho most efllcient mlo In improving a breed of hogs Is tho "sled stake rule." That Is, uso a sled stake on all pigs not filling tho requirements, and the others will all fill the requirements. In a milder form this same rule sends to tho packing house all of one class and resorves as breeders tho others. This sorting out is a positive necessity in all kinds of farming, saving seed, Kraln, raising hogs, growing a beef herd, or growing a dairy herd. Prog ress is possible only by selection. The rule that "like produces llko" is not truo when cut down to absolute limits. If it .were, progress would bo impos sible. Retrogression and progression would both be unknown wero tho rule of llko produces like absolute. We could only average things by mixing, and could not improve a breed nor even make a new one. But llko produces like, with a varia tion. Some will be better than the parents, somo poorer. Tho sled stake rule will keep tho herd up to the high est excellence, or selecting the best for keeping and discarding all the others. Sometimes a man finds his dairy act ually inferior after breeding for but ter than it was before. He may have milked a few excellent cows of mixed ancestry and graded up with a dairy sire. Some of tho offspring may be better than the mothers, some poorer, and if ho keeps them all ho has an In ferior hero; if ho disposes of tho Infer ior ones and keeps only the best he should find tho herd Improving. This will be tho result without buying any improved blood. Selection Is the main thing, but tho number that must be discarded from a herd not bred in dairy lines must bo greater. Therein and only there lies the advantage of breed ing for butter or for any other pur pose. The number that must be re jected is lessoned by breeding in the direction desired. Suppose a farmer breeds, to a Guern sey or a Jersey bull. Tho half bloods wlil almost surely pleaso him. Ho goes on "grading up" and In some instances finds the higher ho grades the poorer his herd as a whole. This is discour aging, but if a fact we should face it honestly. Why may this be? It may be for tho following reason; In grading up the breeds from all the half bloods and a portion of the off spring Inclines toward milk giving and a portion away from, it. Tho law of variation gets in its work and somo of tho higher grades aro inferior to the Iqwer grades, and the farmer Is slow er to sacrifice them. Hence his herd may as a Avholo actually retrograde. Selection stands first of all as a means for securing a good dairy herd. Raise many, eavo few, feed well, and success is sure. But, as said before, blood is helpful, for training in the de sired lino and selection for many gen eration in that lino measurably fixes traits and fewer Individual animals have to be discarded. Ex. I'onltry and l'roflt. On a farm where there Is nmplo range poultry should include not enly hens, but turkeys, geese, ducks and even guineas. Tho turkey3 and guin eas are dlBpos&d to wander over large areas, while geese and ducks will thrive on a small pasture lot. It must not be overlooked that tho largest proportion of meat sold off tho farm, in the shape of turkeys, gecae and ducks, cos the farmer littlo or nothing, and If somo knowledge could be gained of the act ual cost, it would be shown that the receipts aro nearly all profit, and this should encourage farmers to increase their stock. Tho hons pay best as pro ducers of eggs, and ducks aro alao ex cellent laycra. but the largest profits in poultry are twnred from turkeys and geese, as they can eupport themselves during the larger portion of tho year unaided. While it must bo admitted, however, that whatever la consumed by poultry really comes from tho farm, whether the birds secure it or receive It, tho profit will not appear so targe, but tho fact is that turkeys aro insect-destroying birds, and the larger tmare of their food Is composed of inseeta and seeds, while geese are partial to young and tender weeds, purslalue being one of its delicacies. These different, kinds of poultry utilize materirjl that would bo of no ecrvice to tho farmer at all, and in that respect they 'serve ns valuable scavengers not only lo keep down many pests that annoy the farmer, but also enable him to send the undesira ble substance to the market in tho form of meat. The most successful farmers met by us, with poultry, were those who did not confine themselves to one kind. Thoy not only had large flocks of hens, but also found room somewhere for turkeys, gf.ese, ducks and guineas, the latter being Intended for home use, as "they aro of but little demand in market They look upon a variety as better enabling them to produce the most at tho least cost, and they were partic ular to use good breeds as well. No enterprising poultryman will attempt to make poultry pay unless ho nsea tho puro breeds. Thero is a wonderful bronze turkey, Embdcn goose and Po kln duck as compared with tho common breeds, as tho weight la also a very important matter in assisting to derlvo n profit on meat. It costs no more to keep the best to bo had than to give up tho spaco to thoso kinds which are in ferior. Quality brings tho best prices, but feed will not givo quality unless tho breed is used to utilize the food to tho best advantage. Thero is noth ing to provent every farmer from mak ing a profit on poultry, and the way to do so is to tako advantage of every method for so doing, using all vnrle ties of poultry for that purpose. Ex. Winter Dairying. Tho following is from Turf, Field and Farm: ''If winter dairying is not practiced, a chango to that, either wholly or largely, will materially in crease tho profits. In perfecting this change a special preparation is neces sary. A warm, well ventilated stable, if not already provided, will be tho first essential. An abundance of the various kinds of milk-producing food should also bo provided for tho support and well-being of tho herd. For tills pur pose nothing is better than a good quality of hay (clover being tho beat) nnd good corn ensilage for roughage, with bran, corn meal, oat and pea meal, and cottonseed meal In connec tion. With these facilities, nnd a fair lot of cows and a careful man to at tend to 'them, tho dollars will como in for all extra outlay. With winter dairy ing tho cows will remain dry during August, while the feed is short, and through the worst season for handling dairy products, instead of February and March, and will give tho dairymen tho best portion of tho year for making butter, and fair prices. Tho calves dropped In September or October will bo well started by winter, will escape the worst part of tho year for flies and heat, and will bo In good shape to turn to grass by the following spring." Cows Differ. Of two horses so near ly alike that only their constant at tendant can tell them apart, and fed out of the same trough (and, it may be, with the same sire and dam), no man living can tell which is the speedier of tho two, by looking at them. And when they come to bo trained It will often happen that the ono develops great speed whllo the other falls to take a record. How it comes, or why it is so, no man knows. In tho same way, cows differ in Individual capacity. Full sisters, fed and treated Identically, de velop the ono into a three or four pounds a day cow tho other barely getting into tho 14-pound list. Again, It may happen that tho smaller per former proves tho better breeder. The forco of Individuality is so great and the laws that govern it so utterly un known that wo can only tako for our guidance St. Paul's wise rule, "Prove all things; hold fast that which Is good." Test all your cows; hold fast to thoso that are good. Hunter Nich olson in Jersey Bulletin. Use the Decimal System. Ton hcn3 In a house that is 10 feet square, with yards 10 times tho size of tho house, 1b a rule to follow: Ton hens with one male Is the correct mating, and 10 eggs under a setting-hen In winter aro enough. Ten weeks is long enough to keep a broiler before It goes to market, and a pair of fowls 'and ducks should weigh not over 10 pounds. Ten cents per pound is near the average price for fowls In market, and 10 cents should feed a hen ono month. Ten heii3 in a house that gives .them plenty of room will lay more eggs than 20 that aro crowded; hence, one not only gets fewer eggs when there aro too many hens to gether, but the cost of tho food Is great er and tho amount of work increased. Trying to do too much on a limited area has caused many failures, and the proper plan is to keep but a few hens rather than too many. Poultry Keep er. Shipment of Eggs in Bulk. A con sular report tells of large quantities of Bholled e3 being sent to England from Russia and Italy for tho use of pastry cooks, bakers, hotels and restau rants. Tho eggs are emptied from their shells into tin cans holding 1,000 or more, and nfter being hermetically sealed are packed with straw Into wooded cases, tho taps, through which the contents are drawn, being added by those using them. Great caro Is necessary In selecting eggs, as a single bad one would spoil tho whole lot. Lower price and saving of time, nnd greater ease and less expense and Ios3 In handling aro named as tho advan tages of this system. Thus far the Rus sian product has been uniformly good, whqreas the Italian shipments have so frequently been spoiled that analysis of the Russian supply has been ordered to determlno If preservatives are used. Prospective Rise in Sheep. A prom inent west Texas sheepman said to us ono day last week that good stock sheep were getting scarce and. but few flocks wero now for sale. Owners aro nmv nklntr S1.50 Her head far thn nnrnn 'class of Bheep which wero selling at 75c85l per neau a year ago. "wny." said he, "a year hence you will find Just as much of a boom in sheep as thero Is now in-cattle, and thoso who go In the business will not make a mlBtake."-- San Antonio Stockman. "Blue Beard." That, nursery tale which 'oas charmed generations of chil dren and their elders, known as "Bluo Beard," was written by a French au-. thor. Tho original of the character of Blue Beard was a marshal af France, who lived in Brittany and who was charged with murdering several wives and over one hundred children. Being convicted of sorcery, ho was burned. Philadelphia "Irpes. , r