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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1957)
EVACUATION PLANNING for Jacksonville, Fla., made difficult because the city Is divided by the 8t. Johns River, got a boost recently when Operation Dunkirk proved with the help of 18* boats that the river could serve as a highway to safety. One of the boats Is shown checking In at the CD evacuation point, where Its passen ger capacity was noted and It was sent on a mock mission to one Of two “destination points." (Jacksonville Ttmes-Unlon Photo! SERVE YOURSELF SANDWICH SKYSCRAPERS Easy to make sandwiches on yeast-raised bread with assorted salads, delishc* and long cnld drinks make admirable fare for informal turn aner gatherings. Here's a new and .r-iposing way to serve a sandwich nmor&asbord for your guests. It’s the Skyscraper Sandwich containing • fabulous assortment of fillings in just one many-decker structure. I To assemble a Skyscraper: Select a variety of thinly sliced yeast raised breads (they should all be the same shape) and a variety of gKipular fillings such as ham, salami, Swiss cheese, Cheddar cheese, tchicken. corned beef. Spread the bread with margarine or butter and, [if you like, a little mustard or mayonnaise. Place a generous portion I of one of the fillings on each piece of bread. Pile up the prepared bread to make an 8-story sandwich. One Skyscraper should serve about three people. Guests help themselves to one, two or more layers aj appetites dictate. These sandwiches are appropriate for a picnic as well as an at-home gathering. Wrap them in aluminum foil or waxed paper to keep them fresh, and carry in insulated containers. 9 Fun to Make—Cool to Eat Children will love throe cool treat* they can make themselves. Frozen suckers out of your own refrigerator and homemade soda* - noth easy to mako with fruit-flavored gelatin—wholesome and e-^t »o little. To Malic Frozen Suckers take l package of fruit-flavored gelatin, \L cup sugar and dissolve in 2 cups of hot water. Then add 2 cups af cold water, mixing thoroughly. Pour into ice cube trays or sucker molds and freeze until almost firm. Push sticks or paper spoons into the center of each cube or mold for handle. Continue freezing until hard. Makes about 28 suckers. To Malic Fink Sorias dissolve 1 package of fruit-flavored gelatin (any red flavor) in 1 cup of hat water. Add Vi cup of cold water. Then pour into fi gin-sea. Add a scoot) of ice mmm to each glass • nd fill with carbonated water. HEBE'S HEALTH!_ By Lewi* SUM FACTS AND _ FIGURES ^ ACCORDING TO NUTRITION EXPERTS, AXOffT OBEtiTT IS CAUSED py A GREATER IN JAte Of CALORIES THAN K'SKS?'"* OF CALORIES A» ENERGY. THAT It OVER- - weight it due to oi/erea:^ INS, NOT TO^GlANPg." * a! EXERCISE,THOUGH HIGHLY PESlRADU.lS ONLY A PARTIAL ANS WER TO LOSING HEIGHT. L THE AVERAGE PERSON 1 PfUUlJ> HAVE ro WALK 10 » EXTRA RVLESAMY TOR . A WEEK WITHOUT IN- A CREASING loop lalAAl l ro LOS* Z POUNPS % m ^ ^ ~ fOOO* HUH in PHOT (IN. Vitamin* amo nnhiralC tU£M£MM MfeW. MIU AW fB|*R FRUIT* AMR VtU. I l*ut Afl( A HfAtfMFUl ANSM'ft \ tO THt H* 10 FOR A Wflt *41. ) ANCFP UOUCMW 0t( r RICH TO OBTAIN At l TMI £*•«»>« *1100(0 BA HIM NATURAL VALUf Of TO A MINIMUM FBtSH FRUIT* ANO •VttCTAM.fl.CAr (OAAf «AW IVCRT MY THfV rasar "• _BE thi BROADWAY " „ PARTY LINE f by Gary Wagner Dave Garroway, returned from his vacation happy to get back to work, "I got tired of doing nothing, it was just a little too much vacation’’. He also told me he was amused to read that he owns $50,000 worth of sports cars. ‘‘Unless they mean my one 8 year old one!" . . . Paulette Goddard, a guest recently on Mas querade Party refused to ac cept the usual gift offered con testants of the sponsor's pro duct, right on the air in full Tina Robin light of millions of viewers . . . Opera star Robert Merrill la considering a cross country tour with Louis Armstrong . . . Red Buttons, sensitive acting in “Say onara” should win him tha Guy Mitchell i academy award, without a doubt ... Guy Mitchell is very much at ease these days, “I have enough money in the bank to be able to buy that ranch I have al ways wanted” , . . This year’s find is Tins Robin the 4 foot U, * nineteen year old bundle of dyna mite who sings like a combination of Ethel Merman and Judy Garland. Six months ago still a salesclerk in a Newark, N. J. five and dime store, she has already risen to a four figure a week status. Watch this girl, she is covered with stardust . . . Peter Graves, star of NBC’s “Fury” western series, just re ceived what he considers his most flattering fan letter. It’s from a 9 year old boy who states: “I .Ike you a lot better than your horse” . . . Arthur Murray bro'.e up Maestro Guy Lombardo at the Hotel Roosevelt Grill with tHs story of his first meeting with Kathryn. "I had asked her to dance,” Arthur related, “And it turned out that a tango was b^ ing played”. “I bet I’m the worst dancer you've ever danced with!” cooed Kathryn. “Did you hear me? I bet I'm the worst dancer you ever danced with!” "I hoard you the first time”, replied Arthur, “I’m trying to think!” Leslie. Neilsen, Metro’s bright new star hope, is trying to per suade his brother Gordon, to come to Hollywood and try for an acting career. Gordon, is a ruggedly hand some 6 foot 4 policeman in Canada. “Would make a great heavy” accord ing to Les . . When Mamie van Doren was asked why she Mamie van Doren sleeps in a round bed witn biacx sheets, she said, “I don’t like any thing that’s square, and black makes me feel sexy” . . . As soon as those undraped poses of Lori Nelson in that girlie-book, hit the newsstands, with a story captioned "The Girl Next Door”; the house next door to Lori’s home in the valley which has been for sale for nearly a year, was sold . . . Piper Laurie admits she never expected to' keep her name. She told me: "I never particularly cared for my own name of Rosetta, so I select ed Piper Laurie out of thin air during a conversation I was having with some friends. When I was signed by U-I, I felt sure they’d change it, but they liked it for the parts I was going to do, so I was stuck with it. Now it’s too late to change . . . Guy Lombardo donates print# * of all his filmed television shows to Veterans’ hospitals — good boy! ... If you ever wondered what happened to the Dancing Cigarette Pack that use to appear on so many TV shows, she now owns a Pick-A-Rib Restaurant on New York's 62nd Street . . To day’s teehee, Marie Wilson says, "Men are like girdles — you have to have one around no matter ho./ much they make you suffer!” How times have changed . . Jackie Gleason’s fabulous duplex offices at the Park Sheraton Hotel have been taken over by CBS and Sid Caesar has sub leased some of his space to the I’as Boone production department. Perry Como ahavea opera star Robert Merrill while the latter eints "Barber of Seville.” . }]5A1T}1 Scienceftfotures-...... <x*rzZZm Selene* Fights Old Age - ..Writ- L A»~. t _ l t.* Modem medicine has enabled Americans to live nearly as long as the biblical three score years and ten. As a consequence, the diseases of aging, such as hardening of the arteries, heart disorders, and can cer, are increasingly the causes of death. Now the task of medical science is to combat these.diseases so that we may enjoy this longer life. The battle against angina ♦ • pectoris, an Hines* which In creases beyond middle age, is one example in which a new, partial victory haa recently been won. I The meaning or angina pec toris is simply pain in the chest. It is caused by a narrowing of the coronary arteries, which cuts down the flow of blood nourish ing the heart muscle. In this con dition, exercise which places ex tra demands on the heart causes pain. In aevera cases, climbing stairs, walking against the w.nd, digesting a heavy meal, or emo tional excitement may bring on an attack. i Occasionally the pain of an an Rinal attack can be extraordinar y severe. A French physician in the early nineteenth century com pared lit to “iron nails or the claw of an animal tearing asun der the front of the chest. More often ths pain is described as s squeezing, crushing or vise-llke sensation. It may Be felt in the chest, heart, neck, left shoulder and arm, or upper stomach. Angina pectoris was first treat ed in the eighteenth century with narcotics and alcohol and, later, with inhalation of chloroform. None prevented or halted an at tack, they merely deadened the pain. Tha first real victory over an gina waa won in 1867 when a Scotch phyeician used nitrogly cerin, tne common explosive, to treat an attack. Later it was die covered that the exploeive'a ef fectiveneas waa due to its tem porary ability to dilate the ar teries that feed the heart, not wly relieving pain but stopping, or preventing, an attack. How ever, the effect of nitroglycerin is only temporary, seldom lasting longer than a few minutes. A new drug, derived from an explosive of the same family, was developed several years ago. Peri trate, as the drug is called, gives longer lasting relief — up to four or six hours. This advance has now been followed by the intro duction of an even newer "sus tained action” form of Peritrate which provides round-the-clock protection against attacks of an Rina pectoris with only two tab ■ts daily. In its new form, the drug is contained in a special wax t base which gradually dissolves over a twelve-hour period. To the four million Americans — most are past middle age - who suffer from angina pectoris, this new development promisee less pain and greater activity - more enjoyment of their later years. , ihht'5 b ran CLOSE CALL! On JULV 12,1064, AS THE COWPgOEMTgi TROOPS REACHED THE OUTSKIRTS OP WASHINGTON, D.C., PRESIDENT LINCOLN 67000 ON THE PARAPET OP PT. STEVENS, WATCH THE BATTLE. )VfTHIN A PEW FEET OP HIM, CWffMAN WAS KILLED AND ANOTHER WOUNDED/ * V PIONEER PUNE 4 Thb first plane to be purchased by the A U.S.ARMY WAS BUILT BY THE WRK3HT BROTHER* 1 in (900. rr was A biplane with a ho ft. winGSPRfAP, 2S HORS EPOWDH H CYLINDER ENGINE ■OUIPPBD WITH t SKIDS FOR LANDING. fT COULD REACH A SPEED OF V/ M/LBS PER HOUR AND REMAIN IN THE AlR FOR AN HOUR/ SERIES e SAVINGS BONOS NOW PA1 JfVSi INTENfST WHEN HELD TO MATURITY. AND-THEY MATURE EARLIER, TOO/ NOW, MORE THAN EVER, rrs SMART TO 6AVB WITH MS SAVINGS BONDS. I I matta EMOceas *** against itm *mcr 00 YOU HAVE ARACHNEPHOBIA? g PONY iMORRVj HMOST if eve Ryeooy does. _e/£rt R 1 MISS MUFFEf. AIL It 11 MEAMS IS A FEAR OF y* SPIDERS the »enemy; spiders Have I EIGHT LEGS, THUS ARE J NOT INSECTS (WHICH HAVE Six). I MORE THAN 50,000 SPECIES ARE KNOWN. THEY SPIN SILK FOR SNARES, PROTECTIVE TENTS, LOCOMOTION. THE ' THREAD IS STRONGER THAN COMMERCIAL SILK THOUGH A STRAND IS NO MORE THAN 3/10,000 MILLIMETER THICK. — ' I I — I _ the attach I although all SPIDERS have venomous jaws, few SHOULD BE HEARER. THEY USE THEIR POISON ON INSECTS, HARDLY EWR j ON WAN- EvtN THE LMC£ TMaNULA AND 8LA6K WipoW SPIPER DO NOT j OBSERVE THEIR REPUTATION AS 4 PREACED KILLERS, BUT SITES CAN BE VERY PAINFUL. NO SHPERS INJURE PROPS. /N THE HOUSE, THEY ARE MERELY BOTHERSOME AND SCARY. I torjntuti Ihakundotv 'girden. Spider 4g man's counterattack j OUST AWAY C06WE85. APR.Y INSECTICIDE (AS A COARSE, WET SPRAY) TO CORNERS, PIPES, STORAGE FACILITIES. REPEAT AS NECESSARY. DO NOT SPRAY ON OR NEAR FOOD. co*r*/assr *957 i*eu cmmm/cai co*lpo«a7~>o/u 4-H’ers Lead the Way to Safety Q\J 4-H’ers Trained! -in Safety— A The future eokt brighter for more people beceute more 4-H Club m.mbert JT" *:V ,r«iB#d *"d ‘ducted In ,.f,|y. P.rtlelp.tlen In the 1957 netiooel 4-H tefety progrem eneblet them to meke their hornet, fermt end eemmumtiet tefer plecet in which to lire end work. woyt end glrlt between the eget of 10 end 21 throughout the ttete ere leernmg tefe pr.etice, thet wW pey dividend! Inter In life whether they reilde ft? vu eit7' Conducted by the Ceoperetivo Eeteniion Service, the 4-H tefety progrem hot been tupported eontlnuoutly eince 1941 by Incentive ewerdt offered to 4-H'en for Mrperler echievement Include dlf C“liege tcholerthlpt, end edueetienel tripi to the noticed 4-H Club Ceegrete held, U Chieego. Southland Chicken Salad With chicken one of the best buys, you’ll be having it often probably, which means more left-overs. Here’s something different to do to stretch them, in the way of a cool, delightful salad, one with added flavor and food value with little effort. To your greens, diced celery, and diced chicken, add canned Florida grapefruit and orange sections, plump and as refreshing as a tall glass of citrus juice, and particularly fitting for summer fara. The canned sections this year are of excellent quality, low in price, and so versatile you’ll find plenty of other uses for them in your menus. Here’s the citrus-chicken salad recipe: , - Florida Chicken Salad 1 can 20-ounce Florida orange 2 tablespoons lime juice and grapefruit sections y4 cap mayonnaise 2 cups diced cooked chicken Vs teaspoon salt 1 cup diced celery Vs teaspoon pepper Salad greens Drain citrus sections thoroughly. Add drained sections to chicken and celery in mixing bowl. Mix together lime juice, mayonnaise and seasoning. Add to salad and toss lightly. Serve with salad greens and garnish with additional sections. YIELD: 6 to 6 servings. - • MOTOR MAIDS Personality Factors in Driving Safely By Jeanne Smith, Dodge Safety Consultant IF YOU ALWAYS “put your best foot forward" when driving, you won’t have to slam your foot on the brake to avoid an accident. According to psychologists, a pleasant personality is just as im portant when you’re behind the wheel as it is in business or social Substantiat ing this, re searchers at Michigan State Univer sity's High way Traffic Safety Center have found that it’s the ( m o t orists’s emotional and intellectual ~ c h a r a c - Mis* Smith teristics which determine how safely he or she drives—not re action time, vision, physical strength or coordination. . “Alany traits,” says Dr. Wil liam A. Mann of MSU’s Safety Center, “are copied from par ents and friends. If dad makes a practice of running stop signs, speeding when no police of ficers are around, or bragging that he can drive better after a few drinks, son and daughter are apt to copy him.” The solution to this lack of understanding of good driving practices nnd attitudes must come through better education of the driver, Mann believes. He points, as an illustration, to the success of high school driver edu cation courses and traffic safety - -__ k schools for repeat violators. Emotional characteristics of drivers are more complex and difficult to alter, Mann believes, f "Most of us,” he says, “are familiar with the ‘hostile’ driver who isn’t going to let anyone push him around, and the ‘in adequate’ person who is so afraid that he will do something wrong that he fouls up the smooth flow of traffic. r “Angry and impatient driv ers who can’t wait for others to get out of the way and ag gressive drivers who pass on hills and curves are all showing symptoms of frustrations and inferiority complexes.” Even normal drivers who are facing serious problems may re act, temporarily, in the same manner as the chronically dis turbed individual. A family quar rel or reprimand by the boss may make the driver less aware of what is going on around him and therefore much more susceptible to an accident, Mann points out. “All of us should recognize the characteristics in our personality which might make us accident prone,” says Mann, “and be doubly cautious at the wheel when these conditions arise.” (5J% I'm almost -fourteen and would like to be popular with boys but I don't know how to get along with them. I never know what to say or anything Could you help me-* ' hX M* Don't be afraid of them. They're just boys and probably even less adept at making sparkling conversation than you are. Just don't allow your self- consciousness to lead you into the following-social pitfalls; Don't try to hide your uneasiness behind a gruff and slightly sour facade. This wouldn't attract a fly - much less a da fa. Don't wait for the boy to do all the talk ing - this only serves to make him feel awkward and uncomfortable. * » Ifcver fly off in the opposite direction, either, and become so eager to please and anxious to be dated that you frighten all the boys away. Tt"» doe*n't «Ound exciting but it never fail* +0 work. Juat be pjeaeant, be polite and, more than anything, be yourtglf. Thi» it your key to popularity, ® '*s7 fw’4'* 0ot4 Crouming Idiici j| — ----ID,