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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1957)
WANTED: Houses, Apartments, and the Names and Addresses of people that are looking for a place to stay; and for people who want to rent an apartment. Call t£A 0800. birth ahkouncmnt The birth of « B«* «r. p^pinj announced bjprd *’ r •f (»nrbnrn. Mlrhlsan. Yot *” «allr tnrtted to m thla oeweot »cwi tton to the Ford X?®.11 V^lef^ at ycrar naarwt Ed«el dealer. ‘ ASHLETV In loving memory of my dear wife and mother, Mary L. A*h ley. A silent thought, a secret tear keeps her memory ever dear, who passed away September 4th 1956 Thomas J. A*hley 1841 No. 23rd St FOR RENT: 1 large 3-room un furnished apartment. Priced right for the right family Owner will accept children if , they are under good control. Call Ha. 0800. FOR RENT: 1 3-room unfurnished apt- Near school North of Lake St. C all Ha. 0600. FOR RENT: 2 lovely room apt. North of Lake St. Call the All furnished ready to move in Omaha Guide office, HA. 0800 or HA. 0801. FOR RENT: 2 2-room fumtsbe apartment. Call Ha. 0600. FOR RENT: A 2 room fumiahed Apt. for a working couple. Call WE, 3372. All utilities paid by owner. _ j FOR RENT: 1 3-room furnished apt. at 28th St and Pratt Call PI. 3183. - - - j FOR RENT—1 2-room furnishei apartment on two bua lines) Close to 24th k Lake St Cal Ha. 0800. FO£ RENT 1 3-room furnished apartment north of Lake St All utilities paid by owner Only $15.00 per week. Call Ha. 0800. FOR RENT: 1 2-room unfurnishr ed apartment north of Lake St. Will accept children and A D. mother. Cal! Ha. 0800. 1 FOR RENT: 1 8-room unfurnish ed apartment north of Lake St, Will accept children. Also A.D. mothers. Call Ha 0800. FOR RENT: Largo room and living room with kitchen use for $12.50 per week. Utilities paid by owner. Cali PL 7401. Located at 2811 Bristol St Walter Brown, owner. Omahan Directs This Year's Herat Association \ Directing the Nebraska Heart Association for the next 12 mon ths will be Hr. S. L. Magiera of Omaha who was elected at the dent this past weekend at tue Annual Meeting. Chosen as President-elect was Dr. Donald F. Purvis of Lincoln. Dr. Daniel A. Nye of Kearney was selected as First Vice-Pre-i dent, Mr. Edwin F. Dosek of Lin coln as Second Vice-President, and Dr. Richard Egan of Omaha as Secretary. A new post was created, Chair man of the Board, and filled by Mr. Clarence E. Wiesner of Oma ha. Mr. David F. Davis of Omaha was re-elected as Treasurer. Five new members were elect ed to the Board of Trustees, 14 re-elected and 11 trustees elected to the Executive Committee. Several hundred doctors and FOR RENT: 4 single rooms fur nished for working man or woman. Utilities paid by own er. 1 block from 24th and Lake St. Rent only $8 per week. Call PL 7017 before 8 a m. or after 4 p.m. From 8:30 a.ra. to 4 p.m. Call PL 0304. j FOR RENT: 4 large furnished rooms. All utilities paid by owner. 1 block off of 24th and Lake St. Front and rear en trance for only $17.50 per week. Call PL 7067 or PL 0304. FOR RENT: 2 full size rooms and 1 >4 size room unfurnished at 2517 North 20th St. Owner pays all utilities. Only $13.50 per week. CaU JA. 7563. FOR RENT: For single man or; working woman, one large furn ished room. One block from 2 Bus lines. Use of kitchen. HA 0800. FOR RENT: 3 lovely furnished rooms, 2 blocks from school. Allj Utilities paid by owner. Only $15.00 per week. HA MOO. -1 FOR SALE: Bought an apartment have now found himself with too many refrigerators, want to sell one large gas refrigerator. Price $75. Cost $350 seven years ago. HA 0800. WHY WEAR OUT YOUR SHOE leather and lose 2 or 3 days A work looking for a room o an apartment. All you need to do is to call Ha. 0800. W have the right place for th ; right person. Just call the Omaha Guide, Ha. 0800. FOR RENT: 1-5 room house. Call Mrs. Williams. JA. 2631. FOR RENT: 1 furnished 2-room apartment. All utilities paid by owner. Call Ha. 0800 FOR RENT: One 5-room apart ment, unfurnished. Will ac cept children under good con trol. Private entrance and private bath. Very reasonable Call Ha. 0800. ____________________ FOR RENT: A 3 room furnished Apt. Call PL 9186. FOR RENT: 1 large sleeping room for working man or wo man. In a lovely home with use of kitchen. Located a 2611 Bristol St. Call PI. 7401. Walter Brown, owner lay people attended the Heart. Association’s Scientific Sessions, Public Heart Program, and An nual Meeting. During the Annual Awards Dinner, 18 veteran Heart Fund leaders were honored including these area people: (SEE ATTACH ED LIST); and life-lixe plastic heart models were awarded for the best County Fair Heart ex hibits to Benson Home Lover.. Club, Hitchcock and Loup Coun ty Hume Extension Clubs. Retiring President Willis D. Wright pointed out that Nebraska Heart Association this year has finally achieved its longtime goal of investing more than half all Heart Fund income in re search. He called for continued progress in this direction. Nebraska Heart Association 4209 Harney Street, Omaha FRANK V. WHITLEY Information Director BOARD OF TRUSTEES 10-4-57 NEWLY ELECTED Dr. Douglas Campbell, SCOTTS BLUFF Mr. Eugene Digram, LINCOL N Mr Bill Young, COZAD Dr. Harlan Heim. HUMBOLDT MOTOR MAir^. Parking Skill Reflects Your Driving Ability By Jeanne Smith, Dodge Safety Consultant DO YOU FIND that parking a car fa a "snap?" Then you’re probably a pretty capable driver in traffic, too. For driving experts believe that the ability to park well Indicates that the driver is skillful at controlling a ear in other situations as well; in other words, a good “parker" can put a car just where ne wants it. However, if you find that parking is “next to im possible," don’t be disheart ened. Proper parking is easy, accord ing to Mat thew C. Siel aki, director of the Chicago MiM Smith Motor (jiuoa »aiety ana irainc Engineering department. “Ae in any other driving akill, ail it take* la practice—away from traffic.1* Here are the baeic etcpa f» parking, which gieleki rMd Oliver driving experts reevu.- | Bl. Signal for a atop. 3. Maka certain that t1 '■ ap«c* ie larga er.oagh. (Y snout fie* feet mere thi o ptcrail length of poor ear.) i aiongeide the ear In fror* IntenAsH parking spot, with a two feat of upturn betwcc i Step when the rear tamper **, your car is beside the rear bump* er of the adjacent car. 3. Back eery slowly, steering sharply to the right, untit your eer le at nearly a 45 degree angle with the curb. Your right front door ahoulu now be op posite the rear bumper of the adjacent car. 4. Straighten the front wheels. Continue backing into the park ing spot until the right end of your front bumper to opposite the left end of the rear bumper of th* second car. 5. Then turn the steering wheel rr.rddJy to the left as far as It v ill go while backing slowly into ■irking space. The rear wheel 1 now be dose to the curb, ihould net touch Its ^ n Co slowly forward, toniisy < « .'ering wheel to the right to ' iag the ear parallel to the \ Stop the car after center* is : at a boat ea equal distance . rare ahead sad behind, i itty, for youf safety, get smt car on the curb side—and , forget M leak the deerm. Dr. Thomas D. Fitzgerald. ALJJ 'ANCE RE-ELECTED Miss Emily Brick-ley, LINCOLN Mr. David F. Davis, OMAHA Dr. Robert L. Grisson. OMAHA Dr C. H. Hansen, OMAHA. Mr. R. E . Kiplinger. OMAHA Dr. R. J. Wyrens. OMAHA Dr. J. P. Murphy. OMAHA Dr. H J. l-ehnhoff. OMAHA Dr. R. S. Long, OMAHA Dr. Donald F. Purvis, LINCOLN Dr. Lee Stover. LINCOLN Dr. C. M. Wilhelmj, OMAHA Dr. M. L. Pepper, OMAHA Mr. Robert B. Crosby. LINCOLN ELECTED TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mr. Stanley Huffman, EWING Miss Emily Brickley, LINCOLN Mr. Ed VanHome, OMAHA Dr F. Lowell Dunn, OMAHA 1 Dr. W. D. Angle. OMAHA , I Dr. Edmond Walsh. OMAHA Dr. Robert L. Grissom, OMAHA Dr. Otto Wurl. OMAHA Dr. Willis D. Wright. OMAHA Dr. O. A. Koala], HASTINGS Dr. Frederick G. Gillick, OMAHA VETERAN HEART FUND LEADERS SIX YEAR VETERANS V.H.R. Hanson, WAKEFIELD Ted Stewart, BLAIR FIVE YEAR LEADERS Miss Frieda Roerdan. SEWARD Forrest N«tls;n. DANNEBROC Miss Edna Jacob, COZAD FOUR YEAR LEADERS ' Mr. Edwin Dosek. LINCOLN Mr. Henry Truhlsen, HERMAN Mrs. Leon Sprague, RED CLOUD Mrs. Victor P. Jeep, Jr., TE KAMAH Dr. U S. Pucelik, PLATTSMOUTH Mr. Jerry Todd. IMPERIAL Mr. William Richards, CRAW FORD Mrs. Ed. Block, GOTHENBURG Mrs. Helen D. Shaw, WILSON VILLE Mr. Norman Hansen, TTLDEN Mr. William H. Norton. OSCEtH A Mr. Leo Eberhardt. MrNATARE Mrs. E. W. Swan, TECUMSEH Safety Council To See Patrol In Action The Omaha Safety Council's j home and child safety committee j at its monthly meeting October 18 will see a school safety patrol in action. The committee chair man, Miss Marion MacDonald, of Omaha Public Power District, an nounced today that the meeting will be held at Western Hills School. Committee members will have lunch at Western Hills with the Safety Patrol boys, and will set the Patrol members conduct a meeting. The boys will explain the organization and worl of the Patrol. The Western Hills unit has an outstanding record among the city’s school safety patrols. Following the meeting the Safety Council members will ob serve the Patrol on duty at street intersections in the vicinity of the school. I .___ C. of C. To Honor Reporter H. V. Kaltenborn Internationally known radio news analyst, editor and author, H. V. Kaltenborn, will be honored, guest at a Chamber of Commerce Public Affairs Luncheon on Thursday, October 24. Sponsored by the Public Affairs Committee of the Chamber, the luncheon will be one of the highlights of the annuall United Nations Day Ob servance. The 79-year old Journalist, long recognized for his wealth of ex perience and knowledge, his knack for recollection, and his1 continuing active participation in news communications, will speak to Chamber of Commerce mem bers and their guests on the top ic: "We Look at the World” Mr. Kaltenborn has just recent ly completed a new book, *Tt Seems like Yesterday” a publica tion in which he outlines events which have had the greatest im pact in our century, many which have changed the course of human history. The acknowledged dean of American Broadcasters, Mr. Kal tenbora has worked in the com m uncations field since 1893 when he was a reporter for the Merrill. Wisconsin paper. He has been a new* analyst of the National Broadcasting Company since 1940 Most recently, he was named "Radio Father of the Year” in 19S2 to add to his numerous a wards and citations in his com pletion of thirty years of radio broadcasting. The Public Affairs Luncheon wrill be held in the dining room of the Chamber and will begin at 12 noon. Reservations can be made by calling Mrs Helen Sin gles at the Chamber, ATlanUc 1234. Cray I must turn my wife ever in the doctor. la she in a bad way? Sure, simply crazy about him. Citizens Will Call To Sell Share of Omaha On next Tuesday, October 15lh, one of your fellow citizens who Is volunteering his time will call j on you for two reasons: 1) to ask. you and or your firm to Buy a Share in this community effort and. 2) to ask your employees to j do the same. » This is Omaha’s most impor ' ant annual civic project because the money is used to serve the people of Omaha. It isn’t relief. The work done is prevention-—re lief prevention, crime prevention, unhappiness prevention. You may be critical of the fact that all drives are not included in this one effort. But look at it this way—53 services arc comm bined into one drive. And unless you and I show our willingness to make this united effort suc cessful, other drives will never join it. 1 hope you will endorse a spec ial effort to make this campaign a success. We will award a plaque suitable for display to each firm that agrees to this three-point program: 1. Endorse the 1958 Red Feath er-Red Cross campaign. 2 Asks each employee to buy a Share of Happiness in the a mount of $5.00 3. Hakes a firm gift We believe, sincerely, that; every business, large or small,! wants to take its share in the, civic responsibility that is Oma-| ha's. This is a wonderful oppor j tunity—I know you will respond This year, there will be no door to door solicitation, by workers. It is therefore important that ev eryone be contacted through his or her place of employment. Marcia Wetzler Named Flame of Fire Pre. Week Mis* Marcia Wetzler, 3033 Bel evedere Blvd., has been named “Miss Fire Prevention" as part of national Fire Prevention week which gets underway on Sunday. The national observance is being held the week of October u through 1.. Miss Wetzler also owns the title of “Miss Omaha of 1937." Among “Miss Fire Preven tion’s" activities during the week will be to appear in a special booth in the J. L. Brandeis & Sons Store on Monday night from 7 to 8:30 p.m. to hand out Fire Prevention literature; take part in fire drills at local hospi tals and public and paroch-sl schools; and appear in a televi sion program with local Fire De partment officials. On Tuesday afternoon at 1:31 p m. "Miss Fire Prevention" will assist in the evacuation of pa tients in a Fire Drill at St. Joseph's Hospital. From there, she will go to Methodist Hospital to participate in a similar daill. Her special assistance in the removal to safety of a crippled youth at Druid Hill grade school will be part of her duties on Wed nesday at 2:00 p.m. The weekiong local promotion of the activity is under the spon sorship of the Fire Prevention ber of Commerce and Junior Committees of the Omaha Cham Chamber of Commerce in coop eration with the Omaha Police and Fire Departments. The Junior Chamber of Com m eecrhas also stenciled Fire pro tection reminders on street cor ners in downtown Omaha and dis tributed posters to Omaha firms to remind all Omahan of the im portance of the program. Josephine Fisher Mrs. Josephine Fisher, age 57 passed away Monday morning years, 2502 Patrick Avenue, September 23rd at a local hospi tal. Mrs. Fisher had been a res ident of Omaha four years. She is survived by her husband, Mr Andy A. Fisher, Omaha; three sisters, Mrs. Cora Olds, Omaha, Mrs. Willie Campbell, Kansas City. Missouri, Mrs. Thomas, Kan. sas City, Missouri, and other rel atives. Arrangements by the Thomas Funeral Home. WIVES NEED A BREAK; HERE ARE IDEA? The wife needs some conven iences that her capable husband can build easily if he uses an ait purpov* board. Masonite %“ Tem pered Presdwood She wouM like a wall table in her kitchen, for example. A framed panel with supports angling to the wail are essentials. The project can he beautifully pair ted *o match the decor. Has she a large clothes har*-' per? If not. one can be built «t low cost by covering a light lum ber framework wih the hardboard Of with Masonite “Peg-Boom" panels. Put casters on it for ut most convenience. A broom closet with ‘ side Seein' Stars With DOLORES CALVIN NEW PORK CITY—(CNS) Mic key and Sylvia, embarking on an other tinging tour, are currently making $3,500 a week—and it wasn't so long ago that Mickey ; was a guitar teacher at a meager j salary—It’s the breaks that count, I he says—A member of the Inter* 1 racial Club at Fordam University went personally to Levittown, Pa..—got a first hand picture of the situation and did a report to the club—The turnout was terrif ic Lena Horne is deliriously hap i py over the huge success of her | musical “Jamaica” as it is a 1 dream come true for this girl who j started big time many years ago I in Cafe Society as Helena Home and along the way, became one of the toasted celebrities of our day i —Though her co-star, Richardo • MonteJban, who’s wonderful in his role opposite her. has re ceived many letters against his love-making to Lena, the show booms as one of the brightest of the season with sellouts each eve—Now still doing their tryout in Philadelphia, they'll head soon to New York for the grand opening Halloween' night—Lena is also proud of the first Negro stagehands being used in “Jama ica”—at least five will be em ployed. The Brooklyn Chapter of the NAACP got together and sent loads of get-well cards to their friend and buddy, Harry Bela | fonte recuperating at Harkness Pavilion—Big sale of last year's 1 records f45s) at 35c each and ouiy ; those few of King Cole included ! were grabbed— Duke Ellington, who's been rather quiet since his big extra vaganza on television, goes into Chicago's Blue Note for Christ mas—The team of Perry Conio and Pearl Bailey is a good one. as is Pearl with Steve Allen anJ Pearl with Bob Hope—The Deep1 River Boys, currently sir.giog In Scotland, have announced they j are on their 9th international tour— Johnny Mathis goes back to the coal town, Pittsburgh, bacx to the Copa just before Thauks giving at three times what he made there before—and right- ‘ fully so—This handsome boy makes a good scene and being a college grad really helps. Eventime Sammy Davis Jr. doffs his big black horn-rimmed glams and takes on that air of dignity, we get ready for some "brain-washing” quotes on the subject of integregation: his pet topic because it’s closest to him —Sammy, always a loud speaker for what he thinks is right boards” for other cleaning items including a vaccuum cleaner should be a “must” on any borne maker's lift of home improve merits. A modern cabinet can be built of the all purpose board. It can have swinging or sliding doors NATIONAL 'ASSOCIATION OF MARKET DEVELOPERS HOLDS BOARD MEETING IN DETROI7, —SET PLANS FOR 1958 ANNU-! AL CLINIC ON THE NEGRO MARKET—TO STRESS MAR 1 KETING ACTIVITIES AT THE LOCAL LEVEL AT TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY DETROIT—The Board of Dir ector* of the National .Association] , of Market Developers, in a t.*o day meeting in the Gotham Ho tel here last week, selected a theme for the Fifth Annual Mar keting Clinic at Tennessee A & I. State University next spring andj reviewed reports on activities of loral sales associations in major Negro markets around the coun try. Tile 1958 Clinic will be held, Friday and Saturday, April 11. | 12. with the theme, "Negro Mar | ket Programs at the Local Level.’ ] ] Immediately following the Clinic will he tlie annual NAMD con-! , vention, Sunday, April 13. All , sessions will be held at the Uni versity, The Board heard report? of j heightened activity among many) ■ of the local sales associations. A | j number of local sales clinics an- j in prospect, according to Board! ; Chairman Moss H. Kendrix. to be i ! conducted with the collaboiation1 | ot Urban Leagues, field offices cf j the U. S. Department of Com ! roerce and other agencies. During the fall and winter the Association plans to conduct I a survey among local associations1 in order to crystallise key prob-i lem* in local Negro markets.1 Findings will be discussed at In: annual clinic with the aim of de ; veloping a 1938 Marketing CUnic . Program which will provide prtc j tie*I guidance for load sales group* and useful in/ormatioe for marketers having national and regional responsibilities In the Negro market. The annual Negro Market Clin ie la a Jointly sponsored activity I Tennessee A. A L Stale Uni I versify, Nashville. Tennessee, and the National Association of Mar ket Developers. Further inform. Won concerning the 1988 Clinic | may be obtained from William V. Harper. Industrial Coordinator at sounded off again on TV- -on the Barricini show—A good talk er, be d make an excellent spokes man for the NAACP. Making a point of explaining his stand on the Louis Armstrong matter, Sammy said we all know Satch is basically correct in his feeling— but he wonders why he waited »o long to let the world know -For instance, says Sammy, there’s a song which Satch recorded which carried a word insulting to the I Negro—When asked about it Sammy says Satch just remarked that’s the way he sang it- -but white stars did the same song am took the word out.—This is why Sammy was puzzled at Satch mo’s sudden turnabout after mo't Negroes had, for many years, ; considered him completely out i of world affairs—Perhaps the i change occured as Armstrong af ter many world tours for the government, got close to the problems of the Negro and of the colored people all over the world —and that old feeling of race pride just blossomed through— We wish them luck—but we wonder just how far the new Ne gro Ballet company will get with their ideas “to organize and mv» age a ballet company and to pro duce and present a ballet reper toire throughout the world"— First of all, Negro ballerinas are limited due to there being j ust hardly any calls for them—So the first step of partners Theo dore Hancock and Edward Flem ing would be to spend time—and money—and lots of both—to cul tivate the ballerinas—Next would be to adapt the right ballets f<r their purpose—this alone would take money to see this gigantic I project through—as the major job is yet to come—cultivating the public to come out and see Negroes in ballet.—Being unpop ular with many people, mainly because it’s not easy to compre hend and what we don’t under stand we don't enjoy—we’d say the biggest job of all then would be to get the public interested. - Of course international tour1’ would aid the cause, with inte gration being the topic of the day, many new doors will swing open— in fact in our opinion their best bet and a quicker way would be to integrate one or more units of Negro ballet into a maior com pany by starting with small un known companies for practice, At any rate, these inspired men have a Job on their hands.—So far. it seems llieir benefactress is a Lucy S. Thorndike of Bever ly Farms, Mass, who has prom ised $1100000 for 50%—which, in our opinion, is hardly enough for half the corporation—but enough to get started. the University, or H. Naylor Fitz hugb. Executive Director. NAMD. 1830 Eleventh Street, N. W„ Washington 1. D. C. In 1954 (the latest census) 5,063 advertising agencies placed $3, 190,724,000 worth of advertising. If You Want Hie low - down, the Inside koitbell now*, you'll want to take advantage of thu spe cial offer. We'll send you 12 weekly Issue* of THE SPORTING NEWS (reg ular value $3.00) PIUS a copy of the big, brand-new 528-poge 1955 edition of the Official Base ball Guide (regular price $1.00) for only $2,001 IT S OFFICIAL. AUTHENTIC This famous book contains major and minor looguo a v a ragas, racords, offi cial playing rulos and thousands of facts about tho jams, Wi fro# to you — along with « j 12-wook subscription to THE SPOUTING NEWS for $2.00. Lot's j got acquainted—uso this coupon without do/ayf r.-i YOU CANT QUIT ADVERTISING YOU'RE TAl KING TO A PARADE NOT A MASS MEETING ^ This man can giva you dependable delivery of THI CHRISTIAN SCIENCE , MONITOR Housewives, businessmen, teochers. end students oH over the world rood end enjoy thte International newspaper, pub lished daily In Boston. World* famous for constructive newt stories end penetrating editorleHl Special features for the whole family. Ttw Ovation Science Monitor One Norway St, Potion IS, Moss. Send yaw newspaper tor ttw flew shocked Inclosed find *ay check or money order, I year }I6 Q 4 month* SI Q I months ft □ I . A**M» C% Zo«• ' **.“ f» l» ; Aldens Sales Grow Twice Industry Pace .A Men*, Inc. increased bpth mail order an^retail store sales during 1956 to pyj the hi/ndred million dollar mark tor the tiftft time in company history, It. W. Jackson, president, disclosed in his annual report to stockholders. Record Mies and earnings during the past year climaxed ten years of Increase at a rate of growth almost double that of the in ■■MHMi ausiry.jacKson R. W. Jackson pointed out. Since the base years 1947-1649 Aldens sales hav(e Increased 24 8% as compared with an In dustry increase of only 14.9% ac cording to the president's report. Increased customer service through '‘will-call” stores, where shoppers can order and receive merchandise, and telephone of fices where customers can order for home delivery ware cited as major reasons 'or the Increase. Further service expansion by opening catalogue order units in supermarkets Is planned for test ing in 1957, Jackson said.- til ! — — — — — — — - What clean, refreshing shaves you get with a Gillette SUPER■ T1 n SPEED lid I matched to ■ your face I *im\ with Blue BIlO' | Dispenser and I Styrene case g INGROWN NAIL _HUNTING YOUT I Immtilatt _I IMMI HEADACHE Ene PAINS OF HEADACHE. NEURAL CIA. NEURITIS with STANBACK TABLETS o» POWDERS. STANBACK combines several medically proven pern relievers .. . The added effectiveness 0( these MULTIPLE ingredients brings taster, more complete leltel, easing •niiety and tension usually accom panying pain. ^ Teat STAN HACK against nny preparation you'vt^ever Stop pain of piles today at home —or money back! In doctor's tests, amazing new Stainless Pazo* Instantly relieved piles' torture I Gave internal and external relief! 8 medically-proved Ingredients including Trtolyte, re lieve pain, itching instantly ! Reduce ■welling Promote heaitntc You Sit, walk In comfort! Only stSi&Ttss pUe remedy. Stainless Pazo# Sup positories or Ointment at druggists. Tridrmark a/ Cr*w WmariM. In*, (hr, I mint and JlW*«»n» Itching. Torture PROMPTLY RELIEVED A doctor's formula—soothing anti septic Zsmo—promptly relieves Una Itching, burning of Skin Rashes, Eczema, Psoriasis, Ringworm and Athlete’s Foot Zemo stops scratch ing and so aids hes*-#»/ifYt/| lag of irritated *ktn.£iVll AVT $200 Monthly Spare Time Income Refilling end collecting money from our high gride Nut Machine* In tbl* area. No telling- To qualify for work you mutt have car, reference*. $400 cath, tocuiod by inventory. Devoting $-• hour* a week to butlno**, your end on percentage of collection* may net up to $200 monthly with good pottibilitlo* of taking over full time. Income Incraating accordingly. For interview. Include phone number In application. Write P. O. Boa 1511, Lincoln, Nebraska. “Who Says You Need Costly Shots To Relieve ‘Hot Flashes’ And Irritation From Change-Of-Life?” (Mr.. A. M.. Watonga, Okla., add*, "Middle ago \ *>i torture. Had coitl; *kota 3 time* a week [ but got no relief. Then took PinUkam's Tablet*, j Tbejr brought aee new bappioe**, comfortP* / Science oflers women new freedom from much of the misery of change-of-life, thanks to an ■mazing new tablet developed ripe cudlg to relieve these functionafly caueed discomforts Doctors re ported sensational results using this remarkable home treatment alone.. and no oottly tnjectlontf Mint far • set e# 10 Tested) Irr!lability, tortured nerves were calmed Dtartnees relieved Awful hot flash— subsided. Here's why. Unuke aspirin endsuch "general purpose” remedies, this new tablet ■ a unique combination of special niMlIHnM #f , mMm cause of these troubles . . . works through s woman's sympathetic nervous system to relieve tense feelings and physical distress that bring unhappiness to so many. Clinical tails prove this. Now this amazing formula Is at drugstores without prescription. Ask for "Lydia Pinkham's Tab lets". Don’t let change-of-life rob you of joy! Ort handy Pinkham's Tablets. Contain blood building Iron. See how test you can feel your happy self again — without costly shots! (Also liquid I.ydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable compound.; - PICK UP •• Cleaners & Laundry On# Day Cleaning, Laundry Service CROSSTOWN CLEANERS MVY Martk M* W«**ar #9M