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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1958)
/JusM/EQUALITY Volume 38 Friday. March 7, 1958 __Number 33 Guide Chronicles Community Deaths Tonya Marie Johns Tonya Marie Johns, age 9 months, daughter of Rosemary Johns of 2801 Charles St., ex pired Monday Dec. 16, 1957 at a local hospital. She is also survived by her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Johns. Committal services were held Thursday Dec. 19. 1957 at 10:00 a m. Mt. Hope Cemetery. Myers Bros. Funeral Service. Thomas Willis Thomas Willis, age 58 years, of 2814 Vi “R" St, was stabbed to death Saturday evening Dec. 21, 1957. A native of Ardmore, Okla., he came to Omaha in 1925. He Is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lucy Thomas of Omaha; daughter, Mrs. Ella Mae Mason of Muskogee, Okla.; 3 brothers, Allen Thomas of Kansas City, Mo., Charlie Thomas of Ard more, Okla. and Joe Thomas of Omaha; 5 sisters, Mrs. Lydia Henderson of Ardmore, Okla., Mrs. Odessa Webb of Emporia, Kans., Mrs. Moriah Swain of Ardmore, Okla., Amy King of Marion, Kansas and Ethel Urals of Hugo, Okla. Funeral services were held Thursday Dec. 26. 1967 at 10.00 a.m. from the Myers Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. F, C. Williams officiating. Interment was at Graceland Park Ceme tery. Pallbearers Messers. Charlie Reed, Steve Rutley, Mike Elzey. George Jackson, Mr. Nelson and Mr. Dunbar. Myers Bros. Funeral Service. Larena Jenkins Mrs. Larena (Ma) Jenkins, age 78 years, of 2624 Charles St., expired Saturday Dec. 14, 1957 at a local hospital. A native of Paris, La., she came to Omaha in 1921. She served on the Mother’s Board of Mt. Calvary Community Church, Mrs. Jenkins is survived by 4 daughters, Mrs. Doretha Wat son, Mrs. Mary Cochran, Mrs. Marglee Whitley and Mrs. Josephine Stewart, all of Oma ha; brother, Steve Jackson of Chicago, 111.; 15 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Friday Dec. 20, 1957 at 2:00 p.m. from the Mt. Calvary Community Church with Rev. Roy W. Johnson officiating as sisted by Rev. F. C. Williams. Interment was at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Pallbearers Messers. Claude Phillips, Adam Lee, Floyd Buckner, Robert Thomas, Tom Douglas and Joe Minor. Myers Bros. Funeral Service. — Henry Brown Henry Brown, age 3> years, of 2012 No. 28 St., was killed by a shot gun blast Sunday morning Dec. 22, 1957. He was a native of Omaha and a veteran of World War No. 2. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Nadine Brown; parents. Mi and Mrs. Boss Brown; 3 step children, Sharon, Toni and Michael all of Omaha; 4 broth ers, Wesley of Denver, Colo., Maclo, U. S. Navy, Ross, Jr. and Lester both of Omaha; sister, Mrs. Mable Simms of Omaha, and a host of other relatives. Myers Bros. Funeral Service. Anderson Mrs. Maude Anderson, age 43 years, of Chicago, 111. expired Tuesday Dec. M, 1957 at a local hospital. She became III h.-re in Oma ha while visiting relatives. She is survived oy her husband, Willie Anderson of Chicago, 111.; ■an, Rusaell D. Hawthorne, Sr.; mother, Mrs. Zodle Gardner; step-father, John A. Gardner, all of Omaha; brother, Angelo Merriweather of l*os Angeles. Calif.; 3 grandchildren. ■"* Funeral services tentatively uiia.igcd for Sat. Dec. 78, 1957 at 10;00 a.m, from the Myers Funeral Home Chapel. Irene S. Morton Mrs. Irene S. Morton, age 60 years, of 2203 Grant St., ex pired suddenly Wednesday morning Febr. 5, 1958 at her home. A native of Omaha, she was proceeded in death by her mother, Mrs. Ella Cochran, who passed away Aug. 1, 1957, and husband, Donald C. Morton, who passed away Nov. 23, 1955. Mrs. Morton was very active in the music department of Zion Baptist Church having started palying for the Sunday School at the age of 12 years and began playing for the Sen ior Choir at the age of 14 years, under the late Mrs. Saunders. Irene has directed the Im perial and Senior Choirs of Zion Baptist Church for many years and also served on the Deocon ess Board. She was a Past Wotrhy Mat ron of Princess Ozeal Chapter No. 11, a members of the Mat-, rons Council, and Grand Or-! ganist of Amaranthus Grand Chapter, O.E.S. She is survived by her daughter, Harrlette Morton of Omaha; son, Donald Morton of Los Angeles, Oallf.; brother, Burke Cochran of Omaha; sev eral nieces and nephews in cluding Pauline Williams of Los Angeles, Calif.; 5 grantf children; sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary Cochran, and a host of aunts, uncles and other rela tives. Funeral services were held Monday Febr. 10, 1958 at 2:00 p.m. from the Zion Baptist Church with Rev. F. C. Wil liams officiating assisted by the Reverends Charles Favors, E. T. Streetcar, David St. Clair, Z. W. Williams, James Stewart Sr., E. Rhodes, Columbus Me Morris, J. C. Wade, Walter Irv ing, W. A. Taylor of Chicago, 111., Claude Williams and other ministers of the City. Inter ment was in the family plot at Forest Uwn Cemetery. Princess Ozeal Chapter No. 11, O.E.S. (P.H.A.) had charge of Eastern Star rites, Mrs. Mary Adams, W. M. Pallbearers Messers. Jack Hall, Charles Williams, Sam Weed, William Moses, Joe Dia mond, Leon Neely and C. Whit ley. Myers Bros. Funeral Service. Florence Wilson Mrs. Florence Wilson, age 54 years, of 523 No. 33 St., expired Thursday morning Febr. 6, 1958 at a local hospital after) an ex tended Illness. A native of Homestead, Pa., she came to Omaha in 1940. She was preceeded in death by her husband, A. Cunnigan Wil son, who passed away in 1952. The Wilson family was well known throughout the country as the owners and operators of the California School of Beauty Culture at 523 No. 33 St. Mrs. Wilson is survived by her father, the Rev. Doctor Ro bert H. Rucker of Washington, Pa.; 2 sisters, Mrs. Bernice Mi lai of Washington, Pa. and Mrs. Nana R. Lee of Los Angeles, Calif.; 3 brothers, Robert W. Rucker of Washington D.C., John A. Rucker of Washington, Pa., William A. Rucker of De troit, Mich. Funeral services were held Monday Febr. 17, 1958 at 10:00 a.m. from the St. Philips Epis copal Church with Father S. N. Jacobs officiating. Interment was in the family plot at For est Lawn Cemetery. Pallbearey* Messers. Willis Gray, W. G. Haynes, Thomas P. Chandler, Frank Blackwell, Earl Wheeler and Dr. G. B. Lennox. Myers Bros, Funeral Service. Sarah C. WiUon Mrs. Sarah Catherine Wilson, age 79 years, 5218 North 13th St. passed away Saturday mor ning December 21st at a local hospital after an extended Ill ness. Mrs. Wilson had been a resident of Omaha forty five years. She is survived by three daughters. Mrs. Arlene Austin, Mrs. Ira Mae Haynes, of Oma ha, Mrs. Pauline Smith, Los Angeles, California, one son, Mr. Leo F, Spears, Omaha, twenty one grand children, eight great grand children and other re la Hves. Tentatively funeral services have been set for ten o'clock Saturday morning December 28th from the Thomas Funeral Home with the Rev E. E. Allen officiating. 2EN Y0UNG WOMEN OF THE YEAR" Mademoiselle's 1957 Merit Award winners, honored for signal achievements during the past year. Top row: Surprise winner Judith Szekeres, Hungarian student, cited as a "sym bol of courage'' in her country's fight for freedom; Dorothy Lundquist, science student; Barbara Romney, poetry editor; Althea Gibson, tennis ace; Gisele Mackenzie, TV star. Bottom row: Dr. Charlotte Friend, cancer researcher; Jeanne Essig, fashion designer; Grace Hartigan, painter; Toshiko Akiyoshi, jazz pianist; Carol Lawrence, actress. New York, n.y. — Twenty three, year-old Judith Szekeres, who helped spark the Hungarian re volt, is today the proud possessor of a 1957 Merit Award from Mademoiselle magazine. For the fifteenth successive year these awards were presented to ten young women whose ages range from the late teens to the early thirties. In making a special award to Judy Szekeres for "courage,” Betsy Talbot Blackwell, editor-in chief of Mademoiselle, cited the part this young Hungarian played in “formulating the sixteen-point petition for government reform. This petition, drawn up by Buda pest stndents, sparked the revolt of the Hungarian people, and the memory of their fight will remain an inspiration to freedom-lovers everywhere.” After fleeing Hun gary, Judy, with the help of an English language course at Wel lesley, won a scholarship to the U. of Alabama, where she is major ing in chemistry. The achievements of the other “young women of the year” range from headline performances in sports and the lively arts to a chain of laboratory experiments that may create new cures. All are cited in January Mademoiselle “for the outstanding quality of their performances and the dedi cation that they brought to then chosen fields." They are: Dorothy Lundquist of Web ster, s.D., science student. Her ex periments in measuring the effects of inadequate sleep won her first place at the National Science Fair for high school students and so impressed the American Medical Association that she was one of two non-M.D.’s invited to exhibit her project at their annual meet ing. Now a college freshman, she typifies the welcome news from the o.s. Office of Education that, in 1957, students have reversed their half-century neglect of sci ence-a field never more import ant to the U.s. and the world. Bardara R,omNey af I'rovo, Utah, editor. She came to N.Y. from Brigham Young U. deter mined to start a poetry news paper. While rounding up money and material, she assisted at n.y.u., gained experience working for little magazines. In 1957, at twenty-six, she launched Poetry Uroarhide, the first newspaper in America devoted to publishing new poets. Leading literary lights have hailed it as "a triumph of presentation ... an excellently edited, long-needed journal.” Althea Gibson of New York, tennis ace. She started high school at nineteen, having quit years before to go to work and to keep at her tennis, was graduated in the top ten of L--r class, went on to finish college. After a series of uphill battles (tournament in vitations didn’t come) and bitter disappointments (defeats at For est Hills and Wimbledon), last fall she rode up Broadway in a blizzard of ticker tape, winner of both the national and interna tional women’s singles crowns. Gisele Mackenzie of Winni peg, Canada, tv star. She won a violin scholarship to the Royal Conservatory of Music in her na tive Canada, started her career as a vocalist when her violin was stolen. Working her way up through radio and TV ranks, she got her own show this past fall and critics rhapsodized that “Gi sele has the refreshing quality re served for true stardom." “Best entertainer on TV,” in 1957 she brought to its screen the bright est new talent of the season as singer, musician, comedienne. Dh. Charlotte Friend of New York, cancer researcher. As an of ficer in the waves (after a ph.d. in microbiology) she was in charge of chemical pathology, laboratory at a US. Naval Hos pital before becoming a virolo gist at the Sloan-Kettering Insti tute for Cancer Research. In 1957, having already discovered the only virus that consistently causes leukemia in mice, she went on to develop the first successful vac cine against cancer in mammals, a long, solitary step toward an eventual cure for cancer. Jeanne Essie of New York, fashion designer. As a model and then as a fabric researcher, she studied the building of dresses from pattern and fabric to final sample. Today she is a master of designing and combining fabrics for a young American look. In 1957 her bold black and whites followed their wearers to the of fice and home again for cocktails. Their “no price tag” look have swept her into the top group of American career-girl designers. Grace Hartican of New York, N.Y., painter. She grew up in New Jersey, but it was in n.y.c. that she found her subject—“it concerns that which is vulgar and vital in American modern life and the possibilities of its Iran.-. cendrnre intu the beautiful.” This young painter really came into her own in ’57 and was one of the five American painters (the only woman) invited to participate in the Sao Paulo Bienal, the most important international art exhi bition in the Western Hemisphere. Toshiko Akiyoshi of Tokyo, jazz pianist. Now here on a schol arship at Boston’s Berkelee School of Music, she studies musical composition by day and does her “homework” in a jazz spot at night. A sensation at the 1957 Newport Jazz Festival and at N.Y.’s Hickory House, she was the first jazz artist to compose swing for strings. With two of her rec ords already released and a jazz symphony on paper, fellow musi cians say “she’s pushing the wall with the greatest." Carol Lawrence of Melrose Park, Illinois, actress. After study ing dance, voice and drama at Northwestern U., she went on to the Chicago Opera Ballet, sum mer musicals and then the chorus line in n.y. Last fall she landed the lead in Broadway’s 1Vest Side Story. The day after the opening this twenty three-year-old was bailed for excelling as a dancer, •inger, actress. In the words of the critics, “she can do everything ... star stuff fell last night.” Spring Style Show Held February 17 The Women's Division of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce sponsored a Spring Style Show on February 17, 1958, at 6:30 pjn. in the Brandeis Auditori um. The Clvif Fund Committee under the chairmanship of Mrs. Evaughn Rogprs Gideon and Mise Wilma Perry gave the show in order to raise money to purchase eye glasses for Omaha's needy school children. This show featured lovely spring fashions for the style conscious lady of the business world. The collection was sprinkled with a number of accessories and cocktail dress es. With the assistance of Brun dels Store, the Women's Di vision make* annual ccmtrlbu* lion* to Omahn's public and parochial schools to help needy children toward better »lght Door prizes were awarded. AN OPEN LETTER TO THE MEMBERS OF THE SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH: "Grace be to you end peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ." As we told you in our letter of January 3rd, we do lament the fact that many of our members, for one reason or the other have not given their full support. This we do feecl very keenly. Every member counts one and we do not have a single, member to lose. In the fifteenth chapter of the gospel of Luke the Master spake a parable concerning the lost coin; the lost sheep, and the lost son. It is clearly pointed out that the owner of the coin that was lost; the shepherd of the sheep that went astray, and the father of the son who wandered Into a far country were equally concerned about each that they put forth every effort, and gave themselves no rest until they had been recovered. Likewise we are deeply concerned about each member whom we do not see from week to week; month to month us the days come and go. Like as the father prayed and longed for the return of his son, so we do pray and long for your return. The Re-Registration of the 1958 membership will continue through the month of February. By a vote of the church every member that is to remain a member must Re Register at some time during the month of February. Remember we are anxious ly awaiting your coming Sunday and every Sunder there after, as possible. Your Minister. Rev J. C. WAi>E JCWifbm Y. W. C. A. Center Active During Feb. Special Meeting A meeting of interest to those working with groups will be held on Thursday noon, Febru ary 20, at the YMCA, 17th and Marney St. A panel of Social Workers will discuss the topic: Human Relations in Social Welfare in Our Community — Some Progress: some Problems: some Possibili ties.” On the panel will be Mes dames Henry Hoyer and Sol Littman, and Milton Lewis and Rev. E. T. Streeter. Meeting will be a luncheon, in the Log Cab in Room of the YMCA. All in terested persons are welcome. For additional information, one may call Mrs. Mosely, at Wood son Center, or Mrs. Turner at ■ the YWCA Center. YWCA Center Notes Mrs. Wanaseebee Fletcher, announces the first in a series of Sunday afternoon meetings, entitled “Ideals of Faith”. Ac cording to Mrs. Fletcher, per sons attending will have op portunity to explore their "spir itual minds” — and to discover each for himself, those ideals of his faith that mean most in these times of stress and strain. This first session will be held ] on Sunday afternoon, February, 16, from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Hostess for this first meeting will be Mrs. Leroy Gude, and leader for the talk-it-over peri od will be Mrs. Thelma Han cock. Meeting will be at the Center, 28th Avenue at Miami Street. All are welcome to come and spend an hour with friends and neighbors. ‘Harmony in Living’ Coming on Wednesday, Feb ruary 19th, at 8 p.m. will be an other in the current series on “Harmony in Living”. At thi9 time the group, which is spon sored by the Urban League and the YWCA, will discuss harmony in our international relations. Here to help will be Mrs. Aley McKie, Jr., and mem bers of the YSWCA Public Af fairs Committee. The group holds informal discussion, with plenty of time for fellowship and refreshments. All are wel come. Kitchenette Readied A small kitchenette is being readied off the main Lounge at the Center. This will mean more convenience for groups meeting on the upper level. Mrs. Shirley Yancey is, of the House Committee welcomes all groups to explore the facilities at the Center. Make it your meeting place with friends. “GET THE CENTER HABIT’ Loraine White Mrs. Loraine White, age 55 years, of 2209 No. 28 Ave., ex pired Saturday Febr. 8, 1958 at a local hospital. A native of Tyler, Texas, she has been an Omaha resident 27 years. She is survived by her hus band, Wesley White, Sr.; 4 sons, Wesley, Jr., James Edward, Clifford L. and William of Oma ha; 5 daughters, Mts. Lillian M. Hawkins of Los Angeles, Calif., Mrs. Dorothy Mae Alex ander of Omaha; Mrs. Velma J. Marion of Los Angeles, Calif., Mrs. Evelyn L. Liggins of San Francisco, Calif., Mrs. Etta Mae Pace of Omaha; 4 sisters; 27 grandchildren. Myers Bros. Funeral Service. DIAL 660 On Your j| RADIO PROGRAM SCHEDULE Monday through Saturday PROGRAM ?» AM 6™“m JACK MeSSu SHOW |:S AM 7-00 .5 MINUTES OF NEWS 7- 55 7:55 . JACK MERKER SHOW 7.55 8-00 . 5 MINUTES OF NEWS 8- 00 8:55 . - JACK MERKER SHOW 8- 55 9 00 . 5 MINUTES OF NEWS l-OO 9:55 . ARCH ANDREWS SHOW 9- 55 10:00 . 5 MINUTES OF NEWS 10-00 10:55 ARCH ANDREWS SHOW 10- 55 11:00 .. 5 MINUTES OF NEWS llioO 11:55 . TIME OUT WITH SANDY 11- 55 12:00 . 5 MINUTES OF NEWS 12:00 PM 12:55 PM FRANK ALLEN SHOW 12:55 1:00 . 5 MINUTES OF NEWS 1:00 1:55 FRANK ALLEN SHOW 1:55 2:00 . 5 MINUTES OF NEWS 2:00 2:55 SANDY JACKSON SHOW 2:55 3:00 . 5 MINUTES OF NEWS 3:00 3:55 SANDY JACKSON SHOW 3:55 4:00 . 5 MINUTES OF NEWS 4:00 4:55 TOP FORTY 4:55 5:00 5 MINUTES OF NEWS 5:00 5:55 TOP FORTY 5:55 8:00 SPORTS NEWS 6:00 PM . SIGN OFF PROGRAM SCHEDULE Sunday PROGRAM BEGINS ENDS NAME 6:30 AM 7:00 AM .„. FARM FACTS & FUN 7:00 7:30 SPIRITUAL TIME 7:30 7:45 FARM AGENT 7:45 8:00 . WHEN I RETIRE 8:00 8:05 5 MINUTES OF NEWS 8:05 8:55 PLATTER POLL 8:55 9:00 5 MINUTES OF NEWS 9:00 9:15 . CHRISTIAN CELEBRITY TIME 9:15 9:55 PLATTER POLL 9:55 10:00 5 MINUTES OF NEW«J 10:00 10:55 „ . PLATTER POLL 10:55 11:00 5 MINUTES OF NEWS 11:00 12:00 PM . FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH 12:00 PM 12:15 . SPORTS COMMENTS 12:15 12:30 . GREAT MOMENTS IN SPORTS 12:30 12:45 .. SPORTS INTERVIEW 12:45 1:00 SPORTS TRAIL 1:00 1:15 ... NEWS Is 15 1:55 PLATTER POLL 1:55 2:00 5 MINUTES OF NEWS 2:00 2:55 SANDY JACKSON SHOW 2:55 3:00 5 MINUTES OF NEWS 3:00 3:55 SANDY JACKSON SHOW 3:55 4:00 5 MINUTES OF NEWS 4:00 4:55 . TOP FORTY <:53 5:00 5 MINUTES OF NEWS 5:00 5:55 —. TOP FORTY 5:55 6:00 ...... SPORTS NEWS ®!0° *** —...-. SIGN OFF