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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1956)
p-*****.■■■■■■■■.... P*H ♦ l'his Is Your Newspaper $ ■ What you are doinir is news. * .A 3 PI****, fl0^i- ^°Cvs To {_ ■ * This Is Your Newspaper i 3. + B | What you are doing is news, i \500 H i'" ..r | •• X Please Phone Your News To f tiaoDla. »e;>r* J0.DE | ._ __ | HA 0800 1 , ..■V.°IGT,tf,t,.* Zj^IlCE/EQllMITI HEW TO THE LINEN § theoauha gVje I EQUAL OPPORTUNITY " l| 242# Grant St | Vol. 29 No. 47 Friday, January 20, 1956 10c Per Conv Packinghouse Workers Re-Elect Oie J. Johnson i Local 60 of the United Packing house workers of America, AFL CIO announced today the results of the annual election of officers. Re-elected were: Ole J. John son, president, *nd Ernest Tur ner, 1 vice president. Also elect ed to the executive board were: Edward Groves, 2nd vice presi dent; John Humpal, recording secretary; Clarence Devoll, finan cial secretary; John Lesley, treasurer; George Prosenek, guard; Richard O’Connell, chief steward; Willie Shuttles, asst, chief steward; and Steve Balters, and Frank Dwornicki, trustees. The local Union’s program for 1956 includes, improvements in the present contract, stepped up political activity and defense of civil liberties. Merger between the United Packinghouse workers of America and tha amalgamated meat cut ters and butcher workmen of America is also slated for this year. The merger will unite about 450.000 workers in one union. One of the first goals will be to organize the workers in indepen dent unions. 1 Katie Holiday Mrs. Katie Holiday, 67 years,' 1608 North 2th Street, passed a way Monday morning January 9th at a local hospital. Mrs. Holi-' day had been a resident of Oma ha twelve years. She was a faithful member of Grace Taber nacle Church, 1801 Cuming St., Mrs. Holiday is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Katie Watson,! Peoria, Illinois, Mrs. Esther Wil liams, San Mateo, California, Mrs. Bertha Sadler, Omaha, three sons,' Mr. A. J. Holiday, Malen, Mis souri, Mr. A. C. and E. C. Holiday, Omaha, eighteen grand and twen ty seven great grand children, j one sister, Mrs. Maggie * Mount, | Kensett, Arkansas and other rel atives. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon January i 16th from Grace Tabernacle Church with the Rev. M. J. Brad ford officiating assisted by Rev-; erends, Watson and Richardson. | Pallbearers, Mr. Eddie Buxton, | Willie Davis, Hugh Reese, C. J Allen, Ernest L. Reese, and James Henry. Burial was at Mount Hope Cemetery with arrange- ] ments by Thomas Mortuary. Nigerian Official and Bride Mr. Matthew Mbu, the new Federal Commissioner for Nigeria in Great Britain, is seen on ar rival in London with his bride, Katherine, whom he recently mar ried in Africa. Mbu and his wife, who are on honeymoon, have a flat in Dolphin Square in the heart of London. Mbu, the first Nigerian to hold this office, is only 28 years old. In 1952 he was elected member in the East ern House of Representative and became a minister. (Associated Negro Press) Red Cross Class Instructed Sister Mary Cyprian, R.S.M., science teacher at St. Malachy High School, Chicago, shows three members of the St. Malachy Moth ers Club how to convert a blanket into a sickroom robe in an adult Red Cross class in home care of the sick. Mrs. Gwendolyn Gris ham models robe as Mrs. Hilda Perry pins sleeve and Sister Cy prian and Mrs. Ollie Howard look on. (Associated Negro Press) I John Forte John Edward Forte, 42 years, was found Saturday morning January 14th in his home at 1231 Izard Street, stabbed to death. His brother. Edwin is alleged to have committed the killing. Mr. John E Forte had been a resi- j dent of Omaha for three years. ' fis body was forwarded Sunday • from Thomas Mortuary to his for mer home, Monmouth. Illinois, for services and burial. "Lots of people get credit for being cheerful when they are just prowd of their teeth.” MRS. OLLIE LOVE CARTER, APARTMENT HOUSE OWNER, DIES Mrs. Ollie Love Carter, 63 years, 3304 North 24th Street, passed away Thursday morning January 12th at a local hospital. Mrs. Ollie Love had been a resi dent of Omaha thirty five years nd was the owner-manager of a number of aoartment houses. She was a faithful member of Christ Temple Church and often made large gifts to her church H other institutions. She is survived by her husband, Mr. John Carter, two sisters, Mrs. Uncle of Till Interested In Conditions in Mississippi Hobson R. Reynolds of Phila-i delphia, Grand Director of Elks Civic Liberties Department, con-i ferring with Moses Wright (uncle of Emmett L. Till) relative to conditions in Mississippi. Wright ; m —— has been on speaking tour in be half of NAACP. Reynolds recent ly returned from the south where he studied racial conditions first hand. (Associated Negro Press) Washington j Stamp For i Anniversary 1956 calendar of events and activities to be conducted by the Booker T. Washington National Monument foundation in con nection with the observance of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Booker T. Washington. Booker Washington Birthplace, Va., December, 1955- The recent announcement by the United States Office Department of a Booker T. Washington Centennial Stamp honoring the 100th Anni versary of the birth of Booker T. Washington is gratifying to all Americans who wish to let the world know how great this land of ours is, and the fine spirit it exhibits in paying due homage to t h ose through whose efforts America has grown into the world i power that it is today. The author of the idea for the issuance of this stamp was Sidney J. Phillips, President of the Book er T. Washington National Monu ment Foundation, whose beliefs in the ideals for which Booker T. Washington stood have made it possible for him to do more, per haps, than any other living Amer ican to keep alive the philosophy of this great Educator. With the assistance of Con gressman William M. Tuck of the Fifth Congressional District of Virginia, where Booker T. Washington was born, and other outstanding Americans, including both Senators and Congressmen from Alabama, Michigan and Vir ginia. together with members of the United States Post Office and Civil Service Committees, who endorsed the idea, President Phil lips was able to get the coopera tion of the U. S. Post Office De partment in issuing this Centen nial Stamp in spite of the fact that the request was first denied because there were 2,300 other requests for stamps honoring outstanding Americans on file, and one stamp had already been issued in 1940 honoring Booker T. Washington. Ruth Hersey, Omaha. Mr= Naomi j Washington, St. Louis. Missouri, two brothers, Mr. William Her sey, Little Rock, Arkansas, two aunts, Mrs. Cora Birdsong, Mem phis, Tennessee, Mrs. Nannie Fuller, Conway, Arkansas and other relatives. Funeral services I were held Tuesday afternoon j January 17th from Christ Tem ple Church with Bishop W. E. Holman, of Los Angeles, Califor nia officiating. Elder J a mes Stuart, Sr., pastor of Christ Tem ple was Master of Ceremonies. Other Ministers assisting were, the Reverends. A. Young. L. Wills, Cork. D. W. Ross, M. Marion. W. A. Fowler, and Leroy Bragg. Pall j bearers were Mr. Cleo McDonald, Clarence Shelby, Welton Hogan, j F. L. Hogan, Willie Farris, How Northside Y Celebrates First Year The Northside Branch will cel ebrate its first anniversary in the new northside building on Sun day afternoon, January 29th, at 4:30 p.m. The program for the celebration has been arranged by the Branch Committee, with Mrs. Leroy Gude as chairman, and the Program Planning Committee, Mrs. Charles Brown, as chairman. There will be a very special musical program, with numbers by the Ebonaires, directed by Janice Collins; solos by Robert Myers, and Mrs. Pearl Gibson. The guest speaker will be Rev. Curtis Brown, newly appointed to Bethel Baptist Church, South Omaha. In addition, there will be spec ial presentations for outstanding service, and for special anniver sary gifts to the YWCA. Seating will be arranged on both floors, so no one need be left out. There will be two refreshment tables, one in charge of the Quack Club of the YWCA, with Mrs. Dorothy Smith as president, and the other in charge of the Howard-Kennedy PTA, of which Mrs. Martha Melt on is president. All members and friends of the YWCA are invited. This is an event you cannot afford to miss. CLUBS The Gavettes, with Evon Cook as president, will be hostesses at their regular Service men’s party on Friday evening. This will be a sock dance, with games and specialties to make a gala even ing. The Quacks will have their an nual party on Saturday night, at the home of the president, Mrs. Smith. All club members and es corts are expected to be present. There will be a gift exchange, food and fellowship. The Quacks will also welcome a new pros pective member,—little Miss Col leen Belinda Dudley, infant daughter of the Cliff Dudleys. Mrs. Eileen Dudley is a devoted and active member of the YWCA and of the club. Y-TEENS Y-Teens will be on hand at the Anniversary program on January 2th. On Monday afternoon, Jan uary 30th, the Northside Y-Teens will have as their guest Mrs. Thel ma Tucker, teacher at Long School. This is one in a series of educational meetings that all Y Teen groups have as part of their program. , Tuesday afternoon, January, 31st the La-Teens, a high school interest group, will hold their monthly educational meeting. A movie of interest to girls will be shown, moderated by one of the ard Gregory. Burial was in the family plot at Prospect Hill Cem etery with arrangements by Thomas Mortuary. 4 C Credit Union Met Wednesday The Board of Directors of the Four “C” Credit Union met on Wednesday night to complete plans for the Annual Meeting of the Union which is scheduled for Sunday January 29th 4 P.M. at the Near North Branch YMCA, according to an announcement made by Mr. James Cole, Presi dent. Mr. Ted Cobb, chairman of the prog am committee also an nounced that the program would be in the nature of skits and role playing .to emphasize the impor tance and need of the Credit Union. The Annual election will also take place for persons to serve on the Board of Directors, Credit Committee and the Super visory. Members of the Union are encouraged to invite their friends to the meeting starting at 4 P.M. on Sunday January 29th at the VMCA. Elizabeth Donaldson Mrs. Elizabeth Donaldson, 85 years, 1218V2 Street, expired Saturday January 7th at a local hospital. Mrs. Donaldson had been a resident of Omaha fifty years. She is survived by four cousins, Mrs. Edna Johnson, Mrs. Maggie Valentine, Mrs. Lucille Carter, Mr. Ray C. Gaines, of O maha. Funeral services were held Saturday morning January 14th from Thomas Mortuary with the Rev. E. D. Johnson officiating. Pall bearers, Mr. Milton Bell, Cliff Hamock, Mercele Hayes, John Logan, J. C. Watkins and Thomas H. Richardson. Burial was at Mt. Hope Cemetery with arrangements by Thomas Mortu ary. My son in college had been dating a pretty, vivacious young blonde and had even brought her home one weekend for us to meet. Then, suddenly, the whole thing was off. When I asked him what happened he showed me a letter she had written him setting forth what she expected of marriage: a beautiful home, trips abroad, a convertible, and more. “How in the world did you j answer the letter?” I asked. “Qh,” he replied casually, “I j merely told her that when I mar | ried I honed to have children - but I didn’t want my wife to be one of them.” Deft definition: Skier: one who j jumps to contusions. j public school nurses. Any high | school girl is welcome to attend | this film-forum. The time, for i Y-Teen meetings is after school. Watch later issues for February activities, including several Val i entine parties. Mrs. Jewel Rob ; inson, Y-Teen director at North- j i side, invites mothers to investi-, i gate the Y-Teen program for their daughters. All are welcome. Edith Jackson Mrs. Edith Jackson, age 48 years of 2431 No. 31st Street, expired Saturday afternoon Janu ary 14, 1956 at a local hospital. She was an Omaha resident 25 years. She is survived by 5 daughters, Mrs. Mildred May Peak of Omaha; Mrs. Myrtle Faye Ray of Chicago, Illinois, Barbara Jean Jackson of Omaha, Marsha Diane Jackson of Omaha; 4 sons, Donald Lee, New York City, New York, William Eugene, Clifford Edward, Ken neth Bernard of Omaha; 2 broth ers, Dewey Harvey of Topeka, Kansas and Ferdinand Harvey of Pittsburg, Kansas; sister, Mrs. Bertha Smith of Kansas City, Mo. Myers Brothers Funeral Ser vice. Stewart New Head Of Legion Theodore Roosevelt Post No. 30 j American Legion is recovering j from the sudden passing of its former Commander, resumes its regular procedure of activities and continues to march on under the leadership of its former First Vice Commander H. D. Stewart who is now our Commander. We are surely going forward in a very de termined manner. Official instal lation services for our new Com mander takes place at our next meeting. The Executive Committee meet ing January 17, 1956 made plans to take care of and improve the existing status of the Post. The i morale is very high and new! members are steadily coming into I the Post. One of the most gratifying in novations to the Post is the addi tion of the marching unit the “Honor Guard” under the general ship of Past Commander R. C. Blanchard with the capable drill Sergeant Swain. They arc really going places. All this and the fine work done by our Ladies’ Aux iliary makes us feel and know that we are on the march forward. Remember our sick. Vist them at V. A. Hospital and at home. In V. A. Hospital are Ralph Under wood and others not reported. The period of mourning obser vance will ever continue for our late Commander and all fallen Legionaires. This and all other services and help to the living Legionaire makes us know we ever continue our allegiance to God, our Country and our fellowman. H. D. Stewart, Commander H. L. Embry, Adjutant M. Comans, Pub. Officer. More Appropriate A photographer was taking a picture of a farmer and his col lege-boy son. The photographer suggested that the boy stand with his hand on his father’s shoulder. “It would be more appropriate" said the long suffering parent, “if he stood with his hand in my poc ket.” I Pirates' HeadTo Be Honored Lj| I' RICKEY TO BE HONORED — Branch Rickey, chairman of the board, The Pittsburgh Pirates, will receive “The Pioneer Award ’ in Atlanta, Georgia, January 20, on the occasion of the twenty first annual all-sports jamboree ot I The 100 Per Cent Wrong Club, a project of the Atlanta Daily World. Jackie Robinson and Pee Wee Reese are likewise scheduled to b cited for their contributions to “The Golden Era of Sports.” _ _ _ I # — Third Annual City-Wide Basketball Tournament At Kellom January 27-28-29 THE ELKS CLUB The newly elected men of the year 1956. Welcome to you, our members and friends, at all times. With your support, we aim to give you a bigger and better place for your enjoyment. Clifford M. Kenny, Exalted Ruler; Charles Sims, Chairman House Committee. Firemen And Sheriffs Office To Help Polio Drive When the estimated 6,000 moth ers march on Polio on Thursday, January 26th, they won’t be marching alone. Omaha and Douglas County officials have promised the help of Sheriff’s deputies, and Omaha firemen and policemen in the house-to house collection from 7 to 8 p.ra. Jay Hollis Is Director Of WOW Jay 0. Hollis, Carthage, Miss, has been elected a national dir ector and sentry of Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society, it was announced today by How ard M. Lundgren, president. Richard W. Ervin, Tallahassee, Fla., a director, has been named to the board of auditors of the society. This brings the hoard to its full complement. There had been a vacancy created by the retire ment of Farrar Newberry, former president of the society. Mr. Hollis, an attorney, has been active locally and nationally in Woodmen of the World a num ber of years. Mr. Ervin is attorney general of the state of Florida. He was named the outstanding state pub lic official in 1950 by the Florida State Junior Chamber of Com merce. To Celebrate Washington Centennial 1. Official opening of the Book er T. Washington Centennial Cel ebration by the issuance of a Booker T. Washington Centennial Stamp by the U. S. Post Office on April 5th at the post office lo cated on the site of his birth, Booker Washington Birthplace, Virginia. 2. Publishing and distributing a 1956 Calendar indicating signi ficant events in the life of Booker T. Washington. 3. Compilation and distribution of authentic data on honors and recognitions of national signifi cance which have been bestowed upon Booker T. Washington since his death. 4. The monthly publication and distribution of 100,000 Centennial Bulletins on historical events in the life of Booker T. Washington. 5. Issuance o f abstracts of Booker T. Washington’s outstand ing literary contributions. 6. Furnishing of data to maga zines and periodicals over the nation on his outstanding achieve ments and accomplishments. 7. Survey and compilation in volving 100 individual impres sions secured from persons who had personal contact with Booker T. Washington. 8. Survey and compilation of opinions of 100 outstanding Amer icans on the influence of the ideals and teachings of Booker T. Washington on today’s problem? and attitudes. 9. Establishment on a highway in Alabama of a replica of the cabin in which Booker T. Wash ington was born, to serve as a Stoadside Shrine from which will be distributed and disseminated literature and information on the life and achievements of Booker T. Washington. 10. The securing of legislation to provide for the erection of a Booker T. Washington National Open Basketball Tournament Kellom will be the scene of the Third Annual City-Wide Open Basketball Tournament on Janu ary 27, 28, and 29. This tourna ment will be open to^any adult team in the Omaha area. The Open Basketball Tourna ment will be returning to Kellom after a year’s absence. Last year the tournament was held in con junction with the AAU conanit jtee at Benson Community Center. In the two years that the Park and Recreation Commission has sponsored this gigantic tourna ment, the Omaha Travelers have emerged victorious, but rumors have it that the Travelers won’t be returning this year so a new champion seems to be in the mak ing. Entry fee for the tournament blanks may be secured from the Kellom Center or Room 605, City Hall. City Table Tennis Tournament Kellom will also be the scene of the Fourth Annual City-Wide Table Tennis Tournament on January 28, 29. Entry blanks mcy again be secured from Kel lom Community Center or Room 605, City Hall. Tournament fee and divisions are: Men’s Class A (singles) . $1.50 Men’s Class B (singles)_1.50 Men’s Doubles _ .50 Mixed Doubles _ .50 I Women Singles . 1.50 Senior Girls (18 and under). 25 Junior Boys (15 and under) .10 Senior Boys (18 and under) .25 Midget Boys (12 and under .10 Sessions will be at 2:00 p.m. |ir> the atternoon and 7:00 p.m. in the evening. Falcons Upset Courtmasters Action in the Senior Boys Bas ketball League this week saw five games being played. In the fea ture game, the Falcons who had won only one game previously, surprised the Courtmasters 32-23. In other games, Purple Tide lost to Blue Trotters, 62-28. Celtics needed a last quarter spurt to beat Roses 41-29. The Crusaders continued to march in first place with a 48-35 conquest of the Bouncers And in the final game, Jerry Jones was hot as the per verbial firecrackers as his 27 points led Courtmasters to a 41-33 victory over Blue Trotters. Box Score Courtmasters Fg FtTpts Jones _ 10 7 27 Fulknesson _2 0 4 Poore_2 15 Mongerson-10 2 Brown _ Oil Storey_10 2 Total_ 16 9 41 Blue Trotters Frosse -4 5 13 Paznor _10 2 Kecnon-0 2 2 Molan _ 2 3 7 McCormick -4 0 8 Marasco _ 2 2 6 Total _>_13 12 38 Continued to page two Anna Ripptoe Mrs. Anna Ripptoe, 51 years, 3121 Miami Street, passed away Wednesday morning January 11th at a local hospital. Mrs. Ripptoe had been a resident of Omaha eight years. She is survived by her husband, Mr. Dee Talbert Ripptoe, son, James Rankins, sister, Mrs. Thelma Allison, four brothers, Mr. Issac Pannell, all of Omaha, Larry and Arthur Pan nell, Chicago, Illinois, Thomas Pannell, Jersey City, New Jersey, uncle, Mr. Lafe Hayden, Kansas City, Kansas, aunt, Mrs. Effie Perkins, Kansas City, Kansas, and; other relatives. Funeral ser vices were held Saturday morn ing from Thomas Mortuary with the Rev. Charles Favors officia ting, assisted by Rev. R. W. John son. Pall bearers, Mr. Lysle Lawson, Harrold Russell, Julius Harris, M. Austin, Freddie Barr, and Phillip Allison. Interment was at Mount Hope Cemetery. Some people are inclined to quit looking for work the moment they find a job. Monument to be maintained by the National Parks Service under the United States Department of Interior. !