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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1956)
! . . < w* _ w# S# fci»tcrio«i Coo# 1500 R# *V• Lloooln, ^tbP. ft i ms as iv^ I ; * ;; What you are doing is news. ! f This Is Your Newspaper ; • (’lease Phone Your News To I ™Wha* You ar* dou}? 18 n*ws- ;; X HA 0800 1 | P*ease Phone^Your News To ., I i HEWTOTHEUHEN II *. . . .J EQUAL OPPORTUNITY $ 2420 Grant st ;; Vol. 29 No. 46__Friday, January 13, 1956_ ~ 10c Per Copy Here Are Facts About Dimes March 1. Polio cases in future years will be reduced due to the Salk vaccine, but caring for the pa tients we now have is the greatest problem. 2. Douglas County in 1955 had over 299 patients who must be taken care of. 3. Almost all of the Douglas County March of Dimes money | stays in the County but help is I still needed from the National Foundation. ___ 4. In every year over $100,000 is spent. Mild cases might cost only a few hundred dollars, but | seriouslv involved cases cost as J high as $15,000 per year. 5. Averaged out, j County' expenses are from $100,000 to $120,000 per year for patient care. , 6. Polio is a sporadic thing and an epidemic might break out any | day, thus the theme of this year s j campaign, “Polio isn’t licked yet 7. Polio cases still develop even with the use of the Salk vaccine: most are not paralytic, but still involve some treatment. ■ 8 The Salk vaccine is designed j to prevent polio paralysis, not; the po'xo infection. 9. After the first vaccine shot an interval of seven to 10 days is necessary for antibody product ion. Some children though they have received the vaccine, con tract polio before the antibodies are completely through the sys tem. 10. Recommended schedule for Salk vaccine shots - two doses, the second preferably two to four weeks from the first and a third or boosVr shot at least seven months after the second shot and before the next polio season. 11. The sensitizing effect of the first shot will endure in most cases the better part of a year. There is no need to begin over again if the second shot is missed. 12. Scientists do not yet know the duration of the shots, or when another will be needed for re newed protection. 13. The polio vaccination pro-1 gram financed by the March of I Dimes calls for two shots for children in the first and second grades. 14. The five to nine year old group comes first because that ^ is the age bracket with the high est rate. 15. Second highest age group is from one to five. After nine the trend decreases. 16. Eventually there will be anough vaccine for all under 20 years. 17. Some patient care in Douglas County costs as much as $9,000 a year for each patient 18. The Douglas County cam paign opened officially on January 3rd and will close on January 31. Omaha Will Invite Cattlemen Omaha will bid for the 1957 annual meeting of the American National Cattlemen’s Association, convening next week in New Or leans. The invitation will be made by Norman Haried, manager of the Convention Bureau of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Har ied is joining the Nebraska dele gation to the convention, headed by Bern R. Coulter, Bridgeport, president of the Nebraska Stock growers’ Association. Strong competition for the 1957 convention is expected from Phoe nix, Arizona which has tried for. that annual meeting for the past several years. i Mr. Haried will leave for New Orleans Sunday, returning to O maha next Thursday. Mrs. Gladys Starks _. Mrs. Gladys Starks, age 74 years, of '225 So. 15th St., ex pired Monday Jan. 2, 1956 at a ( local hospital. She was ap Omaha resident 42 : years and was a long-time mem- j ber of Allen Chapel A. M. E. Church. Mrs. Starks is survived by 3 sons, Ray, Ernest of Omaha, and Howard of St. Paul, Minn.; I 5 sisters, Mrs. Minnie Walker, J Mrs. Gene Hodges, Mrs. Pauline Mitchell, Mrs. Myrtle Davis and, _ Joe and Bride Cut Cake Mr. and Mrs. Joe Louis cut theirformer Rose Morgan, beauty salon wedding cake following ceremony owner and cosmetic manufacturer in the bride’s Long Island home on of New York. (Associated Negro Christmas Day. The bride is the Press) Jesse Guyton _ j Jesse Guyton. 66 years, 2206 North 30th Street, passed away ; Wednesday January 4th at a local hospital. Mr. Guyton had been a resident of Omaha thirty four years. He was a faithful employe, of Cudahy Packing Company where he had been employed for thirty two years. Mr. Guyton is survived by his wife, Mrs. Minnie Guyton, two sisters, Mrs. Rilla Abrams, St. Louis, Mo., Mrs. Man Lane, Edwards Mississippi, and other relatives. The body of Mr. Guyton was forwarded Sunday evening from Thomas Mortuary to Green Funeral Home, St. Louis, Missouri for services and burial. Greenwood School Does Much Good I would like to call to the atten tion of readers of the charitable work that is being done for Negro boys and girls in Greenwood, Mississippi, the scene of the slay ing of the Till boy, of Chicago. The Sisters of St. Joseph, and the Franciscan Fathers, of Pulaski, Wisconsin, have conducted a school in this area for the past three years for Negro children. They are working at present under serious financial burdens as more an* more children seek admittance to the school. A school lunchroom was built in September of this year, to pro vide decent eating quarters for the children. A medical clinic which provides medical needs for the Negro people of this area needs medica tions of all sorts. Clothes for children and adults are sorely in need. It would be a generous gesture in the part of readers to help this noteworthy cause by helping' this Negro mission become a liv-1 ing foundation to the memory of young Till. Want to help this Negro mis sion? Write to: Sister Mary Pul cheria St. Francis of Assisi Mis sion, Route 1, Box 28A, Green wood, Mississippi. Sister Pul cheria, Superior of the Mission will personally acknowledge all gifts of clothing, medications and clothes. Mrs. Emma Johnsson; 2 brothers Thurston and Hiram Bryant, all of Omaha; 8 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren and a host of other relatives. v Funeral services were held Fri day Jan. 6, 1956 at 2.00 p.m. from the Allen Chapel A. M. E. Church with Rev. L. A. Parker officiating assisted by Rev. W. A. Fowler and Rev. Cork. Interment was at Graceland Park Cemetery. Pallbearers Messrs. Chester Campbell, W. D. Womack, Jim Tenner, L. Patton, Chris Riddle i and James Woods. Myers Brothers Funeral Service., Offers A Short Course The Fourth Annual Television “Farm Short Course” will be seen on three successive Saturdays this month over Station WOW-TV, Channel 6. This announcement was made by Mai Hansen, WOW TV Farm Service Director. The hour and a half programs will be seen beginning at 9:00 A. M. on January 14, 21 and 23, Hansen said. Each program will consist of two or three subjects to be dis cussed by a panel. A chairman who is a specialist in the field will lead the discussion. The subjects were chosen after a poll was taken among farmers. Viewers are invited to telephone in any questions they may have during the last 15 minutes of each program. Subjects include Farm Policy; Social Security and Father-Son Transfer; Fertilizers; The amount of Carry Over in Dry Years; Overall Farm Management; Cut ting Costs of Livestock Feeding and Handling Roughage. Panel chairmen are Wallace Ogg, E. R. Duncan, Ted Willrich and Herb Howell from Iowa State College and Everett Peterson, Chet Swinbank and Paul Guyer from the University of Nebraska. Panelists include Eldon Erick son, Mark Weldon, Wilbur Ring ler, Jack Steele, Abe Epp and Phil Henderson from the University of Nebraska and I. W. Arthur, Ed Dyas, William Zmolek and Dale Hull from Iowa State College. The “Farm Short Course” is conducted by Station WOW-TV in cooperation with the College of Agriculture of the University of Nebraska and Iowa State College. Mothers At Polio Lunch Thursday Over one hundred ward chair men and Captains of the Mothers March on Polio will attend a luncheon at the Town House on Thursday, January 12th at 12 noon. The Douglas County Mothers March on Polio will he held Thurs day January 26th from 7 to 8 p.m. Chairmen and captains will receive their material for the March at the Thursday luncheon. Speaker will be Mrs. Beatrice Wright Fuerst, assistant director of women’s activities for the Nat ional Polio Foundation. Mrs. Fuerst, herself stricken with Polio in 1949. has recovered to the point of usin| walking sticks to walk unaided. It is the mind that maketh good or ill, That maketh wrech or happy, rich or poore. J. L. Taylor J. L. Taylor, age 59 years, of 2407 Lake St., expired suddenly Sunday morning Jan. 1, 1956 at his home. Mr. Taylor was a shoemaker all during the 31 years of his residence in Omaha. He was a veteran of W. W. No. 1 and Commander of Theodore Roosevelt Post No. 30, American Legion for *the past two years. He was treasurer of Excelsior Lodge No. 2, F. & A. M. A member of Zion Baptist Church, he was also a member of the Progressive 24 Club of St. John A. M. E. Church. Mr. Taylor is survived by his wife, Mrs. Eloise Taylor; daugh ter, Mrs. Christine Larson; 2 grandchildren, Jimmy and Patsy Patterson, all of Omaha; sister Mrs. Julia Smith of Middletown, Ohio; nephew, Joseph Haynes of Omaha. Funeral services were held Thursday Jan. 5, 1956 at 2:00 p. m. from the Zion Baptist Church under auspices of Theodore Roose velt Post No. 30, American Leg ion. Rev. F. C. Williams was the officiating Minister assisted by Reverends S. H. Lewis, Charles Favors, Claude Williams, E. T. Streeter, David St. Clair, E. Rhodes, W. Irving and J. W. Rogers. Interment was in the Soldiers Circle at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Comrades of American Legion Post No. 30 served as Pallbearers and the American Legion Aux iliary served as Flower Girls. Myers Brothers Funeral Service. Paxton A Federal Reserve Director i James L. Paxton, Jr., president of the Paxton-Mitchell Company, Omaha, Nebraska, has been ap pointed as a director of the Oma ha Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. The ap pointment, made by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, is for a 2-year term ex piring December 31, 1957. A native Omahan, Mr. Paxton is a graduate of Cornell Univer sity. The Paxton-Mitchell Comp any foundry produces fabricated metal products. The new director succeeds Gilbert C. Swanson, vice president of the Campbell Soup Company, Omaha. Jaycees Will Note Good Service The Distinguished Service A ward given by the Omaha Junior Chamber of Commerce to the Out standing Young Man of the Year, 1955, will be awarded at a special luncheon on Friday, January 27, 1956. Mr. V. J. Skutt, President of Mutual of Omaha, will be guest speaker at this event. In celebration of National Jay cee Week the Omaha Junior Chamber recognizes a young man Sports Show Planning A Casting Clinic Omaha, Nebraska . . . Many of the nation’s leading fishing tackle manufacturing firms who will ex hibit in the 1956 Omaha Sports, Vacation and Boat Show, March 3 through March 11, will have their representatives on hand each day of the show to explain and demonstrate to the public, the fine points of bait, fly and spin casting. The demonstrations, free to the public will be given in the large tank that will be installed in the Omaha Civic Auditorium for the big event. Among the tackle exhibitors are included; Montague Rod Company of Montague City, Mass.; Ocean City Reel Co. of Philadelphia, Pa.; Newton Line Co. of Homer, New York; Great Lakes Products Corp. of Lexington, Michigan; Airex Corporation of New York; Kautzky Lazy Ike Bait Co. of Denver, Colorado; The Erwin Wel ler Co. of Sioux City, Iowa; Cort land Line Company of Cortland, New York. The Guide Salutes Dailey Firm In an interview today with Bill Dailey and Ray Danner of the Dailey Contract Firm, it was an nounced that they will help clean up the slum district of North 0 maha. Dailey said today that every merchant in North Omaha that remodeled the inside of his busi ness establishment, they will re paint aryl decorate the outside of his store free and to the home owners he says they have a fin ancing plan where as the home owners need no money down up to $2,500. This paper feels with the co operation of contractors like these that the Northside will one day become the Garden Spot of Oma ha. Once again the Omaha Guide salutes the Dailey Painting and Decorating Co. for the interest they have taken in our community. with the Distinguished Service Award who has performed the most outstanding community ser vice in Omaha during the previous year. Anyone wishing to submit a nomination for this award should submit the man’s name in the form of a letter to Jim O’Neill, Chairman, Distinguished Service Award Committee, Omaha Junior Chamber of Commerce, 108 South 18th Street, Omaha, Nebraska. The Nominee need not be a member of the Junior Chamber, but must be between the ages of 21 and 35. The recipient is chosen by a secret committee composed of men over the age of 35 and not members of the Omaha Junior Chamber. j i i j U'S'A' ... WITH THE WORLD'S GREATEST RESOURCES, NEEDS: 50,000 MORE NURSES 5.000 MORE physical therapists 5,500 MORE OCCUPATIONAL therapists 3.000 MORE MEDICAL social WORKERS 1.000 MORE rehabilitation counselors March of dimes funds iMgBSbysSSfi The March of Dimes program has PRODUCED more than one-third of the NATION'S PHYSICAL THERAPISTS 5,000 MORE ARE NEEDED! . Dr. Jonas Salk got part ’ OF HIS VRAM INS UNDER A » ~T(T MARCH OF DIMES FELLOWSHIP... '/ 7VIS PERIOD HELPED PREPARE HIM FOR DEVELOPMENT op TOE VACCINE. Ethridge Turner Ethridge Turner, age 47 years, of 2016 Grace St. died suddenly Thursday morning Dec. 29, 1955 at his home. He was an Omaha resident 8 years and was employed at Ar mour & Co. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Nancy Turner; 2 daughters, Mrs. Irene Gay and Mrs. Lorene Reed; son, Willie Turner, all of Omaha; 6 brothers; 4 sisters; 1 grands9n; 4 granddaughters, and a host of other relatives. Funeral services were held Wednesday Jan. 4, 1956 at 2:00 p.m. from the Morning Star Bapt ist Church with Rev. Z. W. Will iams officiating. Interment was in the family plot at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Pallbearers Messrs. Lloyd Will iams, Richard Greasam, Louis Galvin, Luther Ennis, George Bolton and Arthur Shelby. Myers Brothers Funeral Service. Omaha Challenges Des Moines In 3-Day Contest Of Eating More Pork Wm. H. Dawson William H. Dawson, age 5 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Dawson of 3209 No. 27th St., expired sud denly Tuesday Jan. 3, 1956. He is also survived by 2 sisters, Brenda Joyce and Sandra Mac Dawson; brother, Cleo 0. Dawson, Jr.; aunt, Mrs. Mary Anderson, all of Omaha, and other relatives. Funeral services were held Fri day Jan. 6, 1956 at 11:00 a.m. from the Myers Brothers Funeral Chapel with Rev. F. C. Williams officiating. Interment was at For est Lawn Cemetery. ' A Curtsy For The Queen -- -■ Her Majesty the Queen has a smile for curtsying Nurse Verna Warren of Kingston, Jamaica, as she passes through one of the wards during her recent visit to the Royal Hemeopathic Hospital in London. Nurse Warren is one of several student nurses from the Commonwelath who is training at the hospital. Queen Elizabeth is carrying a special bouquet pre sented to her by the hospital staff. (Associated Negro Press) Operation Pork Lift Jan. 12-14 Thursday, January 12 noon luncheon at the Chamber of Com merce features Max Cullen, meat specialist from Chicago, presents special information and demon strations — press is invited as guests of the Chamber’s Publiciy Department. Friday, Jan. 13, Omaha Chamber President A. V. Sorensen and Council Bluffs Chamber President Leo Ungar will release weather balloons from the Douglas County Court House lawn at 10:00 A.M.— balloons will carry certificates to return to Omaha Jaycees for a free ham. Saturday, January 14 — also un der Jaycee sponsorship, a public auction of hams (provided by Oma ha packers) will be held at 12 noon at 16th and Farnam Streets. Available for interviews during the campaign: Max Cullen, meat specialist with the National Live Stock and Meat Board, Chicago and Joyce Searls, home economist from the USDA, Chicago. Available for interviews and or demonstrations in meat-cutting, preparation, etc. “Let’s help our neighbors—eat pork today—it’s good for you!” 35 Will Make Trip To Boston Thirty-five Nebraskans from ten communities already have made reservations with the Omaha Chamber of Commerce for the special trip to Boston for the Soil Conservation Supervisors meeting there February 5 to 9. However, Chamber officials said, the tour will accommodate still others who should make their reservations not later than Friday of this week (January 13). The travelers will leave Omaha by rail February 2, with a sight seeing tour scheduled in Chicago that day. Enroute to Boston, a! full day will be set aside in Wash ington for a tour there. In Phil adelphia, opportunity will be made for the travelers to visit historical landmarks; and in New York, a Radio City Music Hall show will i Cosmetic Maker To Hall Of Fame Chicago — Madam C. J. Walker, founder of the well known multi million-dollar cosmetic company that bears her name, becomes the first person elected to the Ebony Hall of Fame by EBONY Readers. Results of the November balloting are announced in the February EB ONY. Mme. Walker, who takes her place alongside ten other great A merican Negroes in the historical gallery housed in the home office of EBONY, received sixty per cent of the 34,000 votes cast. Born in a cottonfield cabin in Delta, La., she took a few pennies and a hair-straightening formula and built the cosmetic empire. Mme. Walker, died in a magnifi cent mansion on the Hudson River. The $250,000 showplace was the finest home ever owned by a Ne gro. She left an estate valued at $2,000,000 and specified in her will that two -thirds of the company stock be held in trust for various charities. In her last prayer, she summed up her life, “Not for me, O Lord, but my race.” The 34,000 ballots cast were printed in the November EBONY and readers will continue to elect new members to the Hall of Fame with ballots that will appear in each November issue of the maga zine. highlight the stop-over there. The 5-day convention in Boston will present top speakers in the field of soil conservation, includ ing Assistant Secretary of Agricul ture Ervin L. Peterson. Other meetings will be held to discuss the work and problems of the sup ervisors in their own areas. Elec tion of new officers will conclude the conference. On the return to Omaha the Ne braskans will visit Montreal, Cana da, Niagara Falls and Buffalo, New York, where time also will be a vailable for sightseeing. Special rates' for the tour have been arranged with Travel and Transport, the Chamber said. De tails may be obtained either from that office, or by contacting the Chamber’s Agriculture Depart ment. .— For the next three days (Thurs day, Friday and Saturday) Omaha homemakers will be encouraged to buy and serve pork — a highly nutritious, plentiful farm product, in good supply at reasonable prices. A. V. Sorensen, president of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce, which is coordinating the campaign in the city, said “Operation Pork Lift” is the result of a request from Council Bluffs and Potta wattamie County representatives to participate in such a drive sim ultaneously in the two cities. The campaign, he said, will ser ve a two-fold purpose: first, en courage the consumption of pork and thus relieve the market sur plus situation; and second, help ourselves to better health by eat ing more pork in greater variety. “We have a strong regard for the problem facing our farm friends who have a surplus of pork,” Mr. Sorensen added. “We are going to help our neighbors by buying their products, and in turn, help our own economy.” As “Operation Pork Lift” began in Omaha, Mayor John Rosenblatt replied to Des Moines Mayor Ray Mills who, Tuesday, called atten tion to a similar drive being held the same dates in his city. Mayor Mills called on Des Moines residents to “out-eat Oma ha citizens”, pointing out that “Des Moines can do a better job than the Nebraska city of cuting into pork surpluses.” “We challenge Mayor Mills’ statement that Des Moines can do | a better job than Omaha”, Mayor ! Rosenblatt said. “We have a rep uatation here in Omaha of getting big jobs done, and “Operation Pork Lift” gives us another oppor tunity to prove it.” He asserted that Omahans will rally to the support of “Operation Pork Lift”, out-buying and out doing the Des Moines community in me campaign . Early this week, in company with Chamber President A. V. Sorensen, Mayor Rosenblatt visited the Union Stock Yards Company— the world’s largest livestock and meat-packing center— to watch the unloading of top quality meat type hogs. “We’re extremely proud of our market, and the products it pro vides from thousands of midwest farms and ranches,” he said. “We’re big business in livestock, and we’ll be big business in ‘Op eration Pork Lift’.” During the three-day campaign, Omaha restaurants and hotels will feature pork on their menus. Schools, hospitals and other groups will participate. And O maha housewives will be able to buy a variety and quantity of pork cuts at their local markets at current, reasonable prices. Representatives of the U. S. De partment of Agriculture are in O maha to assist in informing the buying public about pork values. Is Charles At' he End Of The Line? Los Angeles, Calif. (CNS) Ezzard Charles has been knocked out only five times in his 111 fight career, but the beating he got this week at the hands of young and un known Jack Johnson may mark the end of the line for Charles. The 34 year old Cincinnatian was hurt from the second round when his lip was badly cut. In the sixth 28 year old Johnson scored the technical knockout. Where Charles will head from now is anybody’s guess but the wise guys are predicting it’s all over for Ezzard. Man. has invented a waxed paper raincoat, to be sold in vending machines, which you wear in a sudden shower, then toss away if you wish. A helicopter carrying 19 pas sengers, cruising at 100 miles an hour and having a range of more than 300 miles is in the cards for ’56. Most of the major inland areas of the Antartic continent are named for females, while most mountain ranges and peaks, glaciers bays and islands are named for males.