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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1956)
National Advertising Representative W„ N ewspaper Representatives, inc New York • Chicago * Detroit * Philadelphia A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Thursday, Dated Friday Branch office for local news only, 2420 Grant St, Omaha, Nebr. Bn la red aa Second Class Matter Masch 16, 1027 at the Post Office at Omaha, Nahraaka Under Act of Congress ef March 3, 1879 CL C. GALLOWAY_Publisher and Managing Editol (MEMBER) CALVIN NEWS SERVICE i GLOBAL NEWS SERVICE 1 ATLAS NEWS SERVICE STANDARD NEWS SERVICE This paper reeerwes the right to publish all matter credited Sa these news services. SUBSCRIPTION RATES urn Meath ------$ M fnrse Months_1.06 Mix Months _ 2.06 tv* Yesr _4.00 OUT OF TOWN SUBSCRIPTION RATES Out Month_$ .50 Three Months ___1.60 Six Months -2.60 One Year -4.50 ADVERTISING RATES MADE KNOWN ON REQUEST 0. P.P.D. Lists 1955 As Biggest Year In History Business was good at the Omaha Public Power District again in 1955. This fact was brought out as General Manager Frank J. Moylan made his preliminary year-end report to the Board of Directors Thurs day. The District's audited Annual Report will be published April 1. Revenues Up Operating revenues for the year totaled $20,487,717 — an increase af $1,587,116 or 8.4% over 1954. Of the total, $18,256,821 came from the sale of electricity, and the balance from the sale of steam and miscellaneous revenues. With the exception of electric sales to the Street Railway Company, Mr. Moylan said, revenues from all classes of customers were up over 1954. Expenses Up OPPD operating expenses for 1955 totaled $10,985,103. This was 8.8% or $884,468 higher than 1954, and was due to the increased volume of the District's business and other increases in operating costs. Net income for the year was $4,525,341, the highest in the history of the District. It exceeded 1954, the previous high year, by $233,470, or 5.4%. This net income is available for the retirement of bonded indebtedness, and for improvements and extensions to the property. The District’s net bonded indebtedness at year-end was $74,000,000. Healthy Growth Both customer demands and the number of customers reached new highs. A milestone was passed during the year when kilowatt hour sales for 12 months exceeded one billion. Sales for the year amounted to 1,097,152,300 kilowatt hours, an increase of 105,272,600, or 10.6%, over 1954. Tne number of customers served by the District increased to 110,118 during 1955. This represented 4,091 new customers, for a 3.9% rise. KWH Per Customer Increased kilowatt hour use per residential customer continued at a high rate in 1955. The average annual use per customer amounted to 3,197 KWH, as compared to 2,904 KWH in 1954. This represents a gain of 293 KWH per customer, or 10.1%. The Edison Electric Institute estimates the national annual average to be 2,755 kilowatt hours per residential customer. The District's average customer uses 422 KWH more per year, or 16% more electricity, than the national average. Rates Below Average On the other hand, OPPD residential rates were well below the average charged throughout the United States. Average cost per kilowatt hour for homes served by the District was 2.33c. The national average (agarn estimated by the Edison Electric In stitute) was 2 64c. Thus OPPD’s rate was 11.7% below the na tional average. Other highlights of 1955 operations included: 1. A total of $8,312,815 was spent for extensions and addi tions to generation, transmission and distribution facilities, and general property. 2. Maximum hour requirements of customers soared to 243,510 kilowatts on August 26—a new record. 3. Gross monthly requirements set a new record of 127,881, 900 kilowatt hours in July. 4. At December 31, 1955, the District had 1,040 regular em ployees, as compared with 984 at the close of 1954. O.P.P.D. TO BUILD NEW GENERATING UNIT 100,000 KW Addition To Cost $16,500,000 Directors of the Omaha Public Power District Thursday auth orized the construction of a third generating unit at the utility’s North Omaha Power Station. It will be a 100,000 kilowatt addition and will be known as Unit No. 3. Pioneer Service and Engineering Company, Chicago, Illinois, was awarded the contract as engineers for the project. Completion date for the project is May, 1959. Cost has been estimated at $16,500,000. Unit No. 2, also a 100,000 kilowatt addition, is now under construction and will be in operation by May 1, 1957. 69% More Power Upon completion of the two additions, OPPD’s total generating capacity will be boosted by 69%, to a total of 490,000 kilowatts. Present capacity of the system is 290,000 kilowatts. Cost of the new addition, including the structure housing it and the substation, will be $15,500,00. The river intake will cost an additional million dollars. This intake will be large enough to serve Unit No. 3 and one additional future unit. Power Demands Soar Decision to build Unit No. 3 at North Omaha came as a result of a booming 61,000 kilowatt peak load increase in the past two years. This, plus a load growth estimate for the next three years, shows that if the new unit were not built, OPPD would be short up to 41,000 kilowatts of reserve capacity by 1959, and the system load would exceed the District’s total capability by I960. Directors pointed o ut that any capacity of the new unit not immediately required by OPPD will be available for sale to in terconnected utilities for a limited period of time. No Bureau Power OPPD directors made every effort to purchase needed firm power from the Bureau of Reclamation’s Missouri River hydro electric plants before they authorized the construction of the new North Omaha unit. However, the Board was advised in October by Harold R. Lee, Regional Superintendent of Power for the Bureau of Reclamation, that no power will be available to OPPD from the Bureau in 1959 and 1960. Initial generation at Oahe Dam is scheduled for December, 1961. Procedure governing the disposi tion of this power “has not been determined,” Mr. Lee said. However, directors made it clear that before any future OPPD units are built beyond present planned construction, complete in vestigations of the availability of Bureau power will again be made. Atomic Power Ruled Out The new generating unit will be a conventional fuel-burning er piant Atomic power for the needed additonal OPPD gen erating capacity was ruled out for several reasons. President J. M. Harding pointed out that Nebraska will have one demonstration nuclear plant in the future (the Consumers | Public Power District’s unit at Hallam, Nebraska) and that all electric utilities in the state will profit from the experience gain ed during its construction and operation. More important, however, Mr. Harding said, is the fact that OPPD needs the new unit by 1959. “We do not believe we could construct a nuclear-fueled plant by that time. An atomic energy plant would necessarily be a completely new installation constructed outside Oma ha’s city limits. The new Unit No. 3 can be an addition to the present North Omaha Plant,” Mr. Harding said. It was also pointed out that cost of constructing a conventional fuel-burning plant is far less than a nuclear-fueled plant of equal capacity. Pioneer to Engineer Payment to the Pioneer Engineering and Service Company will not exceed $780,000, according to the contract, and any savings under this amount will be allowed the District. The proposal has a 30-day cancellation clause protecting OPPD. As with Unit No. 2, now under construction, Pioneer will be re sponsible for preparing all specifications for materials and equipment and will analyze and evaluate all bids received for contracts. The firm will furnish structural, mechanical, and electrical engineers, as well as a project manager and assistant to supervise construction. Power for Industry Omaha’s ability to attract new industry through ample electric power was another factor in the decision to build the new 100,000 kilowatt unit. “It has been our policy never to let a power shortage develop in this area,” Mr. Harding said. “This new unit will prevent such de velopments. The additional low-cost power that this new Unit No. 3 will supply will continue to place Omaha in an enviable position in at tracting new business to this area,” he said. News Around Nebraska One of the most unusual musical concerts presented in a long time took place at Ogallala last Friday evening. Seven electric organs were assembled and all played simultaneously to produce a tremendous chorus of tonal effects never before experienced by many of the audience. The concert leaned heavily to semi classical numbers and created a very interesting evening, the Keith County News stated. * * * It’s a little cold to be thinking of such things right now, but Scribner is laying plans to have a new bathhouse at its Municipal Swimming Pool. The proposed 18 x 72-ft. building will cost that community nearly $20,000 the Scribner Rustler stated last week. Construction work will start as soon as weather permits. • * * The town of Ponca in the northern part of the state, is already making plans for a two-day summer festival. The Nebraska Journal-Leader reported the date set for June 25 and 26 and the theme of the affair is “Days of ’56”. Some of the special attrac tions have already been hired to make certain that there will be ample entertainment when the date arrives. * • • And looking still further into the future is the Chamber of Commerce at David City which has announced its Christmas Com mittee for next year. The group is already planning decorations and trade-getting schemes to make David City a popular place in 1956. • • • At Arapahoe there is a man who can probably make the in come tax men lift their eyebrows. In a single year he has an nexed four extra tax exemptions, and they are all his own. During the past twelve months, his wife has given birth to two sets of twins, bringing the family total to six girls and three boys. The high cost of living is going to be something of genuine concern to that family when the youngsters get a little older. * * * Chadron is looking forward to a new east-west airline service in the very near future, according to the Chadron Record. An air line has made application to be permitted to stop regularly at Chadron, bringing a new service to that community. At the present time, Western Airlines has a permit to stop there but never does because the airport facilities are not tip to the standard which their planes must have. This inadequacy is one of the reasons Chadron voters are going to vote on a $25,000 j bond issue January 31st. The money would pay the city’s one fourth share of a $100,000 for a paved runway improvement pro gram. The paved landing strips are needed to induce the better and larger airlines to stop there regularly. * • • At Ord there is a mov,e on foot to build new school facilities but owners of adjoining property are objecting to selling their I property. A condemnation suit has been started to force the home owners to a slfbwdown and so the battle is on. Sale of $320,000 worth of bonds, the money from which is to be used to erect the building, has been completed, indicating that the project is to go through regardless of the wishes of the adjoining property owners. * * * An airforce tanker plane, which hauls as much fuel as a rail road tank car, lost the huge pipe which is used to connect the tanker to another plane when refueling take splace during flight. The lost pipe, known in aviation circles as a “boom” was found re cently on a farnr near Schuyler. The pipe had been driven into the ground four feet by the impact and a wrecker from the Lin coln Airbase was needed to pull it out of the ground. The Schuy ler Sun showed pictures of the damaged boom as it appeared while stuck in the field and after it had been loaded onto a truck. Apparently, for some reason, the planes drifted apart after contact was made, sheering loose the refueling boom and causing it to fall to the ground. Fortunately, the incident took place over an open field rather than over a town where there could have been heavy damage to houses. • • # Aurora has received bids on a new high school building. A Grand Island contractor has been awarded the work at a figure of $462,000, according to the Aurora News-Register. Work will start when warmer weather permits. WWW Also in the news at Aurora is a thank you note received by some Aurora foks from some Korean children to whom clothing had been sent some time ago. The “thank you” came in the form of a framed certificate which not only bore the words of thanks, but also the pictures of the Korean children pasted around the note. The note has been placed on display in an Aurora Gift Shop so that those who took part in the drive may see the faces of some of those who received the clothing. • * • The Boy Scouts at Lexington are teaming up with the Lexing ton Fire Department as auxiliary aids in the event of any type of major disaster. The boys will assist with First Aid Communica tions, will serve as radio operators and messengers. About thirty Scouts will be used in the unit, the Dawson County Herald stated last week. * • * The new hospital at Pender held an open house a week ago last Sunday and more than 3000 persons visited the hospital to ; see the facilities offered there. The hospital is a 20-bed unit, complete with all needed departments. * * * The Chamber of Commerce at Loup City appears to be plagued with the same trouble Blair has. Too few attend the meetings and the same few come every time. As an experiment to see how this could be remedied, the Loup City C. of C. recently held a breakfast meeting. The group met at 7:00 A.M. at a Loup City Hotel. At the meeting the matter of { attendance was put squarely to those attending and each was asked to state his version of why the Chamber was experiencing so poor attendance. No one came up with anything definite, but it set lots of members to thinking. * • * % The Ord school board has approved sending the Ord High School band and the Ord Singers to Enid, Oklahoma to participate in a national high school music contest. There’s a catch to it, though. The band has to figure out some way to raise $2000 for expense money. Third Annual City-Wide Basketball Tournament At Kellom January 27-28-29 Continued from page one __ Crusaders Mayhue-4 0 8 Burgess_4 0 8 Nared _0 2 2 Love-3 17 Stallworth-2 2 8 Barnes - 2 15 Harrington - 3 0 8 Nero -2 3 7 Total _ 20 9 49 Bouncers Harrington - 3 0 6 Harnest-10 2 Tughe-4 0 8 Marouseh - 0 2 2 Beaton -10 2 Journ-2 5 9 Fontenelle-3 0 6 Total_ 14 7 35 Courtmasters Jones_12 4 Fulkesson - 15 7 Poore_4 0 8 Mongerson - 0 2 2 Storey _ 10 2 Sevianes _— 113 Kulter_10 2 Total _ 8 10 28 Falcons Secret _ 3 0 6 Patterson - 2 15 Lee_3 17 Jackson _5 2 12 Richards-Oil Moore _ Oil Total _ 13 6 32 Celtics O’Connor _ 9 0 18 Whilmey _0 2 2 Skymanski -- 4 2 10 Semin _ 0 4 4 Roberts -0 3 3 Zdka _ 2 0 4 Total _15 11 41 Roses Pruitt_10 2 Titsworth _ 2 0 4 Lang_2 0 4 Landers _ 3 1 7 Merritt _ 4 0 8 LaFayette - 12 4 Total _ 13 3 29 Purple Tide Winter _ 3 0 6 Buckles_2 0 4 Butera-5 0 10 Nares_10 2 C’ullrwin _ 10 2 l rwin ___,_,_ 12 4 Total__ 13 2 28 Blue Trotters Fosse _ 6 2 14 Pay.nor _ 2 0 4 Heenan _ 3 3 9 Stuher _ 10 2 Nolan _4 2 10 Mahoney _ 3 0 6 McCormick_2 7 11 Marasco _ 2 2 6 Total _ 23 16 62 Main Christ Child Upset In the YAL night basketball league, the unbeaten string of Main Christ Child came to a sud den end as the second place Du puties avenged a previous defeat; with a 31-29 victory. The Main Christ Child team had won six staright games and was the only undefeated team in the league. In other games: The Knights lost their seventh straight game, four of whic hhave been only by one point, to the Nationals 25-24; and Cm c’crs had too much height and speed for the Browns as they wor hardily 28-7. Wednesday League In action in the YAL Wednes night league, the Golden Knights are still the team to beat as they have posted five straight wins. Closely pressing the Knights arc the Browns with a 4-1 record. Three teams, the Rosebuds, Sac red Heart, and the Red Raiders, are tied for third place with a 2-2 record. In the scoring department Char les Skaggs of the Browns is lead ing the pack with 57 points in 5 games for a 19.4 average. In second is Ronald Allen, Rosebuds, 55 points; third is Bill Connolly, Sacred Heart, 54: and fourth is John Hunter, Browns, 42. Saturday League A seven team Saturday morning league for 5th and 6th grade boys got underway last Saturday, as Lake Junior High “Y”, the Kellom Jets, and Sacred Heart sixtt grade all won games. This week’s schedule will pit the Mis sion Knights against the Kellom Jets at 9:00; Lake Junior High “Y” against Sacred Heart 6 .it 10:00; and Sacred Heart 5th grade against Social Settlement, j City-Wide Free Throw Tournament The Annual City-Wide Free Throw Tournament will begin at Kellom on Tuesday, January 24, at 7:00 p.m. Divisions wPl be held on the 24th for boys 12 and un ier and 13-15; on January 31, for girls and women; on Feb ruary 7 for Senior boys and men. The finals will be Tuesday, Feb ruary 14. All events will start at 7:00 sharp. i Kellom Wrestlers Win Match 11. All league matches wm do held on Friday nights starting at 6-15 pm. in the Kellom gym Next week’s matches will find Kellom against South Onv_ - Boystown against Florence, Y against Omaha Home for ’ • and Benson against Christ C r .. Club News The Cool Cats have org a cheering squad for the day morning basketball league. The Saturday Morning Tap Class is planning to hold its recital on March 14 in the center’s audi torium at 8:00 p.m. Miss Judy Samuelson our former tap teacher^ j wiii return to help with the re cital. I | The Senior Citizen Club began their first craft project last meet-, ing. The club is still anxious to j secure more members. Any one 50 and over is eligible for this club which meets at the center, every Thursday evening at 6.00 j Pm- __ I Big Events Are Planned i At Kellom _— ' Several important city-wide events will be held at the Kellom Community Center during the month of January. All of the events will be open to the general public and anyone who wishes to participate in a particular event may do so by simply contacting the Kellom Community Center’s office JA 1116, 24th and Caldwell St. Here are the list of events. January 24-31: 7-8 o’clock—City wide Free Throw Tournament for midget and junior boys and girls. January 28-29: 2-10 o’clock— | City-Wide Table Tennis Tourna-' ment for boys and girls and men and women in all age groups. En try fee required. January 28-29: 12-10 o’clock— City-Wide Open Basketball Tourn ament for men teams. Entry fee; $10. Beginning January 13 from 6:30 to 10:00—Novice Wrestling League for 7, 8, and 9th grade boys. Kellom Forms 2 New Leagues Two new basketball leagues will begin play on Saturday mornings at 9:00. There will be a league for boys in the 5 and' 6th grades, 121 years and under and a league for girls 14 and under. There is still a chance to enter a team in these leagues or to join a team. Contact Bob Radin at the Center. Sewing Class A doll sewing class for girls in the 3rd, 4th and 5th grades will be gin February 7, 1956. Classes will be conducted after school in the craft room by Pat Norman. Watch this column for further inform ation. YAL Boys Are Sporting New Suits All teams in the YAL league are sporting new suits. The boys look mighty sharp as they trot out on the floor to begin their warm ups. The suits were presents from the YAL committee and remains the boy’s property so long as he keeps it clean. At the end of the season the suit auto matically becomes the boy’s. In Tuesday night’s game, Main Christ remains undefeated as they won their 5th straight game with a 25-14 victory over the Nationals. In a second game, Crusaders re venged an early loss from the Deputies 30-28. In the Wednesday night league, the surprising Golden Knights continue to hold down first place as they swamped Rosebuds 54-22. In other games, Sacred Heart beat Red Raiders; Hope Lutheran lost to 13th Street Eagles; and North Christ Child beat City Mis sion. Kellom Girls BB Team The Kellom girls basketball team moved into a tie for second place in the Florence Girls Bas ketball League with a 19-18 vic tory over Florence II. Heroine of the Kellom victory was Annie Adkins who patted two free throws with less than J.0 seconds left in the game. Whitley High Scorer For The Squad After five games the Kellom squad shows a 3-2 record having won their last three games. High scorer for the squad is Jo Ann I Whitley with 23 points. Other totals: Violedora Johnson 18, I Velma Johnson 10, Shirley Gross ley 6, Annie Adkins 3, and La Vonne Rodgers 3. Club News And Classes The Saturday morning tap dancing lessons have resumed ! after a lay-off for the holidays. ! The classes are getting ready for | their recital which has tenatively : been set for the first of March. The Cool Cats club is engaged | in a new project of embroidering ! guest towels for their homes. The club is also forming a cheering squad to encourage the boys participating in the Sunday morning basketball league for midget boys. The Youth Council is making plans for their annual Valentine Party. This year’s party will be held on February 13 at a location known only to the program com mittee. Each council member will be allowed to invite one guest. The Kellom Jr. Rifle Club started the New Year with a bang. At a special shoot the boys competed for candy bars and sacks of candy. Each bar and sack of candy was suspended from a string. To get the prize the shooter had to cut the string in one shot. The prize shooter of the lot was Orville Hall who hit candy bars twice. He went right after the prize! Nothing At AM Nothing reminds a woman of all that needs to be done around the house like a husband taking life easy._ For the Home Silence Weather Stripping 'JPHERE'S nothing quite so annoying as a whistling or vibrating metal weather strip on a door. A strong wind will cause the noise. This nuisance can be stopped effectively by SPRING-TYPE VI Weather stripping inserting a thin strip of felt or rubber between the leaves of the spring, according to Popu lar Mechanics. Fit the strip and make sure the door will close snugly against the weather stripping without binding. Then cement the felt or rubber into place j or fasten it with brads. INGROWN NAIL I HURTING YOU? Immediate Relief! A few drops of OUTGKO® bring blessed relief from tormenting pain of Ingrown r.ail. OUTGRO toughens tne skin underneath the nail, allows the nail to be cut and thus pre vents further pain and discomfort. OUTGKO is available at all drug counters. ___I Points Four | A bipartisan foreign policy vve had always thought, meant ’one policy for both parties and not a, currently interpreted, two ’for each. The Time To Start Hitchhiking from Santa Fe to Alburquerpue, N. M. in the late afternoon, I was finally picked up by a man in a big convertable There was little traffic and we isped along without much talk. Suddenly the driver threw on his brakes, stopped and then backed up for about 100 yards. XJn'o-k ing the glove compartment, he pulled out a revolver. As 1' froze in my seat too scared to yank open the door and get away he said. “Son, never leave a rattler in the road —alive!” Getting Up Nights If worried by “Bladder Weakness" [Getting Up Nights (too frequent, burning or Itch ing urination) or Strong, Cloudy Urine) due to common Kidney and Bladder Irri tations, try CYSTEX lor quick, gratifying comforting help. A billion CYSTEX tablets used In past 35 years prove safety and success. Ask druggist for CYSTEX under satisfaction or money-back guarantee. ■— WITH BLUE BLADE DISPENSER AND STYRENE CASE for QUICK RELIEF of HEADACHE NEURALGIA Ease Pains of Headache Neuralgia - Neuritis with Quick Acting STANBACK Test STANBACK against any preparation you’ve ever used . . . See how quick relief comes. Worthwhile Reading ... I . . . for your whole family in the world-famous pages of The Christian Science Monitor. Enjoy Erwin D. Canham's newest stories, penetrating national and in ternational news coverage, how-to do features, home making ideas. Every issue brings you helpful easy-to read articles. You can get this interna tional daily newspaper from Boston by mail, without extra charge. Use the cou pon below to start your subscription. The Christion Science Monitor One, Norwoy Street Boston 15, Mass., U. S. A. Please send the Monitor to me for period checked. 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