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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1948)
COMPLIMENTS OF Irvington & Ak-Sar.Ben SUPERTASTE ICE QREAM ; IRVINGTON DAIRY --AK-SAR-BEN ICE CREAM "V t GLendale 1266 GLendale 7(567 COMPLIMENTS OF Omaha • - W imsett Company Loans Financing Contracting 315 South 15th St. AT. 2945 Are you QUALIFIED in one of these fields? • DIESEL MECHANIC • CONSTRUCTION TECHNICIAN • AUTO MECHANIC • CRANE OPERATOR • ELECTRICIAN • CARPENTER v • BAKER , • COOK 11 you served in any one of the —depending upon your training Armed Forces during World and experience. War II and held a classification Here's a chance you shouldn't as specialist in one of the jobs pass up! You can draw high listed above, you are eligible Army pay, with all other bene to enlist in the U. S. Army in fits, and be in line for higher a non-commissioned officer grade promotions while doing work in which you're skilled. Look into it today! Your nearest U.S. Army and U. S. Air Force Recruiting Station has all details. U. S. ARMY AND U. S. AIR FORCE RECRUITING SERVICE U. S. RECRUITING STATION 225 Post Office OMAHA. NEBRASKA SEIF-CHARGING PORTABLE RADIO ■ • ; >■» • ' -v Renews its power over and over again Of course it’s more fun to play this sensational new; portable. With this set you don’t have the trouble and expense of regular battery replacements. Its compact leak-proof airplane type storage battery renews its power whenever you plug it in to AC house current. Then it recharges even while it plays. Stores up power for more hours of use—anywhere. And the battery has an 18 month guarantee. You’ve never heard such tone in a 250 portable before. Or such clean-cut AQQ HA tuning. All the programs you usually, get on a big set at home. » And it’s yours for only , « . . PHILIP’S DPT.STORE 24 TH & O. SO.QMAHA '- I fankaussies! An oddity of the Australian cen sus Included the American naval task force on visit. They were in cluded in the count, thus offsetting the numbers of Australians over seas and in Japan, who were not included. Twelve thousand census takers were employed in the house to-house canvass. * 0 tfestinghoHse Bectub Comforter with the Automatic Watchman CoMral Just set the Automatic Watchman Control and you’re all aat to sleep in fneQow warmth the whole night through: One lightweight, Westinghouse Electric Com forter is all you’ll ever need even on the coldest nights. Plugs into any a-c outlet: The bedside control, dainty as a powder box, will then automatically maintain the selected degree of warmth regardless of changes in room temperature. The lush rayon satin cover is available in three rich, gorgeous colors: Rose, Blue or Green. It is easily dry-cleaned and the innw warming sheet can be removed for laundering: '-A blessing to persons allergic to weal* not an ounce of animal fibers in the entire Comforter : : : mothproof, too: 72" x 86* for ample tuck-in: Approved by Under writers’ Laboratories, Inc. Come in for * demonstration; • ~ " • I Hm dator "poarier W control automatically com pensates for changes to Comforter won't sfipoff the bed. The underside of spun rayon faille anchors the Comforter to the bod. Makes bedmaking easy ... fast! There’s only ooe bed covering! So colorful, ao spread is ever needed Sayon min dpn for dry cleaning. Imar warming sheet eaaaflS Philips Department Store 24 & 'O’ So. Omaha\ These Are Dry Bogs Contrary to popular opinion, a cranberry “bog” is not wet, ex cept when deliberately flooded as protection against frost. At all oth er times a “bog” is as dry as your front lawn. The name "bog” ap parently comes from the fact that cranberry plantations are built on maple or cedar swamps that have been cleared and drained. Replacement of Poles The average life of a wooden wire service pdle is 20 years. Sixty-four ' million wooden poles are in use to day for power and telephone lines; 16 poles per mile for power lines and 40 a mile for telephone lines. With the present number of poles, the industry must replace nearly 15 million poles each year. Contractors College The first tile contractors course ever offered by a college or univer sity is being held at New York’s City college. Scientific Teeth I Jeanne Conrad lends teeth tl Lyons tooth paste scientists whost rlectronic device measures polisfe »n teeth. Thousands of tests ort icores of individual teeth have (hown new paste polishes teeth 2’it c 5 Mi times brighter .than anj Ben and tbe ice Cream Soda Franklin institute was founded in honor of Benjamin Franklin to pro mote the practical sciences of the world. One honor, not usually asso ciated with the institute was that the first ice cream soda was sold at the Franklin institute exhibition of 1874. A school of design for women also wag founded by the institute in the year 1850. Other firsts were the tests of electric dynamos; stand ards for screw and bolt threads, and the first extension table. Importance of Wheat Recent studies of the department of agriculture show that wheat is second only to com in economic im portance among the cereal crops of this country and is grown in nearly all of the 48 states. It is the farm ers’ chief cash crop over very large areas and its culture is mechanized to a larger extent than that of any other major crop. Platinum Foxes Possible By depriving ordinary silver foxes of one of the “B’’ group of vitamins, it is possible to obtain a platinum fox. This discovery was made at University of California However, the platinized foxes do not produce furs so durable as the Norwegian variety. The only fox that is being raised commercially to any great extent in the United States is the silver fox. Perhaps they lend themselves to confine ment better than most wild ani mals. The grey fox is much slower than the red fox. The red fox has been known to cover a given dis tance at the rate of 30 miles per hour. Long Hibernation The hoary marmot of the north ern Rockies spends the longest time in hibernation. He is the first to go into hibernation in the fall and the last to come out in the spring in a region where the winters are long est. Origin of Softball Softball is an outgrowth of the games of indoor baseball, play ground ball, kitten ball and dia mond baU. Since 1909 it became so popular that by 1935 a world serier was played in Chicago. INSULATE YOUR ATTIC SAVE 30% ON1 FUEL BILLS ROCK WOOL BATTS Medium Thick, Per 100 sq. ft. $5.00 ROCK WOOL BATTS Extra Thick, Per 100 sq. ft. i $6.95 ALSO GRANULATED ROCK W OOL CEILING TILE 16” X 32” Size 8%^ per sq. ft. WALLBOARD 4 ,X 8 Sheets 6^4c per sq. ft. FIR PLYWOOD U”, %”M ”, 4X8 Sheets OAK FLOORING' it” X 2*4”, if” X 1V2” Also %” X l*/2” LARGE STOCK 2” DIMENSION BOARDS, SIDING, BEADED! CEILINGS, TIMBERS, MILL WORK, ETC. RIVETT LUMBER GOAL Co. t 4415 LAKE STREET PHONE—PL. 1234 •r i the greatest improvement in RECORD PLAYING since the 1 invention of the phonograph! New Miracle tone arm uses no coil, no crystal, no filament, no special tubes. Plays records like magic. Even your old est records come to life with vivid bril liance . . . unmarred by needle scratch, "talk-back,” or other disturbing surface noise. Hear it today! • • Improved changer plays up to 12 records • Changes records in 3Vi seconds • Admiral-Perfected superhet radio • Storage space for 108 records in albums • Automatic bass compensation for tone balance • Easy-to-read vertical slide-nde dial • 4-knob control just like highest priced consoles • Mohogcny or blonde cabinet with metal grille slightly higher &~zr<5ir/ SKOMAL HARDWARE 1247 SOUTH 13 th.TS. Child Health Services The National Foundation for In fantile Paralysis has given more than a quarter of a million dollars to the American Academy of Pe diatrics for study of child health services in the United States. Primitive Origin The universality of man’s love of color was demonstrated early in antiquity. Each region and sub-re gion of the globe developed its own dye sources. It is estimated that nearly 1,000 different plants, vines, shrubs and trees were, at one time or another, employed for extract ing dyes. However i„iy a few of the primitivw ayes survived to an cient and medieval times. Home Building Facts The retail cost of building mate rials is about double the cost 01 then: production, says a Twentieth Century fund report. Used houses account roughly for three fourths of annual residential sales and 10 per cent of the total new dwellings be fore the war were produced under public auspices. About 40 per cent of the communities in the United States do not have building codes. -1— Making Waterproof Glue Waterproof glue having good ad hesive qualities can be made by soaking ordinary glue in water un til it swells, then draining. Put the glue in a glue pot and add an equal amount of linseed oil, cook this mixture slowly until the mix ture is a jellylike mass. It will spread easily if heated before be ing used. A NEIL SCOTT MODEL Beautiful Mary Cunningham ir the very first young lady chosen I by Neil Scott to model for thf Spool Cotton Company, two yrs * ago. Since that time Miss Cunm ingham has grown to be one of the most popular and most phot ographed models in America. We take great pride in Miss. Cunning ham s all around beauty, poise and flexibility. Miss Cunningham is proud to exhibit this smart looking open crown crocheted ha: This hat is made^f pearl cottor in easy-to-do single crochet stitch with an open work design. Edg< of brim is trimmed with veiling and ribbon of a contrasting color No fooling, this number is a mus' in your wardrobe and you must put it there yourself. You must make it with your own hands Why, this little number will cost you as much as twenty-five dol lars at the smart millinery shops. You can make it at home fo.t three dollars. For complete im structions on how to make youi hat, write to the Spool Cotton Co. 745 Fifth Ave., New York 19, N. Y., and ask for instructions or PC 5066. Don’t let your pocket book down. Get this hat worn by Mary* Cunningham. \_ A PIONEER IN OMAHA HISTORY .... A PIONEER IN MIDWEST EDUUCTION Creighton University Founded in 1878 # Creighton College 0 School of Dentistry 0 University College 0 School of Journalism 0 College of Commerce 0 School of Law 0 College of Pharmacy 0 School sof Medicine 0 Graduate School 0 School of Nursing —SUMMER SESSIONS— —EVENING SESSIONS— —INSTITUTE OF INDIVIDUAL RELATIONS— A JESUIT INSTITUTION For information, write the registrar, Creighton University. 2410 California Street, Omaha 2, Nebraska -A FULLY ACCREDITED & APPROVED UNIVERSITY— Covers the Entire World An airliner travels 464,000 miles #or year, compared to an average Pullman distance of 145,000 miles. Since Pearl Harbor the number of civil pilots in the United States has Increased about 400 per cent, from 100,800 in 1941 to 400,000 last year. The past year America’s swarm of civilian planes increased nearly 122 per cent. The planes and pilots are aided by nearly 5,000 farmers who voluntarily make daily observations for the U. S. weather bureau. Forestry in Europe The Zurich municipal forest, the Sihlwald, has been producing wood crops for nearly a thousand years, and in 1422 the city council decided that the cut of that forest should not exceed 20,000 pieces of timber per year. This order constituted the first recorded forest regulation that is known. Led by Germany, Swe den and France, all the principal European countries now have gov ernment forest agencies in many cases have laws to regulate the cut ting of timber on private lands. Over 70 years of Quality •» STORz BREWIXG CO. OMAHA. NEBR.