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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1948)
TWENTY FIRST ANNIVERSARY EDITION RELIABLE HOME IMPROVEMENT CO." Omaha Complete Home Improvement Headquarters —“F EATURIN G”— “TrfE LATEST AND MOST MODERN TYPE OF STUDIO PORCH” Siding Roofing Porch Enclosures Fences Chain link Cutters Painting Oil burners Furnaces '* *AV« RES, OF MR. AND MRS. EARL Me CUTCHEON- 2102 GRACE ST. Wodden Picket Fence . Recreation Rooms NO DOWN PAYMENTS FREE ESTIMATES LIBERAL PAYMENTS 24th and GRACE STREETS ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS FOR THE HOME —PHONE —Allan tic 1469— __\ GUARD ' THAT PAY CHECK You, and you alone know how hard you work for ' every dollar you earn. And l you know that you can | spend each dollar only j once! Make sure you gel full value for every dollar spent. Hinky-Dmky Food Stores offer maximum val ues for your food dollar! Shop and Food Save at Stores BY YOUR FLOWERS AND CORSAGES FROM ! ROGERS FLORIST I | 150-^ FARNAM ST. Phone WEbster 3543 | _ —^ . .v • -*.,vias®a*a«NH. I —PERSONAL ATTENTION_ “ "Put your memories * on record" with / Kecordio -W-W-JV WILCOX-GAY the RECORDING radio-phonograph f • Neat, modern and petite, this space-saving RECORDIO saves your most precious memories permanently for future enjoyment. It makes recordings from its own microphone or built-in radio for immediate playback. At the touch of a button it converts into a radio-phono graph (automatic record changer on slide-out shelf) or a handy home sound system. En joy full-family entertain ment-see RECORDIO now! RECORDIO DISCS PlAY ON ANY PHONOGRAPH I ^ the MANHATTAN PARAMOUNT RADIO SHOP 2002 FARNAM ST. * PHONE AT-8400 The Choicest Product of the Brewers' Art Install RUSCO and you’ll never ! change another screen or storm sash. This two-in-one combination assures year ’round protection. Saves up to one-third of fuel bill winter. . . gives rainproof; draft-free, filtered-screen ventila tion in summer. No down payment. « * 3 years t to nav! ■Other Micklin Services Cl Roofing and Siding Cl Insulation & Weatherstripping Cl Adjustable Steel Foundation Posts C3 Porch Enclosures Cl Arro-Lock Shingles ; —Free Estimates— MODERN APPLIANCE CC, “Now Showing Complete Ap-1 pliance tinea” Mr. A. L. Young and George Huettelmaier, co-owners of! the Modern Appliance Company, lo cated at 24th and N streets in South Omaha, are now featuring National Advertised brands of household appliances and cord ially invite you to inspect their complete line of 1948 freezers, washers, ironers, radios, stoves (gas, electric and oil) and other useful home appliances. They ap preciate your trade. FURNITURE FOR SALE—New Floor Lamp and Kneehole Desk $15.50 Occas other things. Call after 1130 p.m. Sun days. 2509 Maple Street. HORACE COLE NOW ASSOCIATED WITH RELIABLE HOME IM PROVEMENT CO. ^ Mr. Horace Cole former well known tavern operator is now associated with the The Reliable Home Improvement Co. with offices located at 24th and Grace Streets. Mr. Cole will be remembered by his many colored friends as the congenial motor-cycle officer on the Omaha Police force, and also as the manager of the tavern at 24th and Cumin Street. Mr. Cole and Mr. Bernstein of the Reliable Home Improvement Co. are equipped to completely modernize your house. ) Your trade is appreciated. I j THE OMAHA GUIDE IS UNIQUE In the fact that it offers permanency to its readers and a reasonable actual circulation to its advertisers. And be cause, after 21 years of effort, this newspaper operates the 1st and ONLY complete Negro ublishing pjlant in the State of Nebraska. An institution recog nized by many of the foremost ad vertisers of the Nation. ONE SIXTH of The Omaha Guide’s income has been to secure new subscribers. It deserves 1st consideration by ad. vertisers because it has the largest actual average or bulk circulation of any Negro newspaper ever published in Omaha— Be cause it carries the news releases of every recognized Negro News and Feature Agency in the World—Because it is the 1st Negro newspaper in the history of Omaha to build up the confidence of its readers by 21 years of uninterrupted 1 service. I “PROCLAMATION” CLEAN-UP, PAINT-UP, FIX-UP CAMPAIGN In cooperation with the local housing Complies. Three Grand Prizes given for the 3 most improved homes in the city. Win ners to be adjudged by His Honor, the Mayor of our city. 1st Prize—Refrigerator. 2nd Prize—Gas Stove, 3rd Prize—Combination Radio. KNOW ALL MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, Whereas the Annual Clean-Up, Paint-Up and Fix-Up Campaign has re sulted in many advantages to community life throughout the United States. In Safeguarding Health and Safety: In promoting Employyment and Thrift: In furthering Fire Prevention: In Promoting Better Housing: In stimulating Civic Pride: and In making the “Home and City Beau tiful”: NOW, THEREFORE, Be it known that plans have been perfected for a thorough Clean-Up, Paint-Up and Fix Up Campaign in Omaha, beginning March 13th. This date to mark the Opening of a real campaign of persis tent and coi^tructive effort in cleaning up, fixing up and Keeping It Up. In this worthy movement of Cleaning, Paint ing,' Planting, Repairing and general Re habilitation and Beautification we urge each citizen to do his or her best part to make our community CLEAN, HEALTHY, THRIFTY, SAFE AND BEAUTIFUL “Presented Each Year by The Omaha Give Plants Milk Bath A milk bath will brighten up Ivy, philodendrum and snake plants if the look a bit dull. Dip a soft cloth in skimmed milk and lightly rub the surface of the leaves that appear dull, is the advice of Cor nell specialists. Indians Popped Corn Popcorn was raised by the Indi ans long before Columbus arrived in the Western hemisphere. It became an important commercial crop about 1880. Formerly it was sup posed that the popping of corn was caused by the volatilization of oil in the grain. The explosion is'due simply to the formation of steam within the grain when it is heated —neither air nor volatile oil, experts say, is concerned in the process. Popcorn with a louder “pop” has been developed. Railway Electric Signal Thomas Edison invented the bat tery cell which powered the first electric semaphore signal ever used on an American railroad. He worked 10 years on what is some times called his greatest invention —a battery designed especially for railroad purposes, the prototype of modern batteries whose use by rail roads ranges all the way from air conditioning to the propulsion of locomotives. MSwmm. MODERN APPLIANCE 24th, AT N. SO.OMAHA GREETINGS on Your Twenty-Hrsi Anniversary Accept, too, our congratulations for the service you have ren dered to your readers and your appeals for individual and community cooperation to those people who so badly need spiritual help and comfort in this world of appalling confu sion. I THE OMAHAjWORLD-HERAL D “IN THE SERVICE OF THE PEOPLE” 1 , ■ Nature of Wool What is wool? It is the hair ok the sheep, an animal fiber, a pro tein substance. It ranks topmost in Its field and its varied utilization in the wearing apparel industry is so great as to assure its pre-eminence in the manufacture of both smart and utility clothing, especially where protection from cold is essen tial. There are substitutes for wool, one of the most successful being Lanital, an artificial fiber made in Italy in 1936. Another, produced in the United States in 1940, is called Aralac. Both substitutes are made from casein, a product of skimmed milk. sCattlers Won’t Ten Popular supposition has it that the number of rattles borne by a snake indicates its age in years. A new rattle is required each time that a snake sheds its skin and sev eral rattles may be added annually, the California Fish and Game com mission reports. The studies indi cate that young snakes In their year of growth gain, besides the original button, two to four rattles. Medium sized snakes, during their second or third year, often gain two rattles annually. Adults most frequently add only one rattle a year, but sometimes gain two. Industry tn Iraq The climate of Iraq is continental, with varying degrees of heat and little rain and moisture, although Iraq is in the temperate zone. Iraq was noted in ancient time for the manufacture of cotton, wool, linen and silk textiles, also for tanning, carpet and blanket weaving. To day there are many factories, among which are textile, shoe, brick, cigarette, tanneries, distiller ies, ammunition and railroad shops. The manufacture of copper and bronze dishes and of gold and silver articles also has become Important. Caribou Becoming Rare Fifteen caribou are reported in northern Minnesota, only two of which are natives. Maine’s flock disappeared in 1908. The caribou are very good swimmers despite their slender legs due to buoyancy gained from their tubular hair which acts like a life preserver for them. ? Women Live Longer The average length of life for white women in the United States has reached the remarkably high figure of 69.5 years, according to statisticians of the Metropolitan Life Insurance company. For men the average length of life is 64.5 years, and for the American people as a whole, 66 years. The increase in expectation of life at birth since the beginning of the century results from a better control of infections tn the you’'" Vegetable Fuel Oils Vegetable oils, abundant in Bra zil, are being used to contribute to the solution of the fuel problem in that country. The idea of using vegetable oil as a substitute for pe troleum is not a recent one. Ever since mineral oil began to get scarce, experiments have been made in different countries with oil of vegetable origin. .jpy//A / New 6-Tube Automatte Radio-Ph on o graph with MIRACLE tone arm A new thrill in record listening, made possible by Admiral’s Miracle Tone Arm. Uses no coil, no crystal, bo filament, no special tube. Even your oldest records come to life with vivid brilliance unmarred by needle scratch, “talk-back,” or other disturbing surface noise. • Automatically changes records in iVt seconds • New, improved changer plays up to 12 records • 6-tube Admiral perfected superhet radio • Automatic bass compensation for tone balanco • Stunning cabinet with French Gold grille CLARK & CARPENTER 2710 LEAVENWORTH STREET