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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1946)
rhe Waiters Column By H. W. Smith Omaha club waiters on the ball with service and we hope that Capt. Earl Jones is improving from his cold. The Waiters Key Club extends a friendly welcome to the public at all times. Paxton hotel headwaiter and crew very much on the up and go on service to all guests. Are you a member of the NAACP? Fontenelle Hotel waiters going good on service constantly. Blackstone Hotel waiters are topping the service at all times. Regis Hotel and White Horse Inn waiters on the improve on service with a smile. The tenth annniversary dinner ^ CHRISTMAS GREETINGS from— Cosgrove’s ACME FURNITURE CO. 3863 Leavenworth J A" 5254 • USED Furniture & Antiques “Everything for the Home” BOUGHT & SOLD MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR from CROUNSE BOOTERY 1514 NORTH 24TH *££*££*€£*«€*« WISHING OUR MANY FRIENDS and PATRONS A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year from— Mitchell Dearbone, YOUR BARBER at LAURA’S BEAUTY SALON 1518 North 24th St. —JA. 7324— MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR • from STANDARD BARBER & BEAUTY Supply Co. 114-16 North 15th St. ATlantic 2120 Merry Christmas and. A Happy New Year Crosstown LOAN CO. 1819 North 24th St. r JAem) Christmas The story behind Christ mas is one that has given the Yule holiday force and direction for over a thousand years. Hearts are made over on this , day. It gives us great pleas t ure during this holy sea P son to extend our best Christmas wishes to all f our friends. f inlay & Co —Inc.— I j 24th & Seward ' “WE. 0232 I k Jtm k jMT k jm k Jktf .Mfr k ^ dance at the Omaha Athletic club on December 14 was a complete success as Matridee Ward and all the captains and crew were on the beam. * LIVE stock: j NATIONAL I » BANK ; ■/ “Omaha's Friendly j ? Banfc” t i) ( 9 Wishes You ( A Happy < l Holiday Season, j 1 “MEMBERS OF THE < * FEDERAL DEPOSIT * INSURANCE CORP” ! S ! : ; P MERRY & CHRISTMAS J W .4 HAPPY p NEW YEAR I f * Joe C. | STOLINSKI t \ COUNTY ? ASSESSOR * ^ Dear Mr. Galloway: I i | Through you, please j extend to my Nebr- j ' aska friends the Sea- ( son's Greetings and j f my thanks for their { I past kindnesses. My j j every wish is for ever- | ^ lasting universal peace f I and my every effort ^ ( will be toward that £ l goal. I know you all I t join me in this fervent | p prayer. I I Sincerely yours, ft f HUGH BUTLER * ( United States Senator ^ £CC€'€€'6€'«'C£' L I 1 MERRY \ CHRISTMAS \ ) and A HAPPY j * NEW YEAR ! | ! John i J SLAVIK ! J ! j COUNTY i • CLERK ft 1 North Carolina is the newest southern state in which explora to ry drilling for oil is being car ried on. i I i I d j Checker Cab Co, l ; d —TOM CASEY, President. | f IT ISN’T ALWAYS STYLISH TO BE OLD FASHIONEDf. -but there are times when it’s very genuine— and Christmas is one of them. Yes, folks, We W ish You An Old Fashioned Christmas f this year. . . .the best one of them all. j Peerless Cleaners & Furriers \ [ KEnwood 1500 4422 Florence Blvd.J ' ■ > r ! f i > J : * ; - # i \ » » ' ■SAY TO YOU ... 5 > »» j i MerryChristmas \ ; and nks 1 I ... ■ .. | 5 for your * I s * <f • 5 J EMPLOYEES OF i 5 merchants biscuit co: » \ - OMAHA \ , Christmas is Comingl H j$£ jKg^FWjin "\ ——I ji inn 1 ii . Ji_1 _._ Christmas time is cookie time! Delight the folks with these delicious holiday cookies _so gayly attractive—so much fun to make. Crisp, spicy ones—chewy rich chocolate bars and the ever popular roll-and-cut variety, delicately flavored with lemon rind. Little Santas, Christmas trees and stars, simply decorated, make for a festive cookie-array when guests arrive to help celebrate the day. Clip the recipes now and be ready for holiday treats. (Bake extra batches for sparkling-eyed youngsters!) SUGAR PLUM CRISPIES Miv % cup spry, 1 cup brown sugab, % teaspoon each salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 14 cup water and beat thoroughly together... Sift together % cup sifted flour and teaspoon soda ... Add to first mixture with 114 cups rolled oats, % cup raisins (chopped), and 16 cup nuts (chopped) ... Mix thoroughly... Drop from tablespoon on Spry-coated baking sheets... Stamp dough thin with a glass covered with a damp cloth... Bake in moderate oven (850°F.)' 10-15 min* ' utes... Remove from pans at once... Makes 214 i dozen cookies. ~ —-" 0*3) ' / SAINT NICK CUT-OUTS Mix % cup spry, Vi teaspoon each salt, grated lemon RIND, and NUTMEG, 1 cup SUGAR, and 2 eggs and beat thoroughly together... Sift together 2 cups sifted FLOUR and Vi teaspoon soda; add to first mix ture, blending well... Cnill... Roll thin on floured board; cut with Christmas cookie cutters, such as stars, Santa Claus, Christmas trees, reindeer . . . Sprinkle cookies with tiny colored candies or red sugar. Bake on Spry-coated baking sheets in moder ate oven (375 °F.) 10-12 minutes... Makes about 4 flngen. CHOCOLATE CHEWS Melt together over hot water, % cup SPRY and 2 ounces chocolate ... Add % cup sugar, 14 cup corn sirup, Vi teaspoon salt, IVi teaspoons vanilla, 2 cups ROLLED oats, and V& cup nuts (chopped), blend ing thoroughly... Pack mixture very firmly into Spry-coated 8 x 8-inch square pan or 12 x 8-inch oblong pan.. Bake in hot oven (425 ° F.) 12 min utes. (The mixture may still be slightly bubbly) ... Cool in pan ... Cut into small squares or oblong bars. Store in refrigerator. Makes 25 squares or 24 ban. Merry Christmas # and A Happy New Year. « CROWN i LIQUOR \ STORE i 1512 North 24th St. J I rWAi THE J f 'VlGH'T BEFO^| tCfoukknaAi f May $ * CHRISTMAS * Bring You } JOY f * AND \ » GLADNESS * f Werner Paint & * ? Appliance Co. j J 2222 CUMING ST. J »*>3k *** W -W *Pi LOCAL AND NATIONAL NBWS EVERY WEEK! in THE OMAHA GUIDE Column* WHITE URGES PRESIDENT NAME WYATT SUCCESSOR - I NEW YORK, Dec. 12th.. Presi- ; dent Truman, in view of the cri tical housing situation which still exists, was urged by Walter FRJ ENDS*##! . } Years may come and years g may go but Santa Claus is with us forever. He’s com- $ ing again this year, with a « full pack. So sweep out * your chimney and get $ ready for the jolly visitor, f who has had special orders < from us to bless your home 6 with a very Merry Christ- (i mas. J I CTK9 (l s Gertrude t Littles } HUT i i (i JA. 9312 « 2006 North 24th St. 1 £ . ^ MM k vr: >>> hjM /S? I) -i.V HOW WELL WE REMEMBER THOSE OLD j FASHIONED CHRISTMAS DINNERS- j j father at one end of the table; mother at the other end. and the children in be tween, wondering if father would ever get done carving the turkey. And what mince pies! Wouldn't you like a Christmas like that this year of 194-6? We hope that your Christmas is as much like that as j the changing times will permit, and that 1 all the joys of the old days will abound. j ; MERRY CHRISTMAS ! from- I ; OMAHA MOTOR Co. I f “Your Pontiac Dealer” j t 27TH & FARNAM STREET WE. 4444 j White, Executive Secretary, NAACP to name a progressive successor to Wilson W. Wyatt, who recently resigned as National Housing Administrator. Mr. White stated in a telegram sent to the President on December 9th: “National Association for the Advancement of Colored People understands you will name suc cessor to Wilson Wyatt. Most re spectfully and vigorously we urge that new appointee be one with not only approximate views of Wyatt on general housing sit uation, but with Wyatt’s beliefs on housing for minorities in gen eral program.” TWO TONS PER MINUTE At the war’s end, supplies were being flown into China by the United States Army Air Forces at the rate of almost two tons a min ute around the clock. f Merry Christmas \ jj| and A Happy 0 New Year jg from Addressograph 1 SALES AGENCY ^ 1416 Howard St. $ AT.—9300 &&&$&$&*%&& [jjj SEASON GREETINGS Z TO OUR J CUSTOMERS— t? Nebraska t FURNITURE i Mart $ 2205 Farnam AT-3939 k MW Jmm. t, -mmm mmmm. t. m**. k. k \i946 \ • .* %rVaS «uv>riS Folks? 1 ■ * j ^ The snowman will fade & 0 as the weather warms, § ja and too soon we forget the joys of Christmas g tr and its mellowing effect i upon our lives. It is our ? a hope that this Christmas ™ of 1946 will bring you ( jjj many a blessing in the I y weeks and months ahead, i 1 BOSTON $ MARKET | 512 N. 16th St. MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR To Our Customers. Royal Dairy AND EMPLOYEES Merry Christmas AND A Happy New Year. J. B. Cleaners i 1805 North 24th St. 1 W Ebster 6161 SEASON GREETINGS j TO OUR CUSTOMERS I Benson 1 i Furniture i 5922 MILITARY , WA. 5611 1 SEASON GREETINGS from j COLTON’S DRY GOODS 2503 N. 24th St. JA. 5757 , Merry Christmas ^ f and A Happy 1 New Year | H. C. HALL EXPRESS l 1206 North 24th St. [ , JA. 8885 fWIWCWM Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from REID’S Pharmacy 1602 North 24th St. 1 ■m. m v mm m "Omr* mm aAV too PER COPY and Worth It! The Greater OMAHA GI'IOE r Season Greetings j l FIDELITY STORAGE * & VAN CO. 1107 Howard JA. 0288 * Mi MiMiMiMiS Bergquist J COAL | COMPANY j JEWEL I coal ; • 4 24th & ‘L’ Sts. J MA-0062 J i Christmas Greetings * i i I -FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON. ! I ; Kresl ‘OK’ Hardware Co. ! ' 4831 SOUTH 24TH STREET \ i JOYOUS YULETIDE 1 • i Here’s wishing that the light j of the season’s cheer will j glow through all you do, * adding greatly to you r I Christmas happiness. i i * 1 >> Western Newspaper Union j \ May Yard, Mgr. t 621 SOUTH 15th ST. AT. 9026 i w T ' E adults can learn much from our children—learn how to celebrate Christinas well. Let us turn back the clock this Christmas season of 1946 and get out of Christinas all the joys that children know when they bang their stock ings up. All together now for a big, glor ious Christmas, topped off with our best wishes to all of you. A Friend.