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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1946)
»o^y>^»w>y>wwv.v>vv,v^vtooooooooooooooooooa Classified Ads Get Results! IB6(**9»tr.WVWW.CV.W.W,V»V.VAV/VAV*4W^f^«i6 Would L-Ve to Buy 39 to 42 model car from private party. WA-8289 • Room to Rent—Single man or Woman No cooking. Call JA. 0699 ■'" ' ~ *-.. . ' ""' Spaulding Furniture Co. 3823 North 21th Streut FOR S 4LE— Chest of Drawer*. Sectional Book Gases Matched End Tables, sev era! kinds of Dinette and Dining room sets. Bedroom Suites and New Living Boom Suites and etc. USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS "Come In and See Us" BUY A LOT m Bedford Paik. beauty spot of our community. Call JA-771S._ • MrBrdjr Products Order Taken at 2306 Burdette St.. Telephone J \rkaon 7281. — Wrs. C. V. £Wer. • AVTOS V t\TF.n: SELL VS YOVR CAR FOR CASH! • We tiB cook to your » Fred King Motors AT 9463 2056 Farnain KKIGHItniomOM Ft'RXTTI lid * fUmiiVi IHIII* BIG SALE—« *»ere*»a*a. all *•»•-• BBua*. X* Stasnpo Led'ca Dre»*e» Ran. JVds Gas Stove* am O* ~We Buy a-.4 Sell” — TO. IT MSI ITU N. t*o. Piaro. heel. mi*r. furniture. STM S. 26ih M. M.V1006. ROOM FOR RENT-JA. 3315 • Ladies Fur Trimmed Tuxedo Good shape Size 20. Inquire Sharp Inn Cafe after Friday. _ FOR SALE—8 Room House, 2622 Caldwell Street. ROOM FOR RENT, man_JA‘2795 GARAGE FOR RENT. Suitable for Repair Shop, 2517 Grant St., ATIantic 0604. WANTED! Wanted to rent a 3 room apart ment furnished. Man and wife, no children. Call WE. 2235. CHICKCN DINNERS MARYS CHICKRN HUT. 2722 N. 30th St.. JA. 3946. Our Chicken Dinner are Something to Crow A bout. Robt- Jones, Propr. DAY NURSERY Mother’s Care— 2537 Patrick, JAckson 0559. I II MIRPK* A CLKANFII* FIMIOI M X SHEKMIA Uttl \wrlh 21th «t WE. ttOSf V« & Used Furniture Complete Ltrte—Paint Hardware We Bu>. Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART 1511-13 North 24lh— 24th & Lake —WF.bster 2224— "Eterxthma Fpr The Home’’ GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO r*rnpr nnd ndJnlnina;, or A'.uthAirai rarner 21M nnd (inter ‘ r.iirnalirf *••‘•sIhkp on both ”I«*t nnP '.rare, Idral f«tr 2 or more born*** • r •>*.|i«*4*lnl I > nulled sin Cbnrrfr croundb, Hoke rraaounlilr offet IHHKI)UTRI.Y. Addre«M ItOX A3Sr i ..r i nil II % -t»**MI !* - * * * coiiNiu amp cuipawci ~ ' ' y* *'1^ >"«■» -i»d weighted down with worry —T? j**,*n*. i.** *■*** mna '*» enuneei of >n friend sss, * •hs* r • ** cefr- *»« ">ai»d* • i»fr- *.« v i t. .^,.‘2, f prte.te reply* .end Me for i III r. Yr , * . RKADINU »>* «rh Heading, too will fta - -*—?* .»■* .oaotmctro. gdewe .n.lyung three in -—»**. I*!'■ —wope for roar confidential reply, and »a«r— " •«* to all +tter%. Eipmia roax -«H falAj Mi tum ®rti”* thm r*n m of rrutr Writ* U> THE ABBE' WALLACE SERVICE P. 0 lot II. Atlanta 1, Georgia ABBE'S new 1W7 Inspirational Readings are ready V E S.—J am 20. a high school graduate and live at borne I am in lore with a fellow and have been for three years. I am sure he lores me. We want to marry but ray parents feel that he is Just loo far from home He has sent me an engagement ring and wants me to come where he is to marry. He says be loves me and will *1111 death for me and I love no one but b»m He is 28 years old. Do tell me what to do. Ans: Make your plans to mar ry this man as there is a deep, ihidng love between you which | the test of time has not weaken ed. It would make your parents very happy if the young man could get away from his work long enough to come to your home for the wedding. Arrange it in this way if it is possible. If it is not. perhaps a member of your family could accompany you on the trip and be with you until the wedding. This arrangement would save your parents a lot of worry and anxiety. r •« We Are Once More LAUNDERING CURTAINS • SEND OR BRING THEM IN Eflholm & Sherman —LAUNDERERS & DRY CLEANERS 3401 North 24th St. Phone WE-6055 ✓ * -.-.-—. .— 1 ' ! BOU/I Your Cares Away. —AT THE— LAKE STREET” ROWLING ALLEY 2110 Lake St. JA. 9303 OPEN FROM 5 to 1 Week Days 3 to 1 Sundays RC5COE KNIGHT. Manager. Prises (.irrn 4 nr or each Saturday Might for Highest Scores of the Week. i * THRIFTY LIQUOR STORE • !TIMES, IIEER, LIQUORS **We Appreciate Your Trade” 2 till & LAKE AT. 4248 L_. __J *" .. ■■■■1 N a TRIANGLE SHOE REPAIR a • QUALITY MATERIALS, • GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP, • CLEANING & PRESSING, • HATS CLEANED & BLOCKED. 1608 NORTH 24th ST. J A. 0858 ■ j BUD'S ■ 7 exaco Service • GAS and OIL “fp Appreciate Your Trade” 30th & Wirt Sts. AT-9760 > .. ...■ • JAcLton 4411 1833-35 North 24th St. Chicago Furniture Co. • LAHCE SELECTIONS of STOVES and LAMPS Our Fall Special LOW PRICED CHILDREN’S DESKS Decorators Give Wiring-Lighting Tips For Charm and Holiday Cheer in Home Hospitality, graciousness and charm in a home, during the holi day season and throughout the year, are as much the result of well-planned wiring and tasteful lighting, professional decorators contend, as color and design of fabrics and furniture. To give the home an extra touch of the holiday spirit and year-round charm, they suggest ' the following electrical steps for : heightening decorative schemes I and day-by-day livability: A lighted aquarium for a bril liant decorative note in the living room. Cornice lighting over windows —ideal for soft general illumina \ tion. Adds an exuberant note to an otherwise somber room by highlighting the folds and colors of drapery in sculptural relief. Lighted Table Ornaments A floor outlet under the dining table for plugging in lighted table ornaments or cooking appliances. Wired crystal candelabra or chandeliers for a festive touch. A sunken spotlight over the dining table to bring out the sparkle of china and glass. Glam orous for holiday entertaining— for combination dining-living rooms where a smooth sweep of ceiling is desired to maintain that “living room look.” A spotlight concealed behind a cornice or cabinet to floodlight a Christmas tree decorated with tinsel and sparkling ornaments. Festoons of light covered with laurel, holly, evergreen or arti ficial red and green roping. Lamp shades and wall bracket lighting shields covered with Cnristmas motifs or holiday dec orations. Convenience outlets every 12 feet in the living room, every 20 feet in the dining room, for plugging in lamps, clock or radio where desired — makes rooms adaptable to furniture re-arrange ment. Displaying Yule Decorations Concealed trough for fluores cent lighting behind a couch to provide soft general illumination and to highlight pictures on the wall. Glass shelving installed over the trough offers an oppor tunity to display choice pieces of china, glass and transparent Yuletide decorations. Convenience outlet set flush on top of fireplace mantel for lighted Christmas and New Year’s deco rations, side lamps or light over picture. A fluorescent tube installed in side the flounce of a canopy bed. A lighted house number for the convenience of guests. Weatherproof outlets for out door Christmas tree lighting now _decorative garden lighting, out door living and cooking the rest of the year. Lighti - "’-itches at head and foot of .ys for safety and convenient.. Lights on both sides of mirrors in bedrooms and bathroom to give even, shadowless light. Lights in closets controlled by automatic door switch or pull chain. Fluorescent bulbs for a soft glowing light—new and unusual color effects in holiday decora tions. They can be used alone or combined with incandescent lamps on Christmas trees, table orna ments or front door decorations: no special equipment needed to operate them. Black Light Drama Black light for holiday and year-round drama in the living room—requires the use of spe cially treated upholstery fabrics, wall paper or paint which give off a ‘luminous glow when regular lighting is turned off and black light switched on; gives a soft, restful light suitable for conver sational moments or when listen ing to music. Built-in bookcases behind beds equipped with fluorescent tubes for reading and convenience out lets for clock, radio, electric heat ing pad and blanket. A night light in halls serving bedrooms—for safety of children and guests. E. B.—It looks like we aren’t making much headway. Would it be wise for my husband to go off from home and work and send me money back or would it be best for us to get a place some where else ? We have six small children under nine and we are having a time trying to make ends meet. Ans: Keep your family toge ther. Your husband may not be able to make as much money there as he could elsewhere but your expenses are not as great as they would be if you were main taining separate living quarters. And a woman with six children certainly needs her husband at home with her at night. Your hus band should look around and try I to find a beter paying job in your | own vicinity. A. L. W—I'm madly in love with a man that I’ve correspond ed with thriugh mail for three years. I love him and he tries to convince me that he loves me. Now the problem is am I doing wrong to put my trust in meet ing him? I thought perhaps he could be my future husband. Ans: Just put those serious thoughts out of your head as you haven't even laid eyes on ther fel ! low and you have no wrav of know ing if you two would be congenial. But you can be sure of one thing if he was seriously planning his future around you. he w’ould make it convenient somehow to drop in on you to get acqainted. Since you have never met, you bad bet ter not build your hopes too high. A. D.—Listen. I am 19 years and in love with a man 48 years old. We love each other. He is so laxnmxixxxixmxxixu tmimiiiiiiiiuiiiiiitimiiitiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiuiiiiuiiiitiimxi GUY LIGGETT SAYS: THANKS FOLKS: FOR ALL YOUR PATRON ! AGE IN THE PAST YEAR AND YOUR COOPERATION. Bring us your brushed wool and pile fabric coats and see what a fine quality of work we do on them. There's a Difference. TRY VS! PANTORIUM 1513 JONES ST—AT. 4383 4512 SO. 24th—M A. 1283 I 3054 SO. 32nd AVE.—JA. 1548 SAVE 10% for Cash & Carry Pick-Up and Delivery Service in All Parts of the City Every I day. sweet, what shall I do ? I am true to this man and I don't have other boyfriends as he gives me anything I want. i It’s new, exciting and glamourous to be courted by a mature gentleman who knows all the social graces and has the means to shower you with gifts Nevertheless, don’t you forget that there is practically 30 years difference in your ages and this alone will cause your love to grow ! cool in a very short while. The | older man pleases your vanity temporarily, but he will never be able to satisfy your desire for ga ety, good times and the usual pleasures that young people your age enjoy. B. E. P.—I have been keeping company with a very nice young man but spoiled. At present we don’t agree. Although he says he loves me and I know I love him. Yes, I am married, and my hus 'band says that it is he that I love. He is also nice to me. Please ad vise me what to do? Ans: Grow were sup posed to have given up romanc ing with other fellows when you married your husband. Whether you realize it or not, your busband is being pretty swell to be as len ient with your goings-on as he is and you had beter get your head level and appreciate the chance he is offering you. Give up the other man. The Week By H. W. Smith A heavily loaded motor coach in Los Angeles crashed into a truck on Dec. 13. One person was killed and 50 injured. Two men held up the employ ees of a branch bank on December 12 in Detroit and were captured. Grand jury in St. Clair County ‘Illinois returned indictments a gainst the city council and the sheriff of East St. Louis. The charge was malfeasence in office. The police commissioner was also indicted. A nineteen year old girl was brought down from a snow cover ed mountain on December 16th to Denver suffering from giving birth to a still born child. The Hawaiian Naval yard was slightly damaged by fire Dec. 15. The fire swept by two dry docks. Minnesota Republicans have be gun a campaign for Harold E* for President of the U. S. At the rate the population of Chicago is increasing, it is esti mated that bv 1950 the population will be 3.652.000. James C. Blanton, a cook on -MARY’S CHICKEN HUT • BARBECUED RIBS & SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN “OUR Chicken Dinners Are Something to Crotc About.” ROBERT JONES, PROPRIETOR l JA. 8946 2722 North 30th St. ~ . Neighborhood Furnace Co. 2511 Charles Street -GUTTERING SPOUTING & REPAIRS INSTALLATION OF OIL, GAS, COAL, also STOKERS estima tes free a T—7 R1C & TERMS ARRANGED 1 f 3 IU » - ■ _ - ■■■ ■ :" ■ _* FINLAY bf COMPANY 'ICE —24 Hour Service— SCORED ICE AND CUBES (Open Sundays) WE- 0232 24TH & SEWARD — _______j the Union Pacific reported to police that three men entered the dining car and asked for chuck. When he told them there wasn’t any they beat him Monday night December 16. Alvin J. Parks New York gam bler, was indicted for a pro grid fix. Wire tapping aided police in the conviction Dec. 16th. Lake Street BOWLING Alley News By Mildred Martin * » • Well folks..the bowling lanes are really jumping with activities these days. The place is getting fuller and the" suspense is getting heavier as the holiday season grows near and nearer. Really folks, .the five lanes in this build ing on Lake Street is really not enough. There could easily be three more and they would be crowded. So you can see how tX.J people have become bowling con scious in our town.. I want call your at tention to the families that are participating in this sport. Mo thers bowling against daughters; fathers against sons and real> enjoying it; young and old coop erating so well together and get ting better with their whole fam ily in the sporting world. A place to go for the whole family; baby to grandfather. .where decency, manners and good behavior pre vail at all times. We want to congratulate Amos Dean, who has his own ball now. Now we know what’s in that brown bag he carries. We are go ing to call his ball “Patty”, after his little daughter Who is so very active around the bowling lanes. We decided on the name “Patty” for the ball because is goes every where and picks up everything. Good luck to the new ball. .Amos. Also want to congratulate the new team entering into the lea gue namely the “Bewares” made up of teen-age girls and captained by Betty Jackson. Sorry, we don’t have the names of the team mem bers as we go to press but will have them for our next report. 'League games for the week started out Sunday with the Tro jans battling the Junior Hellcats ] the Trojans won. two; the Hell cats one. Tuesday was the Lake- ] street Wonders against the Elks; the Wonders winning two; the Elks one. Wednesday night was the Lefties against the Trojans; the Trojans won all three. Thurs day was the Tigers against the Bacchanites; the Bacchanites won two; the Tigers against andODD.. two; the Tigers one. Friday was ' the Lions against the Lakestreet Wonders. The Lions won two; the Wonders won. Prizes for the week were won by Jo Bradley and Sgt. Eddie I Johnson. Jo received a handker chief holder for a score of 200. ! Sgt. Johnson received a vanity set for a score of 236. That includes our news for this week readers. So until next week, we say better bowling to all.. Roscoe Knight. Mgr. Globe Trotters Perform Before Crowd Of 3.500 By Jim Seay In the game at the Creighton University Gymnasium Monday night the famed Harlem Globe Trotters made their yearly visit for the Nebraska-Iowa Coaches and Officials Association. For (opponents) they had the House of David. A tune of 46-26 was played by the Trotters for the dancing of the House. The goateed gentlemen played ■a lot better game than was ex pected regardless of the way the score looks. Little Red Clark was their spearhead but the group as a whole were either poor shots lor just couldn’t get their “eye”. The Trotters featured “Lucicus the-Goose” Tatum all the way. He had the crowd rolling on many an occasion. You would have thought (if you hadn't knowm already) that he was a fugitive from Ring ling Brothers clown show. He faked, passed and looped shot from every angle in the first half but just performed from then on. On the basketball court if it had not been for being indoors and the uniforms of the players we would all have been confused as to the name of the game. The Globers played baseball, football and basketball against the much bewildered whiskered ones. Another Trotter standout in the game was “Junior” the smallest man on the team. Before the game Mr. Jesse Owens (fastest human) presented Tatum with a token from the Ne groes of Omaha for his gallantry in service here at Lincoln Army Air Base and his prowess in the sports world. This was the thirev-eigth vic tory for the Globe Trotters in for ty starts. Their line-im constituted Tatum, Robinson; Price: Moore; Strong. Pressley and Seeley. NEGRO GUARD SHIFTED IN BROWNS LINE-UP CLEVELAND, O. CAP) ..Bill Willis, star Negro guard of the Cleveland Browns, will be shifted to tackle for the All-America Con ference title play-off. He will fill the vacancy created by the firing Monday of Capt. Jin: Daniell. Daniel was dismissed as a re sult of an altercation with police. It left the Browns with only three regular tackles, Lou Rymkus. fc,r nie Blandiand and Chet Adams Rymkus and end Mac Speed;e also were arrested with Daniell and charged with disorderly con duct. FIRST SEPIA WOMAN’S MAGAZINE APPEARS New York City. .Global. .This month will mark an event with the publishers of ESSENCE the first Woman’s sepia magazim with emphasis on fashions and beautiful sepia models. The edi tor, J. Bernard Knighten, is one of the original SSch fighter pilots: and is now studying law as well as wwriting about fashions. He has associated with him are ’Red’ Davis, well known cartoonist and illustrator: H. Roderick Scott, leading designer here in the city [ | CROSSWORD PUZZLE i ACROSS 1 Nail 5 One of Israel's greatest kings 9 Sharpen, as a razor 10 Secure 11 Conqueror of Mexico (Sp.) 13 Tatters 15 Largest continent 13 Come into view 18 Cod of pleasure 19 Route 20 At home 21 Chum 22 Containers 24 A twig 27 A cunning tricK 28 Warmth 29 Not good 30 Aloft 31 Sick 32 Viper 35 Scanty 38 Inside 39 Leading actor 40 Basted 42 Quantity of paper 44 F-ase (Print.) 45 Sweet potatoes 46 River (Eur.) DOWN 1 Selected 2 A lemur 3 Species of pier (arch.) 4 Tiny | Solution in Next Issue. No. 25 5 Like 6 Lung-eared rodent 7 At a dis tance 8 Pleading 11 Part of a locomotive 12 Fervor 14 Meaning 17 Belong ii*0 to me 19 A joker 21 Abyss 22 Fish 23 Public notice 24 Be still! 25 Choleric 26 Sun god ' 27 Any split pulse (E. Ind.) 29 Internal de cay cf fruit 31 Exists 32 Leg joint 33 Guide 34 Seed container 36 Region 37 Wander 38 Frosted 41 Fuss 43 Manuscript (abbr.) Aemter !•> Pt *?'e i Number 21 Series G-M OMAHA DINING CAR WAITERS’ KEY CLUB, Inc., Contribute To Worthy Charities CONTRIBUTE $25 00 TO CHILDRENS’ HOSPITAL FUND AS YEAR CLOSES It is the policy of the members of the Key Club to contribute to any worthy cause in the interest of the Community and the City in which we live. During the year of 1946, the members have made contributions to the Community Chest, YMCA., Boy Scouts, Old Folks' Home, Nebraska Health Conference, Urban League, Camp Fire Girls, Children’s Christmas Party and a number of Churches, he Club also has assisted a num ber of its members who were tern porarily out of employment. The Club’s policy is to help needy fam ilies in the Community. Nearing the close of the year the club felt that it could not close the year without making some contribu tion to the Children’s Hospital and although it is a small contribution the members voted to contribute the sum of $25.00 to the Childrens Memorial Hospital for the year of 1946. The members desire that it be understood that during the year of 1947. if all goes well, they hope to double their efforts and make contributions to any other worthy cause that has the inter Kid’s Party To Be Given liy Roosevelt Post No. 30 and Ladies’ Auxiliary Roosevelt Post No. 3). the American Legion and its Ladies’ Auxiliary invites the children of this community to a Christmas Party to be held at its Club rooms 2404 Parker Street, December 31 1946, from 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. All | children between the ages of 5 and 12 are invited to attend. The Committee in charge of this annual party have arranged j games and refreshments for all. Boy Scout Troop 79 will be hosts for this party. Post No. 36 has sponsored Boy Scout Troop 79 for many years. Mr. T. P. Ma v,''mmitt is Scoutmaster. ■■mMWiliiiiiiiiiiiiiwinmiiiinmminniimmnn-H-— n • and James Baird from Morehouse College who is serving as busin ess manager. | LIFE at A Glance BY DAVID BETHE HISTORY IN THE MAKING.. ! The first Congressional hearing in | the south since the days of the reconstruction has just ended. . the i subject was whether Senator Bil | bo has abused his right to hold 1 his seat in the Senate because he denied Negroes the right to vote | in his lilv white State of Mississ ippi . . anti brother was the hearing short..Maybe they were afraid : "omebndy might start some- filli bustering.. The Republicans believe the ev ! idence against Bilbo (Oh. what the h. ...) Let’s say the State of Mississippi. .Well anyway, the good Republicans believe the in timidation against Negroes is a | serious charge and should war ; '-ant an outright condemnation of Bilbo or shall we say, Mississippi ? ( But that is only in the State [ of Mississippi. May be all right that we get together and decide I ’bether to wipe out discrimina 1 tion in Mississippi while it con tmues lustilv in the rest of the South, or whether it wouldn’t be a br;ght idea to just get out and start slashing it everywhere. . Oh, bv the way. cousin, Bertie McCormick popped up with a gocyi remedy for all the disfranchises and discriminators in a stirring editorial in his all powerful mid n-estern Chicago Tribone Wednes day two weeks ago. He "ays the "econd edition section of the 14th Amendment states in affect, that any State which denies Negroes the right to vote shall have its representation reduced in Con gress. That is. this representa tion shall be reduced in porpor tion to the number of people over 21 suffering the discrimination. He says this section of the Am endment has never been inforccd. and if the Bilbo hearing discloses | that Negroes in Mississippi has ; been disfranchised, and his right to vote has been ingringed upon, then Mississippi’s representation in the House should be cut from nine to four or five..Boy if that should happpen, there wouldn’t be so many blatherskites and scoun drels elected from way down in the South..A bright idea cousin Bertie, if you don't get caught up with by the Rankin Committee., investigating Un-American Acti vities. Well the first bunch of Nazis calling themselves Columbians were exposed through a brilliant piece of investigating by Georg ia's Attorney General Cook, .we need about 1.000.000 or more such men as Cook.. For many years the halls of Congress and the Senate Cham ber needed to rid all those Jim Crow minds from their rosters.. The Republicans have the best chance of their lives to see that all those monsters of freedom and democracy should take a perma nent vacation. .More freedom might bloom along avenues in other capitols of the world.. Of course I don't think the en ergitic Republicans should over do the thing by going heedlessly too far in their aniexity to draw the Negro back into their fold. . The Southerner is very uppish and don’t forget he has a loft of sympathizers in the northeast and northwest. .They might do the Negro more harm good. . It is a pretty sad commentary on a Nation when it has to squab ble over whether to regard one tenth of its population as humans. I think the big dailies could start a little campaign to sell all of our one hundred and thirty million 21th & Lake Sts. !> PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery —WE-0609— Duffy Pharmacy est of the community at heart. Wishing all, A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. Officers and Members of the OMAHA DINING CAR WAITERS KEY CLUB, Inc., 2409 Burdette St. Omaha, Nebraka MANY HOTEL, ROOMING HOUSE OPERATORS HAVE NOT YET FILED REGISTRATION STATEMENTS Many operators of hotels, roonS in.g houses; tourist homes an® motor courts have not yet filrjF their supplemental re_ M statements, W. S. Wingerd, \:W(f Rent Director, Omaha, said today The deadline for filing is Dec ember 31st, the rent official warn ed. Landlords may obtain blank forms by writing to the Area Rent Office at 1615 Harney St. Mr. Wingerd emphasized that landlords of houses and apart ments subject to the housing re gulation need not file the addi tional data. Landlords of rooms located in a hotel, rooming house or board ing house, dormitory, residence club; motor court; tourist home; tourist court cabin and rental space in an auto camp or trailer camp are required to fill out the registration form in duplicate and file both copies with the Rent Of fice. “We will gladly assist any land lord vrho requests aid in comple ting the forms,’’ Mr. Wingerd said. ® WATCH for The GUIDE'S Cameraman! FOR THE , LATEST PICTURES READ THE OMAHA GUIDE p citizens that: ‘All men are cre ated equal, regardless of race, creed or color." The dividends won’t be as monetary and lucra tive but I'll bet your will bring about more safety for the Nation as a whole.. BROTHERHOOD HOLDS TRAIN PORTERS CONFERENCE ST. LOUIS, Mo.,—It was an nounced at the Southwest Region al Zone headquarters in St. Louis that a conference of the Illinois Central Train and Parlor Car Porters was held December 12th for the purpose of discussing pro blems involving wages and the operation of streamline trains. Mr. A. G. Bailey, president of the Illinois Central System Local Di vision of the Brotherhood and his Local Chairmen discussed these aforementioned questions with In ternational officers of the Broth erhood including Milton P. Web ster; E. J. Bradley and T. D. Me Neal. The outlook for progress in the settlement of the problems of the porters stated the officials is favorable. $3.C0 C.O.D. plus postage ALSO CHIGNONS BARGAIN SPECIALS ALL AROUND ROUS, extra heavy, extra long 77.50 VICTORY ROLLS . 74.00 CHIGNONS_ 74.00 BRAIDS (extra length) 7 150 Send for Free Catalogue Write to HASRCRAFT 547 St. Paul* riaee Bronx, New York Dept. , gS**