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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1946)
GIFTS for All the Family- Jj Van Avery Sporting Goods Co. jj 1512 HARNEY STREET $ Si “To The Readers of The Omaha Guide” ^ Our Most ij 3 Hearty j 0 CHRISTMAS j GREETINGS \ - i [ Independent Biscuit Co. Jj | and- £ | Employees jj MAY THE TREASURE OF j ACCUMULATED MEMORIES ! i of Christmases past and gone j gladden your Christmas cele bration this year. We wish I for you all the good things for j which Christmas has always i stood. 4 \ i I Schulze Baking Co. ! 2215 Leavenworth j a i f MORRIS E. KUTLER J. GEORGE GABEL j S Teddy Bear i 'CLEANERS & DYERS; l Best Wishes And j ^Season’s Greetings: \ "Cleaning Service At Its Best” i { We Do Expert Ladies Alterations \ f and Men’s Tailoring- j t QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE TO ALL * REQUESTS. * ! WE SPECIALIZE IN- j ONE DAY CLEANING SERVICE J \ TWO HOUR SERVICE \ f You May Have It at a Small Additional Charge. jj * We also Give You Regular Four Day Service at No Extra5 f Charge including Pickup and Delivery Service. si I GIVE US A CALL- J ; JAcksonl578 I t WE HAVE PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE \ F TEDDY BEAR CLEANERS j \ (The Logan Hotel) n 112 NORTH 18th ST. £ The DAVID Jewelry Co. 4833 South 24th St. WISHES THEIR FRIENDS A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A i HAPPY NEW YEAR. t Merry Christmas ' and A Happy 1 F New Year f ARTHUR C. THOMSEN ! ^Meny i !QrL$twia$ ! SINCERE \ Good Wishes 1 | for a delightful 1 I holiday season ■ j from the store . t that friendship j { built. i \ 1 5 STATE | 'FURNITURE j \ CO. J J 14th & Dodge i I Sts. SEASON $ GREETINGS 4 to All of Our I Customers— 4 —MIDWEST— J CARPET & LINOLEUM * —Company— j 2509 Leavenworth * HA. 1377 j SEASON j GREETINGS to Our Friends and Employees. OKS ARMOUR & COMPANY 28th & ‘Q’ i GLAD | THOUGHTS | and Special Wishes Are happily combined to make this 1 Christmas Greeting * The Warmest Kind. ^ NEISNER’S BROS., Inc. i 308 So. 16th St. | !ff£(ee«g€tg€t£€i E MORE TOC TELL--THE MOl TOC'LL SELL t iGmfr. j GUO THOUGHTS And special wishes Are happily combined To make this Christmas Greeting The warmest kind. j ! BERNARDS GROCERY < *. 2010 NORTH 24T» . WEbster 1073 ) |P*c5eC**C*1cHI? ^Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year^ ^ Compliments of— | l Schroeder Realty Co. i "i _ 1911 Harney — City ! f S ^e°- Schrocder x$ Helen Young l \ IwHRhr<Ieder Clarence T. Carlson < J S v.i VR°W ey & H. B. Russell * \ ® Edna Cox ^ F M Harn < all EXTEND THANKS \ [to all our. friends^ I * "** I Davidsons Furniture 1 415 South 16th Street ^ “Next To The Orpheum Theatre” jjjj | “Merry ( t Christmas' | | from j ! CARL A. i \ ANDERSON ! i *««• | 16th and Jones &3*5Si3-Sr3-5)5Sj j£ Merry Christmas p and A Happy 0 New Year >* TO OUR MANY £ CUSTOMERS AND f FRIENDS. 0 “THANKS FOR YOUR p COOPERATION” 0 LAKE SHOE SERVICE P 0 Volunteers r 0 -of 1 America % * 0 Extend Greetings | and Wish You p Prosperity and 0 Success during the t Coming Year. 1 Season Greetings j One Horse J STORE | 28th and Grant I *MPC€*C€*C€*&€« W«C*«**£*M* : v P.ud h i % i AiEFuor J t t v?’ ' j May i < { f countless blessings | bring true joy * 1 to | j<9« and yours \ at . Christmastime. i i f C^9 | OMAHA STATIONERY* * CO. j \ 307-9 So. 17th St. t i 5 SEASON GREETINGS”" £ TO OUR CUSTOMERS. jj -- t Spellman Fuel & Supply Co. | 20th & Izard JA-0478 S€’««<SC'S«’S€!«€«« C«€€»SC»««<«£!«! I GREETINGS -OF THE \ SEASON y from The E MILLERS of 5 OMAR Wonder Fleur ST 9 9 l t a if f 4 t s f 4 t Wishing you the season’s J j best and thanking you for j p your patronage during *j $ the past year. jj I 3 i i * $ ? $ l ^ ! Food Stores I [ KIND REMEMBRANCES AT CHRISTMASTIME. May the Christmas of 1946 be among the most joyous you have ever known. €|k Ortman Bakery 216 North 16th Street