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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1942)
GOOD . READING ° I The OMAHA GUIDE M-y HEW TO THE UNE\ 5c -^ at vour _ _ ^ ^ LARGEST ACCREDITED NEGRO NEWSPAPER WEST OF CHICAGO AND NORTH OF KANSAS CITY —MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED NEGRO PRESS Drugstore fjji? “■3n^.‘7 j~f*——■ S&ffSfe 9S?*- Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday. May 23.1942 OUR lath YEAR-No. 15 City Edition, 5c Copy HEAR JUDGE HASTIE Under the auspices of the Omaha Labor Institute, Omaha will h»ve two bigs days of conference on the subject, “The Negro, Labor and the "War” starting: 10:00 A. M. Saturday May 23, and Sunday, May 24th at the Omaha University. There wil be many outstanding speakers among whom wlii be Assist ant Secretary of War, Judge Has tie, and A. Philip Randolph. A Big Banquet is planned for Saturday eveniu*. May 2*rd at 6 P M. at the Rome Hotel. This week’s Editorial Review • •• MIGHTY RUSSIA The fight which Russia has made and is making for survival of Rus sia, and, therefore, civilization as we have known it, is without his torical example. How Russia has done what she has done in a quarter of a century. ' no one seems to know. That she hag done a great task superbly, all agree. Now, it seems, Russia is about to crush Hitler and all Hitelerlsm means. Our hope is that on the ruins of Hitlerism there may be built a soc iety in which all men may freely give and freely share: where service shall be more than greed and the human personality more desirable than self and power. Russia is the only great nation in the world today, among the nations of the world, where white men are predominant, which is free from “color prejudice". In the United States, we ha-e thirteen million Negroes! in Russia thirteen million black persons would be Russians, just as they are Brazil ians in Brazil. Mighty Russia may do much to dissipate these harmful artificial barriers. THE GRAHAM CASE The case against Sergeant Gra ham has been patiently heard by the Omaha City Council. It has been taken under advisement by that body TVe have heard the case through several times and we are satisfied Sergeant Graham is wrong and lacks the judgement requisite to control his great physical strength. One fact has come to light In this case which should receive immed iate attention by the City Council. According to the evidence adduced in the Graham Eldridge case, Mrs. Eldridge was taken to the emerg ency iperating room where a police surgeon took several stitches in her cut arm. She fainted, apparently from loss of blood. And while in this condition, instead of being tak en to the hospital ward in the city jail she was placed in a cel. Even a dumb brute, suffering from a sim ilar injury would have been plac>nl in a hospital provided for such cre atures, even though its wounds had been received in a fight with an other dumb animal. Furthermore, it also appears from the evidence that Mrs. Eldridge wns injured sometime before 3 p. m. and bled profusely from her wounds for over an.hour before the flow of blood was staunched by a nurse or a doctor. tv hat if she had died from loss of blood? If as in the present case she had died after being placed in the cell on the orders of a police surgeon, the city would have be cjme liable in civil damages. And if the city were to have many such cases, it would soon be bankrupt. tVill the police commissioner in vestgate and report some remedial steps to the City Council. TIME IS FLEETING In an earlier day in the old south the so-called “white blue bloods" were required to learn a little aboui the Latin language. A phrase oi two often sufficed. One phrase it *Continued on page fW 2) Death Claims * Mrs. Madeline Roberts Gibson Charlie McIntosh John A. Crawford FORMER OMAHAN PASSES AWAY Mrs Madeline Roberts Oibeoa. formerly of Omaha, passed away Saturday, in Tacoma, Washington, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Gibson was wel] known in Omaha. She was the daughter of the late Henry L. and Mrs. Alice Roberts, and a graduate of Central High. About eighteen years ago she mar ried Ray Gibson at the St. Philips Episcopal Church .and then moved to Tacoma. A daughter, Jacqueline, and a son Robert, as well as her mother, Mrs. Alfred Roberts, were at the bedside in Tacoma. For years Mrs. Gibson was active in civic, social .religious ,and frat ernal work. She was a former Daughter Elk Ruler; active in the Eastern Star, and belonged to the Federation of Women’s Clubs, and to the Parents Teachers Assciatiun. j The funeral was held Wednesday In Tacoma. ***** ^ NEBRASK APIONEER PASSES John N. Crawford, 72, resident of Nebraska since 1890, passed away early Sunady morning, after having | suffered from high blood pressure and heart trouble since last Octob er. He had been living with his sow, Lovejoy Crawford, 2701 North 25th ^Street. Father Stams officiated, in an im-; pressive ceremony, at the St. Phil lips Episcopal Church, Wednesday. Burial was at Forest Lawn. Two sons, Love joy and Dillard Crawford, both of Omaha, survive. One daughter, Mrs. Flora Pinks ton. and a grand-daughter, Floren tine Crawford, both of Omaha, also survive. Mr .Crawford was a Royal Arch Mason, and a charter member of the Grand Lodge of Nebraska, POPULAR PULLMAN WORKER DEAD The very popular Charlie McIn tosh, 2709 Ohio Street, passed away very suddenly last Saturday as the result of a stroke. , Funeral services were held Thurs day at the J. D. Lewis Chapel. 2310 North 24th Street, the Rev. Mueller officiating. Charlie made innumerable friends ah the result of his long years in the Pullman service .and was well-liked locally. Three of his children, from De troit. arrived in time for the funer al. They are: Mrs. Clifford Griffin, Mrs. Leonard Davis, and a son. Gro ver McIntosh. They stayed with the fourth surviving child, Mrs. Harvey Carter, of 2321 North 27 Ih Avenue. A mother, Mrs. Mary McIntosh, of 2709 Ohio, and a sister. Miss Ella Me I In tosh, same address, also survive, as well as a host of other near rel atives. Eldridge Case Taken Under Advisement AFTER ARGUMENT BY COUNSEL FOR BOTH SIDES The famous Eldridge-Graham case In which the National Association for the Advancement of Co’, uv-1 People participated, together with Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge as oomi lain sn's against Sergeant John H. Gra ham, war submitted to the city counci for judgement Tuesday. Graham was charged with assault on both Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge while he had them in his custody. It was [ chat ged that he made the first as f sault on Mrs. Eldridge at her home, (25G1'- Maple St., an dthat he assault ed her again in the ‘Bull Pen” at the i olice station: that he also as saulted Mr. Eldridge at the police station. After the incidents at the police sln*ion Mrs. Eldridge sought to get a y arrant for the arrest of Mrs. Johnson, the woman who had as saulted her and caused Sergeant Graham to take Mrs. Eldridge and Mr Eldridge to jail, but was denied a complaint. Both Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge were charged wjth various offense in the police court. Mr. Eldridge was found not guilty of all charges: Mrs Eldridge was found guilty of dis turbing the peace and resisting ar rest and was given five days SUS PENDED ON EACH CHARGE Both fings of guilty have been ap pealed to the District Court, where they will be tried later on. The trial before the City Council, where the charges against Graham were heard, lasted six days. The evidence showed that neither Mr. nor Mrs. Eldridge were ever placed under legal arrest by any \>n lice officer: that they were taker forcibly fro mtheir premises, after Mrs. Eldridge was assaulted by Ser geant Graham. All the testimony adduced on be half of the defendant Graham, with the exception o fthe two Negroes from Chicago, who gave the names of Irving and Alice Johnson, given by policemen and employees of the police department. A number of disinterested witness es testified for the complainants, one of the most effective being Mrs. Evelyn Green, a friend of the JoUn sons. She swore that shortly after Irving Johnson got out of jail on a bond the afternoon of March 18 th, the day the Eldridges were arrested. Johnson, who was in the “bull pen” with Sergeant Graham and the Eld ridges, told her he never expects to live to see a white man beat a Negro woman as Sergeant Graham beat Mrs. Eldridge, but he could take it. The complainants were represent ed by Mr. John Adams. Jr., and H. J• Pinkett, while the defendant. Graham was represented by Mr. Dan Gross. ITILITIES DISTRICT TO HOLD HOME CANNING CLASSES The Home Service department of the Metropolitan Utilities District has announced a series of Home Canning Instruction classes. Thes* elasses will be held on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Fridays, until fur ther notice, at the Gas Bungalow, first floor of the Utilities Building. 18th and Harney, from 1 to 2:30 in the afternoon. The latest canning methods will be demonstrated for both fruits and vegetables. Emph asis will be on sugrarless canning of fruits, due to sugar rationing. LET’S ORGANIZE NOW! OR SUFFER AFTER AFFECTS Says George 7. Edwards In His Labor Writings &ALL&WAY from Clifford C fflitc hell Well, C. C. you have been so busy all week preparing for the massive program of the Omaha Labor Institute, this weekend, that I haven't had time to talk to you much- I understand you have some of the na tional leaders booked to speak here in Omaha. And that there will be much dining and banqueting. Tour GUIDE of last week gave the full program but I presume there will be some last minute changes and these, no doubt, will be found in other columns of thjs issue- I'll look for them. —— ■ While you have been busy plann ing events of national importance I have just plugged along in my humble way, getting acquainted with the lowly folks, sympathiaig in their sorrows; rejoicing in their happiness and living with them the daily trials and tribuations of the poor and meek. It is about them that I shall write to you this week, that is if I can think of the many contacts I have made. I’ll try any way, so please bear with me. Re member I am of but clay and subject to all the weakneses of mortal flesh and memory may not serve m° as well as it did years ago but I hope to record a few happenings any way. —CCM— In the pleasure field, of course, the big event of the week, in my opinion, was the Earl Hines dance. I mentioned something about him last week. And, undoubtedly, the little girl reprter. Miss'*??, of the ‘‘Girls On The Streets,” column will have much to say about the local jitterbugs, and whatnots, who at tended the dance. You know C. C. the torch singer. Miss Madaline Green, stayed around at the same house I am staying in. The one owned by the hospitable Mrs. Ashby Simmons. 2228 Willis Avenue. So did William Randall, the Road Secretary of the Earl Hin es Orchestra, and the permanent secretary of the Earl Hines Music Corporation. My landlady tells me that all the big theatrical people stop at her house, when in town, including such international personages as Duke Ellington; Ethel Waters: Xoble Sis sle. etc. —CCM— FLASH! I forgot to tell you, cv did I? that Mrs. C. W. Jewell. 2223 Grant Street, phoned up and told me to tell you that your God-child Mrs. Madeline Roberts Gibson of Tacoma. "Washington, just passed away. You know. C. C. Mrs. Jewell is the moth er of Omaha's popular Jimmie Jew ell. It was he that brought Earl Hjnes here. —COM— Just got a letter from the British West Indies. You know. C. C. wh»n I was down there, a few years aeo, I got terribly sick. Spent months on a tropical hospital bed. Every one thought I would die My weight went down to 135 lbs. flma?!n» that and then look at me today D While there, a little West Indirn boy attended me as best he could. I tried to teach him to read and write. That foreign letter received today was from him. Little Andy Jolly of the British West Indies. I’ll never forget him as I can’t for get those who helped me when 1 needed help. (Continued on page E3P3i STEAMSHIP LINE COME UNDER EXECUTIVE ORDlR 8802 Steamship lines engaged in the transportation of war materials are war industries and come under Exe cutive Order 880!, which outlaws discrimination based on race, creed, and national origin, accordng to an opinion rendered by John Lord O Brian, general counsel of the War Production Board, to the President's Committee on Fair Employment Practice, and announced today by Lawrence W. Cramer, executive secretary of the committee. Mr. O’Brian studied the status of steamship lines at the request of the Committee and came to the conclu sion that, "Steamship lines engaged in the transportation of war mater ials are to be regarded as defense industries, even in the absence of government contracts.” This opinion was requested in the light of numerous complaints reach ing the Committee from seamen and other shipworkers who allege that they have been denied Jobs solely because of their race, religion, or na tional origin. wjth an earlier opinion by Mr. O Brian that railroads are war indus tries within the meaning of Exe cutice Order 8802. the Far Employ ment Practice Committee has had its field of operations broadened. The executive order authorized the Committee to receive complaints and correct grievances of discriminaton in war industries an the government based on race, creed, color or nat onal origin. , In his opinion. Mr. O’Brian stat ed: "By Executive Order 9054. Febr uary 7. 1942. the President establish ed the \Tar Shipping Administra tion in order to 'assure the most ef fective utilization of the shipping of the United States for the successful prosecution of the war.' Under the terms of this order, all merchant vessels not already controlled by the armed forces or the Coordinator of Defense Transportation, are to he placed in a poo! to be allocated by the Administrator in compliance with strategic military require ments. "On April 18. Admiral Land. Ad ministrator of this agency, announc ed the requisition of all remaining ocean-gong tankers acquired by thi Government. Prior to this action, approximately seventy-five percent of the freighter tonnage had been taken over by the Government through purchase, charter, or re quisition. Now that all dry tonnage <5 BY GEORGE T. EDWARDS On May 23 and 24 there is going to be a Negro Labor Institute held in Omaha. This is a very import ant occasion for our race since it will be the first affair of its hind to be held by the Negro people in the country. It is our immediate task to see that this Institute is » great aucceas. The committee in charge has ar ranged a very interesting program j for both days of the meeting. Labor Institutes have been held before and have carried on certain educational work among members of organized labor, but more import ance shuld be attached to this in stitute because for the first time it is dealing directly with the problems that are confronting the Negro peo ple in all walks of life. We are confronted with a huge task in our efforts to organize our people into trade unions, but it is a job that MUST be done as rapidly as possible. That the Negro has been unfairly treated and discrim lniaed against in many of the trade wnions is a fact no honest person can deny, and it is for that very • reason that it is so difficult to get them into unions today. If these Lariers are to be tom down and die crimination stopped, it must be done from within the unions, for we can do very little so long as we remain on the outside, and today over the entire nation there is a great organ izing drive in progress not only to get workers Into trade unions but also to create greater unity in our war effort. In Omaha both the CIO and the AF of L. are making an organizing drive, and now is ahe time for our people, wherever posible. to become a part of this great movement. It we were to make a survey, we would find that our living conditions have rapidly grown worse during the past year. Why? Because we have failed to organize. In many cases our rent has gone up, the cost of food and clothing has gone up, while our wages have remained at the same level. And the reason our wages have not gone up has been because we were unorganized. In the peace that is to follow war. only the organized are going to have any voice—so if we are to have any voice THEN, we must or ganize now. Many of our people in Omaha are eligible to become members of tradu unions, but not understanding the real principles of trade unions.-j-n j have neglected to join. So I feel j that with the coming of the first Negro Labor Institute to Omaha we should launch a real organizirg campaign among our people. Or ganize them we can. Organize them we must. So let’s make a good start by making May 23 and 24 two red letter days jn the history of the Negro people in the city of Omaha. And as we leave the final meeting of the Institute, let us res alve not to rest until we have realiy irganized the Negro people. vessels and tankers are under dir ect Governmental control and sub ject to allocation by the War Ship ping Administration, it is apparent that all lines are or soon will be en gaged in the transportation of war materials and are, therefore, defense industries within the meaning of Executive Order 8802.” Mr. Cramer also anounced the ad dition of two senior field represen tatives to the Committee’s staff— Maceo W. Hubbard. Philadelphia. Pa and Ernest Green Trimble, Lexing ton, Ky., both lawyers. Mr Hubbard is a gaduate of Lin coln University and Harvard Law School. For several years he has (Continued on pagef^“2) To Graduate from St. Agnes School of hursing, Raleigh, A. C. I MISS MARY HEDDE WIGGINS, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H. Wigg ins, one of Omaha's popular young ladies, who has been in training for the past three years, will graduate this month from St. Agnes School of Nursing at Raleigh, N. C. Miss Wiggins is a graduate of Central High School, and attended Omaha >•••• .. -s?. vHHHIHHi U. before beginning her studies at Bt. Agnes hospital. While at the hospital Miss Wiggins has been an honor student for the entire courts of training. Mrs. Herbert Wiggins, her moth er, plans to be present at the grad uation exercises which take Diace •n Wednesday morning, May 27th. Hospitilization Insurance PROTECTS MILLIONS OF PEOPLE "3 cents a Day” Pays Bill for Hospital Confinement in Illness Accidental Injuries or Maternity • •*** During the past six years more than 8.000,000 persons have enrolled in the popular “3 cents a day” plan of hospitalization, which pays hos pital bills for individuals and fam ilies. America's annual bill for hos pital care runs into several billions of dollars and hrify heads of famil ies have been so quick to recognize the advantages of insurance against such expenses that this new idea has broken all records. Already the various hospital plans have pai-1 more than $100,000,000.00 in bene fits to policy-holders. Hospitalization insurance has been endorsed by public officials anl employers as a needed protection to workers as it obviates the necessity of borrowing money to meet hospit al bills. The medical profesion has not been slow to recommend hospitaliz ation. Doctors are else to humcn piblems and they know that too oft en a surgical peration or hospind treatment is deferred for lack o funds, with disastrous results to the patient. Hospitals favor the idea and ir> many communities have joined in setting up local plans. Their reason for doing this is two-fold, because it assures them of adequate payment for room and board and other serv ices, as well as protecting ahe insti ed. For, after all. hospitals are business institutions and must have cash in settlement of their bills. The purely local plan of hospital ization, however, is practicable only in large cities where local hospitals and thousands of members can con tribute to its support. People liv ing in smaller cities, towns and country districts must have a plan that does not depend on the support of any particular group of persons or associated hospitals. They must be able to use it at any hospital to which illness or injury may confine them and this need can be met besc b van independent company which permits people to make application and pay their dues by mail, thus se curing protection no matter whe-e ahey may live. The principal officers of the FED ERAL lift: axd benefit vs SOCIATION are among the pioneers In the field of hospitalization insu ance and they have policy-holders in practically every State in the Union. The FEDERAL hospitalization pol icy provides HOSPITAL ROOM AND BOARD—OPERATING ROOM —X-RAY EXAMINATIONS— AN ESTHESIA— LABORATORY —EX AMINATIONS — maternity BENEFITS—SURGEON’S FEES — SANATORIUM BENEFITS —EM ERGENCY AID — AMBULANCE SERVICE. All these liberal bene fits are available for each member in the family. The policy pays total benefits up to $325.00 each year. The FEDERAL LIFE AND BEN EFIT ASSOCIATION has an ann ouncement of its plan in this is3ue of our paper and it includes a handy coupon for persons desiring further information. Anyone sending in the cupon will receive full and complete information, including rates for fam ilies as well as individuals. The cost of covering the whole family is only a few cents a day. The inform atlon wil lbe received by mail. No agent will call. FEDERAL does not employ agents to call on the public. Its entire busines is carried on the direct mail plan, thus eliminating the expense of branch offices, sal aries, agents' commisions and so forth. Any person between the ages of 12 months and 65 years is eligible. Dependent children under 17 years of age may be included in a family group certificate. Children older than 17 are required to carry indiv ldua] policies. No medical examin ation is required. The FEDERAL LIFE AND BENE FIT ASSOCIATION is incorpora in the State of Delaware. It oper ates under the supervision of the Delaware Insurance Department and maintains reserves as required by law to guarantee the payment of all valid claims. Every individual or family he-vl may obtain full information by “er.i ing the coupon in the advertisement to the FEDERAL LIFE AND BENEFIT ASSOCIATION. Wilming ton. Delaware. NEGRO STARS FEATURED WITH CHARLEY BARNET When Chariey Barnet brings his famous band to the Dreamland on Wednesday, May 27th. he will fea ture his two Negro Artists. Peanuts Holland, trumpeter and Scat Vocal ist and Jack Jarvis on bass. Charley Barnet and his orches* -a broke all existing records at the Ap ol]a Theatre, famous all-Negro The atre in Harlem .when 21 mount -1 police of the New York Police for^ were called out to literraly stop the jitterbugs rioting outside the the atre, where they were lined up for three blocks. When Barnet was ready to appear in public for the first time with h;s orchestra, he sought Duke Elling tons criticism. Ellington offered him a numebr of his priceless ar rangements. a fact which Charlie considers most important to his cur rent success. In fact Barnet j, known to thousands as the white Ellington.