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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1941)
■H,,«... „mmrnzm TYP NEWS SYNDICATE m »| Charles Moore, veteran Negro artist, is shown here in a comedy scene from the new Republic “Desert Bandit," which stars the popular cowboy favorite, Don “Red" Barry. In addition to Moore and Barry, the film includes such well-known cinema favorites as Lynn Merrick,ja lovely blonde appearing opposite the star, Dick Wessel, Tom Ewell, and Tom Chctterton. / _ -TYP NEWS SYNDICATE ‘ Billy Conn, sensational heavyweight fighter, is shown here with Ernest • Whitman, popular character star, in a scene from Billy’s first motion I picture, Republic’s “The Pittsburgh Kid." Whitman, remembered for hi* • excellent characterization of the faithful servant in “Jesse James," is ' Importantly cast as Conn’s trainer In his newest film. ... ^flla}uL'^(>wrwn^ beauty RomwiEE* "umagBSMB— The Larieuse Beauty Bureau was established by the ^ Godefroy Manufacturing Company to study methods / of preserving women's natural beauty, and to make the results of this research available to the public The real secret of beauty is mak ing the best of every one of your good points and drawing attention away from your bad points. You have both, you know. Every woman has. But the girl who is consid ered beautiful is the one who lets you see her always looking her best. t Make-up is one of the most im ortant aids to beauty that we have, ut even make-up has its limita tions. It should be used to enhance beauty, but it can’t be expected to paint a whole new face on top of | our own. I Here’s a good rule to remember. Be lavish with your soap and water ■and with your cleansing creams; be sparing with your make-up. And speaking of cleansing, never, never go to bed without thoroughly cleans ing youp face! Many women prefer a thorough soap and water cleans ing at night, followed by the appli cation of a smooth night cream to help soften your skin while you sleep. j When it comes to make-up, be kure to do it in a good light, and take time enough to do it carefully. More and more, women are finding that they like a good foundation cream or make-up base, and there are many fine ones on the market. If you use a cream foundation, a cream rouge blends best. Use very little of it, just a touch on a finger *tip, and smooth it carefully into your cheeks, following the cheek bone line, and blending the coloring so that it fades out at the edges. The choice of a tone of powdei is very important. Look for om which blends with and enhances your own skin r *ng. Some girU like twro she darker one foi the first coaf final brushing of a lighter u Lhe second apJ plication. In powdering, and in applying your powder base too, be sure t<l cover the neck and under the chi* as well as your face. Next comes your eye make-up First, brush the powder from eye brows and eyelashes. Then, with a sharp eyebrow pencil, accent the natural curve of the eyebrow lino with short strokes. Never run a hard line through the eyebrows, fo this gives an unpleasantly hars' and artificial effect. Eyelashes cr be made to appear longer and thi" er by a little mascara to dari the tips. Use a clean brush this, and apply it very, very s; ingly. A really careful make-up tr a few minutes longer than a hr slap-dash one, but those few n utes could not be better spent. Yo; go out knowing that you look \ prettiest, and that means so r to your poise and charm! What are your beauty problems? Write: Marie Downing, Larieuse Beauty Bureau, 3509 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, Mo., and she will be glad to answer them. Be sure to enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. NOW IN PROGRESS! SEARS 55th Anniversary SALE Once again, we launrh our great Anniversary sale. The ‘sales? sale of them all. Hundreds of items throughout the store take on a new price tag for this great event ttat that’s ALL that’s changed> for Sears’ well known quality remains the same. Shop now and save on all your Fall and Winter needs! SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., 30th St. at Farnam St. Omaha, Nebr. LIGHTS! ACTION! CAMERA! Former triple title holder Henry Armstrong and Ernest Whitman— the latter Well-known for many dramatic roles on both stage and screen ‘‘The Pittsburgh Kd” soundly indicates that this is an other great year for Republic Pictures. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald of 1410 North 26th St., have a new baby girl born August 23, 1941. Mr. Lewis Henderson from Dal las, Texas, was here for a short stay in our city. While here Mr. Henderson was the house guest of j . Mrs. Scroggins and daughter, Mary Sessions. Mr. Henderson said that Omaha has many pretty colored girls, every moment of his stay here was taken by recreation. While here he had a very lovely ' time. Mr. Henderson left Saturn day, at 1:00 P. M. and arrived home safely. - , Miss Thelma Massengill, of Min- j neapolis, Minn., arrved Thursday, September 4, in Omaha, to visit her Grandmother, Mrs. Pullman. Miss Thelma Massengill plans to stay three or four weeks. Mrs. J. E. Lindsay, Vice-Pres. Mrs. W. L. White, Sec. and Re porter. Rev. F. P. Jones, Pastor. The Willing Workers Club of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church held its regular meeting Tuesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Niles Speese, 2618 No. 27th St. With a very large attendance. Their next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday night, Sept. 16. The club will have a pie sale at the church on Thursday, Sept. 18 all pies will sell for 25 cents. The Breakfast which the church spon-< sored Sunday morning was very successful and really was enjoyed by all present. The Pastor and wife and other members left Monday, Sept. 8, for the National Baptist State Conven tion which is meeting in Cleveland, Ohio, this week. The Secretary of the club Willie Lee White returned home Wednes-. day from a nine day trip in Miss-' ouri and Kansas. She visited her Father, Mr. Marshall Mizner of Richmond, Mo., and other relatives and friends in the two Kansas cities. Also her aunt, Mrs. Lillie Carter of Hardin, Mo. READ n. GUIDE EAST INDIA MERCHANT VISITS IN OMAHA Mr. Abdul Rohim Surker, an East Indian Merchant, recently visited the City of Omaha. Mr. Surker, was very glad to tell us some interesting facts about his native country. In India, there are about 10 castes of people. The high caste of people work for themselves, but will not work for anybody else as the lower castes of people will. Except for the Caste system, all the races of peo ple in India are the same, that is the color of the skin doesn’t play a great part in discrimination. If a person has money, he can at tend any place he wants to re gardless to the color of his skin, in other words money ih the only dis criminatory factor. Mr. Surker also pointed out that the “Cow” was the sacred animal of the Hin dus. The “Cow” is used only as an Sacrificial animal. If another person kills a cow, the Hindus peo^ pie will try to kill that person. The Hindus people also do not eat meat of any kind. Mr. Surker, who is a Moslem, and who is a Moham med, pointed out that the people who believed in Mohammed, did eat meat, but will not eat “hog”. Mr. Surker’s Sabbath day is Fri day instead of Sunday, as ours. In India, there is no intermin-/ gling of races. The Hindus mar ry the Hindus, the Moslems the Moslem, etc. The women in In-' dia go to the same schools as the men, but their classes are separate. The women in India do not work outside the home as the American women do. When they are mar ried, they stay home and care for the home, and the husband pro vides for them. The people in India are satisfied with the rule of the British Gov ernment. They also like the Unit ed States Government. Mr. Surker although now permanently in the United States showed how well he liked the British by being the 1st (man to send over a food package to British families under the Red Cross. Since the death of his wife, Mr. Surker has no desire to return to India, and he has become a mem ber of the Red Cross, the N A A C P and other organizations to show that he really is an Ameri-' can citizen. Mr. Surker carries a full line of imported furs, tapes tries, medicines, and his head quarters are in Shreveport, Louis iana. A cute lttle thng she is— Froshine Stewart. To most of -is who have seen her, wonder who has been responsible for hiding the talented little brownskin who sings so lovely in front of the Sunset Royals Band. To hesar Miss Stew art render, “Sweet Embraceable you” is to be thrilled. You will be reading about this girl’s sky rocketing climb to fame — and soon. CHOP SUEY King Yuen Cafe 2010»/2 N. 24th St. JArkson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. mi American ft Chinese Dishes USED-CLOHING Dresses — Shoes All Clothing for entire family READY TO WEAR VERY LOWEST PRICES Write for Free Catalogue Special Gift Offer Discounts. Bargain Mail Order House 202 Henry St—Dept H New York City, N. Y. (—AN URGENT MESSAGE—. to women who suffer FEMALE WEAKNESS Few women today are free from some sign 5? voitboptb trouble. Maybe you’ve noticed 1 . iOUKSELF getting restless, moody, nec vous, depressed lately—your work too much §; for you— r Then why not take Lydia E. Pinkham’s I egetable Compound to help quiet weary, \ hysterical nerves, relieve monthly pain t (cramps, backache, headache) and weak V dizzy fainting spells due to functional ir- | regularities. fe 1..F kriOV7i®° ?ears Pinkham’s Compound I has helped hundreds of thousands of weak ’< run-down, nervous “ailing” women to go f smiling thru “difficult days.” Why not give U th!s wonderful woman’s friend’’a chance I ^o^elpJfOU^j^tt/ Jn ex. for LNS. —’ RED OAK NEWS Mrs. John Cooper had an oper ation and is doing nicely. She came home from the hospital Mon day. Mrs. Cooper has lots of friends in Omaha and the all are wishing her a speedy recovery! and many will visit her. , Mr. and Mrs. William Parker, 2825 No. 24th St. spent the week end in Red Oak, Iowa, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas formerly of Omaha who are making their home in Red Oak. The Parkers really had a grand time on their visit there. Mrs. Ella Thomas, of 2310 Charles St., has just returned from Dallas, Texas, visiting her mother, Mrs- Cormickel. Mr-Guy Franklin entered the Old Folks home. Mrs. Johnson the house keeper of the old folks home has been away two weeks visiting in Denver and Colorado Springs, j Mrs. Johnson had a very lovely; time visiting friends. • Mrs- Clarence Kilburt has been; out of town visiting friends, and has planned to stay for an indefi nite time. Mrs. Kilburt is having a very nice time. Mrs. Mattie Bell Caldwell en tertained at her home, Sunday evening with dinner for Mrs. No ble, niece of Mrs. Dillard Crawford of Detroit, Michigan, and Mr. and Mrs. Childs of Kansas City, Miss ouri. Covers were laid for twelve. i BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS k/BONDS fi AND STAMPS s Come Into Our Office Interior view of our front office— be glad to show you around and thru Come in and visit—an attendant will our publishing plant. , *130 TTSTST^TST Metropolitan Produce Co. HOME OF LIVE CARP & BUFFALO A. A. Rosschaert, Prop. BM«HiimiiPBBiiBamifflmiiBaimMwuaitBiiii!iiiiJ)iiiuHtMgggmBaMmwmB RITZ Shoe REPAIR SERVICE New location— Across the Street from Ritz Theatre “Prices Right to Fit Your Pocketbook” 2022 NORTH 24th ST. J Thrifty Service 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLY COc AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb. This includes the Ironing of all FLAT WORK with wearing Apparel Returned Just Damp Enough for Ironing. EMERSON - SARATOGA 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 % TWO-COLOR V-STICKER READY > ' MAKE MONEY, SMASH HITLER! tki. i. .. artist’s drawing of APM’s new two-color sticker for use in aut* mobiles, windows of homes, union halls, walls, everywhere. __ NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS WHOSE SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE PAST DUE! Saction 526 Postal Rules and Regulations, Para graph 4—“The right of a publisher to extend in good faith credit on subscriptions is recognized and will not be abridged, although subscriptions are regarded as expiring within the period for which they were obtained, nevertheless when the publisher makes the proper effort to obtain re newal within a reasonable period, copies of their publication shall be accepted for mailing as to subscribers at the usual second-class rate of postage for a period of one year from date of expiration.” So, Mr. and Mrs. Subscriber, if your sub scription is past due for one year, you are re quested to come into the office and sign a renew al card, or give us a call, WE. 1517 so we may send a card for you to sign, or we will be forced to drop you from our mailing list in accordance to the Rules and Regulations of the Postal De partment. Signed, C. C. Galloway, Publisher. i “A Thing of BEAUTY IS A JOY Forever”—Keats BIG PROFITS Selling Greeting Cards For Every Day in the Year Popular and Religious, Christmas Box Assortments WRITE FOR SAMPLES AMITY CARD CO. .321 West 125th St., Dept. 4. New York City . Hen, Women! Old at 40,50,60! Get Pep feel Years Younger, Full of Vim ~ worn-out. run-down feeling I amased at what a little will do. Contain* general after 40—by bod lee lacking ihorua, Iodine, Vitamin B.. A write*: “I took It myaelf. Re. Special Introductory size Oetrex Toni* cost* only Mo. Stop feeling peplese. old. f**Ung peppier and younger this very day. FOR SALE AT ALL GOOD DRUG STORES | BUY UNITED STATES FOR ELECTRIC APPLIANCES You Can’t Beat the Prices At THE— OMAHA OUTFITTING 2122 North 24th St. Phone AT. 5652 READ The Q[J[[)£ .. _ V ENJOY LUNCHING? Wherever and however you lunch, sip sparkling, tasty 7-Up. For 7-Up is grand with any meal. It sends you back to work with that “fresh up” feeling. The secret is the 7-Up lalend of seven delicious ingredients and its delicate lemon-and lime flavor. Try 7-Up with lunch today. You like it, and . • • mrn lunch * w * n ww n i i i n You Too CanlH^w^ecwfifu! Hair LET THE NU-HAIR BESGRO FORMULA ! HELP YOU AS IT HAS HELPED \ THOUSANDS J OF OTHERSI ► ► L ► How You Can Grow Long, Healthy Hair | k Certain parts of the body grow to a certain size and no further, whereas, 4$ k Hair Grows always if you keep your scalp healthy. An ailing scalp causes Jr , Itching. When you scratch your scalp you make sores and scars. j| ► HAIR WILL NOT GROW FROM A SCAR k There are no sweat glands in sores or scars. The body is given power L by nature to make certain outgrowths of skin which we all know very * well. Hair is produced by our scalp skin. Each Hair Grows from a special j k little place in the true skin. If you destroy or mutilate this true skin | k you may feel all right, but nothing will ever form another true skin, jg k A scar is not skin. You will never find a hair growing from a scar or i k sore. Hair grows from the cells of the hair bulbs. If you do <fl j, not look after these hair bulbs, .hair will become brittle and break off. J There are two glands to each hair to produce oil that keeps it soft and Ji h pliable, keeps it from becoming unruly and from cracking. Every hair has J h a muscle which is attached to its Hair Root. In order to have attractive. J ► healthy hair, you must help nature to Grow Hair by keeping your scalp H y in good conditibn. Keep it clean, soft and eliminate itching and dandruff. y If you are suffering with head sores or scars do not delay taking our -u l complete treatment or you will lose your hair. To keep your hair cells J working properly and guarantee yourself a healthy, beautiful head of J k long growing hair, give yourself a complete Nu-Hair Treatment. Complete Nu-Hair Scalp Treatment consists of: J Nu-Hair Besgro Formula SFECIAL OFFER * Nu-Hair Pressing Compound ALL FOR ONLY , Nu-Hair Special Shampoo SEND NO MONEY $1 Just Mad name tad tddrttt. Pay Postman only fi.00 plua lew cant* pottage when h« deliver* the entire treatment. It i* Guaranteed to pleaae or money refunded! Write Now! NU-HAIR PRODUCTS, 1133 Broadway, Hew York, N. Y. 1