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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1941)
/JUSTOmulWIf^A^SraENEW^HILEITIS^IEW^^^'HEMrTOfHtUNF^ y |^fT»¥ LARGEST ACCREDITED NEGRO NEWSPAPER WEST OF CHICAGO AND NORTH OF KANSAS CTIT —MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED NEGRO PRESS ^ Under Act of March 8. 1874—Business Phone: WE. Nebraska, Qmaha Nebraska, Saturday, September 6,1941 OUR 14th YEAR—No. 24 City Edition, 5c Copy ASPIRANT Dr. J- C. Austin, militant minis ter of Chicago’s Pilgriip Baptist church, is one of (the foremost can didates for the presidency o the National Baptist Convention at its annual meetng in Cleveland, Sept. 10-14. He has been endorsed by city and state denominational or j ganizations and has support from , leaders throcghout the country. 1 (ANP Photo). RALPH W. ADAMS AND FAM ILY RETURN TO ARKANSAS .AFTER THREE WEEK VISIT. Ralph W. Adams, wife and two sons spent the last three weeks of August, visiting with relatives and friends in Omaha. Mr- Adams is employed as Educational Dir ector in the Department of Inter ior of the U'.. government, and is located at the Charlotte Civilian Conservation Corps Camp, near Batesville, Arkansas. He is the son of Rev. and Mrs. John Adams, Sr., and brother of Senator John Adams, Jr. Mrs. Ralph Adams Is the former Lavinia E. Scott, daughter of Mrs. J. M. Scott of Omaha. Mr. Adam states that he feels that the efforts of the government in providing an educational pro gram for enrollees of Arkansas have been tremendously beneficial. The responsibility of Mr. Adams, who is the only Negro member of the official staff of fourteen, in cludes the organization and huper vision of academic and vocational classes, vocational guidance, job placement, welfare, recreational and rligious activities and public relations. He works with two hun dred boys each six months period. Mrr. Adams assists her husband in this program of varied activities. Mr. Adams explained further that dozens of illiterate boys have been taught to read and write. Hundreds have learned and devel oped skills in such trade subjects as auto mechanics, carpentry, blacksmithing and clerical work. The new nationa ldefense program in the camp has been the medium through which fifty boys have been prepared to take places in metal work occupations. As a result of the boys participation in rounded program arranged for them, a definite improvement in personal pride, appearance, self respect, self confidence, commun ity interest and employability can 'be noticed. Before leaving for Arkansas last Saturday, the Adamses expressed that their visit in Omaha was de lightful and that they appreciated immensely the hospitality and kindness ofol d friends and new. LISTEN, PLEASE (By Patsy Graves, for the A. N. P.' THE STEADY RISE IN FOOD PRICES is bound to affedt the food buying habits of every house wife in the nation. Where ever possible, club groups, particularly thise of women, and civic organiza tions should turn their attention ti a study of (the consumer move t ment. Maybe you can't stop the prices from bouncing. Nobody can, it seems. Not even Mr. Hesderson. But you can plan carefully and spend wisely. Elder Lightner 2627 Charles St. is now in Niw ’V crk visitfng Ins cousin Elder Lightner is er pecting to return home around the first of nevt month. Miss Gladys Taylor left Mon day 1, to attend school at Oak wood Junior college. Miss Tay lor is a June graduate of Tech nical High School. Mihs Elaine Davis has spent the summer in the South visiting realatives. Miss Davis is one of the first graduates of Saint Bene dict. Miss Davis plans to attend a training school for nurse in Sa int Louis. Mr. Charles Harold is ill art his home. Mr. Harrold is the jan itor of Kune Memorial church on 36th and Farnam. YOUR CHARM FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY For your preparedness program, arm with an army or navy brace let — each carries service symbols _and locket. Gold color metaL tha right touch for good finish. MRS.. ROOSEVELT. DEPLORES INDUSTRIAL BIAS New York, Sepit. 3 (ANP>— Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt de nounced racial discrimination in private industry when she spoke before a group of fifty representa tives of business and industry in the Astoria Work shop of the NYA last Wednesday afternoon. Acknowledging the difficulty en countered by local boys and girls in finding employment, she saw a redoubling of this handicap in the case of Negroes, whom she said have a “desperately harder” time. ‘‘It’s not the color of your skin that makes you hireable”, she said. “You’ve got to take a person as a person, regardless of his race, creed or color, when it comes to filling a job”. The First Lady had previously toured the work shop inspecting the additional equipment and th« facilities of the plant. She had not visited the shop since June a year ago. On Thursday, Mrs. Roosevelt was hostess to the young memberh of the National Advisory cimmit tee NYA, at her Hyde Park es tate. Numbered among ithe group making the trip were Carroll Mo ton Leevy, 19-year old June grad uate at Fisk university. Mr. Leevy traveled this summer through the state of South Carolina gathering attitudes of youth on NYA pro grams in that region. ABOLITION SOCIETY YET EXISTING Philadelphia, Pa.. (C) An aboN ition society is still carrying on here. Formed in 1774, it is known as the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slav ery, the Relief if Negroes Unlaw fully Held in Bondage and Im proving Conditions of the African. Race. HAS $6,000 FOR SCHOOL, BUT CANT FIND A CONTRACTOR Keysville, Ga., (C) Prof. J. S. Ross, principal of Boggs Academy is in a fine predicament. He has $6,000 to spend, but can’t 3pend it. It seems that the Professor was allotted this money for improve ments on his school, but so far he hasn’t been able to find a contrac tor to do the wirk. Several have been here to look it over, but he hasn’t heard from them since. “I guess they are all going to bigger jobs,” he stated, “and I guess we will just have to wait-” But though the little school has to stand sttill on improvements now, many new things have come up on its campus since Prof. Ross took over just last February. For instance, there a new water sys tem in store and a central heating plant underway. A modem $35, 000 girls dormitory which replac ed the old one whflch just burnt down this year. The President's home, too, has been remodelled. Boggs is expecting a record atten dance this year and those who n not afford the $1.50 fee per person are paying it in eggs, butter, meal and etc. Mrs. J. L. Befits and daughterv Mrs. Gertrude Kendricks of Chi cago, has just returned from a two weeks sight-seeing trip coveting ten states. Colorado. Utah, Ne vada, California, Arizina, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Missouri. Stopping at Den ver. San Francisco spending a week in Los Angeles and stopping off alt Kansas City. The most in teresting part of the trip was Mif fot tunnel and the Gore Canyon, of Colitado. Also the Feather River Canyon of California. Mrs. Gertrude will leave Thursday for Chicago, Illinois. Dance Band Can't Meet Demand Where and When They Play It would seem that a word of praise for the meritorious work of the W. P. A. Colored Dance Band, whose popularity has justly been earned by highly creditable per formances at the Court House and elsewhere during the summer months, would not be inapropos at this time. This group of nineteen capable and versatile musicians under the able drection of George Bryant, never is wanting an audience wher ever it happens to appear; wheth er it be at the Court House, Ath letic Park or any other place with in reaching distance of the public. Its Brass Band concert programs cover all types of music, ranging from the exciting “Swing” to the imposing overture, each of which is approached by these musicians with an earnestness, understanding and thoroughness that makes fir perfection in any musical under taking. The dance units of the band are in constant demand, for their in terpretations of dance music im pregnate the dance with that ele mental something which makes dancing an emotional pleasure as well as a physical delight. WHERE AND WHEN THEY WILL PLAY FOR YOU. Sunday, Sept. 7 — Community Sing, Elmwood Park at 7-8 P. M. Monday, Sept. 8—16th and Pierce Playground, Dance at 7-8 P. M. Tuesday, Sept. 9—Athletic Park, 23rd & L, Brass Band, 7:15-8:15 P. M. Butcher Workman Hall, 4801 South 25, Dance 8:30-10:30 P. M. Wednesday, Sept. 10 — Corby Playground, 24 & Corby, Brass Band, 6:30-7:30 P. M. Friday Sept 12—Bellevue, NYA Resident School, Dance, 8:30-11:30 P. M. Saturday, Sept. 13—Fort Crook, Dance, 7:00-12 midnight. O.P.M. Comittee Makes First Gall on President RANCH HOUSE STYLE. |n the plywood adaptation of this National Homes Foundation southern farm house, large windows promise comfort within and the speeioat porch invites stays outdoors. There are two bedrooms, kitchen and ■*^8 Moot Many finishes are offered for inside and outside plywood walls. SOCIAL NEWS Rev. and Mrs. T. L. Crimer don ducted a series of meetings at the Church of God. 2025 North 24th Street, during the week of Aug ust 25. While here, they were the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Booker 2622 Grant St. Miss Melba Faucett, the charm ing daughter of Mr. John F. Fau ceilt, left last week for a short trip to Rapids, Iowa- and frorrv there to St. Paul, Minnesota, i where she will visit relatives. Miss Katie Beasley, the dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward left for Kansas Cilty, Friday morn ing to visit Miss La Verne Lee Miss Beasley will return after ai week stay. LABOR DAY VACATIONERS Miss Doris Ware and her mother Mrs. Rose Ware left Saturday for a visit to Kansas City. They will be gone for two weeks. Miss Lula Williams and Miss Korea Clark took a short trip to St. Joseph. Missouri, and from there to Kansas City. Missouri for Labor day. Delores Martin, daughter of Mrs. Bertha Lawrence just return ed from Wichita. Kansas, where1 she visited her grandmother. t The shapely head of a python, modeled with painstaking detail even to the flashing eyes, makes an ideal and interesting motif for the snake key chain. If you like the unusual, this will please you. Coming Attraction The fine dance to be given at Dreamland Hall, Monday, Sept. 8. Music by LloydHunter. Also be on lookout for Erskin© Hawkins which will be here soon. Well folks They tell ua Monday was “La bor Day” So let’s wait till next week, and see what we have to say, This is your week to week, Girls on the Streets turning the lights out on the news until then. M. S’s eyes are no longer droop ing for J. B. since Louis Hender son from Texas came to our fair city. Joe B. sure wanted to see Mary S. bad to go to her house at 9:30 in the morning. Must belove again. What you say Joe? Ft^DEFENSE BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS k/BONDS Band stamps I Washington ,Sept. 3 (ANP)— The six man OPm Fair Practce committee made its first call on President Roosevelt Wednesday morning, accompanied by the ex ecutive secretary, Lawrence Cra mer. Absent were Philip Murray of the CIO and William Green of the A. F. of L. John Brophy sub stituted for Murray. Their discus son with (the President was brief, but they presented the recommen dations of the Council of Personnel Administrators which moved to eliminate discrimination against colored persons in the hiring of government workers. Mark Ethridge, the chairman, said the committee had received only scattering complainits to date but these were being investigated. “NATIVE SON” DOING FINANCIALLY WELL ON TOUR New York (C)—Though a fin ancial failure on broadway. after only 114 performances, “Native Son” has done amazingly well on the road. Beginning its “come back” on July 28th at the Maple wiod (New Jersey) Theatre, it caused a minor sensation among the conservative theatre goers of that region by out drawng “Twel fth Night” with such Itop flight! stars as Maurice Evans and Helen Hayes. Then two weeks ago and last week, the race conscious drama, with Canada Lee always as Big ger Thomas repeated its sensa tiin in Bronx and Brooklyn. Daily there were near riots at the box office if the Windsor and the Flab bush, for seats and each pcvfo*v mance averaged at leasrt 100 stand ees. Although low prices have played an important part in making the shiw a success, its star, Canada Lee is credited with most of the present triumph as he has “con sistently brought down the house” There is much talk of a Fall tour for “Naitive Son” and this is still being discussed in the Shubert of fice. WON SAFETY AWARD First award and trophy for the best 1940-41 safety record in group B, Electric Utilities division of the National Safety Council contest, was won by the Nebraska Power company, according to a report re ceived today by Ralph E. Walter, safety director. This is the fourth consecutive year the company has won this na tional safety award. Its 1940-41 record of only two reportable in juries for the twelve months end ing June 30, also is its best in the past five years. In the previous year it Won the national award with four lost-time accidents. This year’s award is based on 1,819,620 man-hours of work by company employees giving the company an accident frequency rating if 1.10 accidents per million man-hours. In winning the award the com pany achieved a much better safe ty record than all other companies competing in this division. Kansas Gas & Electrc of Wichita, which placed second, had seven lost-time accidents for a frequency of 3.49. and other companies had from eight to as many as 54 accidents with frequency ratings ranging from 4 54 to 31.9. Distinction of having the best all time safety record among util ity companies was held by the Ne braska Power Company until a year ago when a Fall River, Mass., electric company bettered the local companys record of more than four million man-hours without an acci-* dent. That record was made by the Nebraska Power Company from July 28. 1931 to September 8, 1934. Oct. 1 and 2 have been set as the dates for the committee meeting in Los Angeles, where it will conduct an investigation on complaints against discrimination against minority groups. Similar hearings are scheduled for New York City and Chicago but no date has been set for these. The committe revealed that it had received reports of discrimina tory practices in several areas, in cluding (the West Coast aviation industries. Open sessions will hear complaints from organizations and individuals and then hold confer ences on the problems presented with the government’s training, labor supply and employment agen" cies in that area. Col. F. J. McSherry, director of OPM’s Defense training branch, j told the committee that he is im mediately placing 200 new Negro trainees in west coast schools in. anticipation of future needs re sulting from changes of employ ment policies on the part of some deense industries. New York has been reported to the committee whre four companies are said to be discriminating in employment. Chairman Etheridge* and Lawrence Cramer were In structed to prepare these cases for action by the committe. Sec. Cramer’s desk is piled high with correspondence and com plaints which as yet have not been gone infto. His secretary is busy with the details of the committee, having to reply to all letters, those seeking positions with the commit tee, of whch there are quite a number, and other complaints. Several newepapor nen have ap plied to the committee, it is re ported, for positions, investigation, etc., and after discussing the ap plications in conference, they are referred to Mr. Cramr’s office for reply. • <* ' ■* Governor Dwight Griswold an nounces that O. M> Olsen, Com missioner of Labor, has appointed Ray L. Williams as an inspector in the State Department of Labor. Mr. Williams' duties will be the enforcement of the general labor laws of the state, particularly in the interests of the colored work ers. B Bit NltHTS - S500.0t IK FREE BOOR PRIZES OMAHA GUIDE 14TH ANNUAL I FOOD SHOW Elks Building 2430 Lake St. 6 Big Nights October 6th to Uth Get Tour Free Tickets