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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1940)
THRU THE | Darkness I See BY FRED C. WILLIAMS ART AWAKENED—In the news this week is the story of 85 year old Bill Taylor, an ex-slave and farm hand now living in the old capitol of the confederacy, Mont gomery, Ala. The new South art galleries of that city are displaying drawings by this octogenarian which according to one critic shows that “his roots of art lie deeply within the great African tradition” The race is truly blessed in hav ing within its group one of their number who still retains his love for his race and is glad and willing to express it in drawings that proves his ancestors possessed an artistic culture that will not die, but is still slumbering in the blood stream of his people. Bill Taylor will leave a heritage that will a waken the present and the future generations of his people and de velope this latent artistic ability which under the Whiteman’s influ ence they have long neglected. WHAT ABOUT YOU?—The ques HARDING’S STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM PIE in the glass bake dish 33c each Glass Bake Dish Free! Serves 4 people. Made with fresh Straw berries and Harding’s Sealtest Approved Ice Cream. At All Harding Dealers START YOUR RARY RIGHT! WITH GOOD LIGHT... # Don't let your baby grow up with inadequate light. Install Better Sight Lamps in your home, and enjoy the healthful comfort they afford. You'll find close-seeing tasks made easier and eyestrain eliminated! Better Sight Lamps spread soft, glareless light throughout every part of the room . . . they're EASY on the eyes! Visit your Dealer and select yours today 1 You'll find just the lamp you want, at the price you want to pay! IIVF vZtl&t ••• ELECTRICITY IS SEE YOUR DEALER OR THE NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY trade^JH What a joy to get relief from a cough due to a cold. Get it with Smith Bros. Cough Drops. Black or Menthol, 5*. Both taste delicious. Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the only drops containing VITAMIN A Vitamin A (Carotene) raises the resistance of mucous membranes of nose and throat to k cold infections, when lack of resist- , ' ance is due to Vitamin A deficiency. i aiariimark -SICK, NERVOUS PDAIIIfV“EVERY 0 UlfAliVVT month": Then Read WHY Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Is Real “Woman’s Friend”! Some women suffer severe monthly pain (cramps, backache, headache) due to female functional disorders while other’s nerves tend to become upset and they get cross, restless and moody. So why not take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound made especially to help tired, run-down, nervous wom en to go smiling thru “difficult days.’* Pinkham’s Compound contains no opi ates or habit-forming ingredients. It is made from nature's own beneficial roots and herbs—each with its own special purpose to HELP WOMEN. Famous for over 60 years—Pinkham's Compound is the best known and one of the moat effective “woman’s” tonics obtainable. Try it! tion just asked, I have put to my race of people. It was prompted by a news item from a California paper which says that Jews double themselves in population every ten years in that state and that they are told not to succumb to fear and passimism but to continue their creation of new industries and help to expand those already created. What is true of the Jew as a race can be said of the Negro for just now, he is playing an import ant part in the development of the Golden State for the Negro must not and cannot decline to accept tlfe challenge thrown to him by the enemies of democracy and free dom. ROBESON IN A FOG:—What was to have been a triumphal return for Paul Robeson, seems to have met with failure because it is hid den behind a heavy blanket of “pink fog” for Paul Robeson, born in America where freedom of speech is guaranteed has expressed himself too often and too eloquent ly of his sympathies for Soviet Russia and the Communistic ideals which he imbibed when he left the USA. CORRECTIVE MEASURES: Much ink has been spilled and a lot of unnecessary apprehension has been developed in this country about the possibility of Black-Americans becoming Communist. There is one thing certain that the black people of this country are look ing forward to the day when the Constitution of the United States functions fully in behalf of all minority groups, especially their own. Albama could have killed any possibility of sympathy for the Communist by giving the Scotts boro boys a fair trial and their freedom; should have encouraged race lawyers to appear in the courts in their behalf and meted fair and full justice but instead, they allowed the ILD. to come in, make a fight and thus use this ac tion as a basis to engender the friendship and sympathy of the race. These United States and es pecially the southland, should de mand that Alabama wash this stain from their escutcheon and free the five remaining victims of the Scottsboro fiasco. THE SAME OLD GAME:—It was with amausement that I read in the news the following item: The book “RACE RELATIONS”, by Dr. Charles S. Johnson, and Dr. W. D. Weatherford of Fisk University, has been selected by the advisory board of Oglethorpe University, white school, for inclusion in the “Crypt of Civilization” which will be closed in May and not opened until the year 8113 A. D.”—here was an example of our white bro MONUMENTS & GRAVE MARKERS American Memorial Co. Quality at A Price—None Better TWENTIETH & CUMING STS. PHONE AT. 4927 ■ 1 1 PMi— —r— ■■ IIP——i— Robbing Pharmacy 2306 N. 24th St. WE. 1711 ATTENTION! Outfit Family of 3—for $4.00 Silk Dresses—10c, Mens Felt Hats —35c, Shoes, 25c, Suits- $2.00 Hundreds of Bargains for Every one. Mail Post-Card for Free Descriptive Catalogue. PROGRESSIVE SALES CO.. (Dept. B) 183 Thatford Avenue, Brooklyn, New York Slyter Ice & Coal Co. 2412 Lake St. AT. 7225 Omaha, Nebraska -JUI-— I _I LITTLE DINER Quality Plus Service Hot Corn Bread or Biscuits with Your Orders without Extra Charge. 24th St. At Willis Avenue DO YOU WANT ! Success IN LIFE? Stop Worrying! Do you Need A New Start? Write Me Today. Information FREE! M. WILLIAMS, DEPT. O Journal Square Sta. Jersey City, N. J. thers system of avoiding the charge of not giving every group an op portunity to show its real worth and intelligence. The book, Kace Relations would serve a better pur pose if it was placed in every libr ary and become one of the text books of our free educational sys tem. Let us hope that by the time the crypt is opened that those in that stage will have enough history at their command to realize how unfair their brethern of the pres ent age were in dealing with us in this present era. CROCHETED BEDSPREAD VESPERS #655 CROCHETED BEDSPREAD, NUMBER 655 Young homemakers who start out modestly and who live inform ally will thrill to this pattern— not too grand for every day living, yet has the beauty associated with fine handwork. Write Needlework Editor of this paper for FREE directions, enclos ing self-addressed stamped envel ope with your request. * Crocheted / Pot Holder Set "Design No. 9074 CROCHETED POT HOLDER SET NUMBER 9074 Give your kitchen decorative scheme a fresh new look with this set of colorful crocheted pot hold ers. Easy to make and inexpens ive too! hattie McDaniel wins ACADEMY AWARD Hollywood, March 6, (ANP) — Hattie McDaniel, who portrayal of Mammy in "Gone with the Wind” was reported by many critics to have stolen the picture, won the annual supporting actress award of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences here Thursday night. This is the first time a Ne gro film player has been so honor ed. Miss McDaniel was boosted for the coveted award by many nation ally known movie folk and column ists, including Jimmie Fiddler and Hedda Hopper, who said in a syn dicated article shortly before the winner's were announced.— “I believe everyone is delighted that Hattie McDaniel who gave such a superb performance as Mammy in GWTW is up for an Ac ademy award. But I wonder if vou know anything about her his tory? While she was making that picture, they called her in for an hour’s interview to get her biogra phy, but she wound up by spending shots watching her. Because she the day there with most of the big illusctrated her story. ‘‘She’s the 13th child of a Baptist minister, her father had a good bass voice and her mother sang so prano in the church choir. Her1 mother also taught her to cook and she worked at that job in Denver during the time she made her way through the East Denver High school, where she studied dramatic art and public speaking. She got a gold medal there for reciting verses of Paul Dunbar. She crooned over the airways for two years as High Hat Hattie. “Once when she was taking care of the powder room in a Milwaukee cafe, the leading lady of the floor eered-to put over the show. She show fainted, and Hattie volunt did, and from then on the ladies powdered their noses without Hat tie’s assistance. Her success in ‘Showboat’ brought her to Holly wood. And I remember her in Ka therine Hepburn’s ‘Alice Adams’ in which she did a female Stephin Fetchit cook. It was one of the funniest scenes in the picture. She still sings and recites in church. “It must have been fun the last time she passed* through Denver where she started her career as a cook, for they had to call out the Fire and Police departments to hold the crowds back.’’ SAYS ONLY FEW NEGROES HAVE EQUALITY IN FRANCE New York,—Contrary to popular American belief, only a very small section of the French colonial pop ulation is permitted to enjoy the status of citizenship, or even per mitted the enjoyment of elemen tary civil liberties, according to George Padmore, specialist in col onial problems, writing in The Cri sis magazine for March. Mr. Padmore points out that most people, and especially Amer ican Negroes, have been deceived about racial equality in the French empire, because they have based their judgement on the “very min ute’’ section of French Negroes who are granted equality. The French have been more clev er than the English, he declares, in dealing with their dark colonial populations. Like the English, they educate and train a small group of colored people to help them control the masses of Negro subjects. But whereas the Engl ish maintain a color line even a gainst the dark leaders they seem to favor, France embraces this small group and grants it full soc ial equality, including intermarr iage. This policy, with the English and the French, has had the same re sults, namely, iron-clad control of the masses of the darker colonies; but the French have been able to plant the impression throughout the world that they really believe in equality. The Padmore article in The Cri sis entitled “Subjects and Citizens in French Africa’’ declares that France, which has the largest em pire in Africa, has divided its Ne gro people into two classifications, citizens and subjects, and that the vast majority—some sixty million, is made up of subjects who have no citizenship rights. DIVINE FLEES; “HEAVEN” ABLAZE Philadelphia, March 6 (ANP) — Father Divine, cult leader, was forced to flee when fire broke out in a local “heaven” last week. The firemen, Philly’s colored unit were greeted by Divine with “Peace, brothers”. Little damage was done by the blaze, caused by a de fective flue. H-M Buffet 2420 -V. 24th St JA. 88.r,2 Best Chili in Towny Liquors, Lunches 8 Beer THE OMAHA GUIDE SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1940 Published Every Saturday, at 2418 Grant St., Omaha Nebraska. $2.50 per year. 5c single copy. “Entered as second class matter March 18th, 1927 at the Postoffice at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3rd, 1879. CLASSIFIED ADS HARDWARE DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish. We do glazing and make window shades to order. 182 N. 24th St. WE. 1607. LAUNDRIES & CI.EAN ERS EDHOI.M & SHERMAN 2401 North 24bh WE. 6065 EMERSON LAUNI)RY~ 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 MEN! WOMEN! USE Y<OUR CREDIT to get all the stylish new apparel you need. Great values. Enjoy terms made to order for you. Peoples Store, 109 South 16th St. FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette Apartments, 2516-18 Patrick, or 2613 Grant St. Call WE. 6563 or WE. 2410. Front Room, modern WE. 1024. FOR RENT—A four room Apt. Modern, Call WE. 3030. An Apt. for Rent, WE. 2365 For Rent, 2 apts. WE. 2737. Furnished Apts., 2 rooms, $3.50— 3 rooms $4.50. Utilities paid, JA. 0986. We Aid the Poor with Your Waste Materials. Throw Noth ing Away. We Need Clothing, Papers, Furniture. Anything. SALVATION ARMY INDUSTRIAL 209 North 13th A-B BUFFET. 1616 N. 24th St. WINES—LIQUORS at Popular Prices Courteous Service at all Times LEGAL NOTICES Atty. W. B. Bryant 2414 1-12 North 24th St. Notice of Administration In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska: In the matter of the estate of Thomas Frazier, deceased. "IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. -1 E==JT'1 'I F==l The One Horse Store 2851 GRANT ST. W. L. Parsley, Prop. WE. 0567 5 Hollywood Grill BREAKFAST SPECIALS Soups & Sandwiches l 2418 N. 24th St. ia ri> All persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified that a pet ition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon his estate, and administration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 2nd day of March, 1940, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 2nd day of March, 1940, at 9 o’clock A. M., to contest said pet ition, the Court may grant admin istration of said estate to Cornel ius Glover or some other suitable persons and proceed to a settlement thereof. Bryce Crawford, County Judge. Atty Ray L. Williams, Room 1, Tuchman Bldg., at 24th and I,ake St. Notice of Administration In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska: In the matter of the estate of Walter T. Davis, deceased. All persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified that a pet ition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying for that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 2nd day of March, 1940, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 2nd day of March, 1940, at 9 o’clock A. M., to contest said pet* ition, the Court may grant admin istration of said estate to W. L. Myers or some other suitable persons and proceed to a settlement thereof. Bryce Crawford, County Judge. NEURITIS Rheumatism”-" To relieve torturing pain of Rheumatism, Neuritis, Neuralgia, or Lumbago in a few minutes, get NURITO, the splendid formula, used by thousands. Dependable—no opiates. Does the work quickly. Must relieve cruel pain, to your satisfaction, in few minutes or your money back. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for NURITO on this guarantee. .'AW.V.VWWAWAMi SALE FOR THE WEEK CASH AND CARRY BARN SASH .58c 2x4, 2x6, 2x10 per 100 ft. $2.50 Planter Board 24x48 .17c Rock Wool Batts, each .10c STORM SASH .$1.07 & up Blanket Insulation .$3.15 No. 1 W. P. Lath, per bid. 22He Smooth Roofing, per roll....79c Micklin LUMBER CO. 19th at Nicholas JA-5000 iwwwuwwwywvv■wuvt Special BARGAIN PRICES 1939 Ambassador Sedan ___ _ _ _ $575 1937 Plymouth 4 Door Coupe _ ___ $450 1933 Plymouth Coupe _ _ _ _ ' $175 1938 Pontiac deluxe Coach __$575 1935 Buick four door sedan_ _ _ _ _ _$350 SHAMES Co^ ^ 1906 CUMING STREET AT. 4556 We Offer for Your Approval A Complete Cmrtain Service and Another thing,— Have Your Pre-Easter Dry Cleaning Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EOHOLM&SHERMAN 2401 North 24th Street WE. 6055