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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1940)
IN IDE SHADOW OF THE STARS fy-flbbe' Ida/lace 'fcuNCrST Memtali&tOm Tug AhcqiCau Sugc. '■i* 1 1 1 "l,M "" ~ rrv Note:—You* Question Wax B* Ansv •"Peivete Reply" . . . Send only 2»c for Dat Cha*t *nd receive by return mail a ing three (>) Queitioni privately. Sign i *11 letter*, and plea** include a aelf-addi Send ell letters to: ABBE' VEALLACE, GRANT ST., OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Y NEW ASTROLOGY READINGS ARE READY P. W.—Have I yet found a com any I can trust in making a stead income. Must I take what I ave and try to sell it. Just what ould be best? And that's no fooling, Mlstar This Is a young man's world. If you don't believe It, look around you and eee.You can probably count the gray-halrcd workers on your Angers. But don’t let that alarm you. You can keep gray hair from showing up your age. Get GODEFROY'8 LARIEUSE! It’s no trouble to apply. Just follow directions for use In the package. Colors hair evenly—al most Instantly. Makes It glossy and takes years off of your looks. Every bottle Is guaranteed to satisfy or your dealer will promptly refund your money. If your dealer doesn't have Larleuse, send |1.25 (we pay postage) direct to . .. GODEFROY MFG. CO., ASIA OLIVE STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. GODEvnon 1/cVtieuAe, 1 ^Lb.; hai« coloiing Kilpatrick’s Basement SPECIAL PURCHASE 500 Women's Quaker Lady DRESSES' Beautiful New Spun Rayon Prints Fresh and Colorful as Spring 498 Eight styles Including the dress sketched • • • all with that same Quaker Lady standard of quality sad workmanship many women know so well Indoor favorite* now . , . grand for warm Heather this summer, i » '* Sizes 14 to 20, 14 to 42 Sk#tek«d and 16 te 44 trom it9tk Fall Money Saving Specials MEN’S LIST I” SUTTS Cleaned & Pressed 80e 1- SUIT and 1 TOPCOAT ....80c 1- SUIT and 1 FELT HAT ....80c S- PAIRS OF PANT8_ ..80c LADIES LIST 2- TAILORED 8UITS _ 80c 2- PLAIN DRESSES .1.00 3- PLAIN BLOUSES _ , 80c 3* PLAIN SKIRTS ._..80c OUR MANY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN HANDLING FINE APPAREL ENABLE US TO GIVE EVERY GARMENT THE PARTICULAR CLEANING SKILL IT DEMANDS—.RELY ON US. Emerson-Saratoga Southwest Corner 24th and Erskine Sts. 20% DISCOUNT CASH AND CARRY eked "Fee*" in Thu Column. For a my new Ajteology Reading & Lucky :on6dentiil Utter of Free Advici snalyx our full name, addreia, and birthdate to eased, ilimpid enaelope for your reply. cut of THE OMAHA GUIDE, 2411 Ans: The “B” Company will give you a square deal if you will do likewise. H. C. M.—I have been going with a married man and have a baby. He left his wife and said he was go ing off and take care of me and the baby. Is he? Ans: Naw. There is still an other woman in the case—a young girl, and it is with her that he is now spending his time. Your con fidence is misplaced in him, for he isn’t half the man he pretends to be. If you expect to profit from your affair with him, you are go ing to have to treat him like he treats you. In other words pull 4r i,p- u s n inf \ Johnson Drug Co. Prescriptions LIQUORS. WINES and BEER WE. 0999 1904 N. 24th St RABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street —Always a place to park— BUY YOUR— POULTRY AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE Get the Best in Quality at the Lowest Price NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. PHONE WE. 4137 his leg for everything you can get. He deserves such treatment. C. C. M.—I have two children and right now I am not getting enough money to take care of them and myself and I wish to know if I should move or is it better to re main where I am ? Ans: A change right now would not be advisable. You are manag ing to exist on your present in come and I would suggest that you hold to your job until you are able to get something better. With two children to support—you can’t be hoping up and changing cities with no money ahead. R. B.—Please tell me if I am worth trying to make something out of myself? What should I do? Ans: Fellow if you don’t res pect yourself—then you can’t pos sibly expect anyone else to respect you. You are but 20 years old, enough to know how to live—sure you should put forth some effort and try to gain something worth while in this world. You need to get a better paying job. K. F. W.—I was injured by a city light last year and I have a lawyer handling this case and I wish to know if I can get anything out of this case? Ans: It seems to me that had you made a report to the city im mediately after the accident—al lowed them to make their investi gation and etc., you would have been paid already. If you expect to force a law suit, it isn’t likely that you will profit to any great extent. M. N.—The man that I was going with went back to his wife the oth er day by mistake as he was drink ing whiskey. He tells his friends that he still loves me and I wish to know if it is true or not? Ans: Child are you blind— do you not know that this man loves his wife and has been shooting you a “hot line”. Stop your associat ion with this man immediately for just as sure as you continue, you will wind up with a broken heart and will have everyone condemn ing you for going with married men. F. G. C.—Did my husband get turned off from work or is it what he has been telling me? Ans: No, he actually lost his job and he is terribly upset about it himself. He never realized that he would lose out when he stayed out pretending he was sick so much. He is really hustling for another job, and the experience he has had will be good for him. i — G. B.—I have slipped out on two occasions to fill a date with a cer tain girl and she didn’t show up. Is she sincere for the second week in March? Ans: No—she just isn’t inter ested. PERMANENT RELIEF STATUS (Emmett J. Scott) Relief, at best, is only a stop gap. As a permanent instrument of government it cannot assure happiness, hope, liberty and free dom to a free people. Colored cit izens need to take to heart these fundamental requirements of the American way of life. ine American economic system and the American political system of representative government can not continue, with thousands and thousands of men and women de pendent on whatever political par ty may be in power for relief, and with other millions and millions of employable men and women walk ing the streets of our American cit ies with little or no hope of being able to secure jobs for the support and maintenance of their families. Colored workers cannot expect to secure continuous, permanent employment at wages high enough adequately to care for the needs of their families under the best pos sible working conditions until the economic and political economy of our country is released from pres ent-days restraints and limitations. The creation of permanent work opportunities can be provided only by private industry, which unfor tunately, finds itself nowadays hampered and hamstrung by intol erable conditions working alike to the disadvantage of employe and employer. $55.00 Worth of Goods FREE!!! Men—women to supply colored peo ple with the famous 12 SISTERS’ products. Deep Cut Prices and lovely preminums. Send No Money. $55.00 worth of FREE goods given. 12 SISTERS’ PRODUCTS. 74-76 Haker Stmt. C*ytjn, fl io NATIONAL DENTAL ASSOCIA TION PLANS FOR CONFAH St. Louis, March 8 (ANP) Plans j for the 27th Annual convention of the'National Dental association will be drawn up here on March 9-10 by the national convention planning committee and the members of the host organization, the Mound City Dental society. Members of the national comm ittee arc Dr. M. D. Wiseman, chair man and executive board member, Washington; Dr. J. A. Jackson, secretary-treasurer, Charlottesvil le, Va.; Dr. R. H. Thompson, sec retary of the executive board, Westfield, N. J.;; and Dr. F. H. Norris, chairman of the National Exhibits committee, East Pater son, N. J. The national convention dates are August 12-16 during which time the most improved scientific dentistry will be shown the pract itioners and particularly the im provements in dental service that social events are planner! for the August gathering as not only are relieve the patients mind. Many preparations being made for the ( dentists but also for their wives and families. FIRST LADY TO SPEAK AT DINNER CELEBRATING NATIONAL SHARE CROPPERS WEEK New York, N. Y., March 2 Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt will be a speaker at a dinner forum meeting here Tuesday evening, March 6, at the Hotel Commodore, when the sharecroppers problem will be dis cussed. Other speakers will include: Jo nathan Daniels, editor of the Ral eigh, N. C., News and Observer; Norman Thomas, Socialist loader and Roy Wilkins, assistant secre tary of the NAACP. The dinner meeting will be a highlight of the New York celebration of National Sharecroppers Week, March 4- 10. The NAACP., which has cooper ateif closely with National Share croppers Week in previous years, has endorsed the celebration and has urged its branches throughout the country to aid the 1940 obser vance. MOTHER OF COUNT BASIE SERIOUSLY INJURED Red Bank, N. J., March 6 —(by Irvfne I. Turner for ANP) Mrs. Lillian L. Basie, estranged wife of Harvey L. Basie, both of whom are the parents of Count Basie, King of Swing, narrowly escaped fatal injury here last week when she coiled her feet in her housedress while descending her stairs in her home. Phsicians were unable to analyze her condition, due to the fact that she complained that her neck suf fered severe strain almost as if it had been broken. Lacerations ar ound the arms and limbs helped to make her condition a critical one. According to reports, another step on the staircase might have cost her life. CHICAGO CANDIDATES STAG ING HOT FIGHT FOR ARTHUR W. MITCHELL’S SEAT _ • Chicago, March 6 (by Bernice Hall for ANP)—Rosy Republican hopes of recapturing the First Congressional district next Nov ember are reflected in the coming primary contests for congress that are developing there. Whereas, the Democratic fight in this dis trict is tense as yet the GOP. con tests are real battles which are at tracting the attention and partic ipation of men and women not or dinarily active politically. Filings for congressional posts | closed last week. The first place is supposed to be the best strate gically, and last place is next in the How To Relieve Bronchitis Bronchitis, acute or chronic, is an Inflammatory condition of the mu cous membranes lining the bronchial tubes. Creomulsion goes right to the seat of the trouble to loosen germ laden phlegm. Increase secretion and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender. Inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding that you are to like the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, B ronchitis estimation of most candidates. Public interest centers about whe ther Congressman Arthur W. Mit chell will have to fight for renom ination and who will bear the G. O. P. standard after the primary. SONG HONORS TUSKEGEE'S FOUNDER Tuskegee, March 8 (ANP) - “Tifskegee’s Washington,” a song honoring Booker T. Washington, founder of Tuskegee, made its ap pearance last week slightly more than a month before the issue of the Booker T. Washington comm emorative postage stamp which will go on sale at Tuskegee Insti tute postoffice April 7. ZETA PHI BETAT SPONSORS FINER WOMANHOOD PROGRAM Washington, March 8 (ANP) — Returning from Bethune Cookman cortege where she had appeared on 1 program with Mrs. Franklin D. I Roosevelt, Irma Margaret Allen, I concert and radio artist, was the featured soloist on Zeta Beta’s fin er womanhood program held at [ Frazier hall on Howard university campus last week. Miss Allen, winner in a recent Chicago Music Land Festival, charmed her audience with her lovely voice and appearance, and Zeta Phi Beta’s program was rated one of the finest in many seasons. Gertrude Ham, basileus of the Washington chapter and Edith Ly ons, grand basileus, presided over the meeting. Soror Mary H. Plum mer addressed the group. Lazy Insides Answer All-Vegetable Way! Just a quarter to a half-teaspoon ful of a spicy, aromatic laxative on your tongue tonight, a drink of water, and there you are. Taken by those easy directions, all-vegetable, BLACK-DRAUGHT usually permits a good night’s sleep; acts gently, thoroughly next morning. Reason for BLACK-DRAUGHT’S gentle effectiveness is its time tested combination of vegetable ingredients, chief of which is an “intestinal tonic-laxative” that helps impart tone to lazy bowel muscles. Next time, use all-vegetable, time-tested BLACK-DRAUGHT. North 24th St. SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24>h ST WE. 4240 YOU CAN’T TELL THEY ARE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLING. METHOD “Leaves No .Repair. Look” ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN IN-, VISIBLE JOINT —POPULAR PRICES— Jesse s Cate A New, Clean Place to EAT GOOD MEALS 15c & up Give U« A Try 1426 North 24th Street JWJVAWWW«%VJVW. Daffy Pharmacv 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS We. 0609 Free Delivery WWWWWAW.VW.V ditchings For quick relief from itching of eczema, pimple®, athlete's foot, scabies, rashes and other ex ternally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or your money back. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. The New Universities WEBSTER DICTIONARY With Your New or Renewal Subscription to The OMAHA GUIDE at Only $250 per year This big, up-to-date Webster Dic tionary has more than 900 pages • • t over 40,000 words . . . many special features. Bound in semi flexible black artificial leather, gilt rramped, round corners, red edges, headbands, four-color frontispiece •.. printed on strong white paper, It will be sent you poitpaid in an attractive carton. *. ^ *5 *' S' r T TERE Is the most sensational subscription offer yoic have ever seen I This big 900-page New Universi ties Webster Dictionary is yours—ABSOLUTELY FREE— with your new or renewal subscription to this paper at the regular rate of (your rate). YOU MUST ACT QUICKLY! This amazing SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER is limited. Mail your subscription NOW! ACT TODAY*r USE THIS COUPON V I I W WJI • OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO USE THIS 2418-20 GRANT STREET FREE DICTIONARY - Please send REE New Universities Webster Dictionary. COUPON I am enclosing ' my subscription. MA,t TO , NAME_ OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. f 2418-20 GRANT STREET nun _ CT OMAHA. NEBRASKA * ** ’-~ CITY__STATE_ 1