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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1939)
At Omaha University Track Meet H \RVFY RR’DGES, TECH’S TRACK ACE BREAKS RECORD Fy Billy Daria Pr i~ Tt-.-h's sophomore sprin ter. i -»d 'road jumper, set one tK: three reeorvJs in the Omaha ■BP- " T Univer ;ity Invitational Track Meet at Tech Saturday, when he leaped 20 feet. 9 three-ij 'urths irchow. This is the jump that net ted the new mark. Look at the expression on Bridges face. he sets a fast PACE AS POINT MAKER By Billy Davis Big John Elliott, a senior at Omaha University is shown here as he throws the discus for 48 feet. 1 inch, at Wayne University meet He won the shot put at Hasting and Wayne, and placed second at the Drake Relays. He is now sharpening up for the North Central Conference Meet. f»EORGE: What the hack happened to your Uncle John't hairT For yeat* it mat gray: he looked old. Sow H It jet black and he lookt IS yean younger. I can't underttand itl HENRY: It'r tuppoted to beatecret. Genet*, but I'll tell you. He colored his hair with Godefroy't loricate. Yep I.. .and ••fudged" a little on hit age — got hlmtelf a good fob. Better notch out. George; Uncle John might tteal your girl friend. Is your hair peppered with gray f Are you out of a Job because "you're too oldf Are you losing out on love—romance—good times — be cause you look too old to Join In the fun of the younger set? Then do what thousands of men have done — use Lartcuse, the hair coloring that makes hair soft, glossy, uni formly colorful and takes years off your looks. IP YOUR DF.ALER DOES NOT HAVE IT, SEND *1.25 (no extra postage) DIRECT TO •OOEFNY KF8. CO .1510 Wn St,*t.Lotlit,Me. ■■ — -..■ PHILLiPS WINS 100 YI>. HASH See Picture to right By Billy Davis Warren Phillips. Central High ace sprinter, had plenty to span in winning the one hundred yard dash at Tech, Saturday, in the Omaha University Invitation meet and here he is shown breasting the tape in front. Bridges of Tech is right on Phillip’s heels. MC-ORAE & KINGFISH WIN ON KNOCKOUTS By Billy Davis Aksarben Colliseum, May 4— Buddy McOrea the flashy litle welterweight fighter of Wichita, Kansas, added another victim to his list of victories Thursday night at tho Aksarben Colliseum. He knocked out Wild Bill Henderson of Arkalvosa, Iowa, in the first round of a scheduled six round bout. McCrae hit Henderson with a barrage of blows to the head. One of them connected and sent Henderson clear though the ropes into the arms of the ring side fans McCrae started right after Henderson from the beginning of the bell. McCrae's a very much improved fighter . Kingfish Wins in 4th Kingfish Henderson a heavy weight who retired from the ring a couple of years ago has been going like a house afire, since he returned to the fighting fold a gain. Kingfish knocked out Wil bur Decorah of Winnebago in the 1 fourth round. Kingfish floored the big Indian in the third for a count of eight. Decorah was a very clumsy fighter and was much out classed by the Kingfish. This was Henderson’s second knockout, out j | of two fights since he re- ' | turned to the ring with a little j CENTRAL TRACK STAR COPS TWO FIRST IN INVITATIONAL MEET By Billy Davis Leonard McDonald, husky Cen tral high track star, came through with two firsts Saturday in the imahp, U. Meet, tossing the dis us 142 feet 11 inches and the shot 49 feetT) inches. He is shown getting off his winning toss with the discus in the morning eyents. McDonald also goes in for priee fighting. more experience Kingfish will make a very classy fighter. -0O0 THE LOW DOWN FROM HICKORY GROVE For having your feet on the ground you will find people who will say it is just the Republicans who do eo. And also ytu will find another bunch who will claim I' • Republicans, they are just as flighty as the Democrats. But I just been reading about this here Senator Pat Harrison from down there around Winona r>: Jackson, or wherever it is he h?ils fn {m, in the old mud-cat Mate And I take off my chapeau t • him. | Patrick, he is one Democrat who : does not just tip toe around in i ;:ho clouds, or touch the ground | with one foot now and then—he has fcMth feet smack-dab on terra t firma. He says it is time to take off tho tinted glasses, if we expect to get out of the bog or get our jofoH back. And also, he says we gotta stop living on borrowed money, right now—rv ft manana. And by doing so, he says, we may be able yet, to avoid the Sheriff. Maybe you do not like Demo crats and maybe you do, but whichever it is, you gotta hand it to this Old Boy from Mississippi. 'Amrs, with the low down. JO SERRA § WILDERNESS HIS PLA YGROUNDl ■ - ' ..■■■■ ■! .11 ..I.. ■ 'I ——— l.ll——— i : ’ 'TmnB * 1 ' - I_H When Wallace Beery, America's favorite movie "heavy” “gets away from it all" he pilots his own dane to his lodge in the wildest part of Idaho. To reach the Beery camp overland requires a pack - rain trip of several days. Mr. Beery is chairman of Idaho’s Wildlife Week committee, and an ardent portsman-conservationist. He is shown with a twelve-and-a-half pound rainbow trout, with the scales o prove it. The mountains, bear climbing tree and moose in the lake were photographed in the neigh i torhood of Beery’s camp. _____ _ _ BOYS TOWN $635,000 BUILDING PROGRAM Beys Town, Nebr. May IS. 1939 With building activitie8 now under way at Boy8 Town in connection with the $635,000 building expan sion program, contractors this week started ijpuring concrete for the first of the five new buildings to be built under this program Workmen started pouring con creto on the dining hall building Monday. Work of digging a mech anical tunnel under the new plan ned buildings also is under way. The building program at Boys Town, which will give employment to 500 Omahans during the next 6 months, consist^ of construction of four new dormitories, each to accomodate 125 boys; one large dining hall; an enlarged heating plant; enlargement and improve ment of water supply; changing of the present dormitory to a school building; sewage disposal plant* equipment for the dormitories, dining room and present dormitory for schooling purposes. At the present time, Father Flannagan i3 appealing to Omaha ns to support his plea for $40,000 which is required for extending tho Metropolitan Utilities Distr ict Water Mains to Boys Town, which will provide adequate ffe'e protection for the home. While Father Flanagan is going into debt for the entire cost of tho building program, friends outside of Omaha will bo asked to supply the remainder of the expense of tho building program. For the past two weeks, Boys Town has been kept busy with thousands and thousands of visi tors who came to visit the now famous Boy3 Town. Many of these visitors were attracted to the Home while in the city for the Golden Spike Days Celebration and the Shrine Program of last week A large number of these visitors were high school and col lege students who visited Boys Town during their sneak day. Be sides touring Boys Towns, these visitors spent considerable time in specting the activities on the building program and watching the drag lines and othtfr equipment in operation. -o— Read The Guide for News