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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1939)
NAVAL NOTES THE ACT OF JUNE 24, 1939 “A deep sea diver of the United States Navy is well burdened by weighty outfit and equipment. The rubber suit weighs 27 lbs., helmed and breast-plate 53 lbs., belt 80 lbs., and ssoes 28 lbs. His working imtplemen(t include air driven bols, electric arc burning torch, and hydrogen-ovygen torch which are effectively used under water. The act of 24 June 1939 author *TT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty —2422 lake Street— (suits $2.00, Coats $1.00, Dresses 30c. Many other bargains Catalogs Free Fairmount 160-N6 Monre St., New York, N. Y. izes the admission of not more than one citizen from each of the American Republics to receive instruction at the United States Naval Academy'. A ‘Galley Yarn’ is a good sail or’s name for a scuttle-bu'.t rum* or. The term came from the days when thu cook was the originator of a great deal of the startling news around a ship because of his access to the officers’ quar ters. The monthly pay »£ a Captain of a ship of 20 guns or more in 1776 was $60.00 and that of a seaman A. B. was $8.00. When R Bhip reaches the In ternational Date Line and cros se8 the 180th meridan from East to West, the ship’s time is ad vanced 24 hours or one calendar day. Upon return from West to East (rarer the meridan, the time is set back 24 hours. -oOo-• ADVERTISE IN THE OMAHA GUIDE THE AWFUL PRICE YOU PAY FOR BEIHC ■ N'RVOUS Check Below And See If Yon Have > Any Of The Signs Quivering nerves can make you old and haggard looking, cranky and hard to live •with—can keep you awake nights and rob you of good health, good times and jobs. Don't let yourself ‘‘go” like that. Star*, taking a good, I eliable tonic—one made npv tidily far women. And could you ask for any k hing whose benefits have been better proved than world-famous Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? Let the wholesome herbs and roots of Pinkham’a Compound help Nature calm your shrieking nerves, tone up your system, and help lessen distresn from female func tional disorders. Make a note NOW to get a bottle of this time-proven '" rkham's Compound TODAY without fail from your druggist. Over a mil lion women have written in letters reporting wonderful benefit*. For the past 60 years Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound has helped grateful women go "smiling thru" trying ordeala. Why not let it help YOU? ^ f THIS WEEK IN RELIGION & THOUGHT by ROBERT L. MOODY Festivity— Tho wise man said that “a merry heart doeth gv»d like a medicine.” Omaha has had its share of gaiety during the past two weeks The spirit of goodwill seemed to have been everywhere. Though we we conservative in our thinking about some thujgs that are used to make joy. we ad mit that pleasantness i» a good spring tonic. For a time we forgot modern things and imagined that we lived in the days of grandfather’s child hood. The model kitchen of 1869 as contrasted with that of 1939, was interesting to sec_ The evolu tion of transporation was also good. Then came the Shriner’s Con vention with all of its good hand music, funny sketches and multi tude of eoiors. This seemed to give a finishing touch to the antiquity that preceded it. One proverb says “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Many Omahans have released much of our playful energy and easily return to con structive work. -0O0 State Rally Sunday afternoon Classified Telephone Directory Automobiles SHAMES BODY BUILDERS 1906 Cuming Street Cara in very good condition—good rubber, like new. Beauty Culturiste CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE It Pays To Look Attractive £422 N. 22nd St. WE. 0846 BEER TAVERNS ' RABE'S BUFFET T. £229 Lake St. JA. 9195 I CHARLIES PLACE 1604 No. 22nd St. WE. 4019 Beverages & liquors FREE DELIVERY " JOHNSON DRUG CO. Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions We. 0998 1904 N. 24th St. ’ DOUBLE COLA IDEAL BOTTLING Company WE. 3043 THE LIQUOR STORE £316 Cuming St. JA. 6564 “We Appreciate Your Patronage” Ice cream JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th WE, 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY £4th & Lake WE. 0609 Contractors ' W.F.HOCn Grading and Excavation 4506 Ames Ave. KE. 0316 Let It Rain! Improve Your Home Experienced Roofers — Asbestos Siding— Reasonable Prices. B. Jones,— 34th Taylor, E. Omaha, Call WE. 5310 . Groceries HERMAN’S MARKET C4th and Lake WE. 5444 MONUMENTS & MARKERS HEFT & NOYES 40th & Forest Lawn Ave. KE 1738 TAILOR8 Economy Tailor—Cleaning & Re pairing. We cut, trim, make suits to order. 1918 N. 24th St. HARDWARE = DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish. We do glazing and make window shades to order. 1822 N. 24th WE. 1607 Laundries & Cleaners ~ EDHOLM A SHERMAN '. 1401 N. 24th WE. 8055 CURTAINS Laundered 20c Pr. Will Assist In Your Spring Cleaning To Obtain The Best Results in Ourtain Laundering Call Jk. 1628 EMEttSON LAUNDRY I *324 N. 24th SL WE. 1029 Painting - Decorating Ben & Kermit Anderson Painting, Wall Washing & Decor ating Work Guaranteed 2801 Miami, 2872 Binmey WE. 5826 Let PEOPLES Do It—Ten train ed decorating mechanics. — Our Motto ‘Service’. Peoples Paint & Shop— AT. 0054. NOW is the time to Improve Your Home— Let Bob do your Paper ing, Painting & Plaster Patching Reasnable Prices. WA. 8199. Poultry and Eggs .. METROPOLITAN PRODUCE .. 1301 N. 24th WE. 4737 Poultry dressed while you wait— Strictly Fresh Eggs. NEBRASKAPRODUCE 2206 North 24th St. Our Prices are Reasonable—See us first. WE. 4137.__ Shoe Repair LAKE SHOE REPAIR ‘Shoe Pride or Shoe Shame’— Shoes look new again with Our New Invisible half soleing. 2407 Lake St. FURNISHED ROOMS— Reason ably Priced, 2060 North 19th St., WE. 0647. FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette Apa-tments, 2516-18 Patrick, or 2613 Gran* St. Call WE. 5553 or WE. 2410. FOR RENT Furnished Rooms HA. 1486. FOR RENT 1 Furnished Apt., 2914 N. 25th St FOR~ RENT Furnished .Rooms. 2504 Lake St. WANTED TO RENT A one room kitchenette Apt. Call WE. 4320. JULIUS E. HILL, Paperhanging & Painting. WE. 0226. Res. 2006 North 23rd St. GARAGE—AUTO REPAIRING ~ OWL G/^JVGE, General Repair— Tires, batteries, Genuine Ford parts. 912 N. 23rd St., AT. 4757. Come in and see us. FURNITURE REPAIRING H. L. ROSE, Upholsterer, Furni ture Repairing. Mattresses rebuilt Work guaranteed, AT. 1770, 2221 North 20th St Z CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes KING YUEN CAFE 2010V4 N. 24th St. JA. 8676 CLASSIFIED AOS SET RESULTS SPIRITUAL Spiritual adviser and divine healer in readings daily. Edna Mitchel 2429 Lake St. NURSERY SCHOOL Small children care for in home For information mail a postcard to Mrs. T. J. Sanford 3118 Corby St Cash payed for complete home or odd pieces furniture. RUN6E AUCTION CO. AT. 3341 Res. AT. 6073 MRS ENNIS and Daughter ARE BACK,—VISIT THE LITTLE DINER 2314 North 24th St. The Best in Home Cooked Meals at Popular Prices ISummer sun tan often Pmakes skin too dark and blotchy. Try Dr. FRED Palmer’s Skm Whitener to lighten and brighten your com plexion. 26c at druggists. Send 3c for SAMPLE. DR. FRED PALMER’S PRODUCTS CO.. DEPT. Z-151, ATLANTA, GA. PAINT IT YOURSELF j Now is the Time To Paint. AVERAGE CAR—ONE QUART BREAKFAST SET - ONE PINT A NU-ENAMEL PRODUCT FOR ANY SURFACE INSIDE OR OUTSIDE. CHOICE OF 26 COLORS Self-Polishing Wax, Furniture Poliah, Varnish. Nu-Enamel Store 1511 Harney JA. 4564 DARK LAUGHTER by 01 Ilarrmgton Now wait jest a minute, Bootsie — Did you say you had a thousand bucks or you wished you had a thousand bucks? at Bethel AME Church, 2430 Franklin 2:30 P. M. Sponsored by th0 Arustees Helpers Club. Rev. Johnson will be speaker for the evening. Miss L. Harrison, Rev. W. M. Camper. -—0O0——■— Hollywood Charm By Besie Mae West Althouse Beauty school The shades of nail polish worn by an individual is one of the out standing features of their charm. The shades of nail polish we wear is seldom overlooked unless it is natural. There are many shades of nail polish just as there are shades of dresses, or hats, therefore, we must select a shade suitable for the occasion, the com plexion and the personality, and one that blends with our costume. Remember this when you select vour next bott e of nail polish. Watch HOLLYWOOD CHARM and visit your cosmetologist for helvOil Boa!1tv hints. _(/In baseball dope If and when the Omaha Cash Coal baa: ball team play, * they should be on razor edge. The team has had a lot of time to practice and study signals, for signals is one things that a ball club needs and they should be perfected be for play begins. It ha3 been proven that signals given at the right moments have won baseball games. Nothing is more discour aging to the fans for a team cap tain or the manager to stop right in the middle of a hotly contested game to whisper to his players. When 2 mens are on base and you are one run behind, and you catch the opposition off guard, signals como in handy. Isn’t that the truth. So boys, brush up on your signals C. Lee the old veteran must found that fountain of youth because he sure has got what a fielder needs and that is speed and stamia. Those eye. glasses it what you should have had 3 years ago, be cause your hitting has improved 50 per cent. Stay in these old boy and pitch. The 0. K. Hardware team is made up of only Central High school lads and they haven’t lost a game this season in their league and the other two teams is vet - —" 1 o RABE’S BUFFET 2229 Lake Street for Popular Brands of BEER and LIQUORS —Always a place t* park— erans of tho old Metro League, so you see the Colored lads have got some stiff position. I was talking to Freddie Wake field Wednesday evening looking tho picture of health. He was the best Prop school first baseman ever seen in these parts. He »aid he was going to get in condition. But I hardly think so, because he weighs 10 pounds less than Mr. Fred Davis. By the time he K»t ready to play ball all the fans will be duck hunting or shoveling snow off the front porch. Good luck, Freddie. There’s a little fellow around here his friend call Mouse but his name is Adolph Baldwin. But boy, what a short stopper he is. He is playing soft ball now for Collin Lee’s Dr. Pepper team. What an asset he is, for he can run hit and an excellent fielder. Stay in there Mouse. You are tops. Yours truly, Richard Stanley -0O0 THE LOW DOWN from hickory grove * I am not such a ihot expert on big business, but I guess big busi ness, it is not much different from the little outfits. Like a man and his boy I — the boy he just has not had Jo Serra time to get big, but he will if he survives the green apples, etc., etc. And this idea about business, it is running through my head on account I was tuned in on a feller talking about finance. And I kept tuned in. thinking maybe he might CHICAGO FURNITURE COMPANY “Where Thrifty Folks Buy” Furniture, Rugs, Floor Cover ings & Stoves JA. 441! 1833-35 N. 24th Evening Phone WE. 2261 Folks! BUY Living, Dining and Bed room Suites and SAVE Half or more. YES, rugs, floor coverings, gas ranges, oil stov es. SAVE REAL MONEY! CHICAGO FURNITURE CO. 1833 North 24th St. tell me how to get some. But t?hi8 duck he was explaining mostly about '^axes. He told about a company, where it was earning 4 dollars a share and the stock holders they got 2 dollars, and the Govt., it got the other 2, for taxes. But the Gov-.., it got its 2 bucks first. * And 1 been pondering ever since, and thinking about the in surance I gfct My company it ' — W —' 'W-'W V\^ ' W *^W -ww J 1 Special! —DELIVERY SERVICE— 2 Suits 4 00 2 Dresses ‘plain’ I 1 Suit & 1 Dress " I { EjLA|m 0 USUAL DISCOUNTS dholm & Sherman f0R cash & carry I WE 6055 ■i,. ^ *A a a a^N A *A an V“\ M ZA «A n S~\ VI ^A (A ^A M yA *A >~\ • a^A A rA a a & m mmwzza How happy she will be when you telephone her! May/^L It means so much—it costs so little—why not call those who are dear to you often? You can telephone on Mother’s Day at the lowest long distance rates—the extra low rates that are in effect all day every Sunday and after 7 every night. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY ° owns a raft of stock and bonds. This tax business, it is like a thunder storm. When H gets to crocking ar<&]nd right close to home, you kinia wonder if you are next. Yomrs, with the low down. ✓' JO SERRA RESERVED FOR The ■ FEDERAL Market 1414 N. 24th St. AT 7777 Across the street from the U»GAN FONTENELLE HOMES BOOKER T. WASHINGTON TOURS 236 Wiit 133th Strut N«w York. n. Y.