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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1938)
WUTiS:—Your question wi.l be answered FREE in this cot' nmn ONLY when a <1 pping of this column is enclosed with YOUlt QUESTION, YOUR FULL NAME, BIRTH DATE and CORRECT AD DJI ESS. For PRIVATE REPLY send twenty-five cents and a self-addressed, stamped envelope for my NEW ASTROLOGY READING and receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE on THREE QUESTIONS. Send all letters to Abbe Wallace, F. O. Box 11. Atlanta, Georgia. __ A. B, M.—Does my husband love me? Is he fair with me at all times? Will he eqrtinue to be de voted? Is my life in danger? Ans: Why worry t-ontinous ly when you really haven’t anything at all to worry about. You know perfectly well your husband loves, admires, and respects you, also he is devoted and plays the game fair. Your life is not in danger. In fact your life is one above the averrge, work hard to keep it so. W. F.—Will I ever become an employee at the place that I de sire to work and if so how goon? Ans: A job of the particu lar nature that you wish will have to be gotten by your standing a Civil Service Exa mination. Then I fear that it would take quite some time as there is usually long waiting list. Take the examinations each period and continue to try for the job as you would certainly like it fine. E. S. The* man I love has been misinformed about me by some relative. Kr.ow that he loves me, but i8 trying to stay away to for_ get me. Will he take me back? Ans: Under the existing circumstances, it would be to your advantage to make it con venient to meet him, when you do then arrange to talk this thing over. If the man loves you like he has made you believe, nothing on earth would keep him away from you. Naturally he would feel peeved for a while but he will get over it. II. I). D. Why is it when I go to Sunday School every Sunday a young girl and the Superinten dants wife laugh when I get up? Is it that they think I am stuck up? Ans: My only suggestion in your particular case is that you he a little more friendly with the people that you come in contact with and they won’t be so prone to make fun of you. It is mere ignorance that makes anyone laugh at another person, but they haven't anything in particu lar against you. They don’t know you so well. Continue to go to Sunday School. P. S.—The man I love, will he be able to get a divorce without having to pay alimony, ing to pay alimony? Ans: In all probability he Shoe Pride or Shoe Shame Shoes look new again with our new invisible half soling. Lake Shoe Service 2407 LAKE ST. RECORD SAVINGS r _ Build—Modernize—Re-roof <■* * Re-side Insulate — Get Free Estimate MICKLIN LUMBER CO. 19th & Nicholas JA. 5000 F5pPsAL^M^m^:5Cr^!<^. luxe Sedan, Maroon, 6 wheels & Tires, Mechanically Sound $85.00 See at North Side Transfer, 2414 Grant. Your-Kidnevs ceatain 0 million tiny tubes or filters which may be endangered bv neg lect or drastic, irritating drugs. Be careful. If functional 'disorders of the Kidneys or Bladder make you suffer from Getting Up Nights, Nervousness, Leg Pains. Circles Under Eyes, Dizziness, Backache, Swollen Joints, Excess Acidity, or Burning Passages, don't rely eh ordinary medicines. Fight zuch troubles with the doctor's prescrip tion Cystex. Cystex starts working in 3 hours and must prove entirely satisfactory In 1 week, and be exactly the medicine you need or money back is guaranteed. Tele phone, your druggist for Cystex (Biss-tex) today. The gu si an tee protects you..Copr, 1937 The Knox Co. * [ can get his divorce without her exp-cting one dime from him. She is more or less an independent type who will not try to cause him any more trouble whatever. C. M. I have a boy friend that I have been going with off and on for about a year and I wish to know if he intends to marry me or what does he have on his mind ? Ans: Good times, and plenty of them arc the only things that worry him now. No, he isn't going to marry you. It would be to your advantage to make some other nice friends for he really isn’t as devoted to you now as seem to be lieve that he is. W. R.—Will I have any trouble if I accept and teach at tho place where I was last year? Ans: No trouble at all. The party that worries you to some degree has left the city and ho will not enter into your life. There isn’t anything for you to worry about con cerning your position. -O Sees Attempt Made To Smear Defense of Scotts boro Doys Birmingham, Ala. Sept. 1 (CNA) ;—An assertio nby Solicitor Melvin Hutson, rabid prosecutor in the Scottsboro case, that Communists aro engaged in a “deep laid plot to murder the sheriff and deputies” of Decatur County, was denounced this week as an attempt to smear the world wide movement i for tho defense of the Scottsboro 1 boys. Speaking in the name of the Communist Party of Alabama, Ro bert P. Hall, its secretary and candidate for the State Senate, as. sailed Hutson’s statement and de clared that ho would confer with attorneys concerning action for libel. Hall branded Hutson’s charg es as * ridiculous, fantastic, mis chievous and untrue” and was “an attempt to smear the defense movement with a red herring at precisely the moment when the conscience of Alabama is sp?ak ing out for the pardon of the re maining innocent boys through the voices of such distinguished sons of Alabama as Donald Comer and Forney Johnson.” “Any one familiar with our work knows that we strive for harmony between Negro and white citizens, not race riots which are provoked only by reactionaries,” Hall cintin ued. “It is in the interests of har. mony, unity and better relations ■ between the races that we have consistently sought to wipe out the injustice of the Scottsboro case and forever remove this cankerous source of ill feeling.’’ BISHOP WRIGHT HAS COUNCIL IN TEARS Mongomery, Sept. 1 (C)—The Bishop’s Council was in tears Thursday morning after a moving sermon by Bishop R. R. Wright, Jr., describing his work in South Africa. The priest who showed ef_ fects of his recent illness told a capacity audience that he did not conm to America to stay but to go back and carry something back for humanity with him. -O PHILL GIRL HEADS CHEYNEY HONOR ROLL Cheyney, Pa., Sept 1 (C)—Miss Sara F. jBailoy of Philadelphia headed th« Cheyney Teachers col lege Phonor roll for the first sem ester with rating of excelent. Nine others made excellent but were be low Miss Bailey. UO YOU KNUW WHT — a uuy Will use Language Line ms? Drawn for mis paper By nsner aZTTXiCr"11'1- — f wxjhc Mb-Vi! as xcivi1 l_ CTt-T^i" ex ttni-CR««t ,~Ji ' _ ~~-•, f ' ( -\ " iNOeSD^KtliHTEol \ JOURNE'I THBOLKit* 1WS 5P*£Pt\ TIM*S OHO umPR6.MEDIFAre.o TELl- / | SHUT up! IF ir / at th^ VJ K£v<* b-at.tuo.nous 1 PAT,Ano«s .NrEtu*.».MT>f Jlfc^£TH* L^ WASNt «ANW0Al ajuar . esssik-.JSM-,' jaagsg ggg„. I •fit. }|HTCT*ATI0NA1. Cabtoon CO.W, <■ USS" Mr. I. KnowlttT He tKHisni batiavc anything till «■ __^y. T^rniP." C C»ooONi4wr tpp'* Dovo<j ^" ,,.uc ~~'i (. ««i/| 7 /""it's owuV I & _ . | loo* a* «M Q 3^^ mm Bfci' \ LOO*^- T'N f ,er ,r\ ubjg MV I • D-CTOo M9U o.s-rtMV- IM SPOOKS-THSO%CO«« J LOOK \PPNiM i 'l'-0* 0 , ! ^ ffi Wm ^ui",ov^ -—r / #x • * /TfoohsTx , Cl'“°"~“.^gg7fe Ti \ 1 //' (itv HtCKLU ^ y H frogt^ TWAHONAL CA«TOOW CO, H t. | _ Here’s Aid for the Butter Budget . By Jane Knox Just a few simple Ingredients, several twirls of an egg be^.er and presto—there are two pounds of butter instead of one. HOW often do you look at your grocery budget, wish that you could make that pound of butter go twice as far, and then decide with a sigh that you are Just Un practically day dreaming? Well, your sigh is really not a bit neces sary. This business of having a better butter budget is something more than just a pleasant and fanciful tongue twlster-^lt is a fact. The new and facile method of making your butter spread over twice as many slices of bread will cut the cost of that item to nearly fifty per cent of its former self. Plain, unflavored gelatine, plus a little top milk, a few twirls of a rotary egg beater and suddenly you have two pounds of butter for one. It's just as easy as that. And when there are lunchbox sandwiches to prepare every day of the year, you can Imagine what a happy differ ence this will make from an eco nomic standpoint. "But how Is it to be done?" you ^«ay. Well, here’s how! Two Pounds of Butter from One 1 pound of butter 1 pint milk (preferably top half of a quart bottle) 1 envelope plain, unflavored gelatine Salt to taste Soften gelatine in one-fourth cup of cold milk for about five minutes. Then set over hot water and stir until gelatine is thoroughly dis-i solved. Cut butter into small pieces and place in a dish over warm wa-i ter until butter is quite soft but not melted. Gradually whip milk and softened gelatine into the but-; ter with a rotary egg beater, or, electric beater. After milk is thor oughly beaten into the butter, add, salt to taste. If the milk separates a little, keep on beating until ft is, all mixed in. Place on ice or in a cold place until hard. If a yellower color is desired, add a drop or so of yellow vegetable coloring. ! There, you have two pounds of creamy butter all ready to be spread on your family’s sandwiches. And Just, a last word to the wise for members of the reducing clan— the new two pounds of butter cuts the calories down as well as the tystter budget. FLORIDA PAPER GETS FULL PAGE INSURANCE AD. Pensacola, Fla. Sept. (C) The Colored Citizen, published here, carried a full page ad. from Cen tral Life Insurance company of Tampa, last week, of which G. D. Rogers president of the National Negro Insurance Association, is president. “0—— BISHOP SHAW AT SAM HOUSTON GETS $1,300 Austin, Sept. 1 (C)—Bishop A. P. Shaw of the ME church was a speaker at Sam Houston college Wednesday being welcomed by the president S. E. Grannum, and re ported $1,300 for the coleges from the West Texas conference of the church. -0 BOLL WEEVIL CAUSES WORST DAMAGE IN YEARS Memphis, Tonn. Sept. 1 (CNA) —iBcll weevils and army worms have caused more damage to cotton this year than in a quarter of a century extensions agents reported this week. Mid-South farmers have been hamprcd by rainsand heavy winds and efforts in man yareas to ex terminate the pests have been fu tile. Joe Louis Spftball Team To Play All Stars (White) —In Chicago Chicago, Sept. 8 (ANP) Chica. ' go, which has yet to see Heavy weight Champion Joe Louis in the rolo of soft ball player atlhough he Jives here, will see him in action w’hen his Brown Bombers play a picked all-star team of whites at American Giants Baseball park un der the lights Thursday night, Sept. 15. The Brown Bombers are cur rently on a nationwide tour during which they have played and de feated the nation’s leading teams of both races. They are also sche duled to participate in the na tional softball tournament at Sol diers field ending Sept- 12. The game in which Joe Louis wTill be seen at first base against the white all-stars will be preced, ed by a game between two girl’s teams, one white and one colored. The boxing champion is expected to attract thousands of both races to the American Giants park. O' Calvin’s Newspaper Service TESTED RECIPE —By Frances Lee Barton—— WHEN food tastes good the as sembled family will almost purr with satisfaction after the first mouthful. But, when in addition to lasting good the food U a de light to behold, then indeed you havo a culinary "double header”! The, combination of a coconut cream pie and lus. cious fresh raspberries is superb What a climax to a leisurely Sun day dinner. Coconut Cream Raspberry Pie 4 tablespoons sugar; 5 table-* spoons sifted cake flour; >4 tea spoon salt, 2 cups milk; 3 egg yolks, slightly beaten; 1 cup shred ded coconut; 2 teaspoons vanilla; 1 pint raspberries; 1 baked 9-inch pie shell. 2 egg whites, unbeaten; % cup sugar; Dash of salt; 2 tablespoons water; M* teaspoon vanilla. Combine sugar, flour, and salt in top of double boiler. Add milk and egg yolks, mixing thoroughly Place over rapidly boiling water and cook 10 minutes, stirring constantly Re move from boiling water, add Ms cup coconut and vanilla. Cooi. Place 1 cup raspberries in pie shell, then fill with cooled filling. Place egg whites, sugar, salt, and water in top of double boiler, beat with rotary egg beater until thoroughly mixed. Place over rapid ly boiling water and beat 1 min ute; then remove from fire and continue beating 1 minute, or until mixture will stnnd in peaks. Add flavoring. Pile lightly on filling. Ar range remaining berries around meringue. Sprinkle with remaining coconut. Serve at once. R§ad The Omaha Guide THE LOW DOWN FROM read my stuff, and I would lose HICKORY GROVE But maybe I could make one sug ___ gestio. And by doing so, maybe I Most evreybody has something was President of one of these com or other in the back Of his head wil1 not need towritc. And if I which he hopes to do sometime— i Panit®> w‘th 10 vice-presidents, I like going to the Grand Canyon, or wouId have a11 of thcm take a watching Sam Chapman hit a home, month each year’ and travel ar°unfi run, or maybe play the guiaar. | and ca^ on °^er vice-presidents And I am in the "same boat and! who arc in conference and cannot I have always wanted to write an seQ you> essay on vice-president—not of Yours with the low down, tho U. S. A., but vice-presiditnts XERK A liko where there is 8 or 10 of ‘em -0 with some company—and their ste nographer will not let you see them. Patronize But I have never been able Our to write, because I know 2 or 3 AHvprti«Pr« of the ducks whS are 100 per cent O. K., and they might happen to THE AWFUL PRICE YOU PAY FOR BEING NERVOUS : Cheek Bolow And See If Yon Have Any Of The Signs Quivering nerves can make you old and haggard looking, cranky and hard to live ■with—can keep you awake nights and rob you of good health, good times and jobs. Don't let yourself r,go" like that. Start taking a good, I eliable tonic—one made espe cially for women. And could you ask for any thing whose benefits have been better proved than world-famous Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? Let the wholesome herbs and roots of Pinkham’s Compound help Nature calm your shrieking nerves, tone up your system, and help lessen distress from female func tional disorders. Make a note NOW to get a bottle of this time-proven V' ukham's Compound TODAY without fail from your druggist. Over a mil lion women have written in letters reporting wonderful benefits. For the past 60 years Lydia K Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has helped grateful women go “smiling thru" trying ordeals. Why not let it help YOU? • Be Sure to Read BUYERS’ GUIDE Every Week In The OMAHA GUIDE