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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1938)
THE OMAHA GUIDE Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant St. Omaha, Nebraska Phone WEtxster 1517 Entered as Second Class Matter March 15, 1927, at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebr., under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR All News Copy of Chrurches and add Organi zations must be in our otfice not later than 5:00 p. m. Monday for curren issue. All Adver tising Copy or Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, preceeding date of issue, to insure publication. Race prejudice must go. The Fatherhood of Gad and the Brotherhood of Man must prevail. These are the only principles whil will stand the acid test of good, EDITORIALS CATHOLIC WOMAN COLLEGE — HEAD EXPLAINS LIFTING OF COLOR BAN AT COLLEGE New York, Sept. 8 (C)—The lift ing of the color ban at Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart is explain ed in detail by Mother Dammann, pres ident in a statement in the college pub lication, “The Tower Postscript,” sum mer number. The decision last spring to let down the bars to colored girls caused the circulation of an anony mous letter among the college alumni, .but replies proved the alumni to be overwhelmingly behind the adminis tration. The statement by President Dammann reads in part: “For some years we have known that the racial problem in Catholic ed ucation would have to bet met not by us in theory only, but in practice, .and we have been educating our stu dents in the principles by which it should be met. This spring for the first time a young colored girl who ful fils the requirements applied for ad mission to the Freshman class of next September. “Now what are these require ments? First of all high scholastic at tainments, this candidate meets our re quirements. Other students from her high school, white girls with the same qualifications, would be accepted with out demur. Would it be just to refuse her ? “Secondly, all applicants unless they have been qualified for a scholar ship by special examination and by proven need, must meet the fees stat ed in the Bulletin. This prospective student will meet all the required fees for a registered day student. “Thirl, we have cultured require ments. And this is because it is impos sible to give our type of education un less there is a well prepared soil in which to sow its seeds. When we have taken students with a home back ground in which books are not loved, in which truth and goodness and beau ty, unselfishness and respect for auth ority are not held in honor—even when there has been a ceratin veneer of manners and the material advantages that money gives-we have not devel oping the ideal I traced for you a mo ment ago. This particular student meets this requirements also. Her fa ther and mother are college graduates with dignity, tact, gentleness, good breeding and the virtues that a devout Catholic home life develops. She is not coming to make social contacts Her ambitions are far wider and deep er than that. She is coming for an ed ucation that will equip her to work for the uplifting of her own racial group. She need': such an education for leader ship. We are a Catholic college equip ped to give it to her. Can we in con science refuse to do so? “Knowing that this step-no mat ter (how just and consistent—wtould rouse some opposition, we put the question before the Trustees. They saw it as a duty to be fulfiled and as an opportunity to “do the truth in chari ty.’ We made our decision on the fol lowing principles—the general princi ple of the scaredness of human per sonality from which so many others flow underlying all that we consider ed. “1. There are no scientific facts and no rational principles which sup port the theory of an innate racial in feriority. “2. There are revealed doctrines on the oneness and equality of the human race which show racial discrimination to be an unjust and therefore an im moral and un-Christia nthing. More over, the Pope through a letter which the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities has recently sent out (we learnt of this after We made out decision) has condemned vigorously and roundly the theories of racism. This condemnation is directly against those theories of Nordic superiority which obtain in Germany, but it ap plies to theories of innate racial infer iority. “3. The democratic principles of our Government have found expression in the laws of many states by which institutions which draw a color line lay themselves open to the loss of their charters.. All the first class Eastern colleges for women admit colored stu dents when properly qualified, with no consequent ‘loss of prestige.’ Is a Catholic college founded on superna turual principles to refuse to do what Bryon Mawr, Wellesley, Smith, Rad cliffe and other privately controlled and supported colleges do on merely rational and democratic grounds? I know of one of these colleges where there are three .Negro girls so embit tered against their religion by the re fusal of Catholic colleges to receive them that they are open to the allure ments of the Communists, who are on ly too ready to make capital of such an attitude on the part of Catholic insti IUUUI1S. “4. The Pope and the Bishops in sist upon Catholic education on all le vels for Catholic students. A Catholic colored girl who meets the require ments of a Catholic college and applies for a Catholic education has a right to it, and in consequence the college has a right to it and in consequence the college has a duty to give it to her. “5. It is the duty of Catholics col leges to advance Catholic Action under the guidance of the Bishops by Train ing a Catholic intelligentsia, in the good meaning of this term .By helping the lawfully ambitious Catholic mem bers of the Negro group to subversive influences which are working to win over Communistic and atheistic doct rines and activities. Even the mei e instinct of self-preservation would dic tate this. The call of the Holy Father gives us a nobler and moie inspning motive..." A A__ • - v/w v THE THREE “MUSTS’ OF— _ TRAFFIC SAFETY -— Better law enforcement, ])lus better driver education, plus bettei highways, constitute the key to auto mobile accident prevention, according to the experts. And none of the three ingredients can be left out of this “safety stew” if we are to get results. Better law enforcement doesn’t mean tough policemen, and traffic judges who decree the maximum pun ishment on every possible occasion. It does mean modernized traffic codes, “fixless” tickets, a higher calibre of motor patrolman his many instances, and judges and prosecutors who do their duty without fear or favor. It means a type of law enforcement whose purpose is not punishment, but accident prevention. Often some sound advice will do more to curb a reckless or thoughtless driver, than a fine. Better driver education requires the scientific approach. Drivers must be appealed to on every possible occa sion, by the written and spoked word. Messages must be made simple, vivid, and memorable. The great majority of drivers involved in accidents can be made into safe car operators. In the case of the small percentage which is congenitally reckless revocation licen ses seems to be the only cure. Better highway construction is w'here the engineer comes in. When you build a road on which it is im possible to have a major accident, than you’ve solved the traffic problem so far as that road is concerned. And mo dern planning makes it possible to come remarkably close to that ideal, through the use of under and over pas ses, traffic lane separation, and ap proaches which do not permit cars traveling in opposite directions to meet. The highway of the future will not only be faster than that of today, but immeasurably safer. Accident prevention involves the long pull. It can’t be achieved over night. But properly directed and con tinous campaigns, over a period of time, will turn the trick. -0O0 Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks - “The ancient saw that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, doesn’t apply when it comes to teaching old drivers new skills and attitudes,” says Dr. Herbert J. Stack of the National Conservateon Bureau. “This goes for the adult pedestrian too.” Dr. Stack describes some of the work that is being carried on in var ious communities to promote traffic safety—work that should and must be greatly extended if the death and fa talety rate is to be reduced. In many places, police departments have taken the lead in providing scientific educa tional programs for drivers and ped estrians. Some departments have es tablished schools for veolators, and found them to be extremely effective in educating the ignorant and curb ing the reckless. Newspapers, radio and other media have done a splendid work in keeping the gravity of the ac cident problem and its canifold solu tions before the public. Also, Dr. Stack said, an intelligent ly conducted! educateonal program simplifies the task of identifying that small group of drivers which refuse to voluntarily mend theid ways, and can be reached only by arrests, fines, or re vocateon of driving dicenses. One of the vital “musts’’ of any program is that it be permanent. As Dr. Stack warned, so-called “safety weeks” and similar hit and miss driv es of brief duration, usually accomp lish lettle or nothing. What good may be done is lost almost immediate ly unless the drive is followed by a consistent educational and enforce ment campaign that is in contenual operation. We’ve “dodged” the traffic saf ety issue too long. We’ve tried spor adic campaigns and seen them fail time after teme. There’s only one way out—and that is for every com munity, large or small, to go after the reckless, inco-mpetent and ignorant driver with campaigns that will get results. Encouraging Marketing Cooperation The Wisconsin State Department of Agriculture is carrying on some interesting activities n behalf of agri cultural marketing cooperation. Country-wide co—^ops are being created. Permanent headquarters are to be established. The membership is being brought together at periodic meetings. During the winter season round table talks will be held, and ex perts will discuss cooperative market ing and other phases of producer co operation. j Ths is a worthwhile undertaking that is bound to produce results if the farmers are sensible enough to stick to their tasks and not branch off into alien fields of business. Cooperation among producers, and the creation of a central bargaining authority to dis pose of crops, is sound and profitable. Failure comes when co-ops attempt something which is basically out of their line, such as merchandising. A successful marketing cooperative mar kets the produce of its members, and that’s all. -0O0 —CROSSROADS of AMERICA America’s most efficient steam railroad systems criss-cross Nebraska with 8,663 miles of lines, connect Ne braska swiftly with every nook and corner of the nation. Nebraska rail ways pioneered stream-line, light weight trains, originated free railroad pickup and delivery service. FREIGHT RATES ARE COMPETITIVE WITH THOSE OF ALL MIDWEST RE GIONS. Nebraska is the center of transcontinental trucking, with 60,000 trucks operating within the state. Transconental airways serve both coasts and link Nebraska directly writh every U. S. airline. River transport ation is assured on the Missouri river with a 6 foot channel in 1938 and a 9 foot channel by 1940. The entire Mississippi valley become^ available for river barge service at low rates. Excellent transportation is but one of the many advantages Nebaska offers industry. Here too are found cheap power and fuel, capable and ample la bor, the vast mid-American market, incomparable freedom from punitive taxes. Nebraska offers: No» Income tax; No sales tax; No other extra tax es; No bonded debt; More money for living. Nebraska’s constitution' pro hibits state bonds. Moreover, 77 of 93 counties have no bonds, Municipal debts are low, and steadily declining. America’s “White Spot”. -oOo LAPPING THE FIELD In foreign countries, Americans are usually regarded as prodigal peo ple. But the life insurance totals paint a very different picture. No country in the world even ap proaches the United States in the total volume or per capita coverage of life insurance. To use a racing term, we have “lapped the field.” with the se cond country far behind. Equally important, it is not the wealthy man but the average man who has contributed most to the growth of life insurance. Big policies constitute but a drop in the bucket. Smaller poll ties, rangling from one to ten thousand dollars make up the vast majority of the $120,000,000 of life insurance now in force in this country. A prodigal people? We may be ;"i some wrays—but not wThen it corn^s to safeguarding the future of our depen dents and ourselves.