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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1937)
N. T. State Probes .Ratfe Discrimination New York. Dec. 23 (ANP)— •tlored citiEP’ s themselves d1 n t always suspect how severely they saffar from racial discrim nation even in supposedly liberal eo. i munitiea, it is being revealed in the publio hearings now being h 11 by the New York Sta e Commis sion on the Condition of the Urlwn tHlered Population. The New York City hearing, which opened on De cember 1811s to carry through the greater part of the current week rev ealed even more damning testi many. Open violation of the vari ous “equal rights’’ laws of the state have been reported and have been proved. Ohk f ameng the violations is that of the law regarding equal employment opportune ies by pub 1 i.» utilities, on public works con tracts or in civil service. A seri ous housing scarcity wi'h conse quent over crowding and exorbit ant rentals have already been pro ved. Pernicious racial practices by departmental superiors and heads in the public service have been un covered, as for instance when it was found that Negro janitors in the State Capitol buildings were receiving $800 a year less than their white fellow janitors. The Commission, created by the I egislature at last year's sess’on. began it« work in September and has until March 1st to conclude its preliminary investigation and report. While a small staff of field workers has been busy for the past two months searching avai'jabie documents and records through out the state, open hearings have been held in Albany, Buffalo, Nas sau, Westchester and Queens coun ties and with the four days hear ing in New York City. unairman naroia k. nerman. Assemblyman from Nassau Coun ty, presided a*t the hearings assist ed by the vice chairman, William T. Andrews, colored representative from the 2tst Assembly Dis’ricit.. Lester B. Granger is executive di rector; Dr. Dean S. Yarbrough is Research Director and Professor lewis Meyers of City College of New York is Legal Counsel. Dayton Woman SpHs. Valuable Property Dayton. 0., Dec. 23 (ANP—0n» of the largest real estate trans actions ever negotiated in this city h.v a colored person was consum mated last week with the reported side of valuable frontage on West Sixth street, across from the new l'«iion sta*)>n—tly Mrs. Marion Anderson, widely known business woman to Robert D. Patterson, •millionaire coal operator. The re p rted oonsideratlon was in excess of $50 000. Mrs. Anderson was reputedly l"ft close to a quarter of a million by her first husband and within the past ten years by shrewd busi ness methods, is reported to have added $100.00 to her fortune. Ac tive in social welfare and civic circles, Mis. Anderson is chairman of th* Weat=ide day Nursery, which, through i .• -5^ is debt free; acti v n, the C< mmaaitg Che. drive and in the local TWCA, chairman of the Needlework Guile! and a prominent Episcopalian. She is called by her friends "Dayton’s first citizen.’’ I **..*"*•**•*•••*•••••• (•••.■*. Carl Nigro Shoe Repairing Best Material Expert Workmanship Service 3118 North 24th Street _ _ ■■ ■■ j ■■ ' ■«-' " L ■ -jV' '■ "-XJS1 {'//biti'CYiAa'k‘ i\ WISHING YOU H It W HBPPY JBLIDfliC WPA Survey Shows . Illiteracy Among So. Carolina Negroes _ Washington. D. C., Dec. 23 |(ANP)—A recent report submit ted here to the Education Division of he Works Progress Administra tion by Lawrence M. Pinckney, t-'outh Carolina State Administra tor shows appalling illiteracy among the Negroes of the state who ha'e been consls’ently denied thr fundamentals cf od"cation by lack of schools and training and by the inequalities of State legis lated funds as between white and Negro school children. According to the report of State ! Administrator Pinckney, a survey of 51.006 Negro homes in South I Carolina made in the fall of 1935 revealed that 27,916 mothers and fathers could not read, 28.-307 could net write, and 7.8C9 children bx tween the ages of six and fourteen years were out of school. This in formation, brought up to date by a later house canvass by teachers, is the basis upon which the presc nt program has been worked out. At present the WPA program employs a total of 242 teachers to conduct 953 classes. The total num ber of enroliees is 17, 956, while the number participating in relat ed activities s approximately 26. 500. More than 10,000 persons have been taught to read and write. The program now includes liter acy classes, general adult educa tion. nursery school, classes in agriculture subjects, and classes in homemaking. In addition, all students are given basic instruc tion in health and sanitation, re creation, and the use of library facilities. As a result of this work, Mr. Pinckney reports, many pupils, old and young, who were illiterate three or four year's ago are now doing work of fourth and fifth grade levels, and the beginners of a year ago are writing simple let ters and reading simple materials of first and second grade levels. At the same time there has been created within the parents the de [ sire not only to better their chil dren’s condition, but their own as well. BOOST JOE LOUIS ; Wear a .loe I.outs button now or. I sa.'o at your local drug store. TRUSSES SUPPORTERS ELASTIC HOSIERY ABDOMINAL BELTS EXPERT FITTERS SEILER Surgical Co., Inc. MED. ARTS BLDG. Ill South 17th St. Omaha wSi^^kidSmflhmiitvk Relief Clients Happy As Jobs Open To Help Dispel Their Gloom Cleveland, Dec. 23 (By Clarence L. Simmons for ANP)—A goodly number of Cleveland’s 67.000 re lief clients are happy for word from Washington ard Columbus arsures them that the WPA is sending more than 5,000 workers hack to work, backed up by the word “immediately’1 from the au thor rties. At the same time the Bell Tele phone company announces that the company contemplates spend ing $7,000,000 here in 1938. This is good news to the residents of Ohio •nd Greater Cleveland in general, but it is non-effective to Negroes since the Bell Telephone company doesn’t hire Negroes in Ohio state. Announcement from Columbus notified local authorises to start making assignments of new work ers ‘‘at once’’ to the WPA. So far no “quota" has been set for Cleve land. It also stated that the as signments would be flexible and .that Clevelanders may be sure of getting their share of employment, j More than 3,246 men anl women | awaiting assignment on existing IW PA projects were replaced Thurs | day. After this replacement there I were about 2.600 others eligible tor |WFA work and will be given jobs ,as soon as possible, A large number of Negro work ers who have been on the “wait ing” lists have been placed urd a number of them who had been em ployed and laid off some months fcgo, have new assignments- The first to go to work were those who [Were in immediate need. I It is also a blessing to the re lief agencies who were being work od night and day in their efforts to administer aid to new applicants. Reports show that more than ,1,000 persons were seeking relief ! who had been working in private Shoe Pride or Shoe Shame . . . Shoes look new again with our new invisible half soling. Lake Shoe Service 2407 LAKE ST. !——--1-1:1 industries an<i had been laid off with the new business slump in Cleveland. In an effort to meet the demands of the relief situation the mayor had ordered city service ;men from their jobs so as to make up the amount necessay to carry the relief load. This move on the part of the lo cal administration was not the wisest thing to do. for the city em ployees were barely getting their pay as it was and as soon as they were laid off, many of them rushed the reiief windows seeking aid. Colonel Joseph II. Alexander, county director of WPA. asserted that “there are enough vacancies existing in projects already under way to absorb many workers, ex cept for white collar workers who number about 20 per cent of the total eligible. By the first of the year we expect to have ample new projects authorized.” An all-time record number of direct relief appliiations was re ceived here Tuesday. The total was 35G, according to reports. The number is rapidly increasing. A weekly record of 1,152 was set Inst week. About 37*4 per cent of these new applications were color ed citizens. I Dog Has Attendance. Rework at Sehoo Knoxville. Term.. Doe, 23 (By O. H. Taylor for ANP>—Aeross th' river at the Jones sehool, ia South Knoxvi'Ie, ‘‘Mslor’' a bg Germa Police dog holds the best atte d ance record. He has not missed a roll call on any school day during the last nine years. When lit le Ruth Clark, nine years ago, became six she started going to the Jlones school and “M > jor” decided too accompany her and has been coming ever sinco. Two years ago, when Ruth finishes! seventh grnde. sha wa" enrolled at the Austin high schooi, several miles away; but “Major’’ still in terested in education and th? chd dren all of whom (teachers in cluded) are kind t.o him, comes j clone to school .“Major does not attempt to recite, but takes a posi | ion near the large warm stove. | until peieess when he goes out to romp and play with the children.’’ ‘‘Co not know what we would do now without Major,’’ said M'as V.vian Bradley, principal of the Jones school. ‘ Major” belongs to Mr. Henry Clark of Moody street. AFTER 45 Very often ns you grow older your digestive sys tem berximrs deficient and your blood ran not get the |>ro|*er nourish ment. You feel listless ami worn out. Try a single bottle of famous old Hoa tetter’s. Its stimu lating herbs and roots quickly help in revitalizing the diges tive glands. At drug Stor esc very where.$1.50 .1937 8c SHIRTS 8c When Finished Out of Any Family Service EMERSON LAUNDRY ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 No. 24th St_WE 1029 . MEN AND,WOMEN MAKE BIG MONEY Make today your luckiest ' day—get Lucky Heart's BIG, FREE SAMPLE CASE PACKED FULL OF $9.00 WORTH of cosmetics, medi cines, household necessities ■v and curios that sell on sight y —and keep on selling every a time you call hack. Have money coming in I all the time. You will have what your cus r tomers want and you can really he a "big money" salesman or saleswoman. Better than a job. Work when you feel like it. Even spare time brings in up to $VOO a day. Full time up to $4f.00 a week. Lucky Heart shows you how to sell—tells you the sales secrets it took us 10 years to learn. Easy "money-making magic" for you—YOUR SUCCESS GUAR ANTEED—write today for FREE SAMPLES, SAMPLE CASE AND GUARANTEED MONEY-MAK ING PROPOSITION. Write Lucky Heart Co. D«pt. G-10' iMemphis.Tenn. \U TOll KKOW WHY - - A Utter M AfoM Wtfey Suspicions ? t:m to, m jii' Ey Fitter I1"—.-■ — ■ —■■■■■ ---—=r-*-, 1^—I 5^ THlfcO DfV< FOURTH D<fvf ' VISIT THE New Elite Bar 2423 N 24th St. Drinks Of All Kinds At Modern'e Prices Spe.itl Courtesy to Lrdies Direct Wire On All Sporting Events Christopher & McGill, Props. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS .Parks Ice and Fuel ‘lU-asoiuble x nc«s and QumIc De.ivery Service' is Our Motto. Asthma Cause Fought in 3 Minutes By dissolving and removing mucus sr r’.lcgm that causes strangling, choklsg. Asthma attucfes, the doctor’s prcscriptlra Menuaco removes the cause of your agony. No smokes, no dopes, no injections. Ab solutely tasteless Starts work In 9 minutes. Bleep sou j tonight. Soon feel well, years younger, stronger, and eat anything. Guar antee! completely satisfactory or money back. If your druggist «s out ask him to order Meiiduco for you. Don't suffer another day. The guarantee protects you. When Poisons Clog KIDNEYS And Irritate Bladder FLUSH THEM OUT FOR 35-CENTS Go to your druggist today and get this safe, swift and harmless diuretic and stimulant—ask for Gold Medal Haa lem OH Capsules and start at onte to flush kidneys of waste, matter and saturated with acids and poisons That’s I he way to bring about healthy kidney activity and stop that bladder ir Ration which often causes scanty passage with smart ing and burning as well as restless nights. Remember, the kidneys often need flushing ns well as the bowels, and some symptoms of kidney weakness a e: Getting up snee or twice during the night—puffy eyes —cramps in leg—backache an«l moist palms But be sure and get GOLD MF.LIAL Haarlem Oil Capsules— (he original and genuine—right f om Haarlem in Holland—the price is small (35-cents), the good results will fulfill your expecta tions JOE LOUIS Champion I A Full Sin Specially Fated Photo FREE with Every Can of Sweat I Geargla Brawn Hair Dressing I Hoe’s the biggest money-making opportunity ever ■ ottered to Agents' Don't lose any time taking advan tage of this sensational ofler! Just think how your cus ■ tomere mil buy wtwn you oder them a beautiful Auto ■ graphed Photo <9*4112") of JOE LOUIS absolutely ■ FREE with each can of Sweet Georgia Brovm Hair Dress I I ing Everybody wants a picture of this coming weald's H champion in their home So don't wait. Send name and H address for FREE samples of — ■ Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Dress ■ ing. Face Powder. A rents Offer ■ and Special JOE LOUIS FREE 1 B Picture Oder. Hurry! Write today! I VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. Dept. 1U 2241 Indiana Avenue Hi Chicago, Illinois BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL .. DIRECTORY.. Save time, worry, confusion and money by consulting this complete Directory of Neigh* borhood and City Business places._ RABE’S BUFFET 2425 N. 24th St. J»- 9196 CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE 2422 No. 22nd St WE 0846 STEPHENSON BEAUTY SHOP 2037 N. 24th St. At. 6810 CHARLENA LEWIS BEAUTY SALON 2865 Maple St. JA 6116 ECONOMY TAILOR Chae. M. Simmons, Prop. We Cut, Trim Make Suits to Order Make all kinds of alterations for Ladies and Gents. Cleaning and Repairing 1918 No. 24th St. ROSENBLATT GROCERY 2202 No. 26th Street (Corner of Burdette) JA 0051 Free delivery American Wiener Shop 2509 N. 24th Street. KING YUEN CAFE 2010M> N. 24th St. Ja. 8676 CHARLIE* PLACE 1602 N. 24th St. We. 4019 For real Cleaning and Laundry Service Cali DON’S J>A 0555 2008 No. 24th St. Rev. D. C. Stephenson, Prop. ELITE CIGAR STORE 2812 N. 24th St. Ha. 4226 HOUSTON’S GROCERY 2114 No. 24th St.. JA 3543 Our Sausage a specialty Free Delivery JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th St. We. 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY 24th and Lake We. 0609 When it’s Flower* yea warn DON’S 2008 North 24th St. JA I4« Rev. D. C. Steykeaeea. Prep I___ ] NORTH-SIDE TRANSFER 2414 Grant St. We. M» BERMAN’S TAILOR SHOT & CLEANERS Any Coat Rolineil for $4-M 1408 No. 24th St.AT 119 Electrical Appliances DONAHOO A HOYLE Norge Appliance Co. 2423 Farnam St. Ha. 06C Graders W. F. HOCH Grading and Excavation 4506 Ames Ave. Ke. 031 Grocery Stores HERMAN’S MARKET 124th and Lake We. 544 Laundries EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 N. 24th St. We. 10S EDHOLM A SHERMAN 2401 N. 24th St._We. 60t Monument Makers HEFT A NOTES 40th and Forest Lawn Ke. 171 Produce Markets METROPOLITAN PRODUCE 1616 N. 24th St. We. 47! BEN & KERMIT ANDERSOF Painting, Wall Washing aad Decorating 23 Years Experienee Estimates free Work Ouaraate* 2801 Miami St. 2872 Biaay S Phone WE 5826 J. B. CLEANERS and TAdLOf 1S05 No. 24th St. WS 01* We do all kinds ef wsrk.