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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1937)
% TO fill.. I C 3 7 THE CHAMPKN Always Offers The Best Race Results COUNTRY CLUB — HAMMS, AND METZ BOTTLED BEERS Home Style Cooking By AMANDA OFFUTT Ladies Welcome 2047 No. 24th St JA 4777 1 .. FAIRMONTS .. ICE CREAM WISHES THEIR MANY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy New Year XMAS GREETINGS FROM .. NEISNER BROS 408 So. 16th St. Abe Tajinerbaum, Mgr. Johnson Dru/er Co. Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions WE 099H 1901 No. 21th St. Bobbin’s Pharmacy 2106 No. 24th St. WE 1711 DOUBLE COLA IDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY WEbster 3043 MODERN SHOE REPAIR 1410 North 24th Street While having vonr shoes repaired also do your Xmas shopping. We have late at valuable Novelties and Xmas toys. SLYTER ICE and COAL 00. Ne Extra Charge for Half-Ton Delivery 25M Lake Street AT 4355 . ''1''" '' T 1 ''1T | HERMAN’S MARKET HERMAN FRIEDLANDER Proprietor “EAT FLEISCHM ANN’S YEAST FOR HEALTH" 24th and Lake Street WEbster 5444 GASCON CLUB The Garccon club gave a Smoker at the home of James Richardson, 2324 No. 22nd street, November 23. The boys had a wonderful time amusing themselves wit.h card playing, smoking and conversing with the sixty men that were pre rnt. The Smoker was a drive to enlarge the club’s membership to ‘he extert that all waiters and progressive men of our nationality might unite together strong en ough to obtain and promote the progress of the Negro. The dub held their regular busi ness meeting I)ec< mher 8 at th'i home of James Richardson 2"24 No. 22nd s'root. The meeting was performed in the usual manner The acknowledgement of four new members was accepted by the club as a whole. All prospective mem bers are asked to turn in their ap plications to members. Next meet ing will be held December 27 at the home of James Richardson. -Q QUACK CLUB The Quack club held their last meeting for 1937, Friday, Decem ber 18. The next meeting will be held on Jhnuary 7, 1937. The girls exchanged gifts among themsel ves. Many lovelysgifts were receiv ed. A beautiful t-hristmas ceremon ial will be given at the “Y” Dec ember 20. After the ceremony, a lovely tea will be setrved. This Christmas ceremonial and ten is being sponsored by the club. Each 1 girl is asked to invite four gues's. The. Quack’s Annual Christmas party which is to he giv"n a* th-> j Music Box on Janunry 10, 15)38 is expected lo bo a colorful affa:r Tone Lewis, president; Willi Jakes, reporter. RECEPTION A reception will Ik? given by tho numbers of the church of St. Phillip, the Deacon, in honor of their new rector and wife. Rev. and Mrs. E, M. M. Wright, Tuc day evening. December 28 at th' Northaide YWCA, 22nd end Cl ran street. Hours 7:30 to 10:30 p. m The public is cordially invited. from various public spirited () u' ha citizens of the eommuni’y b\ tho Urban League and Comnutni'v Center Charity dub at its annual toy party given for thi purpose of gettirg toys to be included in “baskets'* which are distributed to needy families at Christmas lime A considerable nnmrx r < f guests who gained admission by bi ing'ng toys spent a pleasant evenin'' j dancing to the music of Mi- W. L. I Myers recording apparatus Soft lights added to the homey aitmosphere created by the pretty derorations which included a fire place an an effective Christmas tree. Mi’s. Florerce Terrell, president of the club, said that, the party was successful and seemed to be growing more successful each year in tho colection and distribution of toys. - -o - — Four hundred and fifty eni 1 ployees of the Continental Baking Co„ makers of Wonder bread, were feted in the company plant at an Xmas party Saturday night. The evenings entertainment con sisted of a turkey dinner, presen. tation of gifts, and dancing to first class orchestra music Colored employees who partici pated with their families in the celebration were Floyd Thomas, iWayman Wilbur, Finis Gray, George Green, Ralph Taylor and William Roulac. The Continental Baking Co., to whom special mention should be given for their unfaltering willing, to cooperate with our community in uplifting enterprises, has don ated a huge, beautifully decorated Christmas tree for the kids partv to be staged by the GuidHe chib for the purpose of distributing the toys that will be raised by the midnight benefit revue to be held Thursday at midnight at the Elk’s Hall. -o——— FOR RENT 4 room apartment, furnished, $12 per month. HA 0458. his W 'pU In rhouffht ant! Reliffior By Robert L. Moolv lYnco on earth and goodwll to ward men! Most, of us orthodox Christians do not believe, in the theory that mankind evolved fro lower animals, but wo do believe ir rational evolution. We th'nk tha no greater message !s re d d ‘o be realized ard more “peace o earlh and goodwill'.toward mer'.’’ t‘u* fir ro mus bo "n rv^lut/o H f ’ tr r DT4, tfl hMV n pf*npnr»’l ^"’Vy w- r14; must, become peacoful :ndi''id"a1 To have ne''ee in its truest «ens is to have Ch st -nd *h"t "-us 'wgin with each ww^on heemnie'' a now crns*ure. THen a "roup row orea'tiirr's eommse o p a^of • n< Vb'-orhooH—a group of neac"f'’1 'o-hb'rt'oods o naopf 1 c:ty— ■ rd so on until we develop p ]>eaepful world. ^nvore who has Chr’st—“for Tie is our peace’' has eoodw'll t ward all m^n. It is quite a refkw tion upon Christ and Christianit to have warlike conditiors as w do in China and Spean. Our indus trial and social strife in this cour try reflects our claims as being a Christian nation. The author joins everyone who receives and shares presents wit1' others but without Christ there is no real OTflj^tian. All of our cus toms are Secondary. It was the gift of the only begotten Son that initiated this celebration, so if we celebrate it rightly we must re. cognizes that “unto us a child is bom a Savior, who is Chrisf, the Lord.’’ With Him within we may have plenty or may be des titute, but we shall have a very Merry Christmas! -o—— The Sportsman League is anti cipating t/he coming week end, for for a beautiful Christmas party to be given at 2212 Lake street, Christmas eve. (bests will include their wives nrd intimate friends. Each lady guest will be presented with a gift representing thn Yulotide spirit. John Anderson, president; Massy Avant, reporter. The Autumn Leaf Club under the dreclion of its very efficient president, hold a Hostess party a* I he Northside YWCA on Monday night, December 13. Tber' won twelve host ssos who represented the same number of tables. Christmas colors were car '• I out end each table was elab orately decrtratetl. There wore nihuy prominent speakers. !. • « : N E li R A S K A PRODUCE ! 2202-4-6 North 24th Strce Phone WE 4137 i |} Poultry and Egg Dealers IOui prices tire reasonsabk see us first. ■ Los Angeles, Dec. 23 (By Harry Levette for ANP)—Accusing pol i ice authorities of attempting to i her intimidate her or jail her "or perjury before the Rev. Harold Wilson could be placed on trial, Mrs. Beatrice Reeves, prominent in social and political circles, declar s that she was called before 'he grand jury twice last week. She was also called before the District •‘'orney's investigation commttee he declares. Although the much discussed case in whrh Wilson is charged with five sex complaints was set for last Thursday before Judge Judge Valentine in Department 46, it was Friday before a jury could be impaneled. This diff culty Mrs. ‘ Reeves also charges to the pro secution which she gave is prompt ed by political entanglements to avoid prosecution of W’ilson, whi at the time was boy’s director of the 28t.h Street YMCA is alleged to to have committeed a number of offenses against Bertrand Hunter, age 10. Mrs. Reeves s'ated that since the commission of the crimes Mrs. N. P. Pattc.., Prop. The Patton Hotel.. * 1014 So. 11th St. AT 2752 .A Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year The Elite Amusement and Sports 2421 !North 24th Stare 31 WISHING YOU A Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year Douglas Coal Co. 2C24 Fd Creighton Blvd. AT. G363 Beware Kidney Germs if Tired, Nervous, Achini Arc you Run Down, Nervous, suffer Achin or Swollen Joint.;? ho you Get Up Nights, ot sutler from Burning Pmssuges, Frequem Headaches, Leg Pan s, Backache, Dbtlnr PuHy Eyelids, Loss of Appetite and Energy I If so, the true muse often may be gern j developed in the body during cold;, or b: bad terth or tonsils that need removin'1 1 These germs mav ultack the delicate men. branes of your Kidneys or Bladder and oltc I cause much trouble. Ordinary medicine can t help much because they don’t light t1 1 germs. The doctor's formula Cystex, n. | stocked by all druggists, starts fighting K; | ney germs In 3 hours and must prove entire i satisfactory In 1 week and be exactly tl medicine you need or money back is guar anteed. Te’ephone your druggist for fystc l81ss-tex)“ today. The guarantc » ro* - you Copr. 1937 The Knox Co. against the Hunter boy, Wilson has been ordained as minister of the A M. E. church and sent to a hurch in Calevico, where he was eventually arrested. Last week Mrs. Reeves stated to the press that since the arrest she has been threatened a num’ie of times over the telephone. She was told, she sa:d that she wa ‘putting her neck out too far in the Wilson case” and to get ou‘ of it if she wanted ‘‘to stay heal by.” Unable to frighten her with threats of violence, she stated, sh had been approach 'd with the of fei of a bribe of $500. Reporting the threa's to Mayo Shaw, Mrs. Reeves declares sh’ was told that she was “crazy” a^d there was nothing to worry or be :’oine alarmed about. We OflfW 24th and LAKE STREET* PRESCRIPTION^ Eree Deliver* WWbVrtW.* : iiiSTMAS and w Year . Dr. G.7* ’’'TOX CtiRIsfmfeiw ‘ ’ 7M H . *. • Willa’s Beauty Salon 2308 No. 2H1, St. VVE 5690 MERRY CHRISTMAS AND \ PPY NEW YEAR ,. c. insurance Co. ESTABLISHED 1903 r"T,0 L BAIRD EiLDG. OMAHA, NEBR. ’eUi/ CXujtmal C A —, Y ’ S NaborhooJ (jrocery 27th and Grant WE 6089 And fol* your convenience will be open all day the Sunday Fol lowing a mas. TURKEYS lb... 29c ] LARGE FAT HENS lb. 24c j DUCKS and GEESE XMAS CONDY lb. ......-. 15c and 20e CRANBERRIES qt. 15c C,tptt—laro'e ....„... 10c OEANTF and MELLON PEEL . 10c f■ n~ To •> apples ib.5c \ Choice Cuts cf Eobv Beef Steak ..28c Primed Rib Boneless Rolled Roast .25c SPRING C-HICTTFNS live natives lb. 25c NEW DEAL Ice Cream qts. 25c pts. IPe MTXFD NUTS lb... 25c SOUTHERN PECANS fresh lb. . 29c Fruit Pudding and Je'lc^, All Flavors Buy Package Fuel; its Cheaper .......... .. .. -* I A R D * *' O S ICE CREAM Hardi.g’s Ice Cream is carefulyy supervised by the Sealtest System of Lab. i.itory Protection Butter-Nut Coffee and Pancake Flour Paxton-GaiUagher Co. THE SEASON’S GREETINGS FROM ROBERTS DASRY Omaha Guide’s First Annual Christmas Benefit Revue ELKS HALL—24th and Lake j Thursday, Dec. 23, 1937! MIDNIGHT I FOLLOWING SHOW, DANCE UNTILj? ? j TICKETS ON SALE AT [ Johnson Drug _ Robbins Drug The Elite Bar H. and M. Cafe | Famous Corner Omaha Guide | Admission 35c. Tickets bought before Thursday noon, Dec. 23, 25c I A Child’s Gift Will Be Appreciated e