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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1937)
~ --- ■ .. ■' " NOTE: I ht ,uis«rred FREE in th:s col nmn ONLY »h< ... f »his column is enclosed with Y'OUR QUESTION, Y< I I. \ WE, BIRTHDATE and CORRECT ADDRESS. For 1 tEI’LY’ send twenty-five cents and s sclf-addressi'elope lor niv NEW ASTROLOGY READING an * turn mail my FREE ADVICE on THREE QUES I II letters to Abl»e Wallace, care of The Omaha (. -treet, Omaha, Nebraska. MY 1938 ASTROLOGY READINGS ARE NOW READY E. C. W.—Should I stay on the job unat l hav* now or should I take Uio trip tnat been offered me for tho first of the year? Arts; You cou.d on y derive a few weeks pleasure from the trip and I mind say that it will give yW , irtU- «t joy. to rental.! on y -«r present job will insure you of re galar employment the en tire winter. Make your choice. L. M. J.—Does my boy friend mean me any good? What should I be? A*s; Stop worrying about this yetuig man and make some ether nice friends in your city. The boy likes you but neither he or your self are really old enough to know the meaning of the word lore. Id. B. B.—There are two women in my life. I have lived with one for seven yearn and the other I have anly known for one year. Do eiduY one of them love me or am I jest another fool ? An: The lady that you have lived with for the past Beven years does lore you and would like more than anything in the world £o hare yon to herself. The other young lady isn't at all interested in you •r your lore. V. M. G.—Why is it that homo is not pleasant for mo anymore and would it be brat for mo to move? Ans: Y«*«r home life could lie wade pleasant but it will take a let of ,careful thinking and plan ning. hot you nre perfectly capable #f doing it. The condition that ex ists now is only temporary and a change will take place before spring wilh your help. S. M.—-Who caused niy daugh ter to be in this condition and what should I do about her and will sh? ever be well again? An*: No one at all s responsible for the condition of your dnugh'er. The thing yoa should do right away is to see a good doc'or and let him examine your daughter. Yes, RAY L. WILLIAMS, Any. fWn. 200 Turkman Bldg. 24th Lake In the County Court of Douglas Ceunty, Nebraska: In the Matter of the Estate of Lovelac Campbell, deceased. To Lovelac Campbell and all be neficiaries of his estate, and all other persons interested in said es tate: You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in this Court aa the 8rd day of November, 1937 by Horace Campbell, interested in said estate as sole beneficiary thereof, alleging that Lovelac Campbell, a resident of Douglas County, Nebraska, on or about the 1st day of November, 1929, with out known cauae absented himself from his usual place of residence and has ever since concealed his whereabouts from his family for a period of more than seven years last past; that said absentee has personal property to be adminiater ed In Douglas County, Nebraska. Said petitioner prays that the Court prescribe the notice and the return date therein which shall be given, addressed to and served upon saM absentee and said beneficiary as provided by law, that the date of death of said Lovelac Campbell bo determined and that administra tion of said estate be granted to Ray L. Williams. You are therefore notified that a hearing will be had on said petition on the 8rd day of January, 1988 at 9 o'clock a. m. at the County Court Room of Douglas County, Nebraska and that if you fail to appear at said tame and place and contest the pe tition, the Court may grant the prayer thereof, appoint a repre sonative for said absentee and make such other orders according to law, as may be necessary to the end that said estate and all things pertaining thereto may be finally settled and determined. Bryce Crawford, County Judge Bo Nov. 6 87 End Dec. 30 S7 an improvement will lake place provided she gets medical treat ment immediately, E. G.—Will I ever have a baby of my own? Will hubby get work? Ans. Certainly you are going to have a youngster and before the next two years have passed. Give your husband a lot of encourage ment for he could get work if he weren’t so self-conscioas and would ask for a job. ' B. J.—How can I win my boy friend back again? Ia my age real ly the cause? Will I learn to dance soon? Ans: This particular young man lias found someone else that he loves better than he does you. However, you are going to meet a mighty nice young man very soon who will mean a lot more to you than this party. There isn’t any reason why you should not dance, make effort each time you have a chance and within a short time you will dance as well as any of your -lends. L. C.—Will this man I got cause me any trouble or not? Ans: Not the least hit as long as yon continue to led. him have his way about everything that he 'tsires. Ho loves you but is very elfish. -a KANSAS CITY, MO. Gregg Tabernacle A. M. E. Church Rev. A. Ph:l ips, I’aalar Sunday scho'1 rpentd a* the us uaJ hour with the superintendent, Mrs. Mahray. A. C. E. League met at six o’clock with' the presiden', Mr. Robinson. A great number of young people took an active part I ^ lijieea'Ii. I*mt Sunday was quarterly meeting. Rev. I S. W 1 son Presiding Eider of the Kan sas City and Lexington district. preached both morning and n:ghf. At 3 o’clock Rev, C. S. Flipper, pastor of Ebeneeer A. M. E. church preached the Sacramental sermon and his gospel choir sang. In spite of the inclement weather we had a large attendance. Some out-of town visitors that worshipped with Us wore Mrs. Maggie Smith of Omaha. Mrs. Richardson of Chi cago, Miss Jackson of Faith. Tex as; Mr. Frank Hillard of Little Rock. Ark. The church and clubs have taken on new life under ih-5 pastor-elect. 25 were added to the church. A very splendid Christmas program is being presented by the choir under the instructor. Mis. A. Philliip and the piAnist Miss Mc Bride for the Christmas morning services. The pastor and family are now residing at the parsorage 1116 Woodland. Mrs. Gencvie Brown. Rtporter -o Pine Bluff, Ark.. Dec. 23 (ANP) —Incorporation of the Arkansas Missionary Baptist association with W. M. Hubbard of Pine Bluffs as president and the Rev. J. S. Smith as auditor was announced last week. The charter states the organiza tion is authorized “to own and control old and incapacitated mini sters’ homes, to publish newspa pers and leaflets, to solicit funds for food and clothing for destitute persons and to do other things us ually done by state church associ ations.’’ OLE’S Battery Station WE SPECIALIZE ON BAT TERY SERVICE 2934N. 24th Ja 9999 American Legion To Have Indoor Circus By THOMAS ‘Skinny" DAWSON What pomises to be the most outstanding indoor a must merit of the year here in Omaha will be thu Legion Maminouth mdior ui the Cily Auditorium for one solid week, from December 24 to SO. The Omaha Post No. 1, Angl ican Legion is sponsoring and pre senting ihe Carter Bros, Circu; , a unit which is reerui.ed from t.h world toured Cole Bros.-Clyda Beatty Circus for a spo ial tour of the larger cities. Garter Bros. Circus carries the most elalxirate d splay of circus and arenk acts e^r to be seen in | doors locally. A scintillating array ] of circus queens, a galaxy of cir cus and arenk stars, a caval’ade of | performing and high school horses, a herd of mammou'h pachyderms (elephants, to you) from the wilds of Burma and Siam, a troupe of trained ponies, a host of funny clowns, thrilling and sensational aerial features, daredevil acts, death defying novelties, bareback riding features, and many other interesting and spell binding d s plays of courage and feats of strength and daring. The City Auditoriam will be transformed into a veritable Madi son Square Garden, similar to that seen at the Garden when the “Greatest Show On EartW’ exhi bits there in the spring prior to its outdoor tour. There will be trapeze and aerial rigging suspended from the ceiling, circus paraphernal-a all over the auditorium, sawdust on the floor and the circus atmos phere will prevail throughout. If present indications are any criterion, the Carter Bros. Cir cus sponsored and presented by the Omaha post No. 1. Americon Le gion, promises to be a huge suc cess both financially and artisti cally. Groups of tickets are being disposed of by the ticket commit ee of the Omaha Post No. 1, Am erican Legion and the hftadquarters •l the City Hall is a bee-hive of activity, in preparation for the b'g forthcoming event. All preliminary preparations are be'ng made for the grand opening I>:ceml>er 21 when at the blast of the ringmas ter’s whistle, the Big Show will be on. Th it* will be daily matinees, doors opening at 1:00. Night sh >ws doors open at 7:00. Performances will be at 2:00 and 8:00. Thera will he a concert by the Circus Bund from the time the doors onen until the Grand opening, wVch will be a ‘‘spre.’’ A gala event is in store for the amusement-Iovirg p'lNic of Omaha and vicinity, * r r r • r n m Hi i *r,g *<i,45 45c down No Carrying Charge VOLF BROTHERS f 5 at Douglas * lutrintH to holp you e«t • «urt » K(«. No <*•*♦ beyoltd hop* Stop ««rt •nf I Writ* me toilmy Informstm* FHKl M. WILLIAMS, Journal Square Su Jersey City. N. J. y^pt. 0. /MWAVjWAWVAWW. ■‘HOT-GLO” LUMP LONG LASTTNty Clean Large Lump Moat Economical $6.85 Consumers CoalCo AT 4444 1 ■.V.V.'AV.VAVAVAW.'.V. A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL REV CHAS. P. COLBERT 545 Owen Ave, Detroit, Mieh. | May/ilnmd infer an 1 Hapyiiaess he Yo To old friends and new. lo all mankind, we extend the heard- Nebraska Pnwpr est season's greetings. May the Clo IS. Cl A UW New Year bring you continued C >OTTl T1 peace, health and happiness. “ * oe u. BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH Rev T. J. Sanford, Pastor J. S. Jefferson. Reporter Sunday school opened at its us ual hour, 9:16 with large attend ance. At eleven o'clock the pastor preached a special sermon to the chi Wren about the birth of Christ The service was well attended. Everyone enjoyed the wonderful message. There will be the chil dren’s Christmas tree Friday night Visitors present were Ada Roach Werrdall Johnson. Lily Hartjeild, James Johnson, Thomas May, are from Salem Baptist, We also had Mr. W. M. Me Ray from 'Detroit, Mich. Two other visitors were Mrs. C. A. Webb and Mr. Williams Visitors are always welcome at Bethel A. M. E. church. -o NOTICE An Xmas cantata entitled, “An gelic Tidings,” will be presented at Salem Baptist Church by the Salem choir Sunday night Decem ber 26th, at 8 o’clock. Your at tendance will be appreciated. , Place—Salem Baptist church. 28th and Decatur streets. Time'—8 o'clock, j Admission free. ’ Mr. Turrer, Pres. Mrs. Diggs. Sec’y. Ekna Porter, Pianist. |: ™ ;; ■ MBdw* B 9 E u Mildred Turner’s BEAUTY SHOPPE 2624 No. 27th St. WISHING MY MANY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS | .A Merry Christmas, and uor»T>v New Year AMERICAN WIENER 8HOP 2509 North 24th Street Best Chili and Best Hod Dogs in the West ' All Kinds of Sandwiches Ice Cold Beer to Complete the Meal Clarinda, la. News Second Baptist church Sunday school opened at the usual hour with a large attendance. The White Gift Service was a spot, light service of the year and a great sucsess. We were pleased to see many of our friends and we appreciate their attendance at all times. The Western District meet ing of Iowa, South Dakota and Nebraska Association has been charged. Further notice will be given later. Rev. D. Nicholson. Pastor CHRISTMAS T * j New Cl waning j Prices • SPECIAL 1 Any Two 90c Items . $1.25 | 1 3-Piece Suit ... $ .75 2 3-Piece Suits . 1.25 1 3-Piece Suit 1 Ladies’ Plain Dress.$1.25 1 Men’s 3-Piece Suit 1 Top Coat . $1.25 2 Ladies’ Plain Dresses .... $1.25 1 3-Piece Suit .... 1 Felt Hat _ $1.00 1 8-Piece Suit 12 Neckties _____... $1.25 1~4-Piece Suit . $1.15 1 Pair Pants__ 40c 2 Pair Pants _ 75c Edholm andi Sherman Launderers and Dry Cleaners WE 6055 *1o Win the. ctteant and otfand of *1'hat CERTAIN MAN Don't let ugly hair come between you and the man you wantl Use Godefroy’s Larieuse. It will make your hair a rich, even shade of jet black, black, dark, | medium or light brown, or blonde — giving ifr the silky-softness and lustrous sheen that men can't resist. Don’t delay — get a bottle of Godefroy's Larieuse today. Satisfaction guaranteed or your dealer will refund your money. GODIIROIt If your dealer does not hav« dtr«. to25 hair coloring „ G FACTORING r • 2S19 01175 5T. • f?. . . Youth Killed Trying . To Steal Cop’s Auto Cincinnati, Dec. 23 (ANP)— Willie Marshall, shot by Patrol man Emer Dixon as he was alleg edly trying to steal the policeman’s auto, died Tuesday at General hos pital. The officer said he saw Mar shall and an unidentified compan ion attempting to start his auto parked on Armory avenue and op ened fire. Marshall's companion escaped. Maim (tiimTMM & rot 7 11 FROM I J~l. | \ ! General i Baking I Co. t Bakers Of BONDbRtAD 45th and Farnam Sts. C. B. MORRIS, Mgr. We emp^y five colored men in onr firm. »■ «■ -t- r- t t »-»-n «- t » Me*t Your Friends at THE NEW BABES ! BUFFET ! 2229 Lake St. JA 9185 j Beer — Liquor — Soft Brinks* Also DANCING Direct Wire on nil Spqrttng { Events AT 7527 Lunch Counter—W. Phttpi * Barbecue, Chili, Hantborger and | Pastries W.VWW.WAWAV north SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Haaling Moving and Storage Phone WE5656 2414 Grant Si. WA‘>,.V.,.V.VAV.1WAW, HOW OFTEN CAN YOU KISS AND MAKE UP? FEW husbands can understand why a wife should turn from n, pleasant companion Into a shrew for one whole week in every month. You can say "I'm sorry” and kiss and make up easier before marriage than after. Be vise if you want to hold your husband, you won't bo a three-quarter wife. For three generat ions one womn n has told another how to go "smit ing through" with Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts front the functional disorders which women must endure in the three ordeals of life: 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching "middle age.” Don't be a three-quarter wife, take LYDIA E PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND and do "Smiling Through." LET PEOPLES DO IT Clean up that front room. We specialize itn making old houses look like new, inside and out. No charge for erti mation on work. No job too small or too large. j; Ten trained decorating medhajnics. Our Motto—Service First, at the lowest prices. Call WEbster 2858. Peoples Paint and Papering Shop LARRY PEOPLES, Proprietor Where to Get Good Things to Eat j uu Do your Christmas Shopping at THE ONE HORSE STORE Phone WE 0667 2661 Crout 8« Free Delivery »* ir W. F. PARSLEY, Prop.