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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1937)
NOTE:—l'our question wi I be nti?w«red FRFE :n th's col own ONLY when a <1 ppiiifc of this column is enclosed with YOUIl QUESTION, YOUR FULL NAME, HIRTHDATE and CORRECT ADDRESS. For PRIVATE REPLY send twenty-five rents and a self addressed, stamped envelope for my NEW ASTROLOGY READING and receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE on THREE QUESTIONS- Send all letters to Abb* Wallace, care of The Omaha Guide, 2418 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska. L. S.—Should I muke plans to return to high school ths full or is it best thnt I give it up? Ans: Return to school even though you are a little late .. also get in touch with the people you lived with last year and see if you can't arrange to live with th.m again. Your education is most im portant..don’t let anything in. ttrfero with it. M. fry G.—Has my doctor done oil that he could do for me. and should I undergo the operation that he has asked me about? Ans: Your doctor has tried to bring about a cure without an operation .but at this time he thinks it is the only thing left to do. Yes. go ahead and cooperate with him for he has your best in terest at heart and wants to see you recover. You have nothing to fear. M. P. M.—Please tell me some thing and I am very very unhappy with my husband and don’t know what I should do? Ans: Forget your feelings for just a week. During this time. do every thing good for your hus. hand you know will please him. Make it a point to make him com fortnb!e,\happy and contented and at the end of the week you will feel altogether different about him. D. J. C.—Will I find my real father and how much longer must I have to search? Ans: (Jive up 'he serrch and try to content yourself with conditions as they are. When the right time time comes along . your father w ill come hack into your life. It Is also wise not to ask too many ques (ions concerning him as it makes your people sad. L. P.—Floe sc tell me if I will ever get my divorce and marry the man that I am now with? Ans: You should as you will never be altogether satisfied living as you are doing at this time. It isn’t very expensive to secure a divorce and it could be done in a few months $imc. Do it before the new year rolls around J. W. D.—I want to know if I will bo successful as a salesman? It Is the one thing 1 want to do and feel I could succeed. Ans: Take a course of study in salesmanship and login in this field. A good salesman can always niako a living and you certainly do possess a good personality and make friends easily. You could sell on a small scale before you com. plete your sehool (raining. D. L.—I am the most miserable person in town and I want to know it it is my fault or the fault of others ? Ans: You need a job and this feeling of lonliness will disappear. No one in this city is trying to causo you any trouble or keep you from working. G< t out and make a determined effo.t to find a job of some kind and yi u will be working shortly. O. L. S.—M, boy friend seems to Iovq me blit ho won’t come to see me often What can I do to make him m re interested? Ans: Ho \>esn’t dare visit you more often hr.n he docs.if he did, it wou' n’t be but a short time before he found himself a married man. At this lime he can’t take on a responsibility of this kind and isn’t going to leave a loop hole. A. B.—Do you think I should leave this town? Ans: Yes.get entirely away. A new location is just what you need and it will give you new in. terests as well as make you forget your present troubles. -o The municipal airport that will remain on 400 acre Treasure Island in San Franciscco Bay, after the close of the World’s Fair in 1939, is valued at $7,000,000. -o Growing banana and orange trees, all baring fruit, will be seen at San Francisco’s 1939 Exposition. Entertainment By Jimmy Evans ‘"Virginia,” billed ns the Ameri jean musical romance and backed i by Rockefeller mow y debated at ! Radio Center theatre and received I sugary notices from the critics.. The sepias in the show include, Buck and Bubbles, Avis, Andrews and a Will Vodrey chorus .the j reviewers were lnvsh in their praise I of tho dancing of Bubbles and the [tuneful harmonizing of the chorus. The Cotton Club, which will co star Bill RoVinsrn and Cab Callo way, has already started rehears ing for their new show. Robinson will draw down tho heaviest sugar ever paid to a colored performer, ■ for his bit in the show. The tunes j are light and very whistly. Tho Plantation is also getting its fall producton ready.The cast has not already been finally deter mined, but n crack one will be fea tured in the revue Teddy Hill, the former Savoy band leader has been doing great in London. After closing at the Palladium theatre after a four weeks engagement with tho Cotton Club show there, he journeyed to Dublin, Ireland. Several new engagements have been lined up for the maestro. They say its really true that Jimmy Lunceford’s organization will split. Reports are current that one of his bandsman has already deserted going with the Count Basie outfit. another report says that Wilie Smith, the very light complexioned lad with tho organi zation and credited with Luneefords right hand man, has received a very attractive offer to go with Jimmy Dorsey's aggroga tion. naipn uiopiT, nanrm s master of ceremonies is on his way home from California and 7th Ave. will seem a little brghter ... “Jericho” a British production with Paul Robeson in the name role, is ready for* release in the U'. S. A. Reports from the Continent list it among the better films. . .Edward 1. Robinson's new film “The Las Gangster,’ now in production, lists Louise Beavers among the featured players Other raws from the. const bears the report that Noble Johnson will be sera with Greta Garbo in the film “Conquest.” Ilnrlem;; hi de ho melody man, Gab and his ork, is in the Rcpubl'c production, “Manhattan Merry G > Round.” “Afro American SjHiaks,” a radio feature heard on WKY from Okla hoina City is an idea worth listen ing to ...The program features questions and answers by the public of that city’s Negro sector.Hall Johnson’s choir was heard on the Hollywood memorial program for George Gershwin,.Duke EU'ng ton cracked the box office record in Lincoln, Nebr.__In Paris, a colored lad hailing from Holland, Martin Storm an, is quite the race . ho appeared with the Cotton Club show. Nite show placements include: Tip, Tap and Toe, Chocolateers and the Tramp Band at the Cotton Club .... Eoearras, Big Time Crip, Spoon Brown and Bubbles at the Harlem Uproar House, Dorothy Salters, the Charioteers and Cook nnd Brown at the Kit Kat- Haines, Tate and Simpson and Leon and Eddie. The Negro Theatre Guild will present “How Come Lawd?” some time in September. Listed in the cost are: Rex Ingram, Clara Doza, Mercedes Gilbert, Hilda Rogers and Columbus Jackson. Lew’ Leslie is thinking of producing another “Backbirds.” -o Many industries of national rank are planning to erect their own buildings for the 1939 World’s Fair at San Francisco. -o The Midway at the 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition will cover 40 acres of the 400 acre is and in San Francisco Bay. Yanks Leave “While Leaving’s Good” Shanghai.—Americans are fleeing Shanghai as SIno-Japsnese war terrors mount. This Is a scene on Shang hai customs Jetty as 350 American women and children were about to board a tender to take them to the liner President Jefferson, Manila bound following evacuation orders. MYSTERY OF LOST COLONY RECALLED Old Puzzle Is Recalled by Fetes in North Carolina. Manteo, N. C.—As a fitting tribute to the first English settlement in this country (on Roanoke island. North Carolina, In the year 1587, under the sponsorship of Sir Walter Raleigh), a series of celebrations was held on the Island this summer. The idea is to commemorate the three nundred and fiftieth anniver sary of the founding of the colony. On August 17 was observed the three hundred and fiftieth anniver sary of the birthday of Virginia Dare, the first child born of Eng lish parents in America. Thirty-three years before the Pil grims landed on Plymouth rock, and 20 years before Jamestown was settled, the 100 men, 12 women, and 9 children who formed the first Eng lish colony in America settled on Roanoke island. This was in July, 1587. Colony Disappears. On August 27, 1587, Gov. John White, who headed the expedition, bade farewell to his companions and to his nine-day-old granddaugh ter, Virginia Dure, and sailed to England for supplies. Upon his re turn four years later, the colony had completely disappeared, the only traces left being a few broken pieces of armor and the word "Croatonn” carved on a tree. What happened to Sir Walter Raleigh's "lost colony" is a mystery which for centuries has baffled historians Many explanations and legends have risen. Did the colonists Intermarry with the Indians and are theii descend ants living in North Carolina to day? Was the colony exterminated by the Spaniards? Were the set tiers massacred by the Indians? No one knows for sure. Governor White himself told the story of his return to the island in 1)1. Upon this story are based all accounts of what happened. "We returned,” he said, “round about the north point of the island until we came to the place where I left our colony. “In all this way, we saw in the sand the print of the savage's feet of two or three sorts trodden in the night, and as we entered upon the sandy banks, upon a tree, the very brow thereof, were curiously carved these fair Roman letters, C. R. O. which letters presently we knew to signify the place where 1 should find the planters (colonists) seated, according to a secret token agreed upon between them and me at iny departure from them; which was that in any way they should rrt Co to write or carve on a tree or of the doors the name of the where t' y s''. '.1 be re-*e >, f ■ at my coining " w.’■.•« | .. I to remove from Roarr’ * . ) mile I I into the main (m i.nla ■ . Fevn 1 No > “Therefore at my dbpar'.iirg from them Anno 15117. I willed them that. If they should happen to be dis tressed in any of those places, the> should carve over the letters 01 i name a cross in this form. Bin we found no sign of distress. | "And having well considered ol this, we passed toward the place ■ where thay were left in sundry houses, but we found the houses tak en down and the place very strongly , enclosed, with a high palisade of great trees, with curtains and flankers and very fortlike, and one of the chief trees or posts at the right side of the entrance had the bark taken off and five feet from the ground in fair capital letters was graven ‘Croatoan.’ without any cross or sign of distress.” A growth of weeds indicated that two seasons had passed since the departure of the colonists. Sir Walter Raleigh dispatched five rescue expeditions, but none was successful. Clarinda, la. News Miss Louise Nash, Reporter The Second Baptist Church Sunday school met at its usual hour with Miss Rachel Cason, pre siding. We are happy to have Miss Nash back to her office. Morning services were high spi rt.ual services with a fine attend ace. Evening services were fine and we were pleased to see Ramon Worker at church. Come one, come all to the 58th anniversary of the Second Baptist churcch, Sunday, October 10th. We are expecting R< v. C. Adams of Omaha and many other friends to be present and witness this wonderful program. Mrs. Peard has returned to Cbrindn fr m h< r visit with her mother. Wc are huvi g many Jriends among the youth to visit Clarinda from Red Oak, la., each Sunday, The St. Jacobs AME church is planning to do some work on their church. Too Late for Last Week Second Baptist Church Sunday school was opened at its ual hour with Mrs. Rachel Cason supervisor, presiding. All members were present. Sis. Ada Nicholson, our pastor’s wife, was with us and taught a class. Morning service was well attend, rd, Rev. D. Nicholson, our pastor brought a wonderful message, Hold Fast to that Which is Good.” Evening service; was a light ser. ice. Our pastor b ought a stirring ••tossagc, subject: “The Sacrifice cf the Will.” We were, happy to have ur pastor’s wife with us all day. Rev. Moses is the new pastor of I ho St. Jacob AME church. This is his second time to Clarinda, la. Tin Hovnon FVeet family have moved back to Clarinda from Mis. souri. The improvement to the Second Baptist church is in progress under the direction of Deacon rearl Ufash. ' All the men and frierds were VISIT THE Ue w Elite Bar 2423 N. 24th St. Drinks of All Kinds At Moderate Prices Special Courtesy to Ladies Direct Wire on All Sporting Events Christopher & McGill, Props. SOVIET POLAR BASE ANSWERS PROBLEMS Derails of Arctic Provided by Russian Explorers. Leningrad.—Professor R. L. Sam ollovich, director of the All-Union Arctic institute, has summarized the work carried out by the four Russian explorers who flew to the North Pole and established a base there. Paying tribute to Ivan Papanfn, Ernest Krenkel, Peter Shirshov and Eugene Federov, the professor said; 1 "Four courageous men, despite the brief time of their stay at the North Pole, have made a num ber of important discoveries con cerning the nature of the vast white spot, the center of which is the pole. "We knew nothing about the Cen tral Polar basin, whereas at pres ent we know precisely the depths pre vailing in the proximity of the No*rth Pole, and we can say with certainty that the Arctic ocean represents a cup, the deepest parts of which are located in the vicinity of the North Pole. 'Until lately we had no idea of' the direction of the warm current of the Gulf stream in the northern' latitudes; now we know that even on the pn’e there passes a powerful current of comparatively warm At lantic water. "We knew nothing about the drift of the polar ice floes in this region inaccessible to man. Now we know that the drift generally proceeds in the southwestern direction toward the area situated between Spitz bergen and Greenland. "We f. imerly could only conjec ture in the past on the weather con ditions characterizing the climatic peculiarities of the area near the pole, whereas at present we know that comparatively high tempera tures cf tiie air prevail there during the summer season. "The presence of birds proves that life does exist on the ice on the North Pole, and it will undoubtedly be found under the ice, too. Finally, we have ascertained the magnitudes of the elements of land magnetism.” served lunch free Saturday at the church that assisted in helping in the pi ogress of the church. Como to Clarinda and visit the friendly city. Don’t put up with useless PAIN Get relief if you can For the functional pains of menstruation, take CARDUI. If it doesn't benefit you, con sult a physician. Don’t neglect such pains. They depress the tone of the nerves, cause sleeplessness, loss of appetite and wear out a woman’s re sistance. Get a bottle of Cardui and find out by trying it whether it will help you like thousands of women have said it helped them. Besides easing certain pains, Cardui aids in building up the whole system by helping wom en to get more strength from the food they eat. Twenty Iron Men Busy in Tiny “Logging Camp” S’eveni Point. Wis.—From pieces of scrap iron and steel Eric Ke drowicz has constructed a miniature sawmill complete with steam en gine. logcp'ng sleighs, flatcars an<J miniature pine trees. Ksdrowicz, a barber by trade, ha$ placed his miniature sawmill on a wooden platform fourteen feet long and four feet wide. Most interesting of the miniature logging operations carried on in Ke druwicz's “camp” is the sawmill it self. It is operated by a home-made steam engine which drives the saw along a two-foot carriage. The camp railroad was built en tirely out of scrap steel except for the freight engine's four drive wheels, which were cast of babbit. The engine is thirty-two inches long, is operated by steam and will run for three hours unattended. A blow torch generates the steam in the miniature boiler. When Kedrovvicz sets the sawmill in motion twenty iron men operated by steam go through the motions of their jerbs. Woodchoppers hack away at trees, a man fishes in a pond, two men operate a cross-cut saw, a man sharpens an ax on a grindstone, and a horse swishes its tail. It took four years of work after the barber shop was closed for Ke drowicz to complete the sawmill. f Drivs Launched to Spur Use of Fruit in Austria Vienna.—An average yearly con sumption of 200 pounds of fruit by every person is declared as a de sirable goal by Austrian physicians. Now about 80 pounds are being eaten by the average Austrian in a year. Even this amount cannot be fur nished by Anstria's fruit growers, (as $3,000,000 worth of fruit is im ported from abroad, mostly from Italy. Austria possesses about 20,000,000 fruit trees, or three to every inhabi tant. To increase this number in pro portion to the rising demand is the object of the recently organized Austrian Fruit Growers’ association, which advocates the importation of healthy and suitable trees from ■abroad, particularly from Califor nia and Florida. [ I GARFIELD TEA to tu *T*y KEEP CLEAN INSIDE! i You'll like the woy I* snaps you bock, overnight, to the feeling of "rcrln1 to go" fit ness and inside cleanliness! Eliminate *h< left-over wastes that hold you back cause headaches, in digestion etc, Garfield Tea is not o miracle worker, but If CONSTIPATION bothers yru, it w,l certainly "do wonders!" 10* and 25*: of d jgstorei — or, WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES of Gai.iald Tec ond Garfield Headache Powders to: GARrlcLC TEA CO-., Dept. C, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1 ! Meet Your Friends at j THE NEW I BABES i BUFFET | 2229 Lake St. JA 9195 \ |Beer — Liquor — Soft Drinks | Also j Direct Wire on all Sporting j | Events AT 7A27 j Lunch Counter—W. Phillips J Prop, f , Barbecue, Chili, Hamburger and I l Pastries j +o.»..«..«oe»oe».»e.».e»..+e.»e.»e.»~«.<»o.»o«»o.»oe»e Flush Kidneys of j f cids and Poisson. GAIN IN HEALTH AND Stop Getting Up Nights When kidneys nr .! ■ get! they become weak—the hladdi r is irri tated—often passage is scanty and smarts and hums—sleep is restless and nightly visits to the bathroom are frequent. The right harmless and inexpensive way to stop this trouble and restore healthy action to kidneys and bladder is to get from any drug gist a 35-cent box of Geld Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules and take as directed—you won't be disap pointed — but be sure and get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap sules—the original and genuine —right from Haarlem in Holland —a grand kidney stimulant and diuretic. Remember also that oth er symptoms of kidney and blad der trouble are backache, leg cramps, puffy eyes, moist palms and nervousness '/.■AVA,.V.,.V.,.V.VW//AS i COFFEE JOHN’S i ;I 111 So. 14th St. I; «; Biggest 10c Meals In City ? I; Everybody Welcome S ^www.svw.vwvvvf Ritz Shoe Repair 2033 N. 24th St. Prank Pcsnpidor, Prop. Repair work neatly done. All work guaranteed. Shoes rebuilt. Half soles, rubber heels or dyetf Ladies and Gents shine parlor. W alk in please—Walk out pleased BE FINANCIALLY FREE Enroll now for fall classes. Graduates prepared to pass any ' State Hoard Examination. ALTHGUSE BEAUTY SCHOOL 2422 N 22nd St. WE 0846 .V.VA'.V.V.V.V.V/.WWA Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 5b*th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery WMVAV.W.V.W/.1 .*.*.% Asthma Cause Fought in 3 Minutes By dissolving and removing mucus or phlegm that causes strangling, choking. Asthma attacks, the doctor’s prescription Mendaoo removes the cause of your agony*. No smokes, no dopes, no injections. Ab« colutely tasteless. Starts work in 3 minutes. Sleep soundly tonight. Soon feel well, years younger, stronger, and eat anything. Guar antiee completely satisfactory or money back. If your druggist is out ask him to order Mendaco for you. Don’t suffer mother day. The guarantee protects you. Kidneys Must - Clean Out Acids The only way your body can clean out Acids and poisonous wastes from your blood is thru 9 million tiny, delicate Kid ney tubes or filters, but beware of cheap, drastic, irritating drugs. If functional Kidney or Bladder disorders tnn.te you suffer from Getting Up Nights, Nervous ness, Beg Pains, Backache, Circles Under Byes. Dizziness, Hhcumatic Pains, Acid ity, Burning. Smarting or Itching don't take chances. Get the Doctor’s guarnn teed prescription called Cystex (Siss Tex). Works fast, safe and sure. In 4$ hours it must brlivg now vitality, and I* guaranteed to fix you up In one week or money bark on return of ompty package, t’ysux costa only 9c a day at druggfstr nnd the guarantee protects you. HOW OFTEN CAN YOU KISS AND MAKE UP? FEW husbands can understand why a wife should turn from a pleasant companion into a threw for one whole week in every month. You can say "I’m sorry" and Idas and make up easier before marriage than after. Be wise. It you want to hold your husband, you won't bo a threo-quartur v. ifo. For throe generations one woman has told another how to go “smil ing through" with l.ydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the s> tern, thus lessening the discot I >ri from the functional disorders v. Iiicii women must endure in the " ~.a ordeals of life: 1. i .rtnr.» > girlhood to womanhood. : . - paring for motherhood. . proaching "middle age." Don’t bo a three-quarter wife, take LYDIA E. FINK1IA.M 3 VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Go ''Smiling Through," TIRED, NERVOUS, EXHAUSTEDI . .. Look to your stomach Start taking: Ho s tetter’a Stomachic Bitters right now and y»u will quickly note how its medicinal herbs and roots help to revitalize jrour digestive glands and vive new vigor, energy and appetite. Famous for 81 years. At ail drug stores. 18 cz. bottle. S1.50. ARE YOU ONLY L THREE-QUARTER WIFE? MEN,because they are men,can never understand a three - quarter wife—a wife who is all love and kindness three weeks In a noutli and a hell eat the rest of the time. No matter how your back aches —how your nerves scream—don't take it out on your husband. For three generations one woman has told another how to go '‘smil ing through” with Lydia E. Plnk haiu’s Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must enduro in the three ordeals of life: I. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching “middle age." Don't be a three-quarter wife, tako LYDIA E. PINKIIAM3 VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Go "Smiling Through.” i