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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1937)
1 By Ken Jessamy , .Toe Louis arrived in town and -signed papers for a championship tilt with Max Schmeling in Ne.w York next June .The bomber looked fit as usual and took in the “Battle of Champions”.Herbert Thompson ami Cornelius Johnson were two of the winners at the meet held by the New York Ath letic Club at Travers Island New York, last Saturday. Johnson won the high jump with ease while Thompson took the 100 yard dash ., Tuskegee sent nine g’rls to the track and field meet that was held in Trenton, N. J. last week.. ... The team was composed of Hel -n Hutchinson, Jesse Abbott, Celestinp Birge, Melissa Fitzpatrick, Lula ITymQs, Cora Lee McGlmick, Flor. ewe Wright and Mabel Smith. Johnny Taylor, twirle.r for the Pittsburg Crawfords, insured him. seif a place in the sports sun when he pitched a no run game at the Polo grounds, Last Sunday .Taylor in winning, defeated the groat Satchel Paige 1 to 0. Fitz Pollard’s Brown Bombers starter their no" son October 3rd at Dyckman Oval In their lineup they will have Tark Conrad, Joe Lillard, Otis Troupe and Dixie Matthews. This agfrregat'on, rated high in professional grid l ircltes, antici pates a good and hard season this year.Troupe will commune be. tween Washington, D. C. and New York.lie is assistant football coach at Howard university. Lillard bmrzed in from Chicago last week to start training. The Colonial Bombers, another group of footballers, are preparing a rather ambitious program. Last season they wi-re amateurs. The members of the team are youngsters who have played h'gh school football and are endeavor ing to keep in touch with sports while waiting for the, mi with which to go to college. --—o-. Bar’ r W’ns TT:~ Wagers by L tzzzzz c- Waiting Kar.:;.s City.—V...en it comes to making be... t's vice to let the oth er fellow pick the winning team, E. F. Swi rey, chairman of the board of the First National bank, believes! And to back up his contention, Swinney has a considerable num ber of checks which represent his winnings from friends who were sure they had a hunch on the win ning team. Under the glass top of Swinney’s desk are a large number of thgse checks — all uncashed. Swinney would rather keep them to remind the losers of their bad judgment than cash them. NEW ATTACK PLANES ARE SPEEDIEST YET Buffalo, N. Y.—America is forti. fying in the air. Winged messen gers of death and destruction, cap. able of speeds conservatively place4 at better than five miles a minute, are being turned out here for the military. The Curtiss-Wright fac« tory is a beehive of activity, witty orders for 392 planes of different types for both the army and the navy. Several types were tested here re. cently as the two military arms ac cepted them and sent them on to service squadrons. One tested was a twin-engined all metal attack plane which Harry Woodring, sec-, retary of war, asserts is the fasiest such in the world. A visiting army pilot who stood near by when the craft streaked by overhead, said: “That’s the fastest attack plane in the world, and there's no kidding i about it." Guns Fired Electrically. i The American ship is a mid-wing monoplane with a long tapering sil very fuselage. Its wheels retract as it speeds through the air with its two Cyclone 1,000 horse power en gines at full throttle. It carries two men—the pilot in the front cockpit and the observer, or gunner, aft. In the nose are implacements for four electrically fired machine guns. As a defense against enemy planes there is a gunner In the rear cockpit. He has a gun mounted on a turret which he can swing into almost any direction. Thirteen of these fast attack ships are being turned out rapidly for the army air corps. Meanwhile this plant is turning out an order of 210 single seater P 36-A pursuit planes, having just been awarded the contract in thq amount of $4,113,550 from the Wan department. These pursuit plane^ speed through the nir like a bullet. They are powered with double rovi Pratt & Whitney-Wasp engines of 1,030 horse power. Although the speed of these is a military secret, Secretary Woodring admits they fly at 390 miles an hour. It is estimat ed that ti ay climb at better than 3,0C0 feet-a minute. . * * Fli. a Nearly Straight Up. Lieut. E. S. Kelsey cf Wright field was flying one here recently that | shot almost. straight up into the nir until it was out cf sight in a few minutes. Lieutenant Kelsey, whq is one of tre army’s crack test pilots, ripped f h the clouds and then dove c rd, cnly to stapd th' ship on i-' ! '1 again and zobm u;i to a low l.o, -ing cloud bank. Another plane seen in flight was a •new navy scout bomber. It is a sin gle motored biplane for use on the . y aircraft carriers. It has the conventional arresting gear fon hurt landings cn the carrier decks. Tt lias machine runs firing through 1 . •'.'!!or a • nd carries a load s v ch can be dropped on i V i a vertical dive. i Sudden Slop for JNavy Cruiser r.'.-y.-'• TMMUririr Annapolis, Md.—Football’s in the air again, and watch out, Army mule! There’s plenty of dynamite in She 1937 Navy squad, pictured in workout here. Whitehead, speedy back, is shown being stopped in his tracks as be breaks loose with the pigskin from scrimmage. __I '■tffVlARRtS, H^Wk-EYED® R1GHTEND-OF THE IOWA ElEVEN, GOES $9Ej THC DISTINCTION OF being the first NEGRO ' EVER ELECTED CAPPUM-SF OP A BiG TEN FOOT- *k%.^ . ? BALL TEAM, WITH THE FOOTBALL SEASON READY TO CALL THE ROLL, HARMS PRoN/SetZ>e TO OH RIGHT IN THEIR ? FWtf -STAffT TO FQtlSH^K^ MAK/A'S His Bio F0R '%8&i •the all American n \ 4<p t£f mmutri l *TA\(£ IT CASY 6HiL$'/ ON THE RAILS Here we are again with the lat. ' est happenings around the com. trsssary. Don’t forget the International meeting of Dining Car Waiters on the 26 to the 28th of October with a grand hall at the Dreamland hall on the night of the 27th. Have you bought that new frock for the ball and chain yet? Mr. Harold Roach* who has been out in Caifomia for the past year on the 'City of San Francisco’ Streamliner is back in our fair city and is doing business on the World’s greatest train, ‘The Chal. lcng«r.’ Yes, be got rid of that pantry.he willed it to Mr. Bob Martin formerly of Chicago and the Overland. We have lost a number of our "star” waiters by them going on Lounge cars. (The "snakes” lounge, you work like a dog.) Mr. Victor Metoyer, Mr. Bill “Dizzy” Davis, Mr. Willie “Slio Can” Bell are now running to the “Lady of the Pact, f ic (‘Frisco’ to you, dummy) on the “The Sensation of the West.” Our very good frie'nd Mhrvin Lewis now living in California is now the proud peppy of a big bo by boy named Thomas Marvin, another little wa’ter for the old men to train. May he be n better waiter than his >ld man, but never a better man Omaha got a break Inst week when two portland crews were in hero on a “Special. ‘Sakey’ Jack, Mr. (Big) Pugh, or pardon me, I mean Sargear.t, and little Pugh were out to see all of their old friends. Still talking about the “Great Northwest: Mr. Johnny Baker, vice president of Portland Union, and his wife passed thru our city on their way to the World Series. Hope you pick the winner, Johnny. Mr. ‘Toots’ Rountree and his wife aro motoring back from the “City of Angeles” this week. S°mc class to us. iurs. onociuey nas gone to nos An. geles to take care of her ‘'little boy Harold. C. I>. Coleman ain’t doing right. He keeps his ‘best’ roomer out all day in different beer joints. Shame, on him. Still all the bookies are. crowded with that good Challenger money, aren’t they Chris Smith? The last of the Moore clan is now in the employee of the Union Pacific, little Milton was seen "stocking up on the "Dog-” Mr. Bill Taylor although he is no longer in a pantry has not lost his title of ‘‘Every Tub.” Dea'r.es3 Cure Is Found if Patient Can Take It Condon, Ore.—The main problem , seems to be bow to get the horse to stand still—and to arrange for the lightning. Anyhow, John F. Crane, rancher, says that a good jolt of lightning can cure deafness, in horses at least. An old horse of his, he said, was floored by a heavy bolt and struggled to his feet able to hear as well a colt. SO. OMAHA NEWS Mrs. James Foster, 5617 So, 30th street, has as her guest, Mrs. Fan nie Jones, her mother, and also her brothers and sisters, Early and Sam, and sister Fula Gordon, also her niece, Eunice Sims, all of Grand Rapids, Mich. -o-■ Mrs. James White*2615 So. 30th entertained at a luncheon in honor of Mrs. F. Jones, Mrs. Eula Gordon, Miss Eunice Simms and Sam and Early Jones, who are visiting in the city. , ' j| Mr. Rose Jamison, gave a Dutch luncheon at the home of Mrs- Helen Rayston, 2613 So. 30th, in honor of Miss Eunice Sims and Messrs. Sam and Elarly Jones and Miss Edith Hill of Linccoln, ebr.The evening was spent in dancing and playing cards. Other guests present were members of the Metz Hottentots, Velma Rayston, B. Ford, P. Gilden, V. Lee, Pearl May, C. Howard, C. Urst, E. Towls, R. Howard, John Edmons, Carles Edmons and Leon ard Starnes. -o $1,000,000 Trurt Fund Given to Fight Diabetes Pittsburgh, Pa.—A woman who nursed a brother afflicted with diai betcs for 20 years gave $1,000,000 recently for a ‘'never-ending med ical war” against the disease in children. Miss Emelie Renziehausen placed .the money in an irrevocable trust fund as a memorial to two dead bachelor brothers. Frederick C., who once owned the Large Distilling company, and Henry, a dry-goods j dealer in suburban McKeesport. The income will be used by the Children’s hospital of Pittsburgh for establishment of a ‘‘Renziehausen memorial ward and clinic” and for perpetual research into the disease. Miss Renziehausen nlso gave an 11-aere tract of land to be used as a site for a home for convalescent children. !_ _ PATRONIZE OIJR ADVERTISERS V.V.V.W/.'.V.V.VSW.VA CHAMPION Always Leads Track Odds Show Parlays CHAMPION CIGAR STORE 2047 No. 24th St JA 4777 y.V.V/WWW.V.V.V.V. £M.y Neighbor w v Says: ▼ ▼ A combination ot orangs sherbet and chocolate ice cream makea a colorful and delicious dessert \ • • • To prepare prunes for salad ot1 bread, wash well and cover with onej inch of cold water. Let stand two hours. Stones may thea be easily . removed. • • • I Unpainted garden furniture should be rubbed with linseed oil before^ being put away for the winter. It will improve the color of wood and keep it from cracking. • • • Don’t forget to cover your ere cusea and tulips before the frost gets into the ground. Cover well with leaves and lay boards over thtf leaves so they will not blow away. C Aaiootatcd Newspapers. • WNU Service. -o IMPORTANT NOTICE! Notice to Subscribers— Please notify the Omaha Guide office, by mail or telephone, as to your change of address. The post al authorities make a charge for the change of address when we are not notified, in time to prevent de livery to the wrong address. The Omaha Guide will be forced to charge a small fee of five cents for each change of address with out notice. Please call WE 1517 or mail us a post card with your new address on it, at one week before yog move. This will prevent a du plication of papers and the five cents charge. Thanking you for your cooperation in this matter, THE OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. Magazines -ALL KUNi - (RITZ SHOE REF AIR SHOT, 2033 North 24th St LOANS We Buy Old Gold Watch and Jewelry Repairing We Loan Mo new «n Everything Gross Jewelry and Loan Co. CLOTHING Corner 24th and Erskine 2414 No. 24th St. Omaha, Nebr. Raising the Faml n 'That was the easiest way to settle It! _ Fl$h< / C Uftui bin ( Vveli tee: | tV<£ , tVt \d>ir (K NE.OJ tUHOW to I f 1<U*JP « Utfv*ortO ^ &AH I Cv»R ©or ' I l t\ cs GjAfVt cviE » __ 1: _5 cap.tpo» - .. - " -'*■ THE OMAHA GUIDE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL .. DIRECTORY.. Save time, worry, confusion and money by consulting this complete Directory of Neigh borhood and City Business places. CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE 2422 No. 22nd St- WE 0840j STEPHENSON BEAUTY SITOP 2037 N. 24th St.At 6810 CHARLENA LEWIS BEAUTY SALON 2866 Maple St JA 0110 ECONOMY TAILOR Chas. M. Simmons, Prop. Wo Cut. Trim Make Suits to Order Make all kinds of alterations for Ladies nnd Gents. Cleaning nnd Repairing 1812 No. 24th St. American Wiener Shop 2609 N. 24th Street. KING YUEN CAr E 2010H N. 24th St Ja. 8176 CHARLIB** PLACE 1602 N. 24th St.Wa 4019 ELITE CIGAR STORE 2811 N. 24th 8t Ha 4226 ~ HOUSTON'S GROCERY 2114 No. 24th St JA 3643 Our Sausage n specialty Free Delivery JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th St Wa 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY 24th and Lake We. 0609 BABE’S BUFFET 2426 N. 24th St J*. 9196 north-side transfer 8414 Grant St. Wa. 6664 BREMAN’S TAILOR SHOP 1408 No. 24th St. Articles left over 90 days will be sold within 10 days if not claimed. Electrical Appliances DONAIIOO A HOYLE Norge Appliance Co. 2423 Farnam St. Ha. 0600 Graders W. F. HOCH Grading and Excavation 4500 Ames Ave. Ke. 0313 Grocery Stores HERMAN’S MARKET 24th an.-! Lake We. 6444 Laundries EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 N. 24th St. We. 1029 KDHOI.M A SHERMAN 2401 N. 24th St_We, 0069 Monaaeut Makers HEFT A NOYES 40th and Forest Lawn Ke. 1132 Produce Markets METRO POUT AN PRODUCE 1810 N. 24th St. Wa. 4721 BEN A KERMIT ANDERSON Palatine, WM1 Washing and Decorating 23 Experience Estimates free Werk Guaranteed 2801 Miami St. 2872 Binny St Phone WE 6826 J. B. CLEANERS and TAILORS 1805 No. 24th St WE 6161 Wo do all kinds of work. • 8c SHIRTS 8c When Finished Out of Any Family Service EMERSON LAUNDRV ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2321 No. 21 Hi St_WE 1023 wp Lucky 7 H'rba ••L '• From 7 Lands Believe in LUCK ? If so, try fam ous 7 Herbs fom 7 lnnhs, believed most powerful ever found for 7 YEARS GOOD LUCK. Send 3c stump for FREE OFFER SEVEN HERBS CO. Box CC7058, Kansas City, Mo. NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2202-4-G North 24th Street Phono WE 4137 Poultry and Egg Dealers ‘ Om prices are reasonable, j see us first. [JOE LOUIS » A Full Size Specially Posed Photo FREE with Every Can of Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Dressing Here's the biggest money-making opportunity ever offend to Agents! Don't lose any time taking advan tage of this sensational offer! Just think how your cus tomers will buy when you offer them a beautiful Auto graphed Photo (9S4* 1 2") of JOll LOUIS absolutely FREE with each can o( Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Dress ing. Everybody wants a picture of this coming world's champion in their home. So don’t wait. Send name and i nddrrss for F'REE samples of — Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Dress ing. Face Powder. Agents Olfer and Special JOE LOUIS FREE Picture Oiler. I lurry! Write today! VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. Dept. 160 2241 Indiana Avenue Chicago, Illinois - . ^ WANTED I HairGrowwr 1 Bleach Cream I *.. * An3 Our 18 QiE«r Ca&fioUa* B©an?7 Creafon* Batfnnlse ocz Njw ArfrorUrUt* Otar**lg» w» ?>M vfrf * Fx*u S'*t» to toto&fsnt.' ftnoryuflu ><m m- wfwanum amWOMS. to tacts* »OTi*y uil build up * fault*#** of totor onrufitoPiiV Itowljr pr«d«da to tL* b#H*r tutor Oun tatoirtty &w» tol *pjp#*l4 ,u» &• b*d paopU •T«T*b#c*. Yum m*W ami »«i*y wtih a t»»Uf ba> «ad you tola v&luabto ptotiu. WUto to earn to Casses Cosed* lies Cow Dop£* 2& A, AiLtuti, Ga* N-N-F. Ex. A —— 111———■—————————to> to