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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1937)
^_-T-rr^r-.- "Bfiwt 1 Larger t iV-nt^ Negro venio P3T3? in | — | Copy _j Entered as Secnd Class Mattel at Postofliee, Omaha, Nebraska- OMAHA, NEBRASKA SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1937 VOL. j ( 0. r: S Local Opinions on Black Appointment Guide Reporter Interviews Local Leaders Following Radio Address: Appointment Generally Vetoed Mv. Jam 7 U, proprietor of fhc Mid Way Cafe, ai d t: e Haikm night club, s^ys, “I think its a d- pbame. A man goes for Supreme Justice, should be a man that is not a KKK and a man that is not against any creed of any kind. I don’t think that Black should have that job. He admitted once having belonged to the KKK organization. There is one question that, h" failed to answer in his broadcast, and why d'd he fail to answer.kt is, Why did he join the KKK.” Answer it, will you. Atty. Roy L. Williams, 2502 No. 24th street, slktod th«* following: “I think his appVntm 'rt :s a seri ous mistake, end was without the knowledge of facts of-the political history cf the ' an. think any nrn that partook the oath of the I\lan, certainly v.*as rot m sympathy ■with its pr i.grrm, an 1 this was tine r.f Black. Then he was wiling to Far ifice ho alcged fairness to all jyvrups for a poi i i :al off co and y- Co v,r. acted, his membersh:p e hethev it s active with the Klnn, i lakes him absolutely unfit for the, seat on the seat cn the Supreme l, p.'h. The colored people should join hnr.’s with the other fair rnird'd re pi • to eliminate or blot out. thishlack spot in the history of these United States. E. J. Thornes, Pharmacist at the Duffy Pharmacy, 24’h and Lake Warns Catholics To Aid Negroes Now. Before Reds Bo Brooklyn, Oct. 7 (By Roth Fran, cis for ANP)—In a recent issue of Interracial Review George K. Hun. ton under the caption “Catholics. Communism and the Negro,” con tends that interracial justice is an essential part of social justice, and white Cathoics have not real'zed that the Negro group is the most disvantaged in America. Admitting the fact that the Ne gro is the most logic ally of Com munism, he regrets also ‘‘Mean time, the Communists is pointing out to the Negro the cruel in just ices that are heaped upon him, promising him equality of oppor tunity and actually treating him with respect as a human being. The Catholic who feels that we nan afford to wait a decade or two until race prejudice has worn away is living in a fool’s paradise,. The appeal of Communism to the Ne gro is even more imminent than the general threat of Communism in America. This is an immediate problem that challenges our inter est and our enlightened action.” SIX BOYS WITH BICYCLES TO SERVE YOU Notice to Subscribers: If you do not get your paper at least in the Saturday morning mail, call the office, WEbester 1517, and we will send you a paper at once. Mr. C. C. Galloway, Manager streets, says, “I am not much in \y-f of the appointment. There is too much opirosition.” Mrs. Willa Johnson, one of Omaha’s leading beauticians, stat ed: ‘‘I haven’t read much rbnut it, all I know s what the different people have to ray about it, so I would rather not make a statement until I have fully read about the matter.” (Con.imv'd on 1’agc (>) Praise Officials For Wage Adjustment ; V/ Yolk, Oct. 7 (ANP)—Pull man poyteifl and maidj .throughout th ! country th’s week were, high in praise cf the importance playcl ivcnntl;. by Champ Carry, vi-e tv- -mdent of the Pullman Company Robert Cole, representative of the National Mediation Board, in the negotiations leading up to th 1 $1,250,000 wage increase granted to marly 9,000 Pullman employees. The two .representatives met with A. Philip Randolph and Milton P Webster, pres'dent a* 1 vice presi dent, respectively, rf 'he Brother hood of Sleeping IVriers, in negotiations which began in Febr. 1937, and which wore climaxed in a ' 1 August, by the company’s of fer made on, its motion to grant vac; i increases to’all rg nearly $90,000 a month,, based on a 210 1 ur month. 7 ho. wo; king agree meat was sign/ d by the Pullman Company representatives and those cf the Broth .rhood, on August 25th in Chicago offices of the Pullman Company. m One Killed, 12 Hurt in Railroad Wreck New Haven, Ir. 1.—The engineer was !.:!>! and a doren other persons injured ns this passrnsrr train, bound freer Pntroit to 11. Louis, jflu.r '3 ft ~i the trarhs. Tlte locomotive a’most buried itself in the ground at the of i!;e impact, the cams of which was not immediate*? determined. C C C To Discharge 75,000 Enroilees Washington, Oct. 7 (ANP) Civilian Conservation Co ps cl'fi cials said last week that approx! mately 75,000 enroilees v. 'Il he db charged during September, !:> com ply with an net of Con-re s ix tending GCC for three years. Ac cording to the act the age I'm it for enroilees was fixed at 24 year -, the time service limited to two years. Those dbmissed, say officials c:the • have passed the age limit or srved more th- n two years. A drive for CGC cmplrymo it. Ly busi ness and industrial firms was start ed on Labor day. Charges Posto^ice Discrimination New York, Oct- 7—A charge that postmasters in the south have de liberately set out to embarass and drive out Negro employees from ! the postal service, was charged here | this week by the NAACP in a j letter to W. W. Howes, first assist ant postmaster general, in Wash ington. I The letter also charged that ‘ southern postmasters are refusing Negro postal employees the ap pointments and promotions they are due according to merit and their ranking under the civil ser j vice and that th,e post office, de j partment in Washington ‘'has no | special solicitude to see that the I Negro employees are given equal j protection with other citizens.” ! Tho letter to Mr. Howes was oc ' easioned by the dismissal of Ezra j H. Nix, a carrier in the Montgom lory, Ala., post office. Mr. Nix is i suposed to have accumulated so many demerits that he was deemed to bo an inefficient employee, but tha NAACP pointed out that Mr. Nix had an efficiency rat ng of 97 per cent or better for the four years 1929 to 1932, and that in the four years, he accumulated only 33 demerits—eleven in 1929 1 and twenty two in 1930—with none n 1931 and 1932. However, with the change of ad ministration in 1933, Mr. Nix sud dcnly began to acceumulnte a huge amount of demerits. He was given 185 demerits in 1934 and 434 in 1935. The NAACP letter to Mr. Howes signed by Charles H. Houston, special counsel,’ stated: “Frankly, 1 his record is hot reasonable. It does not make sense in the ordin ary experience of mankind. There must be other elements in the pic ture. The sudden accumulation of demerits for insubordination and other alleged offenses which have been charged against veteran Ne gro employees in the past five years in different post offices in the south are enough to cause any fair minded person to be skeptical. \U> |o state, however, that they did not suddenly change their char acter for the worst with the event of the resent administration. We must insist that the central administration in Washington give the most careful scrutiny to such shocking changes in merit ratings as the Nix case, and many other eases of Negro postal employees, in the south.” Local Society Girl He, isolates Tlie Charge i of Suit ’ 1 d Tr b no 1 :in‘:d the , II .s': ;• sto.y, and tht cl:pp ng of the same was mailed to the accus ed. “Wife's Suit Names 'Other Woman.’ ” 1< i husband told her he was going with another woman and the” added insult (o njury by adding that she was ‘to dumb to see it,’ Mrs.Matt'e M.Dotson 20, of 3028 Harper street, Her hley, charged in her divorce suit, filed n Superior court yesterday. “Kenneth A. Dotson, 24, is the husband. The ‘other woman* named in the comp’aint is Juan ’ita Artison. She is about 10, Mrs. Dotson’s attorney, John C. Henderson, said. , “The couple were married in Berkley, June 17, 1034. They separated July 15, 1037. They have two children, Kenneth, and Charles, 5 months. “On one occasion, the wife says her husband struck her, causing a permanent scar. “She asks $20 a month sup port for herself and $40 a month for the chi'dren ” Mrs. Lewis Artison, jr. made, the following statement denying the above printed article which was printed in the. Oakland Tribune: “I, Mrs. Lewis Artison, jr., wish to state that this item is not true, and I know nothing of such an affair. The reason for my leaving my husband, Mr. Lewis Artison, jr. was having affairs with other wo men in the same house where we lived. The other woman was Beulah Gibbons. I wish to state also that I Mr. Artison, jr., struck me leaving ,me ill in bed for two weeks. I also w ish to state that Mr. Artison told me if I didn’t like his affairs with this woman to leave. I’m suing Mr. Artison now for not supporting his i children.” Mrs. Lewis Artison, jr. South Takes Lead In Hog Raising W- hingtofi, Oct. 7 (ANP—Good f ,houso "wives who have re eently been lamenting the st.adly ' •reasir:'1 prices of ham and ha ren, was given this work hy th' Feikra^ A uV iy<" 1 I I; artment \vh rr> report (liscl 'srvi that the South cither increased or cont'nu cd normal swims product'on in th ■ past several ye m s, vh’ e the drought h;t nvd ile western states and most of the rest of the conn try have reduced their output. In cve.nso in tile South in hog produc tion was from 11,907,000 head in V.m, to 12,978,000 for this year. N.A.A.G.P. Makes Protest To Hopkins on Carolina Complaint: Demand Sweeping Investigation New Yo--k, Cct. 7—A sharp pro test, against the forcing of N gro labor off the WPA noils in southern states into job* as cotton pickers at "bstandard wages was filed with Harry L. Hopkins, WPA adminis tratnr, by the NAACP th's week. Th- NAACP protest, was a re view of tlv* rep rts which have com i to the association since Septem/ier 9 h, <1 mixed by the complaint received th s week from Fayetteville, N. C.( which charged that colored women are being taken off WPA projects and forced to accept cotton picking jobs. The Fayettevile complaint states (hat the women were to'il to take 'heir children out i f s< hool anil make them pick cotton also. No white women in Fayetteville were ordered into the cot'on fields from WPA projects. ( Thi cel red worn n in Fay 'tte villo were paid » nly *24 a i month and they were working nri innlly on si wing projects. How i vitlv t were shifted from that if i". jee' ..•> n!-, 5 labor such us ___ s* Man’s Body . Over Mile Under Auto; Ti-i ealooaa, Ala., Oct. 7 (ANP)— \uthorities here lust Monday were I ’ \ -t'g-.tir’ a ' raTC, unusual accident, in wh eh the body of a non, identified later rs Kufus Crawford. 35, was dragged q mile ■ml a half, vvedg d ti h'ly beneath 'he *enr of an auto. The car was driven by a white woman les’dcnt, enrouto to the home of her C'jorrd cook. On the way home she ran over what she thought was a ; 1 lock of wood in the road, but d's covered to be Crawford’s body underneath. -o “Monkey Trees” are nurtur ed for transplanting to the site of Sun Francisco’s 1939 Exposition Ch cagoans Honor Major Lynch Chicago, Oct. 7 (ANP)—Roprc sentativo Chicagoans of both races gathered around the banquet table of Wabasr YMCA last Friday night to honor Major John R. Lynch on his 90th birthday. The dinner was sponsored by the Citizens Civic and Economic Welfare Council of Chi cago and over the coffee cups PLEADS OWN CASE; WINS ACQUITTAL Jackson, Miss., Oct. 7 (ANP)— Appearing in court here last Thurs day without legal counsel and electing to plead his ow*n case, Shelly Stephenson, Madison county j youth, defended himself against a ! liauor charge is such a straight forward convincing mnnner that the jury deliberated but ten min utas, brought in a verdect of not guilty. Stephenson had endered a plea of not guilty to operation of a whiskey still and while examining the ! government’s chief witness, Madi >ii county colored woman, he rais ; i'd a doubt as to Ihe credibility of the colored woman’s testimony. He j told the jury emphatically he know nothing about the still. The jurors were apparently impressed by his ; open manner and sincerity. speakers paid deserved tribute to their guest ofi honor. Venerable Major Lynch has had a distinguished record of public ser vice equalled by few Americans. He is a former (1871) Speaker of the Mississippi House of Represcvn tatives: three times (1872 to 1883) Representative in the United States Congress: Paymaster (1906 to 1911) of the United States Army and Auditor (1889 to 1893) of the U. S. Treasury for the Navy De partment during President Harri son’s administration. He is also widely known as a lawyer, author iir.d Repubican political leader. Once, while Army Paymaster, stationed at New Orleans, South rrn white soldiers ‘refused to take their pay from a Negro.” Major Lynch wired Washington for in ! structions, received the reply: ! ‘ They’ll take their pay from you or not all ” The soldiers lined up, ! received their vouchers from the. Major. In 1884, Major Lynch was elected temporary chairman of the Repu blican national convention, held in Chicago. He was made a Major during the Spanish American War by President McKinley. Ho has made Chicago hi^home since 1912. cutting grass around school* for white children, scrubbing and cleaning white schools, cleaning thei white churcho?*, and cl an'ng up the jail. Th" pay for this work was low enough—$24 a month, but as cot bin pickers, it is estimated that the women will not be able to earn more than twelve or fifteen dollars \ month since most cf them are not expert p'ckcrs pnd, therefore, >ro net nb\» to earn more than 10 cents a day. Tho NAACP letter to Adm'nin Ira tor Hopkins cited the pledge of the WPA made by Thnddeus Holt, assistant administrator, in the, fall of 1936, that state admin:straors bad been instructed not to close down WPA projects in cotton areas unless employment at stand nrd wages was definitely available. It cited, also, the report from Hibb county, Ga., in June, 19°,7, that Negroes were being fore d off WPA projects into private employ ment regardless of wages offered, with a penalty of be'ng Jailed if they did hot accept the Jabs Thu NAACP chine d that WPA administrators had an agreement to “cooperate” with private employ ers, especially plant rs, :n transfer ring Negroes. Demand was me In upon Mr. Hopkins to investi a'e rt once !’ nrn fees in HI the cotton states and to warn WPA "dnfr'i ! i * tors of the m naHi •; of ,rol; ting the federal statutes aga'nst fo ring labor. It a; 1 ■ d Mr. Hrpkins, also insofar as possible, to cooperate with tho department of Justice by placing bef >ro the latter and evi dunce of peonage it may uncover. Southern White Man Indicts Lynching Memphis, Oct. 7 (ANP)— A re markable indictment oganst lynch in'? and mob vit lence was contained in a letter printed recently by the Commc'i'c’al Appeal in its '‘Voice. of the People” column. The, writer, Mr. Earl Hill of Brighton, Tenn., is n. prominent and respected white resident of his community and minces no words in his manly, im prossive appeal for the abolishment of lynching. He says, in part: "It was not taught me by my parents, but I grew up, like, most southern boys, with the feeing that lynching a Negro was not much a crime, but, under certain eircum stances, in order to maintain the standing of true blood southerners, very necessary. However times have changed. I have changed. .. "It seems to me that the only answer is a Federal law against lynching. It seems that among all the peoples of the earth our south ern senators and congressmen should support the passage cxf such a law. When lynchers are. probably j somo of your friends, or might be some of your own household, what can you do about it? Occasionally, but very, very rarely has it ever happened that justice has come to one of our best friends or a close relative, if the meting out of the justice depended on us. Most of that kind of work is in the story books. Then for the sake of justice, law and order, and everything else that maks our country a good place in which to live.let us have a Federal law against lynching.”