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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1937)
VWmV.VAVVWVWVVW^WMV.mV.V.WAW;mSWVi /AWVMW.^WV.SWWW.v.w.w.v.Wv...v.W.w..v^w.w.v.rrroo.T.r.... . .» .. 1 COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA | 5 _........ ....... rAVAW.'.V.VA'.V.V.'.V.V.V.... ■ ■ * ■ ■ ! : ~~ NEWS NOTES • 1 -H. M. FUNCHES, EDITOR Mrs. Clarence Oiiphant is still suffering from the effect of a fall from a chair which she received Sunday, Jan. 10th. < Friendb of Mrs. James Robin son, (the former Mrs. Nina Lew is, who is now living in Chicago, 111., will be interested to know that she will leave there very soon for JacktyuVilHie, Fla., where dhb mud husband will make their home temporarily. Report comes that the father of Mr. Sam Baker died recent ly in St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Luther White was call ed to the bedbide of his father in Kansas . Mrs. James White, 1400 Ave. G, is ill. 20th Century Club Gives Baby Shower The po^ luck dinner and baby shower given by the 20th Cen tury Civic and1 Art club on Thursday, Jan. 14th, at the home of Mrs. Calvert Smith, was an enjoyable event. The meeting was both a surprise The many friends of Ted Owens will be glad) to know that he and family are located in Phoenix, Arizona, at which place Mr. Owens is employed as Red Cap in ome of the railway stations. Harlemites to "Give* ‘ Kid ’ ’Party The Harlemites will give a “Kidf*’ party on Jan. 23rd at the home of Misses Wilma and Geraldine Herndon. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA MERCHANTS SAFEWAY CAB l Fully Insured—Courteous I ! Drivers j —Phone 5522— j Council Bluffs, la. NELSON GROCERY Fern dale Foods 232 Broadway Ph. 2891 INDEPENDENT j COAL and ICE SERVICE FEATURES OIL TREATED COAL. IOWA COAL Retailed Or By The Sack. HENRY RAYNER, REP. 1300-5 Ave. Tel. 235 COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA~ ATLAS LUMP 7s Sold Only By Co. Bluffs Coal & Ice Co. 9th and Broadway PHONE 71 PATRONIZE ADVERTISERS OUR Theresa Nealy Gets Fall Little Miss Theresa Nealy, who suffered a fall recently which resulted in a fractured collar bone, is getting along as well as could be expected. Ther esa's greatest worry is that maybe she will not be permitted to complete her school year. Miss Mercedes Johnson, of Omaha, visited relatives in the city Saturday. Maxine Teal Celebrates Eleventh Birthday Maxine Teal, 1114-lb Ave., celebrated her eleventh birthday on Jan. 9th. Joining in this cele bration were a few of her I f i ends. Rev. Harris Acting Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church The pastorate of Calvary Baptist church, made vacant by the resignation of Rev. S. Fant, will be temporarily filled by Rev. Harris of Omaha. Mr and Mrs. J. Foster have moved from 1307-7 Ave. to 1410 So. 8th St. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mize Return Mr. and Mrs. James Mize re turned to the city Saturday, Jan. 1 fifth, from an extended trip west . Mr. Alonza Anderson., who has been ill, has returned to work. Mrs. Fannie Reed, who has had a severe eold, is better. Mrs. Maude Anderson is ill. and a pleasure to Mrs. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cooper Entertain Mr. and Mr. Geo. Cooper were hosts at a dinner Sunday, Jan. 10th. Guelst list included Mr.. I and Mrs. Florence, of Missouri Valley; Mrs. Dora Alexander, Mr. Tolan and! Mr. and Mrs. Wade Green of Omaha, Mrs. Viola Stewart, Mr. Sam Baker and Mr. and Mrs. John Mills. Miss Hattie Lyons, who has been seriously ill, is greatly improved. Mr. Sam Taylor is ill at his home. He is confined to bed. Mrs. James Ross is confined to bed by illness. Illness caused Mr. Wm. Cof fee to remain home from work for several days. Mrs. Charity Bingham is in disposed. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hockaday, who have been ill are now able to be out. Miss Lulu Mae Hall was in charge of the Recreation Meet ing held Tuesday, Jan. 19th, at the Broadway Christian church. - Mr. and Mrs. Hurlin Harvey were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Janies Haynes on Mon day evening. (Chicken, dumpl ings ‘n‘ everything) Council Bluffs Agents For The Omaha Guide Are Mrs. Clarence Oliphant, 2456- 6 Ave Little Savoy, 1408 W. Broadway Miss Mary Teal, 1810 S. 10 t. Miss Odessa Russell, 1201-16 Ave. 8ee Tour Nearest Agent and Buy Buy A Guide Keep Posted on Local Race News. Mr. Albert Wilson will make his home at the residence of Mrs. Saluda Carter, 3rd St. — be up after a brief illness, be up after a frief illness. Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Brown Hosts Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown were hosts at an informal ga thering Sunday night, Jan. 17. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Duke Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Misses Lulu Mac Hall and Jeanne Spinks, Messrs Mi Brown, James Haynes, Pearson Fields, James Phoenix and Mr. McCrea of Chicago, 111. — Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown Hosts .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown were hosts to a party of six at Jim Bell's New Harlem Night Club, Omaha,, on Sunday night, Jan 17th. Guests were Misses Jeanne Spinks and Lula Mae Hall, Messrs, McCrea, of Chi cago and Russell of Omaha. — Miss Lulu Mae Hall has re-1 I turned to work after a four-day attack of influenza .Illness forced Mr. Ed Thomas to go home from work Friday. Mrs. Mary Wilson remains very ill in the WPA Nursing Home . Mr. G. A. Stovall, who has been ill, is better. Despite his illness. Mr. Stovall remained on the job. Mr. Richard Carbins, who has been ill, has returned to work. Mrs. Mamie Brown has been ill . Mrs. Blanche Golden, who has ill for the past several weeks is still ailing. Mrs. Mattie Turner, who in jured her spine in a recent fall, is recovering slowly . Cleverettes Jinx Supper A Success The Jinx Supper given by the Cleverettes Saturday, Jan. 16th, at the home of Mrs. Em ma Turner, was a financial suc cess. This is a club of busy bees Watch their stride! Mr. Vincent Carter, who un derwent an appendectomy re cently at the Mercy hospital, is doing nicely. Cleverettes- Meetings The next regular meeting of the Cleverettes will be February 7th at the home of Mrs. Gwen dolyn Simms 4th Ave. Social meeting of this club will be Jan. 31 at the home of Miss enne Spinks. The Church of God in Christ conducted prayer meeting Wed nesday, Jan. 13th, at the home of Mrs. Rosa Harris. Some nine persons were in attendance. Purchase New Terraplane Auto Mr. and Mrs. M. Austin are sporting a beautiful new Terra plane. Illness kept Mr. Geo. Brown home from work. Mrs Katherine Ford is re ported to be very ill with i n fluenza. Mr. Howard Cave was home from work Monday because of illness. Mr. Clarence Reeves, who was ill for several days the past week, has returned to work. Mrs. A. Huff has been elect ed to solicit funds for the Bap tist Education Department of this state. Mr. Wm. Brown, Chicago Northwestern Railway em ployee, made a business trip to Chicago Monday night return ing Wednesday morning. Mrs. Clarence Reeves Given Surprise Party Mrs. Clarence Reeves was de lightfully surprised at a party given for her at her home Thursday, dam 14. Ltelieious waffles were served. Places were arranged for Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. S. Finlayson, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Herndon, Mr. and Mrs Hubert Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Chauneey Herndon, Mrs. Audrey Smith, Mrs. T. Gamble and Mr: Howard Cave. The table was beautifully decorated!, with gorgeous Am erican Beauty roses and carna tions being the centerpiece. The evening was spent talk ing over old times. Each one departed' wishing Mrs. Reeves many more and happy birth days. The Junior Hollis Art Club met at the home of Mbs Gerald ine Reeves Sunday afternoon, Jan. 17. Mrs. Alice Brown entertain ed1 for Mrs. Minaiie Ilerndon at a waffle breakfast Thurs day morning, Jan. 14th. Hollis Art Club Meets— Hollis Art Club met with Mrs. Minnie Herndon, Thurs day afternoon, Jan. 14. Harlemites Progressive Party Success The Harlemites, a newly formed club of young people, gave a Progressive Party on Friday night, Jan. 15tli. The party began at the home of Miss Juanit'a Oliphant, where cocoa and marshmallows were served; from there the party went to the home of Mr. Clarence Reeves, Jr., where chili and crackers were served and ended at the home of Miss es Wilma and Geraldine Hern don, where tapioca pudding and cake were served. The Harlemites spent the evening dancing and playing cards. Persons who have recently joined this club are. Ed Terry, Ilerschell Howard, Henry Tur ner and Harry Bess. Mrs. Emma Crocker, who has been ill, is back on the job at the Little Savoy. Mr. Leonard Jones has been confined to bed because of ill ness. Mr. Geo. Lewis, who has been ill, is able to be out again. Rev. G. W. Slater, jr., in forms us that he was successful in passing his first semester’s examinations. He is now look ing forward to June graduation. (Continued on Page Five) MODERN SHOE REPAIR 1410 North 24th Street Women’s top lifts_15c Women’s half soles ...65c & up Men’s half soles and heels. - $1.00 & up Men’s half soles —75c and up Mens Rubber heels 35c and up Children's half soles and heels ---75c Children’s half soles 50c up Quality is our policy OUR CHURCHKS Bethel AME. Church, Kiev. Geo. W. Slater, dr. Pastor, etc Bethel’s services the past Sunday were conducted in the Bethel Center. Future servic es will be conducted there un til further notice. Church of Ood in Christ, Elder A. 1). Carter, Pastor, 1G18 Ave. B. Sunday school at 10:30 a. in. Mrs. G. Minn, Supt. Services at noon. YPWTW at 6:30 p. m., Mr. Gamblie Duncan President. General services at 8:00 p. in. Weekly services on Tuesday and Friday nights at 7:30 o’clock. He Who Trusts In Him (By Theresa Myers Skinner) God takes c-are of him who in Him trusts, And opens ways for the most of us. Sometimes we do not see nor understand Yet the way is there at our command. He’s always there by our side, Our ever helpful, patient guide. Sometimes, we do not think or care Or even know that He is near. Until troubles upon us throng And everything seems to go wrong. Then it's to Him we gladly plead, For He answers our every need. Willingly, without a doubt He loves us all, or He would not Be near us waiting for our call, Helping everyone and all. Strengthening our faith in Him, Forgiving us who are in sin. Always near, our patient Friend, If we but love and trust in Him. RABE’S BUFFET BEER LIQUOR SOFT DRINKS dancing 2425 N. 24thJA 9195 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Free Course In Hair Culture Consisting of Marcalling Fingarwaviag Skampos Formula INCLUDING DIPLOMA BY MAIL Write CUBAN COSMETIC COMPANY BOX 531S — CHICAGO, ILL. My Favorite RECIPE Frigidaire Cake (by Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson) II whites of eggs 1 tsp. cream of tartar 1 tsp. vanilla V4 tsp. salt 11/, cups sugar 1 cup pastry flour 5 egg yolks Add salt lo rgg whites and whip until frothy. Add cream i of tartar ami beat until stiff, but. not dry. Add sugar grnd Iually, heating constancy. Add | vanilla; fold in sifted Hour. I Justly fold in egg yolks which have been separately beaten until lemon colored. Bake in an angel food cake pan inveri ed. When cool remove from pan. Cut cake through center making two layers . h'rost bot tom layer. Fill cavity with below stated filling and place top layer on and use filling to frost all around cake. Filling 5 egg yolks 1 tablespoon flour 1-4 cup cold! water 1-2 tenspoonlemon extract 1 pint whipping cream 1 cup sugar 3 teaspoons gelatin 1 1-2 cups milk z 1 cup nut meats 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Dissolve gelatin in cold wa ter; beat yolks until light and fluffy. AAdd mily, sugar and flour (mix together) and gel atin. Cook until slightly thicken ed, cool and when mixture is set, fold in slightly whipped cream and flavoring. Lastly add nut meats. Frost cake as you would au angel food cake. (Sift flour before measuring —use measuring cup aud spoon Note—(I, your reporter, ate a piece of this cake a Mrs. Wil son’s the past Sunday, and DELICIOUS is no name for it.) NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Hauling Moving and Storage Phone WE5656 2414 Grant St m_i Don't endanger the hep* nineM of your married life when delayed. .De pend on this wonderful new A M Periodic Relief U' \ Compound (Double XX 'iM** Strength) Quick, safe. _ effective Relieve* generally r _ , "the moot punllng.overdue.diaco«r»t v k 09 lag. suppressed,scanty,unnatural periods. ^K^'AcWD HO MONKY unlesa you wish Just pay ff Cpostman when delivered or you can safely t'H Viid money, saving P. O. extra charges. OUAFtANTEFD. Try 4 day teat—satisfaction on money refunded Physician’s new formula brings relief to thousands Mrs. M K writes—"Miaaed my monthly How 2 tnos I took your pitta, la 3 days Hour started ' Mrs E (> F. says—"Nothing I ever tried has given results like they do” $2 00 for ho* Doubt# XX Strength 2 for $1 50 Triple XXX Strength) for obstinate cases $s (V) TRIAL XX SIZE. 25s’ cash with order. Rook let Free "Secrets Married rnrri Women Should Know" Don't be lata ■ — Send your order today. Mrntcmf ... "T* UO OlllMi SL, CklU(. WANTED TO BUY 100.000 Pounds Brass, Cop per, Lead and Aluminum 20.000 Batteries 50.000 Auto Radiators Are We Buying? You Bet! If It's Auto Parts You Want It Will Pay You To See Us First. We Are Here To Serve You. Consolidated AUTO Parts Co. 2501 Cuming St. AT 5656 Home of Kangaroo Court HOW OFTEN Cl,i »0«J KISS AND MAHi IJ'EW husbands pin understand ' why a wir.) should turn from a pleasant companion into a shrew for one w hole «eok in ©v cry month. You can say "I’m sorry” and kiss and make up easier before marriage than after. Tien is©. It you want to hold your husband, yon won t bo a throo-o.iaru r » do. For three generatiousent woman has told another hotv to go “smil ing through" with Lydia ii. I’d..'. hama Vegetable Compound. It hel|»s Nature tone mi the *v*t thus lessening the discomforts fi-om the functional disorders which women must endure in the three ordeals of life: 1. Turning from rlrlhood to womutdiood, i t i poring for motherhood a dp. Pleaching ' middle age ' LJon't ho a three, quarter w . ., take LYDIA ti Id.N I 'AN’ ’ VEGETABLE COM !h »UN D and Go “Smiling Through.'’ Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery Ojyii'ifciS* TEA to thorn u* KEEP CLEAN SNSSuit! You'll IIU the way It inapt you back, overnight, to the feeling of "farin' to go fit non and inside cleonlineitl Eliminate the left-over vraitei that hold you bock cause heodoche., in digestion, etc. Garfield Tea It not a miracle worker but if CONSTIPATION bothers you, It wll certainly "do wonders!" 10* and 25« of druattorei — or, WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES of Garfield tec and Garfield Headache Powdery to: GARFIELE TEA CO., Dent. C, Brooklyn, N Y. OK'D BY MILLION bt tkuftt (mu/c<nttjoif ALWAYS DEPENDABLE Both Our Service and Printing. We are Equipped To Print Anything From Stamps to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver. OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 2418 Grant Street WE 1517—1518 AGENTS I WANTED Cennolm* Cannolea* Hair Growet ' Bleach Cream (Double Stieagibi _ (Double Strong :h) And Our 18 Other Cannolene Beauty Creations Beginning our New Advertising C—pelgn we erfll give a Free Start to intelligent energetic toea a* winiie who are ambltlouf to tnah* money and build up a bnstnese oi their ewa Helling beauty prod acta ai the better Idnd Owe la aUctiy a guattty Dne that appeals to toe beet people everywhere. Yea me he mere money with a quality line and you win valuable prtoea. Write at once to Cannon Cosmetics Co* Dept. 20-A. Atlanta. Ga. N-N-y. Ex. a. ' a