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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1937)
SOCIAL Q /x ^ ^ Tr CLUBS AFFAIRS ''O-O-C-l-e-ty^ ORGANIZATIONS SURPRISE SHOWER Mrs. John RHey, frrmerly Mlsi Helen Hodgffs, was given a verj pretty surprise wedding shower Sunday Hfternoon, January 17 at the home of her sister, Mrs. Mar giaret Gray. 2433 Parker St. Th« afternovn was well spent playing bridge and games- After enjoying a very tasty and well prepore< luncheon all gathered around at Mrs. RHey unwrapped many beau tiful gifts. This was Indeed a pretty affair There were also many smart dress es worn About twenty guests were present, Included Misses Hallle Johns i and AdeV Mitchell, grand hostesses; Senoval Carter, Emily Williams, I/>retta Riddles, Peggy Mitchell, Oleatha Hodges, Minnie Littlejohn, Hazel Si arks, Margaret Breakfield, Gearldlne Martin, Het tle Gray, Opal Rose Annalee Rose and Mrs. Augusta Turner. The Crusaders club of the Metro politan church was organized at the parsonage, Monday evening at 8 o'clock. The election was as fol lows: Sister WUlle Varnert pre sident; Sister E. Johnson, secretary; Sister B. Johnson, assistant secre tary; Sister O. Forrest, treasurer and Rev. W- Garnett, reporter. The club was organized for the purpose of helping our church. Everyone present was very much Interest- We feel that our club will make a success of every effort we put forth. We are asking all that wish, to join. Please meet with us next Tuesday evening, January 215. We will assure you tha< yo'U will be well pleased to be with us V MR. A. P. SIMMONS RETURNS TO OMAHA Mr. A. P- Simmons, a resident of Omaha for 33 years, was mar ried to Widow Muncle of Nebraska City, in October of last year and spent several months In Kearney, Nebr. Mr. Simmons, who is a de corator by trade, will make Omaha his home again- He is located at 2003 No. 22nd street. His telephone number s Harney 0387. Mrs. EI>a Hill of 2640 Charles, passed away at 8 o’clock Saturday. Funeral arrangements will be made from the l*>wls Funeral Home. Mr. Yank Pet»8. 1604 No. 27th St., Is sowly recovering from an operation. Mr. Andrew Stuart Is very 111 In the hospital. Little Rayiromd Lre, grpndtton of Mrs. Hartley, 2638 Caldwell St., has recovered from an attack of the flu. OLE’S Battery Station WE SPECIALIZE ON BAT TERY SERVICE 3014 N. 24th Ja9999 "nMPAYS TO LOOK WELL MAYO’S BARBER SHOP La dice’ and Children’! Work A Specialty. 2422 Lake Street. WANTED: Colored women be tween ages of 26 and 40 to work for family of three in Onawa, Iowa Call WEbster 1617 for further in formation. YOU CAN GET Appetizing barbecue, delicious fried chicken, just-right chili anc heavenly tamales at Mason’s. 202-; Burt St. Slyter Ice & Coal Co No extra chargee on half tons of coal. Delivered within 30 blocks. 1301 No. 24th St AT 6355 Kidneys Must Clean Out Acids on,y row* bod* can clean out V. polaonoua wastes from your blood la thru 9 million tiny, delicate Kid ney tubes or Piters, but beware of cheap, drH,t|C. irritating drug. If functional Jfclaney or Bladder disorders make you isffer from Getting Up Nights, Nervous L£f ?a,n*' Backache, Circle* Under lyu*. Dlrztneae. Rheumatic Paine, Arid ity. Burning, Smarting or Itching, don’t taka chancea. Oet the Dortor'e guaran Preecrlptlon called Cyitex (Sl*s »«*). Work* fast, eafe and Bure.. In 4S hour. It must bring new vitality, and Is guaranteed to fix you up In one week or JP"1}** f*0*1 on return of empty package. Cyatex coeta only 9c a day at druagiei* the guarantee protects you. F’Hh of 2425 Parker St. has been confined to bed for i two weeks with flu. Mrs. Margaret Young «f Dps Moines, Ja., was the guest of her -.ister, Mrs. Hattie Perry 2416 Par , 'cer St- for the week end. Mrs. Allen ,b hnson of 2001 No. >2nd St. was badly burned Monday nomlng from an explosion of a milk bottle when she. tried to take it-.* nipple off. Mr. Clark Washington, 1618 No. 22hd St., la on the sick list. Mis. John Jeffrey, 2314 No. 22nd St., is enrylng n visit front his m iher, of 'Dallas Texas. Mr- Jef frey s just recovering front an at tack of pneumonia. graduate nurse Miss Juliet e T. Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. I/'e, 2863 Ma ol<% Is h«me from General hosplt il No. 2 In Kansas City, to, where ho completed her training. She Is on a visit. DINNER PARTY Mrs. Gertrude Robins, of 2226 Sowiard St., had a dinner party Sunday, January 17th, from 3 to 6, there were six guests present, Mr. and 6ty's. Joe Thf.srWs, Mr. and Mrs. Cloud, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jones. They had a delightful din ner and praised Mrs. Robins for being such a wonderful hostess. HONEYMOON TRIP Joe Thomas and bride went to l/>s Angeles, Calif, for their honey moon and while there visited Mrs. Hazel King who Is related to Mr. arid Mrs. George Robins of 2226 Seward St. (Mrs. Harry Lelend, of 2824 No, 26th St., Is reported as being con fined to her bed with the flu. Francis Alford, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alford, t.f 2132 N‘>. 2,.Uh St., Is graduating from Long school, Jan. 19th, she will enter Central high school on Jan. 26th. Mrs. M. Glover and fondly, of 2102 No. 29th St., are all reported on the sick list CHARLES MILLER DIES Mr. Charles Miller, of 2711 Bur dette St., passed away Thursday January 14th, after a short Illness of two weeks, with double pneu monia. He had Uved in Omaha for 26 years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Miller; one daugh ter and four sons We will miss his presence and we hope the many friend of the dear widow will remember her In this lonely time of grief and ca" and see her. The funeral will b'.' held from the Lewis Funeral home Tuesday afternoon at 2 p. m. He will be burled at Mount Hope Ceme tery. Mrs. Hill, of 26th St, passed away Sunday morning. Her body was taken t0 the Lewis Funeral Heme. Funeral arrangements will be made later. Mrs. Alexander, of Patrick St. passed on January 18th. Burial ar rangements will be made later. Mrs. Sallie Jackson of 18,'I4 No. 23rd, was burned badly last week at her home- She is recovering nice ly- _ Mrs. Bessie Early of 1630 No'. 22nd St., is on the sick Ust, caused by a fall down the basement stairs, and Is confined to bed. We are glad t<> see Mrs. Herbert Wiggins out again after suffering ! an attack of the flu, Mrs. Edna Mitchell was the guest cf M's. Earl Perry Monday noon for lunch. Mrs. Mitchell hlgh ly praised the c<*>k|np of Mrb Perry. J. W. BROWN Expert Piano Tuning and Repairing WE 4522 2610 Franklin ECONOMY BEAUTY SHOP 1809 N. 24 ST. WE 4240 9:00 A.M. to 6 P.M. First Class Work At Cut-Rate Prices. Lillian Cunningham Bessie Wilson VISITS TEXAS little Betty Jean Thomas, ol 3115 hrankUn S wh lives with ne.- ^ .'.l ip if-its, Mr. and Mrs L I P**t;h r, spent the holidays in ■aha and Pt. Worth, Texas visit. -I with her aunt and uncle. Her father, Mr. Henry Thomas, accom panied her. Mr- Hairy Brown, <1 the Brown Clonl and Ice Ca.. Is ill with the grippe. Little Birdlne IUxon has recover ed from a severe cold. She Is the granddaughter of Mr- and Mrs. John Blackburn, 2012 Clark St. BIRHDAY PARTY Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Burden hon ored their daughter, Mury Eliza beth Burden, with a birthday par ty, Friday, January 8th at their home at 2607 Wirt St. A lovely birthday cake served as a center piece for the table. The hostess wore an attractive black and powder blue two-pJece dress. The guests were: Messrs. Na thaniel K. Goldston, Hillary Balti more, Roy Gordon, John Burden, Charles Adams, William Baltimore, itnd Alfonso Davis. Misses Mildred, Reed, Josie Woods, Annie Lett,] Irene Harrold and Mrs- William Baltimore. MJis. Burden w|.s assist)d by Mis. Hearthwood Hicks, the mother >f Mr. Godston. The evening was tpent In playing various enjoyable games. Miss Burden received a number of very lovely gifts. Mr. Henry C. Talbari of 2610 Seward und Mss L/izzie Adams of Lexington, Mo., were' united in marriage by Rev. Reynolds, Thurs day night, January 14th in Coun cil Bluffs, la. They are at home to friends at Mr. Talbarts residence, 2610 Seward St. Mr. James Walsonund Miss Elnor Campbell were secrety married, Oct. 30th, by Rev. Waggnor. After tho arriage hud become, known 26 friends entertained the couple at their home, 2£00 Decatur St. Mrs- Minnie Thompson, 2713 No. 26th St., passed away after twelve days of illness of pneumonia. Mrs. Jackson, 1816 Nr 28th St. is reported as being very 111. Mr. Andrew Stua't, proprietor of the Stuart Art shop is ill in a loval hospital. Mrs. Hattie Kitchen, wife of C. B. Kitchen, 2614 N. 27th St. pass ed awuy on Tuesday, January 6th. She was burled January 13th from the Myers Funeral Home. She was a devoted Christian and a loving companion. A precious one from us is gone, A voice we love is still, A place is vacant in our hearts That never can be filled, God in His wisdom has recalled The one to us is given Although the b'>dy rested here, Her s u! is safe In Heaven. Mrs. Minnie Young, Clark St., in confined to her b«‘d with pneu monia. Mrs. John Blackburn, 2012 Clark St., Is home from Kansas City, Mo., where she wns called to t,he bed side of her cousin who' suffered a stroke. Mrs, Fannie Wade, 2027 No. 21st Si., has recovered from an attack of the flu. Mr. Dea Harris of Detroit, Mich., visited here in the city with his mother, Mrs- Lee Holland, 2431 Charles St., for a few days. Whle here, Mr. Harris and his mother motored to Lincoln and visited the state prison. Mrs. Lucille Wells, 2624 Char les St., is HI with the flu Mr. Carl Hollins, 2431 Charles St. has been on the sick list. Mrs. CaUie Johnson and son, Willie, from, Money, Miss., are vi siting in the city. "Bhey are at the home of the sister of Mrs- Johnson, Mrs. Lee Holland, 2431 Charles St. Mrs. Anna Higdon, 2624 Hamil ton St. who has been ill is able to go back to work. Mrs- Ethel Morrow, 2638 Hamil ton at the t. Joseph hospital, is tion at the St. Joseph hospial, is reported fair. I Mrs. Jewell Bryant, 2810 Char les St., is ill with the flu. Mrs. B Wheeler, 2502 Patrick avenue, who broke her ankle in a fall, Is able to be up again, although she cann /t get out. Mrs. Lulu Williams, 2817 No. 24th St., s ill In the hospital. i j Mrs. T. Gregory, 2213 No. 27'h A.v.e., is in the hospital as a result of head and neck injuries received when she slipped and fell on the Ice. Mrs. Harvey, Ersklne St., is on 1 the sick list. I - P 'glna M. Simms, five-year-old daughter of Mrs- Booker Simms, vho sptnt the fall In Oklahoma ity, has returned t© Omaha. Little Miss Simms has been ill but s able to be up again. Mrs. Simms has also been on the sick list with in fluenza. BUY AN OMAHA GUIDE FROM YOUR NEAREST SO OMAHA AGRNT McGill a>d Daria 2516 Q Street ] J. C. Harris Grocery Store, 5224 S. 30 St.. .MA 0741. ( Dorsey Oliver, , 5709 S. 29 St. MA 2678 1 t Mrs. Margaret Bowles : 6407 8. 28 St PATRONIZE ADVERTISERS _01TR_ Bay L. Williams, AUy. Tuchman Bldg. 24th and Lake NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION! In the County Court of Doug'as County, Nebraska. In the matter <>f the estate of IRENE CAROMAN JOHNSON, deceased: All persrms interested in said matter are hereby noified that on ; the 20th day of January, 1937, W. L. Myers filed a petition in said County Court, praying that his final administration account filed j Serein be settled and allowed, and that hr, be discharged from !his trust as administrator and that a hearing will be had on said jaetitlon before said court on the 13th day of February 1937, and that if you fail to appear before said Court <>n the said 13th day <>f February 1937 Et 9 o’clock a m., and contest, the Court may grant he prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end ihat all matters pertaining to sa*d estate may be finally settled and determined. Bryce Craw for Ounty Judge 3t NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of CARRIE KEY, deceased: All persons Interested In said matter are hereby notified that on ! the fifth day of January, 1937 i Mary Curran filed a petition in said County Court, praying that her final almintstration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from her trust as arministtratrix and that a hearing will be had said petition be fore said court on the 30th lay of January 1937, and that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 30th day of January, 1937 at 9 o’clock a. m., and contest said pet ition, the Court may grant the pray er of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may finally be settled and determined Bryce Crwford County Judge 3T PROBATE NOTICE In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of HATTIE KITCHEN, deceased All persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court, praying for the probate of a certain instrument now on file in said Court, purporting to be the last will and testament of said de Mr. N. A. Perkins of 981 No. 27th S*., who has been confined to bed with a severe cod, is slowly im proving. Mr- Murrell, 2931 Franklin St., is confined to his bed due to ill ness . coased, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 13th day of February, 1937 and that if they fail to ap pear at said Court on the said 13th day of February, 1937 at 9 o’clock a. m., to contest the probate of said will, the Court may allow and pro bate said will, the Court may allow and probate said will nd grant ad ministration of said estate to Charles B. Kitchen or some other suiable person, enter a degree of heirship and proceed to a settle ment thereof. Bryce Crawfor County Judge Jt Ray L. Williams, AUy. Pitchman Bldg- 24th and Lake VOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas bounty, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of WILLIE ANDERSON, deceased. All persons interested in said natter are hereby notified that >n the 20th day of January, 1937 V- L. Myers filed a petition in said bounty Court, praying that his final idministratlon account filed herein >e settled and allowed, and that he j >e discharged from his trust as ad ninistrator and that a hearing will' >e had on said petition before said ! 3ourt on the 13th day of Febrauary 1937, and that if you fall to' appear before said Court on the said 13th lay of February 1937 at 9 o’clock i. m. and contest said petition, the 3ourt may grant said petition, en ter a decree of heirship, and make luch other and further orders, al •■.V.'.W.V.V.V.V.’.V.V.W. Sam Flax LIQUOR AND BEER 1402 No. 24th St. AT9715 Special Price for Saturday 1 Pint High Grade Gin 55c We Serve by the drink V.V.V.V.V.'.V.V.V.W.V.V, _ We Carry a Complete Line of J. E. McBrady’s Toilet Goods Spices—Soaps—Beauty Cakes— Perfumes—and Family Herbs. 1825 Patrick Av«„ Apt. 6 For Prompt Delivery Phone JAckson 9995 Or sec our agent when he calls L. G. HARRINGTON DON ROSE BEAUTY SALON MRS. ROSE LUCKEY, Prop. Now Open For Business WE 3162_2228 Lake St. Hineman’s Garage General Automobile Repair Greasing, Car Washing, Gas, Oi Tire Repairing 24-IIOUR SERVICE JA 9269 2417 No. 24th St LEVISON SUPER SERVICE STATION DIAMOND D-X Gas and Motor Oils Alemite Grease Job 59c Special, Car Washed 49c 2303 N. 24 St. READ THE LATEST— Magazines -ALL KINDS FRANK POMIDOR (RITZ SHOE REPAIR SHOP) 2023 North 24th St lowances and decees, as to this Court seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and deter mined. Bryce Crawfor County Judge 3t LEGAL NOTICE Ray Lawrence Williams, Atty. Tuchman Bldg. 24th and Lake In the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. To; KERMON HARVEY, whose place of residence anl upon whom personal service cannot be had, de fendent. You are hereby, notified, that on June 24, 1936, Evelyn Harvey, as Plaintiff filed her petition against you in the District Court of Dou glas County, Nebraska, Docket No. 320, Page 367, the object and pray CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes Kins: Yuen Cafe 2010*/j N. 24th St. Jackson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. GOLD MEDAL HAARLEM Oil CAPSULES Fine for Weak Kidneys and Blad der Irritation. STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS One 35 cent box of these fam ous capsules will put healthy ac tivity into your kidneys and blad der—flush out harmful waste poisons and acid and prove to you that at last you have a grand diu retic and stimulant that will swiftly cause these troubles to cease. But be sure and get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules— safe and harmless—the original and genuine—right from Haarlem in Holland. Millions have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it—some symptoms be sides visits the bathroom at night I of which petition is to obtain a di vorce from you on the grounds of Nort-suipport. You are hereby required to an swer said petition on or biefore tih 20th day of Fc.b; uary, A. D. 1937, or said petition will be taken as true. Evelyn Harvey, Plantlff By Ray Lawrence Williams, Her attorney. 1-16-37 t0 2-6-37 Johnson Drug Co. We Fill Relief Prescriptions WE. 0998 1904 N. 24th St. *voo vsAan will buy „ Good 6 room house on corner lot. All In fine condjtlon—2539 Decatur McFarland & Kennedy, Inc Realtors JA 2100 636 World-Herald Bldg jmtttk. ft I2K3 It S a Wi If HOSTETlSs STOM^^^OTra® Stop and Shop At HERMAN’S MARKET HERMAN FRIEDLANDER Proprietor 24th and Lake Street WEbster 5444 Ritz Shoe Repair 2023 North 24th St. The Right Service at the Right Priie Ask Us About It ."""""I TOO MUCH COLD HURTS FOODS, TOO! Control Winter Refrigeration With a Modern ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR Too much cold is as damaging to foods as too much heat. That's why you need electric refrigeration through the winter months, too. But regardless of the season, you'll save. Your family's health is pro tected—there's no expensive waste of foods—and you can take advantage of bargain day food prices. It costs but a few cents a day to run a modem Elec tric Refrigerator. Jhn. £laci/uc. SJwp£ ' Nebraska Power | Company * %