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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1936)
You’ve .ill read and heard of Henry Armstrong, feather weight champion. That line means a title holder who might be introduced to you as Henry Jackson of St. Louis. Henry de parted some five or six years ago for California, with no blare of trumpts or big send-off from the people of St. Louis. Only a lad who believed in himself could have gone so far from home to make himself world famous. He hooked up with Wirt Ross, a fight man ager who believes that colored boys are capable of holding their own with {he best fighters ever produced. Ross also has Young Peter Jackson. Recent ly Henry defeated Baby Ar mendzi for the featherweight championship after battering his way up in the featherweight division. According to reeent press re leases we learn that it is like lv that Joe Louis may quit the United States next month and journey to England for a joust of the leather mittens with Ren Feord, England's heavyweight champ. Rumor Hazzit that Xavier, a school in New Orleans, is seek ing Ralph Metcalfe ,aee sprint-1 er. for a herth on its coaching' staff. Ixmking over the sport hori-1 zon, w(> learn that Oze Simons, gridiron flash of Iowa, will fill a dual role this fall for the Hawkeye team. He will pass as well as carry the ball Jesse Owens’ name Is J. C. ^ Owens, and not Jesse or John Cleveland Owens. —. I, —* Walter Thurman of Mem phis. Tenn.. won the title of champion tire ehamrer in a com-* petition at Akron, 0., in 1924. | Contestants were entered from I every part of the United States! and Canada. Alcorn Is Out For Gridiron Honors Aloom, Miss., Sept. 26—(C)— Alcorn college awaits its first kickoff on Sept. 26, when Philand er Smith college will oppose the best squad the Mississippi college has developed in years, at Alcorn. Coaches Abraham and Porter have the teams in fine shape. The sched ule runs—Southern U., Oct. 3 at Alcorn; Tennessee State, Oct. 17, at Nashville; Iceland College, Oct. 24, at Baton Rouge; Rust College, Oct. 31 at Holly Springs; Tougaloo College, Nov. 7, at Alcorn (home coming); Campbell College, Nov. 2l at Alcorn, and Florida A. and M„ Nov. 26 at Alcorn. One other game will be played Dec. 5. Violator Of Parole Caught Montgomery, Ala., Sept. 26—(C) —William Ross was taken to At lanta last week by U. S. Marshall W. B. Smith to complete a term in Federal Prison for violation of the internal revenue law. After being paroled, Ross is alleged to have committed an offense for which he was sent to Kilby prison. On completing the term for the state, the federal government revoked his parole and took him back to Atlanta prison. Republicans Steal March With Owens New York, Sept. 26—(C)—The Republican managers of the cast stole a march on the Democrate when they announced in the Daily News that Jesse Owens is backing Landon for President. JJesse posed with Representative Joseph W. Martin, jr., head of the New York office of the Republican campaign at 41 East 42nd street. Jesse was quoted as saying: “Right now, the most important thing, I think, is to elect Gov. Alfred M. Landon President.’ His election will be good1 for America, and for the people of the colored race.” In the picture, Martin was handing Owens a Sun flower, emblem of the Republican campaign. Owens May Retain Amatuer Status New York, Sept. 26—(CNA) —Indications that Jesse Owens, triple Olympic champion, may re tain his amateur status despite his appearance in the theatrical world as a professional entertain er was manifested this week when the Caledonian club of New York announced Owens as one of the drawing cards for its first annual track and field meet Sept. 17 at the Yankee Stadium. The meet is sanctioned by the A. A. U., which recently barred Owens from A. A. U. competition for refusing to barnstorm around Europe with the American Olympic team. Owens is expected to compete in fihiee events: the 100 metet and 200-meter sprints and the broad jump. Among the other Negro top notchers Who are scheduled to ap pear in the meet are John Wood ruff and Cornelius Johnson, Olym pic title holders. 500 See Magistrate Paige Begin Work New York, Sept. 23—(C) About five hundred persons, representing civic troups, saw Magistrate Myles Paige go to work in Harlem Court, 121st j St. and Sylvan place. Tuesday,1 after having observed proeed' ure only one day under Magis trate Solomon of Brooklyn. Judge Solomon pronounced Paige “OK” after a lengthy conference in bis chambers. Ordinarily a new magistrate ob serves for at least a week be fore starting out alone. Gugsa Gives Mussolini Robe Rome, Sept. 26—(C)— Ras Gug sa, the Ethopian traitor, gave Pre mier Mussolini the mantle, decor ated with a lion’s mane, which Em peror Haile Selassie had given Gugsa, when Gugsa interviewed Mussolini in the Palazzo Venzia Saturday. Correspondents describ ed Gugsa as “popeyed.” Best Wishes from Lumber and Coal Company Fill Up Your Coal Bin Now 2736 N, 62nd St. WA 5621 4115 Lake St, GL 1234 Best Wishes from JIM SNELLING JIM’S AUTO PARTS COMPANY New and Used Auto Parts for All Cars g&gKgr wwljwiim i e ■-* — •* Negro Housing Conditions Tn Pa. Phildelphia, Sept. 26—(ANP)— Where do colored people live in Phildelphia? In what kind of hous es ? And what living facilities do they enjoy? These and similar questions can now be answered since the completion of a close and comprehensive study of colored housing made under the supervi sion of Adolph Siegrast, superin tendent, Phildelphia Real Proper-, ty Survey. The data, made public through John H. Rankin, director of Dis triots 4 and 5, Works Progress Administration, were obtained dur ing a recent city-wide Real Pro perty Survey under the Civil Works Administration and further studies are being made under the sponsorship of Thomas A. Logue, secretary, Internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pa. Figrues Reveal Poor Houses Structures occupied by colored people—47,884 in total—are main ly of single-family type—83.8 per! cent; and 90.0 per cent of their dwellings are row houses. Colored people occupy 2,721 structures of the store-and-dwelling type—which miake up 4.7 per cent of their structures containing four or more household dwelling units. One of the most significant tabl es of the data is that covering ape of structures. Of the total number of houses less than 10 years old,1 47,432 of these newer structure frere occupied by whites, but onl> j 634 by colored—or 1.3 per cent. As the table mounts into the older ape groups, colored occupancy pains in percentage—reaching 42.2 percent for buildings 100-years okl or over—-of which 2,227 are occupied by colored people. Per-, haps the most telling comparison in this connection is found in the mediam apes for white and colored housing, which are 32.7 years for white and 52.7 for colored. Less Than One-Third Colored Houses in “Good” Condition It is also significant that leiss than a third of the colored houses were found in “good” condition and almost half of them needed repairs. Of the vacant housing in neighborhoods, 3,390 of the struc tures were unsuitable for use. Rented houses unsuitable for use numbered 7,215. No. Water, Heat, or Bathrooms As regards living facilities the data for colored housing shows 855 structores not equipped with heating apartus, and the percent age of houses having no running water either in the house or yard is 1.2 per cent while the city fig ure is 0.4 per cent. Dwellings with out bathrooms number 9.3 per cent for the entire city, while for color ed housing the figure is 21.1 per cent, this percentage being -about the same for bathtubs and showers. As regard# gas 'and electric in stallations, lack of these facilities is greater in the colored dwellings and the percentages for houses having no indoor water closets, are 7.5 Iper cent for the city and 19.6 per cent for colored buildings. Please Patronize Our Advertisers t Greetings from t Royal Dairy 1 j 6934 Spencer St. GL 0408 BEflllTy-fROmflilCE/ An award of $50.00 is made each yea lion to tho Nogro or any Nagro group fc submitted on an improved method of St Louis—Frequently we notice women who have given a great deal of time and attention to their ‘appearance, and yet have careless ly overlooked some simple little detail which spoils the whole ef fect. Women who wear short-sleeved summer frocks or sleeveless even ing gowns sometimes neglect their unattractive elbows, which detract from the well-groomed appearance every woman should have. Even when a wealth of attention is lav ished on the hair, the complexion and the hands, no woman can look her best if household tasks have left her elbows reddened, chapped or calloused. Its easy to keep our elbows look ing slim ‘and attractive if we will give them the same consideration we give our hands or fingernails. Don’t acquire tho habit of lean ing on the elbows everytimo you sit down. This is the chief cause of many enlarged unattractive el bows. Watch for this tendency in yourself, -and if you find that you frequently sit with your chin cup ped in your hands and your elbow rotating on the table or chair-arm, break yourself of the habit The appearance of the elbows can be improved considerably by messaging them with a beauty cream, or with olive oil. With one arm extended straight forward, take the slack skin on the outside Free Fugitive In Chicago Chicago, Sept. 26— (C)—Chief Justice items Normoyle freed Sam uel Bennett, of Dust Arkansas, on a writ of habeas corpus Thursday. Bennett was wanted in Forrest City for alleged assault to kill charges. Governor Horner denied Bennettls extradition. BEST WISHES PROM National Carloading Co. MR. DILLEY 14th and Webster St. SHE LOST 20 POUNDS OF FAT Feel full of pep and possess the slender form you crave—you can’t if you listen to gosslpers. To take off excess fat go light on fatty meats, butter, cream and sug ary sweets — eat more fruit and vegetables and take a half teaspoon ful of Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot water every morning to sUlC* nate waato. Mrs. Elma Verllle of Havre do Grace, Md., writes: "I took off 20 ibs.—my clothes tit me fine now." No drastic cathartics—no consti pnuou—out ULjT: daily ty-wel ac tion when you take your iuus uiuiy dose of Kruchen. marMirtmtsar -y-K- .«.. »'^aaw- ~ -»■ BEST WISHES FROM I 0. P. SKAGGS SYSTEM STORES r by the Founda- f _ r the best paper beauty culture. • of the elbow in tihe fingers of the other hand and massage it thor oughly. If the elbow's have become un isually coarsened and don’t res pond easily to treatment, try put ting a heavy oil on them and leav ing it on overnight. A light band age can be wrapped about the el bows to keep the oil in place. Warm olive oil, or any beauty preparation which has an oily base, can be used for this pur pose. Many women keep the skin of the elbows soft and pliant by resting the elbows in shallow isaucers filled w'ith warm olive oil. Naturally, the elbows tend to be come darkened even more than the skin of the forearms. For that rea son, bleaching the elbows regular ly is a wise beauty precaution. A j regular bleaching cream can be used, or, if you prefer, lemon juice can be rubbed into the elbows. If this is done regularly, the skin will become noticeably lighter, and the | w'holo appearance of the arm will be improved. Elect For C-ounty Commissioner LEONARD B. Compliments of i Judge Charles Leslie i < DISTRICT COURT Help Kidneys Don't Take Drastic Drugs Vour Kidneys contain 9 million tiny tubes or Alters which may be endangered by neglect or drastic. Irritating drugs. lie careful. If functional Kidney or Bladder disorders make you suffer from (letting Up Nights, Nervousness, Loss of Pep. Peg Pains. Rheumatic Pains, Dizziness, Cir cles Under Eyes. Neuralgia, Acidity, Burning, Smarting or Itching, you don’t need to take chances. All druggists now have the most modern advanced treat ment for these troubles—a Doctor's pres cription called Cystex (Slss-Tex). Works fast—safe and sure. In 48 hours it must bring new vitality and is guaranteed to make you feel 10 years younger In one week or money back on return of empty package. Cystex costs only 3c a dose st druggists and the guarantee protects you 3 Hurt In Arkansas McGehee, Ark,, Sept. 26—(C)— George Mitchell, Miss Tilda New xnan and another man were in jured seriously Wednesday morn ing when a car driven by O. O. Kemp, a planter, catapulted down a twelve-foot embankment, and trailer, in which several cotton pickers were riding, crashed. Mit chell suffered <a severe head in jury, Miss Newman sustained a broken arm, and another man’s legs were broken. The accident occur red near McArthur, six miles eaet of here. BEST WISHES FROM Burgess Shirt Co. 209 S. 15th Street See Payne Investment Corporation for Bargains in CITY PROPERTY Payne Investment Corporation G. H. PAYNE, President 324 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. _AT 5960_ 11 ■ - '"■■■■ ' ■ ■ ■■ ■ For Quality Plumbing at Reasonable Prices call WRAY M. SCOTT PLUMBER 2811 Dodge St. AT 7408 Best Wishes from Deep Rock Oil Co. Nebr. Division 1126 N. 11th St. WE 3884 ARE YOU NERVOUS? Here is a way to help calm quivering nerves tv» you feel so nervous that you mnt fr\ scream? Are there times when you are cross und irritable . . times when you scold ilios . who are dearest to you? If your nerves are on edge, try I.YDIA I. I'INKII AM \S V! I U < .OMPOUNO. It helps calm your <|iilvcri> g i.orves and hhould give you the at re igth ...i : energy to face lift with a smile. When your wcrlc* nr’ .ares become too much for you ami you wane to run away from It all . . . take I.YDIA F,. HNKHAM S VEG F I ABIE COMPOUND* Many women have had nerve* as jangled as yours, but they have been able ro build up their pep and energy and get hack to normal with the aid of I.YDIA L PINKIIAM H VEGETABLE COMPOUND. When your mother and your grandmother used to NH'oint nervous. Irtltahleand rundown they depended upon this famous old medklno to pep them up again ... to help their nerves ... to help give them a cheerful disposition. c\ PACKED AND DISTRIBUTED BY PAXTON & GALLAGHER CO. OMAHA Here’s Your Big Chance to Make Quick Money - Be Agent for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 300 Products. It’s Easy; Do you need Money? Do you wish for the good things that Money would buy to make you happy? Then become a SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Money Making AGENT, Men and Women wanted everywhere as AGENTS for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade, Hair Strength, Skin Brightener, Bleach Cream, Face Powder, Perfumes, 300 Products. You don’t need any experience. Work in Spare Time or Full Time. We show you how to make, up to $40.00 a week or up to $6.00 in a single day. FREE SAMPLES Send No Money! Just fill in coupon and mail it today for FREE SAMPLES of Hair Dressing, Face Powder and Special Offer to AGENTS. Don't wait. Mail the COUPON NOW! Valmor Products Co. °u5T' 2241 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, III. e — I - • I I | VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. Dept. 165 4 | 2241 Indiana Ave., Chicago, III. I I want to make Quick Money. Please send me I I Frea Samples and Special Offer to Agents right away. | ■ 2 I Name__ I I I I Address ..._......._..._-— 1 I I I City___.....State_■ ttmmrnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Raising the Family- All who think Pa qol a stand up' All i ii|hi sH tfown *__ls^ \ Bf^Cfc ACa<*S / i0.iw.e' > f ( EM, '»'=■ 1 1 LAWD5, wLVt x ^ A feCftNQ