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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1936)
*rns CHURCH OF GOD 2023 N. 24th St. 1 W ft hi !,. Moody, Pastor '* * 1? h" **"or so. Sennet's were held as on last Sunday. The morning message was “Christian Suffering,” “For r. much as Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourself likeowise.” P"!'. 4:1. Though the methods of suffering have changed be armed to suffer for Christ: “for if we suffer, we shall reign with Him.” The evening message was, “Leoprosy—A Type of Sin.” Inas much as a victim of leprosy was excluded from the camp—was oVryten uuckun and hail to fol low certain rules as a sign of clean sing, so every one that is in sin is excommunicated from Cod's g ice. One must repent, for his sins—forsake them and believe Jit’.us saves in order bo be cleansed frrw thi- malady of sin. ~l’e church welcomes Mrs. Ar 1«V Webster. 1613 No. 23rd St., xi -t l>or return from East St. I. u s. 111. •res at the usual hours. Vis it aie welcome. MT MORT ATT. R*TT *?T CH"RO:i 2Uh snd Ohio Streets Kev. F. I*. Jones, pastor Foryfteen Burroughs, reporter The pastor has just returned from the National Baptist Conven tion filled with new inspiration, neve zeal and many interesting farts to relate. He preached at the nOrning worship out of the very depths of his soul from the 6th chapter of the Song of Solomon. “The All Conquering Orurch” was the subject. We cannot say other than that the congregation enjoy ed this wonderful sermon. Several out-of-town visitors were present, some of whom made some very in spiring talkls. The pastor told us more about his trip to Jackson ville, Fla. So vivid was his explan ations that one almost imagined himself right along with his as he told us more about the various cities throughout the journey. Al so of interest was the tabernacle where the various sessions were held. Next Sunday afternoon we are looking forward to the Men’s 144 Community Hay program at 3:00 o’clock. Among the visitors present were Mrs. L. L. Mosley of North Little Rock, Ark., who is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Austin, 2604 No. 27th sheet; Mrs. Mosley intends to stay tor a few days. She states that she is enjoying the cool breez es here n Omaha. The sick arc doing nicely. The pastors birthday cake was won by Miss Dillwoith of the Sunday school department. The lucky num ber was 85. I METROPOLITAN SPIRITUAL CHURCH OF CHRIST Rev. R. W. Johnson, Pastor Mrs. W. Vn-ner, Ron. This is the television station, C.; N. (Church News), coming to you ’ through the facilities of the Met ropolitan Spiritual Chuneh of ( Christ. “Prayer Changes Things.” Good morning ladies and gentle-1 men of the reading audience. With out prayer what would you do my| friends? We all have to pray to( receive what we desire in this world whether we want to or not. Prayer is the key to God’s king dom and faith unlocks the door. Prayer without faith is dead— prayer is a sincere desire of your Boful. The Lord said if you could not find words to say, He would fill your mouth with words, did He not? In brief, Jesus has always been, and always will be the Light of the World. Steal away from the crowd and the world into your lit tle secret elotset or before your little alter that you have built, if « your have one and pray a prayer to God. I am sorry that I haven’t time to continue on the subject of prayer, for I feel that we all should know more about prayer. I will now give you a brief synopsis of the news of our church. At 11 a. m. that ftimilar voice, “The Lord is in his holy Temple, let all the earth keep silence before Him,” echoed throughout the auditorium. The service opened with usual de votion. The choir sang several touching songs of Zion. Rlev. John son preached a very interesting sermon from first John, 3-1, sub ject, “The Children of God.” Rev.. Caldwell, Rev, Wilhite and Rev. Hill were present Sunday morning. At. 8:00 o'clock the choir was mar <hing again. Once again service opened. Rev, Johnson preached an tM'ier interesting sermon from Ezekiel, 37-4, subject, “Hoar the Word of G«d." Rev. Union was present on Sunday night. You too sre welcome to worship with us. SECOND HARTIST CHURCH CI-ARINDA, IOWA Sunday school was well attended by a lively class. The morning service was in high spirit and all were glad to get the new song hooks. At evening ser vice we held a pentecost shower. Mrs. G. Brooks was the visitor for the day. On Sunday, Sept 27, at 3:00 p. m. the Mitchell family of Marys ville, Mo., will render a program for the Second Baptist church. You are invited to come and hear this special program. HT JOHN A M E CHURCH " HE F RIENDLY CHURCH" . t H(vf Wil'is Avenue R v L. 1*. Ilrvant, Pastor t i M v... if,,., The Sunday school started the day at St. John last Sunday with a fairly pood attendance. It is true that the daily school work has started but the teachers are anxious that the children keep up their Sunday school work. Rev. Bryant preached at the morning service and Rev. W. S. Metcalf at the niglht service. Roth ptreached very good sermons. Rev. Bilbrew of Salem Baptist chuiVh preached at the afternoon servj’o and his big choir and con-! gregation came to help the Jr. Ma tron club in its pew rally. Rev. Bil brew is a fine speaker arfll always delivers a fine message to those | who come to hear him. He and his congregation showed a very fine spirit of cooperation. The club, members and friends are asked to turn in their money for conference claims as soon as (possible. Rev. Bryant is very anx iouh to have his report come up to the standard. The time is draw ing very near and it is very im-1 portant to get the reports in. As the conference will be so near j Omaha and so many of the mem bers and friends of St. John will have a chance to be present, they should be all the more anxious to have St. John report a good assess ment. The sick of the church are re ported as doing fine. - ; ,i »<*<&■' We Buy and SeU All Kinds Of Barrels McKERMAN BARREL CO. •v 4018 So. 29th Street COMPLIMENTS OF Jacobs & Boyden Commission Co. 418 So. 11th St. — AT 5154 BEST WISHES FROM Walgreen Drug: Stores of Omaha Your past business appreciated ELECT DUANE T. SWANSON Republican Candidate for State Railway Commissioner Your support will be appreciated ! NEW KITCHEN OPEN TUESDAY A new red, white and blue elec j trie servire kitchen of the Nebras ka power company will be opened to the public Tuesday, Wednesday •and Thursday. In addition to the regular office hours at which the (kitchen may be seen, it will be kept open from 7 to 9 o’clock dur ing the evening so that business homemakers may view the new est in electrical kitchen equipment. The color scheme was designed and executed under the supervision of Mrs. H. E. Mar»h, s'alisman ager of the company. Shading trom dark blue at the baseboarll, wafs of! t^he kitchen I and auditorium are developed in three shades of blue, the divisions being marked by chromium bands. From the chalk white ceiling chro mium lights brighten the room with >a flame-like hue. This same shade of red is used as the tape on white Venetian blinds which shut out the daylight. Brilliant red is further employed in the chair seats of the auditorium and the lining «i|f the white cupboards. Curtains and cooking equipment carry out the red, white and blue color scheme. Electrical equipment includes a water heater, range, refrigerator, dish washer and even an electric waste unit, which grinds garbage into such small pieces that it can be rinsed down the sink outlet. 'Hie kitchen also is equipped with all kinds of electrical appliances, including mixer and coffee maker An independent air-conditioning system has been installed to dispel cooking odors. The kitchen is in charge of Miss Alice Ward, the company’s home service director. ■ BEST WISHES FROM Barklow Bros. Co. 213 No. 15th Street i Happy Days Pop Corn Cheese O'Corn Candy Corn Mfg. Pop Corn Machines Corn to Pop BARNARD’S 2815 Leavenworth. Omaha :. ■ ..-g Better Roofs for less money _* IDEAL ROOFING AND SUPPLY CO. CIO Leavenworth Street AT 2266 BEST WISHES FROM SANITARY LAUNDRY CO. 2315 Farnam St. AT 2815 — ri Best Wishes from MR RUTH of the Omaha Ice and Cold Storage 4th & Jones AT 1296 Applaud President’s Address to Race (Continued Fro » I’n ;*• of Emanul AME church, presided. The program presented, which included Elder Miehaux’s famous radio choir of 165 voices, a scolar ly and masterly address by Bishop Random, a masterly treatise |on government; by Donald R. Rich berg, forcer head of the NR A; short addressed by Congresswo man Caroline Goodwin O’Day; Mrs. Bessye J. Boarden; U. S. Senator Robert F. Wagner and music and entertainment; held the audience at the most perfect attention for three hourts that any program has ever held such a mammoth gather ing. TheGood Neighbor League was ’ praised for sponsoring the event Telegram* of congratulation from many part* of the country poured in on the League officials from who listening in to the radio broad cast. Voorhees Normal Opens Sept. 19 Denmark, S. C., Sept. 26—(C)— Voorhees Normal and Industrial school, . E. Blanton, principal be 'an the fall tern, Sept. 19. BEST WISHES FROM J. O. Siford Sign Co. Signs of All Kinds 78th and Keystone Drive OMAHA BEST WISHES FROM Pan American Wall Paper and Paint Co. 1312 Harney St. Mr. Reimers JA 3358 BEST WISHES FROM MR. LEWIS, Mrt. Derby Oil Company llth and Seward Street ~ Compliments of Gould Equipment Company I 1320 Dodge St. JA 5906 Cleveland Paper 54 Years Okl Cleveland, O., Sept. 26—(C)— Publication last week of a state ment that the New York Ape is 51 years old and one of the oldest papers in the Nepro proup, caused it to be noted here that the Cleve land Gazette, edited by Hon. Harry C. Smith, entered upon its 54th year of continuous publicatioe “ev ery week on time” on Aupust 15, last. Please Patronize Our Advertisers BEST WISHES FROM Solo Furniture Co. 2917 Leavenworth - JA 189f See US FOR BEST PRICES ON YOUR NEXT FURNITURE BEST WISHES FROM Frank Hallabch Fur Manufaetors 3167 Leavenworth Street AT 8538 BEST WISHES FROM John Fox Grocery 4602 So. 24th Street LEST WISHES FROM PERKINS LABORATORIES 2584 Laurel Ave. Compliments of 1)R. CROSSET Optometrist 1419 Douglas Street Compliments of SQUARE DEAL PRODUCE CO. FREE DELIVERY 2520 Cuming St WE 4277 Shooting the Works in THE GREATEST CLEAN UP SALE on NEW and USED Refrigerators EVER HELD IN OMAHA Your choice of the finest electric refrigerators: KELVINATORS NORGES CROSLEYS ICE-O-MATICS ELECTROLUX and many others Every machine b fully 501 guaranteed at this dras- E tic cut in price. Our stack is very limited and when these are gone, we will have no more at this price, so come in now and look these values over carefully while they are available. 1516-18 DODGE ST. 6th and Broadway, Council Bluffs Read the Omaha Guide for all your church, social and fraternal news. BEST WISHES FROM WALNUT HILL FEED STORE Your Business Will Be Appreciated MR. HANSON, Prop. 1425 Military Ave. Best Wishes from Omaha Brass and Aluminum Foundry 1407 Jackson AT 7491 — AT 1210 OM FUEL CO. 2202 E. Locust St COAL & COKE Prompt Service Best Wishes from PALMER MACH COMPANY 508 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. ! Best Wishes from Dr. Ethel Maltby 413 So. 38th Street For A Good Scondwioh STOP AT STAN’S Sandwich Shop 1919 Cuming St. JA 9031 Best Wishes from OMAHA TOWEL SIIPPY 4322 No. 24th KE 2828 Compliments of BEST WISHES FROM A FRIEND .. 'V.%V.V.V.VAV,V.V .* .ViVAV.W.W.'iWAVAVA'.W.. ■: BEST WISHES FROM :• $ PIPAL HARDWARE and CUTLERY :: I; POE PIPAL :: lam 5218 South 21st Street MArket 0779 THE OMAHA GUIDE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL D'~*E^TORY.. Save time, worry, confusion and money by consulting this complete Directory of Neigh borhood and City Business places. Beauty Salons CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE 2422 N. 22nd St. We. 0864 HOMER McCRANEY 2037 N. 24th St. At. 5810 ELESE TURNER | 2512 N. 24th St, We. 2864 Lux Barber Shop, 2045 N. 24th McGee & Taylor, Managers Beer Gardens NEW RITZ GARDEN 24th and Grant Ha. 4634 RABE’S BUFFET 2425 N. 24th St. Ja. 9195 Cafes TuLulu Pie and Sandwich Shop 2422 Burdette St. We. 0689 BROWN DERBY CAFE 2035 N. 24th Street. American Wiener Shop 2509 N. 24th Street. THE LITTLE DINER 2210 N. 24th Street. OMAHA CAFE 2124 N. 24th Street. KING YUEN CAFE 2010^ N. 24th St. Ja. 8576 Alberta'8 Sandwich Shop 4827 S. 26th St. Ma. 0957 Raybon’s Midget Cafe, 1922 N. 24th CHARLIE’S PLACE 1602 bL24thSt._W* 4019 Cigar Stores MAIN EVENT 2416 Lake St. Ja. 9044 ELITE CIGAR STORE 2312 N. 24th St. Ha. 4236 Drug Stores JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th St We. 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY 24th and Lake We. 0609 ' Cleaners J. B. CLEANERS 1805 N. 24thWE 6161 Electrical Appliances DONAHOO & HOYLE Norge Appliance Co. 2423 Farnam St. Ha. 0500 Graders W. F. HOCH Grading and Excavation 4506 Ames Ave. Ke. 0316 Grocery Stores HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and Lake We. 5444 Carey’s Naborhood Grocery 2302 N. 27th St. We. 6089 S. E. MONTGOMERY GROCERY 2531 Lake St. We. 0226 SAM FELDMAN 2019 N. 24th St. We. 4615 Laundries EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 N. 24th St. We. 1029 EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 N. 24th St._We. 6055 Monument Makers HEFT & NOYES 40th and Ferest Lawn Ke. 1738 Produce Markets METROPOLITAN PRODUCE 1516 N. 24th St.We. 4737 Service and Transfer Stations Levison Service Station, 2303 N. 24 NORTTLSIDE TRANSFER 2414 Grant St.We. 5656 Used Cars CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS 2501 Cuming St At 6660 Tailor Shops HOLMES TAILOR 2218 N. 24th St. We. 3320 TOBY'S IDEAL CLEANERS 2237 N. 20th St At. 6156