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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1933)
I SOCIAL _ _• 4.__ CLUBS I AFFAIRS ''O-O-Cl- 't-Y'" ORGANIZATIONS ___Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, Sept. 2, 1933___ Pe rsonals X > J L r >5 s and . ■ »ve.' visi ng in Omah* \ . - ar. 1 fn- r. While here j;,'" J .. .n ;-v--n . ’» is ter went V. < n a steaded t; ip, visit • . - in Kansas City, Empor and Bartlesville, C » a. Th ; i lack to Omaha bringing Mrs Wilson ami Mr i it-s. a .iter and brother. S :r lives th .*y motored to - to visit Mr and Mrs. ! . I . k*. On returning to Oma ha • t port crops look exceed ij.gN r in Nebraska and having a xr .wJe'r'el trip r . - ave returned to their homes. M ; Mr- J L Peoples have fcf- * ..on to visit his aunt Mrs Steel, r-. They both reside at the home of Mrs G A Johnson, 61P N’ r*'- 4ftth Street. Mr- L raine G Shoemaker, neice rf Mr rd Mr* Thomas Vann. 2403 N r - 2-nd Street, who is leaving ; tk h in the Pinney Woods S : Piney Woods. Mississippi, has b * the recipient of many social c * Among them have been a * n by Mr and Mrs A R H.,rr 1North 28th Street, a the: gie«B by Mrs M Lec n of the North* de Y W C A and Mi - Evelyn Evans, our city visiting Nurse; a dinner by Mr and Mrs A. Oualey 2*21 Blond.. Street at which time Mr Elvin C Davis of Chicago was a; a guest; and a party given «,n the .awn at the beautiful home of Mr urn Mrs Adam Lee, 2814 Cald well Street. Mrs Shoemaker will leave Omaha SepternU r 2, as the guest of Mr and Mr> A E Williams Sioux City, Iowa or a motor trip to Kansas City, MiiM u: She will be their guest un it! time to depart for Mississippi on or soon after the I5th of September. Mrs Shoemaker has been Cfuite active jr. the church and community life of Omaha since her coming here a year ago She is a former Instruc tor of History at the Philander Smith CV liege in Little Rock. Ark ansas; Head of the Department of English n the Arkansas Baptist Col lege ir, Little Rock; Instructor of French. English and Education at the Swift Memorial College in Rogers ville, Tennessee; and summer school Instruct r of English at the Piney Wood School. Mrs Shoemaker has bet n resting for two years in Omaha. She Lv the Clara Crawford of Des Mouse - Iowa and is a Bachelor of Arts from Drake University of that city, a member of Delta Sigma Sor ority. M s Thelma Harper,, daughter of Rev and Mrs C C Harper and a former pupil of Mrs Shoemaker at the Prilandei Smith College, will succeed her as pianist for the Salem Baptist Church. Mr and Mrs Claud McFall, Mrs. Charles. Sebetman and Mrs Georgia Goosby and Mrs Sara Arias of Chi cago. Illinois, motored to Nebraska City. Thursday evening. Where Mrs Sebetman with a number of St John's Senior Choir sang at the White Methodist Church. 0B Tuesday evening a four course owner was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs Alex Sampy, 2630 Drexel Street after which bridge was played. Following the party was served with a dinner consisting of everything ex quisite. Making it a success for the visitors. On Wednesday, Mr and Mrs Nor man Bolder and a party were royally entertained by Mr and Mrs Law r e Wynn, 2626 Seward Street. On Thursday evening, Mrs Lula , 1540 North 21st served a deli ;i iu chicken dinner after which the v d nartfd for Chicago to attend ■ Century of Progress. All report • <r 3 very good time. Mrs Pearl Hutson, 2716 Franklin Street will leave the city to visit lends and rlatives in Missouri. and Mrs Norman Balor and it of Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs Eliza 'h Bolder and Mrs Sarah Lee of n, Ohio, were visitors of Mr irid Mrs Grant Taylor, 2721 Caldwell •t Tuesday and Wednesday Aug ust 24th and 25th Thursday after n the party was entertained with Barbecue Picnic at the home of and Mrs Grant Taylor, the daughter of Mrs Lee and the sister ■ f Mrs Bolar. Mrs Wilda Allen, and Miss Wirtie a I in of Oklahoma City, motored from Oklahoma City to Omaha with out a puncher or blow out to visit their mother and sister, Mrs Allen’s ther, Mrs Helen M Sampson, : i i't Lake Street, Mrs Mattie Blair, sister of Miss Carlin who lives at 2112 North 28th Street," city. They left this morning at 4 a m , for an other motor trip back to Oklahoma C ty Mrs Allen left her brother Harry Sampson with tearful eyes and her mother .iurt a few degrees above a nervous breakdown. Miss Garlin’s brothers and sisters in laws and sis ter so very sad. A host of friends de siring a safe arrival in Oklahoma City, and hope a soon return and make this their future home. Very many partis were given in honor of them while here. Mrs Ella Mae Hathaway and a friend, Mrs Morse, of Kansas City, Kansas motored to Omaha to spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs Wal* ter Harmon at their residence Pre ceding their visit here they stopped .n Lincoln for a week. Mrs Hath away is the aunt of Mrs Harmon. W H Triplett of Denver, Colora do, private car man for 25 years with the Union Pacific Railroad, spent Saturday in Omaha. Mr and Mrs. Harry Leland, and Mrs Butler will attend the Young Democratic Club of America, meeting held in Kansas City, August 31, Sept. 1-2, from there they will go to the Democratic State Convention held in Wichita, Kansas, September 3-5. Mrs Velma Watkins, 2526 Lake Street, popular Cabaret entertainer husband came over from Chicago, for a short visit with her. Miss Mamie Mosely, of Memphis Tennessee is leaving this week foi home after spending a month with her neice, Mrs R Herbert Walton and family of 957 North 25th Street Miss Mosely had a lovely time with old friends as she is a frequent visit or of Omaha. Sunday Miss Moselj and Mr and Mrs Herbert Waltor ! motored to Camp Gifford to visil their son Richard Marshall. Mrs Nannie J Walton of Leaven worth, Kansas and three sons anc daughter in law spent the week end the guest of her son A. Herbert Wal ton and family of 957 26th Street Mrs Walton is a teacher in the Lin coln School in Leavenworth. Alberl Walton a mail carrier of Leavenworth and Lawrence B Walton a telephone operator of Kansas City. Mr anc Mrs Wirt D Walton of St Louis where Mr Walton is a teacher ir Summer High School. The party jusi returned from a trip to the Chicagc Fair. __ Announcement Mr. R. L. Turner, formerly of the Omaha Police Depart ment, and Miss Ruth Lewis, formerly of Commissioner Wcstergard’s Office, will represent us in the future in your Community. Any courtesies or favors extend ed them will be appreciated. We solicit your business. EMERSON LAUNDRY and Zoric System Cleaners “Omaha’s Most Progressive” 2324 N. 24th St. WE. 1029 Mrs M L Rhone, held resident worker of the Woodson Center, and! children spent a week visiting in! Lincoln, Nebraska. Woodson Center girls’ Kitten ball team defeated Bellevue 17 to 2 last Friday. Woodson Center Junior boys defeated Bellevue 7 to 3 Mr C Orchard, of Armour and Company paid a high tribute to the off ces of the Woodson Center Credit Union for the service the Union is rendering to the community. Miss Eloise Jones, who has been visiting her aunts, Mrs M E Webb, and Mrs Georgia Nelson Brown, and friends here left last Wednesday for Chicago to visit the World’s Fair. She will go from Chicago to her home in Dallas, Texas. Miss Jones has been very popular while in the city. Miss Florence Myers, popular Den ver University Coed, is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs W L Myers for a few days. Miss Myers will spend next week in Bes Moines, Iowa. On her return she plans to accompany her family to Chicago. Mr W H T Ransom, who was a delegate to the Elk’s convention last week has now gone to visit in Ken tucky. He will visit Mrs Ransom’s sister in Louisville, and will stop at other points in the state. On his re turn he will stop in Chicago to visit the World’s Fair. I Mrs R L Turner left last Mon day for Chicago to visit the World’s Fair. Mr and Mrs Robert Harris, 2537 Burdette Street, celebrated their 13 wedding anniversary last week. Mrs Martha Evans is chairman of a Woman’s day program to be spon sored at Cleaves Temple C M E Church Sunday, September 3 Wom en will have complete charge through out the day. Mrs Ada Britton, of Coffeville, Kaflsas, is visiting her neice, Mrs Fred McDaniels. She will.probably be here for a month or more. — Mrs Viola Quarrels, 2207 North i 27 Avenue left for Lincoln, Nebraska Thursday morning to spend a few J days with Mrs Bobbie White. I _ Mr Robert Coleman, 1002 South 13th Street has returned from a trip to Kansas City, where he went to bury a dear friend, Miss Edith Haw kins, who lived at 938 Bell Street, Kansas City, Missouri. Mr Martin was honored at a din ner given by his future son In law at i the Sunsef Hotel in Bellavisa, Ark ansas. Mrs Nellie Kellog is report ill We hope sheisimprovingbynow. —1^ LaJAC IS IN TOWN. H ARRIS S ALE CO. WE. 4715 1525 North 17th Street Omaha, Nebr. REPRESENTATIVE OF THE KEYSTONE LABORATORIES COMPANY, - MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE - A Full Line of Toilet Preparations- ** -100 to Choose from for Men and Women —. . -A FEW OF OUR SPECIAL BARGAINS LaJac Smell Sweet 35c LaJac Shaving Cream 30c Wavy Hair Dressing 25c Rooeen Instant H. S. 25c LaJac Cold Cream 25c LaJac Cleansing Cream 25c LaJac High Brown Face Powder 25c LaJac Flesh Face Powder 25c LaJac Ixjvin Rose Face Powder 25c Cream Kiss proof Rouge 35c LaJac Keep the Hair in Place— Harr Tonic . 35c I New French Beauty Cake 25c j Cocoanut Oil Soap 10c \ Pore Skin Food 25c Lucky Mojo Sweet Heart 35c Jockey Club 35c Good Luck 25c Lemon Face Lotion 25c Honey & Almond Cream 25c Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 25c French Bouquet Perfume 25c Lucky Mojo Incense 25c Bathroom Luxury French Perfume— j j -TRY IT.* Just A Ring and We will Open Our Sample Case to You. (for a limited time) A FREE gift with all Orders over 75c PROMINENT POPULAR VISITOR Miss Margaret Dallas, former Oma han, now living in Chicago is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs J W. Dallas, 119 North 37th Street, here for two weeks. Miss Dallas is a Family Case Work er in the Stanfford Park District of the Unemployed Relief Service on the West Side in Chicago. She de vises plans, and ways and means of helDing fanvlies, and is very popular in both civic and social circles in Chicago. She will be feted at many social functions during her stay in Omaha. MARRIED THREE YEARS Mrs G B Lennox finds Omaha to t*e a very pleasant place to live. Mrs Lennox says that she is begin ning to like Omaha very much, and has made quite a few acquaintances since coming to the city. She was acquainted with a few Omahans be fore her arrival in the city, having met them in the east. They are Dr J J Jones, Jesse Hutten, Shumpest Logan, Dr Ross and Joe Dorsey. Mrs Lennox was born in Jersey City, N J , and attended Lincoln High School of the same city. Dr Lennox met Miss Viola Rich ard, now Mrs Lennox, in 1926 while attending a medical association in Atlantic City. November 26, 1930 they were married in Alexandria, Virginia and spent a brief honeymoon in Washington, D C attending The Homecoming Howard Lincoln Foot ball game. Irene Harold is returning to Chi cago, Illinois. We especially thank Police Com missioner Myers for the wonderful talk on “Community Building.” We feel that all has taken new courage. Our club slogan. “In Union there is Strength” is being tried out every day. About 2000 atended. Committee on Arrangement; Roy Ship. Wilbur Wagmond. Marie Trynay. Miss Doris Martin has returned returned home after a wonderful visit in the south with relatives and friends. She reports a very delightful time for the past year. Mr Martin who took the trip to accompany his daughter home was very much sur prised when his daughter announced her engagement to Dr Alfred Hunt er of Dallas, Texas. Miss Bobby Black of Los Angeles, California and her father Henry Black also her sister who has been visiting, Mrs Lizzie Buford has gone to Chicago for a visit of three weeks. After which she will return to Omaha. Mrs. Lula Hemmingway and son Robert Hemmingway, after a very pleasant visit here with relatives and friends, left Friday for their home in Memphis, Tennessee, stopping en route to visit with Mrs Maude Oden of Kansas City. Miss Mae Hunter, teacher in the Kansas City Schools and her brother, Leslie Hunter, enroute home from the Century ef Progress Exposition in Chicago, stopped over here and spent the week end as the guests of Miss Grace Dorsey, 3618 Parker St Mrs Florence Banks of Sioux' City, Jo^Ta is visiting Mr and Mrs Fred Norris, 1208 North 24th Street, she was entertained Monday evening by attending the Boat Excursion. Mr and Mrs John Harris, 2411 i Indiana Avenue motored tff Fremont, Nebraska accompanied b y Mrs Georgia Peoples. ; SAVE 1 4 BY CALLING j WE-5000 j r Robinson Drug Co. [ | 24th & Decatur Sts. ^ CORRECTIon Mrs Ivy Sanders, who is visiting the city from Chicago is the house guest of Mrs C H Harris, 2424 Caldwell Street, instead of 2504 Lake Street as appeared in last week edi tion. | INFORM ATIONas to the where abouts of Mr. Channie Bush, thei brother of Mr. Earl Bush anyone who knows of the whereabouts or address please write to Mrs. Row ena King, 618 Oak Street, Leaven worth, Kansas. POPULAR CHICAGO WOMAN IN OMAHA VISITING RELATIVES Mrs . Viviree Pettie, popular Chi cago woman arrived in the city Sun day to visit with her sister Mrs. J L Glover her mother, Mrs Lucille Ware and brother in law, Rev. J L Glover, Mrs Pettie visited the Oma ha Guide Office last Monday, and was taken through the plant by Editor C- C Galloway. Mrs Pettie said ihe Guide had a splendid plant. And the paper was fine and every race citizen should support this paper. She was entertained Monday night by Mrs Jerdie Clayter and Mrs Pattersoh. They spent the evening on the boat. While here in the city she will reside at 1713 North 25th Street. The parsonage of the C. M E Church of which Rev. Glover is pas tor. A delegation from Omaha has just returned from Chicago where they attended the Wbmen’s Missionary Connectional Council at St Paul C M E Church. They reported a won derful trip, and also took advantage of the World’s Fair while there The persons motoring are: Mr State Montgomery, Rev and Mrs Glover, Mrs Alice Wade, and Miss Maude line Brown. Mrs Beatrice Gray, president of the Nebraska-Region also attended the meeting, but went Via Burlington. The motoring party returned last Saturday at 5 p m Mr M L. Harris, edtior of The St Joe Review, was the guest of Rev Clay, pastor of Clair Chapel Mr Harris made a constructive talk after the morning sermon, and was invited back to talk at the Young People’s meeting. Mr Harris is very much Impress ed with Omaha, and is considering some future plans in newspaper act ivities in Omaha Miss Dorothy Bell, and father Mr Jim Bell expect to visit the World’s Fair at some very near future date. Mrs Florence Terrill and daugh ters. Ethel and Jean, 2502 North 24th Street left Saturday for Chicago where they will be the guest of Mrs Alice Galloway sojourned for two weeks to attend the Fair. Miss Madeline Brown, who left to visit the World’s Fair in Chicago is now employed in one of the leading Beauty Shops’ of Chicago, and will probably make that city her home. Mr and Mrs Williams of Kansas were visitors in the city last week at their home of his brother, Mr James Williams, 2806 Ohio Street. Mr and Mrs. James Williams motored to Kansas to take their bro ther and sister in law home. BOAT EXCURSION A SUCCESS The Boat Excursion last Monday night was a decided success. The sponsors take this method of thank ing each one for their patronage, and we feel confident that every one en joyed himself highly. In order to accommodate some of those who were unable to go at this time, and by a FLOATING POWERI FREE WALKINGI Walk Along on *■% AIR CUSHIONS! New spring and elasticity to every step'? -*v» . The NU-MATIC Shoe rests the body while standing- pie vents jars vand shocks whi.e walking. Men and Women!—see remarkable NU-MATIC Shoes —at our store exclusively. We promise new foot delight. All styles—popular prices. EARL H. FURMAN The NU-MATIC Shoe Store 1815 Farnam St. In the Wellington Hotel Bldg. OMAHA, NEBR. popular demand the excursion will be repeated on September 11, 1933. A b:g floor show and other amuse ments will be featured on the decks at this time. The honored guests were Mr Nathan McGasky, Mr W R Branch and Mr Kelly B Ector. # Mrs. Phil Smith entertained at luncheon Wednesday in honor of her sister in law, Mrs Gracious Prud homme of Natchtoches, Louisiaa and Mrs Julia McCollon, of Dallas, Tex as, the sister of Mrs Freddie Port er The guests were served on beauti ful hand painted dishes Those partaking of the delicious luncheon were: Mesdames Cassie Jackson, Bernice Henry, Catherine Manely, Stella Sullivan, Myra Kin caid, Freddie Porter Mrs Petty, of Chicago, is visiting her sister, Mrs J L Glover here The sisters have not seen each other for six years Mrs Petty has been the recipient of many social cour tesies during her stay here Mr Ricardo Tornell, of Argentina, is in the city for a few days Miss Alice E Hunter has recover ed from a recent illness. Mr and Mrs Z E McGee left Fri. for Chicago. Milwaukee, and other points in the East They will be gone about ten days A stag party was given by Phil Smith Sunday in honor of friends from Dallas, Texas After the party a long ride was given the guest of honor to see the beautiful city of Omaha Clubs HAPPY HOUR BRIDGE CLUB The club met with Mrs M Bailey. The evening was spent in playing Bridge. The prizes were awarded to Mrs M Griffin and Mr C Davis. Visitor Mr Frank Moore. The host ess served a delightful repast. THE MYSTERY CLUB “The Mystery Club” seems to have that swing. It don’t mean a thing for them to have a nice little sick com mittee with Mrs Eva Thompson as chairman, Mrs. Lillie Thomas and Mrs Pearl Farmer as her assistants. Hello World! keep your eyes open and watch for the startling annouc4 ment of the big floor show to be giv en by the talent members of this great club. Perhaps you will see the “Inkwell Sisters”, the ‘Rumba Queen’ the little girl who tops on so many toes, Earl Hines, Snake Hips, and last but not least old king Zepa, himself. Whats that club got that makes people think they are so hot? It’s got me some and I can’t stand it. If I do, Skippy. If your curiosity is stirred and your emotions beyond control, learn more and think nothing of it at the home of Mrs. Alma White, Sat urday evening 2885 Ohio. Francis Patterson, Reporter. I - THE FLAPPERETTE CLUB The Flapperette Club met at the home of Miss Mable King, president, Friday afternoon, August 25th, at 2866 Corby Street. Where the young hostess entertained other guests. Dainty refreshments were served and they played games danced and play ed cards. The club members are: Miss es Mable King, Olive Willis, Mary Ellen Britt, Elizabeth Black. Edna Blair, Rowena Jones and Nellie Rob ertson, sponsor. The guests were: Messrs Robert Hill, Edwin Riggs, Leonard Turner, honored guest, Chrisman Clark and Jimmy Madden, an honored guest of Chicago, who was visiting Mr and Mrs. Millard Single; ton. . . | Colored United Civic Club of South J Omaha held a picnic for the benefit of the Community Home at Jetter’s Grove last Friday, August 26. The picnic was a decided success. We wish to extend thanks to all of our friends and co-workers and especially do we appreciate the splendid cooperation shown us in this effort. t We are glad to see our model lovers showing s®me signs of recon cilation. “It is an ill wind that blows no good,” isn’t it David? * * * Will Gilfred King please tell us why he walked across 28th Street whist ling “Sleepy Time Down South?” Willa didn’t have anything to do with it did she? * * * Girls if you ever want a Soda, we recommend “Compy” Williams. He seems to make that a habit. But girls you will have to wait your turn and you all come after Helen. ik * * We beg of Adolph to be more care ful whose car he steals to take his favorite “Torch” for a ride. Especial ly if it is raining. * * * Whenever Joe L has had a wee bit to much, he gets love sick ad croons to a lamp post. Sompin tells us that there must be a woman in the case. Am I right Joe? * * * “I don’t like her, but she’s on Rub ber” didn’t we hear Horace W. 3ay something like that the other day? Who has Horace been rushing that’s on Rubber? We wonder? * * * Will someone please ask Robert (Fluffy) Jackson who the queer per son was that he came to the Matinee Dance with Sunday Wore last? Let us hope that association does not bring on assimilation. Or at least not in this case. * * * Someone told Lewis White that he was a good Tennis player. He is a tennis player, but after a fashion someone told us. * * * Leonard H trys to make us think he was playing when he cuts in on his girl-friends dances on Sundays. But we know better. Don’t we Chris? * * * Toots and Ralph should not play hide and go seek at parties. Especial ly if they are both going to hide. * * * George McGee has gone Juvenile and is seen making frequent visits at Omaha Tech. His interest in those young children is only in a brotherly way. That's what George told us. # * * Miss Margaret Dallas is back in town we notice and Mr Richie is try ing his hand again. That’s right Marcellus, you know that saying about “If at first you don’t succeed.” * * * Who is the little Drug Store boy that insists upon turning flips for the young lady on Miami Street Ask the young lady? * * * Have they got Edward A., you know the preacher’s son in between. Sophisicated lady is back in town and dizzy has never gone any place. So whats that young fellow to do ? • * * We don’t think Susie Whiteside like the idea of her boy-friend playing around so much. This is just a hint to the boy-friend. • • * The car was pretty Jabo, but the girls weren’t so hot. And after all cars aren’t everything. Are they Reda? • • • They tell us that Mabel King's party was a success. But Eddie Bid dix is still wondering why he wasn't invited. 'ALL MEN ARE BROTHERS’ NEW BOOK BY PEARL BUCK NEW YORK—(CNS) — Pearl S. Buck has written her publishers, the John Day Company, of her method of translating the Chinese classic, “All Men Are Brothers," which is to be published next fall. Quality Laundry and Dry Cleaning Call Web. 1029 -SHIRTS FINISHED 8c EACH (when finished out of family bundles) WET WASH—THRIFTY Rough Dry Linens EMERSON LAUNDRY and ZORIC SYSTEM CLEANERS —“Omaha’s Most Progressive”—_