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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1933)
---- OMAHA GUIDE — No Man was ever v—' 1 1-/ ■— T, „ ,, . ... „. . . lne eye of a Master will Glorious who was not j , , . .... _ do more work than his Lahorous. -—- . . T====— City, ana Nat l Lite March ot Events — ’ ....*—— i ■ 1 - - *— 1 " — -in .ij __ ......Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, Sept. 2, 1933___ Pago Five THE OMAHA GUIDE Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant Street by THE OMAHA GLIDE PUBL. CO., Incorporated All Lew* Copy mu-t be in our office not later than Kcnday at 5 p. m.and all Advertising Copy, or Paid A-tide*. not later than Wednesday at Noon. Entered as Second class mail matter, March 15, 1927 at the Poet office at Omaha, Nebraska, under the act of Congress of Man h 3, 1879. SUSCRIPTmlN RATES (Strictly in Advance) One Years ..$2.00 Six Months $1.25 Three Months .. $1.00 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION—The Omaha Guide is issued weekly and will be sent to any part of the Uni ted Stale* for $2.00 per year in advance. Foreign •ut*- riptiens (including postage) $3.00 in advance. Trial -ux months' subscriptions. $1.25. Trial Three Month*' - jbacriptioa $1.00. Single copy, 5 cents. RENEWALS—In renewing, give the name just as it appears on the label unless it be incorrect, in which east- p*e**e call our attention to the mistake; and al ways give the full address to which your paper has beer. sent. CHANGE OF ADDRESS—In ordering a change of addrw -, always give both old and new addresses. If the paper does not reach you regularly, please notify as at once. ADVERTISING RATES—Given upon application. REMITTANCES—Send payment by postal or express money order, cash in registered letter, bank check or ■Camps. OUR ADDRESS—Send all communications to The Omaha Guide Publishing Company Incorporated, 2418-20 Grant St.. Omaha, Nebr . l~ --‘-i ! EDITORIAL I_ l March Of Events • By REV. ALBERT KUHN The main topic of the newspapers is still the development of the National Recovery Act. More and more the diffi culty of its execution becomes apparent. The re are thousands of little details that have to be considered. To establish a nat ional working day of eight or six hours and a working week of five days sounds simple on paper. But there are concerns, especially small ones, where the hiring of two shifts of labor for each day is a fin ancial impossibility, at least right off the start, and where it is impossible to pro cure competent help for the one day of the week when the workman is supposed to be free. Jobs like those of a night watchman cannot be well divided into two shifts. The government is compelled to make concessions to some of these rul ed. But as soon as such exceptions! are made the competitors and other lines j of business want the same treatment and [ before long there are more exceptions to the rules then there are regular cases and j the result may easily be a bewildering confusion which will bring the whole system of government control into dis repute. . There are evidences that since the change of administration has taken place there has been an increase of employ-j ment. Reliable statistics state that the number of the re-employed amounts to over a million. Encouraging as this number is less then one twelfth of the total of unemployed. Unless business im proves rapidly the situation of millions will continue to be desperate. Federal dole will have to be continued and grad ually be developed into a system like that prevailing in England and other Euro pean States. 4 1 1 A • ■n. nuge \uiumeer army oi assist-, ants is helping the government this week to bring its program home to every store and every house. Let us join in this move ment without any mental reservations. I am convinced of the good faith and the unselfish aims of the President and his advisers. The development of the Missouri River into a navigable stream is finally making headway. Contracts for the work necessary to control the current of the River are being let now. We may expect t see within a few years busy warfs along the shore of the river, may watch i from the bluffs the barges and tug boats plying its yellow waters. The building of a second bridge acros- the Missouri River at Farnam Street is again being pushed vigorously. Uncle Sam is asked to help to finance the cost. When we consider that the present bridge is just one block away and is so ample an accommodation that we never hear of a traffic congestion on it the budding of a new bridge smack on the nose of the present one seems to me to be utterly silly. It can only benefit special interests, as for instance the owners of lower Farnam Street property. The main tenance of two bridges will mean a per manent increase of expenditure which must come out of the pockets of our! / % Omaha people in one way or another. Long ago Douglas Street Bridge should have been bought by the two cities, the two counties, the states or the Nat ional Government by condemnation pro ceedings, the Bridge Company receiving for it no more and no less than the actual cost of construction less the actual de preciation. Had this been done years ago the purchase price could by this time have been fully earned by the tolls raised and we would own the Bridge free of debt and could reduce the toll to just eough to defray the cost of maintenance. I can only explain to myself our failure to do so to the selfish leadership of towns men who owned an interest in the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Car Company and to the citizens blind following of this leadership. A good deal of the blame falls to the former City Commissioners. This whole Bridge Business is a sorry mess that reflects discredit upon the men who have assumed the responsibility of run ning our city. CAUSE AND EFFECT (From The St. Joseph Reviews) Every disadvantage has its ad vantages. In these days of racketeering, major crimes and kidnapping, the stud ious retrospective mind is kept constant ly busy looking for the cause. No other age, through which we have passed, has produced as many, or more, wealthy men and women as we boast of now; nor as many hardened criminals. There is no re cord of such wholesale banditry as is in vogue today. The pages of the daily news papers are filled with news of that nature and no person is safe who lays claim to the possession of wealth; neither are the members of the families of those who are the possessors of wealth. Never have lives been so insecure as they are today. Kid naping has grown to be one of the prin cipal enterprises of the underworld, hun dreds of thousands of dollars have been extracted from the pockets of the rich, in the last year, and no one can tell how far it is yet to go. What is the cause? What is the remedy? “ A little leaven, leaveneth the whole lump,” is a true saying. For years the Negro has been used, and misused, to assuage the desire for blood of the lawless and irresponsible members of the dominant race. On the slightest provocation, of which the cry of rape was only'about fifteen per cent, ".Ne groes have been seized, mobbed and burn ed at the stake. Many times by the con nivance of the legal authorities. While the best white people condemned the acions of the mob, yet when they (mob) were apprehended and brought to trial, we find only a few cases wherein a verdict of guilty was ever returned against them, and then in a much lesser degree than the charge on the indictment, those who did not pull the rope or apply the match, held the clothes. CRIMES ARE CRIMES! The American white man must learn that the desire of a rapacious wolf when once he begins to feed on human flesh cannot be assuaged. After once having been sup plied with a victim, he may be appeased tor a short time, but when his thirst for blood again arises, those who stood idly by while he devoured the first will fall a prey to his wolfish desires. As with the wolf, so with a blood thirsty mob. It is noticeable that since the number of lynchings has fallen off. More crimes agains the person and life of whites by whites have been committed. In view of the above, there is a safe rule by which men should be measured— The Golde Rule—regardless of race, con dition, creed or color. We hold no brief for the black criminal, he is no better than the white criminal, he should be ac corded a fair trial by his peers under the law. The white man should have every confidence in the law. It is his own ma chinery; he invented it and he runs it. Negroes with only rare exceptions have anything to do but furnish the “Modus oporando” for putting it in motion, he has its escape when accused of crime, he hasn’t a friend in court. Everyone con cerned in his case is of a different race than he; the lawyer who is often appoint ed by the court to defend him is of the same race and color as the rest. It mat ters not how fair the Judge may be in his rulings and instructions to the Jury, the fact remains that he can but help feel his j position and realize his predicament. He has the same reactions as men of other! races have when separated from their! kind. This being the case the Negro fails to understand why he should be lynched, why he should not be allowed the legaT guaranties of a trial which the white man has placed in his constitution. He knows that there is no avenue of escape if he is guilty, there can be only conclusion; he has only one chance for freedom — he mus prove his innocence — and that too with all the cards stacked against him. In view of such unfavorable conditions there is no wonder that many of them “Cops a plea” innocent or guilty to avoid what seems to them a hundred to one chance. A Negro who breaks the law should pay the price which is exacted from him by society. The same is true of a white man who breaks the law whether it be robbing banks, non-payment of income tax; kid naping millionaires or lynching Negroes, CRIME IS \CRIME whether committed by a white or a black criminal. You are only jeopardizing the safety of the coun try when those who have the enforce ment of the law in their hands, stand idly by when the mob throws the stones and applies the torch. It will be ohly a ques tion of time when their appetite will call for bigger game, they will then turn from the lowly Negro to the sons and daugh ters of those who allowed them to fatten on the blood of the Negro for their vic ims—“THE TIME IS NIGH AT HAND.” DESTROYING THEMSELVES (From The Carolina Times) Employers who deliberately use various and sundry means to defeat the NRA may think themselves smart, but as we see it they are doing more to has ten a bloody revolution in this country than any source we know of. Such peo ple and organizations are just as guilty treason as any other traitor would be in the time of war. President Roosevelt’s efforts to rid this nation of the worse financial catastrophe in its history should receive the support of every loyal American. This is not time for slackers, and when ever and wherever found they should be dealt with as they were during the world’s war. The effort on the part of certain large industrial organizations to evade the recovery act in its entirety by making pernicious cuts in hours and pay of their employes is disgusting and out of joint with true Americanism. Such organiza tions should be forced to comply with the NRA. Whatever the extra trouble and cost to large and financially strong or ganizations in complying with the presi dent’s plan, it wTill not be half as much as the reconstruction and reogranization of plants and organization destroyed by a violent revolution. Persons not acquainted with th^ undercurrent now existing among the masses may look lightly upon the idea of a physical revolution in America, but a few more winters of shivering women and children, a few more hungry mouths and emaciated faces with loss of hope and faith in the government of which they are a part can and will bring about suff ering in high places that might now seem impossible. Men do not see their women and children suffer long in this country without becoming desperate. And when they become desperate things usually move in a hurry. We advise for the good of all con cerned that every effort on the part of large and small employers be put forth to make the plan of the National Recovery Act a success. To fail to co-operate in this awful crisis of the nation’s history is traitoriously damnable. GLOBE DEMOCRAT AND MOBS In an editorial of August 15, the St. Louis Globe Democrat under the cap tion, “Negro Must Be Hanged,” attempt ed to play the role of prosecutor, judge and jury in commenting on the alleged crimes committed by one John W. Boyd. The Globe has exhibited a bad spirit of intolerance and its attitude is very much akin to that of the mob when it assumes that an arrest and an alleged confession are a conviction. By all the rules of the game, a man is presumed to be innocent until he has been tried and convicted by a jury of his peers. Our criticism of the attitude of the Globe Democrat in this matter does in no wise express our approval or toleration of crime whether committed by white or black. Should Boyd be convicted of the crimes of which he is accused, we should be among the first to say that he should be punished to the full extent of the law; but he has not been convicted yet of any of the alleged crimes. The alleged “confessions” are in the category of the stereotyped police re ports. Newspaper stories give an account of how the police are baffled because of the victims in the identification of the assailant. We merely cite this in connect ion with the case to show how premature and prejudicial was the editorial appear ing in the Globe Democrat, particularly the headline which said “Negro Must Be Hanged.” For the benefit of the Globe Demo crat, we wish to state further that under our system of government, the orderly procedure is conviction'first, and sent ence follows, the severity of which should be based upon the evidence produced to secure the conviction. We have a suspicion that race pre judice was written into the editorial. Therefore, we think that the local branch of the National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People will look into this sort of propaganda based upon color; and that the right thinking citizens, generally, will protest the unfair tactics of the Globe Democrat. YOU CAN’T HELP GETTING BARGAINS It is an ancient belief that the woman is the bargain-hunter of the family and that man must be dragged reluctantly, if at all, to where goods can be purchased cheaply. If that is true, the man of the family must be haying a good time now, for there is very little else but bargains, at prices unhead of a few years ago. Those prices won’t be with us much longer—economic law doesn’t allow “dis tress’ sales to go on forever. Everything from shirts to cement is going to cost more very soon, as higher price and wage levels will be on us before we know it. It’s about the last chance to buy needed household articles, and make pro perty improvements and additions, at depression costs. The chances are that you, the reader of this, have been lax about keeping up your house and grounds, in. order to save. But you had better start your building and' repair work now if you don’t want to dig deep in toyour pockets in the near future. Providing jobs and purchasing power is better and cheaper than charity. BUILDING FOR TOMORROW The New York Times editorially suggests that some of the public works money might profitably be spent for scientific investigation, and points out that work done in laboratories is, in the long run, often the best maker of jobs of all. That is an excellent suggestion. The government is to spend hundreds of millions in construction projects which, once accomplished, will have ended their usefulness so far as providing substant ial employment is concerned. Why not spend a little in seeking to produce new mdustrial wells from which permanent jobs may eventually be drawn? Entirely new jobs, rather than temporary employ ment to be followed again by unemploy ment or overcrowding of existing indus try, is what our country really needs. * * * * (Editorial from the Knoxville, Tennessee News-Sentinel, August 17) Another Name for Murder For the lynching of two Negroes in Alabama and the serious wound ing of a third, the officials seem to have been partly responsible. Ac cording to the reports, the sheriff was moving the prisoners from Tus caloosa to Birmingham without the knowledge of the judge. A lonely road was chosen by the sheriff, and after proceeding a few miles one car with deputies turned back, leaving only the sheriff and two deputies to protect the three prisoners. When two cars carrying lynchers appeared and demanded the prisoners, the sheriff gave them up. In the old days this was a common occurrence. Fortunately it is not so frequent now. More and more offi .. 1 — I . ■' i cers of the law are acting on their oath to protect prisoners. This ac counts in large part for the decline in lynching. In 1931 the figure fell to 14, and last year to 10. A mob is made up of cowards. Not many mobs will go thru with a lynch ing without the active or tacit co operation of the law officers who are paid to combat mobs. It would be unfair to blame Ala bama for these new crimes. Public opinion in the state is against lynch ing. Responsible groups of citizens are trying to stamp out this barbar ism, They are supported by many judges and law officers. Last year there were no lynchings in Alabama. But, of course, the test here is whether the state of Alabama catches and convicts the lynchers and punish es the sheriff and his deputies for failure to defend the prisoners. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA In the matter of the Estate of Annie Bell, deceased: All persons in terested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 23rd day of Aug ust 1933 Mary Benken, filed a peti tion in said County Court, praying that her final administration account filed herein he settled and allowed, and that she be discharged from her trust as administratrix and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 23rd day of September 1933, and that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 23rd day of September 1933 at 9 o'clock A M f and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a de cree of heirship, and make such oth er and further orders, allowances and , decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be fin ally settled and determined. BRYCE CRAWFORD, County Judge. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Departmnt Roads and Ir rigation in the State House at Lin coln, Nebraska, on September 18, 1933, until 10:90 o'clock A M , and at that time publicly opened and read for PAVING and incidental work on the OMAHA-WAHOO Patrol No. 219, State Road. The proposed work consists of con structing 0.1 of a mile of PAVED ROAD. I he approximate quantities are: 6,800 Cu. Yds. Excavation. 675 Sq. Yds Concrete Pavement. 1 Removal of Structure. 29 Cu. Yds Class “A” Concrete for Box Culverts and Headwalls. 3,700 Lbs Reinforcing Steel for Box Culverts and Headwalls. The attention of bidders is directed to the Special Provisions covering subletting or assigning the contract and to the use of Domestic Materials. The minimum wage paid to all skilled labor employed on this con tract shall be sixty (60) cents per hour. The attention of bidders is also di rected to the fact that George Hodge, State Director of Reemployment, Lin coln, Nebraska, will exercise general supervision over the preparation cf employment lists for this work. Plans and specifications for the work maybe seen and information se cured at the office of the County Clerk at OMAHA, Nebraska, or at the office of the Department of Roads and Irrigation at Lincoln, Nebraska. The successful bidder will be re quired to furnish bond in an amount equal to 100r/0 of his contract. As an evidence of good faith in submitting a proposal for this work, the bidder must file, with his pro posal, a certified check made payable to the Department of Roads and Ir rigation and in an amount not less than Three Hundred ($300.00) dol lars. The right is reserved to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids. DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND IRRIGATION R L Cochran, State Engineer GRACE BERGER, County Clerk Douglas County. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the Estate of: JEANETTE MATHEWS PEARE, deceased. All persons interested in said es_ tate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leav. ing no last will and praying for ad_ ministration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 16th day of September, 1933, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 16th da^ of September, 1933 at 9 o'clock A M to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant administration of said estate to s,ome suitable pdrson and proceed to a settlemeent thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD, County Judge’. IN T H E COUNTY COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY. NEBRASKA In the Matter of the Estate of THURMAN JOHNSON, deceased. All persons interested in said mat ter are hereby notified that on the 22nd day of August 1933, Dr Price Terrell filed a petition in said Coun ty Court, praying that his final ad ministration account filed herein be setled and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as admin istrator and that a hearig will be had on said petition before said Court on the 16th day of September 1933, and Court on the said 16th day of Sept that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 16th day of Sept ember 1933 at 9 o'clock A. M , and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, en ter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, allow ances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. BRYCE CRAWFORD, County Judge ■ BRAINARD: BRAINARD STATE BANK Prior payments made during receivership 60%-$121,548.89 Court order of August 15, 1933, for further 5%_ 11,977.08 55%-$133,525.97 EXETER: FARMERS AND MER CHANTS BANK Prior payments made during receivership 70%_$52,866.22 Court order of August 7, 1933, for further 10%_ 7,552.42 80%- $60,418.64