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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1925)
Erratic Swings in Wheat Briii^ n Break in Price bpeculative Buying Simmers and Market Settles Finally at Irregular Levels; Pit . Condition Weak. Br CHtRI.B* J. I.KYDKV I'nUeml Serrlre Staff ( orreipondent. Chicago. Feb. 19.—Speculative buying in wheat today simmered on all flurries, and after a wertes <*f erratic swing*, the mar ket settled finally at Irregular level*. May wheat closed in higher ground, with the July and September lower. Plenty of bull news prevailed, but the technical condition of the pit had been weakened by the heavy short covering the last few '.avs. and pressura found the market vulnerable. Wheat closed Sc higher to Sc lower, corn was unchanged to Sc hlglvr, obis vere down and rya ruled IS® 21ic advanced. An advance of 4 to 8 pence 1n Liver pool caused a rush to buy at the outlet, but Inasmuch as the united Kingdom markers strength was largely a reflection of the local buoyano5'. The lust two days’ holders were not Inclined to render much further support. At that, foreign news Indicated that a much healthier cash aftUAtion was developing. Kxuort sales of wheat were placed at ^ftfl.OOft bushel*. England. Sweden and «Jreece bought. London cables late in the day credited Russia with taking around TO.ftOO tons of flour, equal to 3,500,000 b jsh»»s of wheat. Corn opened firm, eased on profit tak ing and then shot forward as active buy ing through leading commission houses entered th-=* pit. The realizing sales, how ever, managed to bring about a reaction from the best levels. The run of corn from the country is on the wsne. and the demand for spot offerings ia somewhat improved. Pit No to*. The wheat trade was greatly mixed In Its Mews during the session, and with public participation limited it was nat ural to look for radio fluctuations, both ways. A. disposition prevails In many puartera to shun buying side of the pit until auch time as our remaining supplies clear with greater speed, all this not withstanding that the run of wheat from [ ffrtt hands is showing definite reduction. A bullish survey of the world situation attracted considerable buying of wheat early In the day. It being credited to a well known seaboard exporter. He pre dieted that Europe would require 12ft. fifth.000 bushels of wheat from the United States up to the end of the July, but stated that we would not b* able to spare that much. He believe* that we will be on a domestic basis during April, May and June Domestic news was encouraging enough. ■Premiums on cash wheat in all markets were well maintained with fairly active demand in sight for the offering. Re ports front parts of Kansas Raid there was less than 6 per cent of the crop in farmers’ hands, while northwest reports continued to advise that farmers had stopped selling practically. Stocks of wheat at Minneapolis for five days de creased 125.000 bushels. Russia has become quite s factor In the ■world wheat market, due to its wfde I spread purchases of flour reported In this country. Canada and Hu rope. fit. Louis mills Yvero credited with dickering with the soviet government c*i flour today, while late In the-session Minneapolis ad vised that Russia was after flour tn that market. New York reported that two cargoe* of wheat were abmit loaded for Russia, presumably Canadian wheat. This lr probably the first time on record that Russia has bought wheat direct from North America. Oats averaged higher early, but gave way under profit taking and flnahed lower. News on tills grain la not auch as to warrant independent price swings. Duluth Flax. Duluth. Feb 19—Flax -Close: Febru ary. IM7; April. $3.00; May. $2 99. July. 32.99. iXew York Rubber. New Tork. Feb. 3 9.—Rubber—Smoked ribbed sheets, spot*. 36Hc* New York Silver. New Tork. Feb. 19.—Bar silver. Mexican dollars. 52Bi? DINNER FOR HEAD OF CHICAGO UNI Plans for a. dinner in honor of Dr. Ernest DeYVItt Burton, president of the University of Chicago, who is to be in Omaha March 2, were prepared at a luncheon Thursday at the Ath letic club, attended by the Omaha executive committee of the univer sity’s development organization and by Even Z. Y’ogt, feld representative of the university. Dr. Burton wil speak at the dinner, which will lie held at the University club. All former students of the uni versity have been invited to attend the dinner. Dr. Burton will also speak at the Chamber of Commerce on "The Business of the Modern Uni versity" Those present at the luncheon Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. J, G. Masters, Miss Madeline T. Cohn, Miss Juliette Griffin. Henry T. Clarke, YVayland YV. Magee, Deed Zimmer man. J. H. Beveridge, Dwight Porter, Dr. J. P. Lord. Dr. A. D. Dunn, Ira O. Jones and Eugene N. Blazer. Mr. Blazer is in charge of the arrange j merits. GEORGE H. HANNUM TO NEW POSITION George H. Hannum, president and general manager of the Oakland Motor Car company, has accepted « call to new duties as mechanical as sistant to Alfred P. .Sloan, Jr., presl dent of Getierat Motors corporation. Alfred Fi. Glanry. vice president and assistant general manager, has j been promoted to the position left va com by Mr. Hannum. Mr. Hannum was selected to head the Oakland division of General Mo tors about three and a half years ago. Mr. 'Glanry came to Oakland four months ago as vice president and as sietant general manager. For a number of years previous be was president and general manager of th» Waukesha Malleable Iron company of Janesville, WIs., and also general , manager of the Sampson Tractor coin pany. ELKS NOMINATE CHAIR OFFICERS Hay Short was nominated for tin position of exalted leader of thi Omaha lodge No. 39 of the Hike a the last meeting. The annual elec tlons will be held March 6. Othe nomination! are: J. M. Fitzgerald leading knight; Ftussel! W. Gentzln and P. P. Fodrea, esteemed loya knight; Norman C. Gault, esteemer lecturing knight; Qtto Nielsen, sec retary; Charles M. Flxa, treasurei John 13. Hlmoe, tiler; 15. Jullen am F. M. Clark, trustees; Herbert W Johnson, representative to gram lodge; John H. Killian, alternate rep L reseritative to grand lodge. ARMY EXAM FOR 40 NEW OFFICER' An examination for appolntmen of second lieutenant! In the regula army will be held soon at varlou place* throughout the United Htat»> Thla examination l» scheduled will a view to filling spproxlmately 4 vacancies In Infantry, cavalry, fief artillery, coast artillery, air servlet engineers and signal corps. The requirements for appolntmen I as etfctmd lieutenants may be ol talniu from the eorptp area eon mu icier, Army building, OuutUu. \f-■■ \ | Omaha Grain Omaha. Feb. 19. Cash wheat aohl on the table* today ni around unchanged price* to 2c higher. Firmer futures mused h 1»eiter feeling In the local cash wheat market and table® were well cleared of samples. Thirteen car® were reported in. Corn aold at unchanged price* to !<• higher with a fair demand. Receipts Mere 26 cars. Oats were In good demand at 4c to 4c higher. Receipts were 20 cars. Rye was quoted nominally 2c higher and barley about unchanged. Omaha < arlof stale*. W HEAT. Vo. 1 hard: 1 car $1.75; 1 car. $1.77. No. 2 hard: 1 car. $1,754 - 1 car, $1.75; 1 .-nr, $1 72. No. 3 hard: 1 car. $! 75: 2 cars. $1.74. No. 4 hard: 1 car, $1.72: 1 ear, $1.724 CORN. No. 3 white: 1 car, $1.14. No. 4 white: I car, *1.11. No. 3 yellow: 1 car. $1.11. No. 4 yellow: 2 cars. $1.09: c> cars. $1.08. No. 5 yellow: 2 car®., $1.04; 1 car. $1.06. No. 3 mixed: I car. $1.12: 1 car, $1.13. oats No. 2 white: l car. No. 3 white: 5 cars, 514c; 3 cars. 51 4c; I cat. 51c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 59c. Sample white: 1 mr. 48 4c. RYE. No. 1: 1 car. $1.4 4. Ihilly Inspection of Drain Received. WHEAT Hard: 6 care No. 1. 10 cars No. 2, 4 car* No. 3. 2 far* No. 4, 1 car No. 6. Mixed: 1 car No. 3. Spring: 1 car No. 1. Total wheat receipt®. 26 car*. CORN. Yellow: t car No. 3, 2 cars No. 5, 1 car No. 6. White: 1 car No. 2, 7 cars No. 3. Mixed: 2 cars No. 3. 1 car No. 4. I car No. 5. Total receipt* of cornf 16 cars. OATS. White: 2 cars No. 2. 7 cars No. 3, 4 cars No. 4. 1 car sample. Total receipt* of opt*. 14 cars. RYE 1 car No. 1, t car No. 2. Total receipt* of rye, 2 car* Total receipt* of all groin*. 57 cars. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Carlots). Receipt*— Today Wk.Ago. Tr.Ago. Wheat . 13 x Corn . !* * Data . 20 X Rye . 8 Barley . x Shipments— Wheat . 7 3 \ ■* Corn .. . 26 x 1 -1 Oats . 31 x -0 Rye . 4 x Barley . x PRIMARY RECEIPTS ANT) SHIPMENTS. t Bushel*» Receipt®— Today Wk.Ago Yr.Ago. Wheat . »$9.000 . 618.000 Corn . 5*1.000 .. 1 672.000 oats . 320 000 . 51 1.000 Shipment* Today wic.Ago Yr.Ago. Wheat .... 650.000 x 503.000 Corn .. 401.000 x 983.000 Oats . 479.000 x . Export f’lea ranee*. Bushels Today Wk.Ago. Yr.Ago. Wt. anti f 1. 910.000 x 195.000 Corn . * 172.000 Oaf* . 60,000 x . x Holiday. CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Week Year Carlots— Today. Ago. Ago. Wheat . 9 x 25 Corn . 89 x 312 Oats . 20 x 6i KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS. Wheat . 4S x 59 Corn . 52 x 9* Oats 8_x 19 ST LOC1S RECEIPTS. Wheat . 68 x 49 Corn . 31 x 9 • Oaf* . . 34 x 49 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS Minneapolis .172 x Winnipeg .254 37 4 4i6 X Holiday. Mlnnepnli* Ca*lt Drain. Minneapolis. Minn.. Feb 19. Cash-— Wheat, No. I northern. $1.74 •» 0 1. n 4 : No. 1 ark northern spring, choice ta fancy. $192402.074: good 1o choice. $ 1.804 0 |.91 4 : ordinary to good $1-«&% 01.794: No. 1 hart! spring. $2,07 4© 2.174: No l dark hard Montana on track, $1,74 4 © 1.96 4 : io arrive. $1,74 4 0 1-96 4 ; May $1,774 ; July, $1,754. Corn — No. 3 yellow, $1.16 4 01-184 Oat®—No. 2 white, 47 \ 0 48c. Harley'—82 0 96c. Rye—No. 2. $1,474 ©1 *84 Flax—No. 1. $2.99 0 3.03. Chicago (train. Chicago. Feb. 19 Wheat—No 2 red, 119401.944; No. 2 hard. $1844. Corn—No. 4 mixed, $1,144; No. 3 yellow. $1.22401234. Oat*—No. 2 white. 5i '«o; .no. 3 white. 610534c Rye- -No. 2. $1.654 Harley—920 99c. Timothy Seed $5 60 #® n Clover Seed *24.00 0 52.0". Lard—$14 9'. Rib® $16 8 7 Bellies—$18 00. Kanea* City Ct»*h Drain. Kansas City. Feb. 19. — Wheat No hard. $1.730192. No. 2 red. $1 890196. May*. $174%. July. $1.45%; September. $1,354 asked. Corn—No 3 white $1.16 01.1 •; No. 3 vellow, $1.19: No. 3 yellow. $1,164 *M.1ft: No 2 mixed. $116401 164. May. $1214 bid: July. $1.26% bid; September. $1.23% Hay—Unchanged to 50c lower; No. 2 prairie, $9.50011.00; other* unchanged. Ht. lunula Drain Future®. St. T.ouls, Mo., Feb 19.—Close—Wheat, May. $1.84; July $1.62%. Corn—May. $1.29; July. $1.41% bid. Oats not quoted. M tinea poll* Flour. Minneapolis. Feb 19 -Flour — Un changed; bran. $24.00 0 25.00. Chicago Butter and Eggs. Chicago Feb. 1« -Quotation* furnished bv George F; Clark, 10^3 Woodmen of the World building: KGG9. I Carp. I Op.n. I TTIgb. I I.o» I --Moaa. r«K 1 iss 1 .so, sn»| .ny I 3 .27 .27 .2! • M. a. I 3 ! .!*'* •2»'t April : 13 1 ,:»»W n.. ‘ « -;7, -,i Bt'TTFR. I r.ra, I Opan. I High. I Ijnw, I CIoaa. F.P " 23 ”9 1 ”**. ."‘si Mar 46 I .39'. .39’. 3*V, .3*’, •Tune I 1...i a.I . 3 • % Dec.' "I 39%! :■!»% CHICAGO PRICES. By Updike Grain Cp, Atlantic 42 12. Art. | Open. I High. I Low. I Cloaa. I Yea. Whr. ! ~ i i i May LM 1.87% 1.96’* 1.96% 1 66 I 1.87 .! IV % !•*»% July 1.67% 1 68 1.56%; 166%, 1.66% 1.54 1,56% 1 66% 8#pt. 1.44 IV- I 43% I 43 1.42% 1.44 % .. 1.43% Ry# May 140% 151% 1.59% 1.41% 1.69% [ 141 ..1.:. July 138% 1.37% IV. % 1.37% 1.36% Sept. 1.18 ‘ 1.15% 1.18 1.18 1.17% Corn [llll May I 1.30%f 1.32 1 30V 1.30%; 1.30% I 1.30% . . 1.30% 1 30% July 1.31% 1.32% 1.30% 1.81% 1.30% 1.31 % . . 1.31 % 1.31 % Sept. 1.30% 1 31% 1 29% 1.30% 1.50 % 1 1.30%. 1.30% . Oats Hay .66 .65 % .64% .64%| .54% -1. .64% July .54% .56% .66%' .65%! .55% I .68% . .. .. .56% Sep. .54% .55 .54 64 %l .54% , . ' -««*4.'. Lard May 1 5 47 1 5 50 '15.40 IB.42 11*42 July 115.82 15.82 '1 5.73 116.75 116.75 Riba May 16.95 18.02 15 95 :18.02 'lB.90 July |l* 22 10 30 14 20 18,30 ■14.25 M<mi« City Mfeittwk. •Sioux City, la.. Feb. 19 < attls—Re celpta. 1 800 head; marker fairly active; killers strong; stocke** steady; fat Meet* »nd yearling*. |4 60© 12.00, bulk. 17.80© fut i:ow« and helfei*. 14.0009.00; canncr* and cutter*. I2.5O03.5O; veal*, "0*1 |0 50 , bull*. |4.I"I If 6 26. feeder*. $0.00© 4.00; Miocker*. 85.*o©7.60; stock yearling* and <*|Ve* $4.60©7.2»; feeding cow* and heifer*, $.3 onrg n.oO Nog* Receipt*, 18,00 head; market 10c higher; top, flj.00; bulk $10.00© 11.00; I lights, 89 60010.00; butcher*. 810.ho© 11.00; mixed. $10.00010.76; heavy pack I . re |9 9O©10.40; ntngn. $7.250 4.00; pig*. $7.0008.00. Phesp anl l amb* Re-e|pt», 1.000 head; ; maiket *t»ady lamb*, $17.00, ewe*. 25. New York 4'niton. Vew York. Feb. 19 «'niton -Spot* Mar * Icet uteady. middling 2186c. Future*' I Market closed *t*a<ly. 4 in 1*1 point* net lower, March. ?4 87 © 24 40- . May. ‘.:4.73© 2 4 77c; .1 III\ 4 970 24 98c ; October, 24.79© 24.82c; JJOcember, 2 4 *t 4 Hlcngo I’rodoce. Chicago. Feb. 19 Mutter Lower, creamery extra* 40%. ntnudard*. 4"%< . extra first*. 88%ff.1»%o; first*. S8%© 1 37 %o *, second* 38sf34%c ) F.gga L'n**ttl#d. re-eipta 13.898 Cuss*, first*. 3*c: ordlltt© flNtl, 3"©Slc. New York Poultry. N'*w York, Feb. 19 I’oult ry—LI vs. ■ taa-1' Turkey* by freight, 86c. Poultry Dressed. Irreguim turk#>*. wester n, 3"© 44c; do. *<nithweatsrn, 30 0 4 2«:. do, frozen. 3" ©4 4c 4 lilritgo Poultry. I Chicago, Feb. 19 I’oiilln Ali-.e low or. fowl* 28 W 34c-. springe?*, 27c, roost ' cr*. 14c; turkeys, 26c; dunk*. 27c. gee**. 18c. t New lurk lotion Future* ’ N w York Fsh. 1* Cotton Future* I 14)«n*i J h -1 v . \f A r • h -447c. M * ' 4 13c; ,d I - :.«.12v. uetubsf. 2s.02c. it# * embay, 68.06e. f-“""'N 1 j Omaha Livestock X- ' Livestock ret'H|its ml ftie lending mar kets Thursday were: Tattle llog* Sheep Omaha . '.».».**♦» 1<M»5 (llirttgo .10,000 4H.04MI 11,004) KitriMi* ( ii> . a,OOW 10.000 15.000 Sioux 4 Itv . 1.000 10,000 I .OIK) tit. JouU .28,000 10,000 st. .. 2,200 10.1HM) l.:*00 Omaha, Feb. 19. 1925. i Receipts were: Hal tie. Hogs, Sheet). Official Monday... . 2.956 16,135 8.955 official Tuesday. 4.680 2o.859 <.634 Official Wednesday.. 6..'In 21,905 6.631 Estimate Thursday. 3.500 15.6"" 6,0m< Four da.' s this week. 17.251 79,497 31.420 Same days last week. 27.91 4 75.360 39.*4. same two w'ks ago..27,683 76,635 49.609, Same three w’ks ago. 28.589 68.646 H2,.» ' Same days year ago..30,008 86,181 4u.lJ0 Cattle— Receipts, 3.600 head. With Ugh! supplies again today, fat. cattle sold more readily than any previous day this week and prices were mostly lofalo* to in some i as"s 25c higher. Bert steers here brought $10.10. For the week steers are largely 60c to in extremes so© 75c higher, prac tically all last week's decline being re gained. t ows are mostly 50c higher and heifers have advanced fully 5t'(d <_»><'• Stockers and feeders are mostly 25©50c higher „ , . Quotations on cattle; Good to elm be yearlings, $9.0U WIO.CO; fair to good year. Ilngn. $7.76© 8.90; common to fair > car lings. *-76; Kood to choice steers. $9 25 ©10.26; fair to gootl steers. $*.00© 9 10: common to fair steers. $7 00®fc.U<»: trash)' warmed-up cattle, $5.75©6.60, good to choice fed heifers. $7.40 © 8.50; fair It* good fed heifers, $6.26 © 7.8«; common 10 fair fed heifers. $5.00© 6.25: good to cholee fed cows. $f>.50(©‘6.76; fair to good f#>d cows $4.25(195.50; common to fair fed , ows. $2.25©:'.75; good lo choice feeders. $7.50© 8.50; fair to good feeders. *6.60© 7.4": common to fnlr feeders, »i..o0w6 60: good to choice stockers. $7.40©8.So; fair to good stockers, $6 25 ©7.35; common Jo fair stockers. $5.25©6.25: trashy stock era, $4.60© 79.26; stock heifers. $4.00'* 5.75: stock cows. $2.76 ©3.75; stock calves, $4.60© 7.25 ; veal calves, $4.00 ft 11.-6; bulls, stags, etc., $3.50®> 6.50. BEEF STEERS. So. Av Pr. No. Av. Vr. 2.:. *61 $6 25 6.1058 $6 50 32.1069 7 25 28. 922 7 60 26_ 827 7 75 23.1007 8 00 28. 836 8 10 1 7.1260 8 JO 16 ...... 9 47 8 40 13.1017 *6.i 23'! ...1065 8 75 13.1129 8 85 6. 1013 9 00 24.101 6 9 1 5 1 4 .1243 9 25 17.1360 9 35 23 .1179 9 40 1 9 .1358 9 50 31.134 5 9 75 15.1126 9 75 18.1618 10 10 STEERS AND HEIFERS in. 803 7 65 13. 756 7 65 9. M0 8 40 8. 830 8 60 18. 911 S 50 1 1 . 916 8 85 • OWS 6.1015 3 40 3 803 4 00 5 . 109'1 4 40 6. 990 4 75 6 .1106 n 00 JO.1145 o 25 10 .J 1 1 5 5 50 6 . 1 1 29 n 60 8.1S0J 6 65 7.13)0 6 00 4 . 1220 6 60 HEIFERS. 6 . 610 6 00 5 760 5 60 7 .1028 6 60 XO. 730 7 35 28 . *94 7 50 16 745 7 75 34 . 715 $ 15 34. 719 8 25 17 . 928 8 65 BULLS. 1 . 1280 4 60 2.1525 5 00 1 . 650 6 50 1 94 0 5 76 HALVES. 1. lit) 7 00 l. 300 *7 60 l. 170 v 00 2 155 9 00 4. 220 10 00 1. 150 11 00 1. 170 II 50 8TOFKEKS AND FEEDERS. 15. 7 36 6 25 9 . ... f.96 6 60 10. 433 6 75 15. 991 7 60 Hogs* Receipts, 15.700 head. Demand was again broad from all interests for the be*t strong weight but'-her grades, and these classes found outlet at fully 10c higher prices Others and mixed kinds moved a trifle slow, but showed moderate advances. Hulk of all sales was at $10.25 <8*11.00. with early top of $11.05. HUGS No. Av. Sh. Pr. So. Av. Sh. Pr. 85.. 195 70 $10 40 72..206 70 $10 55 69.. 189 10 75 83..216 ... 10 80 76.. 206 120 10 65 74..211 160 10 95 78.. 230 ... 11 00 69..269 . 11 "u Sheep—Receipts, 8.000 head. A weak tone continued to dominate the fat lamb trad* and prices underwent a 15©25c d* cline again today Feeders were i<*ar<e and around steady to weak, with aged sheep slow steady. Quotations on sheep and lamba: T.ambe, good to choire. $•» 35 3*16 65 : Iambs, fair " good. $18.00© 1 *1.35: feeding lambs, tl 4.25© 1 * 6" aethers «1 0.0" ft 1 0 f,0 ; fat ewes, $8.00©8.75; yearlings, $ 10.25© 14.00. R ECEIPT8—CA RI .OT. IT A • 'at. Jig*. Shp. Alls Wabash R R. Mo. Pac. Ky .... »<* I 1 r. P. HR 77 17 4*. A S. W east . . . 9 7 F. .4. N". IV . west 2 61 :: F St p. M. A •). .1.: 17 • ' R. A Q.. east . . . fi % '.BA Q. west .... 21 25 J J •' R. f. F.. east . . 9 •> 2 F. R. I. A P.f west 2 3 2 i • R U ' a. W Ft. FI. . I 2 Total receipts ...17. *; 36 DISPOSITION HEAD Hattie Begs Sll*4*l* Armour A Co To* 44*•:: 2L<‘ • 'adshr Packing Fo. 7t<o 7104 2*95 Hold Parktng Ho. . .4 1327 Morris Packing t '< . *»"6 (903 7*1 Swift A- Ho. 757 7468 ."6! Olaaaburg. M. If ... Mayerowlch A Vail.. 18 Armour from Denver .. 46" Omaha Packing Fo. . 6 s Omaha Packing Fo '1 Murphy. J. IV. 1116 Kennett A- Afurray . . 793 .... Lincoln Packing Fo. 47 Sinclair Packing Fo. 53 Goug A Keefer . r>7 Anderson A- Ron . 16 ... Menton A Hughes 19 . .. . ... Bulla. J. H 11 . Dennis A Francia 9 .... .... Hsr' ey, John . . 35" ... . . Huntztnger A Oliver 2 .... ... Hr grab am, T. J. 11 .... .... Kirkpatrli^V Bros. 16 .... Longman Proa. 82 .... .... Lub*rger. Henry s .82 ... .. Mo Kan. n A. •'. Co 31 .... .... Root. J. R A C0. . 1* .. Roaenftoek Rro» 147 . .. ... F H Sargent ...... 27 . Smiley Bros. 2D ... Wertheimer A Degen i Other buvere . 429 .... 106< Total ... . 4 4 7 * 1 6170 1512 Chicago IJfMlwk. Chicago. Feb 19 Hogs- Receipt# 47 000 heed, market moatly JO© 16c high** light light and slaughter plge ru l ly 2 7*« higher; big packers doing little ’-p, 11140. bulk desirable 200 to 326 pound butchers 1110001136; 140 to IHO-pound averages largely $9.90010.90; bulk pa-k. mg sows. $10 26010.60; strong weight slaughter plge moatly 99.OO09.6v: b*--* weight hogs. $n.00©ii 40; medium, $10 65 ri> 11 36. light. 11 o.l 6 © 11 16; light, light. $9 000 10.70; packing hogs smooth. $10.40 r<\ 10.60; packing bogs rough. $10.00© 10 4**. slaughter pigs $8.6009 76. « altle Receipts 10.000. fed steers fitrlv active, strong tn 25c higher, better quali ty weighty kind showing moat advance; rhob e long yearlings on handy weight or der. $1 2.2»-; he st heavies. $11.10; some 1 691 pound averages. $10.76; several loads heavies 910.60© 1 1.00; bulk fed steers. |* 26©10 60, liberal supply of light beef heifers offered; recent activity on better grade kind slowing down; several strong light be'f heifers held above $10.00, 50 head strong averaging about 1.060 pounds. $10 00; fat cows, atrong to 16e higher; apo(s up more on good to choice weighty kind, bulla, elow : steady; heavy bolognas $4.7606 00 mostly, \ealera. tin even; moatly steady; ahlppeis paying up ward to $1 4 00, most light reives. SI? " downward to packers; several strings. $11500 12 00. Sheep— Receipts. 14.000 head market, alow; fee aalea handy weight lambs around steady at $17.6*0 I 7.76 . others weak In 2&o lower; early hulk fnt lambs. $16 60 0 17.25: fat yearllnga steady; choles handy weights. $15.00; fat sheep and feeding lmnbs. steady; good fat awes, largelv $4 6009 00; moat sales desirable feeding lambs, $19.60018.75. kamai C’lty Idvestmk. Kansas OUv. Nfo . Kel> 19 — (United State* department of Agileulture) • tie Rei e! p * * 3.000; -slveS. 600 he:»«t. beef ste«rh and yearlings fairly active, strong to 10c higher; killing Q‘jall M' plain: bulk. $7.6009.00; top steers, ta 6; cutters end low priced heifer* weak, other butcher stock and canners ateadv bulk butcher <•*** and heifers. $4 $6© 7 60 cgnners and cutters. $2 bulls veak to 15c lower; bolognas $4 000 4.r.0 « Hives, ROn to 75-• lower; pt actu al top $10 00 stock ei e and feeders slow, steady: bulk $6 7607 76. fancy ysgrlln* Stockers. $4 000$ 40; ato» k cows and he r If. g*. Receipt* I 0 000 hand falrlv e< tin; IMilf..- hl»h,r; p«. k»r jnrt lop *11 or.. I.niu of ■•'*•*; »hlnn*r (or *11 no: iImIuMi hi* 7 pounll*.». $» 2Sfl 10 .0, I,w li n« •»« «io.n I'1*"-. ■ n *10 «n W 1 0 F.o. .took pl«., 17 r.o«M 71. 0|,„p .nd T.«nib*—R«;»lr'>. O hM.1 Utnb.. »1o«- .l.oul .I»;.lr, 1-"'I-I"« .Irl'lly rliol" • on «,1» *>*■'- ofr"r?!'; }■ nthur. ritn»ln» .1nwnw»rll t«> fat sheep on rust Ml. IsMile East *t 1 ,nu la, HI Feb If RecetDts 10,000 heed, active 10 0.6 higher • light hogs end underweight a UP. most tnis. $il to paid sparingly f-’-r heavies, bulk 1$n pound end u * $11 fj© It 36 180 to l$0 pound $11 004,11 Jl. t* lo t r,0 pound. $9 7 6 8# I 0 60 110 innind p<gs. $9.1f.®t »0.1l«h/ P'*S- •• *** * 00, imriifir i'1"!, *tn i' gv io . > .'.inn n»i.*ip'«. ' ,nn V,v • If.ilv iv !lh hnl o,n n Pull" nlionf. null, in.1 pr.oi !<-,1 iop "»h< ’’ ' . iop ,i»... II I" *••■«*». »• »»'• **• on on, li 11a hi i.«illj*» I'-tfara IIn l" lo.k. . ..Oil..I Mo.l *4 fc0«J (in 'OOO.I., bnlo,n, hull.. Ill" d 6 00 Nbeep and f,amha Receipts. ,60 head run mostly direct to puckers, fat Urn he immlnallv ••*• !*; few cull* $1$ oou 14 oo 11« *r'• sheer. *tead » ; good light* etgmi n«i • <rs M.000$.40 cannti land cull grades. $$.0001.00 Market Appears Poorly. Despite Few Larjje Gains Bulls Busy Boosting Some Is sues W hile Bears Are Ac tive Knocking Others Hi UK II VUII Nl’ll I \\K I ii I versa I Nervier Financial l.ditor. X*>vv York, Feb. 19. — Large gains were made in various issues today, but the stock market didn’t have a good appear ance. While bulls were busy boosting some issues, bears were active knocking others down. Baldwin was the moat active stock on the list. It ranged be. tween I :l 4 and 139R*. Jta attraction speculatively hm been mmased through announcement that William f\ Durant has become Interested in the corpora tion. lie has a large market following, owing to his various recent successes. In cidentally some persons take hls inter est in Baldwin as evidence that the now Diesel engine now being developed In the Baldwin plant for railroad u?n will be all Samuel M. VauHain claims for if. While Baldwin. Air Reduction, I'nited Cigar* and u few others claimed a lot of attention the really strung stocks on t tie list were New Haven. Delaware A Hudson. St. Louis A San Francisco and a. few others. outside of those the ruila generally were Irregular. t’opners did nothing to speak «»f. Noth ing much was to lie said of the equip-, nients, steels or oils. F. S. Steel was' heavy and inclined to drag throughout tire day. There was a considerable vol ume of steel stocks sold In rather large block s. The tobaccos were firm but, on the whole, the hears had the better of the contest. s Grains. wJtn the exception of rye. which was firm and in steady demand, were Irregular. Lard was dull and closed from 2 up to " down. New York Quotations | New Tork Stock exchange quotation.* furnished by J. S. Bache A Co., 224 Umaha National Bank building. Wed. High. Low. Close. Close. i Agriculture Chent 20% 20% 20% 20 Air Reduc. .JO* 1"0% ]08 loo% Allied •’heinl'*al .. 65% M % 64% 6o AlHs-Chalmers ... 74% 74 74 76 Amer Reel 8 . .... 3»% 39% Am R Shoe F. 97% 96 Amer <% n .172 J6&% 169 % 171% Am Car & V.. 201 201 Amer H A 1. .. 12% 11s* 12% 11% Am H .fc L pfd ...... .. 69% » 9 Amer Inter 36% 36 26 36 Amer Linseed Oil 27% 26 s* 2*i% 2*% Amer T.ico.121% 116% 119% 12I%| Amer Radiator ... 99% 99% 99% 100% Amer S al t'oni., 12 11% 11% 11% Amer Smelt . 96% 97% 97% 9x% Amer Smelt pfd.. !•»*% 10* 109 106 Amer Stl F .49% 46% 4*% 49% Ani Sugar . 62% 62% 62% or, % Amer Sumatra ... 19% 16% 19 19% Amer Tel A- Tel 13::% 1 1 13:% 133% Amer Tobacco .. 8S% *7 *•» hm 67% Amer \V W A J7... .. 36% 36 % Amer Woolen .... 51%.. 49% 60% 5'* | Anaconda 4u% 42% 42% 42% Associated D Gds. .. .173% I Associated Oil. 20% 37 1 Atchison . ..122% 120% 121% 122% Atl Coast Line. . . ... 153 All G AW! . 2*% 26% 27% 26% Atl Refin Co. . . 113 112 112% 112 Austin-Nichols . . 26% 26% 26% 26% Baldwin .139% 134% 11s% 136 Balt l A Ohio ... 79% 77% 77% 79% j Barfisda 11 ••A” . 26 25% 25% 26% Bethlehem Stl . 47% 46 46 47 Boar h Mag . 34 l» Brook-Man Ry 41% 4^% 41% 41% Brook-Man tod. 76% *" % Brook-Kd <*'» . •• 126% l-‘% Calif racking 105% t’.llf e ft -27% 27% 27 %j t%I A Arlz Min. *2% i>2 52% 61 % | ('an Par- ....... 150% 15<*% 160% 150 j Cent Leath .20% 19% 2»% 19 Cent Leath i»f«!. . 6l% 6 * i % 60% 61% c.-rro de Pasco... ..2% : * 52% 62% t'handlet* Motor* . 31 756% 31 \ Ch-S A Ohio . 94 4>5% 93% 9 % Chi G W - mi ..12% 12% 12% 13% Ch G W pf.l .. 29 % 24 24% "9 *’I*l A N W . 66% 67 % 67% 6 4 % C M A St P 12% 12% 14 , C M A St P pfd 22% 20% ?1 22% C It I A P .. 4 46 % 47% 47% C St P M A- O Ry . • 53 % Chile Copper .... '-% 37 % % 35% 4’hino.. 26 25 Clued- Peabody . •• 63% < *oca-4 'ola .... 9" % 90 Colo F A Iron . . 4 7% 42% 43 43% Columbian «%rb 4H 43 Collin lua Gas . . .47 46% 46% 4*>% Congoleutn . 40 4" Con Cigars . 3 ■ 30% 31% 30% Con Gas ... . . 7>% 75% 7 5% 75% i.inl can ... *1 ‘-2% 63% 6% Cunt Motors .... * % 9 Corn Products 5s% 39 39 t'osden . 32% 31% 5 2 5 2 Cru-lbl* ... 71 % 70 70% 72% Cuba Cane Sug .. 13% Cuba ''*n* Sg pf. 6*» % 9 K9 60 Cuba-Am Sug .. 3 2 51% 5 2 3 1% v'uyamel Fruit 63% 5 1% e2% .1 Daniel Boone •% 2% 2% % * < II wi 42% 44% Debt A Lack - H7% 137 lb LG % i'ela A Hud It* 142% 1*4 * 1^ \ Dupont De Nem .147% 146% 1 47 1 47 % I *ome Min . 1 b % L* % 1 -»% I •> * Kast Kodak 11 3 '» 11 3 % Erie 21% 3 1% I % *2 Endlcott-Johnson. 61 **4% Klee Stor Bat ...... — - 44 Famous Play .... 93% 91% •-% 93 Fifth Ave B le . . **% F'iak Rubber g ':% 1. * I - ^ Fletsc-h V east . . 7*% 76 7. ,h\ (»en Asphalt .. .. -6% • • 2 ’ 9 . Gen Klectrie 285 2*2% .3 4 13. Gen Mot K*P II >0 74 % *5% • - % Gold D'l - L . 5 9 •?% • loot! rich 4s* **% 4t* 4 '% Gr North Ore 5 7 56% '6% Gr N th*Rv pfd. ' ' % 6* 4 * ‘ t Gulf States frteel . 91% *9% 9"% 91% ila t trunk .. .. 3 2% .32% 32 * % Hayes Wheel . . .. .. ■ -J % Hud Motors 41) 3% 39% • % Home Hi** Co ... .. J4 4 4}'4 Houston Oil , ...^ 10 17 % H* •B » Hupp Motors .76% l*% 11bn I'ent .11 4 % 1 > * % 114% 114 * Inspiration . . 26% 23% 29% 73% Int Eng Com Corp 36% 37% 23% ■** % Inter Hat vester D' - % Int Mer Mar .12% I - 4 1 - % ’•* In* Mer Ms- pfd *6% 4n 4 % 4J% Jpder Nickel 26% ?*% -.»•% -6 , fnterna Paper 67 T-»% f'* * Inter T A l 9.% 96% 97 9.% Indap Gss 2*1 % ■% -•% * Jones Tea 19% 19 19 19^* Jordan Motor 4« % 4 .* % *4 *l> K c Southern ...37% “'% 36% **• * Kelly Spring 15% U% |*’** \ ' * Kcnnerott 1.4 4 63 ;4 • Rubber .... 12 1- « Lehigh Vail*-v 77% 74% 74% 7.% Lima I.ocomotlvs 69 •» h • *4 f.% *J% W.Ds. JJ Louis A Nash • • Ms k Truck 14f' 15,6 1 , 1 % M»v Dept 8for.* 194 1"'% !•' % !"• Maxwell Motor A 71% t*n% 4 1 4 ■ Maxwell Motor B 42% 41% * % 4 % Ms r land 4 3 4' 4.' *.% Mexican Seaboard 1«% !*■% 16*-4 i,.*l Miami Copper ... . • T M K A T Ry " 7 % S* • • JS !* * Mo Pacific | 39% r,l "4 JJ t Mo Pacific Pfd . ■ M 79% 99% *?% Mont Ward ... 43% 4r% 4 4 t % Mother Lode. * » N S ah Motors ... . ■ ■ . * _ National BHf'Ult . «9% 69 «9 J.% National Enamel . . ; 4 , * National Lead ...164% 16 0 D.O D s V Air Brake .. M% 5 1 1 . 1 *j v* v central ..112 1'i% ^ 1% 122 V V chl A St T. .124% 1-’ 6 44 126% 15J% N T N ft A H .. t% « 5 4% 32% North American . 4. 4* % 44 * 4.% n iirt hern Pacific . 49% *s *4 r-^ % JJ N A W Ry .127 % 12. 1 • 1 -! % »tri.heuni .. • • • 2 7 % - % • • % ; % • Hvens BnlMs .... 43% 4.% * % 4.,% Pacific OH . 61% r.9% jo JIG Packard Mofnr . J ■ % l«S • Pan American ;4 •■%.•', ,fc Pan Amerb an B .4 < • « I'ennsvIvanla II R <•% 4'% 4; % 4; Peoples Gas . I i % J ! 4 . pete Msrnustte . . ' * JJ Philadelphia Co. . . * . 4 Phillips Pet . 43% 4 2 » % 4. « Pier ce Arrow .... 1 \ 1 • . Postum 4'eres! ..14;% lOf l"l% 1 n6 % Preosed Sleel Car. 67 7i f>7 % .% - G Prod A- Reflntrs.. '% 24% Pullman .F*% 156% I , 139 i Punia Ala Sugar.. 42% *:% 4.'% < % Pu S 011 1 Radio • orp .41 f.4 % . *» -, ' Rv Steel Spring . . 12 7% J -% Ray Consof . 14% I % l '*» 14 Read tog 7<‘% 7 4 7*1% 77 % 1 Replogle . . . 14% D M 14 Ben Imn A Steel ! G 1 "* 1 i Royal Dutch V V 55% % • % f % St LA S F.4S% 6464% •-; % St T. A n W 59% «* t4 NO . Schulte cigar ft 113% IIP, II .'% I I.'% , Sea ra-Roebuck .,17*7% 17»4% 1 1% 17.7 Shell I nlon »>!!,.. 26% 25** "4 L'H . Simmon* Co .. 35% •1%| Sinclair Oil .22% ?t% ’ t % ' • Sinr-lalr pfd .... *9 no S|naa Sheffield . t9 ' » 91 Skelly Mil . 24% 2s % x % 24% j Southern Pacific 165% 1*4% 1 «\ 1" 'I fottt hern Railway. 9(1% '«* X9 , *0 . j Standard OH » %l 6 « % '• 2 % »: '• % 6.1 G St a tide * d <3it N t 44% 44 G 44% 44% j Standard P1 Gtaa* 13% 13% i % Ft». | Stewart Warner 71s* ♦ u 44 7 1 4* " 1 Stromherg Carb. . •:** S| udebaker 4 4 4 ", 4 4 4 ' Sitl. Boat . 9', •» 9 h% Tessa Co 4 7 % 4,'i 47% 4, % Texas Gulf ful 10" % 99 % l"i.% 11*I . Tex A Par .*5% 4% <•.',% - •% Timken tlollei *' 41% 4»G 42% Toh Prod 73% 7«% 77% 76% Toh Prod A 9 7 96 % 9 7 96 % Tranacont «»11 * i* 4** 4 *« * % I'nton Patdfln 111 149% lo-% 1M % rotted Frut« . * * 4 1* M 4%t l»»» IMp«.? 6 2»* ?21 2 7* H S Ind Alcohol «l % . 9 % v o w *a l s 4 * t * I • ^ ' % F S RtibHsr pfd ,!-% 95% * % L & atMl .134 V, 133W WJS 114*4 , jr S Si eel pfd ..,.123 122% 123 122% l't.ah Copper . .. • .m 91 \ anndium ... 28 27 27 27% V|VM UiloU . 1 '* % 1 " % Wabush .... 2.;Ti 2 3% 2 H % 24 Wabaah A . *.3% ' 2% *»'.’% *>•’% West Union . ...122 121% 121% 122 Westing Ar Urk. . .. . 104 Westing Klee . ... 7 3 71 % 72 72 White Eagle oil .29% 29% 29% 29% White Motors 64 63% 63% 64 Wool worth Co . ..116% 114% 115% 116 Wlllys-Overland .. 10% 9% 1« 1«> \Y I Ilya-Over pfd.. 7b % 7t% 74% 75% Wilson .. . . . . 8 Worthing I'uuip . 70% 67% r9% *'•}*% W rig ley Co . .. 50 49 \ el low Cab Taxi. £ 00% M) Yellow c«b Mt« 35 34% Total sales Wednesday, 1.538,600 slinre*. i Today’s 2 p. m. sales. 1.10 7,800 shares. /-N New York Bonds I s/ New York. F**b 19. Under the leader ship of railroad obligations, bond prices worked into higher ground today. Except for a feu Instances, gain* were not large i»ut the; embtncc.1 a wide variety of both t lie high grade and speculative rail and industrial Hen* Irregularity of Liberty bonds reflected tin- firmer tone of the | money rates. I Coincident with the ri.‘-e In New Haven shares to the highest level since 1922, [the roads bonds sooted further Improve ment todaj Since the announcement of the successful completion of the com pany's refunding program. Interest has been revived in these securities and Itna held the European loan issue above par. New York. West Cheat# t A Boston 4%s guaranteed by t tie New Ilaven, were espe (dally active today, mounting 2% points to a new lop price. S«>ut Investern rail liens resumed their upward movement. Frisco "Katv” and Colorado A Southein Issue* figuring con aplcuously tn the advance. The favorable earnings statement of the St. LoUia-Han J rancisci railway and reports that the road might eventually retire Its adjust ment bonds at par contributed to the rise. Tlie lower trend of copper metal prices was reflected In the heaviness «*f chile 6s and other copper bonds, uthsr groups In the Industrial list, including sugar, steel and chemi.-al company obligations, displayed a firm tone. Although Finance Minister Clemente! of France, told the chamber of deputies to day that the nation had been promised American loans of $1 35,000,000, Interna tional bankers Indicated that no new French financing was expected for sev eral months. I witeil States Bonds. (Sales In $1,000.) High Low. Close. 41 Liberty r.%* ....101.26 101.22 101.23 11 Libertv 1st 4%s..101.27 101.23 101.23 91 Liberty 2d 4%*..100.30 100.28 100.28 129 Libert v 3d 4%s..101.1.3 11*1.11 101.11 519 Liberty 4th 4%s..1012* 101.26 101.27 3 1 S Treas 4s_100.30 100.30 100.30 2 U S Treas 4%*.. 104.27 104.26 104.27 Foreign. S7 Ant on Jurgen 6* 97% 92% 93% 5 Argentina *3nv 7s .102% 102% 1*'2% 44 Argentina Gov 6s.. 96% 96% 96% .5 Austrian loan 7s... 94% 94% 94% 4 Bordeaux 6s . 84% M% 84% 13 Copenhagen 6%s .. 97 96 % 97 Z ‘Jreaf Prague 7%a 91% 91% 91% 17 Rio de Janeiro 8s 47 94% 94% 94% 11 Czech Rep 8* 52... 100% 100 J00% 6 Dept Seine 7s . ... 89% i,v% 88*, 3 Doin KAp nf :#%■.. 93% 9 I % 93% 6 Pom Can ■}%« 29.105% 103 103% 1 •» I him t'ati 5s 52.... 104 1 u 3 % 103% 36 Dtch K Ind 6s 62.. 101% 10*-% 101% :s Dtch K I o%s 53.. 97 % 97 97 % 21 Framerlean 7%s... 9 4 93 91 5 9 French Rep 8*.102% 102% J‘»'J% 194 French Rep 7* .... ?"% 90% 9*t% 1*7 tier ext loan 7s rets 95 94 % 94% 14 Qt C E 1* J 7s rtts 90% 90% 9**% 4 6 Jh oanese 6 % * . 51% 91s* 91% 7 Japanese 4* . ... >2% 82% 82% 4 King .f Bel 7%*...109% 109% 1"9% 2'* King of B 6%s rets 9 4 9 3** 9 4 King of I)en 6s ..K»l% 101% 101% 2 K of Hun gate 7%a H9 % «9% 89% 3 1 Netherlands 6s '72.106 t"5% 106 10 Netherlands 6s '54.10:; 102% lo3 14 Norwar *% ’44 _ 99% 99% 99% 17 K 8 C Slov 8»..., 36 85% 86 2 7 King of Sweden Da. 99% 99% 59% 8 4 Nord Rys 6L, ... 81% 81% 81% 2 Par|g*Lyon« M* 6s .77% 77% 77% .7 5 Rep of Bolivia Ke 93 92% 92% 18 Rep of Chile 8s *41.108% 108 108 40 Rep of *'hlle 7s 1*M 100% lftl 3 0 Rep . f Cuba &%«. . 98% 9 8 9 8 of Ha I 1 Rep of Haiti 6s 93% « % n % 6 Sta»e of Queen 6s 103% 103 1" . 6 S of Rio G do S 9s 96 % 96% 96% 18 State of 8 P s f la . . 102 Ml % 1 nl % 2 8m iM Con 9s ... 115 114 ’-j 11 2'* Swiss S%* '46 ...101% 101 % l°l% ! I K*i BA 15 % s ‘29 116% 116% 114% 5 I KGUAI cs *37.. 106% 106 106 29 V S nf Is... 97% 97 9'.% 10 US of » C R L 7m »3% 83% 83% Doineat b . 48 Am Ag •'hem 7%e 100% 1 ■'« 100% 21 Am Chain af deb 6s 99% 99 99 16 Am Smelting *s. 106% 106% 106% 27 Am Smelting 5». 97 *6% 96** 12 Am Sugai 8« ..102% 100% 102** 4' Am TAT f.%e 102 101% 1**2 29 Am TAT col rr 5* 106% Mu% J0»»% 22 Am TAT col tr 4s 96% 96% 96% ■J Am \V W£E 6* .. 95% 95% 95% 12 Ana Cop 7s '3$.... 107 102% 1**2% 4 7 Ana Cop 6s '53 100% 100% 1«0% 2 9 Armour i'n Del 5%e 41% 4“ % 9"% 69 AT ASF gen 4s *4 4 8 % 89 1 A TASK sdj 48 stpd 83% 83* 4:; % 11 RAO rfg m *95 102% 102% 102% 51 BAD 1st 6s eifs 10] * 101% 301% 46 BA.* evt 4%a 92% 92 92 % 0 Be|| Tel Pa 1-f « Ml K*o% K»0% 22 Beth St con 6s A 96% 96 96 % 12 B»-lh Sr pur m '• 92% 92% 92% 116 Brier Hilt St f.%s . 99% 94% 99% -'7 Bkyn Kd gen 5s A*~lt0 99% 99% .72 Rlcvn-Man Tr ef 6s 87% 46% *6% 2 Calif Pet 6%*. .. 102% 102% 102% 22 Can Pa den 4* . 60 79% 40 4 C C A O h .... 107 104 % 107 4 Central Leather .100% 100 % 100% 6 Central Pa. gtd 4s *7% 87% 47% 100 Chesa A O rvt 5s 104% 104% M4% •11 Che* A O evt 4 %» 97 96 % 9 7 61 Chic A Alton 1%- 57% 57 67% 5 Chi B A Q r 5a A 101% Ml% 101% 10CBAQg4e . . 90% *9% »0% 21 (’hi A K III 6s . . 74% 77% 7« 64 Ch Gf West 4s .. *4% 63% 63% 29 * hi M A- S P 4»?a. 67 64 % 67 C M A St P 4 % ■ 52% 51 % :% 4J4 C M A St P 4s T25. 7.1% 7 0 70 Chlr A N -f g » 101% 101% Ml% 65 Chi Rail 6s 67’, 82% 63 1 7 C R | .< V . 4a . 8 4 % « - % *4 * K'4 •’ R I A P -fg 4s *6 % 86 % 86 % 1 C T H A S I* »s. . 40% 60’* 60% 2 Chi U J* 6s B. 101 ]00% 100% *1 C A W Ind 4- .9% 79% 7 9% 14 Chile Copper 4s 109% 100% lrto% 24 C| » C A gt I. Ss »6% 46% 46% 1 4*1 I n Term 6s 100% 1O0% 100% 11 Colo A fk> rfg 4%s 97% 91 93% ** Col Gas A E 1st • 100% 100% 100% 12 Commoner p *• 100% 100 100% 27 Con Coal of M 6s «9% *8% 64 4 7 Cnntum To^r 5s *» s ’* 44% 94 %» 12 i‘uh« C S d 8a 101% 10! * 101% 6'- ttela A- Hud evt $s.l06% 10€% 106% 7 Pen G A F. s 4 4 % 9 4 % 9 4 % 4 Den A n Or 6s ‘1*. 89% 89% 7 Den A ft O co 4s *4 % *4 *4 1 Pet F.d is tfg * s . 108 108 1-8 11 DuP de Nftrt 7%s 107 % 107% 107 % 1 Duo Light 6s 108% 105% 105% 4 East Cuba Hu 7%* 105** 105% 105% 17 4 Kntp G A F 7 % s 10! % J00% 101% 17 Erie gen 'ten 4s 66% 63% 6 f> % 50 Erie rvt 4s p 73 % 73% 7 3% 1 Fisk Rubber fcs 110% 110% 1|0% 9 Fla A K Co Ry ba 96% 95% 96% 4 7 Goodrich 6%s 101% 103% 103% 12 Goodyear T 8s ’31.109% 1«* 109% 20 Goodyear T 8. '41.120% 120 170 10 G T Rv rf Can 6a M;% 1 n? % 107% 17 C.r North 7s A ...110% 110% 110% 2?, *»r North 1 0 1% M% 94% 7. Met shey CtiOC 4e 107% MS% 103% 2 2 find A M rfg $• A «4% 88% 63 Hud A M sd In 6s 73% 73 73% 7 Humb «» A n 5 % a. 101 l«o% 100% 13 Jill B T rfg f.s 98 97% 96 43 TCC9MLANO rf |a 48% 98 % 48 *4 66 HR St deb 4 % ■ 94% 4 4 44 % 3 Inter R Tr 7s 94 «4 94 22 Inter R T 6s 76% T« 71 *51 lnt R T rfg 5s at 70% 70% 70% 190 lnt A Gt No ad | 6s 74% 73% 7 1% 9 lnt A at No 1tt 6s 10? 102% 1*' 110 lnt Met Mar - f 6s 90% 89% 2'- In* Paper rvt 5a A 90% 40 ••''% 6 K c Ft HAM 4 s . .. 1.4% *4 «4% 13 ft C r A L 5s. 96% 46 % 46% 27 K •’ South 6s. 90 <4% 9 ‘ 17 K C Term 4s .45% 4 a 8 5 7 Kan O A El 6a |00% 100% 100% 4 KHIv Spring T «s 94 97 % 9« 10 l,u Id «i H; L R%a *« 97 % 97 % 1 1. S A M S d 4s 2 6 . 48% 4^% f8% 14 1. A N 1st rf 4 %«. 91 »7*s 93 .32 1. A N unified 4s.. 93% 93% 9^% * Lou a A Kd 6s, 93% 93% 93% 4 Me unit Puffar 7%s.101% !«!% ln1% 10 Marthat IIv 2d 4» 6 4% 6.5 16 Mkt Ht T?v 7s .... 94 40 ft 10 Mid Hf evt ■ 90% 90 9" % 4 M E R A I t fs MO 100 100 6 M A St L 1st rf 4a 74% 74% "4% .* M ff A T P 1 la C.IHH 103% 103% r7 M K A T npl ,s \ 91 % 91 41 % 174 M K A i n n.l 5s A 86% «4 46% 13 M«» Pa. ) at 8« ...101% 101% 101 % . 14 1 Ylo Par gett 4« $iT« 66 66 5^ I 9 Mont P. w « 4 4 f % 99 % 9 % 2* N Eng TAT 1st s .10- 99% 100 V, \ t. T A M ;»%* 99 8. 99 % 99«, It) N V C deb §9. 11$% 114% 114% :•» N V c r A i a .101 % 100% M» 10 N \ « « on 4s 8 4 4 3% *4 14 \ v * L 5%a 95 % 96% 95% 111 N 3- rf 6 % a 114% 114% 114% 73 N 3* N H A M 7a 100% 100% 100% D \ Y NT IA 11 7s ( ft a > $9% 99% 99 % 20 t NY Ml AII - V 6* '48 90 % »0 9«% N > Tel rfg r. * 41 107 % 107% 107% ?«4 N V 33 eat .V It 4 % s 6.. % 4 3 f % 12**4 HU ell v **'| 6 %a 1t6*t 114% 1M% 16 Not A 33 eat . on 4s 89% 89% 89’, * N Am Ed is s f 6s 100% 100% 100% 4 3 No Par rfg 6- fl M7% 107% MT% 4 1 No Par pr Ran «* $6 *:» 84 !' 9 N o fit |*ow 1st M 8 4’% 05% 95% 7 Ore* Nh I. rfg 4s 97% 97 97 % "1 «*.r 33 It It A \ 4s 8.% 4Uf 82% 17 Pa. <1 A Fl 9.. \ 95 95 > 1%. I* A T a ST 94 % 4| % 94 % 2".3 P 4.0 Pa a T 6a I 10% H>9% 109% 14 Pen it n 11 It 6%a 111 110% 111 14 Pen It It lent 5s '44 4'% 98% 04% "4 pennn ft ft gen 4%s 0 4 *4, 9 4 % 94% 9 Pet Mn' i) ' fg • it % 99% 99 '4 I ’ Phil a Co rfg )0{. M 4 •* 104% * Phil 14 « o 8 » 96 4\% J5 % 3 Phil A It C A 1 $s tOt 101 101 4 PR . 3 tow 8 0,-. % 46 % 94 % t 7 P IP r.A P 1st 4e n ft % 44 04 ■. ! 4 P’ -«. d ^*er| Ca* 6a 95 % • • '• % Punt*' A1 sue ;■ m»s% M> 10.5 , 9 Reading « 4 ’.« 6 », • • % 9" % I React « 4- 96 4- 9-. 4 Rep I A IP $ a 9 ’ % « 4 \ % 4 Ito. k f \ A L a 47 % V; 10 «» 1. I M A n 4- 9 4*. 4 4 44% 130 Hi I, T $4 A S 4a 37% «. 1"4 8| 1, A 9 r 41 I . iBi . « % 7 . 84.8t*t Jt * 1 * 6 • 48 I,’ v 88t 1:3 St LA « r $• ... 11% 10% II 1 St L S eon 4s ..86% 6'% 88 , 1 St P A 1{ i' S 4 1 j s 6 2 % ‘‘ -”‘4 6 % 11 st p ru i» :>s ... . l" 1V* i"i % i"i '.j - % Seal* A Line 6a... 91% «t)% 9**% 4 7 Scab A Line 5a ..76% 76 16 2x S-ab A L rfg 4s.. 66% 65% 66% 24 Sin Cun Oil 7s ... 9 3% 93% 93% 4 1 Milt Fun Oil «%*.. Si* 9H% *9 14 Silk Pipe I- S* ... $6% M. % 8 5% ::t s<» Pacific cvt 4*.. 96% 96% 96% 28 So Pacific rfg 4s .. 89% 89% S9% 7 Su Pacific 4r . ... 85% L s« 2 1 Ho Kail gctl 6 % * ..109% 1"9% 109% 6 So Kail g Cm ....106 l'F»% G_'6 _ 34 So Kail gen 4a ..* 77% 76% 76% .... So Kell Tel 5s ... r‘7% 97% 97% 19 Stan G & K 6%s ..112% 112% 112% :: Steel Tube 7s .106% 106% 106% 186 Tenn Klee rfg 6m ..101% 101% 101% 31 Third Ave ndj ft*. . 47 46% 4*>% 6 Third A\c rfg 4«. . . 56% 56 5*4 J 6 Toledo Edison 7s...l«'9% 1"9% 109 ’, .7 Cnion Pac lat 4*.. 92% 92% 92% * 1 Cnion Pac cvt 49 99% 99% 99% 7 Cnion Pac rfg 4s... K3% *5% 86% 6 C S Rubber 7%s...l07 106% 107 22 T* S Rubber 6s. '7% 86% 67% *'% C 8 Steel a f 5s...106 105% i"u% 8 Ctah Pow A- Lt 5a. 94% 9 4 94 % 1 4 Vn-Car Cm 7%s tv w 4 9% 49 % 49% t07 Va-t'ar Chem 7s.... M 87% 87% 5 Va Ky Sr Pw rfg Rn 94 % 91 % 94% 70 Virginian Ky 5a. .. 96% 96 96 % 3 Wabash 1st 5a.100% 100% 100% 1 Warner Sug 7s ’39. 83% 83% 8.:% : 9 W.Mt Electric f»s.. . 99% 99 99 8 W Maryland l»t 4s. 06 65% 6 6 1.1 West Pacific Lr ... 92% 93% 92% 3 W’estinghoUMe FI 7s. 1**7% ltl7% I".% 7 Wlllys.U 1st 6%s .100% 100 100 S W ilson A C s f 7%.M 66% 60% 66% 7 Wilson A « *o 1st 6s. 94% 9 4 9 4 % 27 Young 8 A T 6s. .. 99 98 % 99 Total sales of bonds today were $13. 060.000. compared with $16,728,000 the previous day and $8,601,000 a y^ir ago. 1 New York Curb Market | V/ New York Feb. 19. Price movements in today's - urb market lacked uniformity with reactionary tendencies preduminai ing throughout most of the session. Tile oils failed 10 respond to reports of a further decrease hi crude oil production and a sharp contraction in gasoline sup plies. losses of I to 2 points lie ing recorded by Magnolia Petroleum. < >h!o OH, South Pennsylvania, standard Oil of Jn diana and Vuccum. Electric bond and Share, which recorded a sensational advance yesterday fell hack more than 3 points or. profit taking Moat of the other public utilities showed only nominal changes. The radio stocks were mixed. Ilazeltlne advancing 2 points *0 37% and Deforest moving up one while Charles Freshman Freed - Fisemann and Thompson fell back 1 10 2 points. Falge-Detrolt motors climbed more than a point on report* fhat earnings last' y ear were equivalent to $2.56 a share on the common stock Car lighting and power crossed $„ a share to *he highest price In three year* in active trading. The New Armour class A and elara B stocks we r.» admitted to trading, the A sto-k selllnr elightlv above iia subscription price of $23 a share. Industrial*. Malts. High. Low. Close. ■ 1**00 Am Gas A El new 74% 72% 7.2 1 00 Am lid w M 8 . . J 0 % 1 0 % 1 0 % [ 2**o Am Light A Tr.,.160% 150 l.V-% 25 Am Lt A Tr pfd.. 9.» 95 95 I 5"0*J Am Pw A Lt new. 56% 53% 7*4% i 200 Am Superpower A . 3i% 31 31 | 500 Am Superpower FJ. 31% 81 31 500 Appalachian Pow. 76% 76% 76% 2 0 Arm C0 111 pfd. . 92% 92% 9 2% J00 Am Gas A E new. 2u 2o 100*Atlantlc Fruit Co. 99 99 99 5" Borden* C Milk..146 3 45% 146 100 Brown Writ Tub... 10 1" 1" 2000 Car Light . 3 3 7"** Centrif Pipe Corp. 20% 2o% 2"% 4*t" Chapin Hacks In- . 16% lt-% 16% 800 Childs C«> new.... 46% 4% 46% 500 Com Pow Corp....114 113% 313% 25 Coin Pow pfd .... * 1 % 61 % si % 125 Corn Pow war . 20 30 80 i’lOn c,»n G A K Knit n. >5% 32% M% 27**0 Cont’l Bakeries A. 118% 117 11** 15 00 Cont’l Bakeries Ft. 25 -4% 21% 600 Cont’l Hakeries pfd 92% 92 92% 1000 Ds F Radio -tr* . . 30 .9% -9% 200 Gel L A \V Coal. 123 121% 123 1200 Gubilier C A R n. 27% 26% 26% .00 Gurant Motors.... 17% 17% 17% 100 I»uz *'o Inc. 29% -9% 29% 6000 Klee BAH new.. *.6 62% 63% 250 Klee BAS pfd...l"J% 108% 3 «3 % 1900 Elec Investors.... 43% 43 4 % J 00 Film Inspection . . 9% 9 , 9% 10 Ford Motor Can.. 519 519 519 13**0 Freed-K R C. .21 % - 1 21 400 Freshman <’o (C). 22% 2. 22 100 Gamd Corp. .. 6% *• % 6% 5*)0 Gillette S Kaz r. *6% 60 % ti* « 1 400 Glen Alden Coal .127 176 3 27 5 2*o i»ut)»iv»ar Tire 32* , 31’, SI 3**0 Bakeries. 16 15% 15% 100 Griffith GW... ;% 1% 1% 200 Grimes R A C.. 1*% 16% 16“* 200 Happiness * ’ 8t A . 7 *< 7% 7% 23o0 Uazeltine Corp . . 37% 35 "7% 3*)0 Inter Match pfd 41% 41% 41% 4**0 Inter O'ean Ka i " R% 14"" •Keystone Soletbet . 14% 9'* 19*» 17**0 r.ehigh Power 5e< .101 9 7 M 1200 Lehigh « al • o. 44% 44% 4t% 25 I.ehigb V ' oat b . 81 63 83 1"" I.ibby-McNeil nev 7% 7% H 1'• Mengeis Box .... 27% 27% 27 « 1 6.0 Middle W’est Util.. 87 '6 *»6 110 Mid.W Util pr 14. 102 101 4 1*2 ; G'O Mid\a!e Hf. of Gel .4 It 24 100 Nat I DistJllera -tfe 34 25 33 19" Naf: Pow A I .1*7 7* 19 no New Jersey Zinc. 1 $o 190 190 5«> N Y Tel pfd. . 1*3 114 113 1**00 Nickel Plate V I. 46 Xn% * * % 200 Omnibus *'orp <t f. 16 16 16 200 Pyrene Mfg 1% 11% 11% !"•• Reid Ic# Cream. 39% :■% ■" *>% 500 Reo Motor *'<*.* 18% 19 % 1J|% 200 Rosenbaum G pfd. *7% *7% 4 7, loo Rova Radio ctfa.. 17% 12% 12% 1000 HtiattUck *«■ . . 34% 24 34 .00 gnira Gel Pil ctfa 16% 16 16 400 Sleeper Radio fa 1 % 12 '-% 100 S K Pow A Lt 5 4 5 4 t 20 So c«i Edison 105 1*4% 1% |ooo*8o Coal At Iron 7 1**0 Standard Motors.. 4% 4% t% 200 Standard Pub. 76% 7*% 26% 2r-0 fttutz Motor. 7% ► % *% 3**0 Swift In FI . . . 31 % 31% 31% 200 Tenn El Pow. *4 54 54 1900 Thermlodyne K . t*% 14% l*% 1"0 Thomp Radio ctfa. 12% 12% 12% ?00 Tower M f« Corp. . 16 15% 15 % I 100 t'nion Carbide . . *9% *9% 69 a l ion Vtd Gas A Kl new 3(> Jo 80 100 Ftd l.*P A ...l 47 % 47% 47% 1 3700 rtd Profit :<har .. 9% 9 9 4"0 Fti! PA I. A 74 % 74 % 2* % 100 Meat pew 24% 74% 4% 1"0 White Rock 16% 16% 16% 3500 Wick S; St pc • 4 % 4 % 4% * Miyadard oil*. l«o Anglo AmBiil 19% i*% 19% « O Bu ;\e e I’f* 6 7 *' 6 7 10 Eureka Pipe . . . M *4 M 100 Galena Stg *Jil 65 6;> 65 1 1300 Hum bis ♦ Ml ... 47% 4* a 46% 1 20 |1| Pipe Fine . 144 1 «* 144 lino imp c»il Fan w I. 81% $1% $1*4 ' 7100 int Pe» . 76% 76 7*% 110 Magnolia #Pt .14' 14* 14* 9 0" Nat T * a n e 2 4 % 72% 7 4 % 400 4 >hIn t ill .. 7% 70% 7*'*% 1100 Prairie «*|1 new .. 4t% «1 < 460 Prairie ripe _ 1 27 1 20% 121% 14«> S.» Penn oil .... M2 l*'* 1 “600 Stand Oil Ind .. 67% 66% 66% 200 Stand < >iI Kan .. 41% 41 % 41 % 400 Stand OU Kv _119% lit 70 Stand Oil Neb 283 266 7.3 | SOO Slam! Oil N Y ... <*!'* 4* “ 2'.on Vitviium ".1 . s9:* 9 mu ('arib Syn . ■•a» •• •» ,*7» 400 CHi. » Srrv It ct. Si", *«V, .» :■( 7 It I'll Ira Srrvlcr ...S'" -"■> - fill) I'll!, a Serv I'fll • »s a „'r 4uo0 rillra Srrv ■■■rp...0« Ism) I'Mloinbiun Sjn ...' 1'• * * 1 oil ( renin Syn . 9 f, J* 1200 Itlbaun Mil . '- * .** «oo nuir ml . -'i,. SOHO Kirby Pet . < , J.J 51? 421)1' l.uv' Pet . r' 4 5* S’* n 000*1.a tin Am Ull .... • ' lTiio Ml,, Pro . ’9*» 'l* Mil \ M A Arz I.nil . 10 9,», *?, 100 X Y Oil .. looo♦Noble ‘>11 . • , i- ir too Peer "H . ... .* .,2 100 Pennk oil 0l> nil.. .-I", *2'* 60ft Royal Gan . * i*. 1100 I'.ynn ( on . ■ « *{• MOO Salt Greek Pro- » -• • *’ 4 100 l’td Gent OH - ji M»o Venez Pet . s ** ' * .a14 10ftQ*W Sts O A*. Land. 14 J4 J" 1900 Wijrox Oil ?? ?»' 4on Wood lev petroleum 6 *» * 4 'f,nln,f- rtr OO *>2 700*Arizona Globe ... *b -■% *«T, 190') Ganalro Copper . . %« ;; 4 ion Con* Cop Min .... J % ;; Z* ‘ 10ft ('reason Gold .. . • * -k " 100*1 folore* Ksperanz. 6'» • ® 10000 Eng Gold M. J .4 «?, ;; 900* Eureka Croeaua .. •*«• _ "4 3 1000* FI ret Nat Gop ... 1* % |0ft00*Goldfleld I»eep . 3 •; 4000*Gold Zone DD Min " *' 7ftO0*Ha rmill Oh Min 14 1 rtOft*Ha vthome Min... ]• • 100 lid I:. Min ... 14% 14% 14 ? 5700 Howe Sound Go... 4 j « * fiftOOMnd l.*ad Mines.. 17 1* 100 Jerome Verde r»iv ?% ^ 4 lOftfts.lumbo Extension.. 2 - 5400 Kay Copper . -•’« ; • r * 3000 •Lone Star . f» •* " 2«ft Mason Valley . ... 1% * * ; 1000* Nat Inna 1 Tin • * * ."OnO Nlpiaalng . ♦> % 6% 120ft Ohio < 'upper ... 1 1 540Q*Plymnuth Lead . 8" _ t9 8j* 12ftft Premier Gold .... ~-:t -% -*« 2ftOo*Sn n Toy .. 0 |O0ft*Silver Dale . 2 200u*Sp«Arhead . ..... £ 1000*Tonopah Belmont. 57 5. 6. 100 Tonopah Ext .... 2 ?> 3 20ft Tonopah Min’ng.. 1\ J % > % 600*1 nifed Eastern . f'. IftO 1'nited Verde Ext. 26% * »r> * 4500 Wen den G'op Min. T.\ % •} U J000*West End Gone... 26 26 2a 1000*Wettlaufer I .or 0 6 6 Domestic Honda. 16 Am GA E 6s.9 7 *»6% 96% J 2 Am PAL 6s old . 95% 95 95% 4 Am A oil Mills 6 a. 101% 3f' 1% 101 f Am Sum Tob 7%a. 96 9* 9* 6 Ana Copper 6a. .103% 303% 306% 7 Asad Sint Hd 6%s *1% 81 8! 1 \ O A- W 1 5a ... 68% 69% 68% 2 Be»\er Board 89. 94% 94% 94% 1 Beth St 7s '35. .103% 103% 1*3% 11 i'in Nat By Kq 7a.ll0% 110% 110% 25 Gent Leather €*... 96% 9s % 98% 57 Ghllda Co 6s. . .114% 115% 114% T, Gjt-os Serv 7s B. . 1 76 178 176 *4 cities Serv 7s G. .123 123 126 20 Cities Serv ;« D..104 103% 105% 7 I'm Textile 9a... «&% 89% 89% 15 Gydahy T’a'k 5%s 94 % 94% ^4% 2 Deere it Go 7 % <■ .104% 104% 104% 1 Let mit G Gas 6s.. 105% 102% 103% 1 Detroit Edison 6a. 114 114 114 7 Dun la 11 T A R 7a .103 103 103 2 Fed Sue «• '33. 96 % 96% 99% 1 Gh r Robert 7s ..JO: 102 10*j • Galena Slg 011 7a. 105% 105 1*5% • Genera! Pe» 6s... 108 107*4 104 ]0 Grand Trunk 6%s.lft8 107f4 108 4 Hood Rubber 7a..103 302 % 302 % :• f Ml N .V L 7* .102% 102% 102% 4 Manitoba 7s .102 101% 102 Morrl-A Go 7%s .104 103% 104 5 N Pu'» Ser '•*. 6g XT'5* ’ No St Pow 6%s 101% 301% 301% 17 No P rvt 6 % a. 106 % 105% 106% 4 ' »hio Pow 5* B 91 % 91 % 91 % 4 4 Penn P .«r L 7s 95% 94% 9*5% 5 Phil Kl 5e ’6ft. 99% 99 \ 99 % 27 Put' Ser Y FAG 5 %» 93 « 99 99 % 6 Pure Mil 6 %S ..... 1 0" % 1-0% 3 no % 7 Shaw sheen 7« 1" r* 303% 3 07 t2 2 So Cal Ed Lon 5s.. 95 95 9a 1 Sun Oil 5%s ... 97 97 97 !'• Swift *S Go 5s. . »« 95% 95% 16 t'nlon ELAP 7%s 1-1 301 101 6 United «»U Prod 6* 34% 21% 31% foreign Itond®. 1 French NMSS 7s h*:% 66% «6% 5 Ind Bk Finland 7s 94% 94% 94% 44 Xetherlda »s '72..106 305% ioo I" !.' w Auat H P 6%s 95 95 95 1 Peru v* %: . §9% 99% 99% 6 Run € % a cl fa N G 15 15 15 6 Swtaa .101% 101% 101% • Cent* a share < hirngn Xfork*. Quoif • ons furnished b> f S T% e A J' 224 Oti-Hhi Nations? Bark building Pi ones. Ja< kson 5167 5141, 5189 Bid Asked K rniour A- ('ct . Ill pr,| . . 9 3 % 92 Armour A- Go . Del. pfd.94 95 Albert Pick . 21% 2 2 'arbide .. 68 % «*% Edison Co .137% 136 ■<»ds hy .105% Mamoud Ma «’h .117 117% »e«re j.f.? . . jf» ■ dr Paper .. 3 8 25 . 7% 7?, s'a• n»nal l eather .. .. . . 5% icaker Oats .26ft J70 ?e.i .Muter s . .. ] 8 16% iw «ft & Gr. Ilf. % 3 16% :wift International. 31 31% ’honipmn .4^ 47 Vahl - ^ . 22% 23% New \nrk Sugar. N*’’ York Feb if Nluv acLvjty de • * n raw sugar •■•ia\- S; • pr.- e® ie- lined ] 2X«* to 4.59c dutjr paid. «h>i» d.ipment angara wore un. iiaoaed at 4 62-. '8 lea in * lud-d ril»ou’ 455.000 bat* of Cu •arr -.n#l I'orfo Rk an for spot and nearby lelivery at 4 59 and 40.00“ bags of Porto ^ican for late M.*rxh shipment, a: 4 62c. ill to local refiners Refie' t nr the «1e« line in the spot mar et. raw sugar future* sold one to three mints loaf earlv but met considerable ■over ng at the decline, which caused lat ■r radie* The close was »wo lower to ■ ne point net higher. March closed ’79c; Max 2 95-: July J.lOr; September ’. 23c. Business in reflred sugar continued airly ac'ive x*ith price* unchanged, si' eflner* a. renting orders at iPc for fine rrsnulsted. In the refined futures market there x as a sale of One lot for Mar delivery t 6.3«c. |b ik ton Moot nnstcT’ Feb. 19 —In th** wool miL»t Danufacturefg arc buying In amounts ; ^ hlnh seem to indicate ths? only im/r.e- i llste reed* arc being supp? cd At the ame t : • • trader® sre lined to he'd he r pres-nt «Hv « n ns*' tr.sta- c* sther than r»**kc *n> material copre* ion® Some New Zealand acoared wool f 5ft u 56c ouslitx has beep sold to ar :x e at a bout 91 ft'. Ne* \ nrk Or* (•odd*. New Tork. Feb l*—• ot*<->n good* mi' ,et® remained firm tods* with print lothing «eil! g moderplely. Sheet'nc* if'* In better demand and acne aales rere made for debxerlea rarrylng through lax and June Printed goods x\«,-e actlx* Imcrjcan Woolen -ompanx opening* m ♦ml staple worsted* uniform cloths, and ancx worsted showed average adva’tce* nf 6 1-3 per cent, the range per yarn ru ning », lllgli n« ’-''s' ® n,f ' High cnlornl and noT*,}l,_ **£..2 KrVe Urn boat aHltng «<'«n«n • Hi”. Rrf '* ® trifle HJrl.p. ".re ciutet for the day M. I <i it I, IJvreterh. (it Jg)ai« Keh 19.—Settle—lie* eth ♦a.»«* ln‘»‘l: market »<-«;'> : ""I1'’. f <0** ateeta I'.OCH. 1 !.*.*: ye.rlln* hnife.a **.00011.76; I-ON4H. *4 • stocker* and feeders ' V ' ’ *4.00011.00; tanners end cutteis. * -• *Hog» -Receipt-. heed; m« 10, higher: ntlaed and butcher- 111 H 11 35; good beavies. »1 « 1 1 • V’.; 4OU “ *•* 110.15® 10.38; "ghta IllJtijJ-20; l'1** |S.2f.® 10.50: bulk. **1-20 1 J’3%-„ . . Sheep and l.amlie- Iterrlpta. .j« 1 »* market ateady: mutton »we*. »*•"*' t 1 am be. H 5.25 fr 17.36; cannere and cho pers. *3.OO06-ftO. __ 1 hi cage Butter Chicago. Feb. 1» -With libertl piff. inti of 92 s ore <ara. a decline <»r a la, noted. Trading at the decline w„. milct with the general undertone or t » market' unset tied. The medium g^a^s however appeared ateady Yvlth a fair d mand reported «*n *9 and 90 a O ■ centralized car market was stead' at un buue7; *2 acore. 10*,c: »t Tore. irv: irJ!°M-Ccrr»“^v «*r.r*. a'rentrallr.ed carloti: t" •corf. 40>,c: *» score, 3»c; 5* acore. 26c. >e» Fork < offer f uture,. No* York. Feb II—Coffee .f’ltur., opened today ,! a decline of 4 ''0'nl*.,5 ’ tlamh which waa Influenced by a ttt.e liquidation, but generally unchanged to g point, higher on eieadier Ttrar ,te' cat.te, and covering After Tiling off •> "0 10r. March rallied to 2® 30c. wh •» May advanced to 1».l*e. The mark eloeed at a net gain of 5 to IS prdnt Saie, were egtimated at !;»«• ■ ing f|Uotirton*« March. -n»oc, Ma *■ m.»6c; Julv. IT.75c; .September. 1*. .9 December. 16.20c _ Spot coffee, stead} : Rio o, * ntcs 4s, 2«4 027Uc. New York General. New York. Feb. 19 — Rye— Firm* No. J J16CH. f c b. New York. » i *1 .Cfii*. C. f., export. Wheat—Spot, steady: No. 1 dark nor’ ern spring c i. f . New Y'nrk. lake a- i rail. *{.164: No. 2 hard winter, f. n. 1 iak« and rail *1 994: No 2 mixed duru do. 12 01**: No. 1 Manitoba, do. in bond *2164. Corn—f'po*. barely stead}: No. - }t low. c. i. f track. New York, all ra:i. *1 43: No. 2 mixed do. Si.424 Oats—Spot steady; No 1 wit €4c. Hay — Easy : No. 3. S21.9A022.9n. New York Produce. New Y^-K. Feb. 19. — Butter—Firm: r*. “ ce n»s S.S39 tubs. Kgge—Trregular: receipts, 0 755 cas* f-esh gathered extra firsts, 43*7 4 4c, d o firsts. 42 6 42 4c: do seconds 41 n«a by hennery whites, closely selected. 45 nearby and nearby *. ektern hennery \s h■ t es firsts'to average extras. 42t944r; neari hennery browns, extras. 454 0 46c; Pa cific oast whites extras. 434 0 44' r > firsts to extra firsts. 414 043c. Cheese—Steady; receipts. *2,576 pound*. Nf. Joseph Ik % estorl*. *St. Joseph, Mo.. Feb. 19.— Hogs- Re ceipts. «,0'10 head; nark*1’. steady *•» itrong: *ii 15. bulK, * 10.600 11.1 * Cattle—Receipts. 2.200 heatl: market. ■ eady; bulk of steers *7.75 c ? 25. •f *10.15: -owe and heifers. *3.5009 2 calve* *4.60011.90. eto<kers and feeder* *5 AO0 « Of* Sheep—Receipts 4.609 head- mark* ■low. la;.ibs. *16.000 16.95; ewes. $* 9.00. f birago *pot Market. Chicago. Feb 19—Butter—Re* * * • 5.97" tubs: last year. 7.904 tubs; cars - n track: 9 old. 1 new. Extras. 40 4c; star Rrds. 40 4c-; extra firsts. *1-7 0 39 4 firsts, 244 037 4c: *9 score. 29c. s6 score J€c; seconds. 52 0 3 4 4' Fggs- Rereip’s 12.399 las' ye 11.259 r*j»es. Cars on trsck 5 old * new. Firsts. 24 ; dirts Sftc, checks. 29 i Tone of market; Butter, r»a.-., steady. Turpen«4ne and R<*1«. Savannah Feb 19—Turpen4 ,r *•-• F rr .; *: %c . sales 9 barrels: -ere ; a. 9* barrels; shtpmerds. 2 barrels; etc-c>. t.r*«4 barrels Rosin—Firm: *s let, 1 *ftl ‘itki: -e eeipts 1.122 casKs. ah'pments, 1 ra* . stock. *5.277 casks. Quote R to G. 1*95: H. 1*974: 96.92 4 h 7.95; K 97.1« 07.26: M *7.70: N f -i nr. WG *•.3f*; WYV *9.290 9 3^. > *9 2009.40. New York Sugar. Quotatiora furnished by -T 5* Bach* A Co . 124 Omaha National Hank bui'.d *g Pbonee Jacks'>n 51i7. 318a. 51*9 , Open. High. Low Close. 1 n’c Mar. 2 40 1*0 7 7* 2 7# 7 » ‘ Mav 2 97 2 9 7 1 ! ft 1 7 93 1 19 Tulv 7 3.n ' 3 ft* ? 1ft Sep'4. ?, 22 7 24 * 77 * 23 ? 14 Dec 5 7S 3 2* ♦ 3 7* 3 28 3 77 4 hicugo rottos. Qu tgtiona furnished b> J Q Bs~he t: > 224 Omaba National Bank du d. - Phones Jackson 6187. 51*8. 618? Irt I Open I High I Low. 1 Ciosa. 1 Tea Ms- 24 8- 24 «t 24 56 24.6* 7 4 7 * Mar 26 0* 25 «* 24 «7 24 94 2 7 * ‘ July 25 37 15.37 25 1 * 25 2*. 26 - - 3 ft3 25,03 i 24 24 <9 24 ?? New York Metals. New York. Feb 19—Copper - Market un settled. electrolytic, spot and future*. 14 N 0 1 4 4 c Tin—Market ateady; spot and nearby, »V 12c; futures, 57 32c Iron—Market steady: prices unchanged Lead Market steady; spet. 9 1209 75 Zinc—Market stesd.v Fast St. Louis, ipor and futures. 7.52 0 7 55c. Antimony—Spot, ;i.0ftc. < h If ago rotates* Cl •. sgT. Felf 19 — Potatoes — Fa : norn-.rtg trading moderate, market ti ch T stronger. 49 car*, total V ih pmente 7 7 4 r*r». W'cprrn e -y cund whites 9? 1901.15; ?*w fatv* 11 2*0 1 Michigan bu:K cu• *et ru-« - “6 35 1 4*. Idaho sacked rusae’s most*' 2 4*02 65. lendon *lhfr. I.cndon. Feb 19—Bar 5i:\*r. St!*d ?+• ounce Mone> “4 pe- cenr Discount Bs’es «hr-: b « '40*11-1** r-* cent, these months .7 1 14 New Y ork f ottos. New Tc-k Feb 19 —The genera! eo*’-* nsrks» c 'sed steady at net declines of to 21 points. k»n%M City Foolirt Kane*-* *'tty. Feb If. — Fouitry iVre ••nt h *' **r. 21c. ether produce r hs-ge i. r -w \ I SI