Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1925)
.... ,-E HT AIR FIELD SITE * Leaders of Landing Area for Planes Favor Carter Lake. Omaha's Joint representatives of i ivle organizations, together with City Commissioner .Joe Hummel and City Kngineer Herman Beal,# spent Wednesday afternoon Inspecting mu nicipal air field sites. In the party, besides these men, were A. H. Richardson, Maj. Gen. George Duncan, George Brandeis and Gene Kppley of the Greater Omaha committee; Carl Kgge, superintendent of air mall; Maj. Lawrence Churchill, chief air officer of the Seventh Corps area: Frank J. Norton, abstractor, and A. if. Fetters, Dr. D. T. Quigley, Vic tor Boos, W. A. Kills and Clarke l’owell of the Chamber of Commerce. Carter IatUe Favored. The Omahans on the trip were practically unanimous that the pro posed field as picked out by the aerial transportation committee of the Chamber of Commerce on the east side of Carter lake would be the most practical. Although It is thought that a field of 300 acres is needed, land In tiie neighborhood ran be secured at a low figure, so that eventually if the field should he made larger, 1,000 acres could he secured. The land could he bought for from between 51 ">0 and $200 an acre. The site is three and a half miles from the postoffice and is on either a paved road or a oulevard the entire *0 distance. It is a 12-minute ride to ~ the postoffice, which makes it one of the closest aviation sites to the post office in the country. Park Possibilities. W. A. Kills, assistant commissioner of the Chamber of Commerce, said that the site could be purchased for park purposes. The land, he said, bought at the low figure could he sold eventually by the city at a profit. The entire tract Is level. The shal low. swampy parts of the field would he filled with dirt secured from the dredging of Carter lake. Out of the Records | V__ ' Births and Deaths. Births. John and Xlnry Sima. S0.U Wirt atrsat. *’ Oscar and Haart Wlrklund. «SU XIIII tary av»nupr boy. ._ Leroy and Laura Swope, 6460 Decatur street, boy. _ , *.... Harry and Dolly Crosby, Seventy-fifth an<l Boyd «trests, boy Albert and Annalie Johnson, 2602 North Sixty-ninth atreet. boy. Warren and Louise Kibler, 39_ < North Twenty second street, boy . , Stanley and Pauline Holewlnskl, S007 Benton street, boy. _ . Jacob and Catherine Jacobsen. Seventy fourth street and Military avenue, girl. Harry and Ruth Hyland, 40.’5 Charles OUver05and Ida. Johnson, 1908 South Second street, girl Salvatore and Concetta Monaco, li«5X Pierce atreet. girl. _ _ . , Thomas and Anna Miles, Sill Castelar Louis* and Helen Kulakofsky. 5111 Caaa street, (hospital), boy. Morris and .Mary Feldman, 2612 Capitol avenue (hospital), girl. William and Jolla t ronican. 3619 Q stteer (hospital), girl Bernard and MnlHe Specter, 4->.0 South Fi f i v -second street (hospital*, girl Thiilmar and Alva Rosberg. 2011 < asa mMHkl r-et (hospital), girl. John and Bessie Timperley, Irvington. h ,Rinar Nntlgaard. 2612 Wirt street (hos pital), girl. Deaths. Floyd Wilson 1322 North Twenty-fourth Street. * months. David Owen Shipley. 2704 Dupont Street. 75 years John H. Risewick. hospital. *6 vears William Sellars. 2220 North Twenty fifth street. 56 years. Am ilia Peterson. 4320 Parker street. 35 rears. Ida Wicklnimon. hospital. 42 years Otliert Szake. 3219 .Tefferaon atreet. 16 d a y a . . „ Sarah Goozer, 6107 Webster atreet. 52 5 ears. Marriage Licenses. Fred Dree sen. Benson. Neb.. 24. and Dillon. Benson. Neb . 21. Marriage License Applications Joe Vujcieh. Omaha, 25, and Carolina Miehich, Omaha, 37. Building Permits. Mimi Meyer, 1407 Harney street, altera, tinns to brick store. $1,100. Fred Burglund. 3515 North Forty-fifth avenue one-story dwelling, $4.2t»0# W J Pet arson. 4014 Ajne* avenue, frame dwelling. $3,600 W J Peterson. 4016 Ames avenue, frame dwelling. $3,600. W J. Peterson. 4022 Ames avenue, frame dwelling $3.40i< Hector Borickari. 3923 1 ’ street, frame dwelling, $3,300. Real Estate Transfers. Owen Slaven and wife to Cam melo Mangiarneli. 10th St , 100 feet s. of Hirkoty Ht., e. side. 4 1x 1 40 . 4.000 Frank S ParmHee and wife to Margretta Maker and husband. 40th St.. 47 4 4 fe^t a of Casa St., e. side, 97x120 . 10,000 Otto K« hneldewlnd to William N T.eshovsky and wife, 24th St.. 100 feet n. of Hlc-tof/ Ft , w*. able, 50x127 5.500 Frank J Yore and wife to Otto Srhnelde wind, 26th St., 100 feet n of Hickory St.. w. side, f»nxj 27 . 4.000 Frank W. Gilbert and wife to , Anna V. Oilier. Ida St.# 42 feet ^^^w. of 25th Ave. a. side, 44x120.. 6.250 1 nk W. Gilbert and wife to Anna V Ollier. Ida St., 66 feet w. of 25th Ave. a. side. 44x120 6.250 Birdie R. Stimson to Clyde B. Tryon and wife Kmmet St.. 200 feet w. of 14th Ave., n. aide, 50*124 . . 6. C00 Anna Chalnupka. et al, fn Paul W la ter. et »|. 35(h H . D>2 feet n. of G St w. ndc. fOxL>0. l".’> Freda Davis to Morris Adler, et si * w. corner 37th and Crmlt Sts.. 1 20x1 34 ... . 450 Is sac S. Anderson and wife to Souther Mtg. Hr Finan* • Co., Mary St . 120 feet w. of .Mlnne Lina Ave n. aide, irr •kuIw 6 650 Wirt Sedgley and wife to M»lv!n K. MacKinnon, s m. corner 20th and f Sts. 48x130 . 1.000 The Rogers R. K. Co. In Martin l. S'lfirman. n w. corner 12th and Douglas Sts., 44x172 . ... 40,000 Hansen Investment Co. to Carl I Anderson an<1 wife. n. w. rorn»r :r'th Ave and fit ant St., .>0x136 1,426 Arthur A Heath ond wile to Carl f ftedrlt. ?«th *ve 125 feet s of Indiana sp, <». tide. L6;/*xl2.'. 1,500 Carl J Bedrlt mC wife »n Charles H Brown md wife. 26th Av»., 126 feet s. nf St., e. aid*. \ 2*4x125 1,550 Itary W. Olson t n I wife t»i M. J. an, 36th Hi . l-*0 feet s of^Ltfik St , e. aide, 60x126, ex • hafft* and . 1 M J G«f)rman to Laura K. Gentry 3* t h Ht.. 250 feet s of Oak St., »• aide, jpOx126. exchange Hnd 1 Ida P. Melvin anti huahnnd to Hazel Iv Prlaty. Bauman Hi , 1«94 f •* ** t w. of 2sth Ave., s. aide. 42x120, exchange and. 1 0v. an L. Jullcn nn<l wife to Jarne* Kozak, 9th St., 200 feet a. of Hhkory Bt.. w aide, 60x140. 4.250 John W. Miller. 15ih St, 447 feet s. of Casteilar St . w. aide, 26x140 .... . 2.150 It’s really worth living. This short stay on earth; It you'll grin anti Juat huatle For all you ar« worth. w'42B3PVNl8 I Quick R(U«f 1 A pleasant iSactf v# iTrua. I V Jit andAOc ,1m, 0 And tnawllj. u, PISO*8 Thro,, and Chill ^0 FARMERS LUNCH WITH BANK HEADS New Yprk, Feb. 19.—A delegation of dirt farmer® from Kansan, Texas and Missouri invades Wall street to day to break bread with financier® at a luncheon at the Bankers' club. Piloted by B. C. Blggerstaff, asso 'date editor of the Kansas City Daily Drovers Telegram, the farmers 'jour neyed here to determine whether bankers are not “just folks" after all. and whether there is not some way the farmhouse and the counting house can get together. The trip was sponsored by news papers called the Corn Belt farm dailies, published in Kansas City, Chicago, South Omaha and Kast St. Fouls. A DV KM KN T. LOOK.’-HERE'S THE LATEST Cod Liver Oil Now in Tasteless Tablets Greatest Flesh Builder No more will weak, #UIn, unfortu nate children cry In protest when the nasty, flshy-tasting, horrible-smelling cod-liver oil is brought out. Medical science progresses rapidly, and now you can get at your drug gist’s real, genuine cod liver oil in sugar-coated tablets that young and old can take with ease anti pleasure. Kven the run-down and skinny i grown-ups. who ought to take codj liver oil, because It really is the great est vitarnine food and builder of healthy flesh in the world, will feel extremely joyful when they read this welcome news. of course, doctors have been pre scribing cod liver oil in tablets under another name for several years, but it is only of late that one can walk into a drug store and get a box of these flesh-producing tablets just as easy as a bottle of cough syrup. Thin, run-down, anaemic men, women and children who need to grow strong and take on flesh are ad vised to get a box of McCoy’s Cod Fiver Oil Compound Tablets, and if you don’t gain -r» pounds in 30 days just get your money back. One wornai^ gained fifteen pounds in five weeks, according to her own doctor—another ten pounds in tlirep weeks. A very sickly child, aged nine, twelve pounds in seven months, and now plays with other children and has a good appetite. Just ask for McCoy’s Cod Fiver Oil I Compound Tablets. Sherman & Me-1 Connell, Beaton Drug Co., Brandel® Stores, or any good druggist will tell j you that they are wonderful flesh and health builders. Only 60 cents for 60 tablets, and don’t forget that they are wonder workers for feeble old folks. Be sure and get McCoy's, the orig inal and genuine. ANNO UN CEMENTS. Funeral Notices. 1 nKNKOICT Mr? Ida died February 18. a : Cincinnati, O. Funeral arrangement* will be announced 1 -> i**r by Mm Purket rhapel. HA. 0090. PttiMral Directors. g UFA FEY * HEAFKY. 4 Undertaker* a rid Phone, AT 2531. Office. 2611 Farnam. _(ESTABLISHED SINCE 1MM LESLIE 11. MOORE - 4' h and Wirt St* WE. 0647. .L'.th and Military Ave. \\ A 90»»o hopfman-urmsry. Funeral director*. ambulance I ’odire and 24t h S'* JA 11*0 1 Hfl.SE * RtEPKX, At Your Service. -24 Cumin® St. JA. 1226. Brailey & Dorrance. N. T. SWANSON, 17 T If AND CUMING, ♦juiet. Dignified Superviidon. IOIIN A. OENTLE.MANL HA. 1664 34 1 1 Farnam St. D K. Hl'nKKT A SON. 1405 Farnam. Eat 1576 HA. 0090 (Vuicterlr v 4 visit forest lawn. Pur< ha*e u family Jot in Omaha * moat beautiful cemetery. Office* at the ceme t-r> west of Florence, and 720 Brand*!* Theater Hid*. (aid of Thanks. 6 WE WISH to expre** our gratitude to our I friend* for their klndne** and beautiful rioral offering* at the time of the bereave ment of beloved wife and mother Mil. HER HER K.VQHHfi. AND FAMILY. Personals. 9 THE SALVATION ARMY Industrial home solicits your old clothing. furniture. m»|A- | r.irer. We rnllart. We dlatrlh'ife Phone ■ IA 4135 And pur w*gnn will -all fall • nd Inwper r our new home. 209 N ,13th St. soft water ahampoo. Sundried. 5nr; *rnlp tieatment. 25< . manicure. 50r. lasting marcel, 75c. Salon L. Unarm#. Courtney Hldg AT 4 S 1 f» ELECTRIC treatment and body massage. Houri, 9 a. m to 9 p m. Mr*. Crnwe'i Plare. Apt 2. 211 S 26th Ave AT Hill. I WILL NOT he reeponalhle for anv In debtedness cr»ntracted bv mv wife, Clara A W alker. Signed. n. \Va Ik* r KI.K< *TRt» - M Ar;NKTIC health blanket sweat* and massage*, experienced opera tor* 3£6 Leflamr Hid®. JA 2620. CfOSTUMKS. theatrical, historical tnaeqtie coatumea to rent. Lichen. 1514 Howard. STEAM hatha, alcohol ruba, mn**nge, elec. ticatm la, 6 a, m. to 9 p. rn. 35 Doug. blk. EL WOOD SANITARIUM- -MAHHAOK. U Jacob*. ,109 Arthur bulldln® AT. 4946. EXPERT hand ma**Hire, all hour*. Sun day nppt. Edith Taylor. 101 N. 18th fit. MAHHAOK Expert treatment; lady oper. at or. open till 9 p m 210 N. 17th St. EXPERT ma**M(;e steam hath* Pteher bath*. 204 A > i u H n Court AT. I 072. I 8TR. switches from own hair, 91 Will all KK 350 4 4 4 1 1 N 22d St Fi>M min Found. 10 Lt*8T—A black chan®e pur*e containing watch and small change, on Farnam car. finder please rail AT 2641 between 9 * m. and 5 p m. Reward l,r ST—Platinum bracelet, .Wednesday e\p n'n®. between Pontenelle hotel nr Bran • lei* theater and 822 S. Hath Ave. Re j ward IIA 1461. MOUND—Black and tan Mobbed tad Loaf Tu**dav Phone MA. 0517. afte: h [• Ml call AT. 7 61 LOST—Key ring In York Allen 1. e M* 'hlne company leather raae. fall AT 0178. LOST- Tortoise g]a**»* Tueadav evening between 5 and 6 fall AT. 1161. LOST Phvatian* black bag In region j of Mull and ftmfng St* H A 0 8 0 5 ArTOMOBU.KS lor Mnlr. || "SPECIALS 1424 Overland touring, like new ...|125 Late 1123 Ford coupe, beat running «ar In •It) . 92951 Chevrolet roadster, sold new In December 1 f*-3• special paint, Lee pure ture proof lire* h real buy at . 9290 Several Ford aedana, coupes, louring* and rmi dster* Bloom Auto Co., 2210 Karim in NASH 1 924 aedsn. New car vummtv Nash 1 924 Four Tour. New rn warranty. Nash 1925 Special Six. Deitiorial ratoi New • hi \% lt I’rnnt \ Nash 1925 Advanced H|x Tour Demotiatm tor These are like new and price* right \5 e have mans other • u» fmm 156* up Nash Uptown Store 2084 Farnam \T. 2916 NASH VRIES EM \ aTto" f7i~ USED C AR blOHK 2045 Farnain. AT 2918 _AUTOMOBILES._ AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles for Sale. 11 Automobiles for Sale. 11 WE ARE GOING TO MOVE THESE CARS 1824 Willys-Knight Sedan. 1924 Overland Touring. 1924 Willys-Knight Touring. 1924 Overland Sedan. 1923 Willys-Knight Touring. 1923 Overland Sedan. 1923 Hupmobile Touring. 1923 Chevrolet Touring. 1922 Durant Sedan. 1924 Chevrolet Touring. 1923 Chandler Sedan. 1920 Cleveland Touring. 1921 Chandler Coupe. 1920 Elgin Touring. 1923 Studebaker Touring. 1922 Dodge Touring. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT NO FINANCE CHARGE WILLYS-OVERLAND Inc. AT. 3421 2562 FARNAM Mr. Auto Show Visitor Do you know that in order to reduce our used «ar stock before we move we are offering you a real reduction from the regular price Come In and look at our cars hefoie buying elsewhere. Ford Coune .. .1125.Oh Scrintn Booth . H5.00 Ford Touring . 125.00 IH.'t Oak'and. 4 wheel brakes. 750.00 Oldymoblle Touring . 476.00 Oakland 0-4 i Touring . 476.00 < hilt land *; - 4 ♦ 6 pass. Coupe . 476.00 Sterns Touring . 100.00 Ford Sfdan. late model . 150.00 Ve|ie Roadster . 250.00 '•-44 Oakland Roadster . 375.00 '•4 4 Oakland Sport Touring . t»95.oo 34-It Oakland Sedan . 19 5.0) 34-C Sedan . 37 5 00 OPEN EVENINGS TERMS Oakland Motor Car Co., at. 2929 20th ,11(1 Kurnev St. Better Used Cars 1 923 Ford coupe, same as new, late model . $150 1921 Apperson X .$300 1921 Liberty eedan, new rubber and paint, a real cloaed car .$450 1922 Hpmoblle cr.upe . $750 1 923 Chevrolet touring car, in perfect con dition. very special price . $245 Stewart Motor Company, HUPUMOBILH DIST. 2525 Farnam St. AT 5242. Nash Uptown Store 1924 Rut*k big six 447 Redan. 19 24 Nash big six Tour duco painl . few miles 1925 Nash advanced six demonstrator. 19 25 Nash special six demoatrator 1924 Nash biff six Sedan. If you want a sedan don't overlook this. 1 924 Oakjand Coune. perfect. 1922 Studebaker Tour, duco paint; price right 1920 Ruick 4 passenger 'Coupe We have manv other*. $50 and up 2064 Fajp^rn Open Evenings AT 2914 Pu. **.4H. Scnifwv «hrd cmfw shrd cmfw 192.1 FOUR door Overland sedan, like new, $400 cash or terms, will buy this car. 1924 Tudor sedan. $476 25 Fords, all models. $50 and up GOLDST ROM AUTO SALES CO., -‘112 Uarnev SL_ AT 4544 FOR THE RIGHT PRICE ON GOOD USED CARS SEE OMAHA FLINT COMPANY. Trucks for Sale. is LACK OF SPACE force* us to reduce our prices on used trucks $50 TO $200 '•‘.’liite* Republics. Masters an*. Mn 1 e Mack Int’l. Motor Truck Corporation, 273? Farnam Ht. AT vfl', 4. TRUCKS! TRUCKS! F^ord, 1-ton, 1924; special transmission, 1 ton Republic, coal body: good. $150 Commerce it,, ton; pneumatic. $5hrt. Little Giant. I-ton; pneumatic, $175 One rebuilt 2-tnn White HERE 55 YEARS Andrew Murphy & Son, *T 4111 1410 Jnrk.nn til V ill it AeCMSOrfM, I'arn. 10 FORD wlnd.lil.ld Rlmiv. 12. Kaplan Auto I’arra 7H N|, holaa Si, GsrafM fur itcni. in MTKAM HFATKD fireproof faragt. 311 8. »l"l SI AT 9136. — niJSINBSS .SKKVICE Millinrry—DrissinnKIni: 15 Ar’l’ORIlION. aid**, knlf., bo* plaatlnir, rovarad button., all atvlaa: hamalltchlnf buttunholaa Writ. Ideal Hutton and Plotting Co. 30» Hrown Hloek, Omaha. ■Veil Telephone .1A 1936, NKII PI.KATINH CD., ITematllehlnir. Covered Huttona. 141)4 Farnam. Saeond Floor. JA 6670. Mm Inc—Trucking—St4>ragr. 16 I.KKINR OMAHA VAN A 8TDRAUK. Dith and Leavenworth Hta Packing. m<>v ing- storage shipping JA 4163 OOR DAN’S FI RE I* ROOF WHSE At VAN 219 North 11th St Phone JA 3032. Mov ing. packing, storage, shipping. PnintiiiR anil I'apatrlnf. 17 Wallpaper, pa perha r g In g. painting Fred Park* 4 7 »4 S 24th Ht M A 0 1 0 I , A T. 7 4 <* 4. Calenf Atlomrjr*. 28 I W MARTIN. 524 Peters Trust Bldg . Omaha also Washington. Double ser\i< e. single fee Also help ee|| pstents SILAS C SWEET, reg pat atlv 29* 1 Itber pea Moines, lx or Denver, Coin Printing—Stationery. 29 COMMERCIAL PRINTING Eddy Printing Co. 212 .South 13th St Phone JA M)6» Kepnirlnc. 81 WW repair sewing machines, vlctrolaa, pianos Mbkels. Ififh A Harney. AT. 4361 KMI’l.OVMKNT. Ilal|* Wnnlril—Kamnla. 38 HALESleADIBS— Catholh . Have opening for several salesladies. experlem ed In out side selling. Can earn $24 weekly to start Congenial work . rapid advancement when ability Is proven Call 4 10 or I 4 at 317 1 #oan l' nd Podge. LADIES Learn beauty culture Thta pleasant refined profession means big money, esslet work, an Independent bus| nese Dav or night daaae.« Call or 1 | ii HI. 1 i i r i• i R wl orklng lady like lo keep house for a middle aged man. in the city? Two ineals a dav. for room and b<tard for same. fiox A lov. Omaha Me* Help Wanted—Male. 87 AT.I, men, wom*iir bovs girl*. 17 to •> willing to *• ent government pos $117 9740 Ore eltng or •> a»Iona rg), writ# .Mr. Oement, 116 St Louie. Mo. _ EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Male. 37 CAPABLE, energetic man needed for factory representative to handle our hum ness in ontaha district; wonderful oppor tunity with future for right person. Ex perlence or capital unnecessary. Writ* fully Cuban .Mfg. Co,, Kalamazoo, Mi'-h. .MEN—our barber course equips you for an independent career Clean, pleasant work. Itig nmne*'. l>ay or night 'lasses. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 1U9 S. 15th St Salesmen and Agents. 39 WANTED a good man to * all on banka and Individual* to sell first mlge.e on Minn, improved farms Will pay salary land com Schwab Bros 1028 Plymouth ! Bldg., Minn WANTED—Three salesmen on salary to sell Acme Pig Meal Prefer men experi enced In selling feeds or mlnernl mixture Acme Manufacturing Co, Forest Park. ill. Situation* Wanted—Female. 41) WHITE girl for general housework. N*> ! children. No wishing and ironing. 88 14 S 24th St WIDOW. 39, wants position, housekeeper in home without children. Box A-110, Omaha Bee. financial, IliiHines* Opportunitie*. 41 ELEVATOR In splendid territory for sale to highest bidder Everything in good condition- Bids muei in by 2 n. m.. March 16. 1925. Come and look it over if interested Farmers’ Union Co-Op. Assn . Brock, Neb. 8. B. YOUNG, President* O. O. OIL BERT, j Secretary. FOR SALE 2 50-barrel steam roller mill located a* Palmyra, Mo., in the heart of one of the best soft wheat sections in the United [States Local demand at good prices for all mill feeds It can produce Milling In transit rates nn wheat. Address all in qulries to William A. P.*»mer, Trustee, peoples Milling Co., bankrupt. Palmyra. Mo. WILL pay you $4.50 a day for making 2 do* pairs Steber Wool Socks daily on High speed Family ’ Knitter Will buy all you make at same rate. We furnish yarn fr*e 6-yr. written contract Old reliable nifgr. Work at home Re independent. Experi ence unnecessary. Send 2c full particulars without obligation. Steber Mai bins Co.. Desk 15*. Utica. N. Y. ! OARAGE and machine shop s< cesaorien stork ; In western Kansas good equip nient and plenty of work; reason for soil ing Stanley Allred. Downs. Kan FOR HALL—Meat market in Kimball, Nab. Nn l fixtures, complete with • laughter house Wtsb to sell to close •ata»e. Y 2*35. Omaha Bee ROOMING house furniture Will sacrifice leaving city. $90 * lear a month. Thomae Large. H34 K. Lincoln. Neb. DRUG STORK FOR SAT. I -Onlv store In good little town. Write S. Erickgen, Bradgate. 11 THE City Meet Market at Pallas. S P. for sale Inquire of Fred W Ebinger, I Plainvlew. Neb Heal Estate Iaiib. 4*1 MONEY TO LOAN On first and second mortgagee. We buy outright for cash Existing mortgages and land contracts. Prompt action. II A. WOLF CO. -82 Saunders-K*-nned\ Bldg AT 2160 54 AND 6 PER CENT MONEY Loams on lunaha Improved propei > at lowest rates. FRANK H. BINDER 82.3 City National J A. J 6 81. MONEY on Omaha houses at 6 per cent ! »nd ®4 P**r •» nt Wash on hand No de lav. Shopen Si Co. 238 Keeline Jlfdg .1 A. 4 . x [OMAHA HOMES -FAST NKR FARMS. O’KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO 1015 < Hn.ilu Nat Rank Bldg JA. 2715 Si.i OKI) mortgages or contra* -fa pur chased by Tukey Company. 620 Frst National Hank J A. 4223 IjO\\ RATE on r|tv property, quickly closed, no monthly payments ’ JA. 15.1.".. ^ T GRAHAM. 754 Pe*ers Trust. _ AND 6 PER CENT—NO DELAY <*AR\ IN RFIDs *45 Omaha Nat R’dg $10 900 loaned; prompt service F D Wend A P >1 Rowm.. n \Ve»d Rids FARM Inane *>n Weat Neb. *nl N R folg farm*. KIqk* Investment Co . Omaha Money to Loan. 45 SEE US Today* i vn,‘ *Bnf money for anv purpose a loan of $30 will receive the same prompt i attention as one of $500. You get the full amount In cash no free deducted po | publicity or unpie.issnt investigation. o|d tsr established and moat reliable in tunahn t. ... OMAHA t.OAN COMPANY R. SO* k»rb»r-h llln. I< l'hon« .) A »r«5 __ao» S ISIh Si . ,n,v r»'>- n' I n I — r. (h. rull )“rtleu 1 ,r, *nd requlr-menf, Y -<.40 Omaha 14**, MONEY Inanad nn diamond! Hlamnnd l.nan H.nk, ill 4,'lly N,i 11* b|rtK , i»»4. it.n,.i.iiiiv. i.,w ,„,*. ,,rVv,;fv I.OANSI I.UANS! i.iianH' ihamonds watoins. jmiy privacy SWART/. II. Ill, A 1.0 A N t, 1 A I 4 I M 11,111; EDUCATIONAL. _l-cisl ln*trartl»n Cl**m. 48 l‘AT 81 IIOOT, N'K»HT S< ID»*»T. <om plate course In n 1! .omn^-ii, t)ran'hee Shorthand. typewriting fe|f.g raphv. selesmanship, rlvil , * ' ph up JA. 1545. i'outpelie raining f*«e ROTLKfl COLLEGE 18th end Harnev flt« «• leha Neb TR f CITT BARKER ciTi'l r,7u Dodge St i i»x Imul ms St ' all m writ# for infonna • umi Mueit ill—Dr* mafic. <$» PIANISTS I,earn popular music. W. M Kahn, Ml.kej Bldg AT 4 3 ft I I Inuring Acnrirmim. 50 KEL-PI.NE—Farnutti at ?Mh Claes at:.I Msaembly, .Monday and Thursday nigh; Pierrgtt or* heal ra . Inst r m t oi * |'q vate lewaone imv time JA j» • KEEP'S CINDERELLA rPHH. lOTlI^ and noiltikAH I J,\ ,.470 PBt\ 'i >’ i i mg t#genftS, daily « King. For a p p t H A O.ti: n.'rt vf aeon uvrsToc n Horses, (mile. Vehicles. 51 II 8 W* make them outgrtii* ami *11 fbciu direct lu the f.iMItei P\< «■ i... ye.tis . |l You lako no chan «• whr>q y no liu> ou< batrie* Pities fr*nri I.. • t.» $ 1 |tl Al fr* <1 t ornish 1 ?l« Kiuunt M< <■ "i, , Ml K( H\M)IS| ItiisinrsN Kt|til|)iii(%tils. ;»m TYPEWRITERS RegsonaTila ”Tt K \ V A 1. istea New end se- on»t band msi'binei f ■ ale Have .in sc»q ib«> I4t amt‘i > .1 K. lo«*d Rernington portable'* AS'hatev* ur; reeds In the typewriter 4lne ail It* m ton T> ptwrlUr t.o., 31" fl 18th St . JA. $1*6 / « MHi< II MS 1)1 SK._ Hiisines* Equipment* A8 FOR SALE Well established harness and shoe business. A clean stock of harness, shoes and equipment fot both shoe* and harness work Ala building and lot. Good location Call or write I>. H. W.cteimiin «'akdnle. N»*b. W I'. Ml 1. sell safes make, desks. sh««\v ' ases. e!c I'maliH Fix turn A* Supply i’o., v u *'«»»' ’ M h and I n-uglas. .1A 272-4’ Furl and Fsed. 61 K J X I > L F NG - $ ti tn '-x load delivered, sawilus' haled, shavings. JA. 5740. *' "" Dl. nut; f 50, III. egg. Lion Coal t «*.. WE. 2605. Household Goods. 61 GAS STOVE, enamel table, icebox, dress '• bod, 4 chairs, girl s bicycle. HA. 3226. I HHKK-HBi'K living room suite, mohair, rn:i* must be sold WE. 2199. Machinery and Tools. H7 NEW and second-hand mothrs. dvnamos Bron Electrical Works. 318-20 S. 12th. Wanted to Bay. 7b I) ESKS. D KSKH, DESKS New desks used desks, bought, sold, trad 1,1 J C Reed. 12 07 Farnam. AT. 6140. WANTFID- To buy pro trie hay in car lots. Send price 0n track. Emery Lawler, Cowles, Neb ROOMS FOR RENT, Rooms With Board. 74 HARNEY ST. 2556 — Larg-. pleasant room. Hoard optional. Reasonable. JA. 4 639. ^ 924 S. :: 1 ST ST Warm room for one or <0-“. x\ 11D or without board. HA. 6 7 50. • Furnished Rooms. 75 ! 17 X 2'OTIf ST -Very desirable room in prlva'e home; good neighborhood, walk Ing distance JA. 4926 Rooms for Housekeeping. 76 MA. 4«G4 Don’t pa-s this by till you look it two cozy rooms, kitf heneite, two large ■ ■los’-ts, garage Near Hanscom park. HEMIS PARK- Two furnished rooms: pri \at« home; ladies or couple. JIA. 7084. a ——1 ■ 1 — Rooms, I iifurnished. 77 SHERMAN AVE, 2019—Desirable 3 room apartment with kitchenette Modern, on ground floor, 335. \VK 6 5»J. TWO extra large, complete modern, un furnished looms. $9 per week. KE. 1324 ROOMS and bath, over grocery store Inquire at 2503 N St. MA. 0654. W here to fitSp In Town. 78 HOTEL HANFORD—19th and Farnam. HOTEL HEN'SllAVV—16th and Farnam. KP' i ,al Rates to Permanent Guests. Apartments of Ituililinc Owners and •Managers Association. Furnished. 8(la HUNTER I.\\-Hiun» for the traveling I man to leave his wife for comfort and safety. 24"\ Dodge AT. 6960. Cnfui nislicd. 8(Jb TERRACE COURT 840-46 Park Avenue New a’, a i la hie A very choice apt. of 3 rooms with 5-rooin ac ' "mimidations. Living room, din ing rimin, kitchen, dreaaing room and ba♦ h $5.5 <J winter and $50 no summer. Drake Rental Agency, JA. 2*08. HA. 5868. 1701 Howard. \ ERY choice 1-room apartments with 3-room accommodations. Living room. bed closet with murphy bed. kitchenette and private bath Walking distance. At $- 7 59 summer and 032 5b winter DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. 1702 Howard. JA. 2805. HA. 5801. Before renting an apartment see Drake Rental agency ], 2 3 and 4 room apartments at $32.50 to • 170$ Howard. JA. 2*0R. HA. 5868. Undine Court Dewe\ Three rooms with accommodations. See lanitor or call A. 1*. Tl’KFY A* SON. JA 4-2 3 620 First Nat. Hank Bldg APARTMENTS 777l fiats for rent. W. J PALMER CO. AT *9*0 Rea i Estate Management Spe< Mists Beaton Apts. :169 Farnam St Exclusive comfortable Six latge rooms snd maid’s room. A. P TCKEY & SON. JA. 4 2 2 1 _620 F.rst Nat. Hank B! !g PETERS TRUST COMPANY WHERE OMAHA RENTS AT 0544 1 7th and Farnam St RF \L KSTATK—FOR RENT. AimrtinentK—Furnished. 80 5-ROOM funished apt. No. 3 Ormond, 567 S 2*th St. Rem only $55 oo. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Where Omaha Rents” AT. 054 4. 1 7th and Farnam St*. BEAUTIFUL a par' men t with private bnth room fur couple or ladles employed new and dean, must he seen AT. 2535 CAPITOL AVK 2'if* Four - room apart ment attractively furnished, second floor. AT 5685. 2STH Ave.. 52* 8—Living room, sleeping porch snd kitchen. <'lean and convenient. ■ieepirg room- $5 up HA. 0579 Apartnirnl*—I nfurnished. 81 Bretnor Court Sharp n Ave (16th) and Ohio St Open 2 p m to 4 i m Five rooms snd bath, full base ment with overdraft furnace Rental $5*> 09 s n4 $ 5 •*0 per month sc. ordlng 'o location. TRAVKR BROS. Owners mu! Managers AT 6**6_si 9 1st Natl Bk Bldg. CLOSEdNTW ' rooms modern oak finish, 25th and Cal ifornbi Excellent location, mil AT. 4066 KE 1 73 2. SHIR BEY APTS. 532* California, up-to dm.* 5-room Ant with 6 room accomoda tions Newly decorated, lanitor aervlee. H \ 4 Li 5 in MV 07*9 FOR ItENT- -One or both attached mod ern 9 room apartment; on oar line. Ideal f r inomet*. Hanacnm Park I>l» trlr( || \ 6 37 4 I OR RENT—Six rooms, an mndarn. brick Mat, l«.ated cloae to school, car line • son a *■!# rent, reform* ea reunited Te! •A '610 A t'ff 6 o'cloi k \V A ISOo •’ *" 1 LAUREL AVE Two unfurnished rooms Private home, on i «r, $30 month K E 1 3 2 t HIGH CLASS APTS ad flat- under snper Vlsbm of owners ‘Service that pleases” Ttaver Bros -'9 F, x Bk at 6**6 NEW UHt XI for RENT, X J SKOGMAN A 8M\S HA 4 • REE rent *.» March 4 room* and bath $37.69-047.50 Ramis Park. WA 2141 MODERN apta . 130 and un; cloea in G. P Stehhina. 16lfi Chicago St. Rtmln«'ss 1‘larr* for Kent. 82 Store for Rent iOOP HUSIXF-S (^iRNKP Low Rent Liberal Lease 24th and Farnam District TRAVKR BROS AT 6**6 K19 First Nat l Hank 1499 8 16 Good business location, large f 1“ r area, full ‘moment. tanta! price riabt Easton. J A «tl87 House* for Brin. 83 ii* s 4!-«i st , * room, modern, 075. ' ima, model tx |0t 2114 S Uth ♦ room, nnd bath *23 A 4 MUSII IA 9 .AT 73*1. j t’* X 4>TH HT All modern. II room bouse Double gstsgc Reasonable rent 1 * 41 to KM hot wster best fij'oshed 42d and H*rne\ Mta r ail AT 150s 4lX POOM house atr|ct|y modern. walk mg d.ttatux nrai dalgtaton. HA. 3€i: <# ■ KFAI. ESTAIK—ron HKNT^ Ho list's for Unit. Kit 1215 N :I5TII STREET Attractive *, room Dutch colonial; practi cally now. beautiful surrounding* J. I. HIATT CO. ATLANTIC 99«0 F»>R SALE or rent. S-rin. modern house, 2701 woolworth Ave. Houses—Furnished. 84 BAVMAN. 2872—Sing!** woman, in Mlnne ! I.usa. want* responsible couple to share l euutlfui bungalow home. KK. 0714. Offices and Desk Koom. 85 ! VERY desirable office space and use of phone at 5 32 Keeltne Hide AT. 9813 REAL ESTATE—FO|{ SALE. Business rroperty. 91 lll'SV TRANSFER CORNER IDEAL INVESTMENT. !>NET. Ul.llVER ,< >s i1A 1 - - ■ I A _ Farms and Lands for Sale. 93 AT AUCTION. February 21. 320 a> res, Ruffahi rounlv, L’tn un,ler plow. Mark t .u;ilipr R.'kl Estate Auctiuneer, Central t'lty. Neb. |l*ulLTRY land $5 down. In monthly i buys 40 acres Southern Mo. Price $2"0 :td for li*t. Box 22-H. Kirkwood Mo City Acreage foi Safe. 14 1 ACRE. 40th and Fowler Ave. City water. Close to school and car. AT. 3024 OKOROK & Co., REALTORS Hotliei—North. 96 You Can’t Beat This $600 Cash Wonderfully Neat 5-Room Bungalow Fall u* up at WA. 1120 nr KK. 0413 and! lei us tell you about it. Very well located on a dandy eouth front lot with large shad** trees shrubs and fruit trees Hour* li is been built 2 years and is in the best of condition Has a good-sized living room, built-in bookcases between living and dining room, convenient kitchen With built-in cabinets, 2 excellent bedrooms with large eb seta and bath between. The floors ate oak throughout. finish is oak and enamel with hack band molding Decoration* and fixtures an good. Basement is full cemented ami J** light and airy. .lust 1% blocks to good tar line in good neighborhood; paved streets all paid for. This property be longs to a widow who Is leaving the e t and offers it at $' *00 for a quick sale Remember call WA 1120 or KK. 0415 tonight sure and make an appointment to see it. McCague Investment Co., REALTORS. 40 Years Dependable Service. JA. 1345. No 40. 5 Rooms, Garage All Modern Only $3,250 Ir good condition inside and out Newly pair,ted and decf»iat»*rl A dandy little home for the money N ee location. Won t last long $800 cash. See it today. D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors 7 12 Omaha National JA. 2000. Stlesmen: Lovgren. KK 0304. Baker. WA 3593; H..x, WE. 637 2. Burk. KK 2 834 $4,500 Buys a Real Home in Glenn Park Addition 5-room bungalow, sun parlor, a fine large Jiving, dining room, den, two large bed i coins with bath room between: oak f'< or* and finish. Largo attic, floored, two rooms par- -,ned. r* ly for finish, big basement full length of house with < oai and wood bins and a I? go ceiled fruit cabinet. Fine cement floored garage. House is four years old. Term*. $5*»c. balance to he paid like rent You will have to hurry to get in on this Pimm M Lokwood. HA 2479 eve. and KK. 7 412 days. Florence Field Ib^nd new un-to-the-minute bungalow of room*. Rest of «ak finish and floor* Living room 13x20, with real fireplace; bookcases, til* I orner bad rooms, dream <f a kitchen, large attic, full bi'«* m»ni; steel beam, posts and cellar *a*h; guaranteed constru* tion You cannot dupli cate this *• 'he jTb • 15.750: $«flft ash. Fall KK. 2832. KK 1472 or KK 1202. Charles W. Martin & Co., REALTORS Omaha Nat’] Hank Bide. AT 0187. A Beginner’s Opportunity Large 4-Room and Bath and Breakfast Nook The pr.if is t4.oro, with $350 rash bal nn> same as rent, complete in every re -r p't, lor* ,.f bu• ’I -in features; nice ln,-a tion Se« this f* day. Evenings and Sun days ra'l WA. 1125, JA 1212, WA. 12It J. C. Schmitz Co., *58 Omaha Natl Bank JA 1799 ONLY $4,600. Five rooms, strb fly modern, beautiful oak floor *t and fin;sh city water. * *\ver. gas. * let trie ligiit. bath furnace, floor drain in basement, ett East front. Paved street Not far from school and car line. Two yea*-a old This . * up a hill, but is very reasonable at this price Would cons «lcr a vacant lot or a small houae as f;rat payment. Bars* JA. *1014. $4,250 Now under const; u< t Ion. up-to-date, com Jeielv modern four-room bungalow, with five-room accommodations Contains many features \»».i suultl expeit only in larger hieher p*-> ,i or*con Call Grant Benson, walnut 1580 today. BENSON <v CARMICHAEL. A GOO!» NAME T\ THE HI’II. DING GAM K. 642 T’axfon Block _AT. 1540 Montclair hi'vu.u.iuv Five large room*. I»r*utlfully de« ora ted. n,tk floor* and fin *h. tiled bsth with built In tub all door* and window* me'sl weather stripped. g*'*g« and dri\e ('Acer anxtolu* to sell \V F V R N A M 8M I TH A- CO , JA ftftM. Eve. HA 2586. oi HA 2297. NEW « ROOMS AND RATH Just completed, teady to on qpy , large built-in breakfast nook and Kitchen cabinet selet t oak floors throtigbout, large east front lot t'*n he handled on small down payment, balance monthly. Lewis, WA 1422 R F F!,A R Y OO . Realtor* AT 367< l ‘U SAl.K BY OWNER. 244* Browne St.. 5-room modern bunga low Budt-In bookca sea, oak floor*, dandy furnace, cement basement, garage and drive**' Nice neighborhood, near - h .ol «nd church. Good reason for sell ing I'tit-e $ xnO Must ha'e $1 ,1)»“ cash SIX ROOM house: hot water heat Nice south front 60-font lot. two car garage. NVi ds a little fixing up. A good buy at $3.5m» HARRISON A MORTON. JA OS 14 WILL build and finance >our home on easy term* Set* us for plans J. F Sihmltx 'i i)maha National. JA 1799. t N ‘PH ST 5-room. $ 7'»0 cash. Cteigb 449 Bn JA Hit D K Rl’t *< A Fo. buy and sell homes 1 Chicken Raising I a Rio Linda, I California I ■ Lora*ad mtiaa from Sacra- MR H tha »t»ic capital. with a BB S3 pnpulat«nn of 100.000. Four ;$Sy hurdrad Camilla*. 'ii.nt of tham ^B ■ f'civ N.hra-k*. Iowa \Vucnn«ln Efl H amt M mt-rcta, now in Hto LuMa HUl IM Writa 'O for tha name*: vou M| C3 nnv know *oma of tham. thay Q all tall you of tha mnnav ^B PB that can ha mail# in raising ^B ■ rhck*n« an«l fruit Tan arras ISjL ^P Will maka vo»i indapandant If Bw ■ ara looking for wotidarful jfl flimata. halmr hraaraa and a IjB WM rham a to maka a good lit ins H| IS * • ho it imp h woik h r < a It is. IK IS If you ha\ a city p» o par tv that B|f ■ vou want to aall hafora buying BB *aa m #•, I tan nail it lot you Egfl H quirk. ^ Sacramento Suburban p |§ Fruit Land Co. M Ml V17 Omaha Nat’l Hank Hldg H Jjfcj O naha. Nab !«|P I. .1 HE ALEV. fjl HEAL ESTATE—FOR SALE IIoiim's—North. 96 NEW ROOM 177*N(#ALOW8 'V© hH\»* several new 5-room all modern bungalows all well located, close to »ar line, schools and churches, paved at reels. Many built-in features, select oak floors ami finish: could us© a good vacant lot on any one of these places. For prices, terms and location all Lewis WA. 1422. R. U CLARY CO.. Realtors. (•04 Omaha NmI'I Bunk Bldg. AT. 8871. STRICTLY MODERN NEW HOME. $500 DOWN BUILT-IN FEATURES. OAK I I>1 »RS PA t \ B A >N8, JA 1 r>i$ Houses—West. 9H No S 14. Brand New Bungalow Every Modern Feature 3 large rooms, one floor, ►elect oak floors, oak and enamel finish, long living room with French doors leading into dining room; tiled bath, built-in tub pedestal lavatory, clothes 'hute. Absolutely com l lets, built-in kitchen, canopy ov er gas ► love Large breakfast noon. Wonder ful light fixtures Full cement basement, fruit room, oversize N’esbit furnace, S'eel T* lirmn girder. : -1 n Joists. This fine borne is located one block from car line Mc> t . /instruction throughout. Price. $6 95A : 19f»0 cash w ill hand!.' ‘ til I). E. Buck & Co., Realtor? ■ 41 Omaha Nat l ,TA. 2non Salesmen: Box. WE 6372; L'vgren. KE 0.10 4: Baker. WA 3 591; Btr !:. K E. 2' .4 Happy Hollow Brick Bungalow Six large rooms arid aunroom. F.nlshed .n oak anil o.ik floors throughout At tractive fireplace. House nicely d* -.rat ed. Full basement Hot air heat Two ear garage 'Ibis bungalow is located In Happy Hollow a new addition on it high, sichtly lot. Price and terms very reason able. GEORGE & CO., Realtors Atlantic 3024. A Remarkable Bargain '623 Miami street, 6 rooms, all modern block w ?t of Country club. 1 block to Rose Hill school, 2 l»! - ks '.1 carlir.e. 1 * , • **d street House ;.1| new! de orate ! aril floors at! revarnlslmd. in tiptop < ondlt on Price |4 i!ii Sl.uih) down, ’he i dame *: per m»nt’-. House ’« va' ant Th** keys are at our office Call for appointment. C, G. Carlberg, •1A Q5S3 _312 Bran, Thes. Bldg Non-Resident Owner, $4,750 Five-room accommodations, 2 bed ooms. tile bath, model kitchen, dinnett© effect, large Long living room, paved Street, ‘■■■nth front marly new. fine lot Walnut Hill. Terms. AT. 4066. K E. 1732 DUNDEE BUNGALOW BARGAIN 86.750—11.000 CASH—$6,750. Extra large and roomv five-room Cali fornia type bungalow, fireplace, tiled bath with wall tub. etc Built by owner for home about on** year ago. south front lot—the be«t huv !n Dundee. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO. ;,?0 Tru«t Bids .TA 2242 J ’Omaha Bargain $250 and $43 month, ond own a strlrtlv modern 5-roi m oak •bungalow ar 42"9 M a tie St. Cali JA. 3140. evenings WE. 6250. -I BRAND new pressed brick duplex and double garare. v\ *»*. Want cash offer or1 will ’ i k • T — .demc AT. 9413. REAL ESTATE—FOR SAI.E. House*—West. Close-in Bargain ■ Good for investment or home Laic* *-r., well-built solid brick foundation, one-car. garage This place must be seen to Jj* appreciated for the prlc# It la offered. Takes 12,000 cash The prioe is $5,250. Eve. call WA. >125 or \VA. 1232. J. C. Schmitz Co., \*.8 Omaha Nat'l, Bank_ J A 171# 42d and Grant Sts. 7 rooms strb lly modern home, hot water . ,i' heat, south front. 2-car garage, pavirtg laid Beat of repair. Quick sRle. $4,Silo. $500 cash .i a 3140 B. E. Price, 220 Keellne. _ Kl’ Morrison 1.umber and Coal for pHres . n garages. Best construction at mlnl I mum t oat. WE. 6561._ Wild, build •" vour • il»r on our beau^i t ii 1 lots o Ldgew oo*l; \ery easy t«i.pj. Phone -VI .1' Utilises—Henson. •* Benson Bargain Won’t Last Long Ww ' t ’ - m m*P r'i bur*'.'ah w oak floor*, i .ik fini'-’ ti ed hfh. hudt-tn bath tob, broom * * and tt< h< n ablnet fur na■ . full * -. .I bin* inrn'. gnrage • > ., \vh • ■ $6.oom for a h*m* when vou run buy *his ore for $1,550? $060 • i Ilk • ■ Fred A. Bailey, MIS Mliilnrv An- _‘ » A. 4 30 4 Lot* t"r Sale. 103 'IAVh a f. ,v mil I... Iftl» in F.4*« wood for sale; for prices call C. A. Grim niel. J.\ Ifilf__ Wauled—Iteal Estate. 10.1 Property Priced Right S' •• . n ".ft d•» call ua for •juick resulta. Phono fa. II K-o • HA 1667. ~ " V.* .r PA LM Kit CO.. 410-1 ? -It K • h H • AT V»*n. WE h;i *• bu ” f *r tw .-story. six and . n - room h< m**«. north ««»uth arid wear, also a good ij.'timnd for 'a. ant lots. P mfit inspect i*. List w th us and;are to mu\e" Osborne Pealty Co, . f ' o peters T u-t Bldg. JA 22*2._, - , - WE sell Dundee hnn **s. 1,1st vour prop* erty with us for results Burt f. Fowler Co.. Realtors. JA. 1424, HAVE actual buyer for modern, all on ore floor. » FRANK f BEST AT 6135, HA. 0343. For results list your property with FIRST TRUST CO. AT. 072P 4no First Natl. Bank. LIST > ur southwest property with ua. \Ve *pe<-tfi Bzo there Mr. I.ovejoy, HA. 47 17 C f, Cariberg. Realtor. CH AS. W YOUNG A SON. Real Estate. Rentals, insurance 1602 City Nat l Bank. AT. M<*. r D FTUTUFTfNSON CO . Real Estate Ins i*»3 Farnam. JA *41#. \l (TIONS. Auction Sales. 106 FURNITURE of all kinds la bring re ceived daily at Stephenson s. 150# Cap:- * tol. If you want to save money. It will pay you to inspect the gooda that are fo* sale here. Homes Started now can be ready for spring occupancy when the comforts of home can best be enjoyed. Spring flowers — spring gardens— spring sunshine — yes, springs rains, too—but it's a grand and glorious feel ing to hear the pitter pat ter of April showers on the roof of one's own home. Building Casts They're upward bound— But Metcalfe Company has protected its prospec tive customers by the pur chase of enough material and supplies at the low price to build one hundred new homes. Let Metcalfe Company build your new home rnd get the advan tage cf the really low prices which prevailed this winter. Get Ready Now for Spring I looking forward to Omaha's PAUL J j continued growth, Metcalfe (urn- qqAD | pans has one man whose work i» j confined entirely to puhlir improrrments - | and city derelniiment. i'uial ( oad is the man, and regardless of whether or not | Metcalfe Company is direclly interested, i he has »t all tinn , been available for any | work which tended toward a higger and j better Omaha. Horn and raised in Omaha, | Mr. l oad is particularly qualified for the ! work he is doing. Ills experience and his I willingness at all limes to lend a helping | hand might he of benefit to yon some day. I Minne Lusa Bungalow Mir large. romf»rf able room*, with built ■ In feature* xml floored attic; oak floor* throughout, full re men ted ha*emcnt. *outh front lot. In Minna l.u*a. Only frt.tHHl, with f.VWt ca*h. Clifton Hill Bungalow New room, nil mmleru hungnlow. with ballt-ln feature*. WM lot, rloae to car and school Only *»«j term*. 7-Room Bargain **e\en large room*, with deeping poreh, fireplace, garage and floored atlle. Only M.MHV with ea*y term* Florence Field • New N room all modem hwng»t'w. with ttwrrh arpo** front ra*» front lot. Only I'.wn, m*a term*. Standard Place Not Vroom ill-m-'dfrn bungalow, with flrrplace ami hnllt-ta feature*; .Vi ft. ea«l front lot. clone l« car tine. Quick po*.*e**ion. Crest wood Bungalow New V roam all modern hnnratow. nltli t'wilt-ln feature*. in i rr»i«,M»t| iilt'IOeu n\) nine P Ifewood. Math »'{ Pacific and nut of inth M. West Leavenworth New N n»o n all modem bungalow In fonrw of ron«trti'!ion. *wrroun«|' e<l h* new home*. I'a« term*. Metcalfe Company Heme Pne roam all nvvlem hnngw'w, nrnr na*h and Tort M* paM. nllee |‘*»e| eadr to ocrany, Onl\ S'..*hO with term* !o“ GfflPD *ss \ <1 join in « Edcpw I’aciflp XI. J,) Wnolttntth tip. icth to 60th St. Before Buying a Home Call Walter Rowley. WA 1327; l.eroy C.ehria. KE 5039; Kenneth Metcalfe. WA 6557 or Ted Tuhin WA 1911 >•• 9