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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1924)
Market in Wheat - Drifts Lower and Closes at Bottom lair Support During Reaction Tends to Regulate Decline; Trade Generally Assumes Waiting Attitude. - 4* Bv C HARM-:* J. LEVDKN, 1 nivcmul Service Staff Correspondent. Chicago. Dec. 11.—Reacting from the heavy anrl persistent profit taking of the lasf row sessions, the wheat market today drifted steadily lower and closed at the bottom. Fair support In the way of rest ing orders tended to regulate the decline, ^cwi developments were without feature and the trade generally assumed u wait ing attitude. • Wheat closed 1 V* © l % c lower, corn was 3^»©*Vwc lower, oats were down and rye ruled 1©ltfcc lower. Humors were out to the effect that private* settlements were effected in wheat and corn fo> December delivery atra wralle th.* trade figured such an occurrence probably took place still there ^hs no confirmation. However, as always, the reports unsettled traders and slowed up the volume of business. Outside Interests .also wore light. The seaboard confirmed export sales of 800.000 bushels. largely Manitoba*, Kniland. Italy. Antwerp, Rotterdam and Hitmen, bought wheat. France cancelled some. Harley sales were 100,000 bushels. Rye trade, dull. Liverpool wheat/futures were off l3fe©lVsd at the dose. Support in the corn pit has dropped off abruptly and longs have been eager, to take profits. The settlement tnlk was more disconcerting us regards corn than wheat. The country offerings of this grain were only moderate, and I he de mand for the cash article was good, but speculative buying power fell off. Rains in the Argentine attracted plenty of long corn from commission houses and locals were inclined to press the selling side. Kastem selling on oats futures took th* edge off this grain. On the dips good buying was evidenced, but the flurries were not held. Rye was slow and reactionary. Buying of December rye whs credited to the lead ing bull, while a local elevator interest sold December and bought May at 3\c difference. Provisions opened firm but eased grad ually. Lard closed 12 Vi ©20c lower ami ribs closed 12,*c lower. Pit Notes. Considering the rapiditv of the recent advance in wheat the reaction today spoke well for the underlying strength of the jivirk.d. In normal times, unlike these. th<* trained man in the grain business would expect to sec ciuite a severe break, considering the enormous amount of realizing that it canie in from all direc tions of the recent high points. But this break of such size has not come and it hardly will. There are too many people willing to buy on anv kind of a reaction, dip nr weak spot. The willingness on the part of the speculator to buy wheal explains the sustained advance in prices since last stunmer. There have been only two or tbret ftharp setbacks experienced in thut time and world conditions today look every bit as strong if not stronger than they were a month ago or so. The close adjustment of world supply and demand is still very apparent. Primary wheat receipts dropped near Hie million mark today. A little over, a week ago thev were averaging above t?. 000,000 bushels dally. Thar* la no doubt but that the farmer Is als.Ct iold out on the bulk of his crop. Clearances of wheat ■will probably remain large for the next three months at least. Supplies on ocean .passage are decreasing. Foreign consump tion Is said to be progressing at a rapid i ate. One hears appreciable activity in the domestic milling trade. In the north^test mills continue to bid eagerly for the choice grades, but they are finding no lift's trouble In flUit^i their needs. Pre miums In the northwest markets are well held. Red wheat is scarce in every mar hot nnd Is apparently headed for a big premium over the future delivery. Slocks of wheat In millers hands cannot be very large'. The extent of home consumption is \ery satisfactory according to authori ties. .and It Is likely that the domestic demand will tend to facilitate Inroads into the visible supply which at present * looks large. f Omaha Grain Cmmm-/ donahs. Dec. 11. Cash wheat sold on tha tables today about %e lower, following the easier fu tures. The demand was fairly good and tables were well cleared of offerings. Re ceipts were 57 cars (3orA was in only fair demand at lc to 2c lower. Receipts were 32 cars. Oats sold at unchanged prices to %c lower. Receipts were 14 cars. Rye was quoted lc to 2c lower ana barley nominally unchanged. Omaha ( nrlot Hales. WHEAT No 2 dark hard: 1 car, $1 69. No! 1 hard. 4 cars. $1.53; 2 car*, $ i ;> 2 %. No. 2 hard: 1 car, $1.54; 5 car*. $1.53; 1 car, $1.63%: l car. ** *2. No. 3 hard: 2 cars, $1.52%: 3 can^ $1 52; l car. $1.49. No. 4 hard: 1 car, $1.5 — No 5 hard: 1 car, $1.51; 1 car. $1 49; *. $1.50. Sample hard; 1 car, $1.47. No. 1 durum: l car, $1 51. No. I spring: 1 car. $1.64 No. 3 spring: l car, $1.5$. No. 4 spring: 1 car. $1.58. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, $1.51. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $1.70. No. 3 mixed: 1-3 car, $1.53. CORN. No. 2 white. 1 car. $1.15. No. 3 White: 1 car, $1.14. No. 2 yellow: l car, $1.15. No. 3 yellow : 2 cam, $1.15. No. 1 yellow: 3 cars, $1 14. No. 6 yellow :1 *-ar, $1.10. No. 2 mixed: 2 cars. $1.14. • OATS. «*Co. 2 white: 2 cars, No. 3 white: 4 cars. 66c. Sample white: 1 car. 53c. RYE. No 1: 1 car. $1.26; 1-i car. $1.24%; 1 ca<. *1 26%. No, 2: 13 car. $1.25*. ^ BARLEY. No. 2: 1-3 car. 8$c. No 4: 1 car. $$%<:*, 2-3 car. 87c. Daily Inspection of Drain Received WHEAT. 7lard: 1 car No 1, 9 car* No. t, 7 ears No. 3. 1 car No. 5. Total. 13 car*. TORN. Yellow: 1 car No. 2. 2 car* No. 4, 1 Ny, 6. 1 ear sample. White: 1 car No. 1. 3 cars No. 2. Mixed: 1 car No. 2. 1 car No. 3, 3 ears No. 4. Total, 14 cars. OATS. "White: 4 cars No. 3, 2 can No. 4, Total, 7 cam. Total, all grain*. 34 far*. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Carlota.) _ Week Year RgrJIpte— Todsy. Ago. Ago. v,-h<*t . 57 *!* Con,* . 52 2» 69 Oat,' . 1« ** 2; " • * " . Weak Year Shipments— Today. Ago. Ago. /j. 8 " 1 PRlJtARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Huehele.) _ Week Tear r.fcelpl*— Today Ago. .Ago. •Wheat V.1,0*5.990 ;. 361,000 908.000 eD,y . 702.000 1,000,000 1,046,000 Oal a . 696.00 498.000 845,000 Weak Year Shipment*— Today. Ago. .. Ago. Wheal . 980,000 1,444.000 416,000 ('ora . 187.000 408.000 799,000 Qaig' 483,000 408,000 474,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Year nllahela— * Today. Ago SVhiat and Flour . 1.72,000 604,000 CUICAUO RECEIPTS. «"Hrlot*— Today Wk.Ago. Yr.Ago. Wheat . 132 38 H Corn .13* 1»9 Ml t>a ta .. 106 46 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS. fVrlot*—- Today Wk,Ago. Yr.Ago. Wheat . 9 4 ... 108 Corn .12« •{ Oa ta .. 9 ST. LOTUS RECEIPTS Oarloto— Today Wk.Ago. Yr.Ago, Wheat .1»9 78 (,* 4- 23 ... •>* NoIltHWESTKRN WHEAT RECEIPTS. dtrfote— Today Wk.Ago. Yr.Ago. Mlnneapolle ..398 300 237 Winnipeg .969 81a I»I2 SI. Jn.epll IJeealmA. St. Joaeph. Mo.. Dee. II.—Horn—Re eelola 14.000 head: market, beat, ateady; ..there, weak to lower; lop. I9 60 bulk, 98.85099.66. <tattle—Receipt*. !.000 head; market, alow and lower; bulk of gteerh 18 26® 8 60- top. 810.50: .own and heifer. 13 00 09 9 00 ralvea. 84.0009.40; atockera ami feeder. 83.6007 00. . Sheep- Receipt* 4 000 head: market. Iieadv; lamlia. 814 00® 16.36; ewea. 18 00 ft 9.00. _ _ Minneapolis Flour. Mlnneapolla. Dec. 1 L~Fluur—Market pnehenged Bran 129.00 ff 30 00._ New York kilter. Mom Volk Dec l| Ha r Silver—89 Mi * Mexican dollera. 63'.e kanaae < Hr I’rtsluee. Ife.aa. City. Dac. II.—Produce—Lit Obgnged r December 11. Receipt* were— Cal tie Hogs Sheep. Monday official . ...1L745 13,424 5.502 Tuesday official _ 8.493 9.472 7.097 Wednesday official . $.893 17,292 11.51s Thursday estimate . 7.500 18.50m 11,200 •Four days this week 35.031 68.688 25.317 Same d. last wk. ..29.762 78.00$ 37.439 Same d. 2 wke. ago 23.269 37.903 20.593 Same d. 3 wk*. ago 41.891 49,694 87.298 Same days year ago 41,899 51,390 61,822 Cattle—Receipts. 7,500 head. There was very little trading in cattle on early rounds and outside of the strictly choice offerings bids were generally 15®25c low er than Wednesday. Prime yearlings sell ing up around II 1.75® 12.76 or higher were quotably steady but on the general rur» of shortfed and wanned up steers and cows th« market 'ha* declined 40® 50c this week and In some cases more. Business in stockers and feeder* was again badly demoralized and although prices arc fully half a dollar lower than last week the demand Is very small. Quotations on cattle were: Choice to prime yearlings, f 12.00® 13.50; good to choice yearlings. $10.25® 11.75} ffclr to good yearling*. $8.26 010.00; common to fair yearlings. $6.7508.00; trashy warmed up yearlings. $5.00® 6.50: choice to prime heavy beeves, $9.60® 10.50; good choice heavv beeves. $8.36® 9.50: fair to good beeves, $7.25® 8.26; common to fair beeves. $6.25® 7.25: good prime longfed heifers. $8.00® 10.50; fair to good fed heifers, $6.50® s.oo jcomnion to fair fed heifers. $1.50® 6.00; grind to choice fed cows. $5.2506.90; fair to gcod fed cows, 94.25® 5.25; common to fai* fed cows, $3.6004.25; canners. $2.60® 2.75: cutters, $2.8503725; veal calves, $6.00® 10.00; heavy and medium' calves, $3.0007.00; beef and butcher bulls. $3.50®6.50; native bologna buHs, $3.00®3.40; good to choice feeders. $6.25® 7.25; fair to good feeder;'., $5.25®6.25; common to fair feeders. $4.00 ® 5 00, good to choice* stockers. $6.60® 7.26; fair tu good stockers, $5.6(106.50; common to fair stockers, $4.5005.50; trashy stockers. $3.00® 4.00; stock heifers, $3.5u®4.60; stock rows, $2.7503.25; stock (alves. $3.(itf® 7.00; common to good grass beeves. $4,50® 7.26: grass heifers. $4,000 5.75: gra<s cows, $3.60®5.26; range bulls. $2.50® 3.25. BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 11 . 791 $5 25 15.v 968 $6 60 12 . 923 7 00 rows AND rtjfilFERS 10.1071 3 10 S. 1115 3 65 7 . 698 4 0(1 S.1821 4 10 3 . 370 5 25 3 803 5 40 9. v_ 441 6 50 2. 693 5 75 9'.'. 988 6 10 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 13 . 832 3 75 20. 641 6 75 BULLS, STAGS. ETC 1 .1420 3 25 1 1710 3 50 CALVES. 10. 315 3 00 47. 306 4 25 3. 163 9 50 Hogs—Receipts. 18.500 head. Liberal supplies at all centers tended to weaken local prices slightly this morning and movement of the best butcher grades to shippers v/as o.i a steady to 10c lower basis. The packer market was draggy throughout at uneven losses. Bulk of all sales was at $8.40®9.40 with early top, $9.^0. HOGS No. Av. Sh Pr No. Av. Sh. Pr 81.*.228 8 $8 8.’. 12.. 190 ... $9 05 32.. 213 ... 9 40 25..262 ... 9 45 15.. 216 ... 9 50 36 .293 ... 9 65 Sheep—Receipts. 11.200 head. General rows was of a bearish nature and under fairly large offerings fat lamb prices suf fered a moderate set back. Feeders were scarce and around steady with aged sheep also of limited number and firm. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs good t.. choic% $14.75011.50; lambs fair to good, IlS/oO® 14.50; feeding lambs, $13.50® 14.85; wethers. $7.25010.00; year lings, $10 no® 12.76; clipped lambs, fed. $12.00® 12.75; t»f ewes. $6 0009.50. FAT LAMBS. No. Av. Pr. 413 fed . 83 $14 90 FAT EWES. 179 fed .119 8 99 FEEDER LAMBS 27 ... 54 14 75 Receipt* and disposition of livestock at the Union stockyards. Omaha. Neb., for 24 yours ending at 3 p. in. December 11: RECEIPTS—CARLOT. Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Wabash . 3 1 Missouri Pacific . 6 8 Union Pacific . *4 63 12 C. A N. W., east.17 12 r. Sc N. W west. 41 ion In C. St. P. M. A O_ 36 20 2 C. R. A Q , east. 15 14 <T. B. ft Q . west. 39 46 C. R. I A P.. east .7 m 4 C R I & P. west.. 1 3 Illinois Central . 11 4 1 C. C,. W. 7 K Total receipts .267 292 46 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheen Armour A Co.- 41 2 3.821 1.663 Cudahv Pack. Co. .1,188 6."n3 2,94t Do Id Pack. Co. 124 2.182 - Morris Pack. Co.... 389 2.604 496 Swift. A Co.1,375 4 468 2.656 Hoffman Bros. 19 .... ... Mayerowlch A Vail 13 .... .... Midwest Pack. Co.. 13 .... .... S n Pack Co.... 35 . ... .... Murphy. .T. W. 3.*20 .... Kenneth-Murray . *6* •••• Lincoln Psck. Co.. 5 .... .... Nagle Pack. Co... 54 .... .... Sinclair Pack. Co.. 42 .... .... Anderson A Son..., 95 .... .... Bulla. J. H v 28 . Cheek. W II. 13 .. Ellis A Co... - 36 Harvey. John . 184. .... .... Inghram. T. .T. 6» . .. .... Kirknatrick Bros . . 17 .... •••• Krebbs A Co. 3 .... .... Longman Bros. ... 190 .... .... I.uberger, H. 8 ... *r>0 .... .... M.-K C. A C Co. . 149 .... .... Uoot. J B. A Co.. 139 . Rosenstock Bros... 34 .... •••• Stnlley Bros. . 18 .... .... Sullivan Bros. 48 .... • • • • Ollier buyers . 1,073 ... 1.49i irznrm mi m mn ra < rmtn 4 hinigo Livestock Chicago, Her. 11.—Hog*—Receipts, 72, 000 head; uneven; nioatlv steady; weighty butchers firm; lightweight alow; under weight ateady to 26c higher; fairly ac tive demand; big par kera doing little; top. $; bulk desirable 2250 325-pound butchers. $9.6009.HO; 170 to 210 pound weight largely, $8.4009 40; bulk 140 to 150 pound kind. $7.25'<y 7.76; paining sows mostly, $8.90® 9.lo; bulk strong weight slaughter plan $6.600 6.78; handy weight bogs, $9.6009 90; medium, 18 90 4/9.90; light. $7.6009.40; light light. $6.2508.45; packing hogs, smooth. $9.00 09.25; packing hog*, rough, $8.8009.00; slaughter pigs. $5.7507.00 Cattle—Receipts. 19,000 head; weighty steers trade semi-demoralised; weak to 26c under Wednesday's average market; In-between grade* yearlings snowing de cline; choice yearlings about steady ;• early top. $14.00; some held higher; medium and big weight steers predominating In run; fresh receipts Increased by moderate holdover from Wednesday; many Weighty steera held off market , hulk of quality and condition to sell at 99.50 downward; fat she stock strong: little done; other f lapses generally steady; largely $9.50 trade on choke veglers to packers. % Sheep and Lambs- Receipts, 26.000 head; active; fat lambs steady to weak; bulk fat natives and fed westerns. $16.50 016.75; best bid early, $16.86; best held at $16.00; no dippers sold; fat sheep steady: hnndywelgnt fat ewes. $8.50® 87.5? feeding lambs ateady to atrong; bulk, $14.50# 15.26; best bid, $16.50. Kagans 4 ity l.lmUN-k. Kfnsas City. Mo. Dec. 11.—United States Department of Agriculture) — Re ceipts. 3,500 head: calves, $8 00; slow; quality plain; beef steers and yearlings weak to 26n lower; top mtved yearlings, steers end heifers. $11.50; bulk eligible to sell at $6.500 8.60, butcher cows and heifers slow; steady; cannera strong to lac higher; calves steady; practical veal top, $9.00; hulls ateady to 16c higher; Stocker and feeder steers very dull. 16c to 2ftc lower; one load choice docker* $7 65, stock cows and heifers and cslves dull, ateady. Hogs 15,000 head; mostly steady with Wednesday’s average; shipper top, $9 56; packer top, $9 50. bulk of sales $9 OOff 9.50. bulk desirable 180 to 360-pound averages $9.1009.60; packing sows, $8.80 0 9 16; stock pigs dull. Sheep end I«ninh* Receipts, 6.000 head; slow, killing quality plain; lambs steady to 15«f lower; top to shippers, $1 6 25; other fed lots to packers largely $14 60016.00; clippers, $12 00. sheep and feeding lambs steady; odd lots fat ewea up to $9.60; feeding lambs,• fit.26. ! -k, ... „ sioux C ’Ity. la Dor II tattle Re relpts. 6,000 head; market alow; killers steady. 25c lower; stackers 26c lower; long fed yearlings. $10 00011,26; short feds. $5 60® 9 dt heavy sleets. $7.00® It 26* fat nows am! heifers. $4.96® l I 00; cannera and cutters, $2 25® 3 50: gr ass cows and heifers. $3,604/ 4.50; \«sls. $3.00 ® 8.60; bulls, $3 000175; feeders. $450® 8 86; stockers $4 004/675: stock yearlings and calves. $.1 00 0 7.00; feeding cows ami heifer*. $3 00 tf 4.60. Hogs—-Receipts. 30.000 head; market steady, 25c lower; top. $9.50; >mlk of sales. $8 000 9.50- lights. 17 500 8 90; butchers. $9 00489.50; mixed. $8 600 9 26 ; sing*. 17 0007 25; stork pigs, $4 0005 26; killing pigs. $5.60 0 7 50 Hheep Receipts 1,500 head} market steady; lambs. $12 26 M. I.oiila I D* stock. 8R. T.ntils, vfo. Dec 11 -Cat tie— Re ceipts. 3.600 head; market, steady; native beef steers, $5/6014.00, yearling ateera and heifers, $3 6001176 cow*. $8 50# 8 25; stockers and feeders, $4 2508 75; (nive*. $:t 60010,00. cannera and cutters, $2.0001.60 Hogs.Receipts 16,000 head: market steady: mixed and butchers. $9 10® 9 76; good heavies $« 70® 9 90; roughs $8.70# 9 00- lights. 99.3609 40, pigs, $H 0008.00; bulk. $9 45,9 95 Hheep Receipts, 1,600 head; market, steady, multon ewes. $9 0008 50; lambs, $l 3 on# 16 60- i Nimers and chopper*, $2.00 ® 5.00. 91, l.oiiis «<rnln Futures Hi I,mils. Dec t| Dash t’lose Wheat -December, II i»9. Mev. II 4 4*% t orn December, $1 21 U; May. 9 1.2*• Oat*-— December, 67c; May, 6Ju Stock Market at First Sour, Then Gains Are Made Rails, on Average, Return to Level of Previous Day, While Industrials Are Down a Fraction. Il> KI4HAKD Mi’II.I.ANK. I nlvMMtl Service-l1 iiiHncial Editor. New York. bet*. 11.—For a goodly part of the forenoon today the stock marks* looked sour. Prices melted la a way to depress security holders and bull spec ulators alike. Home of the highly active ibsueri were down ;t to 83* points from the lop of Wednesday and, as usual, iu buoh circumstances there was a plethora of depressing rumors afloat. One was to the effect that the federal reserve re discount rate was to be raised. United States Steel gave no evidence of strength. Jl dropped tdowlje but steadily until It got to 115V which was 3V below its high of the day before. Students of the market watched steel particularly. Some of them contended that when the turn was coming that security would give the signal. Events proved, or seemed to prove, they were correct. Well along in the forenoon word came that Shoatson Hammll floor brokers were buying steel. A little later steel turned upward ami In due time most of the others followed. The reaction apparently had spent most of Its force. There were txf«nded gains in some is sues. such as Lehigh Valley, International •'ombustiori Engineering. May Department Htroes. New Orleans. Texas & Mexico, the various iMiues of commercial solvents, the Fries, West Penn and Utah Securities. This, with ths action of steel, led to short covering in the last hour but the market showed considerable irregularity toward the close. Home sugars were up and some were down. It was so, too, with ih*» rails, the oils and various others but «he- tone was much better than the day before. The net result of the day was the rails, on an average, went about back to where they stood In price the nay before while industrials were down about of a point. Foreign exchange with the exception of French francs, which wfere 6% points lower, wrb steady. New York Quotations ^ - - New York Stock exchange quotations furnished by ,1. 8. Bache A Co., 224 Oma ha National Batik building. Wed. High Low Close Cloae. Agriculture Chem 14 13*; 13 4; 14 v, Ajax Rubber . 13U 12*» 13 13** Allied Chemical .84 4; x|*4 8 3^ 84' Allis - Chalmers . 65** 64V* 6514 65 Am Boet Sugar . 43% 43% 43% 43 Am Rk Sh Fdry . S9 American Can ..141% l44\ 146% 147 Am Car A Fdry .179 176% 178 177% Am HAL. 13 14% Am H A L pfd . 69 \ 69 69 70 Am inter Corp . 33% 33% 33% 33% Am binaeed Oil . 24% Am Locomotive . 87% *6% 87% 87 Am Radiator . ..12»% 128% 128% 128% Am Ship A Com. 12% 12% Am Smelting ... 86% 86% 86 86% Am Smelting pfd .lf»5 106% Am Steel Sdrles . 42 4l% 41% 41% Am Sugar ,. 4» % 45% 48% 46% Am Sumatra . 11% 11% Am Tel A Tel ..131% 132% 13.7% 132% Am Tobacco .167 167 Am W A El . .. 38% 86% .78 .:b% Am Woolen . 60% 59% 60% 60% Anaconda .41% 46% 41 41% Associated DO .133% 132 132% 133% Associated Oil ... 31 30 30% 31 Atchison .*.116 114% 116 116% Atlantic Coast L.145% At Oulf A W I .. 20% 20 20% 20% At Refining Co . 86% 85% 96% 86 Austin - Nichols . 31% 31 31% 32 Baldwin .123% 121% 132% 122% Baltimore AO.. 76% 76% 76% 76% Bsrnsdall A .19% II 19% 19% Beth Steel . 48% 47% 48% 48% Bosch Magneto .. 34 22 17% 31% Bklyn - Man Ry . 38% 37% 38 38% Brook!yn-M pfd... 74% 74 74 74% Brooklyn- Ed. Co. . ... 121% 122% Cal. Packing.IOO 9s 98% 100% Cal. Petroleum... 22% 21% 22 22% Cal A Arlx. M.13% Canadian Paeffic. . 150% 149 1 49% 150% Central Leather... 20 19% 19% 20% Cen'l Leather, pfd. 55% 65 56 % 56 Cerro de Pasco... 60% 44% 60 60% Chandler Motors.. 33% 33% 33% 33% Ches. A Ohio. 94% 93% 94% 93% C. Great Wr. com. 9% 9 9% 9% C. Great W pfd.. 26% 25% 27 27 Chicago AN W.. 72% 70% 71% 72% C , M. A 8t. P_ 17 15% 17 16% C M A Ht P pfd. 28% 27% ?IL% 28% C. R. I A P. 45 43% 45 45% O. St. P.. M. A O. .. 56 Chile Copper. 34% 83% 34% 34 Chino. . 27 27 Cluat t - Peabody . 60 66% 66% 60% Cluett-P pfd. . .. .103% Co< a Cola. ..81 80 80% 81 Colo. Fuel A Iron. 39% 3» 38% 39 Columbia Carbon.. 60% 49% 60% 51 Columbia Gas. 44% 44% 44% 44% i’ongoleum . 41% 40% 41% 43 Consolidated Cigars. 25% 25V 25% 26% Consolidated Gas . 78% 75% 77% 77 Continental Gas . 63% 61% 63% 68% Continental Motor. 8% 8% Corn Products. .. . 41% 40% 41% 41% Cosdeti . 25 24 24 % 25 Crucible . 71% 69% 71% 70% Cuba C. Suga-- 13% 13% 13% 13%' Cuba Or 8. nfd ... 67% 56% 66% 68% Cuba-Am. Sugar.. 29% 29% S9% 29% Cuyamel Fruit- 62% 62% 62% 62% Daniel Boone .. 7% 6% 6% 7 David Chem ... 42% 40% 41% 42% Dela A Hudson . 129% 129% Pci A 111 131 131 13.* Kastman Kodak *> 110% Erie 31% 10% 31% 30% Flee Stor Bat 64 62% 64 63% Kam Plav . 94% 92% 93% 92 Fifth A\e Hus L • 11% 11% Fisk Rubber . .. 13% 12% 13 13% Klelscb Yeast . 81% hi i;5 *3% General Asphalt 57% 64% 56% 67% General Electric .274% 270 % 272’* 273% Gen Motors 60% 69 60 % 60% Gold Dust 43 Oood rich ..34% 34 74 34 tit Northern Ore 31% 32% 33% 33% <it North Rv pfd 70% 7« 70% 70 % Gulf States Steel. 7»% 78% 79% 79% Hartmann^ Trunk 37% 76 26% 37% Haves Wheel ... 36% 35 3b 36% Hudson Motors . 33% 32% 3274 82% Home Mining Co 41% Houston Oil _ 74% 70% 73% 73% Hupp Motors . . 16% 16 16% 16% III tent's! .114% 112% 113% 112% HI Central pfd. 114 114% inspiration . 20% 29% 29% Int Eng Com C.. 37% 34% 37% 34% Inter Harvester .107 104 107 J0«% Int Merc Mari .13% 1Y 11% 14 Int, Met.; M pfd. 44% 42% 44 44% Inter Nickel . .. 23% 22% 22% f". % Inter Paper .... 51% 4 9% 60% 51% Int* r Tel A Tel... 88% 86% 56% 87 Invincible OH ... 14% 13% 13% 14% .1 ones Tea .... . .. . 18 % Joydan Motor ... 49% 47% 48% 4* K C. Southern .. 16% 34% 35% 37% Kelly-Spring . 16% U% 16% H% Kermecott . 63% 62% 62% 51% Lee Rubber . 12% 12 12% 12V I^hlgh Valley ... 74% 72% 74 72 Lima Loco . . . .... 46% «5% c« *« r.oo«».wii,» . .... 77 1.0111, * Nn.h .10*'., 104 14 Mock Truck .111% 101% 110% 111% May Dopt Store.. 114 101% 114 100 Maxwell Motor A 70% 77% 7»% 76% Maxwell Motor B 37 38% *4% *7 Mnrlnn'1 . *<% *4% 36% 34% 6Ntlean S.ix ..... *0% 1» 1»% IIS Miami Copper .. 2314 33% M K A T By... .10% 24% :»% 30% Ml.anurl r.e .... 31% 30 *1% 30% Ml.amlrl P*c nfd., 70% 4*% 70% ««% M'in(*otn.rv W .. 44% 43 44% 44% Molhor f.nrlo . 4% •% 1% * % Naah Motor, ....144 144% 144 144% National HleruP 70% 70 70 71 National Knamet . 24% 27 14 34% 24 National Dead .143% 144% 147% «»% N T A B . ... 44% 47 47% 44 N T Central ...114% 114% 114% 114% N r n A Ht I, ...116% 117% 114% 117 % N T V H * IT. .. 24 *27% 27 % 27% North American .. 41% 40% 41% 41% Nor Pacific . 41% 4 4% 44% 44% N A W By .132% 122 122% 12} t Irpli.uin ... 34 % 34 \ "Well, Boltin .... 44% 43% 41% 44’, Pacific Oil . 40% 44 r.o % 40% Packard Motor ... 14 14% 14 14 Van-Antarlcan ... 44% 44% 44% 44% Van An, B . 44 % 44% 83 48% Bonn R B ....... 44% 44 44 % 4*% People, flax ..It* 11} Pcrr Maruuetta . 4ti % 65% 44% 44% Phlla Po . 43 »*.% 43 52 % I’htlllfa Patrol 34% 43% 34% 34% Pierce Arrow 14% 13 1, 14% 14% Poalmn Cereal . *7% *4% 47 *4% I’reaaed Steal Par . . 44% 8, % Pro ftntl B.ftnnra 25% 25 24 24% Pullman .143 144 % 141% 142 Puma At Hu* . . 41% 40% 41% 41% Pure Oil . 20% 17 24 % 24% Hatlto Porn 44% 42% 43% 44% Railway HU Sp 124% 124 124% 128% Rnv PonanlldaOd 15% 14% 14% 10% Readln* ... 4»< 47% 44% 44% R. nlo.l. . 11% I* 1*H »« Hanulillc lr A Ml 44 83 51 85 Roval Dutch N W 47% 47 47% 47% Nil, 4 4 r «3% 41% «1% 81% *t 1, * N W . 51% 4*% 51 61% Schulte Plaar St 1"7'% 107 107 104 S. ara lloahuck .141 116% 134% ItfjA Khali Union Oil . . 20% t»% 30*. 20% Klmtnona Po ... 36% 36 88 3. Sinclair oil 14 16% 16% 18% Mine. - Mheffl-ld 80 74 % 74% 30% Skellr Oil 20% 10% 20% 20% Fkni'harn Pacific 102 !on% 10T 10|% Mint I ham Railway 74% 74% 74% 73% Standard Oil Pal 1,4% 53', t#% 60% Miami Oil N .7 . 34% S!% 34% 84% Standard Plot- O 16% 16% 16% 14 Stewart VI'arnar 42% 41% *2% 43 Strom Carburetor 6? 65 84 66% 1 Mu«ahak.r 48% 41% 43% 42% kill,tnatlna Boat .. 104, io io% 10 o.,,, <•,, , . 43% 41% 41’, 41% ■|r« oulf Sulphur 41 44% 00% 41% T i,I,, * Par 45% 4J'i 44’, 44% Tlrnk Roll Bear 38% 47% 3*% 37% •t'nh Pro.l 40', *•40 4«'» 70 Tran.,,,n I'll 4 ’’a * ' 4 Union Pas ....... 14? 145% 147 1*6% I'nlted Fruit .204% 206% 1’ 8 Cast Iron P 13* 133% 137 12* % IT 8 Ind Alcohol . 82% *0% T1 % H% U 8 Rubber . 3S % 37% 3H% 38% C 8 Rub pfd . 93% 93 93 % 94 II 8 Si eel .117% 1 I o % 116% 116% V S 8tee| pfd ....121% 121% 121% 121% Utah Copper...... 84% S3 % 83% 84% Vanadium . 27% 27 27 % 28% \ ivatidou .. 9 Wabash .* 21% 20% 21% 21% Wabash ••A1* .... 67 66% 57 68% Western I’nlon ...116% 115% 116 117 West Air Brake 107 106% 106 108*4 Westing Elec _ 67% 66% 67% 63 %\ White Kagle Oil . 26% 26% 25% 26% White Motors _ 68 67% 68 68 % Woolwnrtli Co ...112% 111 112^112% Willya-Overland 10% 10 10% 10% Willya-Over pfd . 73% 71% 7.1 72% Wilson . 7% 6% %% 7 Wilson pfd .«_ 19 19% Worth Pump . 62% 60% 62% 61% Wrlgley Co. 4 4 Yellow Cab T Co 49% 49% 49% 49% Yellow Cab M Co.. 38 39% Total sales Wednesday. 2,061,000. Today s 2 p. m. gales, 1,412,800. r 5 New York Bonds s New York. Deo. 11.—Bond prices re acted sharply today on heavy selling in spired by apprehension over the trend of money rates and contradictory reports regarding prospective increase In the Federal Reserve bank's rediscount rate. Total sales exceeded |86,0u0.000. the larges! single day's volume of business sinew early in August, Liberty bonds bore the brunt of selling pressure earlv in the day, some of the government issues dropping almost half a point on fears that the discount rate might be advanced. Intimations from Washington that no change in the rate wduld be made at present, which were confirmed bv the New York bank after the close of the market steadied th9 bonds, most of them regaining their earlier losses. Trading, was unusually heavy in this llsl, the total turnover ap proximately 110,000 000 of which more than $6,000,000 was accounted for by sales of the fourth 4%a. Liquidation of various corporation bonds increased today, causing general reces sions in railroad, industrial and public Utility bonds. Louisville A Nashville or dropped 1 % and Atchison general 4%, St. Louis Southern 4s. and Minneapolis A Nt. Louis refunding 5s lost about a point each. CTheseprake A Ohio convertible 5s de veloped Independent strength, advancing to new 1924 high level on the Improved outlook for completion of the Nickel Plate railroad merger. International Great Northern adjustment 6s also re sponded to approval of the Missouri Pa cific merger but met profit taking later. An. issue of $4,000,000 Murray Body Cor poration first mortgage 6% per cent 10 year sinking fund gold bonds was over subscribed. Public offering will be made tomorrow of $15,000,000 Fisher Body corporation one one four-year 5 per cent notes, which will be priced to yield 4.26 to 5.12 per cent to maturity. Sixty per cent of the company's stock is owned by the General Motors corporation. l ulled States Bonda^ fSalea ir $1,000.) High. Clone. | 158 Llhertv 3%s ...ini 100.26 100.31 19 Liberty 1st 4%s..101.22 100.16 100.21] 638 Liberty 2d 4%$.. 100.30 100.91 140.80 1091 Liberty 3d 4%*..1014 101.3 1016 6854 Liberty 4th 4%s.. 101.30 101.23 101.30 1179 U S Irene 4%a... 106.6 104.21 105.6 Foreign. 19 Anton Jurgen 6s.. 88% *8% 4 5%! 12 Argentine Govt 7a..l02% 102 102 200 Argentine Gov 6s.. 96% 96 96 %; 200 Argentine Gov 6s. 95% 95 96% 83 Austrian gov 7s... 96% 95% 96% 3 Bordeaux 6s . 87 86% 86%, 9 Copenhagen 6%s . . 94% 94% 94% 10 Great Prague 7%s 91% 91% 91% 13 Lyons 6s . 86% 86% 86% 18 Marseilles «A _ 87 86 % Hf,% 15 Rio Janeiro 8s 47.. 93% 93% 93% 33 Cxecho Rep 6s 62.106% 100 100% 39 Dept Seine 7s _ 92 91 % 92 1 Dominican Rep 5%s 91% 91% 41% 2 Dom Can 5%s 29.102% 102% 1U2\ 14 Dom Can Ds 5.109% 102% 107% 70 Dtch E Ind 6a 62 98% 98% 98% 54 Dtch E Ind 6%» 53 92% 92% 92% 21 Framerlean 7%s .. 94 93 93% 68 F Rpub 8s .104% 104% 104% 44 French Rep 7%a..l00% 100 100 83 Jap «%• . 91 % 91 % 91 % 3 Japanese 4« . 83% 82% 83% 25 King of Be| 7%a.109*4 109% 109% 82 K of Bel 6%a rets. 94% 94 94 % 15 K of Den 6s.100% 100 loo% 66 K of Hun 7e. 88% 99 88% 72 K of Nath 6s ’72.103% 103 103 44 K of N 6s *54....101% 100% 101 33 K of Nor «s ’43.. 98% 98% 98% 49 K Serbs C S 8s... 86 % .85% 85*, 7 King of Swed 6a.103% 103% 103*, 4 Orient Dev deh 6s 86 85% 85% 357 Paris-L-Med «a .. 91% 80% 81 7 Rep of Bol 8s. .. 92% 92% 92% 13 Rep of C 8s '41.. 10«% 106% 106 % 22 Rep of Chile 7s . 99% 99 99% 31 Rep of Cuba 6%s. 97 96% 97 8 Rep of Finland 6s 87% 87% *7% 1 St of Queens 6s...103 103 103 1 S of R G do H 8s 96 94 94 7 S of San P a f 8s 100% 100 100% 4 Swiss Con 8a ...115% 115% 115% 47 S G 5%a ’46 . .101 100% 100% 36 IK of GBAliWa 29 115% 115% 11 . % I UK of GBAl5%a’17.104% 104% 104% 29 Brasil 8s . 96% 96 96 % 50 Ilrasil-Cent R E 7a 82% II 13 Domestic. 8 Am Agr Chem 7%t 98 #4% 94% 10 Am Chain sf 6a.. 96% 96% 96% 4 Am Smelting 6a...105% 105% 105% 49 Am Smelting 6a... 96% 94% 95 42 Am Sugar 6a. 99% 99% 99% 41 Am TAT 5%s.102% 10| 102 €M Am TAT 6s .100% 100% 100% 20 Am TAT 4s. 96% 96% *6% 14 Am W WAK 6s_ 92% 92% 92*, 20 Ana Cop 7s '4k_1«1 100% loo% 92 Ana Cop «s ’63 ... 99% 99% 99% 43 Armour Co Del 6%s 90% 90% 90% 6 Associated OU 6«..10l% 101% 101% 28 ATASF gen 4s- 89% 88% 88% 43 BAO rfg 4s '95_101% 101% 101% 24 BAO cv 4%s. 89 88% 88% 24 BAO gold 4s . 84% 86 84 15 Hell Tel Pa 1st Rs.$00% 100% 100% 4 4 Beth St ron 0s ... 94 93% 93% 13 Beth fit pur m 5s.. 96% 90% 90% 17 Brier Hill St 5%s. 97% 97 97 22 Bkyn Ed gen 5». 99% *9% 99% 1*4 Bkvn Man Tr af 6a 63% 88 83% 1 Calif Pet 6%s_101 101 101 19 Can No deh 6%a...l1f% 116% 116% 29 Can Par deh 4s ... 7® 78% 7«% 4 Car Cl A Ohio 6s .106% in*% jo6% 5 Central Pa 4* . . . 87*4 *7% *7% 1 273 Chesa A O 6s ..106 103% 104% 2* Ch-sa A O 4%» .. 95 94 % 9.'% 23 Cljlc A Alton 3%s 46% 44 44% « Chi Burl A Q &■ A 101% 101*4 lol % 17 Chi B A Q gen 4a 88*4 86% 17 Chi A East HI Re. 76% 76% 79% 65 Chi Ot West 4s 61 «0 40% 33 Chi M A St P 4%a 61% «« «« 6! Chi M A St P 4 % a 64% 62% 54% 160 Chi M A St P 4s 77% 74% 77% 3 Chi A North rfg 6a 99% 99% 99% 142 Chi Railways 6s... 84 82 *3 29 Chi R I A P 4«... *3% 84 *4 8 '.% 86 Chi R I A r 4s- *5 84% 84% 10 Chi Uh Bta la _101% 101% 101% 22 Chi A Weal 4s ... 76% 76% 74% 14 Chile Copper 4a ...107% 107 1*7% 54 Cleva C € A S T ts 95% 95*4 95 % 29 Clave Un T 6a ..100 »9% 10o 4 Colo A So rfg 4%e. 9 1*4 t! *4 ft % 12 Com Tow 4a . 97% 97% • 7 % 5 Con Coal Mary 5s 86 *7% 8t 17 Con Power 5a _ 91 90% ®4% 60 Cuba C P It .100*4 99% 944 48 I>e1a A Hud r.» .100% 100 10..t; 6 Den G A F.l Re 92% 92% 92 4. 31 D A U G rfg Rs 58% R7% 61% 18 D A Rio G con 4a 83% «2\ 82% 6 T> Ed rfg 6a ..107% 107% 107% 9 pet l' Hvi 4 %a. 92% 92 92% 5 Dur de N 7 %a. . 107% 7*7% 10:% 11 Duuuesne Light la 104 105% 104 3 East C 8 7%s .104 103% 103% 26 E Gaa A F 7%a . *7 #6% 94*4 274 Erie evt 4s D_ 72% 71% 72% 24 Erie gen Hen 4s., 49% 43% 42% 12 Fisk Rub 8a .... 108% 108% in«% ?7 Gen E deh la _105 10ft 106 *2 Goodrich «%s _100*4 10A% 100% 30 Goodv T Hr ’31 .10® 108% 108% 12 Good/ T la *41. .119% 119 119 14 Great N 7a A .109% 10®U in®% 17 Great Norlh 6a ... 93% 93% 93% 3 Berth Oho 6s . .103% 103% 103% 18 11 .% M rfg 6a A. 87% 86% 87 ■ 2 H A y ad I tno 6a fc» $8% 68% 16 H Oil A R 5 *4 a. . 99% 99% 99% 46 1 R T rf* »• - 97% 97 * '. % 52 T Can R%a _103 1«1 103 18 !C(*t1,A N Orfgbe ®*% 94% 96*4 3 111 S deb 4%a - 91% *3% 93% 7 Inter Rap T 7a 92% 92 92 •9 Inter Ran T 8g 71 7«% 71% M I R T rfg he etr*d 6* 44% «7% 349 r A Gt N ad 1 4s 70% 49% 49% 14 T A Gt N 1st 9a. 10»% 100% 1*0% 28 fnt M M if 4a ... *9% 88% *9% 17 fnt Taper ovt »« 84% 84% 86% 22 KrrtSAM 4a . 8:% 8|% 82*® 34 Kc PAL 8s _ 96 95% 94 4 KC Southern 6s 89% 88% «t% 2 KC Terminal 4s 83% 83% 87% 10 Kansas OAK 8s.. 98 91% 97% 3 Kelly ftp Tire 4s. . . 97 *6 % 91 25 Lac Gaa SfL *%• 95% 96% 96% II Lake Shore 4s ’31 96% 9. % 95% b Lfg A Myers 5a. 98% 98 99 10 L A N 5s 2003 .101% 101% 10|% 1# T. A N unified 4s . 92% #2% 92% 4 Louisville GAE Rs 91% 91% 91% 19 Magma Copper 7a.118% 11« J18 1 ManaG Sugar 7%a.10o% joo 10a 38 Man Ry con 4a . . 44% 4* 4 4 19 Mark**! Si Ry 7a 10.• 99% 100 16 Midvale R* ry Rs 87% 97% 87% 5 MK T pr lien 9a . 103 1 <92 DU* 40 MKAT new pr In Re 8»’.% 84 84% 210 MKAT new adj 6s. 77% 74% 77% 38 Mo Pan 1st 4a..,,. 49% 99 99 % 10! Mo Par gm «s .. 43% «i% 62% If Mont Power 5s 94 97 % 97% • N E TAT 1st 6s ... 100 99% ®t% ■ N O T A M 6 % a 9*% 98% 98% 284 NT Cant deh In 110% 110 110% 127 NY Cent rfg 1m bs 99 V 99% 99% 46 NT< AStf. & % ■ ... 9 4% 93% $4% 12 NY Ed ifg 4 % a. . 113% 113% |1 % 80 NY NBA II 7* 91% 95 96% 45 NTNMAIf 7s ffran) 94% 94% 94% 52 NY Nil AII <y t« ’44 96% 95 * % JO N Y Hi a 4a - Ifs 44% 44% 44% JO N T Te| ref 4s 41 104% |04% 10R\ 12 V Y Tel gen 4%« 94 % 94% 94% 118 N Y West A 14 4%S 00% to 4.1% I N«r 4 West con 4« 87% 87% *7% 18 No Am Edit a f 4s 91% ®; •;% 94 No Ta- raf 4a M 107 100% 101 7 No Pac new 6s D 9>% 95% 95*% • 1 N Pac pr lien 4s 94% •*% *4 » 1 N St Pow I si t.a A 93% 02% IV, f9 No Hell Tel 7s .107% 1«»7% »«J % 4 Drag A Csl 1st Rs >00% 100% Co „ 11 *»re« «h I. 1 fg 4s 94% fii % 9«% 47 u-W R It A N 4s *2% aj 83** 24 Pac- G A Kle. 5s . 94 9 1 % 94 3 8 Pac T A I 5s *6 2 9 3 % 93 91 *, 4 Penns H R 4%s 1in% 100% 110% 3 Penns R R gen 5a .103 101% 101% ill Pen R II a e 4 % s. . 91% 91% 9?% an I’ere More? ifg 6a 97% *7% 97% 10 Phil* U iff «• ...102% 10J 10J% 9 Phil A Co 6 4s . 94 4 94*, 94 4 1 Phil A li ( A l f.u 99 4 99% 99% t;_' Pierce Arrow Hs ... 9H7* 9*4 9S>* 9 P Ry T.AP Ini ris R 94 4 94 9 1 * Prod A R *s w w . 11« 4 H>4 11 <» 4 12 Pub Serv f»* .IU4 4 104 4 104 4 I! P Alegre Sujr 7* .103% IPS 108 4 148 Road grit 4%*.... 94% 9«% 94’* I Read K«n 4a . 95% »6% 95% U' Hem At a f 6a .... 86 84% 85 5 It I A s a f 6a. . 94% 94 94 5 n O VV col tr 4a. 72% 72% 72% 17 R I A A I. 4%a. 87% 88% 87% 8 S 1, 1 MASrfgta. . 93% 92% 92% 16 -tUMt&Snts RAGri 83% 88% 83% 14 St I .AS Furl 48 A 71% 71% 71% 31 St I,A 8 F ad! 6s *4% 84% 64% 148 SI, A 8 F Inc 6s 78% 77% 78% 19 St 1. 8 con 4«. 86 86% 86% 23 St P U l>e 5a. ..ion 99% inn 72 S Air t, c 6a_ 86 84% 84% 105 s Air J. ad! 6a.. 76% 75% 76 20 S A D rlK 4a . . 60% 60% 60% 64 sin C f> col 7s.. 88% 87% 88 24 S Con oil 6%s... 83 82% 83 18 Sin C Oil 6%s ...100% 100% 100 % 26 Sin P I. 5a . 83% 83 83% 26 S Pac CV 4a . 96% 96% 96% 92 8 Pac rf«r 4a .... K8 87% 87% 4 S P col tr 4a .... 84% 84% 84% 32 S R gen 6%a _107% 107 107 8 S Rail «ren 6s ....103% 103% 103% £ Ii*11 **" 4" - "4% 74 74% 17 S B Tel rfK 6s.. 96% 96% 96% 5 H O A El evt 6%1.106 104'. 106 7 Steel Tube 7e ....105% 105 105 II ,Een Elec rtg 6a.. 99% 99% 99% .. 7„./''' 5a ■••• 51 50% 60% 3 third Ave rfg 4a... 56 56 66 3 Toledo Edison 7a..109% 109% 109% 18 lln Pac lat 4a. 91% 91% 91% 13 I n Pacific 4.". 98% 98% 98% II II S Rubber 7%a..!06 1018, 105 17 U S Rubber 6s.... 86% 85% 86% 26 1 S Steel 5s.104% 104% 106% 4 I tan Pew A I, 6a.. 91% 91% 91 Vi * V - C Cham 2%a. . . 45 46 45 44 V - Car Chetn 7s.. 73% 73 % 73% 4 Vlr Ry A Pow 5b.. 94 9,7% 94 11 Vlr Ry 5s,.. 95% 95 9685 l Wabash lat a.10084 10055 100% 7 Western Klee 6a... 98% 98% 98% 12 West Mary lat 4a.. 63% 63% 63% 16 West Pacific 6a . .. 91' 90% 90% 3 West Un 6%a.110% 110% 110% 6 West Elec 7a.107% 107% 107% 16 West Shore 4a .... 82% 82 82 6 Wlrlt - Spen Stl 7s. 78 76% 78 20 Wlllys - Over 6%s 99% 99% 99% 23 Wilson A Co 7 Vi a. 65% 64% 6574 9 Wilson A Co 6a..,. 91% 91% 9t% 8 Wilton A Co «».. 65% 66 65 13 Young Sh A Tb 6a. 96% 96% 96% total sales of bonds today were $25, comuared with $19,178,000 pre vious day and $9,323,000 a year ago. Chicago Stocks. Chicago, Dac. 11.—Furnished by ,T. s. K.fniJi* * Co- 224 0maha .National Bank building. Phene JA. 6187-8-9 Bid. Ask. Armour A Co III pfd .. gnu ae Armour A Co Del pfd ..94 P4«4 Albert Pick . 20*4 ISh. Basalrk Aleniiate ...... 41*4 41 Cjrbld. ..V. 64% $6 Edison r<i .134% 136% i ontinental Motors gxl •'udahy . 70 e;| Daniel Boone . 7 7% Diamond Match .115 118% Deere pM . 81% i. ’ Eddy Paper ....I"" 18 2S National T.eather 45 4 ,t4 ■junker Oal, .326. 325 Keo Motors . l*u ibv gZ'n *1 ,Cn ,■■■,.,fl1* 109% M*irt International .... 12*4 V*£ Thompson . 48 w»hi .._. JJ a Foreign Kicham^aliuiFs. Following are today’s rate* of exchange n?«h217ip»*re?»,,v‘«h !h* par valuation. Fur nlahed by the Peters National bank: ..P*n jif’oill'j Belgium .195 0603 Canada .,.l.on i no cgaWio-Slovakla .20 $>304 Denmark . *7 i7x* S"*'and .....*! 4.8 6 4 7050 France .193 .n544 H«rn‘a"y .238 1390 'J.r**c» .. .0188 &S aou .j;5 -.ft Swltxerland ..196 .114® Chicago Egg and Mutter Future.. , .9,uoI*tlon* focnlehed by George K C?ark 132 7 Woodmen of the World building . EGGS ' I Cara. I Open I High, | Low. | Cloae Reff. I I | | | Dec. I 186 I .38 | 28%| ,36 1 86% BUTTER. I Cara. I Open. I High. | Dow, j Close D#r. t JO f .17 *41 .37 4 .37 %\ ,37 % .fan. I *2 .37 V -3* .37 V ."* Feb < 2*> .37*4 -3* I . 3 7 \ .3* — s* New York Produce. New York, Deo. Jl.—Butter -Firm: re oefpt*. 7.341 tuba; creamery higher than extras, 44 0 44 4c; creamery extras (92 score), 43 Sc; creamery first* (S8 to 91 •core). 57 n 43c. Kegs—Firm, receipts. 7,492 rases; fresh gathered firsts. 660&9c; fresh gathered seconds. 4* 0 54c. <’he*ae - Firm: receipts, 186.12® pounds, stste. whole milk flats fresh, fancy to fancy specials. 224 021c; slate, whole milk, flata, average run. 21 Mi 0 22c. v. _ New York Colton. New York. Der 11.—The genera! cotton market closed steady at net gains of 3 to 23 points. f=*r'-i ' A New York Curb Market >-, I nil iitlriali. Salea High. Low Close 2. P M. 10Q0*Ac*ma Packing ... 5 5 5 800 Adirondack P. A L 82 32 12 100 Anial Leather__ 10% 10% 10% 3500 Ain A For 1* w I. 34% 32% 33% 100 Am Gas A K new. 10* % luMi 108% 100 Am G A E pfd . . . 4« 46 ^ 46 1900 Am V A Lt new.. 55% 64% 65 100 Am Super A 28% 28% 28% JO0 Am Super B 28% 28% 28% 20 Appalachian Pow. 72 72 72 600 Archer Danleld M 26 25% 26 50 Borden's C Milk. »20 129 129 100 Brit Am Tb coup. 26 26 26 200 Car Light . l 1 1 600 Cent Pipe Corn... 22% 21% ?!% 10n chatterson A S. . . 13% 13% 13% 100 Checker Cab Mfg. 19% 19% 19% 1Q0 Childs Co new. .. 42% 42% 42% 600 Com Pow Corp... 118 114 117 2o Com Pow pfd. 82% 82% 82% 2400 Con (1 A E Balt n. 35% 34% 83 600 Cont Bak A « 1.112 110% Jlu% 6000 Cont Bak B w 1.. i3% 23 23 200 Cont Bak pfd w 1. 91% 91% 91% 1800 Cuba Company... 37% 37% 37% 3700 BeF Radio ctfa... 26% 25% 26% 50 Bel L A W Coal . 120 119% 119% 100 Boehler Die Cast. 18% 18% 18% 3800 Bublller C A R... 60% 68 68 200 Bunhlll Inter. 30% 34% 24% 600 Durant Motors.... 15% 15% 15% 1700 Buz Co Inc. 26 % 26 % 2«% 40 East Penn Elec... 60% 60% 60% 20 Elec B A 8 pfd... 102% 102% 102% 100 Electric Ry Sec... 16 16 16 600 Federated * Metals. 35 54% 34% 400 Film Inspection... 8 7% 8 60 Ford Motor Can .472 470 47 2 110 Foundation C pfd. 117 117 117 1300 Freed Ktsemen R C 29 28 % 28% 100 Clen Atden Coal... 120% 120% 120% 3600 Goodyear Tire. .. 24% 23 23 100 Grand Stores. 67 67 67 600 Orennan Bakeries. 17% 17% 17% 200 Griffith D W. 1% 1% 1% 70O Happiness (' St A. 6% 8% 6% 1500 Hazeltine Corp... 37% 37 37 600 Heyden Chemical. 3 2% 2% 100 Intercontinental It 5% 5% 6% 200 Inter Ocean Radio 16% 15% 15% 400 Jones Radio Mfg 7% 7 7 100 Landover Holding. 8% 8% 8% 600 Lehigh Pow Sec... 86% 86% 86 7000 Lehigh Val Coal C 42% 41% 41% 3100 Liberty Radio Co. 6% 6% 6% 200 Mesabl Iron . 4 3% 3% 600 Middle West Util.. 76 75 76 300 National Leather.. 4% 4% 4% 70 Nat l Pow A LI ... 186 18.1 1»5 40 Nat I Tea Co new. 247 246 246 60 New York Tel pfd . 111 % 111% fllR 2200 Nickel Plate w 1. 86% *4% 86 500 Nick Plate pfd w 1 87% 86% 86% 400 Omnibus Corp ctf. 15% 15 15 100 Pathe Exchange A 43% AJ 43% 500 Pitts Tr C w I.... 68% 58% 1100 Radio Corp. 8% 8% 8% 300 Reo Truck . 18% 18% 18% 500 Rova Radio rtf... 10% 10 10 200 Silica tie! Prd ttf. 12% 12% 12% 10 So Cal Edison.102 102 102 140Q0*8o Coal A Iron_ 11 10 11 600 v Stutz Motor. 6 5 3900 Swift Int'l. 33% 32 32% 110 Swift A Co.109% 109% 109 % 200 Tenn El Pow. 43 43 43 1800 Tell E P 2d pfd . 16% 16 16 400 Thompson R ctfs. 12% 71% HR 10Q Tnb Prod Exports. 3% 15 3 400 Tower Mfg « orp.. 24% 24 2 4 100 Union Carbide.... 65% 66% 65% 200 United G A E new 30% 30 30% 300 Unitel LA P A_ 48% 4« 48 100 United Shoe Mch 43 43 4.': 1400 Ward Bak Corp R 43% 42% 43% 1400 Ward Bak Corp pf 94% 93% 94% 600 Warn Radio Corp. 30% 30 30 400 Western Pow. 36 36 1400 Yellow T Can N Y 17% 15% 17% Standard Oil*. 160O Anglo-Am Oil. 17% 17% l<% 20 Cumberland Pipe.. 133% 135% 135% 3100 Mumble Oil . 38% 38 30 290 Imperlol Oil Can .111 109% 109% 40 Indiana Pipe Line 72 71 71 7300 International Pet. 29% 20% 21 10 Magnolia Pet .135% 135% 135% 10 Northern P L....76 76 76 60C Ohio Oil . 61% 60 *0 60% 100 Penn Mex Fuel .. 32% 32% *2% 640 Prairie Oil A Gat .200 198 199 360 Prune Pipe Line.105 104 104% 180 Mo Penn Oil . 130 128 129 9300 Stand Oil Ind.... 5H% 58 58 % 300 Stand Oil Kan.... 35% 35 35 300 Stand Oil Ky _ 35% 35 35 1800 Stand Oil N Y.. . . 42% 41% 41% 20 Stand Oil Ohio... 336 335 335 1100 Vacuum Oil . 7i% 77 77 Mlarelluneous IHI*. 200 Brit-Amer 011 .3% 2% 3% 300 C»*rlb Syndicate.. 1% 2% 3% 160 Cities Service ...168 167 % 167% 1000 Cities Serv scrip... 114 114 114 1000 Cities Srv esh scrp 92 92 9 2 700*Colnn»bian Syn... 95 90 90 Soo Creole. Syndicate.. 10% 10% lf,% 200 Gilliland Oil . 3% 3% 2% l<i00*GI»nrork OH .... 17 17 17 4o0 Gulf-Oil . 64% 64 % 44% 14600 KIrby Pet .. 5 4% 4% 108'*0 I .a go Tet .../ 6% 5% 6% 100 Livingston Pet.... 1% 1 % 1% 10«O* Mexico Oil . 11 11 II lOO'Mexican Panoco .. 85 65 65 1*0 Mountain Pro . ... 18% 1«% 1 % % 7600 Mutual Oil - tfs . 11% 11% 11% 30 Nat Fuel A Gar. .107% 107% 1"7% m»0 New Eng Fuel... 19% 19 19% 100 Peer Oil . 1% 1% 1% [1000* Penn Beaver ... 13 10 1? 100 Red Banka 011 24% 24% 24% 5700 Royal Canadian... 7 G, 7 loo Halt Creek Con 6% 6% c% 800 Salt Creek Pro... 24% 24% 24% 700 Venezuelan Pet :> % 2% 3% ine Wilcox Oil . 6 6 6 1 1000*Y Oil A Oar. .... i i 5 Mining. 1000*Arizona O one . . . 3 3 11000 Canario Copper 4% 4% *% 2000 Chief Cons 4 * 4 200 I’ntw Copper Mm 3% *% 3% 1008*l»la»nondf:eM B B . 7 . 7 100 Engineer* Old Mn 15 15 14 1000*Flrat Tht Old Min 57 b( 57 2O00*Oo!d field Dev .... 8 4 lQ00*Green MutilUr .. 5 5 5 2O0fl*l1armh1ll l>lv Min. • * 9 1000* Hawthorn* Min.,. 16 10 16 !00*Hewe Hound Co,,, 2 % 2% 2’.* 5000*lnd Lend Mines... l'» 10 10 S000*lron Blossom .... 28 t2$ 28 .SfifiOOMib Cons ■. 69 61 64 .8700 Kay Copper . 1% t% If# 1000*MoKln-I»ar-Hav .. 12 1* 12 BOO Mason Valley ... 1% 1% 1% 100*Natlonal 'J’in. Off 2I000*Nevada Hills ?... 25 23 25 100 New Cornelia .... 22% 22% 22% 40O Nlpisslng . 6% 6% 6% 3000 Ohio Copper . 1*4 1% 1 % 10«* Plymouth Lead ..71 71 71 1200 Premier Gold .... 2% 2% 2% 3000* Kay H roles Mines 15 13 15 1000-Silver Dale . 3 3 2 BOO Ho Am PAG. 4*5 4 4 B00n*8pe&rhead . 4 4 4 f»00*Tonop#h Belmont. 53 13 53 600 Tonopah Ext .... 3*4 3 200 Tonopah Mining.. 1% 1H lH 1000*Trl Bui HA1). 12 12 12 1000’Uilted Eastern ... 42 42 42 2000*1 8 Con Mines_ 13 12 13 800 Wenden Cop Min. If# if# HI lOfto*Western Utah Cop 15 15 15 1000*Wett!*ufer Lor ... 14 14 14 Domestic llonda. 4 Allied F’acker 6s.. 80% *0*4 *n% 1 Allied Packer 8s.. 90 90 90 1 A lun\ 7s *33.106% 106% 106% 6 Am GAR 6s...... 95% 95% 95% I Am PAF. 6* old . . 94 % 94 94 17 Am Roll Mills 6*. 100% lUO 100% I Am Thread Co 6s. 103 103 103 1 Ana Copper 6s. ..102% 102% 102% 6 A sad Sim ltd 6%s 83 83 8 3 6 AGAWT 5a .60% 60% 60% " Beaver Board 8s.. V9 81% 8*% 2 ''an Nat Ry Eq 7e.4"V% 100% 109% 19 Childs Co 6s.1U7% 106% 106% 10 Cities Serv 7s C.,.107% 107% 107% 7 Cities Serv 8« E. 98 97% 98 1 C Gas Balt 6%s..l02*4 102% 102% 1 C CJh s Bait 6%s .108% 108% 108% 15 Cudahy Pack &%s 87% 87% 87% 2 Det C Gas 6s-102 101% 101% 12 Det Edison 6t_112% 111% 112 7 Det Edison 5s-97% 97% 97% 2 Dunlap TAR 7s. .. 96 98 98 1 Fed Hug be '33.... 97% 97% 97% 5 Fisher B 6s 27. ..101% 101% 101% 4 Fisher B 6m ’28... 102% 102% 102% 2 Grand Trunk 6%s.l07% 107% 107% 5 Gulf 011 5s.98% 98% 98% 30 Int Match 6**8. .105% 106 105% 1 L McN A L 7s . .101 101 101 1 Ligetr-Win 7s ....107% 107% 107% 1 Manitoba 7t . 98% 98% 98% 3 Nat Leather 8s...182 102 102 3 N O Pub Her 5s... 86% 66% 8C% 5 No 8t Pow 6%s. .100 99% 99% 4 No Ht Pow cv 6 %s. 1 04 103% 101% 14 Ohio Pow 6- B .. 00 80% 89% t Penn PAL 5* _ 93% 93% 93 % 23 P H Corp N J 6s.. 94% 94% 94% 11 Pub Serv EAG 5%s 96% 96% 9C % 8 Pure OH 6%*... 96% 98% 98% 2 Shun sheen 7s . . .103% 103% 103% 5 So Cal Edison Bs. . 93 93 93 36 Ht OAE 6%s. . .105% 104% 104% 7 Ht Oil NT 7s *26 .105% 105% 106% 1 Ht OH NT 7s *27.. 105% 105% 106% 1 Ht Oil NT 7s ’28 .105% 105*# 105% 5 8* 011 NT 7s *31. . 105% 106% 105% 4 St OH NT «%s_106% 106% 1««% 7 Swift A Co 5s. .. 94% 94% 94% 1 T’n Oil Cal 6s *25.. 100% 100% 100% 5 T'n Oil Cal 6s '28 .101% 101% 101% 3 Vacuum Oil 7s_107% 107% 107% 10 Web Mills 6%s .102 102 102 Foreign Bond*. 1 Helsingfors 6%s . 90% #0% 90*4 1 Finnish Assn 6%s. 90% 90% 90% 14 Tnd Bk Finland 7s 96 95 95 6 Netherl’de 6a *72.. 1*3*4 103% 103% 6 Aust Hydro 6%S. 86*4 *5% 86% 12 Peru 8s 44 . 99% 99% 99% J0 Poland 6s . 73 73 73 6 Russ 6Ue cifs NC II 13 13 2 Swiss 5%s .100% 100% 100% • cents a share. Minnespolla Cash Grain. Minneapolis. Dec. 11.—Wheat—Cash: No 1 rOT' hern. $1.59% ft 161%; No 1 dark narthern spring: Choice to fancy. $1.7001.82A. ; good to choice, $1.64% ft 1.69%; ordinary to good. $1 60ft i.63%; No. 1 hard spring. $1.61% ft 1 85%; No. 1 d%rk hard Montana on track. $1.61% 0175%: to arrive. fl.Cl % 01.75% ; old December. $1.58%; new December. $1 58% . Majr, $1.61%. Corn—No. 3 y.llow, I!.US 61.11%. Oat»—No 3 3»hlte, «S©S5H. Barley—71 ft Me. Rye—No. 2 91 26% 01.17%. Fax-No 1. 92.90ft2 $ I %. 4 hfcago f ash (.rain. Chicago, Dec 11.—Wheat—No. 2, red. $1 73: No 2. hard. $1.63. Corn—No 2. mixed, 91.24% 01.25; No. !. yellow $1 2501.25%. Oat#— No 2. white, 60ft60%c; No 2 white. 56 % ft 58 %c. Rve—No 1. 11.22% 01.24. Barley -72ft 96^ Timothy ?T<ed—$5 750 7 00. Clover ?o*d—$24,750 32.00. Lard 16.02c. Hi ha—14 50r Bellies—15.75c. 4 b lea go Potatoes. Chicago Dec. 11.—Potatoes—Trading ght market, dull on ohio'i: others, i bout st-ady: receipt*. $0 cars; total cited States shipments 527 tars: Wis •onsln sacked round whites, fair to good -onditlon. 96cft 11.00: f#w fancy, shade »igh*r. poor. Sic: bulk, few sales. $1 00 ft],15: few fancy. $1.25; Minnesota ack**d round whites, fait to good. 90cft 1100’ poor 15c; Idaho sacked ruasets. «*w sales. $1 754x2.00; few shade higher; d.nncsota sacked. Red River Oh.os nostly. $l.llft 1.15,_ Kansas City Casli (irsin. Kansas City. iVc. 11- Wheat—No. 2 ■ --F hard, $1.66® 1,87; No. S rad. »1.I**1-7J; Dacembar. II 62 aakad; May, • 1.6*’»_ aak»d; July. 11.87*. split sakad. Corn—No. S whlta, |l 16% ® ' 14; No. 2 yallow. 11.17%; No. a yallow. 11.16% ®1 16; No. 2 nilxad. 81.14 % 41 1 16 % ; rv> cambap. 81.14%; May. $1.18%; July, 11.21 apllt arkPd. Hay—Uncha n«*d. CHICAGO PRICKS. By Updlka Grain Co., Atlantia 4812 ^ I Opan. I Hl«h. I bow. I Cloaa, | Taa. Wht. I I bar. 161%' 1 61%, 1.66%' 1.60 161% May 1 66%| 1.66% 1 «6% 1.66% 1.««% 1.66%'.1. 1.66% 1.46% July 1.65%! 1.45% 1 1.44%) 144% 1.66% 1.46%.I.' 1-44% 1.46% Rya fill' Dto. 1.36 : 1.36 I 1.14 I 1.86% 1.86% May | 1.40% 1 l.«0%! 1.31% 1.31% 1.40»* July I 1.30% 1.30 %! 1 36%) 1.26% 1.30% Corn I kDac. 1.34 1.24 j 1.33%: 1 32% 1.14% 1.23% .......... . . . 1.23%. May 1 28 1 1.21% 1 27 1.37% 1 21% 1.21%!...'. 1.27% 1.39 July 1.28 1.28%: 1.27 1.37 1 26% 1 1.21% 1. 1.27% 1 28 Oata Dec. I .87% .58% .87% .67% .61% May .66% .43%’ .62% .68 .83% [ .63 % 1.1.62%' .43% Jul. ! .61%: .6* Vi« .61 ' .61 .62% .61*, I.I.I.I. bard 111 Dec, 16.07 16.07 16.02 ;i6.02 114 28 May 14.50 16.55 ,16.30 16.30 '18.5* Riba ill Jan, 14.32 14*2 14-12 14 3? |I4.4I Vw York .«tigar. New Tork. life. 11.—Renewed week ness featured the raw sugar market ro day duo to Increased nferings. Th*r were no spot transaction*, but 91.000 bags of Cuban for January shipments were sold from down to 4 90c. While December showed relative firm ness on covering the general tendency In raw sugar futures wa* lower, due to con tinued liquidation and hedge selling Weather advices from Cuba w'ere favor sble and with another estimate niacin? tho Cuban crop at 4.735.571 tons. th»* largest thus far received, wag responsi ble for the gelling. Offerings were well absorbed on rea tlons of 1 to 5 point*, however. Privet* rallied near the close, end were finally -s Point* higher to 1 lower December clo« ed. 3 89r : ^iarrh. 2.91c; May. 2.95c; Julv. «.09c. No changes occurred In refined sugar prices and inquiry was small. Prices w*-re listed at 7.15c to 7.60c for fine granulat ed. New York General. New York. Dec. 11.—Rye— Easy; No. 2 western. $1,464 f o b. New York, and $1*3% c. 1. f. export. Wheat—Spot easy; No. 1 dark northern spring e. i. f.. New York, lake and rail. $1.90%. No. 2 hard winter f. o. b. lake and rail, 11.76; No. 2 mixed durum do. $1-74%; No. 1 Manitoba, do., in bond $1 *7. Com—Spot easy; No. 2 yellow e. f. f track. New York, all rail, $1.42; No. 2 mixed do. $1.41 Ve. Oats—Spot steady; No, 2 white, 66 4 0 67<*. Lard—Ea»v; middleweat, $16.65016.75 Chicago Spot Market. Dec. 11.. 9:56 9. in Butter—Receipts. 5,440 tubs; last y»x» receipts. 4.913 tuba; 16 old car-; 1 n*i* car; extras. 41c; standards. 29c; extra firsts. 390-40c; firsts. 344 0 56c; If #^ore 36%c; &* score. 34c; seconds Si 031c Eggs—Receipt*. 1.126 rases; last yea receipts. 1*96 cases no old or new car-; firsts. 50057c; dirts. 33034c check 31012c; refrigerator extrakT 310344c, refrigerator firsts, 344 015c. Bostea Wool. Boston. Dec. 11—Although the wool market in general Is a little more qujet. some wools continue to move at higher values The better classes of fleece wool ore very strong, and choice delainer have sold slightly higher. Prime clothing or unwrstoed wool has also moved somewhat higher. The Sydney market today wa in buyers' avor. Melbourne wai reported on a similar basis. New York Sugar. Quotationa furnished by J S Bachs <fc Co.. 224 Omaha National Bank building Phones. JA. r.L*7-8*-l9 Art. I Open, i High. ! Low. Close. | T*-s. Dec. • 9.99 3 90 Hi J 2 »9 2 *1 Jan. 3 17 2.19 f 11 1.16 3 16 Mar. 2 91 3.94 2.91 2 91 1 II May 2 99 3 62 2 9* ’ 2 99 i 99 Chicago fotten. Quotations furnished by J. S. Baclie ft Co.. 224 Omaha National Bank building. Phones. JA MET-t-l Open IH;gh Low Close Yr Jam 72.71 !■) 90 27 4* 77 92 77 *« Mar 23 1* ,2$29 21 M 23.27 77 72 May 23.51 71.6$ 22 39 .73 69 :2 7T JuTy 73 53 23 65 21 59 23 63 21*-’ Oct. 32.75 122 75 22 79 72 73 -7 T3 ^Turpentine aa$ Rosftn. Savannah. Gas. Dec. IT.—Tttrpemir. ateady. 77 4c: sale#. 106 hhla.: receipt" 49 2 bbls : shipments, i bbls.; %’v k. 14 ©24 bbls. Rosin—Steady: sales 1.172 raska. ship ments. blank; atock *9.471 cask* Ouote—B to H, $4.45; 1. K. 6.5' V $6 65: N. $6 75; WG. $T55. WW, $> 5« x. M il. ■ 111 ■1 Your Future Orders WILL RECEIVE 4 Our Prompt and Careful Attention You Can Buy or Sell grain ~ PROVISIONS * 1 4 * i For Future Delivery y / Through any of our offices seated at ! p # OMAHA CHICAGO LINCOLN • SIOUX FALLS , / PRIVATE WIRES Updike Grain Corporation % \ . '