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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1924)
NEXTDEBTMDVE c _ ■ ^hole Situation May Rest Until Paris Financial Con ference in January. By n.VVII) M. CHURCH. International New# Service Staff Cor respondent. London, Dec. 11.—The next move in the interallied debts controversy Omust be made by the United States, for Great Britain has declared its stand, it was Indicated today at the foreign office. It was declared that Great Britain did not contest the right of the United States to secure costs of the Ameri can army of occupation through the Dawes plan. It does, however, con test the right of the United States to secure compensation for damage to property. If the American government does not send an official note to Great Britain on the subject the whole situ ation Is expected to rest until the financial conference Is held In Paris . in January. Great Britain hopes, it 4 is said, that an interallied conference ' on all debts will be the outcome of the conference. The debt pronounce ment of Chancellor of the Exchequer Churchill has caused great satisfac tion in England. There is a reticence in diplomatic circles, however, to ven turne an opinion what effect this policy will have upon the relations of France and the United States. ^ The chancellor’s declaration was f that If any European nation which * owed England money should make a payment to the United States, then England would expect an equal pay ment. Diplomats predicted that the Paris conference woul dbe a "lively affair."’ British taxpayers are well satisfied with the statement. . -X. , ■ By GEORGE K. HOLMES. International New. Service Staff Correspondent. Washington, Dec. 11.—Great Brit ain’s salutory notice to'France that any settlement of the French debt to the United States must be accom panied by a similar and simultaneous settlement with Great Britain, will have no effect In halting the present negotiations between Paris and Wash ington over the adjustment of the French debt to this government, it was stated today in official quarters. Officials who are handling the negotiations declared that the French . debt to Great Britain Is strictly an " Anglo-French affair, just as the French debt to the United States is a Franeo-Amerlean affair, and this gov ernment has no Intention of consider ing the two matters as In any way related. While the foregoing reports the at titude of the Coolldge administration toward the situation in general. It was clearly recognized and admitted by officials privately today that the British outburst against France's settling with America first has creat r an ugly diplomatic situation which will have to be carefully nursed if It does not result ultimately tn a break down In the debt negotiations all around. One member of the American debt funding commission said: "The British flare-up has charged the whole thing with dynamite." ILLNESS FATAL TO MRS. MARY STROUD Mrs. Mary E. Snyder, mother of Mrs. T. F. Stroud, wife of County Commissioner Stroud, died early Thursday morning at her daughter's home, 5100 Florence boulevard. Mrs. Snyder, whose home was in A Portland, Ore., had been visiting with ’ her daughter for the past four months. She had been 111 only a short time. She Is survived by another daugh ter, Mrs. Arthur Solly, and a son, If. E. Snyder, both of Portland. Funeral services will be held at the Stroud home. Burial will be In Forest Lawn cemetery. CHRISTMAS AID TO 200 FAMILIES During the flrBt day of operation, the Christmas bureau operated from the office of the Community, Chest In the city hall received rails and re ports on more than 200 families rep resenting almost 1,000 children, who Will not be forgotten by Santa Claus on his annual visit this year. In many cases it has been found that several organizations had planned upon taking care of one fam ily and cards notifying them of the duplications have been sent out. , Real Estate Transfers. Catherine PHstk* to p. p. null man, «. • crnor noth anti Kan ins Avp,, 90 2-3x132 . t 7 in? Albert F. Knud eon nnd wlf* to Frank L. Feuner, Military Ave., !9*< fe*t w. of Slot Ht,, Irreaubir 3*5 VM I. Eadre. Sheriff.'• to rom.i!; ” P hnd Hid*. Amni , n. w. »or ' "O' 7It, and H.vd HI. . Irrogular. »7,000 31«ml a Hunter and hunbnnd to John u Hanahan. at al, Pinkney Ht . 4b feet w. of 14th Ht.. a. tide. • 1 xl 2 4 .. ... 6 on a F'I i«l»*tfo Nial and wife to Alflo !M Mxuro, et al, 6th Ht.. 5 feet n "f Woolworth Ave., «. aide, . 6,100 E • rIe» a Anderaon and wife to ‘ fir* vf. Me Kit rb k. f a. corner h Ave. and Hlnncy Ht*., M%x . .... .. •. » 3063 M.i J. Hdl and wife to John c! I r’uinnvaky, 65th St., 160 feet F of Hhlrley Ht . e. aide. 50x122. 477 ® ' k r Co. to Anna E. Johnson, Pacific Ht.. 222% feet •. of 46th Ht . n. aide. 44%xl06. 900 Ai *ie dreen and husband to Anna m.aenbnr*. et al, Charlea fit. mo feet w, of 24th Ht . n. aide. .10x127** . 2,100 E M Allen and wife to Hophle F fzinan, Q Ht , 37 feet w. of Ibth H» *. aide, 37xl*Jfi . 4,000 H- »ti|e K at/.man and huahand to F'»«h Brown, 26th Ht.. mo feet n of K Ht . w. aid'-. 30x160.. 3.600 Jf- in Clara and wife tf» tienrite u' licitn, 36th Ht «T, feet a. of C St, u aide. 60*130 .. 360 J««t*n a Clark anti wife to Martin Me Ills?, a. w earner 36th Ave., and K Ht.. 45x130 . |A0 Standard I>av*lnpm«jnt Co. »n John H. Wftfklna, Pine Ht.. 100 feet w. of 45th Ht.. n, aide. fiOxHJVfc. . 1.000 fihrnuel C. Mundy to Ptjndy A. Kurr, rWimlwnrth Ave, 400 feet e of 4 »:» Ht,. a aide. 60x113V* . 4,800 Fi‘l \V. Schaefer and wife to Thomna If Price, Mary Ht., 130 f°et w. of 25th Ave.. n. aide, 44x120 ... 7,000 T Morton anti wife to .Tan nic A ifult, William Ht . 37 •v Of 42d St a aide, 6 2x12* 1.200 f*' H Hl*tek and huaband to Flmer K Perkin*. 30th Ht . n A ' n. of Ja< kaon Ht.. w. aide. V *H ^ ire.. Jtealtv Co to William La low-ky. 34th Ave. 960 feet h. of O Hi. e -aide. 40x110 .. . 600 Cnorle* Steen and wife to Tlen .1 a 1111n Newman, a. w. corner 42d And Many Ht., 46.16x106 6.706 — Grocer Chases Banbit With Butcher Knife Norfolk, Neb., Dee. 11.—Police today were searching for the fleet footed bandit who attempted to rob Val Light's grocery store at the closing hour last night. The bandit entered the store as Light was closing up for the night and stuck a gun into his face, de manding that he open the safe. Light picked up a butcher knife and chased the robber over a block. The bandit escaped. - . Beatrice (Neb.) Cripple Per ishes When Flames Lap Up Bunk House. Special Dispatch to Tbe Omaha Bee. Wymore, Neb., Dec. 11.—Roy And erson, 35, cripple unable to walk, was burned to a crisp as he lay in' his bed, and "Mac” Anderson. Burlington railway bridge foreman, father of Roy, was seriously burned on the hands, face and body In an effort to save the son, and a railway bunk car and all contents was destroyed as tht result of a fire which started In the car where railway workers were quartered early this morning at Cuda. Kan., just south of here. Furnishings, clothing and personal effects to the value of $300 dollars were burned. Wreckage of the fire blocks the siding of the railway. Kerosene Spreads Fire. The blaze Is said to have started inside the bunk car the Andersons were occupying. "Mac" Anderson was awakened by smoke and In his hurry kicked over a can of kerosene which set on the floor and the flames spread so rapidly It was Impossible to rescue the crippled man. Members of the gang, scantllly clad, succeeded In moving six other cars belonging to the crevy away by hand and they were saved from the flames. Anderson's home Is at Be atrice and he has worked over the Wymore division of the railway for 20 years. Widow and Children. The dead man was also formerly a railway carpenter until two years ago when he suffered a paralytlo stroke which crippled him. *" He was on a visit to his father, having left his home in Beatrice two days ago. A widow and three small children, one sister and mother live in Beatrice and one brother, George, is a fireman at Bridgeport, Neb. IOWA MAN HEADS HARVARD SENIORS Cambridge, Mass., Dec. II.—Henry T. Dunker of Davenport, la., was elected first marshal of the Harvard senior class and will automatically become president upon graduation. Dunker is captain of tbe track team, was varsity football man for three years. H president of the stu dent council and first marshal of the Phi Beta Kappa eociety. $90,000 JEWEL THEFT REPORTED Philadelphia, Dec. 11.—Four mask ed men entered the Jewelry store of S. Rosenblatt & Son In the German town district this morning, held up S. Rosenblatt and two clerks and escaped in an automobile with sev eral trays containing gems valued at $90,000, according to police reports. PYROS SOLD Over . period of By- A^L years, “Pyros” has DRUGGISTS proved that it will or large size Stop, and keep trial package, stopped, the suf- *»c,P R*Jea # . , . # Chemical Co.. faring and pain of I,enver, Colo. Pnogrhga AIIV EKTIM EM K N T. Mr*. ('. A. Tayne. Health Brings Beauty Mum heater, lows "I am glad to have the opportunity to tell of the gre.It benefit I huvn received by tiik Ing Dr. Pierre'* Favorite Pre*rriptlnn and Oolden Medical Dlsrovery. They are the two llneet medicine* T have ever need. Drive taken bite of other*, but never got any relief until I ntarted taking three lemedtex. I look been troubled for about four yenre with feminine weakneea and my feet would awell until I would have to take ofT toy ehone, but elneo taking Dr. Pierce'* medicine I fiel much better— Bleep better, and am beginning to feel like my*.if, i will ,-ihvnv* prate* Dr, Pierce'* medicine*." Mr*. A. Pavne, 6011 K Duller HI f*et Dr. Pierce'* remedfe* at any drily atom, In tablet* or liquid. Write Dr. Pierre, Pineldent Invalid*' Hotel In Duffalo, N. V., for free medical ad vice, f BRIEF CITY NEKS V__/ Club Meeting Postponed—Regular monthly meeting of the Kountze Park Improvement club has been postponed until the second Friday in January. Safety Insignia Ready—Commercial car drivers who attended the drivers' school conducted by the Omaha Safety council can obtain the insignia of graduation at the offices of the Oma ha Safety council, 117 South Sixteenth street. Dr. Bailey to Speak—“The Ideal Development of the Human Race" will be the subject of a talk Friday noon by Rev. Ralph E. Bailey, tnlrp Ister of First Unitarian church, to members of the Continental club at Hotel Fontenelle. Cornell Club to Meet—Bishop G. A. Oldham of Albany, N. Y., who is giv ing a series of lectures at All Saints church, will be the guest of the Cornell club of Omaha at the Univer sity club Friday noon at luncheon. Rev. Thos. Casady will also be present. When the physician prescribes pre vention the patient becomes his own pharmacist. ADVERTISEMENT. WOMEN NEED SWAMP-ROOT Thousands of women have kidney and bladder trouble and never sus pect it. Women’s complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder dis ease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. Pain in the back, headache, loss of ambition, nervousness, are often times symptoms of kidney trouble. Don't delay starting treatment. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, a physician's prescription, obtained at any drug Btore, may1 be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium or large size bottle immediately from any drug store. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writ-, Ing be sure and mention this paper. If people only knew the facts about t ir skin T'HE real cause of akin * trouble—rashes, blackheads, excessive oiliness, itc.—is way down in the lower layers of the skin It cannot be expected therefore that mere surfaca remedies can reach the disorder. Thousands of physicians ara daily prescribing Resinol Oint ment and Resinol Soap. They know thia gentle, yet effective treatment dots aink deep, and will often aoothe away in a few days the most stubborn rash as well as a trifling blemish. No home should be without these products—the soap for general toilet use—the ointment to check the first bit of skin eruption. At alt druggists. Resinol LEGAL NOTICES. TO THE < 'K EDITORS OF M. E. SMITH * CO., INC.: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Creditors’ Protective Commit tee, acting under the agreement dated March 28, 1924. haa extended the term of f*aid ngreMinent for R period ot tlx month* beyoud December 31. 1924. Datel December 5. 1924 JOHN W. BIRD. Chairman. RALPH VAN VECHTEN. Vice Chairman. GEORGE W. MAULL. EDWIN A. POTTER. JR.. HOWARD C. SMITH. Creditor*' Protective Committee. P 5-12. TO THE CREDITORS OF M. E. SMITH A CO., INC.: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN i hat the undersigned Creditor*’ Protective Commit tee. acting under the agreement dated March 2“. 1921. ha* accepted legal title to the notes and < laims of the creditor)* nf M. E. Smith A Co., Inc., parties to said agreement. Dated December 5, 1924 JOHN W. BIRD. Chairman. RALPH VAN VECHTEN. Vice Chairman. GEORGE W. MAULL. EDWIN A. POTTER JR.. HOWARD C. SMITH. Creditors’ Protective Committee. P. 1M 2. TO THE CREDITORS OF M E. SMITH A CO, INC.: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Creditors' Protective Commit- j tee, acting under the agreement dated March 28. 1924. has amended said agree ment and that said amendment ha* been filed with Guaranty Trust Company of New York. 140 Ilroadwa). New York, and Continental and Commercial National hank. 208 South LaSalle 8t , Chicago, the depositaries under *aid agreement Copies of said amendment may he obtained on application to George W. Henderson, Secretary. 31 Thomas Ht . New York City, or to either of the depositaries above mentioned. Dated December 5, 1924 JOHN W. BIRD. Chairman. RALPH VAN VECHTEN. Vice Chairman. GEORGE W MAULL. EDWIN A. POTTER, JR.. HOWARD c SMITH. * Creditor#’ Protective Committee, f) f. 12___ , < ITY official notices. NOTICK PROPOSALS FOR FORD THI CK. Healed proposals are Invited and will be received by the City Clerk of the CHy of Omaha fop furnishing said City fur use In the Department of Weights and Me* Mtirea, with: One one ton Ford Truck with Steel body «nd cab. accepting aa part payment, one 1921 one-ton truck, now In us© in that de partment Proposal* must !**» spalrif. marked "Proposals for Ford Truck" and must be iddresaed to Jumes P Jlortfir City Clerk. ' -nnha. Nebru*ka. and must be ..n file in his offlra on or before Tuesday. Do ember IG. 1924. at o'clock a nt . and <s evldeP'** of good faith and guarantee that contract will be entered Into mould award be made thereon each bid m ist he accompanied by a certified . lie Ik n the amount of tfiO.OO made payable to he City of Omaha The Council reset vaa tire right to re led any or all bids, Published In accordance with Resnlti Lion No 0 01 r. Series 1924 Omaha. Nebraska Det ember 11 1924 JAM Eg IV DOCTOR City C|e* k. D 11. 12. 11 NOT ICR. ro the owners of all lots, lands, tiu«d* and parcels *.f lands, within street Ini prov -ment District No. 26*t>. and to th. owners of nil lots, tra< ts and parrel* of lands, a*.lining on „r adhi-ent to that part of Gild Street from Rlondo dfrr*t »o Mu pie Street* In the City of Omaha. Nebraska. Notify, ip hereby given that there h • been riled with th. City Clerk «.f the 'Ity of thnaha a petition for the Improve n«ut of that pan ..f «id Mire! from Rlondo Street to Maple Street. In th-* ’Hv <-f Omahn, by paving and curbing «alil petition being In words end figure© as frdjowe? Petition for Improving Aid Street, from (Hondo s; reel, to Matde Street To the Honorable t'lty Council nf the • 'ii»v of Orrsha : We. th.* underHlgne.l, owners of lota or lands abutting upon that pert of 43d from Rlondo Mlreet to Maple stre.-t i itrt*t imprn> i ©nt District Nn it the citv of Omaha, being record own 'r© nf a majority of the feat frontage 't» *© Id rnm nt said street, ns shown by he generally recognised maps of sold dty, do hereby petition that the same bo IITI OFFICIAL NOTICES. unproved by paving and curbing. And we 49 further petition th« "ouncli to order «uch improvement and c.«use U to be made, and that thirty days be al lowed to the property owners In said dis trict within which to designate the ma terial dtjsired to be used In the paving of said street. Phoebe E. Mingus. September 2, 1924. all of Lot 17, Block 6, Halcyou Heights, 60 feet front. Dorathea Rosacker, September 2. 1924, all of Lot 18, Block 6, Halcyon Heights, 59 feet front. Nels and Amelia Rasmussen, Septem ber 10, 1924, all of Lota 19 and 20, Block 5, Halcyon Heights, loo feel front. Andrew and Agda W. Pearson, Sep tember 13, 1924, all of Lots 21 and 22, Block 5, Halcyon Heights, 100 feet front. Josef Dolejs, September 17, 1924, all of Lot 24, Block 6, Halcyon Heights, 50 feet fiont. Anna M. Schmidt, September 17. 1924, all of Lot 9. Block 4, Halcyon Heights, 60 feet front. Charles H. Dlvls, September 17. 1924. all of Lot 8, Block 4, Halcyon Heights, 60 feet front. August Wulff, September 19. 1924. all of Lu» 15. Blork 4, Halcyon Heights, 60 feet front. Ira J. Buckley, September 21, 1924, all of Lot 12, Block 4, Halcyon Heights, 60 feet front. Harry F. Payne. September 21, 1924, all of Lot 13, Block 4. Halcyon Heights, 60 feet front. Lena M. Andersen. September 23. 1924, all of Lots 10 and 11. Block 4, Halcyon Heights, each 60 feet front. Anna R. Gleason. October 1. 1924, all of Lot 1, Block 12, Halcyon Heights, 60 feet front. Maurice D. McMlchael, October 2. 192*, all of Lot 20, Block 13, Halcyon Heights, 50 feet front. Augusta Hoerath. October 2, 1924, all of Lot 5, Block 12, Halcyon Heights, 60 feet front. Edward P. Stoltenberg, October 2. 1924. all of Lot «. Block 12, Halcyon Heights. 60 feet front. Ruth E. Moulton, October 2. 1924, all of Lots 11 and 12, Block 12, Halcyon Heights, each 60 feet front. Josephine C. Llndberg, October 2, 1924, all of Lots 17 and 16, Block 13, Halcyon Heights, each 60 feet front. Carl A. Spring, October 2, 1924. all of Lot 22. Block 13, Halcyon Heights, 50 feet front, Fannie D. Jackson, October 2, 1924, all of Lot 7. Block 12, Halcyon Heights, 60 feet front by 128 feet deep, and also the North of Lot 8. Block 12. Halcyon Heights, 25 feet front by 128 feet deep. C. W. Rasmus*. October 2. 1924, Mould ty pf.Lot 8. Block 12. Halcyou Height*. 25 feet front- by 128 feet deep, and also Lots 9 and 10. Block 12, Halcyon Heights, each 60 feet front by 128 feet deep. Abble Wehrll, October 2, 1924, Lots la and 16, Block 13, Halcyon Heights, each 60 feet front by 128 feet deep. Cecil T. Cacka. October 2. 1924, Lot 19. Block 13. Halcyon Heights, 50 feet front by 128 feet deep. Ernest H. and Gretchen L. Tlndell, October 4. 1924, Lot 24, Block 13. Halcyon Heights. 50 feet front by 128 feet deep. Oscar O. and Ethel Hager, October 6, 1924, Lots 8, 9, South 40 feet of Lot 10, and also Lots 11 arid 12, Block 21. Halcyon Heights. 240 feet front by 128 feet deep. Ch&rltj F. and Mamie H. 31akc, Octo ber 6. 1924. South of Lot 5. Block 21, 25 feet frupt by 128 feet deep, and also Lot 6, Block 21* Halcyon Heights, 60 feot front by 128 feet deep. Pauline Peters. October 7, 1924, Lot 24, Block 2S. Halcyon Heights. 60 feet front by 128 fget deep. Harry Mailer. October 7, 1924, Lot 22. Block 20. 50 feet front by 128 feet deep. Elof M. Johnson. October 20, 1924, Lot 6. Block 28, 60 feet front by 126 feet deep, also Lots 7 and 8, Block 28, each 50 feet front by 128 feet deep. Olof Swanson. October 20, 1924, Lot* 19. 20, 21. 22 and 23, Block 29. each 50 feet front by 128 feet deep. Mels Larson, October 21, 1924, Lots 1 and 2. Block 28, 60 feet front by 126 teet deep. May E. Whitmer. October 22. 192 4, Lot 24. Block 29, 50' feet front by 128 feet deep. C. E. Rosenquiat and Hanna Ro*en qulst, October 22, 1924, Lots 17 and 18. Block 29. 60 fret front by 1-8 f-et deep Anna Andersen. October 22. 1924. Lot 3. Block 28. 60 feet front by 128 feet deep. George B. Speeht. October 22. 1324. lad 12. Block 28. 60 feet front by 128 feet deep Mary I.. Vos*. October 22. 1924. Lots 10 and 11. Block 28. 80 fuel front by 28 feet deep Ralph Richardson, October 23. 1924, Lot 23, Block 20. 60 feet front by 128 feet deep. Emery G. I)ye, October 23. 192 4. Lot 1. Block 21. 60 feet front by 128 feet deep, and also the North H of Lot 2, Block 21. 25 feet front by 128 feet deep Filed November 17. 1924. at 4 40 o'clock p. in. You an# each of you are further noti fied that you will have fifteen days from December 11. 1924. the first day of pub lication hereof in which to file protest in the office of the city Clerk Against the regularity, legality or sufficiency of -aid petition or »u_y signature thereon PubJ:-hed in accordance with Resolution No 8028. Series 1924. Omaha, Nebraska. December *t. 1924. JAMES P. HOrTi.R, City Clerk. Dec 11-12-13 NOTICE. To the owner* of all lot*, land*, tracts and pan-el* of tan-ls, a chin Street Im provement District N * *.827. and to the owner* of all 1 »t*. tract* *.nd parcel* of land*, abutting oti or adjacent to that part of '*<■• Ktirvt from 2»th Street to 28th Stree*-, hi the City of Omaha. Nebraska. Notice i* hereby given that there ha* been filed with the City Clerk -*f the CUy of Omaha a petition f t the improve ment of that part of "K'* Street from 27th Street to 28th Mjreet, 1n the City of Omaha, by changing tt.e grad- grad ing and paving, rid petition being lu word* and figure* a* follows: Honorable City Council. We. the undersigned, owner* of lota and land* abutting on K Sti**et from 57th Street to 2Sth St re.*-: in Street Improve ment District No 2427 Ir the CUy of Omaha, being *ecorJ owner* of a major ity of the froJt‘lire f taxable property nhutting upon an 1*1 street, hs shown by the generally r.'cjgotxed rm. r* of *»utd city, do hereby neMtfon that tne same l»# improved by changing the grade upon p.tld street a* it i resent fixed an I *•*• tabli*h*d to correspond with the eleva tion hereinafter specified and set forth: that said atreet be Improved by working and grading as soon as practicable to the grade *nd elevation* herein specified, and by paving. And we furth«r petition the City Coun cil to order »ald impro.-o..,*.nta and cause the warn* to be unci'*. nil twin: thirty d iv* from tlie proper*v iiwmri in raid district for the pr jpert • v • to den'g nate the material • »-*tr*d to »e used In paving And. in considers11 of *.«l 1 grade be ing so changed and the street being work. 1 und grad*1*! *■* herein petition*'! for, we hereby respectively waive *11 damage* «>r claim* for damage* by rea son thereof or In any manner hereinaf ter rr**»i’t|ng from charring of * I gtade and the tutting filling or work ing aabl *trer>t a* herein petitioned for: tirade of K 8treet from 27th Street to 28th Street. elevations of South North Curb. Curb Weat curb of 27th Street, a* paved 141 07 141.81 Point gf. feet West of 27th Street . ... 1481 188 1 Point M» feet West of 27th Street ... 144.1 1885 Point 8 5 feet Weal of 27* h Street 188.5 185.4 Point 11 » 'eat West • f 27th Street ... 183.7 143.7 Point If- feet \Ve*t of 27th Street . . Ml . 1 1411 Hast curb of 14th AtrectlSI 4 I’.l | West aurb of 24th Street .184.8 155.2 Nil* And rein. »>■ iober 24. 1824. Lot 7. Plot k (8. city of South <*maha. 8** feel front bv 1.0 feet deep. Charles and K*tle ''hrupeU. November « 14-4 Lot t. Work *.4 city of South Omaha. ^•» feet front by 18ft feet deep Mary. Crank A . amt Annfr L flunder* sen November 19th, 1924. Let 12. h'*" k *im city of South Omaha, *»0 font front by 15ft fee* deep Filed November 14. 1124, at KLMj o'clock » m You are further notified that you and ch<• h of you will have fifteen day* from ftecemhe* II. 1124. the first day of pub lication hereof In whloh t" file protest in the offb e i<t the City Clei k against the regulerlt? legality or sufficiency of *ald |»e*l*|.n or any signature thereon Pub'fahed In acorrdance wlih Re»olu t|..M Sn «n?l» Series 1124 ha, N III i • U > !’■ . I Inlw-r ’ 1 ! *» ? 4 J A MK8 P. IlfM’TvH. Oltjr Clerk. T*ec H. 12, 18 BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES Telephone AT.IenMe Inna THE FI YEN I NO PEE THE OMAHA MOftNINH pWH! tin per Una #*« li mv, v or 1 day*. 17c per line **• h day. 8 or 4 days. Mo per tine each day. 7 daye Me tier Hue each day 8# dava ANMMNCKMFNTR. Kiincral N»HtT4. | MNYDKI4 ~Mery E . December iTTage <1 years is nirfhres hy one eon, R lc. Movd.'r of Port land, and two daughters. Mr* Arthur Solly of lsrtland ana Mr* F Stroud nf Omaha Funeral services will ba Held at the Mfroiid reslden e M*»0 Florence Mlvd Frldsv. Dr> .‘irilier 12 at 2 p m fritcment. 1 eat Lawn fit alley A Dnrran<n mortuary hi charge RAM ICR Mr* Anna Hr**’* beloved wif.. of Hrtire It Rainer December |ft, ti|4 at finnllv residence, foot Lnd»rwood Av* . age 4ft year*. 1» month* 8 day* Fti pare I Maturdav afternoon at I o’clock f-« hi the N 1* Swanson chunel. 17th and Cuming Sta. Interment. F" *1 Lawn cetnuteiy. Kile tide ate welcome. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Funeral Notices. 1 MEMBERS of Capitol lodge. No. 3. A. F. A. M.. end all Master Masons are requested to meet at Masonic temple, 19th and Dougins St., Fri day December 12. at 1:30 p. m.. to attend the funeral of Brother Edw. I*. Berry man. Services will be held at residence. 2126 South 33d St., at 2 d. in. Harry C. Stafford. W. M., BARBE—Augusta, beloved wife of Christ F. Bar be. entered into rest at her home. 2518 Hartman avenue. Tuesday. December 9. at the age of 56 years. Besides her husband she is survived by two sons. William and Charles and three daughters. Clara. Alice and Mrs. Ernest Wolff. Funeral services Friday. December 12. at the llulse A Riepen chapel. Twenty third and Cuming streets, at 2:30 p. m. Interment West Lawn cemetery. Friends welcome. GOULD—Louis 8., age (jo years. Survived by widow and one son. o. W. Gould. Funeral from Presbyterian church at Waterloo. Neb., Friday at 2 o'clock. In terment Prospect Hill cemetery, Waterloo. For Information call ittcii mortuary. Vaults and Monuments. 2 “Automatic Sealing” conrrete burial vaults recommended by all leading undertaker* M'fd bv Omaha Concret* Burial Vault Co Funeral Directors. 3 HEAFEY A HEAFEY Undertakers and Embalmer* Phone AT 2531 Office. 2611 Farnam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1H82) HULSE A RIEPEN. At Your Service. 2222-24 Cuming St JA. lilt Brailey & Dorrance. HOFFMAN-CROSBY ambulance Dodge and 24th St Funeral directors. JA. 1901 N. P. SWANSON. 17TH AND CUMING Quiet Dignified Supervision JOHN A. GENTLEMAN HA. 16613411 Farnam 8t. C. C. HAYNES FUNERAL HOME 3920 N 2 4th St.KE. 0257 LESLIE O. MOORE. 24th and Wirt. WE 0047. H. K. BURKET A SON~ 3405 Farnam. Eat. 1876. HA. OOtO. Cemeteries. 4 ~ VISIT FOREST LAWN. Call at the greenhouses at entrance of Forest Lawn Cemetery (west of Florence). Orders are being taken for evergreen blankets and winter wreaths. Personals. 9 THE SALVATION ARMY Industrial Dome solicits your old clothing, furniture, mag* zlnea. We collect. We distribute. Phone JA. 4135 and our wagon will call. CaU and Inspect cur new home. 209 N 18th S» TO CREDITORS of A. E. Lowe: I will not be responsible for any credit granted Mrs, A. E, Lowe. 3721 V 8t. COSTUMES, theatrical, historical masque costumes to rent. Lleben. 1614 Howard BUY your toys at wholesale price*. Omaha Toy Co.. 1411 Harpey St._ CIRCLES Tuesday. Thursday. 2:30. Divine healing advice daily. 714 N. 20th St. Lost and Found. 10 FOUND—Shepherd dog. Black and white. Owner ran have by paying for this ad. WE 2633. Ij REWARD for return of lady’s steel and gold beaded handbag. Tel. IIA. 5843. XMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS. THRIFT HABITS given to a child amount to more than a Png list of property willed to him later on. Give him one of our little HOME BANKS THIS CHRISTMAS 11.00 startn an account. We pay 6 per cent on savings. STATE SAVINGS AND. LOAN ASSOCIATION. S. W. Cor. 19th and Douglas Ste. XMAS TIME Ik Joy time for the home own*r Your rent money will practically get you a horae from Grove Company, AT. 1»I2 222 Hunker. R»» LK. Did* BuMd era of Good Home*. A Home for Xmas Do vqu know that you can have your own home built for m low at $400 down? I have several already completed, or will build to your order Call H. E. PEDER SEN. HA. 5465. ____________________________ 1 Billiard Tables Brunswick home billiard table, a family uft: to while away the evening hours. Price* |47 and up 1102 Famam JA. 3365. Brunawlck-Batka-Collender Co. Buy One of Mlckel’a UKULELE SPECIALS. $1.75 Each Only 200 to Sell at This Price Get your* Early. Ml< KKL MUSIC HOUSE, l.'.th and Harney. AT 4 301. YOUR D‘ H.l.AK BUYS MORE.” PRACTICAL GIFTS. BIBLES. DIC TIONARIES PHOTO ALBUMS. FOUNTAIN PEN SETS. FINE WRIT ING PAPERS VAST ASSORTMENT XMAS < ARDS. W B PAILKV CO.. $15 SO. 15TH. ST. A GIFT to be appreciated the year round: A good used car. We have a complete tin# at term* you can meet NASH VRIESEMA AUTO CO I©f4 Farnam. AT. 291C. YOU can give the wife a real atart toward j a home of her own A fine lot. Special for Xmas a* low as $2'. down. CHAU W. YOUNG Ai BOS. 1601 City Nat. Bank. AT 9*99 AN IDEAL XMA * GIFT A HAPPY HOLLOW BUILDINQ SITE. GEORGE A CO Realtor*. AT $034. PUPPIES or Imported trained poll- e doga moke a fine Xmas preaent. Cherry* croft Farm. ?3d and Military Road WA. 0*65 $25 Neatle I.anoil perman’t wav*. $11. $6 Beautv work ticket at $5 Salon I, ('henna. (Jeurtney Blk. AT. 4919. A HOME, will make on Ideal Chrlatmaa present from dad to the family. Hhopen A Co . Realtor* Keeline BMg JA 422* CL08TNC1 out *]! toy*, doll*, etc., at big reduction R. M. Sltiaee Co., 219 ff. 16th St_ ! XMAS WREATHS NOW LK1! LARMQN, I»th and Douglaa Ste ArTOMOlUl.KS. ~ Aulomuhllo* fur Suit1. II HUDSON eedan. 1n ewretlent con rt-tlon throughout: tire* almoat new Will sell for arnall pay - merit down, balance on term*. Murphy. AT. 2916. . . 1P0 CARS. Kurds and other raakaa. 1501 and tin. c»*h nr lettnt QOLPHTROM AUTO BALES CO. 2112 Harney ;-ttAT 4549 SPECIAL— 3 to 4 pa*e**nger Chevrolet rnune body, $4 50 Ford coupe body. $32 5 j Ford Sedan body, $400 PfeifU r Top and Body Corp 2S2& Leavenworth Foil THE RIGHT PRICE ON GOOD USEH CARP SEE OMAHA FLINT COMPANY. NASH roadster, ll!l, A 1 condition |atty ttivelina went, muif sell account Imrussabt* road* Chll WA 1132 Truck* for S«lc. IS USED TRUCKS FROM ONE TO THREE TONS INTERNATIONAL!! AND OTHERS BEK UP IN OUR NEW LOCATION. International Harvester Company, 15th at Tone* tel AT. 0660 Allto Arrnsanrtns, Hurt*. 16 GUARANTEED new mu) used auto pact* at a special cut price Nebraska Auto I’arta. 1014 II Harney 8t JA 4911 and 2204 Cuming Bt AT 1970 FOR BALK or trad« semi balloon life* kite 5y35»77 Phone AT *106 FORD tour dig tap coverh eumplete, 14.11 Katdan Auto Part*, fill Ni> hols# B* j IHSINKH.V HKliVICE. Itii*hif«* Nrrvln* Offrrrd SI l AHI'HNTKH »..|k N,w anil ..M i'ihln.1 , \\«»<k and hlinnc \ irpatr HA *21$ Milliner)—nrr«*ninUliic. 55 ; ACCORDION. Jid# knife, bui pleating. | i overed l otion* all etylea; h*mi(Itching . ) uttonholea 'Write Ideal Bolton and Pleating Co., foi Biown IBook. Omaha. Neb. Telephone JA. 1914 BUSINESS SERVICE. _ Millinery—Dressmaking. 23 NEB. PLEATINO CO., Hemstitching! Covered Button®. 1*04 Farnam. Second Floor. JA 6*7# Moving—Trucking—Storage. 26 UI.OBE VAN AND STORAGE. PACKING. MOVING. SHIPPING. STORING E.tlmatea f urnluhftd AT. #280 or JA 4388 GORDON'S FIREPROOF WHSE. * VAN. 249 North 11th St. Phone JA 3012: mo» lng. packing, storage. ehlpplng. BEK1NS OMAHA VAN A STORAGE. 16th and Leavenworth Sts. Packing, mov | Ing, atorage, ahlpplng. JA. 4163. Painting and Papering. 27 Wallpaper, paperhanglna, painting. Fred Parke, 4708 8 84th St MA. 0101 : AT 7404. Patent Attorneys. 28 J. W. MARTIN, 626 Petara Truat Bid*.. Omaha; alao tVaahlnston. Double aervlce. single fee. Alao help ®ell patent®. Printing—Stationery. 29 COMMERCIAL PRINTING, Eddy Printing Co.. 212 South l»th St Phone JA. 6068. Professional Service. 30 MART KNOX, electric eweat and met aage. room 315 Brokers Bldg.. 12th and Farnam. AT. 6856. ~ EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Female. 36 BE a beauty specialist. Double your earnings Our training equlpa you for best positions. Day or night. Inquire Moler College. 109 S. 15th St. WOMAN for general housework. Capt. C. T. Way, Fort Crook. MA. 4500. DISHWASHER. woman preferred. St. Paul Cafe Saturdays, 2511 N St. MA. 340J. Help” Wanted—Male. 37 BARBERING taught quickly. Day or night. Motor graduates always busy at big ray Call or write. Moler Barber College. 10* B. 15th St.__ ALL men, women, boys, girls, 17 to 6*. willing to accept government pnaitions. $117-1260 (traveling or stationary), write Mr Oament. 1*6 8t. Louis, Mo. FIREMEN. BRAKKMEN, beginners $160 $250 (which position?). Hallway Y-27S8, Omaha Bee.__ WANTED man with reference to take charge of factory branch office, 4.20 a Farnam. Ask for Baugh. Salesmen and Agents. 39 l WANTED—Experienced leather salesman for manufacturers' high grsde general I line, including Norfolk and sport model outing garments, hand sewed glove*, etc. Exclusive services required. Self-financ ing; full particulars with recently taken photograph and references first letter. Berlin Olove Co., Berlin, Wls. SALESMEN WANTED—If you are a sales man or ambitious to be one, anxious to make money and willing to work, we have a high class proposition to submit to you with unlimited possibilities. Call at once, *66 Brandela Theater Bldg. ATTOMOBILE SALESMAN—To 8*11 an established product: experienced salesmen only: the best compensation plan witn future executive possibilities ever offered. Telephone Mr. Hitchcock. Thursday. Fri dav or Saturday, AT. 1944. CATHOLIC young man as aaleaman. Per manent work, city or road. excellent chance for advancement. Call 8-10 or 6-6 *17 Loan Bldg., 15th and Dodge Sts, financial" —---J Business Opportunities. 42 W1NTERTON A MALONY. Hotels, restaurants, grocery stores, room ing houses and every other kind of busi ness. all sizes. 533 SECURITIES BI.DO.AT, 4331 F>Ute Loans. 44 MONEY TO LOAN On first and second mortgages. W# buy outright for cash Existing mortgages and land contract®. Prompt Action. I! A WOLF CO., 6*2 fiaundersKennedy Bldg_AT IlfO 5H AND 6 PER CENT MONEY Lonon Omaha Unproved property a« lowest rat**. FRANK H. BINDER, 821 City Xanana!. JA. $661 FARM LOANS. NO COMMISSION. 40-yr. Nebraska tarm loans 6% per cent Interest, without commission; write to Lincoln Joint Slot k Land Bank. Lln co 1 n. Neb. W. K Barkley, pres t. LOW HATE on city proparty, quickly closed; no monthly payments. JA. 15JJ W. T. GRAHAM. OMAHA HOMES — EAST NKH FARMS O''KEEFE REA!. ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg .1A 271* SIX per cent loans on Omaha residences Cash on hand Prompt service. E. H Lougee. Inc., SI* Kee11 rue Bldg SECOND mortgages or contracts pt» chased by Tuk*y Company, 629 First Ns tlonal Bank JA. 4221. 9100 to *19,000 loaned; prompt service F D Wead 4 D. H. Bowman, Wesd Bidg 5S AND 6 PER CENT—NO DELAY GARVIN BROS <45 Omaha Nat'l Bldg Farm Loans on West. Neb. and N E Colo farms. Kloke Investment Co. Omaha Money to I^ovn. 43 WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY at me lowest rate we have ever made. DON’T PAT HIGH RATES Over *0 yeara 1n business assure* you oi a quick, quiet and confidential deal at tha lowest poaalble coat. OMAHA THAN COMPANY. 8P4 Karbach BlorV Tel. JA 2245. Southeast corner f&th and Douglas St* MONEY loaned on diamond*. Jewelry clothing, automobile*, at *pe< ial rate*. Cro*etown Loan Co. 1104 V. 2 4 \VE 3544 DIAMOND loan* at lowe*t rate*, bua'ne** strict y confidential. Th* Diamond Loan Pn 1514 Dodfe St Established 1**4 BIH C ATION Ms. j IdK.Yl Instruction Classes. 48 D4Y S< HO«»L NIGHT SCHOOL Complete course In all commercial branches. Shorthand, typewriting, teleg raphy. salesmanship, civil service. Phone JA. 1545. Complete catalog free. • BOYLES COLLEGE llth and Harney StsOmaha. Neb. EIGHT to 12 weeks prepare you for a fine office position. Call AT. "TY4 or wtlt# American College 1412 Farnam TRI-CITY BARBER COLLntlB. 1401 Dodge St. 1 Ion Douglas St Call or write for Information. Marital—Brnaih. 44 POPULAR music, taught by orchestra pi aniat F M Kahn Nickel frldg. AT 4341 Itancing Academies. 50 K k El*'S cf NDHR»:I.I. \ ID K>y. DTH AND IhA’QLVS STS J\ 547* Clasaea Tuesday and Friday. !»’ lesson*. 14 Private lew*.ins anytime. Ten com petent Instructors. iiT;f PINE—Farnam at 25th class and assembly Mon and Thure Nttaa. Private — ■ • any lima. AT Tilt. MERCHANDISE. nr** F,i|tllpinrutv 5X I'TI F.H UITPRX, — Rr>wniM« HI NTii rates. New and second-hand mat bine* for ■ale. Ila\# you seen the Standard Keyboard Remington Portable* Whatever your need* lb the typewriter line c«41 Remington! Typewriter Co.. 210 S itthSt JA. 2N?4. WE BUY, tail safe* me a# desks, show oases, elo. Omaha Future A Supply Co. S \\ • or 1 1 t h a -1 ’ ' 1 V • - * QUARTER -S AW ED roll top oak d• ak. swivel and armchairs Call KK 4047. Machinery and Tools. t< NEW and second-hand motors dv nemos 1 apron Electrical Work* *1*10 S irth Wanted to Huy. IS DESKS DESKS. IpFSKS New desks u*ed desk*, bought, sold ano • ruled J C Reed KOI Farnam St AT 1 414* • I ItOii.MS K»R KENT. Kootiu With Hoard. «4 ; Hit K IITH «T -Beautiful room mPh board f«*r one or two in new hom< Raa sonnble Call III t> 4* CUM I NO 2*14— Med1 without iM»a-d. Ill TUI Kunilaliod Itoottia. «J | HilM'lll M Hi’.’M.- Will .hi. ip Itonip ’.till ir.flna.1 in. (n . hll dt «>n . f.dephftne electricity. ***, furnace, j gATwg* mr-rtls If de»if<K* 'V F 4245 VI \n FIFTH Ave |At p. large siaam heat running eater: ae<< small j foi lit. .1A Mtk _ Furn r.. si. heat. pilv. i»a»h. tor man. i«r. oaiUh-. nallt. 4i«. AT. lilt or MiO ROOMS FOR RENT._ Furnished Rooms. 73 640 N. 1ITH—Nicely furnished sleeping room for gentlemen. Basement house keeping rooms. Clean, good heat. DAVENPORT. 201?—Warm room, close In; one or two. $3.50 week. AT. 8802. 708 S. 31ST ST Sleeping room. In private home^J^50^week^JjUA^J>I$0^^^^^^^ j Rooms for Housekeeping. 76 DODGE. ?037—1. 2-room partments every thing furnished Private entrance. JA. 3237._ __ SEVENTEENTH St.. 1821 N—S attrac tive rooms. Everything furnished. WE. 3661. 3119 CALIFORNIA—Two, 3-rooms, fur nlshed with heat. Ground floor. HA 4 Where to Stop In Town. 78 HOTEL SANFORD—l»th and Farnam. HOTEL HKN8HAW—16th and Farnam. Special Kates to Permanent Quests Apartments of Building Owners and Managers Association. Unfurnished. 80b FOR WARM, comfortable end plessant apts., with good service and at reason able rents, varying in else from 3 to 6 rooms. Call PETERS TRUST COMPANY. • Where Omaha Rents " AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam bts. Carberry Apts. Cass at 40th St., Cathedral District A well appointed apt. home of 4 rooms with 6-room accom. Living room, dining room, kitchen, full bed room. tiled bath and large closets. AT. $67.60. Drake Rental Agency, JA. 2805, or Janitor. WA. 6020. Terrace Court Park Ave at Mason. Hanscom Park; district. A very desirable apt. of 3 room* with 4-room accom. Living room, dining room, kitchen, dressing room and bath. French doors and large closet, at $55 and $57.50. Drake Rental Agency, JA. 2805 or HA. 6868, Austin Apts. DAVENPORT AT 38TH. You can be comfortable these cold winter days at the Austin. A well lighted ^apt. of 4 rooms with 5-room accom. at $6i.60. Call Drake Rental Agency, JA. 2*05 or HA. 4121. Drake Court 22D AND JONES STS. Omaha's most conveniently located walking distance apts. An apt. home of 2 and 3 rooms at $47.40-$50.00, $55.00-$>U.09 Drake Rental Agency, JA. 2805. NEW English type duplexes located at 1011-1$ S. 26th St 6 large rooms, two bedrooms and tiled bath upstairs. Full cement basement and floor drain, at $52.50, Call Drake Rental Agency, JA. 2805 or HA. 6868. REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Apartment**—Furnished. 80 AT. 4»24—Two-room apt . nicely furnished. rest and clean, good heat, hot and cold water. $30 per month. Call at premtaes, 2611 Harney St., for Inspection. Apartments—Unfurnished. 81 212144 LEAVENWORTH 7 large rooms, electric lights, water, ta sids toilet. $25 J. L. HIATT. AT. $800. 4923 NORTH BTH. See this cosy 3-room -apartment, modern except hest. Rental only $22 50. R F. CLARY CO.. Realtors 501 Omaha National. AT. 3678. FOR RENT—Six rooms, ail modern. brlek Gat. located close to school, car line, -easonable rent, references required Tel IA 5670 Af«er C o^cloch. WA 11C0 DESIRABLE 3-room apt with f-room ac commodations. 501$ Underwood Ave., WA 5925.__ APARTMENTS ar.d Dais lor rent W J PALMER CO AT 8*16 Res» Estate Management Specialists. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. •WHERE OM AHA RENTS. ** AT. 054417th and Farnam Bts NEW DUPLEXES FOR RENT. N J SKOGMAN & 80NS. 2118 Turning StHA. 7045. ONE. two three and four-room apts. $35 to 875 DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY 1519 PARK AVE. opposite park. 4 rooms, lower flat. 5-room accommodation, $40. porch: good condition. HA. 1566. STEAM heat. 4-room apts. $30 and up. close in G. T S'ebh'n*. 1619 Chicago St. Bmines* Places for Rent. 82 LARGE bo.Ming for garage or storage. for rent. 717 S 27th St. Houses for Rent. 83 MORE FOR YOUR MONEY Five room modern, oak finish. hot watet heat, half block to St Johns and Creigh ton university, walking distance, good car service Only $49 month. Five rooms, new house. Lockwood dis trict. half block north of Les'enworth This t# excellent at only $50 per month Adults only. Five rooms, two lota, garage, modern but gat. Clifton Hill district, beautiful place. Only $3‘ Immediate possession on all above AT 4066. KE 1711. 4630 N. SOTlt ST —A duplex home of 5 rosm» Living ro-»m. dining room and kitchen downstairs 2 bed room* and tiled bath upstairs Large cloeet* Full cement basement with floor drgli, a |. $M. Call Drake Rental Agency, JA. 2805, HOUSES AND DUPLEXES of various tvpes and sites at rentals from $12-50 to $100. FKTER8 TRl*bT COMPANY. ‘Where Omaha Rents '* AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam 9ta Tor rent Private office and waiting room with telephone service Apply 1403 City National Hank Bldg 2811 BIN’NKY. 5-room bungalow, easily heated Redecorated. $17.50. McFarland. AT Offices mill Desk Room 83 till N JoTli ST -T room# newly dec orated oak finish d'wnstslrs. most be seen to be spot >» a*ed. Garage if de aired HA 1692 RKAL KSTATK—KOK SALK. Husinr.ft I’roperty. *1 m’8T THANMFKH IPKAI. INVESTMENT. *-» NCT * STAIN J A *«>0 K«-*l K.UIo— Imrftlmmta. tt INCOME 12.170. smalt apt Par awl a. $v ‘i In.juio jtjT South JSrd St llonsr. for Saif. 15 Only $4,150 Just think! Here |* what vog have been looking for A first cla** home At a »ea - i'n»l » pries. Now v hi have It New. s’! moderci Terms like rent. »*all me now for all partlvulara WAlnut 1500, Giant A krnion UKNSON a CARM1CHAKU 841 Paxton Block. _ATIantlo 1540_ IF VOl H AVI' » • ' * « \SlT AND s not *i' it fpu r v • io\ v«m t«n buv a bran! pew 5 room all root em bungalow with Displace, tile bath. built-in tub floored attic, full cement b*«rm<»nt wall* all decorated, ty*,lv to 4' up\ Best huv in Omaha at f* $99. with •nlv Ijoa . *.h M KVi * A i ¥' F « >'\irVN*T Ground Floor 30$ S 1*<h St AT 5411 s n week, choice of Wat on* sell was $298 down. bht'pen A Co, heeltns ILdg. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Houses for Sale. #3 T B CAMPBELL, builder of good home*. A few completed. Right location, price and t«rmi. 289 Keeline. AT. 8048. __ HAS TO SELL. Five-room bunglaw. 4208 Ertklna. WA. 8670. _ Houarfb—North. M WILL TAKE an equity In an old house hh first payment on a nearly new 5-room Miller park bungalow, with double garage; paved atreet. JA. 1014. Cars*. STRICTLY MODERN NEW HOME, l{00 DOWN. BUILT-IN FEATURES. OAK FLOORS PAYNE A 80 NS. JA 10U. WILL build and finance your home •» eaay term*. See ua for plan*- *• Schmitz. 858 Omaha National. JA. 1799. 5012 FLORENCE BLVD—8-rrn mod. Payment*. Crelgh. <08 Bee. JA. 020Q. D E BUCK A CO. buv and well home*. Houses—South. 97 BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. Beautiful, new. lateat type bunga low with fireplace. eunroom, breakfaet room, beet of plumbing, wail tub. pedestal lavatory. *tc ; finished in oak and enamel; oak fioora throughout; south front lot: extra lot with double garage If desired. Some one la going to get a wonderful bargain in this home. Cal! OSBORNE REALTY CO., I 530 Peters Tru^t Bldg. Jackaon 228*. 7 ROOMS—4 corner bed rooms, hot water heating plant decoration* new. level lot and all Improvement* in and paid. Double garage. Price reduced from $5,600 to $5,000 for quick eale as owner i* leaving city. Harrison & Morton, JA 0314 SIX ROOMS AND SUNHOOM. MUST KELL—SUBMIT OFFER. Large living room aero** front, dining room. French door* to aunroom. kitchen. 3 bedroom*, bath and sleeping porch. oak floor* and finish; fine neighborhood. •South of H*n*con park W. FARNAM SMITH A CO. ■TA. A564-Eve. HA. 2297 or HA- 2S»* 16TH AND OAK Nine room*. »trlctlv modern home in good location, on paved *treet. Price $3,750 on easy terra*. Call Pedersen. HA. 5465. FIVE-ROOM oak finished bungalow at 36th and Francis St*. Only $5,600. Easy term*. Call Mr. Sloan. Walnut 2811 ^ Houses—West. M Look This Over 4623 DOUOLAS $500 CASH—BAL RENT. 7-room brick. 3 room* down, with oak floor*. 4 bedroom*, bath. refinl»hed In hard pine Price $6,000. All modern. ' Call for appointment. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. AT. 6960 Glbeon, KE 3227. Newlon. KE. 114$. CLAIRMONT DISTRICT. _ BUNGALOW. ON CHOICE CORNER LOT. Six - room oak- -finished »trlctly modern bungalow with double garage; south and east front cor ner; owner ha* reduced price ta $6,000 for quick eale. OSBOP.NE REALTY CO . 530 Peter* Trust Bldg. Jack»on 228*. Edgewood Bungalow Have two more bungalows left In Edge wood. Priced for «uick gal®. Only $4 750. On# is now completed The other will be dpne in two week*. Can arrange eaay term*. Pali Mr. Sloan. WAlnut 2817. 6-ROOM modern home; j bedroom* and bafh 2d floor; large lot: ! block to car; paved street. $4 850; terra*. Evening* ceil KE. 5611: day* JA. 1966. 6-ROOM modern oak finish. Field club dietrict. onlv $7,250. make your own term*. Owner AT <136 HA. 0143 SEE Morrison Lumber and Coal for price* on garagea Beat construction at min! ■:urr. TV FT 5 561__ FOWLER FINDS FOLKS who buy home*. List your uropertv with u* for result* JA 1426 BURT C. FOWLER CO . Realtor* WILL build to your order oo our beauti ful lot* in Edgewood: very easy terra*. Phone AT. 3S4* For Sale—Dundee. 1W Dundee Special Rrick colon.el. 8 room*. oak floors throughout, birch, mahoganv and enamel flnirh. fireplace and bookcase*. tiled veatibufe end bath, extra lavatories in two bedroom* This is worth while ir ventigating Se# me fo- price and term*. C. A. Grimmel, Realtor, Omaha Natl Bank Bldg. JA. 1412. For Sale—Florence. 181 CALL NETHAWAT for trade# and horn# lb beautiful Florence. White* only KE 140$ IiO(8 for Sale. 183 HAVE a few well located lot* in Edge wood for *»!e For price# cal] C. A. Grimmel. JA 1815. Real Estate for Exchange. 184 LARGE f ve-room Kella*tone bungalow, complete in everv d#ta 1. modern and well huslt. in good location *■ to whoole. car service and rubhc parka Will ac cept a good building lot and small ■ mount of ca«h u part payment. Call WA $636 Wanted—Real Estate. 105 For rnauit* l;*t your property with FIRST TRUST CO AT CT29,4QQ Firat Natl Bank. LIST your property with u* ar. if yo« are 1 a the market for acreage, call Lent* Cohn f'-ir quick »ale» MA #148 MA ICR C. D HUTCHINSON CO.. Real E*«*fe fn*_KSl *‘*-e*rn JA *411 WE CAN SELL TOUR PROPERTY. HAMILTON 8 COMPANY. 7 Neville R!kJA MIT. ~\T CTIONS. ~ Auction Saleo. 188 FURNITURE to be sold to satisfy an paid mortgage* i* listed for aale Fridav in th* auction Private sales daily. S’.epbna son Auction Co.. 1649 Cap»:ol Av._ I Be Sure to See | The Spanish None 5309 Nicholes St. Open for Inspection \ T to » P. M Doily 3 AIm Shown hy Appointment Completely Furnished hy jj : Orchard-Wilhelm Co. Dooiynt4 and Built ky ! T. H. MAENRERCO. BUILDERS MS Om.ka l.oon B'd, AT JM I TWINS!!! Twin Heme* Located at 4666 William Street 1 Standard Place) and 2565 Ida Street m (Minna Luaa) ta S Beth are nondarfally complete **u| S ready to occupy. have five fine, large roam*. Itxtng room ha* ftrn* plii*. bookcase*, and French tin* !; op*sm| into dining room, center 3 hit openings Into every part et t the house, dandy ilia bathrooms, J pedestal lavatory, built -ta bath H tub, and clothe* chute. Meal hitch* ^ en e!th canopy aver *** stove a built in cabinet*, neat breakfa*t nook, apace for built-in ice be* te P Ion from outside ard handy gee n cety delivery door, pressed hri<4 5 foundation, l*r*e flsemt attic, full a cement basement *nd eeltd caanant |dri>.-n*» Noe them t.’.'o *wd take >eur choice 1' -it In fin* location* on paved atreet. near echoed **>.d * car |T- for l;*bt flv ture* W1mV.«« sbsde* and ► ■***• furn'sh* -1 f^ee n*e these home* to lav Thej aid pleas* you Phone »*x*t st will vail n th warm. claaM z D. F.. M CK A CO.. Buildnr* T4J Omaha Nall JA KUV