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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1924)
Major Leagues Decide to Hold Joint Conference in Chicago Next Week -» ____ ' Landis-Johnson Controversy to Feature Meet Commissioner Winner in^Firsf Bound of Battle Held at New York. By .%*rint,iat#<| PrpRti. NEW YORK. Deo. It.—Tlie last scene in tlie 19?4 drama centering about baseball's govern ing forces will be enacted at Chi cago next YVed nesdsy, w hen Com -* missloner K e n e saw Mountain I-midis will pre side over a joint major league meet ing which is ex lUiX/A pected to produce a final ''showdown” in his war with Han Johnson, prtsident of tlie Ameri can league. The decision to shift the meeting to Chicago was reached this afternoon by major league club owners who compromised on tlie date for their adjourned session after National league men had sought to arrange the gathering for this Saturday, w hile n majority of American league mag nates held out for a postponement until late in January. The meeting is slated for 11 a. m. at the Congress hotel. National league men, It was under stood, insisted upon an early date tor the meeting with I.andis, because of a desire to press the advantage con ceded to have been gained by the commissioner's supporters in obtain ing endorsement from both leagues at their annual meetings within tlie last few days. American leaguers, . on the other hand, in an effort to strengthen the hand of Johnson, were said to desire further time to solidlfy their rankq. Both sides finally con sented to next week's date after an agreement had been reached by tele phone with Landis at Rochester, Minn., where the commissioner has been kept by the illness of his wife. Credited with a signal victory over Johnson in the outcome of the three days of major league deliberations here, Commissioner Landis was con sidered to be solidly entrenched for the final aot next week, but there were strong indications that club owners, particularly in American league ranks, would seek a compro mise that would settle the feud be tween the two warring officials. The first move in this direction will he made by the special commit tee appointed by tlie Aineriran league yesterday to confer with I-andls In an attempt to bring about “full har mony.” Col. Jacob Kuppert, presi dent of (lie New York Yankees and spokesman for this committee, an nounced that Its members intended to meet l-andis early next Wednesday at Chicago in an effort to pave the way for peace at the joint general session. Johnson, who attended the meeting today, as did President Ileydler of the National league, refused to break the silence lie has maintained since Ills arrival. His friends, however, said he ha daceepted the rebuke of hia own club owners yesterday without out ward show of bitterness. They pre dicted he w'ould make no move to ob struct the attempts to restore tran quility to major league ranks. Landis, on the other hand, was rep l resented as desiHng a complete vlndl I cation of his policies and administra tion. The commissioner has charged that Johnson violated the agreement draw'n up when i,andis took office three years ago, that no criticism of him was to be made publicly by any league official or club owner. Today's meeting was presided over by Leslie O’Connor, secretary to Lan dis. It considered no matters outside the adjournment date, embodied In a resolution of sympathy to the com missioner. NAVY SCHEDULES EIGHT GRID GAMES Annapolis, Md., Dec. 10.—The Unit ed States Naval Academy’s football program for the 19J5 season calls for eight games, all but two of which Save been definitely decided upon, The 1925 program, as announced to day follows: October i—William and liary at Ann IT’OliH October 10—Marquette. October 17—Princeton. October 24—Western Maryland. Pend-; a . A. October 31—Michigan, at Ann Arbor. November 7—Open. November t4—Bucknell at Annapolis November 21—Team will rest. November 28- Army at New York. GIBBONS TO MEET f DEMPSEY IN JULY Chicago, Dec. 11.—A heavyweight '■hampionshlp battle, between Jack Dempsey and Tommy Gibbon* will be staged by Tex Rickard, "some where in the east,” July 4 This announcement Was made here today by Gibbons, when he arrived with wife, babies nnd munugor, en route to hts home In 8t. Paul from New York where he knocked out Kid Norfolk in six rounds. Abolish Four-Round Bouts After December 17 Sacramento, Cal., Dec. 11.—Four round boxing contents permitted un der the present California law will be abolished after. December 17 and until such time ns Gov. Friend W. Richardson appoints a boxing com mission authorised by the voters af the Inst election, under a law which permit* 10 and 12-round contests. Without the commission the luw Is operative and four-round contests cnn not he held without permission of the commission. The new law becomes •ffcctlv* on December 17. The average cltb.en reads the United Htatrs Constitution with a sense of 4 clear comprehension. It requires a constitutional lawyer to render It mys terlous.—Washington Htar f—— Noted Coaches Select All-American Elevens - - - I\nntf* KocknC, coach of the unbeaten Notre l>ame football team, and Tad Jones, roach of Yale's winning eleven, re shown here In New York receiving a telegram from tllenn H. (Pop) Warner, now coaching in California, in which Warner names liis selections for an all-American team. T hese three football experts agreed to select an All-Amer ican, the first time three such authoritative experts have done so. JEFFERSON PARK. First race: Purse 1700, mile, 2-y*ar-o1d maidens, allowances: Intrepid .116 Bad Luck .10.1 Toddy Toast ..115 Talequa .103 Gladys V.112 Firmament . ..100 Second race: Purse $700, 4-3’ear-olda and up. claiming. 6 furlongs: Rock Bottom ..114 xCamouflage . .108 xSea Court ....106 xDoctor Glenn .105 xPtedmont . ..106 xRajah .10$ xElastro . ...110 Red Arrow ...108 xKinsman . ...3 06 xLaat One ....103 Sunny Girl -110 McIntosh .Ill Rock Salt .110 xJohn Q Kelly 107 xMayor Carrel 106 xMaud arvey 100 x Bootblack .101 Third race: Purse $700, 2-year-olds, claiming, rt furlong*: Shanghai.Ill xGood Will ...104 xWu Hu .106 Valentino . ...108 Uncle J.108 Miss Bezetto ..108 Donna Santa ..111 Gloom Girl ...105 xM’nximaneh ..106 Candy Stick ...108 xBlennerhasset 106 New Hope ....108 My Destiny . ..Ill xParmachenea xFrlghtful . ..106 Bello ..106 Neat Girl .108 xQueen Agnes .100 xBrinkley . ...110 Fourth race: Purse. $700; 3-year-olds and up; allowances; mils and 70 yards: Rigel .Ill Mary Ellen O...109 Modo .106 Lewellyn .11$ John Finn .109 Pirate Gild _104 Tipp y Wltchet 115 Boy O’Boy .106 Thimble .106 Fifth rate: Purse, $1,000; Natchez handicap* all sgea; 5*4 furlongs: Missionary .114 Sun Lady .104 Dust Flower ... 98 The Vintner ...112 The Poet .104 Barbara Palmer 93 Bradley’s Toney. 112 Mom's Boy ....100 Sixth race: Purse, $700: 3-year-olds snd up: Gaiming; 1 1-16 miles: Cota D’Or .114 xSan Hedren ..109 xSlarderer .109 xMay Girl .106 Dr. Tubbs .114 xFred Kinney 109 xDemiJohn .109 xCorson .10* xMary Maxim 1«»6 xAsa Jewell ...10$ xLoveliness ....106 xGem .106 xVennle .109 xRork .109 xAlturing .106 xDelysia .103 xOssaleeo .106 xMnlinero .109 Seventh race. Purse. $700; 3-year-olds and up; fllllea and mares; claiming; mile: zFreezy Seeezy 107 xRarhel Potter 103 xWaukulla ....100 xEsrarpolett e ..104 xOur Star .100 xBattle Shot ...103 xRemnunt .100 xApprentice allowance claimed. Clear, i faat. TIA JUANA. Flrat rare: Purse, $600; 3-year-olds and up; claiming; 6 furlange: Car . 107 Bookworm .107 Evelyn H’igan..lli Vibrator .107 Alamour ......107 Rene Wry .112 Effie Randall. .. 107 Ringleader .107 Preservator ....112 Second race: Purse. $600; 3-year-olds and up; claiming: « furlongs: Brazos .107 Fandango .107 Miss Spears . . lft7 Briar Sweet ...107 Col. Matt .l"7 Btllv Gibson. . ..112 Vanneaaa Wells. 1°7 W’dle M’tg'ry . . 107 Jay Mac .112 Third race; Purse. $800; 3 year-oldH and up; claiming: mile: Smile Again-102 Tooters .1J2 Bardalid .107 Pawnbroker .102 Mixanna .102 Star of Eve-102 Malzavena .1°2 Fourth race: Purse. $600; 8-year-olds and up: claiming, mile and 70 yards: Proclamation . 93 Tom Craven ** Lon'* Pine .lfl3 Argonne Forest. *3 Restful . 9* Lit.10. Nizam . 94 Hurntna . Brian Kent ... 107 Fifth rare: Purse $800; all ages; claim ing; 5V4 furlongs; , _ Zig Zag . 96 Runolathe .101 Pud .107 Ladv Rose ....11 Apricot . 97 Hata ITp .104 Bodyguard _1"7 Queen Bess .... 99 Corbett .10$ . .. . „ Sixth race; Purse $1,000; handicap. 2 year-olda; 6 ffurlongs: Rundark .100 aSklt _.10? aRepulse . ..106 False Face ,.104 P-endear ...105 btylnatrol Hoy .104 Nellie A. .104 Bright Idea ,.10o bOIrl Scout ...11$ aSwing Along stable entry. hMiramonte entry. Seventh race: Purse $800; all ages: claiming 6b. furlongs: Moon Child . 98 Redskin .107 Helen Van ...107 Clarence .104 I.adv Gorham .107 Nebraska Lad 10.. Coffleld .106 Knighthood ..107 Easter Bells ..fll Eight rnc* Purse *400; 3-year-olds and up* claiming; 1*4 rnllea: ... F*«t Indian 93 Zealot .103 Dellahm .1 Tla Hath . •• r Fogarty _104 Dolph .103 Wedding Prince 108 Clear, fast Lsiiph Call for Basket Ball. Red Oak, Ta., Dec. 10.—Coach Sura n<T has Issued the fleet call for basket ball recruit*. High school hoy« who have an Interest In the cage game will report for the first work out tonight on the gym floor. The material la "green'’ this year, not one of the year's squad return ing to the game. AUVr.KTIMKMICNT. AUVIRTIKKMKNT. You Can Quickly Limber Up Sore, Stiff, Swollen Joints Even C h r o ni c Rheumatic Swelling* in Knee, Elbow, Shoulder or Finger Joint* Yield to the Mighty Pow erful Influence of JOINT EASE. It'* here, right In town and *11 drug Htorea and every live drugglit ha* it. It'* a low price remedy, to be *ur*. but that doean't «top It from taking the kink*, lunmnos* or torture out of your troubled Joint*. Jolnt-Ka*o I* the name, ho called he ciiuae It Ik compounded aolely for the purpoMP of relieving all Joint nllment*. .1 UHt rut. on the tormented, lame joint* and In Juat a few Second* It will penetrate to the bone and blessed comfort cornea quickly. It absorbs Instantly Rnd is so clean and stainless that you ran rub It on often and get thereby results much more (juickly than when the Joint Is Inflamed and the agony Intense. Being such n powerful counter Ir ritant, It cannot help bringing speedy and helpful results In congestion, sore throat, chest colds, lumbago and neuralgia much quicker than almoat any remedy you can buy. But you must remember that It Is for joint afflictions that It Is mostly dispensed and It* helpfulness will a* tnnlsh you after all ordinary liniment* anil other treatments have failed. Always remember, when Joint Base gets In Joint agony gets out quirk Mall orders filled, cash or it l» l’o|>e (laboratories, llallowell, Maine j Hold at all druggists, Omaha Catchers Not Traded to St. Joe Club "Red" Wilder and Roy Luebbe, Omaha Western league catchers, still belong to Barney Burch. The ambitious press agent who shot out stories from the minor league baseball meeting at Hartford, Conn., last week that Wilder and Luebbe had been traded by Burch to Ed Tracy, owner of the St. Joseph club for an airplane, are all the well-knokn "bunK." Word received last night from War ren Giles, secretary of the St. Joseph club, who attended the Hartfard meeting, says that the proposed deal whereby Wilder and Luebbe would go to St. Joseph for an airplane, was not made. Select All-East Football Teams New York. Dec. 11.—Yale, Dart mouth and Pennsylvania were given the major share of the places on the mythical alleastern first and second teams, compiled from selections made by sport writers and coaches. •The Elis hold three positions on the first team, and two on the second, Dartmouth has two on the first and one on the second eleven, while Penn sylvania gains one post on the first and two on the second. Dick Luman, crack Yale end. was named by 14 of 19 experts who par ticipated. Four other stars were tied at 12 ballots each. They were Dooley and Diehl, Dart mouth, quarterback and guard; Pond, Yale halfback, and McBride, Syracuse fullback. Wnlsiow Lovejoy, Yale captain, nosed out Ed Garbisch, Army leader, for center. Each was plaeeC on eight first teams, but the deadlock was broken in Lovejoy's favor by his choice five times for second elevens. The makeup of first and second teams, as shown by the consehsus, follows: First Teem. Pun. Luman .K. .... Yal« Mahaney.K. .Holy Cro**a Beatri x .T .Print eton, MtOlnley . T.Pennsylvania Diehl .<1.Dartmouth Farwick. <;.fArmy Lovejoy .C.Yale Dooley . <4 Dartmouth i Pond .If 11.Yale Mopplach . If B. .Columbia McBride.FH. Syracuse SMond Team. Poe. Bjorkman . K Dartmouth Harry . E.Lafayette Htarobln . T.Syracuse Jots . T.Yale Hturhahan . cl. Yale Papworth . .Pennsylvania viarbisrh . r.Army PeuAa . <4 Columbia Henkert .H.B. Rut*era MeOraw ..H.B.Pennuylvanla Oehrke .FB ... .Harvard CENTRAL ELEVEN GIVEN BANQUET The Central High school "O" and "R” men, together with the fresh CRBO-LYFTUS Quickly relieves Bronchitis snd Asthma. , In healing fumes penetrate all air pas- | •»gea—looaena phlegm—permit normal bicathing- at your druggin only 50 eta. A perfect Emulsion of Creoaote, Eucalyptus and Pina Tar. • men grtdsters, were honored at a ban quet at the Central High school cafe terla last night. Before the banquet was over grad uating members of the squad gave short addresses. - I I T omor r o w T omorrow For Joy MATT MOORE_ For ten years Simon Haldane has made his appearance at breakfast at exactly half past eight, and has punched a time clock at the office at punctually ten minutes to nine. His conservative bachelor life has been a succession of uninteresting oc currences. Simon has never known a thrill. He is woman-shy. But one day a girl slips into hia house out of a storm and refuses to leave. Apparently she is hiding, and Simon, unable to find out who she is, parmits her to remain. O-O Deliciously Humorous Intriguingly Mysterious, Appealingly Romantic - ? % Last Times Today The Drama of a Mother Who Turned Vamp to Save Her Daughter from Dixgraca “The City That Never Sleeps” With Ricardo Cortex, LouUe Dretxer, Kathlyn Williams, Virginia Lea Corbia Swedish Entertainers Skansen Co. at Swedish Auditorium Sunday, Dec. 14 I P. M. Auspices I. 0. V. jtopr ^ur COUGL Each ingredient of thia atan dnrd family remedy in a recog nlzgd healing medicine for enugha and throat irritatlona Bnthlt balk iluIJrrn an i grown-mpt nr Surr it'm COUGHLIUTl CONTAINS NO NARCOTICl _Sold Everywhere fBjSKJli QkSmiWw Todmy Has a Woman TWO PERSONALITIES? jj Can she be home loving and also desire reckless adventure? Sea Thin Fascinating Story, ! BARBARA LA MARR and a great cast . Second and Goodby Week Randall’s Orchestra Entire New Program* | NEWS. ORCHESTRA. COMEDY us fiuiytTrnrni IgU ] willT ox nr I HERNARDA TOWNKM Hjy MllnrkfatV EDDIE ROMM IJrR LANK * HARDER ILl MACRAE A (LMUI 4/CT7d Omaha’s Fun Canter Mat and Nita Today Continued Efforts by Bargain Huntar* to Obtain Reasonably < Datirabla Seat* for SILK STOCKING REVUE’ YOU HAVE ON! Y UNTIL SAT. NIIE "Veer’s lllgn Mark Set at Clayety’’- Hee * sdles* 28c Bargain Mat.. 2i1!t Week Days j I-A-'I Tonightat8:30 AMATEURS 7 act* ia all, including two special added features STARTS TOMORROW "Dr." Joe Marion prescribes a laughing tonic ia oao dose, “GOOD NIGHT NURSE” A musical comedy that is a certain cure for the blues. ON THE SCREEN, “MILLIONS IN IT” With Catherine Calvert And third sensational story, “THE GO-GETTERS1' 'mmmmmmmr SEEK “The Cyclone Rider” (SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. WILLIAM FARNOM “Wolves£ Night” III I W VNT \I»S imiMi |KM l/l'S St. Paul Fighter Also In Line to Meet Harry Wills and Jack Dempsey _ . .•Sv... i __._ Tom's Victory Over Kid Nor folk Puts Hint in Row for More Big . Matches. EW YORK, Dec 11.—With one stroke of his pen Tommy Gibbons, St. Paul, who knocked out Kid Norfolk In the sixth round Tues day night, has challenged Mike McTigue and Gene Tunney and de clared his willing ness to meet Champion Jack Dempsey again, to Tunney and Mc Tigue is In the hands of the state athletic commission. Harry Wilis, negro, who defeated Dnis Angel Flri>o, is also on the list of acceptable opponents, according to Gibbons’ manager, Eddie Kane. Tiger Flowers, who defeated the former middleweight champion, John ny Wilson, is said to be eager for a bout with the champion, Harry Greb, of Pittsburgh. Mowers Impresses. New Tork, Dec. 11.—The Christ mas fund boxing show, which saw T< m Gibbons and Tiger Flowers gain sensational knockout victories, net ted the fund a total of $22,605, accord ing to the official figures made public today. Flowers' knockout of Johnny Wil son, formerly middleweight champion, made a Championship match with Harry Orel) Inevitable, according to well-informed boxing men. The gen eral opinion was that Flowers Is the best looking prospect to appear in a New York ring In recent years. Ten Runners to Compete in Race New York. Dec. 11.—Ten niiddle distanca. stars have entered the 660 yard special race of the Wllco A. A. games, which take place on February 7, and six will be chosen for the event. The entry list includes: Ray Dodge, University of Oregon. Pacific coast intsrcollegiate champion and one of the four Americans who qualified for the final in the 800 meter race at the Olympic gamer, Schuyler Enck, who established a new record for 800 meters at the Wll co games last winter and the first American to finish in the Olympic 800 meters in France last summer, placing third: J. Martin of Switzer land, who lost the Olympic SOO-meter championship to Lowe of England by less than a foot; Allan Helffrlch, for mer national and Intercollegiate championship and a member of the United States winning 800-meter re lay team at the Olympics and Walter Mulvihlll, present national 660 yard* champion. CARLOS CHOSEN Tech Hoopsters" Dm Get in Scrimmage Don Carlos of Des Moines tonight __ was elected captain Of the 1925 Drake t h Druramond of Tetll |,ad his football team. Don Carlos Is a junior In the college of liberal arts and dur basketI«J1 aspirants on the coutt lng the last, two seasons has alter- again last night for a strenuous hour hated with Ralph Aniond at center on Cf work. In w hich everyone got a the varsity. chance to show his ahtlity in scrim m « • r i i mage. The brand of basketball dis To Captain Lombard. was „f rather rou„h Galesburg, 111., Dec. 10.—Clifford ' ISteWan of Davenport. Ia„ was elected •c*""" of earIine*B of lhft "ea captain of the 1925 football team of son, but showed promise. LoYr.bard college at a dinner tonight, Another former member of the grid given for the aquad by president squad. Don Knight, turned out last and Mrs. J. M. Tilden. Stetson Is night, and put up a fairly good game a tackle. Coach Harry Bell, Stetson at a guard position. Another' new and seniors on the team, gave short comer. Kngle. also displayed some nice talks. cage-shooting ability. I TONIGHT |»l»y.l Mat Today 8:15 2:23 Breaking All Omaha Records Second and Last Big Week Begins Next Sunday Matinee Twice Every Day This Week, 2:20 and 8:15 You wm uimnv or mis* seeing the I I h.v« .o HURRY fjSS has ever known. Will not be shown elsewhere in Omaha this year. I see. a ESENTfD &Y D£W And ESSE L A Exm\\m\Kwu*m The Most Stupendous Motion Picture Epic Achievement of the Century -EVERZBQDVS VERDICT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, BEATS -VOW SELLING FOP all PZRFORJ4AMCES’ NIGHTS. 50c, |1 00, $ 1.50; MATINEES. SOc, 75c. |1.0O—Plus Tu Ail Seat! Reserved i y,u,|«Till*—Pkotopley*^1 !PtdayT starting tomorrow A Superb Bill. »lth SIX STAR ACTS ■ Including Two Headline Feature*, A MAURICE 1 BARRETT S in tbe powerful playlet If “On the Road ^ (I to Calcutta f Tbo Snappy B Stepping Sanaat.on I “Dancing I Shoes” I'lf With. Marcia Compton and 111Eji C«>! °1 ^'* I Sr. r.:t. 1 CHARLES RAY in tl “Dynamite I Sn»*h” 1 BESSIE LOVE ■ WALLACE BEERY I JACQUELINE LOGAN 111 Novelty Gift Departoaent I I DANCE! H lnlrodncing Our New I |1 Cbri.tmec Gift Department I 11 Empress Rustic Garden. I ’ II Tuesday Ev. Dec. 16th I 'ill Call at tba dor* for Free | ‘ Ticket*. No purcke.o j ••ceeMtry. II 1 CHRISTMAS GIFTS I |j| Given svroy •* ,K* I I \41B14I" Dongle* St. I | w tit s IN nhi> *»» mil' TRY ouahaJRM WANT AtKA. I NEIGHBORHOOD THEATERS HAMILTON .... 40ik »m( 5lr«a|kM>t id "Tk* Ld*» Muk»r* IOTHROP.141k «i>l lokkrdd Murry C'drev in TkrdM*" GRAND ...... l«ik Ni.4 Bidder lkddMw M*nkdd id "T>« AlkOHM'* BOl’l KVARD ■ 1M »4 iMrwMrtk Mill M«i • Ndd Rdik Mfltr id "rdol. id tk* OmrV*