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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1924)
Smiths Meet in Lincoln in 1925 Elect Officers, Plan Banquet anti Horseshoe Pitching Contest on First Day. a. F. Hansen of York, Neb., was elected president of tbe Nebraska Blacksmiths, Horses hoe is and Wheel wrights' association Thursday after noon. Other officers elected were Kdward Flake of Talmage, vice presi dent; George C. Caston of Grafton, secretary and treasurer, and R. I, Robinson of Omaha member of the committee iri rhnrge of mutual aid. The 1925 convention will be held In ldncoln. Nebraska blacksmiths are noted all over the world for their ciaftsman ship in making horseshoes, and Fri day morning they will give a demon stration of their ability to pitch them. The horseshce pitching contest In the backyard of the Hotel Castle, where the smiths are hulding their ISth annual convention, will be one of the most interesting features of fhia Interesting meeting. The session Thursday morning was devoted largely to business affairs. There were two addresses-, one by Janies I. Depew, of Duke City, Neb., on How Can We Increase Our Hush ness." snd another by II. S. Cutting of Fort Smith. Ark., on 1 Wood Turn ing." A discussion of the mutual life Insurance question was led by Edward Flake. E. H. Smith of Minneapolis, told about liquid ox>gen at the afternoon session. There were discussions on various phases of the business. The Omaha Jobbers of the trade invited the visitors io a banquet Thursday r.tght. % Furnas County Corn Crop Above Normal This Year Cambridge, Oct. 23._Home fields of corn now being picked show that the Furnas county crop will be above normal ttits year. The quality is also much better than last yeai Old-Time Resident Dead. Cedar Itapi-Js, <x-t. —The body of Mrs. Sarah Pltchford arriv ed here and was laid to rest In Sunset cemetery. Mrs. l’itchford died a few days after reaching Seattle, whither she had gone to make h»r home with her daughter. Mrs. Pltchford had been a Nebraska resident since Ita.t and was 73 years of age. Panic Averted After "Fire Cry South High School Students Stampeded In Shout When Lights Fail. A near-panic following n cry o: "Fire:" was narrowly a veiled at South High school Wednesday night during the presentation of amateur ploys, when Miss Mabel Ka«mussen, drama tics instructor, appeared on the s age in reassure the audience. Soon after the commencement of the program the lights in the build ing failed and the house was In dark ness. Some dne in the rear of the room called "Fire' ■ and the listeners leaped to their feet and began s rush for the exi's. Miss Rassniussen Immediately lias tened onto the singe to assure the audience that there was no fire, and urged them fo remain In their seats. Most of tlie listeners did so and the program was resumed after a short time. PRESIDENT COOLIDGK SAYS: If knowledge he wrongly used, cirl Mention commits suicide. WOMAN NAMED FOR ASSESSOR Kearhey, Neb . O'" 23. -Kearney > presenting a woman candidate for ssor in this election, the firet In the county, if no* in the country. The woman 10 honored Is Mrs. Ltdla A. Fnke, who was elected with a ma ty sufficient to Insure the placing of her name on the ticket with that of WVod Smith, who received the high vote of the republicans present at the caucus Tuesday evening. Candidates for Justice of peace pre sen'ed by the republican party are T N. Hart sell and Robert Huston. The republican city caucus was one of the most largely attended in recent years, more than 100 vo'ters being present. Miliiilell Leaves Hospital Beatrice, Oil. 2:i.—"Bob" Mundell, who was seriously burned about the face, h inds and cheat in an explosion Which wrecked his cleaning plent at Wymore a few weeks ago, and who has been receiving treatment In a hus pitai here, was tuken home in an ambulance and expects to be able to resume work ir. a short time. Mun rtell saved his life by plunging Into a barrel of rain water. t \ j Burgess Bedtime Stories i_> By THORNTON \V. Bl KGESS ritty those whose helpless pllslit Leaves no chance to run or right — Bohhy t'.ten. t --- — Bobby Conn Feels Helpless. Bobby Coon Is lug and strong'and a good fighter. W hen Bobby is himself | Reddy Fogwould never think of quar rellng with liint. (Md Man Coyote would hesitate t > attack hltft. Even Howler the Bob Cat would think twice and unless he were very, very hungry would prefer to hunt a little longer for a dinner. But now' that he was partly helpless because of that dreadful little tan fast to one paw. Bobby knew that If he should be discovered by any of these big hungry neighbors he would be likely to have to fight for his life with the chances very much against him. He thought of Bowser the Hound. Supposing Bowser should happen over that way. He knew that Bowser could and very likely would kill him. So Bobby sat at the foot of the big hollow tree In which was his home, and grew more and more frightened every mlnut* He must hide some where, but where could he hide? It wouldn't do to stay there. So after a while Hobby hobbled away, whim pering with every step, lie must find some place be could craw-l Into or under where he could be out of sight He went slowly. Every two or three Never in nil Ills life had he been quite so miserable. steps he stopped to sk down and hi* leg ached so that he just couldn't think. So he Just hobbled along, not knowing where he was going. At last Bobby come to a great pile nf brush. He kneiv of that pile of brush anr all about It. His eyes brightened when he saw It. "It s queer 1 didn't think of this right a way." said he to himself. ' l can crawl in under this and be out of sight anyway.” Hr had bent under that pile of brush many times, ro he knew just where was ft little opening big enough for bint to crawl through. He whimpered a good deal getting undo there, for that dreadful little can kept catching on sticks and each time It hurt dreadfully. Hut at last he reached the place under the retv middle of that pile of brush where there was room for him to lie down There for the remainder of that night Hobby Coon lay. He couldn t sleep. Ills leg pained him loo much. He no longer feared Yowler the Bob Cat or Old Man Coyote. He knew they would not dare try to get him underneath the brush. Rut all the time be grew more and more help less. There was no wav to get rid of that trail. You spp lie still thought that that little can was a trap There was no way to get Ills paw free. The more he thought about It the more helpless he grew Never in all his life had lie been quite so miserable. Peter Rabbit happened along that way a little before tin', light, l'eter aad been under that brush pile ma* limes lie started to go in there now When he was half way In he w, * startled almost out of his skin b> snarl and a growl You should ha * * seen Peter get out from under that brush pile. When he felt that he *a* it a *aff distance from It h® turn** and stared at it. He couldn t ltnagii’* who could he under there. He waited ind waited for some one to come out hut of course no one did. Then he de elded he would stay near by. He w.4* curious. Yes, air, Peter was ful of curiosity. (Copyriihi. 1S24 > The next story: "Bohh; Co<*n I" Awakened.” POOL CAR SERVICE is the placing of several lot1 of furniture or autos in one carload and equalizing the freight charges. When ship ping household goods or autos to any city, phone JA 1504 for rates. Terminal WarenouseCo. / ^ Those Who Have Waited for the Perfected Radio and Phonograph in One, Find in the Brunswick Radiola the Full Realization of Their Dreams A scientific combination, developed by the Brunswick labora tories in connection with the Radio Corporation, the Brunswick Radiola embodies the best that men know in music and in radio. Not a makeshift, simply a radio receiver set in a phonograph, but a perfected, tested and proved combination. An instrument you can buy with positive and absolute assurance of lasting satisfac tion throughout the years to come. Some Remarkable Features 1 _Requires no outside antennae—no ground wires. Move it from room to room—plays wherever you place it. 2 _Amazing selectivity permitting you to “cut out” what you don’t want to hear and pick out instantly what you do. Consider what this means in big centers. 3—Combines the superlative in radio with the superlative in phono- BnintWiCk phonograph with o-ranhie reproduction—a phonograph and a radio in one. the auperiatire in radio-iha * ' ' Radiola Supcr.Hatetodyoa. Prices ire Moderate Terms Arc Liberal Instruments Demonstrated in Departments or in Your Gun Home Orchard-Wilhelm SIXTEENTH AND HOWARD STREETS *\__—- - UNION IMfilk Outfitting (SKai COMPANY liW 3.E. COR. 16th A JACKSON STS.^9mjg0y TDOWN iftnMMkk, . n n ' Console A Down Payment or One Dollar Will Place This ffpijlpp* |1 Eas? Beautiful Console in Your P*y“*“?* JR H°me | See Our Complete Showing of Brunswick ^ “ ri; p A niHI A Q SKBE j and Super - Hetero- B^X JLM | \ / I 1 k J graph ,'ken in ** *T dyne Sets built in. A vka ' AimA part payment. A W ith the Brunswick Kadiola in your home you the Radio Corporation ot America's famous Radio /j’ can enjoy the world's most famous artists on the Set. A beautiful instrument combining the whole A phonograph, then tune in the outside world on field of music. k-—' ■ j—----; s Convenient r Daily Payments Deliveries to Arranged-- Omaha Add One to |_ Ser'll, Your Iowa and Account Council Bluffs, la. Nebraska Towns I “Iowa’s Largest Furniture Store” o -O j We are Showing a Complete Line of § Brunswick Radiolas & = — " ~ /^*OME in and inspect the different models of this famous line. They are the last word in Radio and combine the wonderful advantages of the famous Brunswick Phonographs with the JH wonders of Radio as you have never heard it before. | j -- m I I A 1513 Douglas Street ^ ^ Headquarters for a Beautiful Showing of jjj Brunswick Radiolas j WE cordially invite you to visit our complete A Radio Department, where we will gladly show TjV you the many new Brunswick Radiola models A and explain the wonderful features of this fa- /f\ mous line of instruments. Payments Accepted jl A. Hospe Co., A 1513 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. ^ We are interested in the Brunswick Radiolas. Kindi} send to us. without obligation ^ on our part, your literature for them. A j .Name M .City. .Address A -;.— ■;-' * ,