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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1924)
The music of the air at the turn of a lever A phonograoh to play your favorite music always #' ' | The Newest and Most \ _ 1 remarkable of musical instruments * . I 1. I The Brunswick Radiola—combining the world-noted l Brunswick Phonograph with the superlative in radio, the Radiola Super \ Heterodyne and Regenoflex. What it is and does—some amazing features _J I The Brunswick Radiola ^ Superheterodyne J —some remarkable features J ^ T ESS than eight weeks ago, this new in I Jstrument was first announced. I' Today, famous artists, musicians, critics, | scores of America’s representative people * have joined in paying tribute to what (world’s authorities acclaim the outstand ing musical achievement of the day. Whatever may be your conceptions of the I musical possibilities of radio, or of com ' plete and permanent home entertainment, | you are urged to hear it. ' All the music of all the world—the music | of yesterday or today—at the t simple turn of a lever! \ The Brunswick Radiola marks the joint I achievement of the leader in musical repro f duction with the leader in radio to attain ' the ultimate. A scientific Combination, de | veloped by the Brunswick laboratories in V connection with the Radio Corporation, it I embodies the best that men know in music and in radio. Not a makeshift, simply a radio receiver 1 set in a phonograph, but a perfected, tested i and proved combination. An instrument you can buy with positive and absolute as surance of lasting satisfaction throughout the years to come. The world-famous Brunswick Method of Reproduction has been subsidized to do for radio what it has done for music. The result in clarity, beauty and tonal quality is equaled only by the sweeping versatility of this amazing instrument. • * • At the turn of a lever, you have radio’s greatest thrill, the amazing Radiola Super Heterodyne or Radiola Regenoflex to bring the mysteries of the air into your home, with tonal possibilities multiplied. At another turn, you have the recorded music of all time at your command—your favorite records played as only a Bruns wick can play them. Nothing in music — music in the making, the current triumphs of famous artists of the New Hall of Fame, the music of yester day, today, tomorrow — is thus beyond your reach. Consider what this means to you; the advantages it offers to your chil dren. The Brunswick Radiola occupies im measurably a unique position in the world of musical art. Moderate prices—Liberal terms of payment —Instruments now on display So as to bring this instrument within the means of every home, many different types and styles have been developed — and liberal terms of payment provided. Some are priced as low as $190, embody ing the master craftsmanship in cabinet work which characterizes Brunswick. Some embody the noted Radiola Super neieiuuync. uuiera ineKaui ola Regenoflex, the Radiola No. 3 and 3A. See now at Brunswick dealers so as to be sure of delivery Advance models are now on display at your local Bruns wick dealer’s. To be sure of getting one of these instruments, choose now. Special demonstrations, day and night, at the “Sign of Musical Prestige” — your Brunswick dealer. I. t. t i covering all wood m oval-tone amplifier t containing M TvADIOLA J| Supe*.- /I HrrtRpDVN! £ panel P a 1 Requires no outside antenna — no jj ground wires. You can move it from / room to room—plays wherever you / place it, 1 2 Amazing selectivity permitting you < to “cut out” what you don't want to 1 hear and pick out instantly what * you do. Consider what this means | in big centers, J 3 Combines the superlative in radio t with the superlative in phonographic I reproduction —a phonograph and a radio in one. | i RdmcmbcT—Brunswick now offers the choice TflC Sir’ll of A'fllSlCCll Pt*CStl^C of two supreme musical instruments—the Brunswick J Phonograph alone without radio, and the Brunswick ^ ^ Radiola, which is a phonograph and a radio in one. M K THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO. * «L ^ ^L Manufacturers—Established 184 5 PHONOGRAPHS • RECORDS • RADIOLA