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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1924)
Burgess-Nash Cohpany 'WMYMDYk STORK* A A • t ' t • __Our Great Million Dollar Sale Continues With Sensational Values_• THE second week of the big sale is going to be equally as big as the first, which proves that the Omaha public fully realizes the importance of the event. They realize that to accumulate this great sum of money for the creditors and to put Bugress-Nash on a sound financial basis, WE HAVE SACRIFICED OUR PROFITS AND ARE TURNING OUR ENTIRE STOCK INTO CASH. They are buying as they have never bought before. If you haven't attended the monstrous sale—do so tomor row — do your shopping at “Everybody's Store," where all Omaha is buying. IT HAS been almost impossible to take care of the enormous crowds in our usual efficient manner. Ous delivery department is working night and day in an effort to maintain that standard of service that has made it justly famous. As our counters become depleted they are quickly filled from our reserve stock rooms, so that those who have not already attended the sale may find as good values as those who attended the first day’s selling. - -- -- I Bargains From the Fourth Flood China and Glassware i The enormous sales of the past week have left us with many broken lots and odds and ends which we have placed on bargain tables. In this lot arc dozens of pieces that will make delightful gifts. 20c to 50c Values 50c to $1.50 Values 10c 25c Decorated bread and butter 0dds and eI?ds of d«orat?d dmnerware, glass candlesticks plates, tumblers, vases, glass bas- and fancy pieces of hand-paint kets and other articles. ed china. $1.00 to $2.50 Values 50c Fancy china and dinnetware—plates, bowls, sauce boats, tur key platters, jugs, black satin glass._ Three Lots on This Table $1.00 to $2JO 09(J *1M t0 *3'°° Glassware $1.00 to $3.00 Cut Glass | Jap Vases Sugars and cream One lot of glassware Jap vases in ers, candy jars, vases, consisting of candle- many attractive romports, celery dishes, sticks, in various col- shapes, beautiful- berry bowls and other ors, vases and bowls. ly decorated. pieces. $4.50 to $10 Values— In Four Groups S-flOD $000 SOO(! SCOt Hundreds of items, especially suitable for Christmas gifts—pottery, piece 1 of dinnerware, fancy china nut sets, syrup pitchers, covered dishes. Haviland china with acid etched pold borders. House Furnishings Electrical Appliances Including Hot Point grill, Armstrong table stoves, Rutenber grills, American Beauty elec tric irons. Values to $13.60. Tea Kettles C4 Q7 Johnson’s Floor Nickel plated tea ket- 4 | u I Wax ] ties, regular $2.76 | 1-pound can of John values . son’s floor wax. . _ Regularly 76c . Roasters $129 Blue steel roasters, I Galvanized Pails regular $1.79 values. " 12-quart, heavy gal- « # A ‘ vanized pails, 49c iJ I Is Cake Pans regularly . Wear Ever alumi num cake pans, reg- Roasters C A 0 /I ular 60c values.... Wear Ever alumi- W J4*r num roasters with ■] ^ Food Choppers removable racks— W No. 3 food choppers, $4.95 medium size, large size Universal, $3.25 values . $3.95 small size, $2.66 Curling Irons Electric Heaters Ideal electric curling irons. “Ever Hot”, electric reflector hpoipr $1.75 values.$1.40 % 7 B0 values_*._$6.00 $2.00 values.$1.60 $ 9.00 values.$7.20 $3.00 values.$2.40 $10.00 values.$8.00 _— .- — IFurniture $7.00 End Table.$4.35 $7.95 Fernery.$4.25 $52.50 Davenport Table...$29.50 $11.75 Crib.$8.75 Mirrors, values to $18.50.$7.95 $11.85 Mahogany Book Trough.$7.65 $7.00 Priscilla Sewing Cabinet. $4.25 $14.50 Tilt Top Table.$7.75 $10.00 Fernery, ma hogany finish. $6.75 $55.00 Walnut Dresser .... $34.95 Steel Bed with spring I and mattress, $17.95 | j Fourth Floor | j __ _ :7Hnr 0,0 tr-i> o a o oTHTS' i - »Mliii»i • *-•• ^ ~ ‘ • - u^:r.-. . ~£ ... ., ,., , -~... .y,V-4, ■' , >■ •.' - - T- ^» - • f. . ■ .' n ki ■ ':'T| ^ li'•M^^i ft\ ~ ^ ^ ^ Blankets—Beddings and Domestics | At Startling Price Reductions | Is All Silk Canton Crepe I All Wool Dress Serges I m j Yard $1.59 Yard 98c fg 3..:; Regularly $1.98 Regularly $1.39 to $1.49 \<D 40-in. pure silk canton crepe in black, navy, brown, copen 40-in. wool serges in an assortment of fine plaids, checks, ['_j g|jj) »nd other wanted shades. hair-line stripes and plain colors. | ~i 42-In. Pcpperell ~60x80-ln. Esmond [d 5 j m° l111^/ Pillow Tubine / ( Indian Blankets \4 Blankets ( niiow luomg / sheeting \ \$ 1) $5.79 ) Yard 07a) Yard 47c ( Each $3.95 I w<yj f Regularly $6.95 t * ||^l M 8 Regularly 59e 1 rj V OfixSO-in. fine weigh 1 • \ Strongheart sheeting in :i / Regularly $4.75 > ^jj ■»! lbl«^s- _ f «... /quality for rrnl service. I Rpal Indian b)ankeU with ^ Regularly 45c f fine Navajo patterns. I Kesimoretad Cretonne Outing Flannel Fe*,her Pill#"* Curtain Nets I % Yard, 23c Yard, 23c Each 89c Yard, 39c m ^ Regularly 29. Rayularly 35. ,100 V,!.. V.lue. to 98. _ 86-ln. heavy quality, in white Fillet*, silk figured gauze, ■M 36-in. widths in floral pat- ar)d colors. 18x25-in. pillows covered Tuscan net. k/**7 terns. with fancy art ticking. t\ Linen Luncheon Sets | $7£°M$f4°9*™?LES ...| —j 'I (O GG #a 4j)S GE Full size bed comfort filled with laminated cotton W 1% / ( C J'Pf! tc V Iv V7iVV down, with a beautiful covering of high luster nain- | V. ^ I C3| Regularly $3.75 to $7.50 -<lk, and inlaid h-rd-rs of a.-.niig colors, t X ^ A ^ ^ “m 64x54-in. cloth, 6 napkins. ^>l——^|iaii|(iiiH^^^—| i Ed.Cn, II J pj _____ Ruffled Curtains Pillow Cases f \^81x99-in. full bleached. Jl | V *] I wool Mixed £H\’"Tii87c ««»«-£'»“'*-24c[( ?Leaci?ed V ' ’ d Blankets ''Zl. —_ —" ~_! ) Sheeting ^ =>] *^j Each, $2.2S Drapery Terry Cloth I I 3li-lnch Muslin p C Yard, 15c M Rcvularlv S2 95 Reg. 89c and 98c ^ T? _ ^eUu'ald7 21c f M Regularly 19c f O 5| 66x80-in. plaid blankets. 36-inch widths. Yd./ | 0 muslin. YWI—^ I DC j (j*^im^leached^ ^ Fur-Trimmed Coats Values to $45.00 I I Lovely, warm coats, richly I rimmed with soft furs and lined vith fine quality silk stripe satins nd crepes are these which would originally sell to $45.00. the styles include straight-line effects, side-tie and side-fasten- ' ing models, semi-tailored and belted coats. The Materials— 'trytonia Velvatone Normandy Bolivia \ Fashiona Odnmndale Suede Velour H The Furs— Muskrat Mandril Wolf Muff loon Marmink Viatka Squirrel Northern Seal Sizes 1f> to 20, 36 to 44. 42’fe to 50. Women’s and Growing Girls’ Shoes $400 Every pair taken from our resrular stock, shoes which sold to $4.95 a pair. Oxfords, strap slippers, satin pumps and two-tones. Also at this price, black kid, high lace shoes, narrow styles, with mili tary Cuban heels. Two Pairs Shoes for Girls, Misses, Infants £ Mary Janes, Oxfords, Strap I Slippers, Infants’ Button shoes. • __>_ Children’s Hose ^ _ j 17C Scooters | 3 Pain for 50c Fine guage, black ribbed cotton hose, all sizes. Seconds of our regular S5e quality. Men’s Wool Work Sox 33c All-wool sox of heavy weight, Scooters, sold in their origi gray, all sizes. Regularly 50c. nal cartons, every one guar anteed to be complete. The Men's Cotton Work Cox ’du u,'“ ^ ^ $3.00 values at $2.00 I «<5C $3.95 values at $2.75 2 Pair* fpr 25c $4.95 values at $3.50 Light weight, gray work sox. $5.95 values at S4 50 Regularly 19c. v Men's All Wool j[ Suitsfj 13" Regular $19.75 \ and $21.50 Value* i Kxceptional value* in V ! •',o and two-pants suit* \ fashioned of light § md dark patterned | material. V