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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1924)
Better Homes for Turtles Latest Charity Slogan The latest amateur charity case work deals with winter housing condi tions for turtles. So piteous Is the plight of the aquatic visitors brought here last summer from an Illinois farm to paddle energetically around Aquila Court pool, or doze contentedly under its Illy pads, that Omaha housewives are making s an effort to give them, if not bigger, at least better and warmer homes. Mrs. Arthur Loomis Is saving one turtle from an Icy end by taking it ; home to amuse her little daughter, Nancy, as it paddles about a tin tub this * winter. Mrs. Lee Ross Newkirk, who has two little sons to keep entertained, ; has taken two, and is constructing an aquarium for them in the basement. This is no new thing foe Mrs. Newkirk, who had an aquarium in her girlhood , home in England. “We always had a turtle or two in our pool,'' she said, ; “though they loved coal and would withdraw In seclusion for a month or * so at a time Into our fuel bin, and would frighten us by emerging unex t pectedly, as black as night. Mr*. Donald Howes Is another who Is going to take a turtle for her * children'* amusement, for the turtle, like the porcupine •'la so lovely, jrontle, tractable ami mllii He makes a fascinating household pel. ‘ A lovely playmate for a little child" _ The Stewarts Hosts to Honor M iss Borup. Mr. anil Mrs. John 'r'. Stewart 2(1 will give a dinner Saturday evening for Miss Maud Borup and her fiance, Charles T. Kountze. Mrs. Boyer’s Guest. Mr. anil Mrs. Will Bruce of Kansas ‘ City aro the guests of Mr. and Mrs ; K. P. Boyer, who honored them at ;i,a dinner at their home last night. Mrs. W. R. AA’ood honored Mrs. Bruce with a luncheon Thursday at the Omaha club when covers tvere placed for eight guests. Mrs. Harvey Milliken will compli ; ment Mrs. Bruce with a luncheon on j Wednesday of next week at her home. * Mrs. Charles Olson will be a Tiles | day luncheon hostess. Mrs. C. D. ‘ Sturtevant and Mrs. Harley Moor ► head will also entertain for Mrs. . Bruce. i * " " Born to Hochstettlers. Mr. and Mrs. Myron HoclistetUer announce the birth of a daughter at the Methodist hospital Wednesday. ..They have named the baby Frances ? Evelyn, after Mr. Ilochstettler’s t.sister. Mrs. Fred Daugherty (Francos) • and Mrs. Hochstettler’s sister, who Is In Hollywood with her family. Tangier Temple Dance. • Patrol and band of temple » will give the first of their annual series of 12 dances Friday evening, 5 flctober 24, In the Masonic temple. A J new floor has been laid In the dancing •i room. An orchestra composed of 15 pieces ' from the Shrine band will furnish < the music. Woman's Press Club. Bess Streeter Aldrich of Elmwood, . short story writer, was an honor '. guest at the Omaha Woman's Press «' club meeting Wednesday, Morris • apartments, when Father F. X. Reilly • "f Creighton college, head of the lit erature department, spoke on the short story. • . —- ... ■ ■■■■■— Bankers’ Wives Honored. AVlves of visiting bankers are oc ’ ing entertained today with a lunch ’ eon at the Brandeis renaissance . room, and a dance tonight at Hotel Fontenelle. >• ~~ Honors Miss Hartley. A member hip get-together will he • held Friday, October 24, at 6:30 p. m., at the Y. AV. C. A., to meet Ethel Hartley, who has returned from China. 1 ■ 1 ’ ' " " ""'"V ] Personals | 4 V,.. — .. ^ Dr. Janies Daw left Wednesday to t visit his parents at Fresno, Cal. J Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Phelps, jr., will move Into their new home at Fifty first and Izard streets next month. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur English who are at Hotel Blackstone will remain until after Christmas when they will depart for four or five months In | Europe. * Miss Carlta Herzog, who left Omaha two months ago to accept a position in «t. Louis, Is 111 at her home In Lincoln as the result of a fall from a horse. a ■ — ; Miss Marie Riley arrived last week from California and Is spending a • short time here with her aunt, Mrs. J;K. A. Benadon, before going to New J York to spend the winter. Mrs. Xenophon Smith left Thursday for Topeka, Kan., where she will visit her parents until the middle of November. On Saturday sho will at tend the Knnsus-Nebruska game at Lawrence, Kan. ii To Warm Dishes Before Serving. * Perhaps you have found that warming dishes In the oven causes them to lose their luster. The next time you wish to serve on a warm - plate dip the dish Into a pan of hot , water. Remove and dry, then serve .* on It Immediately. THE HOUSEWIFE. ' _ <Cooyrl«tit. 142JJ_ ON SALE DAILY j 25.00 New*»t Thoms Frocks, 15.75 35.00 Nswest Thorns Frocks. 24.50 45.00 Newsst Thorns Frocks. 29.75 . * t Why poy mors thsn those Cosh end Corry Prices ? F. W. Thorne Co. 1812 Fansam L Week-End Club Begins Dances. The first party of the Week-End Dancing club for the season 1924-25 will be held in the Hotel Fontenelle ballroom on Saturday evening, No vember 1, 1924, at 8:30 p. in. The Hugo Heyn orchestra of 10 pieces has been engaged to furnish the music for the purt es of this club which will he held on the following dates: November 1, 1924; November 15, 1924; November 29, 1924; Decem ber 13, 1924: December 27, 1924; Janu ary 10, 1925; January 24, 1925; Febru ary 7, 1925; February 21, 1925; March 7, 1925. Minne Lusa Parent-Teachers to Give Party. Parent Teachers' association of Minna Lusa School will give a Hal lowe'en party Friday evening, Octo bet- 24, at the school for the patrons of tile school. An exhibit of school work under the direction of Miss Amelia Pearson, principal, has been prepared. A talk will be given by Prof. MacMillan, principal of North Omaha High school, followed by music and refreshments. Dixon Recital. The Y. W. C. A. au .uorium was filled Wednesday afternoon for the piano recital given by Frederic Dixon under auspices of the music depart ment of the Omaha Woman's club. Mrs. Cecil Berryman, well known local musician, characterized Mr. Dixon's playing as of very fine technique, yet possessing great pow er. “He was at hLs best In the light finger passages,” she said, "playing a MacDoWell sonata particularly well. A Chopin nocturne was also very well received. Mr. Dixon was formerly a Blair. Neb., boy. D. A. R. Tree Planting. Members of Maj. Isaac badler chapter, D. A. R., will plant an ave nue of elm trees to mark a pioneer trail out of Omaha in memory of their revolutionary ancestors. The tree-planting will be held Saturday on the Military road, eight miles out of Omaha. They will plant 57 trees this fall. After the planting there will be a picnic dinner in the woods. Those participating will meet at the Krug park entrance at 10 o'clock. Those with cars to lend call Mrs. Paul Flem ing, Kenwood 2556. Alice Howard Circle. Alice Howard Chautauqua Ueadin circle meets at the Y. W. C. A. to night at 7:30, Miss Manning, leade: Lesson: "World History,'' chapters 20 and 21. University Clult Party. R. A. Flick nger will have i t nr.-’ H. J. Weeth will have four at the University club Hallowe'en dance on October 30. 5TYIE WITHOUT 1510 I52» JlTRA/A&ANCE OOUGtAS SI In a Daring Sale Friday 500 Smart, New HATS Beautiful Hats - number*. Regularly Velvets—Fells Satin and Velvet Combinations Every Nen> Color Every Smart Nerv Shape Think of buying Hat* of *uch beauty and quality at this ridicu lous low price. Surely you will lay aside every business and household duty Friday morning to share in this sale. Millinery—Third Floor f~Your Problems | Puzzled: The world craves love expressed in kindness. You glow and become happy under the Influence of kindness. So do T. So does every one. And we love people who give ns the kindly affection and friendship for which we hunger. The art of being kind involves mental alertness—you must be quick to detect a need: energy—you can't ho too lazy to put yourself out to supply the need; cultivation of health and beauty, that your very appear ance and personality may give pleas ure—self-discipline—that you may suppress mean impulses, words and deeds; emphasis of likable traits of your acquaintances and friends— that you may honestly like them. Are you lonely? Are you unpopu lar? Are you sad? Cultivate the art of being kind You'll find It a short cut to happy companionship, service, friendship, charm and love. N. I!.: I think the city ought to Inspect your house for you. Tele phone the city Funding Inspector, city hall. I think he will do It with out charge under the circumstances, but you will have to ask him about that, to tbe sure. College Club to Meet National Officer. Miss Lois Meek, national eduoa j tional secretary of the American Association of University Women, will be the guest of the local branch, the Omaha College < lub, on Wednes day, October 20. Miss Meek comes from Washington, D. C. At W. C. T. U. Meet. The following Omaha women arc delegates to the 50th annual conven tion of the Nebraska Woman's Chris tlan Temperance union. North Platte this week: Mrs. L. C. Banner, county president; Mrs. C. J. Roberts, state treasurer; Mrs. T. G. Othmer, state superintendent exhibits and fairs, Mrs. E. M. Covell, state organizer. Representing Omaha union are. Mrs. Harriett Nation, Mrs. Alice Neatherby, Mrs. T. A. Brady, Mrs. M. A. Vickery. Frances Willard union: Mrs. Earl S. Bragg. Mrs. R. E. McKelvy, Mrs E. M. Covell, Mrs. I.. A. Thompson. Mrs. C. S. Johnson, Mrs. W. S. Pnff. From Johnson Memorial union Is Mrs. M. D. Vienot. South Side union, Mrs. W. E. Wj man. Wellesley Rummage Sale. Wellesley college alumnae will hdkl a rummage sale Saturday at 1510 Far nam street. Miss Alice Buchanan is In charge. Gamma Phi Beta Bridge. Miss Marie Hostetter and Geraldine Swanlck entertained the Gamma Phi Beta sorority at bridge Tuesday eve ning at the home of Miss Swanlck. /-N Miss Information s_/ SAY, PEACHES, UwHY NOT GO GOT ANY IDEAS AS A 'PUWIN FORA CHEAP N' (j HEAD,’ JUST MiFTY HALLOWtEN! AS YOU ARE? Uet-up? ^ _I A WIFE’S CONFESSIONAL] Adele Garrison's l\etv Phase of Revelations of a Wife Copyright, 3 924. by Newspaper Feature 8*rvlce. Inc-. V ____ _ _/ The “Oet-Awsy Plans” Madge Care fully Made. Katie's face clouded quickly at my laughing promise to take some thing along to defend us from an airplane attack. “Dot vay you alvays do," she said a bit sulkily. “Maybe eef dot old Chinamans follow us down road und find* out vare ve haf peeknik, you laugh Oder side of your niout, I don't believe you mean to take any shooting gun mit you, at all." “yes, I do, Katie, honestly," I said, making my voiee emphatic In order to satisify her. nut when I had made my escape from the kitchen I faced the humiliating fact that it was not alone the wish to keep my promise to my little maid that was behind my sudden decision to put Into my dress the little silencer pistol Lillian had given me long ago. It was the height of folly, I told myself scornfully, to think that dan ger of some sort theatened me be cause Marion had imagined a face i at the window, I had seen flat, smudgy footprints upon the veranda roof, and Katie had found what look ed like a torn Chinese laundry ticket beneath my window. There were plausible and common s.nse Interpre tations of all three incidents. 1 was sure. Nevertheless the touch of the tiny weapon against my side was very re assuring, when, after seeing that the children were dressed and getting everything ready for the drive to Marvin I took the little pistol and thrust It Into my dress where I could reach It readily. "Oh, Messes Graham!" Katie's voice, dripping with woe, greeted mo when, after seating Marlon and Jun ior at the breakfast table, where Mother Graham was already finish ing her morning meal. I went Into the kitchen. "I no tlnk I can go." Why Katie Hesitated. "Why not. Katie?" I asked equa bly. for I knew the reason for her dolor and remedy. "Because I forgot Meester Graham 'und hla breakfast. You know, he got DOWN I 1 I Places This Beautiful | Victor Victrola I I Console in I Plctnre this beantlfnl Ylrtrnla I In your home! What a wealth of S Joy It will bring to every mem. | her of the family throughout the | long Fall and Winter evenings! | And so easy to own! Pay only a I dollar down, select and pay for I a few records, then easy month* 1 ly payments. Yonr old Instru I ment accepted as a substantial 1 part payment. Visit our store to I day and select a Victor Console \ nt these remarkably low prices | and easy terms! Out-of-Town Customers W_Hte_nr_call_for_detalU regarding onr phonograph hargalns. Save money by buying of Srhmoller k Mneller, the largest piano honse_jvest_of_ChlcagOb Sdunolkf & flhelfer Piano Cb U14-i6-18-Dod&e Si. • • • Ondu j J—IHH-71 rt————man — i ■! «,■! obw—ana—i—a—— Only (DOWN Balance In Small Monthly Payments j Will Bring An Electric Washing Machine to Your Home. Automatic kim av tlw health- 1 ... . a a BB bmtking rapfliml of Washer w**h,n«j<■'•>«>>«"n If IIV .’C* • •nib board li J f •honld yom drmd ® m waih dftjf. j All of these “Why*” will be l gone from your wash day if you buy one of these electric washers. These electric wash j era will do your washing in much less time with little effort on your part at a great saving in money and clothes. Thor Washer Every -? Machine la '• Guaranteed \Vr^Vj A Easy Against r‘/ /] ‘ \ Washer Mechanical l(<j Cu Defects V^sjfr Here ts your opportunity to tun wash day Into n day of leisure You ran purchase either of the* washers for only $i> down and th' balance on payments that will meet your pocketbook. Thor, Easy and Automntlo washers are bring In* washing joy to thousands ot homes In Omaha. Come In and let ua shuw you the reason. ( 1 Nebraska fil Power (S. to take dot first train, but dot an hour yet, and all of you most ready to start. He no oop yet, so I valt. get breakfast for heem." What nonsense, Katie!" I replied, purposely accenting a note of scorn j in my voice. "Fix his breakfast and leave it. In the oven, with his melon In the Icebox. Jim can serve it to him and cook an egg if he wishes it.” “Vot!” Katio exclaimed, horrified. "Hot Jeem feex an egg for Meester Graham! No, dot nofer vlll do. Meester Graham he no like dot. He like eferttng alvays shoost so." Now I know that Katin would have no fuss at all about leaving a meal in the oven for me. With most foreign-born women and many of otir older feminine generation—Mother Graham is a striking example—Katie believes that the man of the house is not only the head of the house hold, hut a creature set apart and above all others, who must have the best seat, at te table, the cholsest tidbits of food, and whose comfort— and whims—must he considered be fore that of ary other member of the family. It is a belief which infuriates me cut of all proportion to Its Irnpor i -~ : tanre, an.i annoyance put an edge on my voice as I answered her. The "Peeknik" Wins. It does not matter what he likes or doesn't like this morning, Katie,'1 I said tartly. ‘‘You will do as I tell j you at once, and 1 will see to it that Mr. Graham does not blame you for going away before he Is ready for breakfast. Call Jim now and show him just what to do when Mr. Gra ham is ready." Joy at the chance to go on the outing struggled with her natural obstinacy, but the "peeknlk" won nnd she giggled happily. "1 no care eef you vant to take loetlo healing In my place,’1 she said, hut there was no disrespect In her voice despite the Impertinence of her words. I smiled at Katie as I went hark into the dining room for my break fast, hurrying through It In deference to the unuttered but very palpable Impatience of my mother-Inlaw, who, I knew, was not only on nettles her self to begin the Journey, but would keep me on the same brambly bed until we actually had started on our trip. Mrs. George Cott entertained at a three tri 1* hrUln< luncheon nt l home nVi Monday for her truest Mi \V. \V. Colt of boi* An#jelee. Just what you*d expect An exclusively photographic store i using Velox only for contact prints, in a finishing department manned by specialists, naturally produces developing, printing and enlarging of the superior sort. It’s just what you’d expect. Eastman Kodak Co. 'The Kobert Dempster Co.) 1813 Farnam St. j Branch Storm j [ Price Appealing Friday Items * \ ...----| Sale of Household Aluminum Ware Opening offering from our new household section now located in our floor below salesroom. These interesting items will be found priced to sell quickly in this Introductory Sale Friday Mirro Items Pure Aluminum 2 Qt. Sauce Pans Casseroles Percolators with Tray Cooky Tins, Six Cutters 5-Quart Tea Kettles Angel Cake Pans 10-Quart Dish Pans Set 3 pans—Pie Pan, Moun- Round boasters tain Cake Pan, Biscuit Pan Oval Roasters Omelette Pans Drip Pans o Preserving Kettles, several sizes Limited Quantities at the Exceptional Price of 1 l1 -- ■ ■ ■ '1 Friday—9 A. M. The Floor Below—Friday Women’s Shoes-Sa le Friday C1 TP -n TUST a word about the stock we earn'. We sell no VjTOtlpSr rom I c]loap shoes. Every pair is the careful product of Qlir Regular makers who have a reputation to sustain and an intel q , ligent knowledge of what is fine, what is fashionable, olOCfC what is comfortable and lasting. Abont 500 pairs of these fine shoes in modern mod els only. A variety of shades and shapes in all sizes. Priced at $12 and $13.50. offered Friday at, per pair main rixxm " " Woolen Miss Wilson, of New York „ - . City, will remain in our L/TeSS V tlbriCS T) j HI A table consisting of checked flannels, relonra, 1363.U. lV dnOD suede cloths end tweeds, in desirable shades Jc and pattern. Every piece all wool; every piece 54 to 56 inches wide: formerly priced up t* today and tomorrow *3.50 yard. Thursday, yard. to demonstrate and for $2.39 consultation on Maln n<,or. I Linen Specials BATH TOWELS—Large, fancy; handsome designs; each. I i/C HUCK TOWELS—All linen: satin damask borders; each, OUC BEAL M \PI IRA CASES—Splendid assort ment; 112.50 value. Qtw wr H. rp. . a pair, / O air 1 rating DAMASK CLOTH— Trouble damask in a i ] ^ tulip designs; size 24 yards l|Q Gray or unbecoming hair is ban- long, 2 yards wide; each. i O ished permanently by this most LUNCH CLOTH All linen; stiver bleached modern hair coloring treatment. hemstitched; sire 54x54. > Very special at each. Vzm* 4 «J neauty Shop—Third Floor. ___ Alain Floor. T) X Q TTORT lengths of Press Iv g in n 3 n t s „ s,,us- w«si» Pomcstius, Curtain Material, Offered Friday! """ -- " — Assembled on the Main Floor Radically Reduced Prices for Rapid Selling ---—---s