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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1924)
p I Read These Big Ak-Sar-Ben Dollar Da] S555555^TT"TSm.L ■ ■■ ■ ■■■■■■■ ... ■ ■ ■ 1 — ■ .. ■■ Tuesday only Omaha merchants join in this big Six j^ll event with unusual enthusiasm. Plaver Rolls (€ ■ |! I Their every effort has been dircted Wrapped, Ready to Carry Out. ($0) tO ITiake tlllS tllC greatest Dol^T Caak Only. No P,.yi„„ No Exchange,. ^ H Qay jn p0jnt 0f value giving that ^D ■ Omaha has ever known. Be down 419 South Sixteenth street , early Tuesday morning. ssasiss HERZBEHSS CKJUGLAsfsT j We Offer Tuesday—in Ak-Sar-Ben DOLLAR DAY f\ 500 Crisp New “Lookneet” House Dresses While they last \ Such an announcement should send every Dollar Day shopper direct to this store. Smart style House Dresses of guaranteed fast color ginghams. Pretty plaids and all plain ! colors. Sizes for small. medium and large women. The material alone would cost considerably more than a dollar. House Dresses—Fifth Floor Big Dollar Day Specials from Babyland I Creepers and Rompers A big lot for Tuesday. Sizes 1 and 2 years. Long and short sleeve. Pink, blue, white and tan. Chambray and Kinder garden cloth. Hand embroid ered, absolutely fast color fab rics. You’ll want several at Pick of Knit Bonnets Both silk and wool. Some Aviation style. These bonnets sold up to $2.95, to close out Tuesday at only . Infants' Knit Sweaters— Some are slightly soiled. Both white and colors. Limited quantity at only. Odd Lot Wool Vests for Infants— Sizes 6 months and 1 year. Several styles. We offer them Tuesday, 2 vests for... Babyland—Mezzanine Floor HERE! AK-SAR BEN EXTRA! <• 4 MEN’S SILK AND WOOL V NECKWEAR Very complete assortment. Special . _ _ GENUINE LEATHER V BELTS In the popula wide style. Special. . 3 FANCY BORDER C HANDKER CHIEFS Regular 35c 1 ealua. 1 Special, 3 for jj ! - MASTER METHOD Karges .103 South IKth at Farnam '—-j % '-1-—s Real Knockout Values For Ak-Sar-Ben DOLLAR DAY COME TUESDAY— Get Your Full Share 3 Knit Ties, regular 65c values, Tuesday. 7 pairs Men’s Cotton Hose, all colors. 4 pairs Men’s Fine Lisle Hose, 50c value. Men’s Dress Shirts, fine mad ras, $2.00 value. Boys’ No. 220 Denim Over alls, very special. Men’s Heavy Unionsuits, all sizes, Tuesday.. Men’s Heavy Winter Sweat ers; grey, navy; roll collar. . 1—— . > Daves ollar AY Real knockout specials that should send you to this store in doublequick time. A DOUBLE HEADER— L a d i e s' Felt Slippers and a pair of Silk Hose, the two articles on Tuesday for only. Men’s medi um weight Fall and Winter Union Suits. Sultan brand. A $2 value at.. . Men’s regular $3.50 fine all wool turtleneck Sweater, navy blue, Tuesday. - Daves 1312 Farnam Standard Merrhandita for Here Is Orkin Bros.’ Big Dollar Day Sales Plan Beautiful New Fall Wool \ Dresses To the First 100 Women Who Make a Purchase f-- in Tuesday’s $15 Dress Sale 350 Stunning New ^55™ Buy One Dress ' Silk Frocks „ SJSElsSz ■™—One of These Smart • nr j » c i New Wool Dresses in 1 uesday s bale ^ Only 1 1 Dresses of Poiret Twill Hi and Gaberdines. All I the new colors. Straight ^HL T line models, some em- I broidered, others se Thev are by big odds the most extraordi- tailored, nary values the new season has produced. j i Smartest of stvles. All the new colorings. '■ All sixes, 14 to 45. All sizes are here | —14 to 44, Many Canton Crepe* Crepe de Chine t>les. a . \ ceptionaliy good. J Satin Face Canton* Georgette* The instant you set eyes on these dresses _ . __ c n II you’ll want at least one. And remember, IWClkc l HIS I OUT rlYSt JSt Op OH LJotlQI Dd\ with every purchase of a $15 silk dress you fl are entitled to a new fall wool dress for . .J u£ Or kin or >s3 1 Don t Delay—Don t Wait—Be Here harly ‘ — 1 — 1 1 ■ AVanatetncnt — Frank A Lc Bosky I iiesdav and .Share in I his Sale 1JS — > c v___ y Specials (-s Radio Specials Tuesday $2.00 Guaranteed Electric Solder ing Iron.. 22 H-volt B Bat- | | tariea, fresh atoclc | 8 I I 3 Burren Dry Cell A Batteries, R. M. SCHLAES CO. 218 No. 16th St. v_-/ / ■ ' 1 - Men’s Fine BILL F0L1 A limited number for Dol only. Come early and gt choice. Genuine Calf, Pebble Co Cross-grain Cow Hide. IN BROWNS AND BLA Equipped with compartmt bills, receipts, stamps and ej for passes and membership ca LADIES These bill folds make very priate gifts. VALUES TO $2 lsi8 IfjOTA Faman, Omaha Tru Streec / Luyyaye Heat' Omaha Trun' V - Brown T) 16tK nn4 Haas Brothers “The Shop for Women” 200 English 6 roadcloth PETTICOATS While they last Tuesday only The greatest value you’ll encounter in Omaha on Dollar Day. Wonder ful value Petticoat*. So exceptional that we are obliged to limit but one to a customer. Pleated flounces, either embroidered or plain. Every color, all lengths. We urge you to b# here early Tuesday morning. , "V Second Floor a ——————————— i 11 --~\ ✓-r-;-> - Quality 5S j/MfrH osiery larDay \f AT EXTRA st your I V , Hide «/ Ak-Sar-Ben Special Prices rk-c Full-Fashioned »*• f~ Pure Silk Hose S^f 00 potures I j rds. I I 1 To be had in black and colon. 8 | | Truly splendid values. B _ Limit 3 Pair* to Each Customer appro Chiffon Pure Silk Hose ^ aa and Fibre Silk Hose ' | -2 Pairs for— ..; " ,7 Kar»cs, the Hosiery Store L Factory 303 South Sixteenth at Faraam I ^ ■ ■ ' V-- ■ J